Title: Sydney A. Cameron Papers, 1991-97, 1999-2012, 2015
ID: 15/8/32
Primary Creator: Cameron, Sydney A.
Extent: 2.8
Arrangement: Alphabetical by subject
Date Acquired: 10/16/2024
Subjects: Bees, Entomology, Entomology Department, Environmental Research, Faculty Papers, Genetics, Women Faculty, Women Scientists
Papers of Sydney Anne Cameron, Professor of Entomology (1996-2021), including correspondences, data, drawings, loan agreements, maps, notes, permits, phylogenic trees, posters, and publications relating to bombus phylogeny, reclassification, and decline; corbiculate phylogeny; eulaema phylogeny; and vespid phylogeny.
Currently Professor Emerita of Entomology
Entomology Department
Environmental Research
Faculty Papers
Women Faculty
Women Scientists
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Access Restrictions: Some folders are restricted. Please contact an archivist for more information.
Other Note: 7 pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1508032.pdf
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