Description: Files of Champaign-Urbana Student Senate (1948-68), Student Government Association (1980-95), and Illinois Student Government (1996-2002), including President's reports, agendas, bills, by-laws, clippings, Committee reports, constitution, correspondence, minutes, newsletters and reports relating to academic departments, academic freedom, alcohol, athletics, budget, Campustown, the Chief controversy, discipline, elections, evaluations, financial aid, fire station, food investigations, GEO, Greek system, housing regulations, human relations, Illinois Board of Higher
. . . moreEducation, pouring rights, safety, social events, state legislation, student governments at other schools, student organizations, student trustees, Tenant Union, travel, tuition, UIC, UIS, violence against women, and voter registration.
The series includes a large volume of minutes and other files of the Committee on student affairs (1948-68). In 1969, the Champaign-Urbana Student Senate was succeeded by the Undergraduate Student Association (UGSA). In 1978, the UGSA merged with the Graduate Student Association (GSA) to become the Champaign-Urbana Student Association (CUSA). In 1980, the Student Government Association (SGA) replaced CUSA. In 1996, the SGA was succeeded by Illinois Student Government (ISG). In 2004, ISG and the Student Senate Caucus merged to become the Illinois Student Senate. In 2017, the Illinois Student Senate became Illinois Student Government. Illinois Student Government became Illinois Student Council in 2023.