Collection Overview
Title: H. Leon Harter Papers, 1950-2004
ID: 26/20/263
Primary Creator: H. Leon Harter (1919-2010)
Extent: 7.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is arranged into five series: Series 1: Research; Series 2: Requests for Publications and General Correspondence; Series 3: Reviews and Refereed Papers; Series 4: Teaching Materials; and Series 5: Employment Records. Original folder titles were kept where possible, except when there was no original folder title or where the original title did not adequately describe its contents. Many of the folders in Series 1 are titled after one of Harter's papers, and contain all information related to that paper regardless of date, including notes, correspondence, and drafts.
Subjects: Mathematics, Statistics
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of academic articles, lecture notes and slides, drafts, correspondence, invoices, and photographs related to Harter's work as a statistician at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, a professor at Wright State University and The Air Force Institute of Technology, and his continued research, writing, and consultation work after his retirement.
Biographical Note
H. Leon Harter graduated from the University of Illinois with his master's degree in mathematics, with a minor in physics. After serving in the Navy from 1944-1946, he earned his Ph.D in mathematics from Purdue and eventually accepted a position at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a mathematical statistician, where he produced a significant body of research on order statistics. He remained at Wright-Patterson until 1978, when he accepted a teaching position at Wright State University, where he taught for 5 years. He also taught classes for the Air Force Institute of Technology in the early 1980s, before retiring in 1984 and dedicating himself to consultant work and writing on order statistics.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Research],
[Series 2: Requests for Publications and General Correspondence],
[Series 3: Reviews and Refereed Papers],
[Series 4: Teaching Materials],
[Series 5: Employment Records],
- Series 1: Research

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Original Folder List for Boxes 1-4, Undated

- Folder 2: Biographical information and Vanity Press Applications, 1959-2002

- Folder 3: Resume, Contemporary Authors, Current Contents, 1979-1997

- Folder 4: Order Statistics and their Use in Estimation Vol. I and II - Reviews and Letters of Thanks, 1970-1974

- Folder 5: Lectures on Order Statistics, 1984-1997

- Folder 6: ASA Committee on Archives and Historical Materials and Correspondence, 1994-1999

- Folder 7: Lists of ARL Publications, 1971-1997

- Folder 8: Letters to the Editor of the American Statistician, 1961-1970

- Folder 9: Statistics in the Air Force Research Program, 1961-1963

- Folder 10: Some Optimization Problems in Parameter Estimation, 1971-1974

- Folder 11: On the Analysis of Split Plot Experiments, 1960-1964

- Folder 12: Wright Air Development Center Technical Notes, 1953-1955

- Folder 13: The Relation Between Fisher's Discriminant Function and Wald's Classification Statistic, 1953

- Folder 14: ARL Report on Weibull Statistics, 1964-1975

- Folder 15: Report on Statistical Prediction of Unlikely Events, 1953

- Folder 16: Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics Vol. II - Proposal, 1979-1982

- Folder 17: Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics - Distribution and Invoices (1 of 2), 1974-1984

- Folder 18: Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics - Distribution and Invoices (2 of 2), 1984-2003

- Folder 19: Asymptotic Formulas for Critical Values of a Modified Kilmogorov Test Statistic, 1979-1984

- Folder 20: Grant proposal for Research on Improvement of Tests of Goodness of Fit, 1981-1982

- Folder 21: Modified Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests of Goodness of Fit, 1982-1984

- Folder 22: Proposed Monograph on Tests of Goodness of Fit, 1982-1984

- Folder 23: Fortan Program for Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Weibull Distribution, ca. 1985

- Folder 24: Requests to FTD for Foreign Documents and Translations, 1976-1977

- Folder 25: Some Early Applications of Order Statistics to Multivariate Analysis, 1977-1980

- Folder 26: Transparencies for Multivariate Analysis Lecture, 1978

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Some Applications of Order Statistices to Multivariate Analysis II, 1983-1987

- Folder 2: Weibull, Log-Weibull, and Gamma Order Statistics, 1984-1988

- Folder 3: Writings on the History of Order Statistics, 1987-1999

- Folder 4: Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts, 1960-1979

- Folder 5: Expected Values of Normal Order Statistics, 1960-2003

- Folder 6: Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics and Letters of Support for Balakrishnan, 1991-2001

- Folder 7: Estimated Values and Covariances of Weibull Order Statistics, Undated

- Folder 8: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, 1966-1977

- Folder 9: CRC Handbook of Tables for the Use of Order Statistics in Estimation - Invoices, Manuscripts, 1996-2003

- Folder 10: Contracts for CRC Handbook of Tables and Review of McMaster Student's Thesis, 1993-1996

- Folder 11: CRC Handbook of Tables, 1996-2002

- Folder 12: The Use of Order Statistics in Estimation, 1966-1970

- Folder 13: Iterative Maximum Likliehood Estimation of the Parameters of Normal Populations…, 1964-1968

- Folder 14: Estimation of the Standard Deviation of the Logistic Distribution by the Use of Selected Order Statistics, 1968-1979

