Title: Arthur B. Chilton Papers, 1952-1984
ID: 11/12/20
Primary Creator: Chilton, Arthur B.
Extent: 1.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Subjects: Concrete Analysis, Faculty Papers, Nuclear Engineering Department, Nuclear Research, Radiation
Languages: English
Publications of Arthur B. Chilton, Professor of Nuclear Engineering (1962-82), include journal preprints, reprints and books on nuclear radiation, shielding, the effects of 14-Mev neutrons on concrete, a mathematical analysis of carbon dioxide and oxygen respiration in man, and principles of radiation shielding. The series also includes a reports and correspondence from the Bionucleonics Department of Purdue University on the proposed fast breeder blanket calculations at Purdue.
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1112020.pdf
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