Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Detailed Description

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Finding Aid for Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 | University of Illinois Archives

By Sarah Harris

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Collection Overview

Title: Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 8/1/59

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at U-C. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

Extent: 82.0 cubic feet


Boxes 1-36: Promotional B-roll videos, Numbered

Boxes 36-82: Other Videos, Unnumbered

Subjects: Agriculture, Animal Science, Beef Cattle, Experiments, Farming, Foods and Nutrition, Insects, Sheep, Swine

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 includes videotapes related to recruitment and promotion; agriculture including farm processes with soybeans and corn, and animals including swine, sheep, and cows; international farm programs in countries including China and Egypt; food and nutrition instructional information; experimentation relating to crops and soil, insects, insecticides and pesticides; interviews with faculty, conferences, award ceremonies, and parties. This series also includes B-Roll/stock footage including video from farms, offices, and landscapes in Illinois.

Boxes 1-36 include promotional b-roll, stock footage that was numbered and inventoried by ACES in a spreadsheet provided to the archives. The information available is from ACES and includes time coded descriptions of what is on the tapes. Boxes 36-82 include other videotapes that are unnumbered. Information for these boxes came from the labels affixed to the videotape. Please note that the videotapes have not yet been viewed and verified to be what the labels describe.

Biographical Note

Agricultural instruction was provided for in the Land Grant Act of Congress in 1862 and it was one of the chief aims of the university at its beginning.1 In 1867, the Board of Trustees established the Agricultural Department, made up of the School of General Agriculture and the School of Horticulture, Fruit-growing, and Landscape Gardening.2 It was formally recognized as a College and the dean's office was established in 1877.3 The dean is appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees and his duties include: preparing the budget; representing and reporting on the college to outside authorities; and coordinating the activities of the departments and special offices.4 The dean is also responsible for the operations of the Office of Publications and the Office of Agricultural Communications, both established in 1966,5 and the Office of International Agricultural Programs, which was established in 1966 to coordinate college-wide programs such as the International Soybean Program.6 In 1965, the title of the office changed from Dean of the College, Director of the Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service to Dean of the College of Agriculture.7

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, Laws Concerning the Industrial University, Laws of Congress, p. 1-3; 1st Report, May 7, 1867, p. 47.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, May 8, 1867, p. 50.

3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 9th Report, June 7, 1877, p. 45.

4. University of Illinois Statutes, May 17, 1972, p. 12-14

5. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, October 13, 1966, p. 169.

6. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, September 21, 1966, p. 84.

