Iltis Mendeliana Collection


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Box 1

Box 2

Folder 12

Folder 13

Box 3

Folder 2

Folder 3

Natural History Museum Mendeliana Collection Resource Files

Box 5

Box 6

Box 7

Box 8

Box 9

Box 10

Box 11

Box 12

Box 13

Box 14

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Finding Aid for Iltis Mendeliana Collection, 1841-1984 | University of Illinois Archives

By William Maher

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Collection Overview

Title: Iltis Mendeliana Collection, 1841-1984Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 15/24/56

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Genetics and Development

Extent: 5.5 cubic feet

Arrangement: By source, and numerical or chronological thereunder

Subjects: Corn, Czechoslovakia, Genetics, Museums

Formats/Genres: Papers

Languages: English, German

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Iltis Mendeliana Collection originally purchased (1955) by the University from the heirs of Dr. Hugo Iltis (1882-ca. 1950) and maintained by the Natural History Museum contains museum display boards and research files including biographical materials relating to Gregor Mendel (1822-84) and original manuscripts (1850, 1880) relating to the completion of his academic studies, Mendel's publications (1862-63, 1865, 1869-70) photographs of Mendel and his colleagues (1863), places in the present Czech Republic associated with Mendel and his research on genetics, a painting by J. O. Flatter of Mendel, plaques and commemorative certificates relating to Mendel, portraits of famous geneticists (including a 1878 photograph of Charles Darwin taken by Leonard Darwin), correspondence, photographs, and publications relating to the history of genetics and Mendel's role in scientific research. This series includes a limited number of original Mendel manuscripts, photographic copies and transcriptions of those manuscripts, and display boards illustrating the principles of genetics developed in the 1940s by Hugo Iltis for a "Mendel Museum" at Mary Washington College (Fredericksburg, Virginia) and boards used by the Natural History Museum, including the"Honor Role of Corn" containing captioned photographs of researchers in the hybridization of corn.

Biographical Note

Courses have been taught in Zoology since 1868 under the Department of General Science and Literature;1 Department of Natural History (1868-69);2 College of Natural History, Zoological Department (1870);3 College of Natural Science, School of Natural History (1871-90);4 College of Science, School of Natural Science (1891-93);5 College of Science, Natural Science Group (1893-1900 );6 College of Science, General Science Group (1900-01);7 College of Science, Department of Zoology (1901-13);8 and in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (1913-73).9 In 1884, the Department became a clearly defined course of study.10 The Department granted B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Zoology and offered courses in genetics, parasitology, ecology, and physiology.11 In 1973, the Department of Zoology was divided into two provisional departments: the Department of Ecology,Ethology, and Evolution and the Department of Genetics and Development within the of Life Sciences. In March 17, 1976 the Board of Trustees approved the reorganized department.12 Genetics and development was approved by the University Senate as one of the specializations within regulatory biology to convey an emphasis of the department.13 The Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences in 1986 decided to dissolve the Department of Genetics and Development and in 1990 approved a Senate recommendation to terminate the department.14 According to Professor David Nanney the dissolution of thedepartment was a "turf war" concerning genetics and its proper location within the university.15 The Board of Trustees renamed the Department of Anatomical Sciences as the Department of Cell and Structural Biology.16

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, June 13, 1868, p. 50.

2. Ibid, 2nd Report, January 12-22, 1869, p. 5-6.

3. Fourth Annual Circular, Illinois Industrial University, 1870-71, p. 34.

4. Catalogs and Registers, 1878-79, p. 23; 1889-90, p. 35.

5. Catalogs and Register, 1891-92, p. 26.

6. Catalogs and Registers, 1893-94, p. 48.

7. Catalogs and Registers, 1900-01, p. 61.

8. Catalogs and Registers, 1901-02, p. 124.

9. Board of Trustees Transactions, 27th Report, July 5, 1912, p. 71.

10. Catalogs and Registers, 1884-85, p. 67.

11. Graduate Study Catalog, 1971-72, p. 288-293.

12. Board of TRustees Transactions, 58th Report, March 17, 1976, p. 576.

13. Board of TRustees Transactions, 62nd Report, July 21, 1983, p. 298-299.

14. Board of Trustees agenda, June 14, 1990, #17.

15. Daily Illini, Tuesday, June 19, 1990, p. 1, 4.

16. Board of Trustees Transactions, 64th Report, April 14, 1988, p. 514.

Subject/Index Terms


Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: 4/14/2005

Access Restrictions: Access is provided only with the written permission of the University Archivist.

