By Jonas Kromer Yela
Collection Overview
Title: David K. Stigberg Audio Recordings and Papers, 1968-2000
ID: 12/5/87
Primary Creator: David K. Stigberg (1942-2018)
Extent: 3.65 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is arranged into two series: Series 1), Field Recordings and Research Notes, 1968-1985, and Series 2) Personal Student and Univerity of Illinois Faculty Records, 1968-2000. Series 1 is divided into three sub-series, based on the three field research projects represented in the collection: Sub-series 1) Queretaro Project, Sub-series 2) Veracruz Project, and Sub-series 3) Chiapas Project. Series 2 is divided into four sub-series: Sub-series 1) Student papers and Sound Recordings, Sub-series 2) Universtiy of Illinois at Chicago Circle Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings, Sub-series 3) University of llinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings, and Sub-series 4) Correspondence. The collection is arranged in original order, with the exception of the 5" and 7" tape reels and Series 2, Sub-series 1, 2, & 3, which were without any order upon aquisition and rearranged based on the stages of Stigberg's career during which they were produced. The papers within Series 2, Sub-series 1, 2, & 3 are arranged in chronological order. The sound recordings in Series 2, Sub-series 2 & 3 are arranged by subject. Folder names were changed to better describe their contents where necessary.
Date Acquired: 10/31/2023
Subjects: Chicago Circle Campus, Ethnomusicology, Music, School of, Music -- Mexico, Music -- Mexico - History and Geography, Music -- Mexico - Religion and Sociology, University of Illinois
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of sound recordings, research notes, drafts and outlines of articles and presentations, and correspondence documenting David Stigberg's ethnomusicological research in Mexico and his teaching duites as a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Of particular note are field recordings of popular music groups from Veracruz from the 1970s and traditional music from Zinacantan, Chiapas, from Stigberg's field research in the 1980s. The sound recordings, in 7" and 5" reel-to-reel and cassette format, make up the bulk of the collection. These include the field recordings, tapes used for teaching, and compilations and dubs of commercial music that he shared with his contacts in Mexico.
Biographical Note
David K. Stigberg was born on October 31, 1942, in Bridgeport, CT. Stigberg grew up in several towns and cites along the east coast, as his family relocated frequently due to his father's work. Stigberg attended the Univerity of Connecticut for undergraduate study, where he met his first wife Gerry Lynn Callis. They married in June 1964, and in 1965, moved to Champaign where Stigberg began his master's studies in musicology at UIUC. In 1968, he participated in ethnomusicological field work in Querétaro, Mexico. After completing his master's degree, Stigberg enrolled in the PhD program in ethnomusicology at UIUC, studying under Bruno Nettl. In 1971 and 1972, Stigberg did field work in Veracruz, Mexico, as part of his doctorate studies. In 1973, he returned to the United States to accept a teaching position at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. He taught at Chicago until 1980, when he completed his dissertation and moved back to Champaign with his family to teach at UIUC.
During the 1980s, Stigberg made three trips to Zinacantan, Chiapas, Mexico, to conduct field research on cross-cultural exchange in the musics of the Tzotzil-speaking indigenous people and hispanic Mexicans. He taught at UIUC until 1987, when he shifted into a career in computer programming, working on digital mapping projects for the US Army as well as agricultural mapping in Illinois. Stigberg and his wife Gerry were divorced in 1994, and he remarried Sara Tuber. Stigberg passed away in 2018 at the age of 75.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Sara Taber
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Field Recordings and Research Notes, 1968-1985],
[Series 2: Personal Student and University of Illinois Faculty Records, 1968-2000],
- Series 1: Field Recordings and Research Notes, 1968-1985

- Arranged in three sub-series: Subseries 1 consists of audio recordings from Stigberg's student field research experience in Querétaro, Mexico. Arranged in original order. Sub-series 2 consists of audio recordings and research notes from Stigberg's dissertation research in Veracruz. Arranged in original order. Sub-series 3 consists of audio recordings, research notes, correspondence, paperwork, preliminary research, and paperwork documenting Stigberg's research in Zinacantan, Chiapas, in southern Mexico, undertaken during his time teaching at UIUC. Arranged in original order.
- Sub-Series 1: Querétaro Project, 1968