- Folder 15: Conditional Maximum Liklihood Estimation…of the Shape of Pareto and Limited Distributions, 1966-1968

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Linear Estimation of the Scale Parameter of the First Asymptotic Distribution of Extreme Values, 1969-1973

- Folder 2: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, from Censored Samples, of the Parameters of a Logistic Distribution, 1966-1973

- Folder 3: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters of a Four-Parameter Generalized Gamma Population…, 1965-1971

- Folder 4: Papers on Weibull Distruibution by Harter and Moore, FORTRAN Progams, 1964-1975

- Folder 5: More Papers on Weibull Distributions by Harter and Moore, 1964-1977

- Folder 6: Asymptotic Covariances of Maximum Likelihood Estimates, 1965-1967

- Folder 7: Invited Discussant's Coments on Dumonceaux-Antle-Haas Paper, 1972-1973

- Folder 8: Some Aspects of Reliability and Life Testing, 1962-1966

- Folder 9: Location Parameter of Extreme Value Distribution, 1965-1967

- Folder 10: Three Parameter Lognormal Populations, 1965-1970

- Folder 11: An Elementary Apporach to the Analysis of Variance, 1956-1973

- Folder 12: Partially Hierarchical Models in the Analysis of Variance, 1955-1973

- Folder 13: Some Properties of the Normal Distribution - Lecture for Bowling Green State University Math Club, 1956

- Folder 14: Moments of Non-Integral Order, 1955-1974

- Folder 15: Wald's Classification Statistic, 1950-1963

- Folder 16: Estimating the Parameters of Exponential Populations from One or Two Order Statistics, 1961-1964

- Folder 17: Exact Confidence Bounds, Based on One Order Statistic, for the Parameter of an Exponential Distribution, 1962-1968

- Folder 18: Expected Values of Exponential, Weibull, and Gamma Order Statistics, 1963-1975

- Folder 19: New Tables of the Incomplete Gamma-Function Ratio - ARL 64-123, 1964-1970

- Folder 20: Percentage Points of the Pearson Type III Distribution, 1967-1976

- Folder 21: A New Table of Percentage Points of the Chi-Square Distribution, 1963-1984

- Folder 22: New Tables of Incomplete Gamma Function and of Percentage Points of Chi-Square Distribution, 1963-1973

- Folder 23: Percentage Points of Beta Distribution, 1957-1971

- Folder 24: Tables Published by GPO, 1963-1973

- Folder 25: Tables of Probability Integral of Studentized Range, 1956-1985

- Folder 26: Use of Tables of Percentage Points of Range and Studentized Range, 1960-1984

- Folder 27: Computation and Use of Tables of Range and Studentized Range, IMS, Cleveland, 1959-1979

- Folder 28: Error Rates and Sample Sizes in Multiple Comparisons, 1952-1954

- Box 4

- Folder 1: A Monte Carlo Study of Plotting Positions, 1981-1985

- Folder 2: Order Statistics Volumes 1 and 2, 1969-1978

- Folder 3: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Research Council, 1977

- Folder 4: New Statistical Project Proposal, 1975-1976

- Folder 5: Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1970-1977

- Folder 6: Combined Environment Reliability Test Program, 1976

- Folder 7: MTBF Confidence Bounds Based on MIL-STD-781C Fixed-Length Test Results, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: An Evaluation of Exponential and Weibull Test Plans, 1976-1979

- Folder 9: Herbert Solomon - Distribution of Quadratic Forms - Tables and Applications, 1960-1963

- Folder 10: D.B. Owen - Applications of Tables of the Distribution Function of the Bivariate Normal, 1958-1961

- Folder 11: Circular Error Probabilities, 1957-1984

- Folder 12: Realistic Models for System Reliability - Research Proposal, 1982-1984

- Folder 13: Realisitic Models for System Reliability, 1984-1986

- Folder 14: Comparision of Monte Carlo Techniques for Obtaining System-Reliability Confidence Limits, 1979-1980

- Folder 15: Fixed and Sequential Test Plans for reliability of a System Whose Failure is a Two-Parameter Weibull, 1979-1981

- Folder 16: Sequential Tests of Reliability: Weibull Distribution, 1983-1986

- Folder 17: Regional Conference of Robust Statistical Procedures, 1976

- Folder 18: Nonuniquness of Least Absolute Values Regression, 1976-1977

- Folder 19: Adaptive Robusr Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of Symmetric Populations (1 of 2), 1978-1979

- Folder 20: Adaptive Robusr Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of Symmetric Populations (2 of 2), 1978-1979

- Folder 21: GENERATE and ANALYZE Programs, Rugg & Bourdon Thesis Proposals, 1975

- Folder 22: University of Dayton Consultant Work on Aircraft Ejection, 1980-1981

- Folder 23: University of Dayton Consultant Work on Spine Injury Statistics, 1979

- Folder 24: Another Look at Plotting Positions, 1983-1985

- Folder 25: Another Look at Plotting Positions - ASA Annua Meeting Presentation, Toronto, 1983-1984

- Folder 26: Simple Robust Estimators of Locations, Scale, and Regression Parameters, 1973