Other Note: 10 Pages

PDF Box/Folder List


PDF finding aid for Iltis Mendeliana Collection (15/24/56)

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Folder 12],
[Folder 13],
[Box 3],
[Folder 2],
[Folder 3],
[Series 1: Natural History Museum Mendeliana Collection Resource Files],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],
[Box 11],
[Box 12],
[Box 13],
[Box 14],

Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Transfer listsAdd to your cart.

a) “Gregor Mendel Museum, Fredericksburg, Virgina Shelf List” (original ribbon-copy typescript inventory of Iltis’ Mendel Collection, with pencil, pen, and marker annotations presumably added by the Natural History Museum).

b) handwritten list (8 pages) of original Mendel “relics” and other Mendel-related items as prepared by the Natural History Museum some time after the 1961 acquisition of the Mendel clock.

c) spreadsheet inventory prepared by the University Archives on its acquisition of the collection in 2005

Folder 2: Mendel’s birthplace in Heinzendorf, SilesiaAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 3: The parents consent for Mendel to be priestAdd to your cart.
Contains photographic facsimile and caption.
Folder 4: Mendel’s sisters and his brother-in-lawAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 5: The Common Ancestors of Mendel and Mrs. Hugo IltisAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 6: The convent hall of the monastery, BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 7: Brünn, Spielberg and FranzensbergAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 8: Gregor Mendel, oil portrait by J.O. Flatter, LondonAdd to your cart.
Contains negative. See also box 9.
Folder 9: The members of the convent of the Augustines, BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only. Fredericksburg 1950 checklist indicates “on exhibit.”
Folder 10: The “Fuchsia Portrait”, 1862Add to your cart.
Contains photographs, negative, and caption
Folder 11: Mendel in 1847Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 12: Brünn Committee of Natural Science, 1862Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 13: The “Distorted” Photo of Mendel in 1867Add to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 14: Mendel’s experimental gardenAdd to your cart.
Contains negative and caption.
Folder 15: Carl NägeliAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 16: Nägeli’s letter of reply to Mendel’s first letter, 1867Add to your cart.
Contains photographic facsimile of a single page and caption.
Folder 17: Mendel’s Apiary Renovated, ca. 1940Add to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 18: Cage for bee crossing constructed by MendelAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 19: Mendel’s observations of the sunspotsAdd to your cart.
Contains photographic facsimile and caption.
Folder 20: Mendel’s letter of protest regarding the tax billAdd to your cart.
Photographic facsimile, negative, and caption.
Folder 21: Mendel’s telescopeAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 22: Mendel’s microscopeAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 23: Rudolph Jakob Camerarius 1665-1721Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 24: Cotton Mather, 1663-1728Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 25: Paul Dudley, 1675-1751Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 26: Thomas Andrew Knight, 1759-1838Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 27: Charles Naudin, 1815-1899Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 28: William Spillman, 1863-1931Add to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 29: Cotton Mather’s letter to James Petiver, 1716, photostat presented to the Mendel Museum by Prof. Conway Zirkle of the University of Pennsylvania, December 22, 1939, 1716, 1939Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Mendel’s original experiment with the pea: Smooth x wrinkled, 2005Add to your cart.
Contains digital photograph taken July 7, 2005 and a caption
Folder 31: The F2 hybridAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 32: Mendel’s original exp. with pea: Yellow x greenAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 33: Mendel’s original exp. with pea: Colored seed coat x whiteAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 34: Mendel’s Original Experiments with the Pea., 2005Add to your cart.
Contains a digital photograph taken July 7, 2005 of the exhibit display board prepared by Hugo Iltis (ca. 1943). Display board was discarded in July 2005.
Folder 35: Mendel’s original exp. with pea: dihybrids: yellow smooth x green wrinkledAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 36: Checker board showing Mendel’s theory and its proof by the back-cross experiments with the peaAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 37: The experimental garden in Brünn, 1938Add to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 38: The Mendel Memorial, BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and negative (8" x 10").
