Searching for Subject: Pomology
Records and Manuscripts
9 Matches)
- Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences Horticulture Department
- Pomology and Breeding Research Photographs, 1903-1915 8/12/15
- Joseph C. Blair Papers, 1905-1954 8/12/20
- Maxwell J. Dorsey Papers, 1890-1966 8/12/21
- Subject File, 1898-1984 8/12/3
- Clippings File, 1901-1936 8/12/4
- Horticulture Building and Landscape Architecture Drawings, 1910-1938 8/12/49
- Hoticulture Experiment Records, 1888-1893, 1897-1914 8/12/6
- Pomology Publications, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1961, 1964- 8/12/815
- Alumni Association Alumni
- Henry M. Dunlap Papers, 1874, 1877-81, 1886-95, 1900-31 26/20/13
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