7. Board of Trustees Transactions, 53rd Report, February 17, 1965, p. 393.

Subject/Index Terms

Animal Science
Beef Cattle
Foods and Nutrition

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dealer to Dealer: Agri-Chemical Containment, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 1
Item 2: Dealer to Dealer: Agri-Chemical Containment, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 23:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 1
Item 3: Good Farming in Karst Country, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 2
Item 4: Good Farming in Karst Country, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 2
Item 5: Quiet Change in Illinois Karst Country, 1992Add to your cart.
"Caution: Tails Out. Tape wrinkled at head. 2-11-10
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 28:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 3
Item 6: Queen Bee: Finding, Clipping & Marking, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 24:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 4
Item 7: Queen Bee: Finding, Clipping & Marking, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 24:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 4
Item 8: Home Gardening: Herbs & Perennials - (1) Discover Herbs, 1990Add to your cart.
Diane Noland, Robin Cowen
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 5
Item 9: Home Gardening: Herbs & Perennials - (2) Perennials for Early Spring, 1990Add to your cart.
CES: Diane Noland
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 5
Item 10: Illinois Pesticide Applicator Training: Calibrating Golf Course Boom Sprayer, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 6
Item 11: School-Age Child Care: Actvity Planning, 1994Add to your cart.
bars - 3 min
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 43:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 7
Item 12: Making Choices with the Environment in Mind, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Safety Master
Other Information: 56:00
Duration: 3/4" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 9
Item 13: Illinois Pesticide Appicator Training: Working the Right-of-Way, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 13
Item 14: Cooking Basics Part I, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 55:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 16
Item 15: Cooking Basics Part II, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 50:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 16
Box 2Add to your cart.
Item 1: Canning Jams & Jellies, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 55:00
Duration: 3/4" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 17
Item 2: Canning Jams & Jellies, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 55:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 17
Item 3: Water Bath Canning, 1992Add to your cart.
Lots of light flickers
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 50:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 18
Item 4: Water Bath Canning, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 49:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 18
Item 5: Pressure Canning, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Duplication Master
Other Information: 38:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 19
Item 6: Pressure Canning With Susan Brewer, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Duplication Master
Other Information: 39:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 19
Item 7: Freezing Fruits & Vegetables with Susan Brewer, 1993Add to your cart.
Split tracks
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 39:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 21
Item 8: Drying  Foods at HomeAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 62:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 23
Item 9: Pruning and Renovating Small Fruits - (1) Grape Pruning, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 7:45/11:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 28
Item 10: Pruning and Renovating Small Fruits - (2) Blueberry Pruning, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 11:20
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 28
Item 11: Pruning and Renovating Small Fruits - (3) Strawberry Pruning, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 10:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 28
Item 12: Tree Grafting - (1) Cleft Graft (2) Repair Graft (3) T-Bud Graft (4) Whip & Tongue Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 52:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Item 13: Tree Grafting - (1) Cleft Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Item 14: Tree Grafting - (2) Repair Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Item 15: Tree Grafting - (3) T-Bud Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Box 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Tree Grafting - (4) Whip & Tongue Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Item 2: Price of Bounty, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 57:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 30
Item 3: Best Management Practices for Improved Water Quality, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 31
Item 4: Let's Meet the Competition, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 40:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 045
Item 5: Let's Meet the Competition, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 41:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 45
Item 6: Illinois Pesticide Applicator Training: Calibrating Field Sprayers, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 13:14
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 51
Item 7: Illinois Pesticide Applicator Training: Calibrating Field Sprayers, 1991Add to your cart.
Split Audio
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 51
Item 8: Prairie Places, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 53
Item 9: Prairie Places, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" Betacam SP?
UnitID: ACES Tape: 53
Item 10: Families Are Our Business, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 54
Item 11: Families Are Our Business, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-edtic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 54
Item 12: Families Are Our Business, 1992Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Duplication Master
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-dutic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 54
Item 13: Farm Drainage Systems - (1) Grassed Waterway (2) Terraces (3) Subsurface Drainage, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 45:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 69
Item 14: Farm Drainage Systems - (1) Grassed Waterway, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 69
Item 15: Farm Drainage Systems - (2) Terraces, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 69
Item 16: Farm Drainage Systems - (3) Subsurface Drainage, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 69
Box 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: Herman Warsay: High Yield Leader, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 73
Item 2: Herman Warsay: High Yield Leader, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 73
Item 3: Beyond the Sale - Interview done by Bob Hughes, Jr. HDFE, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 38:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 79
Item 4: Beyond the Sale - Interview done by Bob Hughes, Jr. HDFE, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 36:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 79
Item 5: Beyond the Sale - Interview done by Bob Hughes, Jr. HDFE, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 38:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 79
Item 6: Construction of an Earth Tube Ventilation System, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 81
Item 7: Construction of an Earth Tube Ventilation System, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 81
Item 8: Buying Your Clothes, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 82
Item 9: Buying Your Clothes, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 82
Item 10: Export Quality Challenge, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 83
Item 11: Export Quality Challenge, 1987Add to your cart.
Damaged, 3:30-40
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 83
Item 12: Export Quality Challenge (Same Tape as Below), 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 83
Item 13: Grain Quality: The American Commitment (Same Tape as Above), 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 93
Box 5Add to your cart.
Item 1: Changing Directions: The Choice is Yours, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 87
Item 2: Changing Directions: The Choice is Yours, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 87
Item 3: 4-H Leadership: Working with 8- to 11-year olds, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 60:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 90
Item 4: 4-H Leadership: Working with 8 to 11 year olds, 1987Add to your cart.
Volume problem min 32-33
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 60:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 90
Item 5: Grain Quality: The American Commitment, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 93
Item 6: Grain Quality: The American Commitment, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 93
Item 7: School-Age Child Care: Caring Enough, 1988Add to your cart.
Tape Damage at 16:30
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 95
Item 8: School-Age Child Care: Caring Enough, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 95
Item 9: School-Age Child Care: Meeting Developmental Needs, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 35:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 96
Item 10: School-Age Child Care: Meeting Developmental Needs, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 33:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 96
Item 11: Empowering Single - Parent Families, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 97
Item 12: Empowering Single - Parent Families, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 97
Box 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: How Soil Erodes, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 98
Item 2: How Soil Erodes, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 98
Item 3: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series - (1) Pregame Meal (2) Keeping Energy Level Up (3) Keeping Fluid Level Up, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 48:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 4: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series - (1) Pregame Meal, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 5: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series - (2) Keeping Energy Level Up, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 6: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series - (3) Keeping Fluid Level Up, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 7: Forestry - (1) Forestry in Illinois: A Resources for Today (2) Forestry in Illinois: A Study in Options, 1984Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 36:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 103
Item 8: Forestry - (1) Forestry in Illinois: A Resources for Today, 1984Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 11:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 103
Item 9: Forestry - (2) Forestry in Illinois: A Study in Options, 1984Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 27:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 103
Item 10: Fitness for Life - (1) What is Fitness? (2) Exercise Techniques (3) middle Age & Beyond, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 108
Item 11: Fitness for Life - (1) What is Fitness?, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 108
Item 12: Fitness for Life - (2) Exercise Techniques, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 108
Item 13: Fitness for Life - (3) middle Age & Beyond, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 108
Item 14: Kendall County: Swine Herd Improvement Program, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 109
Item 15: Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 110
Box 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Almost Over --4-H Camp (4-H Camp Promotional), 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 14:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 111
Item 2: From Roof to Foundation, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 112
Item 3: From Roof to Foundation, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 112
Item 4: Nutrition Today, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 113
Item 5: Nutrition Today, 1988Add to your cart.
Channel 1: Natural Sound / Channel 2: Voice & Music mix
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 113
Item 6: Nutrition Today, 1988Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 113
Item 7: School-Age Child Care: Guidance and Discipline, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 44:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 114
Item 8: Diet for A Healthy Heart, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 29:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 115
Item 9: Illinois Pork: The Chinese Connection, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 116
Item 10: New Voices from the College of Agriculture, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 700
Item 11: ACES 2002 Recognition Awards Gala, 2002Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 701
Item 12: Building a New Tradition, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 00:30
Duration: 3/4" U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 702
Item 13: CES Food Pyramid Public Service AnnouncementAdd to your cart.
Audio Split
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 703
Item 14: Leadership Development Through Community ActionAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 704
Item 15: Leadership Development Through Community ActionAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 705
Item 16: Pollution Prevention in Furniture Refinishing Runs, 1997Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 706