Folder 39: Gregor Mendel Plaque by Theodor Charlemont of Vienna, 1910Add to your cart.
Contains framed plaster (?) plaque and caption. See also box 8.
Folder 40: Part of the Mendel Museum in the monastery BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph.
Folder 41: Carl W. Eichling, New Orleans, La., the only American who knew Mendel personally.Add to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 42: Hugo de VriesAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 43: Carl CorrensAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 44: Erich TschermakAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 45: Original letter of August Weisman to Hugo Iltis, 1906Add to your cart.
Contains caption and transcription.
Folder 46: Original letters of Hugo de Vries of the Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, 1911, 1922Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Original letter of Carl Correns to Hugo Iltis, 1907Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Two original letters of Erich Tschermak to Hugo Iltis, November 10, 1905 and July (?) 8, 1906Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Theodor BoveriAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 50: Oscar HertwigAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph.
Folder 51: August WeismannAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 52: Lang’s Snail Crossings, 2005Add to your cart.
Contains a digital photograph taken July 7, 2005 of the exhibit display board prepared by Hugo Iltis (ca. 1943). The original was discarded July 2005.
Folder 53: Honor roll of corn, captioned portrait photographsAdd to your cart.
2 folders
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: William BatesonAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 2: Charles DavenportAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 3: H. Nilsson-EhleAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 4: Jean de LamarckAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 5: Charles DarwinAdd to your cart.
Contains a photograph (copy of # 132) and caption.
Folder 6: Charles DarwinAdd to your cart.
Contains an original photo (1878?). Presented to Hugo Iltis by Leonard Darwin ca. 1939-40.
Folder 7: Sir Francis GaltonAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 8: Wilhelm L. JohannsenAdd to your cart.
Contains a photograph.
Folder 9: Eleven pear leaves with Mendel’s handwriting, framedAdd to your cart.
See also Box 10.
Folder 10: Gregory Mendel, “Experiments in Hybridisation,” with an introductory note by William Bateson, 26 Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1901Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Gregor Mendel, “Recherches sur des hybrides vegétaux,” translated by A. Chappellier, in unidentified journal pages 372-419.Add to your cart.
Folder 12Add to your cart.
Item 1: Translation into Russian, 1935Add to your cart.
Folder 13Add to your cart.
Item 1: Gregor Mendel, “Uber einige aus kunstlicher Befruchtung gewonnenen Hieracium Bastarde,” and “Meteorlogische Beobachtungen aus Mähren und Schelesien im Jahre 1869,” 8 Verhandlungen des naturforscheneden Vereines in Brünn, 1869-70Add to your cart.
Folder 14: “Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden von Gregor Mendel,” 4 Verhandlungen des naturforscheneden Vereines in Brünn, 1865Add to your cart.
Note: journal title page and first page of Mendel article only, bound into 23-24 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 1909-10, apparently for display purposes. Also, the ribbon copy of ca. 1950s typescript inventory of the collection and a handwritten list (see first folder in Box 1) describes item 168 as simply “‘Versuche uber Pflanzen-Hybriden’ von Gregor Mendel” and carries felt-tip marginal marking suggesting the document was transferred to the Rare Book Room, but it is unclear whether the current Item 168 (Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science) is what was transferred and later returned or whether it was used by the Natural History Museum as a surrogate.
Folder 15: Hugo Iltis, Life of MendelAdd to your cart.
Contains caption only.
Folder 16: One of Mendel’s original notes given to Hugo Iltis by Father Dr. Clemens Janetschek, one of the closest of Mendel’s friends in the monastery.Add to your cart.
Appears to be list of page numbers. Contains original photo, negative, and caption.
Folder 17: Letter of Prof. Herbert Adolphus Miller of Oberlin College to Hugo Iltis regarding provenance of photo in item 171, June 2, 1922Add to your cart.
Folder 18: The “Deutsche Staats-Realschule”/German State Modern school/Brünn in 1860 showing the building as it looked when Mendel was teaching there from 1854 to 1868Add to your cart.
Contains a photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 19: Original letter of August Weismann to Hugo Iltis, July 9, 1911Add to your cart.
