Title: Committee on Institutional Cooperation Agenda, Minutes, and Reports, 1958-92
ID: 5/1/14
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Provost
Extent: 4.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetical and Chronological
Subjects: Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Study Abroad Program
Formats/Genres: Meeting Minutes
Files of the Committee on Institutional Cooperational Agenda, Minutes, and Reports includes CIC Members Minutes of Meetings (1962-1996), Index of Minutes Meeting (1961-1968), Annual Reports, Agenda, Study Abroad Programs (1963), Staff Report (1967-1994), Big Ten Business Officers Meeting, Study of the CIC Medical Schools, Studies and Memoranda, Staff Report, Economic Growth in the MidWest, and Abstracts of Instructional Development.
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/0501014.pdf
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