Item 17: Pollution Prevention in Furniture Refinishing Runs, 1997Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 707
Box 8Add to your cart.
Item 1: ACES Alumni News Video, 2000Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 708
Item 2: ACES Alumni News Video, 2000Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 709
Item 3: Japan House Dedication at the University of IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 710
Item 4: Foam Marking Systems for ApplicatorsAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 711
Item 5: Foam Marking Systems for ApplicatorsAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 1/2" Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 712
Item 6: Aerial SprayingAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 1
Item 7: Acid Rain Experiment SiteAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 2
Item 8: Campus AerialsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 3
Item 9: Spring TillageAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 4
Item 10: Fall TillageAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 5
Item 11: CultivationAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 6
Item 12: Chicago Board Of TradeAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 7
Item 13: Winter Scenes/Wind ErosionAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 8
Item 14: Industrial Scenes/CarsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 9
Item 15: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 10
Item 16: Rural Scenes -- TruckAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 11
Item 17: Rural Scenes - - Farmer At Fence, Looking At FeedlotAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 12
Box 9Add to your cart.
Item 1: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Abandoned Farmhouse, Interior Walking Shot 08:00 Rocking Horse 11:00 Elevator 13:30 Windmill, With Buildings, Gray Sky 18:30 Windmill & Tree
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 13
Item 2: 4-H Kids Arguing, Tour Of Capitol Bldg., Supreme Court (Ext.), Sen. Charles Robb (Va) On Capitol Steps, National Institutes Of Health, 1990Add to your cart.
Tc:13 00:15 4-H Kids Arguing In Beatrice Hall Of Nat. 4-H Center 01:30 Tour Of Capitol With 4-H Kids, Ext. Shots 03:00 Same, Int. Shots, Rotunda 04:30 Bust Of George Washington 04:45 More Shots Of Rotunda 05:50 Hall 0f States, With Tour Guide's Presentation 10:00 Ext. Shots Of Capitol Bldg. 13:00 Ext. Shots Of Supreme Court Bldg. 14:35 Sequence Of Shots Around Sen. Robb Visiting 4-H Kids On Steps Of Capitol 19:40 Ext. Shots Of National Institutes Of Health 21:53 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 14
Item 3: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Water Faucet, Toys & Kittens 09:30 Tire Swing & Front Of House
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 15
Item 4: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Clothes On Line 03:00 Els Farmstead, Across Bare Field 05:20 House & Yard, Truck Arrives, Farmer Goes To House 10:00 Same Scene, Reverse Angle From Across The Road 11:30 Looking Out Kitchen Window At Farm Field, Bare
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 16
Item 5: Super 8, Farm Sale/Auctioneer AudioAdd to your cart.
00:00 8mm Of Farm Sale 05:30 End, 8mm 05:50 Auctioneer, Audio To 14:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 17
Item 6: Grain Unloading-No Till PlantingAdd to your cart.
01:05 Farmer Dumps Soybeans From Truck 02:00 Semi Drives Up To Grain Elevator 03:05 Truck Dumps Soybeans-Var. 07:25 No Till Planter In Corn Field 08:45 Farmers Talking In Field W/Specialist 11:00 Planter In Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 18
Item 7: Krannert Art Museum/ Augering And Delivering CornAdd to your cart.
00:45 Exterior- Krannert Art Museum 02:40 Grain Augered Into Truck Var. 04:15 Farmer Operates Auger At Grain Bin-Var. 06:50 Truck Drives Away 07:30 Truck Drives Into Country Elevator- Unloads Grain 08:25 Train Cars Pass By Elevator 08:50 Wheels Of Train Cars 09:20 Trackmobile On Rails 09:55 Tractor Pulls Grain Wagons To Elevator 10:15 Farmer Unloads Grain-Var. 14:10 Train Cars Moving On Track 14:45 Loading Grain Into Train Cars-Var. 16:55 Covered Pile Of Grain Outside Elevator
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 19
Item 8: SheepAdd to your cart.
00:15 Sheep In Field Grazing-Var. 02:20 CU Sheep 02:30 Sheep Moving Past Camera 03:10 Sheep By Trees 04:40 Sheep By Shelter 05:40 Lambs And Ewes-Var.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 20
Item 9: Supermarket Meat CaseAdd to your cart.
00:20 Shoppers At Meat Counter 00:35 Meat Counter Only 01:10 Packaged Chicken In Meat Case-Var. 04:20 Consumers At Meat Case 06:05 Employees Sorting Packages Of Red Meat-Beef 09:50 Beef In Meat Case 10:35 Pork In Meat Case 11:00 Signs Over Case 11:55 Vegetable Oil On Shelves 12:10 Details Of Oil Labels 14:00 Shelves Of Vegetable Oil
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 21
Item 10: Cultivation & No Till Planting-Corn & SoybeansAdd to your cart.
00:50 Tractor Cultivating Soybean Field 03:50 Cultivating Corn Field 05:30 Farmer Climbs Into Tractor - Drives Off 06:15 Tractor Enters Corn Field 06:35 Cultivating Corn Field 08:20 Low Angle- Tractor Approaches Through Field 09:35 Tractor No Till Planting Field 14:50 Farmer Checking Planter 15:25 CU Of Planter 15:35 Farmer Adding Seed 17:45 No Till Planting Field 19:00 Planter Detail From Moving Tractor
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 22
Item 11: Sprayer AdjustmentAdd to your cart.
00:20 Tractor Pulls Sprayer Out Of Shed 01:45 Farmer Climbs Off Tractor, Adjusts Sprayer 02:10 Filling Sprayer Tank W/Water 02:50 Adjusting Boom Arms Of Sprayer 04:00 Changing Filter Of Sprayer 04:50 Sprayer Tested And Adjusted 09:50 Tractor Drives Away While Spraying 12:20 Farmer Checks Sprayer Nozzle 13:35 Tractor Drives Past Stakes In Field to sprayer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 23
Item 12: Meats LabAdd to your cart.
00:40 CU Porkchops 01:55 Students Taking Tissue Samples From Meat 03:55 Butchers Cutting Meat 09:30 Weighing And Inspecting Beef 10:55 Butchers Around Cutting Block With Pork 16:50 CU Of Stamp Approval 17:10 Meat Hanging In Locker
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 24
Item 13: Farmer, Job HuntingAdd to your cart.
00:45 Ads, Classified, Help Wanted, CU Finger On Ads 02:10 Resume w/ Want Ads 03:25 Farmer (Some w/ Wife) Looks At Want Ads 06:00 Farmer & Son Play Basketball In Yard 09:25 Car Leaves Farm, Up Hilly Country Road 12:25 Cattle Feeding 15:10 Ambulance Crew Around Ambulance 19:50 Ambulance Crew Puts Neck Brace On Jane Scherer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 25
Item 14: Hay Harvest, Hay-Corn Strip CroppingAdd to your cart.
00:25 Cutting Hay 03:00 Pan, Strip-Cropped Field, Hay Corn 04:00 Panorama Northern Illinois Hills & Fields 07:50 Other Side Of Road From Above 09:30 Equipment In Field 18:20 Strip-Cropped Hay-Corn 19:50 Cultivating Corn On Contour
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 26
Item 15: Wheat On TerracesAdd to your cart.
01:00 Harvesting, Wheat On Terraces 07:50 In Cab 13:45 Butterfly In Wheat Field 15:00 LS Of Combine In Wheat Field 17:20 Combine Unloading
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 27
Box 10Add to your cart.
Item 1: Residue, Hay, Strip CroppingAdd to your cart.
01:00 Residue In Corn 05:40 LS Of Barn Near Cornfield 07:00 LS, Residue In Beans 09:00 CU, Residue In Beans 10:00 LS Of Farmstead 13:00 CU, Residue In Beans 14:30 Cutting Hay On Contour, Strip Cropping 17:00 Grass Waterway 18:00 Pan Of Hay, Strip Cropping 19:00 Cutting Hay
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 28
Item 2: Factory, Computerized Welding Robot (Caterpillar, Decatur)Add to your cart.
00:25 Robot Arc Welder 03:20 Engineer, Measuring Machine 07:30 Machinist In Set-Up, CU Of Digital Read-Outs 11:25 Robot Machining Tool 15:05 Shot Floor, Supervisor & Machinist 16:25 Machinist (Female, Black) Grinding, Buffing Steel 19:05 Unused Factory Equipment, Nerd Examines
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 29
Item 3: Hospital, Technicians, Blood Samples, X-RaysAdd to your cart.
00:40 Lab Tech, Male, w/Machine & Blood Samples 04:00 Lab Tech, Male, w/ Computer & Electronic Microscope (Blood Cell Count) 08:00 Lab Techs, Male & Female & Equipment  - Dolly Shots 09:10 Lab Tech & High Tech Machine 10:05 Two Techs Examine Test Tube 12:00 X-Ray Tech & Patient
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 30
Item 4: Hog Farm, Fred Mohr, Feeding, 1988Add to your cart.
00:00 Mixing Feed: Weighing, Grinding, Loading Wagon 08:00 Tractor w/Feed Wagon Arrives At Confinement Bldg. 09:00 Hogs In Confinement, Emphasis On Feed
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 31
Item 5: Corn Harvest, Bill Klein's, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Pan, Home & Barns 01:10 Combine Leaves Barnyard 03:15 Buildings, Seen From Fall Cornfield 04:35 Corn, Ready For Harvest, In Field 05:20 Mature Ear On Stalk 05:50 Combine Operating In Field 08:00 Unloading Combine To Trucks 10:20 View From Inside Combine Cab, Including Farmer Driving 17:55 Moving Corn Into Storage, Includes Rotating Cage To Blow Out Fines
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 32
Item 6: Soil Erosion, In Bean FieldAdd to your cart.
00:50 Large Rill w/ Deposition 04:35 Deposition On Small Bean Plants 09:10 Large Pond, Standing Water 09:45 Picking Bean Plants Out Of Deposition 13:40 Gully Formation
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 33
Item 7: Cultivation, Soybeans, 1987Add to your cart.
00:00 Preparing Cultivator For Field 04:10 Cultivating On Contour 13:45 Shot Of Bean Field, From Moving Car 21:35 Cultivation On Contour & Terrace
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 34
Item 8: Cultivation, Soybeans, 1987Add to your cart.
00:50 Cultivating Beans On Contour & Terrace 05:20 Beans & Terrace 07:10 CU, Bean Plants 10:55 Tractors Move From Field To Farmyard 13:05 Working On Cultivators 16:05 Tractor Leaves Field 18:25 Tractor On Road
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 35
Item 9: Terrace ConstructionAdd to your cart.
00:00 Constructing Terraces In Field 03:00 LS, Field 04:15 Car On Winding Road Near Field 05:00 LS, Earthmovers In Field 05:55 Earthmovers Moving Earth 12:45 Survey Markers Waving In Breeze
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 36
Item 10: On-Farm StorageAdd to your cart.
00:50 Truck Backing Up To Auger 01:15 Dumping Corn From Truck 01:50 Corn In Auger 02:20 Two Men Watch Process, Examine Corn 04:30 Pan, Auger To Storage Bins 05:15 Farmer Corn Enter Auger 06:15 CU, Corn 08:40 Truck, Empty, Leaves
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 37
Item 11: Corn & Bean Harvest, 1987Add to your cart.
00:15 Disking Harvested Cornfield 02:00 Airplane In Background! 03:55 Unloading Combine To Truck 04:35 Disk 06:35 Combine In Beans 08:25 Unloading Combine To Truck 09:20 Farmer, Cleaning Windows On Combine Cab 10:40 Disking 15:00 Combine In Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 38
Item 12: Rain On The FarmAdd to your cart.
00:00 Rain Falling, Man Walking 00:30 Cows Eating 00:40 Edge Of Roof, Dripping 01:00 Long Shot, Cornfield In Rain 01:50 Puddle 02:20 Wagon Loaded W/ Hay 03:20 Wagons Leave 04:00 CU, Raindrops On Beans 04:20 Rill In Beanfield 05:50 CU, Bean Plant 06:50 CU, Wet Rill 10:55 Ditch W/ Water 13:00 CU, Standing Water In Corn Row 14:10 Standing Water, Cornfield
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 39
Item 13: Fall Tillage -- DiskAdd to your cart.
00:20 Disking Corn Stubble 01:20 CU, Corn Stubble 02:20 Farmer Working On Tractor In Field 03:35 Tractor & Disk 05:50 Rack Focus, Stubble To Tractor 09:20 Field, Tractor Enters, Stops 09:50 Farmer & Tractor
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 40
Item 14: Unloading CornAdd to your cart.
00:00 Combine And Truck In Field 01:30 Older People Unloading Corn 05:10 Corn In Storage 08:35 Men Talking Near Combine, Combine Leaving Farmstead
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 41
Item 15: Entomology- InsectsAdd to your cart.
0:40 Interview- Kathryn Mc Giffen 5:00 Person Opening Drawers 6:35 Drawers And Insects 7:50 Insect Collection- Butterflies 13:20 Entomologist Identifying Insects 15:55 Insects- Pests 17:05 Insects- Beneficial
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 42
Box 11Add to your cart.
Item 1: Small Town, Dir. WerriesAdd to your cart.
00:10 Farmers In Small Restaurant Var. 02:10 Waitress 02:20 Customers- Var. 04:05 Outside Cafe 05:35 Cafe Sign 05:50 Barber Shop And Cafe 06:05 Outside Reap Agency 06:35 Amoco Gas Station-Var. 09:05 Interview- Director Werries
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 43
Item 2: Retail ShoppingAdd to your cart.
00:50 Customers- Var. 07:10 View Into Clothing Store 07:40 Busy Mall Scene 07:55 LS Of Girls Outside County Seat 08:40 Elderly Sitting Outside Store- Mall Scenes
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 44
Item 3: Retail Shopping- ActingAdd to your cart.
00:55 Neon Juniors Sign 01:55 Young Women's Clothes 02:00 Employee Helps Girl 06:05 Different Angle- Face CU 09:45 CU Of Saleswoman 13:55 CU- Tearing Receipt From Register 15:05 Saleswoman Getting Receipt- Customer Leaves 18:15 CU Of Saleswoman
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 45
Item 4: Small Town And Medical ClinicAdd to your cart.
00:50 Farm Equipment Store 02:50 Man Cutting Grass 03:15 Outside Ford Dealer 03:40 View Of Business District From Street 06:40 Corn And Medical Clinic 08:35 Hall In Clinic 09:35 Receptionist's Desk 10:45 Receptionists Working With Records 11:55 Outside Emergency Room 13:05 Patient's Room 14:10 Patient Signing In 15:55 Staff Working With Records 17:45 Outside Entrance- People Leaving 20:25 Doctors' Names On
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 46
Item 5: Hog Confinement- GrainAdd to your cart.
00:25 Interview- Lowell Hill, Grain Quality 02:55 Tom Kennel, Hog Producer (Eureka,Il.) Working In Office 07:35 Hog Confinement, Feeding 12:35 Hog Producer Examining Feed 13:35 Hogs Eating- Extruded Soybean Field 14:20 CU- Hand Feeding Hog 15:20 Hogs In Confinement 17:10 Soybean Extrusion , On Farm
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 47
Item 6: Butcher ShopAdd to your cart.
00:35 Var. Shots of Butcher Shop, Butcher Cuts Pork Chops, Shots of Meat Stamps 16:45 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 48