Folder 12Add to your cart.
Item 2: Gregor Mendel, “Bemerkungen zu den graphisch-tabellarischen Ubersicht der meteorologischen erhaeltnisse von Brunn,” 1 Verhandlungen des naturforscheneden Vereines in Brünn,, 1862-63Add to your cart.
Folder 13Add to your cart.
Item 2: Gregor Mendel, “Ueber die Windhose am 13. October” 9 Verhandlungen des naturforscheneden Vereines in Brünn, 1871Add to your cart.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gregor Mendel, “Meteorlogische Beobachtungen aus Mähren und Schelesien im Jahre 1863,” 2 Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, 1863-64Add to your cart.
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Item 1: Gregor Mendel, “Meteorlogische Beobachtungen aus Mähren und Schelesien im Jahre 1864,” 3 Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, 1864-65Add to your cart.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: vol. X of Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brunn with “Table of Contents” of the volumes I to IX showing Gregor Mendel’s contributions to the journalAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Abraxas grossulatia, gift from Prof. Darlington of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, 1951. Box of specimens of moths transferred to the Illinois Natural History Survey, 30 June 2005.Add to your cart.
Contains transmittal letters and 2005 photograph only.
Folder 5: Book-plate of Carl CorrensAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Genetics Volume 35 (1950) “The Birth of Genetics”Add to your cart.
Includes publication in English translation of Gregor Mendel’s letter to Carl Nageli, 1866-1873, and articles by Hugo De Vries, C. G. Correns, and E.Tschermak on Mendel and genetics
Folder 7: Harrison Shull to Donald Hoffmeister and John Laughnan, accession correspondence for Mendel Clock, 1961.Add to your cart.
Clock is on display in University Archives Reference Room, (Room 146 of the Main Library)
Folder 8: Metal engraving plate, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Genetics, January 1947Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Mary Washington College Mendel Museum Guest Book, 1948-56Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Genetics Editorial Board, Galton and Mendel Memorial fund prospectus and certificateAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Gregor Mendel Medallion, from Museum Moraviae, Brünn, to Museum of Natural HistoryAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Verscuche über Pflanze-Hybriden, facsimile of original Mendel’s manuscript, 2012, (17 leaves), donated October 30, 2012 by Michaela Jarkovská, Mendelovo Muzeum of Masrykova Univerzita, Brno, Czech RepublicAdd to your cart.
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Item 2: Gregor Mendel, “Meteorlogische Beobachtungen aus Mähren und Schelesien im Jahre 1863,” 5 Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, 1866-67Add to your cart.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 2: vol. XI of Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brunn for the year 1872: containing the request of the Academy of Sciences in Chicago for a second delivery of all the volumes of the preceeding years published by the Brünn SocietyAdd to your cart.
Series 1: Natural History Museum Mendeliana Collection Resource FilesAdd to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Photocopies of Hugo Iltis correspondence and Iltis transcriptions of Mendel documents, 1841, 1859,1883-84,1905-06, 1909, 1911-12, 1922-24, 1930-31, 1935, 1938Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Hugo DeVries to Charles Zeleny, February 28, 1928Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Lecture and Symposium Announcements, 1965, 1969, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Photographs of University of Illinois Natural History Museum Mendel Displays, ca. 1974Add to your cart.
Contains negatives and contact sheets.
Folder 13: Folia Mendeliana Supplementum ad Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Naturalis, Folia issues, 1-13, 15-21, 1966-86Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 1: Reprints and Articles Concerning MendelAdd to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 5: General, 1956, 1973-74Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Folia Facultatis Scientiearum Naturalum Universitatis Purkynianae BrunensisAdd to your cart.
Contains XIV (1973) and XV (1974)
