Title: Argonne Universities Association Archives, 1945-1982
ID: 11/10/83
Primary Creator: Argonne Universities Association
Extent: 71.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: By subject and chronological thereunder
Subjects: Accelerators, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Universities Association, Associated Midwest Universities, Atomic Energy Commission, United States, Biomedical Research, Chemical Engineering, Energy, United States Department of (DOE), Energy Studies, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental Research, Experimental Breeder Reactor, Fusion, High Energy Physics, Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, Magnetohydrodynamics, Materials Research, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Nuclear Engineering Education, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reactors, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Physics, Radiology, Solid State Physics, University of Chicago, Zero Gradient Synchrotron
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Argonne Universities Association Archives, including records of the Argonne Universities Association (1965-82) and its predecessors, Associated Midwest Universities (1958-68) and Council of Participating Institutions (1946-58), relating to the use of Argonne National Laboratory (1947-82) by thirty research-oriented universities. Funded by the federal Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory was operated by the University of Chicago and managed by the Argonne Universities Association under a Tripartite Contract (1965-82). The archives include correspondence, minutes reports, publications, photographs, statements and financial records relating to nuclear reactor development; review committees for ANL divisions and programs; research and development in high energy physics; biomedical, energy and environmental research; membership; personnel serving on review and special committees; institutional interaction; and the operation of the Experimental Breeder Reactor (1951- ), Zero Gradient Synchrotron (1957- ) and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Facility (1976- ). The archives also contain material on accelerators, publica policy, other national laboratories, institutional cooperation, nuclear engineering education (1955-82), reactor analysis and safety (1978-80), high voltage electron microscopy (1977-82), magnetohydrodynamics (1978-82) and research in solid state science (1961-82), radiological physics (1964-78), metallurgy (1965-69), materials science (1968-82), computer science (1969-79), applied mathematics (1978-82) and fusion (1979-82).
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne Universities Association
Associated Midwest Universities
Atomic Energy Commission, United States
Biomedical Research
Chemical Engineering
Energy, United States Department of (DOE)
Energy Studies
Environmental Impact Studies
Environmental Research
Experimental Breeder Reactor
High Energy Physics
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
Materials Research
Nuclear Engineering Education
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Reactors
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Solid State Physics
University of Chicago
Zero Gradient Synchrotron
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Accruals: 11/18/82; 7/20/83; 3/7/84
Other Note: 192 Pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1110083.pdf
PDF finding aid for Argonne Universities Association Archives (11/10/83)