Item 7: Chicago Lakefront SkylineAdd to your cart.
04:25 Skyline At Noon- Var. 09:05 Traffic On Lake Shore Drive 09:25 Chicago Skyline 11:05 Boat On Lake Michigan- Var. 11:25 Lakefront Pans 12:35 Helicopter
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 49
Item 8: County Fair- Cattle JudgingAdd to your cart.
00:20 Barn- Swine And Cattle 01:50 Tractor Pulling Contest 03:35 Cattle Judging 04:05 Kid Hosing Down Cow 04:35 Var. Fair Scenes- Amusement
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 50
Item 9: Land Auction- Small TownAdd to your cart.
00:35 Auction Scenes- Farmers 01:00 Auctioneer And Crowd 02:30 Farmers, Var. 05:00 Grain Elevator 05:45 Main St., Small Town (Gifford,Il.) 08:00 Church, Town, Fields 09:05 Streets, Dog, Rural Homes 13:15 3 Part Harmony- Dramatic Presentation
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 51
Item 10: Soybean Extrusion, Dairy Production LabAdd to your cart.
2:20 Var. Extrusion Process, Prof. Nelson & Erickson, Dairy Prod. Lab 12:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 52
Item 11: Douglas HospitalAdd to your cart.
1:00 Reception Desk 2:05 Empty Hallway 3:10 Nurse Doing Paperwork 4:25 Lab Technician Working On Computer 5:35 Technician Working With Test Tubes 7:45 Test Tube With Blood 8:25 CU Of Older Technician 9:10 Doctor Putting Up X-Rays 10:35 Picture Of Jarman Memorial Hospital
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 53
Item 12: PesticidesAdd to your cart.
00:25 Truck Being Washed 02:20 Storage Tanks 02:35 Pesticides Being Moved 06:35 Person Examining Bags And Labels 09:45 CU Of Labels And Warnings 11:40 Truck With Chemicals Leaving Yard 12:25 Water Spigot 13:10 Pesticide Distribution Plant Pierce Fertilizer (Sidney,Il.)- Var.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 54
Item 13: Ambulance ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:50 Ambulance Crew- Mt. Carroll, Il.- Woman In Neckbrace 15:00 Ambulance Moving- Male Driver  Siren 18:20 Ambulance And Flashing Lights 19:20 Old, Abandoned Barn And Corn Field 21:05 Dairy Cattle, Pasture And Hills
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 55
Item 14: Soybean DrillingAdd to your cart.
00:00 Planter And Tractor In Farm Yard 06:30 Fuel Tanks And Guages 07:30 Farm Yard 07:55 Drilling Beans 11:30 Loading Planter W/ Seed 15:35 Bill Creswell Interviewing Farmer About Drilling
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 56
Item 15: Chicago Lakefront SkylineAdd to your cart.
00:00 Softball Game In Grant Park, Skyline In Background 02:40 Sailboats In Harbor 03:15 Lakefront Scenes 04:15 Various Boats 10:25 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 57
Box 12Add to your cart.
Item 1: Soybean Planting, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Soybean Planting, Loading Planter, Various Angles 02:30 Planting, Shots From Cab 04:50 Soybean Planting From Cab 05:10 Outside Shots From Cab 07:50 LS of Planting 09:20 LS of Late Spring Bean Planting 11:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 58
Item 2: Newspaper Production, 1988Add to your cart.
01:00 Newspapers Coming Off Press 01:30 Newspapers Bei-ed Up (News Gazette) 05:30 Printing Press Activity 11:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 59
Item 3: Meat Extrusion, 1988Add to your cart.
00:35 R. Villota & 3 Grad Students Putting Meat Through Ultra Modern Meat Extruder 17:25 Peter Bechtel w/Extruded Meat Snacks 21:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 60
Item 4: Grain Handling, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Loading Corn From Bin To Truck, On The Farm Various Shots, Farmers 11:30 Unloading Corn At Elevator (Brothers Elevator), Shots Of Truck On The Way To Elevator, (Farmers Chuck Acton, White Shirt, Lives North Of Collison)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 61
Item 5: Soybean Planting, Cultivating Corn, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Loading Planter w/ Soybeans 06:40 LS Various, Soybean Planting 14:05 Cultivating Corn, Adjusting Cultivator 16:15 Blue Period, Inc. Filter 17:50 LS, Soybean Planting Farmer, Paul Loeffler Late Planting In Drought Yr.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 62
Item 6: Assessor's Office, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Supervisor Of Assessment's Office, Champaign County Woman & Staff Member Talk About A Farm Assessment Various Shots With Plat Maps 05:40 Plat Maps, Various 07:00 Assessor, Looking At Plat Books w/ Acetate Overlays & Numbers 11:35 Different Taxpayer & Office Staff Member Looking At Plat Book 14:40 Assessment Books, Covers 15:05  End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 63
Item 7: Cultivation, Corn & Beans, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30  Cultivating Soybeans, Nw Of Philo, Early June, LS w/ One & Two Tractors 02:55 Above, With Philo In Background 04:30 Same, Close Angle, Rack Focus 06:20 Farmer In Beanfield W/Tractor & Cultivator Checking Soil Moisture -- Dry Soil, Checking Over Cultivator 11:30 Young Farmer Checking Condition Of Early June Corn, Se Of Philo 13:00 Same Farmer Cultivating Beans, Getting Out Of Tractor Cab, Checking Condition Of Beans -- Looking Over Field Back To Tractor, More Cultivating 17:20 Tractors Cultivating Beans, Long Shots      19:25 Drought Shots, Sun & Corn Leaves, Shots Corn Corn Rows, Dry Soil, Pans, Sun To Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 64
Item 8: Preparing Combine With Corn Head, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Combine Hooking Up To Corn Picker, Various Shots 02:50 Measuring Stripper Plates On Corn Combine, Various 05:50 Greasing Combine 08:05 Examining Corn, Normal & Other 09:55 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 65
Item 9: Soybean Planting, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Soybean Planting, Field Shots, Dry Conditions, Dust 03:10 Filling Planter 07:50 Farmer Loading Fertilizer Tank, One Shot 08:15 Planting Beans, Field Shots 09:00 Checking Planter 11:00 Planting Beans, Field Shots 12:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 66
Item 10: Seed Corn, On-Farm Storage, Truck LoadingAdd to your cart.
00:40 Farmer, Ed Gingerich, Loading Seed Bags In Pickup Truck 02:15 Reads Labels 04:45 Loads Truck From On-Farm Storage, Corn 08:50 Farmer Examines Corn, Sniffs For Mold 12:00 CU, Corn In Truck 14:30 Truck Dumps Corn (At Elevator Or On-Farm Storage) 16:40 On-Farm Storage, LS 17:30 Truck Leaves Farm 18:15 Truck On Highway 18:45 Highway Traffic & Amish Horse & Carriage, Rm Truck On Road
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 67
Item 11: US Capitol Building At Twilight, 1988Add to your cart.
00:15 US Capitol At Sunset, West Side, Medium Shots 02:55 LS, Down Pennsylvania Ave Toward Capitol, Twilight 05:40 Morning, Capitol Bldg, 08:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 68
Item 12: US Capitol Building, 1988Add to your cart.
00:35 Capitol Bldg, Morning Light, West Side 02:50 Capitol, East Side, Various Shots 10:35 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 69
Item 13: Washington, Dc Sites, 1988Add to your cart.
00:25 Dept. Of Interior Bldg 02:00 White House 05:20 Washington Monument W/ Flags 07:25 LS, Lincoln Memorial & Reflecting Pool 07:55 LS, White House 08:15 Flags At Base Of Washington Monument 08:40 LS, Capitol, Down Midway Circle Of Flags At Base Of Washington Monument 12:15 Circle Of Flags At Base Of Washington Monument 13:30 USDA Building 13:45 USDA Sign & Building, Various 17:30 LS Capitol, Down Midway 18:40 USDA Sign & Building 20:05 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 70
Item 14: Chicago, Lower Michigan AveAdd to your cart.
00:30 Street Signs 01:55 Man Walking At Street Corner 02:30 Cars On Street 03:00 Street Signs, On Busses, Benches, Poles 08:20 Grafitti 08:45 Shots Of Cars & Businesses From Moving Car 09:20 Pedestrian Crossing Sign 10:00 Grafitti 10:55 Same As 8:45 13:20 Grafitti 14:55 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 72
Item 15: Tolono Fs, 1988Add to your cart.
01:05 Fertilizer Spreader Inside Fs Shop 01:40 CU, Pesticides (Command, Sonalan, Treflan) 02:55 Farmer Pulls Out Two Herbicide Containers 03:15 P. Francek Puts Away Fertilizer And Then Walks Into Screen To Do Again, Cu 04:10 CU, Labels Of Pesticides 05:00 Outside Storage Of Fertilizers In Barn 06:20 Barn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 73
Box 13Add to your cart.
Item 1: Grocery StoreAdd to your cart.
00:45 Peaches 01:20 Cherries In A Box 01:50 Apricots, Potatoes, Green Beans, Lettuce 02:15 Male Shopper 03:00 Cookies 03:30 Crackers 04:30 Bakery Goods 06:00 Soup, Labels 08:10 Rice, Labels 10:30 Cereals, Shells 11:50 Spaghetti & Sauce 13:00 Woman Looking At Canned Veg. 14:30 Various, Sugar, Flour, Cake Mix 16:20 Food Labels 17:00 Mexican Foods 18:00 Chips 18:50 Dairy Products, Yogurt 19:35 Fish 20:10 Packaged Meats (Hot Dogs, Bacon, Sausage) 21:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 74
Item 2: Beef Cattle, 1988Add to your cart.
:30 Cattle Grazing Near Salt Fork River, Various Long Shots 3:00 Cattle & One-Armed Producer, Farmer Feeding Cattle, Cattle Feeding, Grazing, Drinking From Pond, Features Doc Pickard, Homer, Retired Extension Beef Specialist 15:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 75
Item 3: Illinois State Capitol BldgAdd to your cart.
Various Shots Of Capitol Bldg In Springfield
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 76
Item 4: Soybean Harvest, 1988Add to your cart.
0O:O0 Soybean Harvest, From Combine 03:50 Harvest, From Field 04:50 LS, Soybean Harvest 05:50 Mosquito Research
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 77
Item 5: James ThompsonAdd to your cart.
James Thompson, Governor Of Illinois
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 78
Item 6: Green Soybean HarvestAdd to your cart.
00:20 Harvest, Green Soybeans 03:10 CU, Beans Being Pressed Through Rollers Of Harvestor 04:30 CU, Beans Going Thru Harvestor Farmer's Face 05:45 Bean Field After Harvest 06:15 Farmer Checking Soybeans In Field 06:40 Harvestor Dumps Beans On Ground 08:00 Farmer Picks Out Track, Cu Beans 08:40 From Top Of Harvestor, Faces, Crushed Beans, Trash, Workers 12:00 Dumping Beans, From Harvestor 12:45 Interview With Pillsbury Rep. 14:30 Man Checking Processed Beans 15:25 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 79
Item 7: Green Soybean Processing, 1986Add to your cart.
00:15 Cleaning Whole Green Soybeans 02:30 Beans Placed In Cooker For Blanching 04:10 Cooling Beans, Rinsing, After Blanching 04:40 Frozen Beans In Tray 05:00 Al Nelson Interview 15:45 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 80
Item 8: Fast Food Restaurant, (Wendy's)Add to your cart.
00:30 Restaurant Activities 01:25 CU, Salad Bar & Hamburger 01:50 Cooking French Fries 02:30 Preparation Of Burger 04:00 Woman At Drive-Up Window 04:40 Woman Making Burger, Drive Up 07:30 Hamburger, Frosty, & Potato Preparation 09:00 Making A Hamburger 12:40 P. Francek Orders Food 14:00 Salad Bar, Cu 17:15 Francek Eating 19:30 Shot From Outside Of Drive-Up 21:30 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 81
Item 9: Farm Family ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:20 Small Girl Plays On Farm Pens 01:40 Farmer Walks To Pig Pens With Feed 03:00 Farmer & Pig Pen 03:45 Girl Holding Baby Pig 04:50 Farmer w/ Feed Buckets 05:20 Pigs Eating, Outside 06:00 Farmer Watching Pigs Eat 07:00 Girl w/ Piglet 08:20 Farmer, Girl & Dog Looking At Small Pig 09:00 Two Kids On Front Porch 11:25 School Bus Arrives, One Child Boards 12:45 Woman Walks To Van, Drives Away 15:45 Woman & Files At Work 16:45 Woman Typing 18:00 Woman Walking Up Courthouse Steps, Interior 20:30
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 82
Item 10: Campus Scenes, University Of IllinoisAdd to your cart.
00:30 Illini Union 01:55 Girl Studying On Grass 02:35 Three Students On Quad 02:45 Foreign Languages Bldg 03:15 Two Students On Quad, W/ Bike 03:45 F.A. (?) Bldg, Front 04:35 English Bldg 04:55 Students Walking On Quad 05:55 Students Playing Volleyball 06:45 Student W/ Wheelchair, On Quad-General Quad Activity 09:05 Girl Studying By Tree 11:10 Alma Mater 14:04 Morrow Plots & Mumford Hall 16:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 83
Item 11: Chicago, Michigan Avenue - High Angle ShotsAdd to your cart.
00:00 Traffic Cop 00:40 Street Scenes, More Traffic Cop 02:40 Sidewalk 04:20 City Buildings 05:00 Sidewalk, People 06:05 High Angle Views, Downtown Chicago, Bldgs, Lake, Etcs., From Observation Deck 14:40 Horse Drawn Carriages On Michigan Ave 16:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 86
Item 12: Old Time Ces Field Day - Film Transfer, 1948Add to your cart.
00:00 Soil Field Day, September 15, 1948, 16mm Film Transfer 10:40 End
Duration: U-Matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 87
Item 13: Grain Sorghum - Film Transfer from Dekalb-PfizerAdd to your cart.
Grain Sorghum Film Transfer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 88
Box 14Add to your cart.
Item 1: Shop Class, Electronics ShopAdd to your cart.
00:00 Shop Teacher With Class, CU Students' Faces 05:50 Students Working With Electrical Wire In Shop 06:50 Factory, Abandoned 09:15 Man Working With Scope 12:00 Woman Soldering 13:50 Woman Working On Circuit Board 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 89
Item 2: Caterpillar Factory, DecaturAdd to your cart.
00:00 Randy Mccabe Inventories Equipment 01:00 Assembly Line w/ Workers 06:45 WA Shot, Factory Workers 08:00 Welding 08:40 Man Working w/ Electrical Equipment 14:30 Woman, Black, Sands Welds 17:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 90
Item 3: Ag Chemicals, Library, Farm Writing ResumeAdd to your cart.
00:35 Farm Chemicals, Worker w/ Large Tanks 04:15 Chem Plant Worker w/ Truck 07:35 Chem Plant Office Work 10:20 Not Useable 15:05 Library, Man & Woman w/ Book 17:45 Farmer Working On Resume 22:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 91
Item 4: Soil Erosion, Crop ResidueAdd to your cart.
00:55 Lake 08:50 Rill In Field, No Crop 10:00 Hand In Rill 12:10 Hill w/ Bare Spot 13:40 Large Rill 14:20 Hand In Rill 15:50 Roots 16:30 Residue In Beans 18:45 Hand Moves Residue 19:00 LS, Field With Test Plot Signs
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 92
Item 5: Gun ShopAdd to your cart.
