Title: Films, Videotapes, and DVDs, 1929-2010
ID: 41/92/22
Primary Creator: Alpha Tau Omega
Extent: 9.3 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Films-chronological by date, videotapes and DVDs-numbered during accession
Subjects: Alpha Tau Omega, Films, Fraternities, Fraternity Conferences, Rushing
Formats/Genres: Motion Pictures/Videotapes
Languages: English
Films, videotapes, and DVDs of Alpha Tau Omega including official films, footage of National Fraternity officers and founders, Congresses and meetings. Videotapes include officially distributed programs to membership and alumni, distributions from the National Interfraternity Conference (NIC), and taped news broadcasts and public affairs programs featuring ATO and/or Fraternity issues.
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Accruals: 04/1997; 02/2003; 08/2003; 02/2004; 08/2005; 10/2007; 07/2009; 02/2010; 07/2010; 01/2011; 07/2011
Alternate Extent Statement: Boxes #1-6, 7, 9 - RC; #8, 10 - Hollinger A
Other Note: 30 Pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/4192022.pdf
PDF finding aid for Films, Videotapes, and DVDs (41/92/22)