- Box 1

- Item 1: Tape 1 - Interview, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 2: Queretaro #2, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 3: Queretaro #3, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 4: Queretaro #4, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 5: Queretaro #5, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 6: Queretaro #6, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 7: Queretaro #7, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 8: Queretaro #8, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 9: Queretaro #9, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 10: Queretaro #10, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 11: Queretaro #11, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 12: Queretaro #12, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 13: Queretaro #13, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 14: Queretaro #14, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 15: Queretaro #15, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 16: Queretaro #16, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 17: Queretaro #17, 1968

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 18: Queretaro #18, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Item 19: #19, 1968

- 5" acetate reel
- Sub-Series 2: Veracruz Project, 1971-1973

- Box 1

- Item 20: 1.16, Undated

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 21: 1.17, Undated

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 22: 1.18, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Notes on contents found in research notes binder in Box 6.
- Item 23: 1.19, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Notes on contents found in research notes binder in Box 6.
- Item 24: 1.20, Undated

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 25: 1.21, Undated

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 26: 1.22, Undated

- 5" polyester reel
- Item 27: Tampa/Flash, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing includied on paper in box.
- Item 28: Veracruz Demo, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Includes music by Los tampa, Flash, and Socios del Ritmo. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 34: Bach Violin and Clavier Sonatas, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 35: Mozart, Handel, and Linz, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 36: Mussorsky Songs, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Item 37: Debussy, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Item 38: Ives Symph #4, Beethoven Archduke Trio, Hungarian Music Bartok Folk Song Settings, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Item 39: Ives, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 40: Stones, Aretha, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Time markings on back of tape box. Includes Fresh Cream by Cream.
- Item 41: Workingman's Dead, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Includes Grateful Dead albums Workingman's Dead and Anthem of the Sun.
- Item 42: Joni Mitchell, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Mitchell's 1st album. Miles Davis Live/Evil on side 2.
- Item 43: Miles in the Sky, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Item 44: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Rev. Gary Davis, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 45: Stan Getz "Sweet Rain" / Davis "Sorcerer", Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Box 2

- Item 1: Satie and Debussy, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Has addititional label: Antologia del Folklore Musical de España.
- Item 2: Mahler - Symphony 2 & 3 / Roger Reynolds - Emperor of Ice Cream, Undated

- 7" acetate reel.
- Item 3: Xenakis / Denisov, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 4: Penderecki, Mahler, Bartok, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of box.
- Item 5: Wozzeck, Undated

- 7"polyester reel. Recording information on back of tape box.
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Tourist Guides - Veracruz, Mexico City, Havana, 1971-1981

- Box 6

- Item 1: Veracruz Field Notes, 1971-1972

- Contents include: 1. Non-Musical Informants. 2. Los Tampa Field Notes. 3. Tape Notes. 4. Portales. 5. Jarocho Notes. 6. Jarocho Tapes.
- Sub-Series 3: Chiapas Project, 1978-1985

- Box 1

- Item 46: Chiapas Transcription Dubs (1), 1982-1985

- 7" polyester reel. Content description on tape box.
- Item 47: Chiapas Transcription Dubs (2), 1983

- 7" polyester reel. Content description on tape box.
- Item 48: Chiapas 1985 - T. 13, 1985

- 7" polyester reel.
- Box 3

- Item 1: Zinacantan FD Dubs Tape 2, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 2: 2 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 3: 3 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 4: 4 Stigberg, Undated

- Cassette tape
- Item 5: 5 Stigberg, Undated

- Cassette tape
- Item 6: 6 Stigberg, Undated

- Cassette tape
- Item 7: 7 Stigberg, Undated

- Cassette tape
- Item 8: 8 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 9: 9 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 10: #10 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 11: #11 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 12: #13 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 13: #14 Chiapas, 1982

- Cassette tape
- Item 14: #2 Chiapas Summer, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 15: #3 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 16: #4 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 17: #5 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 18: #6 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 19: #7 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 20: #8 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 21: #9 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 22: #10 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Item 23: #11 Chiapas, 1983

- Cassette tape
- Box 4

- Item 1: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 1, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 2: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 2, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 3: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 3, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 4: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 4, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 5: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 5, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 6: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 6, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 7: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 8 - Na Bolom Dub, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 8: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 9, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 9: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 10, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 10: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 11, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 11: Chiapas 1985 - Tape 12, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Item 12: Chiapas 1985 - Moscovita, 1985

