Title: Administrative Subject File, 1951-1968
ID: 10/13/1
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Committee on School Mathematics
Extent: 11.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetical by subject (index)
Subjects: Arithmetic, Carnegie Corporation, Education, College of, Mathematics, National Science Foundation (NSF), Secondary Schools
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Administrative subject file of the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics (UICSM) including correspondence, reports, publications, class papers and examinations concerning secondary school mathematics education and the introduction of the "New Math." The series includes materials on academic year and summer institutes for mathematics teachers funded by the Carnegie Corporation and the National Science Foundations (1956-65); cooperating high schools (1955-63); University High School mathematics curriculum (1952-57), arithmetic courses, class lists and schedules (1956-61) and administrative files (1954-61); the College of Education (1955-61); films project (1959-62) and UICSM minutes (1951-60), newsletters (1960-62) and publicity releases (1955-62). The principal staff members using the file were Max Beberman, Gertrude Hendrix, David Page, Henry Vaughan and Eleanor McCoy. Also includes information sheets, reports and articles on UICSM program, (1957-1964).
In December 1951, the Colleges of Education, Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences established the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics (UICSM) to investigate a new pedagogy for high school mathematics.1 Since then, UICSM has developed instructional materials for use in grades 7-12, for experimental use throughout the country.2
In 1971, the Mathematics Curriculum Development Project (UICSM) was first listed.3
1. Max Beberman, "UICSM: Fifteen Years of Experimentation" in Beberman Folder, RS 10/12/1, Box 21, University of Illinois Archives.
2. UICSM Mathematics Project, June 1970, p. 1, including bibliography of publications on secondary school mathematics curricula, and UICSM textbooks.
3. Staff Directory, 1970-71, p. 47.
Carnegie Corporation
Education, College of
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Secondary Schools
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1013001.pdf
PDF finding aid for Administrative Subject File (10/13/1)