:35 Hand Guns In Glass Case 2:25 Duck Decoy 2:45 Sign, Van's Country Sport Store 3:30 Seed Dealer Signs & Hats 4:40 Counter Of Gun Store, People Pricing Shells 6:35 Man Inspecting & Cleaning Rifles 9:30 Man Leaves Bldg, Locks Door 9:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 93
Item 6: Grain Inspection, Corn  Barge At River, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Inspector Working At Desk 04:00 CU, Work On Desk Top, Various 05:40 Weighing Broken Corn 07:30 Using Line Slides 08:00 Line Slides, CU 10:45 Barge At River Elevator, Seen From Water 16:00 Work Boats, Moored In River 16:20 LS, Barges, Moored 16:30 View From Tug Boat 17:40 LS, Tug Boat In River 18:00 Barge, Filling 18:45 Truck Arrives, River Elevator 19:30 Truck Opens, Dumps Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 94
Item 7: Barge Loading At River Elevator (Sours Grain, Pekin), 1988Add to your cart.
00:00 Barge, From Shore 01:20 River 02:10 Elevator Bins At River 03:15 Conveyor To Barge 04:30 Machinery CU 05:00 Conveyor w/ Worker 05:50 Bins, Seen From End Of Conveyor 06:45 Corn On Conveyor 07:45 w/ River In Bkgnd 08:20 WA View Of River W/ Elevator & Barges 09:25 Tug Boat 10:00 Conveyor 11:15 Spout Filling Barge 14:00 Workers Watch 14:30 Barges, Moored 15:00 Barge, Filling w/ Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 95
Item 8: Corn Tests:  Computer Analysis, Breakage Susceptibility, 1988Add to your cart.
00:50 Computer Analysis, Corn, Marv Paulsen's Lab, Various Shots Of Equipment & Computer Image Of Corn Kernel 07:20 Breakage Susceptibility Testing (Green Centrifuge, Shaker, Stress Crack Viewer), Various Shots 12:20 Piling Corn Behind Glass, (Shows Central Accumulation Of Broken Corn & Dust)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 96
Item 9: Field Work Spring '89 Cover Crop, Herbicide, Field Prep.Add to your cart.
00:50 Tractor Sowing Oats, Cover Crop 05:30 Telephoto Shots Of Tractor 07:30 LA, Planter Driving Away 07:50 Farmer Checking Over Large Planter Before Season Start 08:50 Planter Backs Out Of Shed, Low Angle Shot 09:15 Planter Drives To Edge Of Field 10:25 Farmers Checking, Adjusting Planters 12:00 Tractor, Still, In Field 12:50 Early Cover Crop, WA & Telephoto 14:15 Tractor Enters & Exits Frame 16:00 Pre-Emergence Herbicide Application 16:35 WA, Tractor In Field 19:00 CU, Weeds 20:00 Tractor In Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 97
Item 10: Field Work & Planting, Spring '89, 1989Add to your cart.
00:30 Planter, Disk, And Chemical Applicator In Same Field 05:00 Planter Approaches Camera, Fills Screen, LA 05:55 Inside Planter Cab, Young Farmer Drives 09:20 Field Prep & Planting, Two Vehicles 10:20 Tractor Enters & Exits Frame, ECU, LA 11:10 More Shots, Various, Equipment In Field 16:10 New Location, Plowing
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 98
Item 11: Child Care, Elementary School, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Small Town Street, Mother & Child To Baby Sitter 03:00 Elementary School, Teacher Arriving, Classroom Scenes:  Blackboard, Students,  Student-Teacher Interaction About 4th Grade, Children Printing In Workbooks 11:00 CU, Teacher 16:00 Teacher & Students At Table 19:00 Student-Teacher Or Aide
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 99
Item 12: Soybean Inspection, Andersons In Champaign, 1988Add to your cart.
00:25 Soybean Inspection, Various Procedures 11:07 Comparing Damaged Beans w/ Line Photos, Various CU Of Soybeans 13:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 13: Corn Planting, 1988Add to your cart.
Drought Conditions 00:25 Tractors, Planting & Cultivating 06:30 Farmer Gets Out Of Tractor 06:55 Farmer Loads Planter With Seed Corn 13:25 Farmer Walks Back To Tractor, Planting 17:35 Seed Bags On Trailer 19:30 End Farmer, Lowell ?? Saybrook
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 101
Item 14: Crayfish Farming, 1988Add to your cart.
00:40 Pond 01:00 Man w/ Net, Examines Catch 01:40 Crayfish In Net 02:00 Pulls Trap From Water 03:50 Empties Trap 04:20 CU, Crayfish 06:30 Ponds, Pan 09:15 Man On Dock 10:00 Crayfish Tanks Outdoors, Beaumont 12:50 Indoor Crayfish Tanks 14:30 CU, Crayfish
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 102
Item 15: Spider Mites, Field Inspection, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Local Extension Advisor & Farmer Inspection Field 03:00 Examining Soil & Plants 04:25 Ext. Advisor & Differend Farmer Examine Beans 07:55 Soybean Leaves 08:40 Two Farmers & Advisor 11:35 Low Angle Look At Beans 14:35 Dead Soybean Plants 17:20 Spider Mite Inspection 17:45 Three Farmers & Ext. Advisor 20:00 Farmer & Advisor Inspect Corn Plants 22:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 103
Box 15Add to your cart.
Item 1: Soybeans In Field, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 CU, ZO 01:30 Various CU's 02:30 CU, Backlit 03:20 CU, Zoom Out To Ms 03:40 WS, Field 04:40 ECU Beans In Hand 05:40 CU Bean Pods 06:15 CU Beans In Hand 07:30 CU, Insect On Soybeans 08:00 WS Field W/ Horizon 08:30 Bldg On Horizon 09:00 Town Beyond Bean Field 09:30 Grasshopper 10:00 Beantop Level, Rack Focus 11:10 Elevator & Bean Field, Various
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 104
Item 2: Aerials, 1988Add to your cart.
Farmland, Fields & Buildings From Willard Airport To Monticello & Back, Shot At End Of Summer-Long Drought 13:30 Highway Interchange 15:00 Tolono 18:30 Approach To Willard Airport 14:00 Several Farmsteads & Homes 11:45 Pilot
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 105
Item 3: Soybean Harvest, 1988Add to your cart.
00:35 Grain Elevator (Royal) w/ Combine In Foreground 03:00 Filling Wagons In Field 05:20 Harvesting Soybeans, From Cab And Porch Of Combine 10:10 Dumping Beans, High Angle 12:30 Combine, Moving Side Shot From Car [Evil Mccabe, Single Handed] 13:45 Combine Harvesting Beans, Various 17:35 End Farmer, Randy Loschen, Royal
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 106
Item 4: Corn Harvest, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Combine Head, From Cab 03:00 Farmer In Combine Cab 04:20 LA, Combine 04:25 Combine Spout 04:30 Farmer, Thru Cab Window 04:50 Combine Goes Into Field 05:00 LS, Combine In Field, Approaching 06:40 Dumping To Truck 07:10 From Combine, On-Board Bin 08:10 View Ahead, From Cab 08:30 On-Board Bin 09:40 Farmer In Cab 10:20 Combine Head 11:20 Farm Wagon 12:00 Combine Passes 12:20 Farmer Looking Over Machinery
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 107
Item 5: Computer Imaging, Soybeans, 1988Add to your cart.
Computer Imaging Soybeans Marv Paulsen's Lab Equipment, Activity, Computer Image Of Soybean
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 108
Item 6: Train Loading, Soybeans, Champaign Il, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 LS, Andersons, Field, Ready For Harvest, In Foreground 05:50 Train Loading, From Ground Level, Various 09:20 CU Train Wheel 10:00 CU Engine Operator 11:55 From Loading Level, Various Workers In Some Shots 16:00 Begin Filling Rail Cars 17:00 Rail Cars Move Past Spout
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 109
Item 7: Grain Loading / Ship at Andersons / Maumee River Elevator, 1988Add to your cart.
01:00 LS of Ship At Dock, Dockside Elevator, Various 08:30 Ship At Dock, Railroad Bridge In Foreground 10:20 Ship At Dock, From Stern 11:30 Elevator Spouts 12:35 Ship At Dock, Train On Bridge 13:20 Ship Moored At Dock, Lines 14:20 Aerials, Ship Being Loaded (From Top Of Elevator Bins) 16:30 River, Tilt Down To Ship At Dock, Toledo In Backgroundx
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 110
Item 8: Soybean Harvest, 1988Add to your cart.
01:00 Combine [Gleaner] Enters Field 01:40 Combine Approaches 02:40 Dumping To Truck 04:20 CU, Combine Starting Thru Field 05:00 LS, Two Combines Approach 08:30 Truck In Field 09:20 Working On Combine 12:10 Truck Goes To Elevator 13:30 Dumps Beans From Truck 14:40 Country Elevator Office 15:20 Combine In Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 111
Item 9: Soybean Extrusion INTSOY, 1988Add to your cart.
00:25 Soybean Expulsion & Extrusion, Various Shots Three Or Four Intsoy People Working 16:55 Al Nelson Checks Things Out 19:25 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 112
Item 10: Soybean Harvest / Taking Beans to Elevator, 1988Add to your cart.
00:35 Off-Loading Beans From Combine To Truck 02:20 Taking Beans To Elevator [Fithian] & Trip Back To Field 10:10 Two Combines, Bean Harvest, Various, All Outside The Combine 21:40 End Farmers:  Jarry & Rex Hobick & Sue Hobick (Mrs. Jerry), Fithian
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 113
Item 11: Grain Loading - Andersons River Elevator -- The Anna, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Grain Spout w/ Soybeans 04:30 Hold Interior During Loading 05:30 Soybeans In Hold, Half Full (Shows Various Colors) 06:40 ZO From Surface 09:05 The Anna, From Ship's Bridge During Soybean Loading 11:30 Elevator Bins, To Ship Deck 14:30 Spout, CU 16:00 From Bow Of Anna 19:30 Train, Ship In Foreground 20:30 Worker On Train Cars, Grain Bins In Background
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 114
Item 12: Grain Loading - Ship at Andersons - Maumee, OH, 1988Add to your cart.
01:20 Worker In Hold Of Ship, On Grain 02:20 Worker Climbs Ladder 03:00 Loading Ship, Spout And Hold 04:00 CU Soybeans 04:50 CU Spout 06:00 Beans Migrating On Surface Of Hold 06:15 Soybean Stream 07:00 Worker, With Spout 09:20 Workers On Deck 09:30 Moving Spout 11:00 Grain Inspection, General 14:40 Very Bad Soybean Sample
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 115
Item 13: Grain Inspections - Soybeans  - Andersons, Maumee, OH, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 General Inspection Activity:  Weighing, Sifting, Moisture, Testing, Filling Out Inspection Certificates, Handling Soybeans At Counter, Operating Truck Probe 12:30 Trucks Pull Through Inspection Area 19:30 Probe Sampling In Trucks 20:00 Trucks On Inclined Dump
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 116
Item 14: Andersons, OH - Grain Trucks - Ship Loading - Grain Inspection, 1988Add to your cart.
01:00 Trucks Arriving At Elevator 03:30 Truck Dumping, Trucks On Lifts, Corn & Soybeans 09:00 Hopper Truck, Open Bottom ________________________________________________ 10:00 Ship Loading, From Overhead 12:15 Export Elevator Control Room 14:15 Loading Instructions ________________________________________________ 18:00 Fgis Inspectors, Separating Samples 18:30 Weighing 20:00 Moisture Measurement 20:30 Sam-and
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 117
Item 15: Rotterdam Harbor   - Dub Of Tape Shot By Iowa State University Ag ComAdd to your cart.
00:30 Various Views Of Ships & Harbor 08:00 Crew Members Carry Supplies On Board Ship 11:00 Loading System For Grain, Conveyors & Elevators 13:15 Rotterdam CU, Stern 18:00 Three Tourists [Ag Officials?] 20:30 Graige
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 118
Box 16Add to your cart.
Item 1: Soybean Harvest, 1988Add to your cart.
00:O0 LS, From Side (Best Shot, 07:30) 09:10 Low Angle Approach & Retreat 10:20 Unloading To Truck 11:50 In Cab Of Combine 12:15 Dog Following Combine 13:00 Hopper 15:30 Farmer, In Cab 15:50 CU, Tire 16:30 Farmer's Face In Mirror 17:30 Hopper 17:50 CU, Head 19:00 Unloading To Truck 20:50 CU, From Side
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 119
Item 2: Soybean Analysis, Iowa State Campus, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Grain Quality Analysis, 3 Student Lab Workers, Various Shots 05:00 Sign Grain Quality Lab, Iowa State... 05:20 Soybean Analysis 09:35 Prof Charles Hurburgh, Iowa State, Protein, Oil & Moisture Analysis 14:55 Iowa State University Fall Campus Scenes
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 120
Item 3: Soybean Seed Factory, 1988Add to your cart.
00:40 Large Cleaner 01:30 CU, Beans In Cleaner-Sorter 01:45 CU, Machine Detail 06:00 Bean Sorting, Vibrating Table 06:30 Worker w/ Sorting Table 08:00 Beans On Sorting Table 09:00 Worker Examines Beans 09:30 CU, Seed-Quality Beans In Hand 10:00 Worker 10:50 Beans Thru Spouts 12:10 Bagging Area, Various Shots Bags Filling, Stacking Loaded On Pallet, Forklift
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 121
Item 4: Soybean Seed Factory, 1988Add to your cart.
00:40 Seed Bags, Sewing Closed 01:50 Seed Bags, Filling 03:40 Truck Arriving At Seed Plant
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 122
Item 5: Meat Lab - Butchering, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Cutting Up Beef At University Meats Lab 09:15 Beaumont Stand Ups
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 123
Item 6: Meat Counter, Grocery Store, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Meat Counter, Beef Section w/ Customer 02:10 Butcher Straightening Up Meat Section 02:55 Chicken Section w/ Customer 04:30 Gound Mepon w/ Customer [Mother & 2 Kids] 06:00 Marvin Paulsen [!] Intvw
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 124
Item 7: Beef Cutting, Packaging, Shopping, 1988Add to your cart.
01:00 Man w/ Knife 01:20 Wrapped Cuts 01:30 CU, Band Saw 03:00 Cutting By Hand 05:40 CU, Face 06:00 Cuts On Counter 08:45 Wrapping 09:40 Finished Packages 10:20 Pricing 13:00 Retail, Stocking Shelves 15:00 Evaristo Mwale 15:30 Shopper 20:00 Checkout Lane, Grocery Store, County Market, Champaign, Where Customers Bag Their Own
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 125
Item 8: Illinois Crop Improvement Association, Corn & Soybeans, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Workers Sorting Soybean Seeds, Various 04:30 Sorting Seed Corn, Various 07:30 Germination Tests, Corn & Soybeans 15:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 126
Item 9: Soybean Research - Chromosome Mapping - Exotic Varieties, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Scientist Using Microscope 03:10 Beaumont & Scientist Examining Chromosome Map [Shows Topeka] 05:30 Researcher Examining Different Soybean Plant Varieties In Lab 08:30 Various Shots Of Different Soybean Varieties 10:35 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 127
Item 10: Leal School - Kids Arriving BussesAdd to your cart.
00:25 Leal School, Morning, Kids Going Into Bldg, Busses Unloading 02:50 Kids Getting On School Bus, Inside Bus 03:35 Ki?ing Bus, Outside, Bus Leaving 04:45 Munir Cheryan Intvw
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 128
Item 11: Wheat Fields, Sun, Deer, Water PumpAdd to your cart.