- Cassette tape
- Box 5

- Folder 2: Tzotzil Music Class Teaching Notes, Undated

- Folder 3: "Spanish Elements in the Music of Two Maya Groups," Harrison, Frank and Joan, Undated

- Folder 4: Chiapas Project - Preliminary Research, Correspondence, and Paperwork, 1980-1985

- Folder 5: "Musical Culture in Zinacantán," SEM Lecture, Tallahassee, 1983

- Folder 6: Field Recording Transcriptions, 1982-1985

- Folder 7: Zinacantán, Chiapas - Flute and Drum Materials - Field Recording Notes and Transcriptions, 1982-1985

- Folder 8: Chiapas 1985 Receipts, 1984-1985

- Folder 9: Expense Account, Undated

- Folder 10: Na Bolom, 1983-1984

- Folder 11: Letter of Support from the Director of La Casa de la Cultura, 1982

- Folder 12: Newsclippings and Ticket for El Templo de San Lorenzo, 1978-1985

- Folder 13: Articles on the Music of Chiapas, Undated

- Folder 14: Tzotzil Languag Class Personal Student Notes, 1982

- Folder 15: Chiapas Tape Notes, Undated

- Folder 16: Bibliography on Global Musicology (Non-thesis), Undated

- Folder 17: Chiapas Expenses, 1981-1983

- Folder 18: Tinker Foundation Grant Proposal, 1981-1982

- Folder 19: Preparatory Notes fo Interviews, Undated

- Folder 20: Preparatory Notes for Field Work and Interviews and List of Potential Contacts, 1982

- Folder 21: Research Notes and Outline of Zinacantán Article, Undated

- Folder 22: Haviland, John B.: "VOB: Traditional Music in Zinacantán", Undated

- Folder 23: Georges Arbuzx: "La Construction de la Guitarre et du Violon a Chamula, Undated

- Folder 24: Bricker, Victoria R.: "Symbolic Representations of Protohistoric Social Stratification and Religious Organization in a Modern Maya Community", Undated

- Box 6

- Item 2: Chiapas Field Notes, 1982-1985

- Contents include: 1. Agenda. 2. 1985 Notes. 3. Radio. 4. 1983 Notes. 5. 1982 Notes. 6. 1982 Letters.
- Sub-Series 4: Field Recordings from Mexico, undated

- Box 7

- Item 1: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel1_acc.mp3
- Item 2: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel2_acc.mp3
- Item 3: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digtized recording: 1205087_reel3_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel3sideB_acc.mp3.
- Item 4: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel4_acc.mp3
- Item 5: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel5_acc.mp3
- Item 6: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Possible Dance Band Competition, multiple bands recorded. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel6_acc.mp3
- Item 7: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel7_acc.mp3
- Item 8: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording and Family, undated

- 5" Reel. Side A consists of field recording, Side B consists of David Stigberg testing microphone with his son Aaron. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel8_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel8_sideB_acc.mp3.
- Item 9: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel9_acc.mp3
- Item 10: Buddy Miles Live Concert Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Consists of "Take It Off Him, and Put It On Me," "Down By the River," Wrap It Up," and "Pain." Digitized recording: 1205087_reel10_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel10_sideB_acc.mp3
- Item 11: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel11_acc.mp3
- Item 12: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel12_acc.mp3
- Item 13: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel13_acc.mp3
- Item 14: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel14_acc.mp3
- Item 15: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel15_acc.mp3
- Item 16: Chicago Live Concert Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Includes Terry Kath singing "Does Anybody Really Know What Time it Is?". Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel16_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel16_sideB_.mp3
- Item 17: Conjutos Tropicale Field Recording, undated

- 5" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel17 _acc.mp3
- Item 18: Chicago Live Concert Recording and Miles Davis Like Evil Excerpt, undated

- 5" Reel. Consists of live recording of the band Chicago, with Terry Kath, songs "I Just Want to Be Free," "Where Do We Go From Here?" "25 or 6 to 4," and cut of Miles Davis's Like Evil. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel18_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel18_sideB_acc.mp3
- Item 19: Sacred Harp and Recorder Duet, undated

