Description: Papers of Allan Chase (1914-93), Visiting Lecturer (1979) and writer, including correspondence (1944-93), publications (1933-83), manuscripts, research materials, reprints, reviews, publicity, photographs, films and audiotapes concerning Chase's books, The Legacy of Malthus (1977) on Scientific racism, Magic Shots (1982) on the history of vaccines, and The Truth about STD (1983) on sexually transmitted diseases, his reportage and commentary on medicine and public health for Medical Tribune (1976-81), unpublished, unfinished, and projected works on the history of nutrition (1987-91), tuberculosis (1992), AIDS, and the legalization of drugs (1989-90); and film and television projects (1950-64); and including manuscripts of unpublished novels "Day of Grace," and "The Kammerer Equations," plays "The Breaking," The Measure of a Healer, " "So Far from God," and "Voyagers upon the Earth," and a series of children's stories. Significant correspondents include Wolfgang A. Casper, Francis H. C. Crick, Leon Eisenberg, John Ertl, D. A. Henderson, Jerry Hirsch, Robert J. Maskel, George W. Mayeske, Barry Mehler, Alfred E. Mirsky, Benjamin Pasomanick, and George Wald.
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