Title: Subject Files, 1904-1918
ID: 2/5/5
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of the University President
Extent: 12.5 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: Budget, Graduate Study, Higher Education, Legislature, Medical Education, Rhodes Scholarship
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Correspondence, reports and working papers of President Edmund J. James on university and private subjects of both a unique or a continuing nature, including material for Biennial Reports (1914-1918); university budget material (1909-1919); Council and Senate (1909-1912); Deans' Reports (1908-1911); Geology Survey (1905-1910); Graduate School (1904-1910); John M. Gregory Reunion (1914); Historical Material on the University; biographical material; addresses and publications of President James; legislative campaigns (1908-1917); Medical School (1894-1912); National University (1906-1910); Burt E. Powell (1910-1911) and Edward J. Filbey (1912-1915); Rhodes Scholarship Committee (1907-1917) and the Veterinary School (1906-1908).
Less significant files contain folders on agricultural education (1906-1907); American Economic Association (1910); Auditorium (1907-1910); Chemistry Professorship (1907); Disloyalty Hearings (1917); Jamestown Exposition (1907); George A. Kemp (1908); Proposed lectures at the University (1905-1908); North Central Association (1907-1910); Nutrition Investigation (1906); School of Railway Engineering (1907); Rural School Conference (1905); Summer Sessions, 1911 and 1912 and similar subjects.
The President is the principal administrative officer of the University and a member of the faculty of each college, school, institute and division.1 The original charter designated the chief executive officer of the university as regent but this title was changed to President in 1894.2 The President is elected by the Board of Trustees and is responsible to them for the operation of the university.3 The President prepares budgets for presentation to the board, recommends persons to the Board for appointment to University positions, and is responsible for the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the University.4 On recommendation of the appropriate Senate and by authority of the Trustees, the President issues diplomas conferring degrees.5
This unit covers:
2/0 Reports of the President
2/1 John M. Gregory, April 1, 1867 - June 9, 1880 (Effective September 1,1880)
2/2 Selim H. Peabody, July 27, 1880 (Pro tempore) March 9, 1881 - June 10, 1891 (Effective September 1, 1891)
2/3 Thomas J. Burrill, August 7, 1891 - 1894 (Acting) April 1, 1904 - August 26, 1904 (Acting)
2/4 Andrew S. Draper, April 13, 1894 (Took office August 1, 1894) - April 1, 1904
2/5 Edmund J. James, August 26, 1904 - March 3, 1920 (Effective September 1, 1920)
2/6 David Kinley, September 1, 1920 - July 1, 1930
2/7 Harry W. Chase, July 5, 1930 - January 25, 1933 (Effective July 10, 1933)
2/8 Arthur H. Daniels, July 11, 1933 - June 30, 1934 (Acting)
2/9 Arthur C. Willard, July 1, 1934 - June 30, 1946
2/10 George D. Stoddard, July 1, 1946 - August 31, 1953
2/11 Lloyd Morey, September 1, 1953 (Acting) February 1, 1954 - August 31, 1955
2/12 David D. Henry, September 1, 1955 - August 31, 1971
2/13 John E. Corbally, Jr., September 1, 1971 - August 31, 1979
2/14 Stanley O. Ikenberry, September 1, 1979 ?
1. University of Illinois Statutes, July 18, 1979, Section 2, p. 3.
2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 17th Report, August 1, 1894, p. 269.
3. University of Illinois Statutes, July 18, 1979, Section 2, p. 3.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid., p. 3-4
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Accruals: September 1963; January 2022
Other Note: 5 Pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/0205005.pdf
PDF finding aid for Subject Files (2/5/5)