- 7" Reel. Side A consists of a live Sacred Harp recording, Side B consists of sacred harp, and recorder duet. Digitized recording: 1205087_reel19_sideA_acc.mp3 and 1205087_reel19_sideB_acc.mp3
- Item 20: Electronic Oscillator Recording, undated

- 7" Reel. Digitized Recording: 1205087_reel20_acc.mp3
- Series 2: Personal Student and University of Illinois Faculty Records, 1968-2000

- Arranged in four sub-series: Sub-series 1) Student records, Sub-series 2), University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings, Sub-series 3) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings, and Sub-series 4: Correspondence. The sound recordings in Sub-series 1, 2, and 3 are arranged by subject. The papers were rearranged into their respective sub-series, within which they are arranged chronologically. Sub-series 4 is in original order.
- Sub-Series 1: Student Papers and Sound Recordings

- Box 1

- Item 33: Seminar IV Tape, 1968

- 5" polyester reel. Contents listed on back of tape box and on paper inside.
- Box 5

- Folder 25: Spanish Student Paper, Undated

- Folder 26: Stephen Blum Thesis Outline and Research Proposal, 1967

- Folder 27: Currulao Paper, 1971

- Folder 28: "The Contributions of John Sullivan Dwight to the Harbinger (1845-1849)" Student Paper Draft, 1971

- Sub-Series 2: University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings

- Box 1

- Item 29: Polydor Interview, Aug. 20, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 30: Musart Interviews, Aug. 20, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 31: Work, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box and on paper inside.
- Item 32: M131, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 49: Music 130 Quiz 1 Spring '74, Quiz III '74, 1974

- 7" polyester reel. Contents on back of tape box. Additional note inside.
- Item 50: Music 130 - Winter '74 - Quiz II and III, 1974

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 51: Music 130 - Quiz III, Spring '76, 1976

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 52: Music 130 - Quiz III, Fall '77, 1977

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 53: Music 130 - Quiz II - Schumann, Haydn, Schubert, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box. Side two may contain "leaf music" of Ecuador.
- Item 54: Music 130 - Quiz I, II, and III Fall '73, 1973

- 7" polyester reel. Track list on back of tape box.
- Item 55: Untitlted tape with Selections of Classical Music, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 56: Das Alte Werk, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 57: Rhythm - Harmony, Undated

- 7" polyester reel
- Item 58: Ron Carter, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside tape box.
- Item 59: Jazz Demo, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 60: Music 240 and 214 Finals, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 61: US Intro and Music 240 Midterm, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 62: Music 131 and 240 Finals, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Folder 63: Metabolism 5, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Reel label says "Music 240."
- Item 64: Africa - Introductory Demo, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 65: Africa II, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 66: Ali Akbar Khan - Indian Music, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 67: India, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Box 2

- Item 6: Persia - Radio Tehran, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 7: Turkey and Tunisia, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 8: Turkish Cabaret Music, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 9: Latin America Demo, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 10: Latin America - Introductory Demonstration, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 11: Latin America Mid-Term/Peru Close-up, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 12: Salsa Demo, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Note on back of tape box says "Latin AM - Radio WGN."
- Item 13: Venezuela - Joropos, Pasaje, Currido, Golpe, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 14: Mexico and Latin America Dubs (78), Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 15: Mexican Panorama; SEECO Sampler, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 16: A: Commander Cody Demo / B: VC/Mex Pop Class, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 17: Soles De Veracruz, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 18: San Lorenzo, Undated

- 7" acetate reel.
- Item 19: Afro Cuba; Huasteca, Undated

- 7" acetate reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 20: Tape 15 - Los Mirlos, Peru, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 21: Tape 14 - Peru - Musica Criolla; Recent Musica Tropical, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 22: Colombia - Atlantic Coast, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 23: #3 Cumbias - Colombia, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 24: Latin American Music #1, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 25: Latin American Music #2, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 26: Latin American Music #3, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 27: Latin American Music #4, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 28: Latin American Music #5, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track list on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 29: Latin American Music #6, Undated

- 7" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 30: Latin American Music #8, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 31: Latin American Music #11, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 32: Latin American Music #12, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 33: Mexposición #1, 1976