00:30 Research Inspecting Weather Data Equipment 02:20 Wind Vane 04:10 Wheat & Soybean Fields 06:00 Sun -- (Drought Sky?) 09:45 Railroad Passing Thru Field, Ls 10:15 Baling Wheat Straw 14:00 Wheat & Bean Fields 15:45 Water Pump (Old Fashioned) In Field 19:40 Deer (Adult And Small One) In Woods, Watch Camera Then Move Away
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 129
Item 12: Campus Scenes, UI News BureauAdd to your cart.
01:00 Union, From Quad, Spring 02:15 English Bldg 02:55 Telephoto, Students On Sidewalk 03:55 Students Near Union, Altgeld In Bkgd 04:20 Union, From Quad, Fall? 05:05 Students On Sidewalk 05:45 CU, Students Sit On Quad, Talk 06:20 Sidewalk, Few Students, Telephoto 07:05 Students Walk, Trees 07:42 Assembly Hall Framed By Spring Flowers 08:20 Football Halftime Show From Pressbox, 1988 10:30 Basketball Halftime, Chief Illiniwek 12:15 Drama At Krannert 14:30 Students Study In Sm. Library 15:15 Students Study,  D Lib 17:35 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 130
Item 13: Construction Site, Biotechnology Building, Ui Agriculture CampusAdd to your cart.
00:00 Site As Of 3-14-89 04:30 Site As Of 3-29-89 07:10 Site As Of 4-11-89 10:10 Site As Of 5-1-89 12:20 Site As Of 5-15-89 16:15 Desktop Display, Study Abroad Brochures 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 131
Item 14: Construction Site, Biotechnology Building, Ui Agriculture CampusAdd to your cart.
0:00 Site As Of 3-21-89 2:30 Site As Of 4-4-89 3:55 Site As Of 4-19-¨Site As Of 5-8-89 10:45 Site As Of 5-15-89
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 132
Item 15: Agricultural Laboratory, Computer & GraphicsAdd to your cart.
00:00 Student Counting Objects Viewed Thru Microscope 01:10 CU, Counter 01:30 CU, Petri Dish Under Microscope Lens 02:00 CU, Student Using Microscope 02:30 Scientist Using PC And Computer Graphics 03:20 Hand On PC Mouse 03:45 CU, Plant Leaf On Palette 04:10 Computer Graphic, Plant Leaf 05:05 Camera Lens For Computer Display 05:30 Scientists Face -- Art Spomer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 133
Item 16: USDA Office, Champaign County/ Met Med, Greenhouse HeadhouseAdd to your cart.
00:00 Sign, USDA And Ascs Offices 00:50 USDA Exteriors 01:45 American Flag On Pole 02:40 Reception Area, Ascs Office 03:30 Worker w/ PC In Ascs Office 04:40 Worker w/ Calculator 05:10 Various, Office Work w/ Computer & Calculator 08:45 Build Illinois Poster 10:25 Govt Brochures In Rack 12:20 Vet Med Building, UI, Exterior 14:30 New Greenhouse Comp
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 134
Box 17Add to your cart.
Item 1: Biotechnology Building Construction, Student Services, Financial AidAdd to your cart.
00:00 Construction Co. Sign, Biotech 01:15 Site 02:20 Financial Aid Office, w/ Students 04:25 Office Sign 05:15 Student Talks To Clerk 06:15 Turner Sign Outside Bldg 08:35 Turner Bldg, Wa 10:30 Bldg Sign
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 135
Item 2: Campus Scenes, WinterAdd to your cart.
00:00 Quad Sidewalks, Telephoto & LA 02:50 Illini Union, From Auditorium 03:50 Foellinger Auditorium 07:05 Students On Sidewalk 08:35 Illini Union Interior, S. Lounge, Various 13:00 Students Studying 13:55 Student Info Booth, w/ Poster 15:45 Exteriors, Quad
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 136
Item 3: Mumford Hall In SnowAdd to your cart.
00:00 Mumford Hall Sign 01:50 Students On Sidewalk 02:10 Sign, Building 03:25 MS, Building 04:25 Snowball Fight, Students 05:20 Quad Sidewalks
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 137
Item 4: Quad Scenes, SpringAdd to your cart.
00:00 Students Study, Outside Near Union 02:05 LS, Union 02:35 Hare Krishnas Solicit 03:55 Students Lying In Grass 05:20 UI Police Talking By Union 05:50 Girl Blowing Bubbles 06:25 Students Seated On Auditorium Railing 06:45 UI Police
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 138
Item 5: Campus Scenes, Architectural DetailsAdd to your cart.
00:00 Beckman Archway 01:55 UI Shield 05:55 Beckman Tower 08:10 WA, Beckman 09:25 Davenport Hall, Wa, Side 10:10 College Pgn On Davenport 10:30 Pans, Details, Columns 14:20 Statue At Auditorium
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 139
Item 6: Bicycle Ride On QuadAdd to your cart.
A McCabe/Parker Spectacular
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 140
Item 7: Bicycle Ride On QuadAdd to your cart.
Another Wacky Reel Of Family Fun By That Madcap Duo Of Steve And Randy.  Great For Birthday Parties.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 141
Item 8: Sheep, Champaign-Urbana, CampusAdd to your cart.
00:35 Sheep, In Doorways & Pens 03:15 CU, Sheep Faces 05:40 UI President's House 08:20 Interstate Sign, Champaign Urbana 11:00 Morrow Plots Sign, Mumford In Bkgd, Various Zooms, Pans 14:45 LS, Mumford Hall, Slow Zoom 18:40 Ag Engineering Bldg
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 142
Item 9: UI Sports Highlights, From WCIAAdd to your cart.
00:10 Chief Illiniwek Dances At Indoor Pep Rally In Seattle, March 89 (Audio -- Reporter's Vo) 00:35 Various Highlights & Crod Shots, Illinois-Michigan NCAA Semi-Final Game 02:00 Various, 1988 All-America Bowl Football Game, Birmingham, Ala. 02:55 1988 Women's Volleyball, Kenney Gym 04:00 Two Shots Marching Illini, Post-Game Show In Memorial Stadium
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 143
Item 10: Farm Buildings, Pigs, FarmersAdd to your cart.
00:20 LS, Farmhouse, David Stafford 02:00 Pig Building, Pan To Meeting- Men In Driveway 03:35 PAN, Farmhouse To Barn 03:50 Faces Of Men Standing In Driveway 05:00 Feeding Pigs In Outdoor Lot 06:15 Pigs In Wallow, Outdoor Lot 07:40 On-Farm Grain Storage 08:50 Barn, Hog Wallow 10:10 Farmer Inside Pig Building 13:00 Camera Moves Down Aisle In Pig Building 13:30 Nursery Room In Confinement Bldg 14:30 Farrowing Room, Sows w/ Piglets 16:10 Feed Grinding, Two Farmers (David Stafford & Dwayne) 17:00 Feed Tubes In Confinement Building
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 144
Item 11: Spring TillageAdd to your cart.
01:15 Cooperative Extension Office, Exterior, Champaign Co. 05:00 Early Spring Field Work, Tractor w/ Field Cultivator 07:00 LA, Above 08:20 Good Shot Of Cultivator As Tractor Passes 10:00 Chemical Application, Floatation Truck (Probably Lime) 12:50 Floatation Truck, Closer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 145
Item 12: Imported Swine Research Building, EmptyAdd to your cart.
00:30 Aerial, Wa 02:40 Across Settling Pond 04:00 LA, From Southeast Corner 04:30 Ventillation System, Exterior 06:30 Interior W/ Few Pens 07:30 Breeding Area -- Construction Tools Still Around 07:45 Waste Pit 09:00 Instruments On Wall 09:25 Work Space w/ Stainless Table 10:00 Elevated Pens For Young Pigs 10:25 Sprinkler System 11:00 Controls On Wall 11:30 Workers Assemble Pens 12:00 Ventillation System, Interior 13:50 Feed System 14:20 Room w/ Pens 15:15 Gauges & Instruments
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 146
Item 13: Chinese Pigs Arrive At UI, 1989Add to your cart.
00:00 Truck Backs To Dock 02:00 Gomes & Others Wait 02:50 J. Courson w/ Camera In Hand 03:00 Little Girl 03:15 D. Mclaren, J. Rundquist 03:50 Truck Gate Goes Up 04:00 Pigs Start Down Chute 07:15 D. Holt Herds Pigs 08:50 Three Pigs On Truck Ramp 11:50 Mclaren Herds Pigs 14:30 Meishan Sow, Cu 17:00 Exteriors, More Pigs 18:40 LS Truck At Dock
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 147
Item 14: Chinese Pigs In PensAdd to your cart.
Various Good Shots, Meishan Pigs In Pens (Some Deck Trouble, Ran All The Time, Some Unusable Tape)
UnitID: ACES Tape: 148
Item 15: Pigs, Jack Rundquist Pig Production FacilitiesAdd to your cart.
00:25 Grain Storage & Other Buildings 02:50 Farm Truck Leaves Storage Bin 03:30 Grain Storage 04:30 Pig Buildings, Ext., w/ Cooling 04:50 Pig Buildings, Ext., w/ Ventillation 05:40 Buildings, General, Feed Distribution System 06:55 Pigs, Filthy, Outdoors 10:40 Farmer Washes Pigs & Pens w/ Hose 14:25 Sow w/ Nursing Litter 16:10 Farmer Feeding Pigs 17:00 Farmer Checks Chart In Confinement Building 18:00 Sow w/ Nursing Litter 1:00 Nursery, Small Pigs
UnitID: ACES Tape: 149
Item 16: Chinese Pigs, 1989Add to your cart.
00:50 Two UI Workers Bring Meishan Boar Down Aisle In Swine Bldg 03:20 LA, CU, Boar In Aisle 04:30 Meishan Boar In Breeding Pen W/Dummy 08:40 Brings Sow Into Breeding Pen 09:50 Boar & Sow In Breeding Pen (Do Not Mate) 13:00 Collecting Boar 16:50 Examining Semen Under Microscope
Duration: M7 8800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 150
Box 18Add to your cart.
Item 1: Chinese Pigs, 1989Add to your cart.
00:20 Semen Under Microscope 01:25 Feeding Time, Yorkshires & Meishans 04:45 Boar (Taihu) 05:45 Meishan, Eating 07:50 Various Shots, Meishan Sows & Boars 09:50 Interviews w/ Diane Bidner
UnitID: ACES Tape: 151
Item 2: Dairy Cows, 1989Add to your cart.
0:00 Various Shots, Feeding Dairy Cows, Interiors & Exteriors 7:00 End
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 152
Item 3: Wheat HarvestAdd to your cart.
00:20 Wheat Field, From Combine Cab, Farmer's Perspective 01:50 Combine Head 02:20 Farmer, CU 02:40 From Porch On Combine 03:40 Farmer, Driving 04:25 Insecticidal Soap, Labels, Safer Brand Name 05:10 Gardner Uses Product, Fills Bottle, Sprays On Plants 07:25 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 153
Item 4: Bean Harvest -- LudlowAdd to your cart.
00:00 Bean Field w/ Combine 01:15 CU, Beans 02:10 Combine In Field, TELE 04:20 LA Shot, Combine 05:10 CU, Beans 05:40 Combine, Various 08:50 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 154
Item 5: Slaughterhouse/ Packing PlantAdd to your cart.
00:00 Men (Plant Employee And Pork Producers) Examine Hanging Carcasses 03:00 Same Guys Walk From Parking Lot Into Packing Plant
UnitID: ACES Tape: 155
Item 6: Pigs In Show Ring And In NurseryAdd to your cart.
01:00 People Observe Pigs In Show Ring.  Packing Plant Rep. Selects 06:35 Pig Nursery (John Kellogg's) 06:50 Farmer Examines Piglets, Checks Records 11:05 Ends
UnitID: ACES Tape: 156
Item 7: Pigs' Ring, Arrive At FairgroundsAdd to your cart.
00:45 Show Ring, LS 01:40 Students Observe Pigs, Make Notes 03:10 J. Kellogg's Pigs Arrive At Fairgrounds 03:40 Trailer Backs Up 04:10 Pigs Come Down Chute 06:10 Pigs Moved For Weighing, Numbering And Tatooing 06:30 Weighing & Numbering (w/ Paint) 08:55 Tatooing 10:40 Pigs In Pen 11:10 Explains Rules Of Judging Contest 12:10 Farmers Observe Pigs & Mark Score Sheets 15:10 Show Ring, From Grandstand 15:40 Packing Co. Rep Talks About Pigs Judged 19:20 Spectators At Judging Contest 20:10 Pigs In Ring
UnitID: ACES Tape: 157
Item 8: Pigs -- Going To Fairgrounds/MarketAdd to your cart.
00:45 Sunrise Over Farm Buildings 02:50 Confinement Building, Getting Pigs From Pens (Low Light, Gain Up) 08:00 Loading Pigs In Trailer 11:00 Farmer (J. Kellogg) Gets In Truck Cab 11:40 Truck Leaves Farm 13:30 Truck & Trailer On Road 14:30 Truck Arrives At Fairgrounds 15:30 Men Stand Around Swine Pavillion 15:50 Weighing & Tatooing Pigs 19:25 Ends
UnitID: ACES Tape: 158
Item 9: CanolaAdd to your cart.
00:30 Canola Flowers 01:30 Field Of Canola In Bloom 01:40 Beaumont & Nafziger In Field 03:05 Canola Field, Various 06:45 Canola Field, Tractor In Background (Cultivating) 08:10 Canola Field -- Rack Focus  D 09:50 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 159
Item 10: Soil Erosion FilmAdd to your cart.
USDA Soil Erosion Film Prepared In The 1940s, Approximately
UnitID: ACES Tape: 160
Item 11: River, Middle ForkAdd to your cart.
Various Shots, Clean Water, Bluffs, Blue Sky.  Ice At Edges Of Running Water 7:50 Rocks On Bottom Seen Through Running Water.  Good 0 Emphasize Clean, Clear Water
UnitID: ACES Tape: 161
Item 12: Shitake Mushrooms, 1988Add to your cart.
00:40 Man Walks In Woods, Looks At Logs For Mushrooms 02:30 CU, Mushrooms 04:00 Picking pms 06:00 Weighing 10:40 Beaumont 17:10 CU, Mushrooms 22:00 End
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 162
Item 13: Altgeld Hall Bells, 1989Add to your cart.
0:10 Various Shots.  Bells, Clappers, Cables, Etc. 4:25 End
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 163
Item 14: Dairy Farm, UIAdd to your cart.
00:40 Exteriors, Some Window Cows 02:30 Calf In Small Pen 03:30 Cows Eating 04:30 Behind Fence 06:40 Profile, Harvestores In Bkgd 07:20 Truck w/ Trailer On Road 07:35 Dairy Science Research Farm Sign 08:15 Throwing Bales Off Truck 08:10 Cows Eating 09:15 Interiors, Various Cus 10:00 Chewing 10:30 Feeding 16:00 Eating 18:30 Cows Enter Barn, Interior 21:00 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 164
Item 15: Kids On Tractors, 1989Add to your cart.
00:30 Beaumont Stand-Up 01:45 Boy & Girl Bicycle On Road Past Barn 02:00 Boy Gets On Tractor, Drives Off 03:45 Tractor Leaves Farm Yard, Drives Down Road, Kid Driving 07:00 Same As Above, CU 07:10 Wheels On Road 08:50 Father & Son In Tractor Cab (From Front) 12:00 Father & Son Drive Away 12:35 Father & Son Drive To Camera 13:30 Kid Fuels Tractor 15:25 Little Girl Climbs Onto Tractor, Pretends To Drive
Duration: M7 8800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 165
Box 19Add to your cart.
Item 1: Strip CroppingAdd to your cart.
00:20 Field Cultivator 01:00 Chisel Plow 02:00 Farmer & Beaumont Approach, Discuss 04:10 Corn, Soybean Strips, Near Harvest Time 06:30 Farmer Walks Thru Crop, Examines Ear Of Corn 07:20 CU Cross-Section, Ear 08:40 Beaumont Stand-Up 12:00 Corn, Beans, Strip Crop 12:20 CU Bean Pods, Ripe 12:55 CU Ear Or Corn, Ripe 13:00 Strips 14:30 Drive-By Strip--end
UnitID: ACES Tape: 166
Item 2: Soybean Planting, 1989Add to your cart.
00:20 Planter, Head-On, Telephoto 02:20 Farmer In Tractor Cab (John Ulser) 05:20 Wheels 05:45 Planter, From Tractor, Detail Of Planter 08:00 Turns 09:20 LS Farm Bldgs, Tractor Crosses Scene 10:30 LS Tractor, Telephoto 13:20 LA, Planter Head-On, Center 13:50 13-Year-Old Girl Drives Tractor, Various 16:10 CU Field Cultivator 17:40 Farmer Fills Planter 20:50 Finishes Filling, Drives Off 21:20  End
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 167
Item 3: Soybean Planting  (John Ulser & Daughter), 1989Add to your cart.
00:25 Seed Sacks, Stacked 03:20 Tractor W/ Seed Bags A-o Fill Planter 04:00 Farmer Fills Planter 07:00 Planter Drives Off 07:35 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 168
Item 4: Walking SoybeansAdd to your cart.
Family Walks Soybean--Various Shots, Man & Several Kids Walk Bean Field & Chop Weeds w/ Hoe.
UnitID: ACES Tape: 169
Item 5: Spring Field Work, 1989Add to your cart.