Folder 7: G. Czihak, Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-1884): Dokumentierte Biographie und Katalog zur Gedächntnisausstellung anlässlich des hundersten Todestages mit Facsimile seines Hauptwerkes: “Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden, (Salzburg, 1984), 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Donald F. Hoffmeister and Harry C. Hendriksen, “The Collection of Mendeliana at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,” 44 Acta Musei Moraviae (1979) Folia Mendeliana 14, pp. 281-284., 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Vitezslav Orel, 1965, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Vitezslav Orel and Anna Matalová, eds., Gregor Mendel and the Foundation of Genetics: Proceedings of the Symposium The Past Present and Future of Genetics Kupa_ovicem Czechoslovakia, August 26-28, 1982, (Brünn: Mendelianum of the Moravian Museum, 1983)., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Josef Sajner, Gregorii Mendel Autobiographia Iuvenilis,(Brünn: Universitas Purykynian Brunensis, 1972), facsimile of manuscript and typeset transcription of Mendel’s April 17, 1850 autobiographical statement for teaching license.Add to your cart.
Folder 12: George Harrison Shull, 1912, 1951Add to your cart.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Unidentified photograph possibly not from IttisAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Gregor Mendel’s home countryAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 3: The monastery and the church in AltbrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains a photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 4: Mendel’s autobiographyAdd to your cart.
Contains a photograph of the manuscript's last page and caption.
Folder 5: AutobiographyAdd to your cart.
Contains a photograph of the third page and caption.
Folder 6: The “handsome” portraitAdd to your cart.
Contains photographs, negative, and caption.
Folder 7: Mendel and the faculty of the RealschuleAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph of “original.” See 171 for “original” print, and caption.
Folder 8: The small prelate portrait, 1882Add to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 9: The great prelate portraitAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph, negative, and caption.
Folder 10: First page of Mendel’s manuscript of “Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden”Add to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 11: Mendel’s apiaryAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 12: The Mendel Memorial in BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains photograph and caption.
Folder 13: Prof. Baur, Berlin, speaking on the occasion of the International Gregor Mendel Centennial in Brünn, Sept. 1922Add to your cart.
Contains photographs, negative, and caption.
Folder 14: Fertilization. Round-worm Ascaris (Th. Boveri)Add to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 15: Mitosis. Consecutive stages of the division of a cell and its nucleus in the root of the onion.Add to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 16: Mitosis in Animals and PlantsAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 17: The Increase in the Acreage Planted with Hybrid Corn in the USA During the Period of 1940 to 1946Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Downs.
Folder 18: A Gene Mutation Forms a New Species, fly Amaloptereix Maritima Eaton, 1949Add to your cart.
Display Board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Downs.
Folder 19: Bud mutation II, 1948Add to your cart.
Display Board by Hugo Iltis and Margaret Shropshire.
Folder 20: Graft-hybrids IIAdd to your cart.
Display Board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Downs.
Folder 21: Mendel confirms the receipt of the questions for his examination in geology, 1850Add to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript and negative of manuscript.
Folder 22: Mendel acknowledges the receipt of the questions for his examination in physics, 1850Add to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript, negative of manuscript, and caption.
Folder 23: Record about Mendel’s oral examination in physics, 1850Add to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript, negative of manuscript, and caption.
Folder 24: Mendel orders several varieties of pear trees, 1880Add to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript, photographs and negative of manuscript, and caption.
Folder 25: Order for Pear trees, “sheet 2"Add to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript and negative of manuscript
Folder 26: Original drawing Mendel’s for a trellisAdd to your cart.
Contains an original Mendel manuscript, photograph and negative of manuscript, and caption.
Folder 27: Mendel among the faculty of the Brünn Realschule, 1863Add to your cart.
From the monastery. Contains an original Mendel image and photographic copy and negative of image.
Folder 28: Metal engraving plate, H. S. Jennings, GeneticsAdd to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mendel Collection Display Boards-matted facsimile and photographic copies of photographs and original Mendel DocumentsAdd to your cart.
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 1: "The Story of Corn"Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Pedigree of Johann Gregor MendelAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Anne Campbell.