- 7" polyester reel. Track information on program inside tape box.
- Item 34: Mexposición #2, 1976

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 35: Mexico 78 rpm Dubs #1, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 36: Mexico 78 rpm Dubs #2, Undated

- 7" polyester reel.
- Item 37: Brazil Indian/Jívaro, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 38: Barcelata, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on back of tape box.
- Item 39: Yaqui/Maya, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Box 5

- Folder 29: Articles by Richard Norton, 1971-1979

- Folder 30: Review of Geijerstam's Popular Music in Mexico for IFMC Yearbook, ca. 1976

- Folder 31: Review of "Fundamentals of Musical Experience" for Harper and Row, 1976

- Folder 32: Mexposición Exhibit, 1976

- Folder 33: Mexposición Concert - Speech, Paperwork, and Programs, 1976

- Folder 34: Program Notes - Rita Simo and Jesse Necrete, 1978

- Folder 35: Corrido and Norteño Notes, ca. 1978

- Sub-Series 3: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty Papers and Sound Recordings

- Box 1

- Item 68: Moscovita - Los Cedros, July 12, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 69: Ensayo - Menolo; Interview - Eugenio Bueno; Fiesa Zempoala - Los Zempues, 1980

- 5" polyester reel. Track listing on paper inside of tape box.
- Item 70: Polygram/Musart, Undated

- 5" polyester reel. Information about contents on paper inside tape box.
- Item 71: Interview with Mando G., Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 72: Nuevo Astro, July 19, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 73: Zempues (2nd Part), 1980

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 74: Flam/Zem July 20 #1, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 75: Flam/Zem July 20 #2, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 76: Mission Moon, July 13, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Item 77: Yaqui and Aymara, Undated

- 5" polyester reel.
- Box 3

- Item 24: Demo for Talk: "Musical Tradition in Contemporary Urban Culture: A Perspective from Veracruz", Undated

- Cassette tape. Track listing included.
- Item 25: Aaron Copland and "Americanist" Composition. Alumni College Lecture, July 9, 1981

- Cassette tape.
- Item 26: "Pop Music and Musica Tradicional in Veracruz" - Brown Bag Lecture, April 9, 1982 - Examples, 1982

- Cassette tape.
- Item 27: OTSFM 1, 1987

- Cassette tape.
- Item 28: OTSFM Tape 2, 1987

- Cassette tape.
- Box 5

- Folder 36: "Charles Ives Through His Songs" - Traveling Lecture, 1980

- Folder 37: "Popular Muscial Culture and the Tradition of Musica Tropicál in VC" - Presentation and Article, 1980-1981

- Folder 38: Latin American Entries for Harvard Dictionary of Music,3rd Edition, 1981-1983

- Folder 39: "Pop Music and Mus. Trad. in VC" CA Brown Bag Talk, April 9,, 1982

- Folder 40: Articles on Ecuadorian Leaf Music and Música Tropical in Veracruz, 1982-1987

- Folder 41: Review of Claus Scheiner's Musica Latina for Schirmer Books, 1984

- Sub-Series 4: Correspondence

- Box 5

- Folder 42: Veracruz Correspondence, 1972-1979

- Folder 43: Veracruz Correspondence, 1971-1996

- Folder 44: Professional and Dissertation Correspondence, 1974-1981

- Folder 45: Letters of Recommendation, 1976-1978

- Folder 46: Bill Gallo, 1975

- Folder 47: "Eight Urban Musical Cultures" Article Correspondence, 1973-1978

- Folder 48: Bruno Nettl's 70th Birthday and York Ethnomusicology Newsletter, 1995-2000

- Folder 49: Latin Music in Chicago - Correspondence, Notes, Programs, and Brochures, 1976-1979

- Folder 50: Bob Laughlin, 1985-1989

- Folder 51: Chiapas Correspondence, 1982-1989

- Folder 52: Markos Aertssen, 1971-1989

- Folder 53: Bruno Nettl - India Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 54: Jurado, 1980-1987

- Folder 55: Philip Boch - "Music in Mérida" Reprint, 1990-1992

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Field Recordings and Research Notes, 1968-1985],
[Series 2: Personal Student and University of Illinois Faculty Records, 1968-2000],