00:40 Herbicide Application, High Tractor w/ Foliar Spray 01:30 Herbicide Containers: Banvel, Buctril, Salvo, Marksman 02:00 High Tractor, Spraying 05:30 Anhydrous 06:15 Hooking Tank To Tractor 08:15 Farmer w/ Face Shield, Opens Valve 08:50 Cloud Of Ammonia 09:00 Tank 09:20 Cultivating Corn 11:00 Cultivating, Shot From Tractor 13:30 Farmer, Driving Tractor 16:20 Speedometer, Tachometer 16:45 LS Cultivator, Telephoto, General
UnitID: ACES Tape: 170
Item 6: Water WellAdd to your cart.
00:30 Chemical Appl. Near Well 01:20 Well Head 03:30 Tractor Near Pump 03:50 Pump & Well Head 06:15 Well, Derrick, Tractor & Ammonia 07:30 CU Ammonia Label 08:15 Connect Ammonia Tank To Tractor 11:25 Farmyard w/ Windmill, Trucks, Etc. 12:00 Windmill Turning In Light Breeze 12:30 Bucket Of Water At Farmyard Tap 13:00 Gasoline Pump Close To Well 14:50 Cattle
UnitID: ACES Tape: 171
Item 7: Milking, UI Dairy FarmAdd to your cart.
00:50 WA, Cows Moved Into Area 01:30 Milking Machines 01:45 CU, Machine On Udder 02:30 Various, Milking Machines 04:15 Worker Attaches Machine 05:20 Milking Machines, General 06:15 Machines Attached 06:35 CU Of Machine, Follow Milk Path 07:15 Worker 08:00 Collection Co-m?
UnitID: ACES Tape: 172
Item 8: Winter Farmland Scenes -- No Snow, ScenicAdd to your cart.
0:35 Bare Fields, Farm In Distance 1:40 Country Road 2:25 Farmers Burn Fencerow 3:15 CU Soil & Corn Husk 3:50 Field & Fire 4:35 Tractor Pulling Stump (Dog Barking) 5:00 Digging, Hooking Chain To Stump 7:50 Tractor, Pulling 9:25 Digging, Chaining 10:30 Fencerow Burning 13:50 Empty Field 19:40 Empty Field, Ab?house 20:35 Weed Pod 21:20 Empty Field, Weeds In Foreground 21:30 Country Road 21:45 Fencerow, Abandoned House, Barbed Wire, Weeds
UnitID: ACES Tape: 173
Item 9: Public Swimming PoolAdd to your cart.
00:00 Various, Middle-Aged & Younger Swimmers, Laps, Sunbathing, Etc. 06:55 Older Man, Laps 10:50 Overweight Women, Exercises In Shallow Water 14:20 Other Swimmers, Pool Activity 17:30 Older Man Steps To Pool Edge, Dives In 18:00 Bob Siebrecht Swims
UnitID: ACES Tape: 174
Item 10: Watching TV, Drinking In Bar, GardeningAdd to your cart.
01:45 Man Watching TV While Smoking, Drinking 05:20 CU, Ashtray, Potato Chips, Beer 07:05 Bar w/ Drinkers Hands, Smoking Cigarettes 12:30 Older Couple, Gardening 13:30 CU, Man & Woman Weeding, Collecting Vegetables 15:50 CU, Woman Hoeing 18:25 LA Shot, Woman 22:15 Couple Leaves, Walks Away--Øcamera
UnitID: ACES Tape: 175
Item 11: Gardening, BicyclingAdd to your cart.
00:40 Older Couple Leave Garden Carrying Vegetables 02:00 Middle-Aged Couple Bicycling On Suburban Street (Moving Shots, Head-On & Side) 05:25 CU Woman Cycling, Details Shots Of Bike 06:05 Couple Riding Side-By-Side 10:20 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 176
Item 12: Jogging & Walking In ParkAdd to your cart.
00:00 Three Women Jogging & Walking In Crystal Lake Park Moving Shots, Various 13:40 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 177
Item 13: Park Activity  (Middle-Aged Couple In Park)Add to your cart.
00:00 Middle-Aged People Walking Near Play Equipment 02:30 Man On Monkey Bars 03:00 Overweight Woman Jogging On Trail 06:00 Woman Walking On Trail 08:55 Couple Walking On Trail 09:50 Man Doing Calisthenics 10:00 Family Walking On Sidewalk, Jogger Goes By 11:30 People Walking On Bridges
UnitID: ACES Tape: 178
Item 14: Middle-Aged People Walk In Park/  CampingAdd to your cart.
00:00 Middle-Aged Couple Walking In Park 04:05 Family w/ Dog Walking 05:00 Overweight Woman Walking Toward Fountain 06:00 Side View, Woman Walks By Fountain 11:00 Family Tenting In Woods 13:35 Low Angle View Of Woods
UnitID: ACES Tape: 179
Item 15: Aerobics Class, Middle-Aged & Older ParticipantsAdd to your cart.
00:00 LS, Instructor & Four Men 07:30 Side View Activity 10:40 Rev. Angle, Instructor 13:35 CU, Faces Of Participants
UnitID: ACES Tape: 180
Item 16: Aerobics ClassAdd to your cart.
0:00 People Exercising, Instructor, Participants (Middle-Aged Men & Women) 6:05 People Doing Calisthenics, Stretching On Floor 14:10  Ends
UnitID: ACES Tape: 181
Box 20Add to your cart.
Item 1: Tai Chi/ Fat Testing, TreadmillAdd to your cart.
00:00 Elderly Women Practice Tai Chi In Park 02:35 Various, Older Women Exercising 13:50 Nurse Operating Weight Scale 15:20 Fat Testing w/ Calipers 15:50 Treadmill Testing, Subject 16:50 Subject w/ Electrodes Attached 18:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 182
Item 2: Middle-Aged Activity/ Park Activity/ Women's Softball GameAdd to your cart.
00:45 Woman Hangs Clothes In Yard 03:40 Man Rests On Park Bench Near Fountain 05:50 Women's Ballgame, Pitcher & Batter 11:00 Ballgame, Field Action 16:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 183
Item 3: AmbulanceAdd to your cart.
00:00 Ambulance Drives Toward Camera, Several Takes 03:25 Flashing Lights On Ambulance, Moving Shot 04:00 CU, Flashing Lights 05:35 CU, Grill Of Ambulance, Lights 08:15 Carle Hospital From Street 09:00 CU, Stretcher, Pulled Along, Enters Emergency Entrance
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 184
Item 4: Doctor Checking Blood PressureAdd to your cart.
00:00 Doctor & Woman In Doctor's Office 01:50 CU, Heart Association Pamphlets, Doc Holds Them 02:45 Doctor & Woman 03:55 Nurse & Woman, blood Pressure 05:55 CU, Arm W/ Pressure Wrap 06:15 CU, Pressure Gauge
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 185
Item 5: Apple HarvestAdd to your cart.
00:35 WA, Orchard & Pickers 01:15 Picker On Ladder 01:35 Puts Apples In Basket 02:05 CU, Apples 02:20 CU, Apples In Pickers' Hands 03:00 MS, Picking 05:00 Apples In Baskets, Loaded Onto Tractor Trailer & Driving Away 10:05 Pickers On Ladders 10:40 CU, Apples 11:20 Pickers, Trees
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 186
Item 6: Weeds Along Highway, 1990Add to your cart.
00:35 I-74 Roadside, Trucks & Cars Pass 01:15 Concrete Ditch Near Interstate, Small Amt. Water 01:45 Grassy Bank By Interstate 02:40 CU, Water In Ditch, Sparkles 03:40 Water & Weeds In Ditch 04:10 Large Plant Along Highway, (Grape, Woody Perennial) 05:20 Vetch On Highway Bank 06:40 CU, Vetch 07:40 Bull Thistle, Biennial 08:25 MS, Plant w/ Purple Flower 08:55 CU, Plant w/ Purple Flower 09:25 Water In Roadside Ditch 11:15 Goldenrod (Herbaceous Perennial) 12:35 Queen Ann's Lace 13:25 Guardrail & Highway 16:35 Weeds & Barbed Wire 17:40 Grasshopper, Several Shots 21:10 Trees & Tall Bushes Near Highway
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 187
Item 7: Power Lines, Brush & Weeds, 1991Add to your cart.
00:30 Plants w/ Red Berries (Multiflora Rose) 01:05 Power Lines With Tree 01:30 LS Power Lines & Tree 02:10 CU Lines & Branches 03:25 Goldenrod 02:40 Electrical Substation 06:35 Factory Yard
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 188
Item 8: Pesticide Application On Power Co. Right Of Way  (Timecode In Free Run), 1991Add to your cart.
7:10 Truck In Woods, Men Put On Backpack Sprayers 9:10 Worker, Spraying 11:25 CU, Nozzle 11:45 Worker, Spraying 18:05 Leaf, Wet w/ Spray 23:10 Workers Mix Chemicals 25:50 Worker Reads Label, General Mixing 42:50 Pesticide Application To Area Under Power Poles 52:35 Power Poles, Lines, In Wooded Area 53:45 Two Men Calibrate Application Flow Rate (Have Gloves) 0:20 Timing Flow Rate 1:55 Other Calibration Activity
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 189
Item 9: Spraying Pesticide On Right Of Way, 1990Add to your cart.
00:25 Worker w/ Backpack Sprayer, Sprays Small Tree 01:25 Sprays Plant In Gravel 01:50 Sprays Along Fence 03:25 Sprays Along Ditch w/ Water 04:45 Two Scout Between Ditch & Road 05:40 Scout Under Power Lines 06:35 Interview w/ Keith Jones, Illinois Power
Other Information: TC 4:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 190
Item 10: Pesticide Application On Roadside, 1990Add to your cart.
0:20 Busy Suburban Highway & Right Of Way 1:10 Spray Truck Arrives 2:15 Unfold Spray Boom 4:30 Detail Of Boom 4:50 Spray Starts, Truck Moves 5:35 Truck w/Boom Sprays Roadside 8:25 CU, Nozzle On Boom 9:55 Boom Passes Thru Shot 11:25 Ride-Along 14:15 Shuts Down Truck, Folds Boom 17:10 Spraying Along Highway Guardrail
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 191
Item 11: Spray Table, UI Ag Eng, 1990Add to your cart.
00:00 Various Shots, Spray & Spray Table 06:30 Tubes Filling 07:35 Liquid Running Into Tube 08:10 CU, Valve 08:35 CU, Pressure Valve 09:10 CU, Nozzle, TILT/PAN To Table 10:25 LS, Table
Other Information: TC 4:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 192
Item 12: Strawberries, Renovation (Ct #s)Add to your cart.
02:50 Mowing w/Small Tractor 05:00 Tilling 06:40 Worker Clears Away Debris After Tilling 07:40 Fertilizing 08:00 CU, Strawberries
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 193
Item 13: Spraying Pesticide On Right Of Way -- Trees & Shrubs, 1991Add to your cart.
00:40 Truck On Road, Pulls Off To Shoulder, Driver (Bob Wolf) Gets Out, Puts On Equipment For Spraying -- Has All Correct Safety Equipment 05:45 Notches Tree Prior To Herbicide Application 07:40 Sprays Tree Trunk 08:05 CU, Sprays Tree Trunk 08:30 Sprays Tree Foliage, Over Head 10:45 Pesticide Container Label 12:50 Color Bars 14:30 Sprays Tree Stump 16:00 Tape Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 194
Item 14: Rotterdam Harbor (Dub From Iowa State)Add to your cart.
00:00 Bars 00:20 Ship At Dock 00:40  Small Boat In Water 01:00 Men, Up Gangway 01:40 Bulldozer In Grain (?) Hold 02:15 Men On Deck Of Cargo Ship 06:00 Suckers Remove Grain From Hold 06:25 Operator w/ Controls, Bulldozer In Hold 09:25 Conveyor Belt 10:00 Interview
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 195
Item 15: Corn Kernels, Brazilian Money, L. HillAdd to your cart.
00:50 Corn Kernels, 3, w/ Stress Crack, On Light Table 05:00 Brazilian Bill Turned In Hand, Torn Up 09:00 Lowell Hill (Rm 76)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 196
Item 16: Strawberries, B. Skirvin Wrecks A Patch, DetailAdd to your cart.
00:10 Spray Bottle & Shears 00:30 MS, Strawberry Plant, Shoes & Pantlegs In Shot 04:00 CU, Examines Uprooted Strawberry Plant, Explains 05:50 MS, Plant, Examines Runners 07:30 Cuts Off Foliage With Shears 08:50 Narrows Plant w/ Shovel 10:50 Applies Granular Fertilizer To Strawberries 11:40 Applies Liquid Herbicide To Strawberries 15:00 Retake, Fertilizer & Herbicide
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 197
Item 17: Campus Construction, Morrow Plots, Mumford Hall, 1990Add to your cart.
00:00 Animal Science Bldg., Construction 03:35 Biotechnology Bldg., New 05:50 Morrow Plots, Observatory In Bkgd. 14:10 Mumford Hall, Nw Entrance
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 198
Box 21Add to your cart.
Item 1: Ag Library, Buildings, Science Laboratory, 1990Add to your cart.
00:00 Ag Library Entrance 01:50 EXT, Chinese Pigs Bldgs 03:50 EXT, Bioprocess Lab 05:50 Ag Library Stacks 07:00 Shady Brick Street 09:55 Science Laboratory, Dolly Past Two Student & Prof.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 200
Item 2: New Ag Library, Plans, Drawings, Animation, 1990Add to your cart.
00:00 Floor Plans, Animated 03:40 Ag Campus Aerial Drawing 05:05 EXT Elevation Drawing, Details Animated 06:20 EXT Elevation, Wide Shot 07:30 Interior, Meeting Rooms
Duration: 3/4 inch Animation Stand Master
UnitID: ACES Tape: 201
Item 3: Farmhouse, Dawn & DuskAdd to your cart.
00:00 Farmer (Roger Barnard) Exits Back Door, Walks Away 03:25 Farmer Approaches Barn & Tractor 10:00 Farmhouse, Lights Goes On And Off
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 202
Item 4: Ag Library, Students, Ag BuildingsAdd to your cart.
00:00 Reading Room, Ag Library 02:00 Two Students, Reading Room 03:00 Two Students With Faculty Advisor (D. Chicoine) 06:30 Architectural Detail, Mumford Hall 08:40 Ag Engineering Bldg., North End (Marching Illini Audio) 09:20 Steel Sculpture, Ag Engineering 09:50 Stock Pavillion 10:50 Ag Engineering 11:15 Stock Pavillion 12:30 Food For Century Il Pamphlet, Young Mia Woodis
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 203
Item 5: Classroom, With Students & Prof., 1990Add to your cart.
00:00 From Back Of Room, Professor (Wes Seitz) Lectures 03:00 MS, Professor Lectures 05:30 Students In Class 05:45 CU, Student In Class, Other Shots Follow
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 204
Item 6: Ikenberry, Gomes, Weir, 1990Add to your cart.
01:00 Ikenberry, Gomes, Weir Look At South Campus Model With Proposed Ag Library In White 02:15 Model Detail, With Hands Pointing 03:20 Two Shot, Ikenberry & Gomes 04:35 Model Detail 05:30 Gomes, Makes Pitch For Library Donations, Several Takes
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 205
Item 7: Chicago Union Stock Yards, 1954Add to your cart.
01:20 5 Minute Black & White Promotional Film Made By The Chicago Union Stock Yards, 1954 Footage Of Animals, Mostly Cattle, In Stockyards
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 206
Item 8: Early Tillage & Planting, 1991Add to your cart.
00:30 LS, Disking, Elevator In Bkgd 03:20 Head-On, Disking, 8-Wheeled Tractor 05:10 Turns In Foreground 05:30 More Disk, Ls, Crossing 07:20 Chisel & Harror, Cu 07:45 Other Tillage, Rotary 08:40 Filling Bean Planter (Drill) 11:15 Seed Bags 11:30 Tillage, Rotary & Harrow
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 207
Item 9: Tillage & Planting, 1991Add to your cart.
00:00 Tillage In Dusty Field 00:40 LS, Planting, Disking 03:00 MS Disk 04:20 Planter 05:00 Tillage 06:15 Two Tractors, Tillage & Planting 07:45 Horizon Over Newly Tilled Soil, Farmstead 10:00 Planter, Head-On 12:00 Soybean Seed On Pallet Near Field 15:30 Filling Soybean Planter, Two Guys 19:40 Burning Seedbags 21:50 Working On Planter
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 208
Item 10: Chemical Mixing, Application, General Tillage, 1991Add to your cart.
00:30 Farmer Repairs Machinery In Field 01:50 Chisel Plow In Field & Chemical (?) Application 04:25 Measures Liquid Chemical, Puts In Tank (Not Wearing Safety Clothing) 05:50 Adds Water To Tank 06:40 Liquid Chemical In Bottle 07:10 Adds Active Ingredient To Large Tank 08:40 Boom Sprayer In Field 12:40 CU Spray In Field 13:30 Floater Truck In Field 14:30 Floater Leaves, Heads Down Road 15:00 LS, Soybean Planter 16:15 Farm Truck On Road
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 209
Item 11: Post-Emergence Herbicide Application, 1991Add to your cart.