Folder 3: Professor Portrait (“life size”)Add to your cart.
Contains retouched photograph and caption.
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Numerical Ratio and the Various Kinds of Gametes, Zygotes and Individuals in the F2 Generation of Mendelian Crossing, 1946Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Ruth Snell.
Item 2: Mendel’s Pea Crossings I: Survey and Discussion, 1946Add to your cart.
Contains display board by Hugo Iltis and Margery Vreins.
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 1: Fundamentals of Mendelism, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Wilma Johnston.
Item 2: The Reasons for Mendel’s success, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Hutton.
Folder 6: “The New World Honors Mendel”, September 12, 1950Add to your cart.
Hand lettered and painted scroll presented to the American Genetics Society by the scientists of the New World at the Golden Jubilee meeting of the Genetics Society of America at Columbus, Ohio.
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Janssen’s Chiasmatypy Hypothesis, 1951Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Mary Ann Hellberg.
Item 2: Cross-over Frequency and Gene Distance: The Mapping of the Genes, 1951Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Mary Ann Hellberg.
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 1: Sex Cells and Chromosomes of Man: Sex determination by sex chromosomes, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Margery Vriens.
Item 2: Boy or girl? The solved riddle of sex determination, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Ruth Snell.
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Item 1: Th. R. Malthus and Darwin’s Selection Theory, 1952Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Anne Powell.
Item 2: The foundation of Biometry, 1950Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Jo Anne Campbell.
Folder 10Add to your cart.
Item 1: Certificate about Mendel’s examination in geology by Professor Rudolph Kner, 1850Add to your cart.
Contains an original manuscript, negatives, and prints.
Item 2: Director Auspitz’ proposal regarding the appointment of Gregor Mendel as teacher of science at the “Realschule” in BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains an original manuscript, negatives, and prints.
Folder 11: Poster Johann Gregor Mendel, 1822-1884 Leben-Werk-Wirkung, Gedächtnisaustellung Anlässucg der 100. Wiederkehr Seines Todestages, Salzburg, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck, 1984Add to your cart.
Box 8Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gregor Mendel Plaque by Theodor Charlemont of Vienna, 1910Add to your cart.
Contains framed plaster (?) plaque. See also box 1.
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gregor Mendel, oil portrait by J.O. Flatter, LondonAdd to your cart.
See also box 1
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Eleven pear leaves with Mendel’s handwriting, framedAdd to your cart.
See also box 2
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Explanation of Mendel’s dihybrid crossing by his theoryAdd to your cart.
Modern checker board method. Contains a display board.
Folder 2: Mendel’s pea crossing IIAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Four ways hybrid chickens are produced by Hy Line Poultry Farms, November 1951Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Patricia Hatfield.
Folder 2: The Ptolemies, kings of Egypt, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board created by Hugo Iltis and Margery Vriens.
Folder 3: Inheritance of political talent: The Roosevelt familyAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Down.
Folder 4: Two American scientists who won the Nobel Prize for their work in genetics: Thomas H. Morgan, Herman J. Muller, 1948Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Down.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mendel Memorial in BrünnAdd to your cart.
Contains an oversize photograph.
Folder 2: The Limits of EugenicsAdd to your cart.
Contains a display board with hand colored cartoon drawings by Theodor Heine.
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Multiple birth: Quadruplets and Quintuplets, 1947Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Ruth Snell.
Folder 2: The ancestry of Queen Elizabeth of England and Philipp, Duke of Edinbourgh, 1948Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Jo Alys Down.
Folder 3: Inheritance of missing incisors, 1948Add to your cart.
Contains a display board by Hugo Iltis and Mary Gray Craig.

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Folder 12],
[Folder 13],
[Box 3],
[Folder 2],
[Folder 3],
[Series 1: Natural History Museum Mendeliana Collection Resource Files],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],
[Box 11],
[Box 12],
[Box 13],
[Box 14],

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