- Folder 27: More on Robust Estimators of Location, Scale, and regression Parameters, 1974

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Multiple Comparison Procedures for Interactions, 1969-1975

- Folder 2: Error Rates and Sample Sizes for Range Tests in Multiple Comparisons, 1954-1955

- Folder 3: Critical Values for Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 1955-1986

- Folder 4: Corrected Error Rates for Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, 1960

- Folder 5: Early History of Multiple Comparison Tests, 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Percentage Points of the Ratio of Two Ranges and Power of the Asscociated Test, 1961-1968

- Folder 7: John Tukey - The Problem of Multiple Comparisons Draft, 1953

- Folder 8: A Note on Tukey's One Degree of Freedom for Non-Additivity, 1958-1959

- Folder 9: An Interpretation and Extension of Tukey's One Fegree of Freedom for Non-Additivity, 1959-1975

- Folder 10: Maximum Likelihood Regression Equations, 1953-1954

- Folder 11: Method of Least Squares and Some Alternatives, 1972-1981

- Folder 12: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Article on Least Squares, 1979-1987

- Folder 13: Invited Address to ASA: Error Bounds in Statistical Computations, 1978-1979

- Folder 14: Quasi-Ranges (Normal Distribution), 1959-1965

- Folder 15: Quasi-Ranges (Non-Normal Distribution), 1960

- Folder 16: Confidence Bounds for Standard Deviation Based on Quasi-Ranges, 1960-1961

- Folder 17: Criteria for Best Substitute Interval Estimators, with Application to Normal Distribution, 1962-1973

- Folder 18: The Use of Sample Quasi-Ranges in Estimating Population Standard Deviation, 1958-1963

- Series 2: Requests for Publications and General Correspondence

- Box 5

- Folder 19: Requests for Publications, 1974-1975

- Folder 20: Requests for Publications, 1976-1978

- Folder 21: Requests for Publications, 1979-1992

- Box 6

- Folder 1: S. Leigh Phoenix - Lecture Papers and Correspondence, 1976-1977

- Folder 2: Dr. Waloddi Weibull - Correspondence, 1976-1977

- Folder 3: General Professional Correspondence, 1948-1989

- Folder 4: General Professional Correspondence, 1957-1976

- Series 3: Reviews and Refereed Papers

- Box 6

- Folder 5: Notices of Statistics Lectures at UIUC and Review of Balakrishnan and Basu Proposal, 1993-1997

- Folder 6: Review of Proposal for Book on Records, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Review of Farebrother, Fitting Linear Relationships, 1999

- Folder 8: Review for Communications in Statistics, 2004

- Folder 9: Review of Lognormal Distributions: Theory and Applications, 1988

- Folder 10: Review of Order Statistics, Third Edition for Wiley, 1999

- Folder 11: Review of Balakrishnan's Theory of Exponentials, 1993

- Folder 12: Papers Refereed, 1987-1989

- Folder 13: Papers Refereed, 1985-1987

- Folder 14: Papers Refereed, 1981-1985

- Folder 15: Mathematical Reviews, 1991-2004

- Folder 16: Mathematical Reviews, 1963-1991

- Folder 17: Mathematical Reviews, 1979-1994

- Folder 18: Mathematical Reviews, 1974-1978

- Folder 19: Mathematical Reviews, 1968-1973

- Folder 20: Mathematical Reviews, 1963-1967

- Series 4: Teaching Materials

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Air Force Institute of Technology Short Courses, 1970-1972

- Folder 2: USAFR Lecture on Statistical Methods, 1957-1958

- Folder 3: MA 3.14 -Quantitative Methods for Managers, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: GST Mathematics Review (Calculus and Matrix Theory), 1984

- Folder 5: Non-Credit Course: Introduction to Mathematical Satatistics, 1959-1960

- Folder 6: MA 5.92 Managerial Statistics I, 1984

- Folder 7: MA 8.11 Order Statistics, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: MA 6.86 Non-Parametric Stats, 1983

- Folder 9: Lectures on Order Statistics and Their Applications, 1982-1984

- Folder 10: Lectures on Order Statisitcs and Their Applications - Notes and Handouts, 1982

- Folder 11: Letters of Recommendation, 1971-1991

- Series 5: Employment Records

- Box 7

- Folder 12: Wright Air Force Base Job Description and Personnel Action, 1952-1972

- Folder 13: Air Force Travel Orders and Vouchers, 1953-1984

- Folder 14: Saved Pay and Saved Grade Legislative Proposals, 1977

- Folder 15: Air Force Personnel Records, 1966-1975

- Folder 16: Air Force Institute of Technology - Paperwork, 1984-1985

- Folder 17: Wright State and Aird Force Institute of Technology Employment Paperwork, 1979-1984

- Folder 18: Paperwork for National register of Scientific and Technical Personnel and Executive Summary, 1956-1977

- Folder 19: Letter from Wright State Re: External Consulting, 1986

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Research],
[Series 2: Requests for Publications and General Correspondence],
[Series 3: Reviews and Refereed Papers],
[Series 4: Teaching Materials],
[Series 5: Employment Records],