01:10 Boom Truck In Farm Yard 01:20 Nozzle, Hose, Fittings 02:40 Farmer (Perry Sage, Thomasboro) Checks Spray Equipment In Yard 03:25 Drives Out Of Yard To Field 04:30 Spray Rig On Road 05:40 Unfolds Boom In Field 08:00 Spraying Soybeans w/ Post Emergence Herbicide 12:50 Ride-Along 13:30 CU, MS Boom Spraying Over Bean Plants 16:45 Boom Sprayer In Bean Field 17:40 Small Soybean Plants, Showing Herbicide Stress 18:10 Boom Sprayer In Bean Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 210
Item 12: Sprayer Calibration & TestingAdd to your cart.
00:25 Spray Control 02:00 Different Spray Control Box 02:30 Over-The-Row Band Application Kit (3 Nozzle) 03:15 CU, Nozzles 04:45 Nozzles, Hoses & Fittings 05:55 High-Angle Shot, Sprayer Test In Farm Yard 15:15 Tractor w/ Spray Rig Drives Into Shed, Farmer Closes Doors
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 211
Item 13: Sprayer Calibration & TestingAdd to your cart.
00:40 Farmer (Bob Wolf) Installs Nozzles On Boom Sprayer 02:30 CU, Nozzle Installation 05:10 Nozzle Parts & Assembly 05:50 CU, Nozzles, Hoses, Fittings 07:30 Measuring Distance Between Nozzles 08:35 Measuring Height 10:00 CU, Farmer's Face 10:20 Measuring Flow Rate 13:55 Fills Tank w/ Water 16:30 Chemical Container & Lab
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 212
Item 14: Nozzles & CalibrationAdd to your cart.
00:40 Farmer (Wolf) In Farm & Fleet To Buy Nozzles -- Down Aisle, Looks At Catalog, Gets Nozzles, Leaves 02:40 CU, Catalog 04:10 CU, Nozzles In Store 06:30 In Parking Lot 07:50 At Kitchen Table, Figuring Calibration 17:00 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 213
Item 15: Fall Tillage, 1991Add to your cart.
0:20 Disk/Chisel Combination 5:30 LS, Tillage In Dusty Field 7:00 Farmstead, Telephoto Haze 7:30 Disk/Chisel Combination, After Corn 11:45 Soil Surface w/ Residue 13:00 Tillage In Golden P.M. Light 17:20 Soil Surface w/ Residue 18:50 Farmstead At Sunset (Watch To End -- Nice Zoom Out)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 214
Item 16: Corn Harvest-No Sound, 1991Add to your cart.
00:20 Combine, Head-On, On Rolling Ground 02:45 Combine Crosses 05:20 CU, Ear Ready For Harvest 07:50 Combine Approaches 08:35 CU, Combine Crosses
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 215
Box 22Add to your cart.
Item 1: Recycling Newsprint, At Cattle Feed & Conventional, 1991Add to your cart.
00:10 Beaumont Stand-Up Re: Cattle Eating Newsprint 03:40 Cattle In Feed Lot 04:10 Eating, Various Shots 07:00 Newsprint At Recycling Center (Slightly Blue) 08:30 Workers Sorting Paper On Conveyor (Color OK) 12:10 Newsprint On Conveyor 13:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 216
Item 2: Cleaning Combine/ Drought Stressed CornAdd to your cart.
00:20 Dog, Sleeps By Combine Tire 00:30 Combine In Farm Yard 01:00 Two Guys Clean Combine 04:00 Drought-Stressed Corn Ear On Stalk 04:30 More Combine Cleaning 05:00 Corn, Drought-Stressed, Various Shots 08:20 WS, Corn Field, Obviously Drought-Stressed 10:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 217
Item 3: Gas StationAdd to your cart.
00:20 Ethanol Sign On Gas Pump, General Activity At Self Service Gasoline Station 04:55 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 218
Item 4: Villa Grove, Ill., Summer Scenes, 1991Add to your cart.
00:20 WS, Main Street, Small Town (Villa Grove, Illinois) 01:55 Flag On Business Building 03:50 Flags On Light Poles, Downtown 04:50 Storefronts 05:15 Pool Hall, Men Hang Out 05:30 Quiet Streets 06:00 Man Finishes Concrete Sidewalk To 07:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 219
Item 5: Spray Table, Ag Engineering, 1991Add to your cart.
00:20 Loren Bode Interviewed By G. Beaumont, Talks About Spray Drift 11:10 Spray Table:  Various Shots, Spray, Nozzles, Drift, Loren Operating Machinery 15:50 CU, Pressure Gauge 17:00 Three Containers Of Material To Control Drift 17:20 CU, Nozzle Over Spray Table 18:50 Loren Changes Nozzles 19:20 Spray Table, With Fan Creating Drift
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 220
Item 6: Barges On Mississippi, Quincy Lock & Dam -- Hi-8 Transfer To U-Matic (Parker Original), 1991Add to your cart.
00:30 WS River, From High Angle 01:15 Small Barge, Through Winter Trees 01:55 WS, River 03:10 Shore, Lock & Dam 04:15 CU, Barges At Locks 05:20 Gates At Locks, Barges Enter, Tie Up Various Detail & Other Shots, Barges, Tugs At Locks 20:35 Particularly Nice LS, Barges On River 22:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 221
Item 7: Corn Harvest, 1991Add to your cart.
00:10 Corn Field, After Harvest 00:25 Telephoto, Combine In Corn Field 02:40 Combine, Crosses L To R 03:50 Combine Dumps Load To Truck 04:35 Corn In Field, Ready To Harvest 05:30 Corn Still Standing, Ready To Harvest 05:40 TELE, Combine Approaches 08:00 (Filter Change) Combine Dumps To Truck 09:00 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 222
Item 8: New Orleans, Rigging Cargo Ship, Unloading Barges, 1986Add to your cart.
00:10 Installing Sensors In Empty Ship's Hold 03:00 Gene Shove Marks Wall 11:30 Zen-Noh Elevator 12:15 Above Deck, Century Progress Cargo Ship 12:30 Tug Boat 13:00 Barges, Unloading At Ocean Port 14:20 Huge Mechanical Scoop, Unloading 18:45 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 223
Item 9: Cargo Ship At Port Elevator (2 tapes), 1986Add to your cart.
00:15 Don Uchtmann, Marks Corn Samples, Single Kernels 07:00 Ship At Dock, Seen From Land 07:45 Elevator, Zen-Noh 08:00 Conveyors, Elevator To Ship 10:25 Barges, Unloading 12:45 Barge & Tug On River 13:10 Ship (Century Progress) At Dock 15:50 Barges In River 18:45 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 224
Item 10: Cargo Ship At Port Elevator, 1986Add to your cart.
00:20 Deck, Cargo Ship, Holds Open 01:50 Port Elevator, Seen From Ship 02:10 Loading Spouts Move Into Place 04:50 Night, Crew Sampling Corn Newly Loaded On Ship 16:20 Cargo Ship, Night, From Bridge
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 225
Item 11: Cargo Ship At Port Elevator, 1986Add to your cart.
00:10  Preparing Cable For Monitoring Conditions On Ship 05:10 Ship Loading, Final, From Bridge 10:30 Ship Loading, Final, From Deck
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 226
Item 12: Cargo Ship At Port Elevator Corn Quality Research, 1986Add to your cart.
00:15 Levelling Load w/ Shovel 02:00 Ship Goes By In River 02:30 UI Research Crew, After Night's Work, Final Equipment Rigging 04:55 Temperature Sensors 05:40 L. Hill Talks w/ Fgis 06:00 Topping Off Hold w/ Corn 06:40 Installing Data Recorder 09:20 Topping Off Hold 10:30 UI Research Crew Samples In Full Hold 15:30 Several Shots, L. Hill & Others -- Don Uchtmann
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 227
Item 13: Aerials, Zen-Noh Elevator, Covenant, Louisiana, 1991Add to your cart.
Aerials, Zen-Noh Elevator, Covenant, Lousiana. Century Progress At Dock, Elevator, Various Scenes Along Mississippi From New Orleans To Covenant.  Includes Helicopter Landing At End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 228
Item 14: Kashima, Japan.  Street Scenes, 1991Add to your cart.
00:25 Street Scenes, Outdoor Cafe, Pedestrians 03:00 Large Shrine w/ Tourists, Japanese 06:55 Hill, Shove, Others 07:20 Cherry Blossoms-Nice Audio, Chimes 09:25 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 229
Item 15: Unloading Ship In Kashima, Japan/ Corn Quality Research, 1986Add to your cart.
00:25 UI Research Group Boards Century Progress In Kashima Harbor 01:00 From Bridge, Deck, Researchers & Others Prepare 03:30 Hatch Opens 04:00  Hatch Opens 05:30 UI Group & Japanese Inspectors Begin Work 07:30 Insect Trap 12:00 Opening Insect Traps 16:00 Marvin Paulsen Reads Temperature/Moisture Data 17:00 Taking Probe Sample 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 230
Box 23Add to your cart.
Item 1: Sampling Corn Shipment In Kashima, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Taking Corn Samples From Hold Of Ship 06:50 Computer Printout, Temp. & Moisture Data From Pacific Trip 11:50 L. Hill 14:45 Splitting, Sorting Samples On Board Ship
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 231
Item 2: Sampling Corn Shipment In Kashima, 1986Add to your cart.
00:50 Working With Corn Samples On Board Ship -- Splitting, Weighing, Etc. 04:50 On Deck, Hatch Opens 05:20 Probe Sampling In Hold 13:10 Concentration Of Corn Dust 13:45 Temperature/Humidity Sensor 14:15 Sampling In Hold 15:10 Japanese Observe Work
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 232
Item 3: Japan, Grain Movement, Harbor, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Interview, Mr. Sugiyama, Zen Noh Coop 05:3 Loading Coaster (Small Cargo Ship For Work On Coast) 06:30 Coaster & Century Progress, Coaster Leaves 13:50 Collecting Monitoring Equipment From C.P. 15:45 Opens Data (Temp. & Moisture) Recorder 17:00 Trucks At Zen-Noh Coop Elevator
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 233
Item 4: Unloading Ship, Kashima, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Deck, Century Progress 01:00 Unloading Corn W/ Pneumatic Suckers 08:10 UI Researchers Read Data Monitors (Marvin Paulsen, Barry Jacobson, Gene Shove) 10:45 Jacobson Talks About Moisture & Mold Growth 11:45 General Probe Sampling 13:00 WA Shots, Pneumatic Suckers 14:40 From Control Tower, Unloading Facility
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 234
Item 5: Unloading Ship, Kashima, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:10 Corn In Hold, Being Unloaded, Some Evidence Of Heat & Moisture, Various Shots 05:00 From Bridge, Unloading Corn From Holds 06:50 Full Hold, Before Unloading 07:30 New Apollo Ship At Dock 10:00 UI Crew Goes Into Hold 11:10 Probe Sampling, From Overhead 12:45 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 235
Item 6: Japanese Corn Processing Plant, 1986Add to your cart.
00:25 Control Room, Japanese Corn Processing Plant 04:50 Corn Samples, U.S. & South African 08:40 Production Floor, Processing Plant 11:15 Trucks, Processing Plant 13:45 HA, Japanese Processi 16:00 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 236
Item 7: Ship In Harbor, Grain Sampling, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Ship (Century Progress) At Dock, Kashima Harbor, Japan.  Various Shots, From Water 10:00 Coaster (Small Cargo Ship) At Dock 11:00 Sampling Corn On Board Coaster (These Shots Partly Silent) 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 237
Item 8: Zen-Noh Elevator & Feed Mill, Kashima, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:15 Trucks, Loading At Elevator 07:45 Elevator Control Room & Operator 13:10 Filling Huge Bags w/ Animal Feed 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 238
Item 9: Zen-Noh Feed Mill/ Poultry Farm, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Control Room, Elevator & Feed Mill 03:00 Filling Bags In Feed Mill 07:00 Baking Feed Grits 08:30 Poultry Farm, Worker Collecting Eggs 12:00 CU, Chickens 12:25 WS, Chickens 12:43 Automated Feeding 16:20 Worker Removes Chicken From Cage 16:55 Worker Examines Chicken 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 239
Item 10: Poultry Farm, Rice Paddy, Grocery Store, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Two Workers On Poultry Farm 00:20 Interview, In Japanese, w/ Poultry Farmer 01:40 Exteriors, Poultry Farm 02:40 Small Feed Grinder 04:15 Small Tractor In Rice Paddy 10:00 Planting Rice Seedlings 14:30 Grocery Store Exterior, People w/ Shopping Carts
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 240
Item 11: Kashima Harbor, Kamakura Shrine, 1986Add to your cart.
00:30 Coaster (Small Cargo Boat) At Dock, Loading w/ Corn 02:45 Conveyor & Machinery, Zen Noh Portside Elevator 04:30 Loading 06:00 Bulldozers On Dock 07:30 Aerial, Coaster 08:15 Bulldozer Loaded On Board Grain Ship (Century Progress) 11:45 Japanexe Tourists At Kamakura 16:15 Worshippers At Kamakura Shrine 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 241
Item 12: Buddhist Shrine At Kamakura Boy Scout Bazaar, 1986Add to your cart.
00:20 Children Make Offering 01:00 Cherry Blossoms Across Pond 01:40 Tourists Feed Fish 02:30 Boy Scout Bazaar 05:30 Cooking Noodles 06:50 Serving & Eating At Bazaar 15:15 Giant Buddha At Kamakura, With Tourists 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 242
Item 13: Kamakura, Japan.  Buddha & Street Scenes.  Lunch In Shinjuku, 1986Add to your cart.
00:10 Giant Buddha At Kamakura. 00:40 Japanese Tourists & Buddha 04:30 Little Kids Slide Down Short Stairway Bannister 06:30 Buddha 06:50 Kamakura Street Scenes 08:10 Women In Traditional Dress - Kimonos 10:50 Two Women Cook, Feed Three Small Children In Apartment In Suburban Tokyo 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 243
Item 14: Ginza.  Meiji Jingu. Tokyo, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Busy Intersection.  Ginza, Tokyo. 00:30 Fujiya 00:50 Nec 01:20 Panasonic 01:40 People On Street 02:15 Toyota 02:45 People 03:15 Nikon Various 05:30 Giant Carp -- Goldfish -- In Meiji Jingu Park 12:30 Visitors, Flowers & Other Sights, Meiji Jingu 16:40 Worshipers At Shrine In Park 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 244
Item 15: Meiji Jingu, Tokyo, Onahama, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Shrine, Meiji Jingu.  With Worshipers & Officials 10:30 Unloadimg¨Ent Of Corn From Coaster.  Onahama. 13:10 Scoop Filling Trucks
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 245
Box 24Add to your cart.
Item 1: Onahama, Japan, 1986Add to your cart.
00:00 Unloading Shipment Of Corn From Coaster.  Scoop Filling Trucks 06:10 Onahama Harbor.  Ships At Dock 07:05 Wide Angle Aerial, Harbor & Surrounding Industrial Area 10:15 Coastline & Beach 12:30 TELE, Ship At Sea 12:45 Harbor 13:30 Elevator, Trucks Unloading Corn (Receiving Other Grain) 18:00 Trucks Turning From Busy Street To Elevator
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 246
Item 2: Kashima Harbor.  Century Progress Arrives, 1986Add to your cart.
00:25 Industrial Scene, Kashima Harbor 01:15 General Harbor, Tug Boat & Other Ships 03:20 Ship (Century Progress) Arrives 07:40 Japanese Elevator Workers Watch 17:40 Reversal, Zen-Noh Employees Watch
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 247
Item 3: Tofu Shop.  Tokyo., 1986Add to your cart.
00:20 Interview, President Honan Oil 12:00 L. Hill, Cutaway Question 12:55 Two-Shot Cutaway 13:45 Honan Oil Bldg, EXT Tofu Shop, Vendor Cuts Tofu, Wraps It, Delivers To Customer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 248
Item 4: Flooded Creek, Richland County, Il.  Transfer From Vhs Shot By S.C.S.Add to your cart.
00:10 Various Shots, Constant Pan, Fast-Moving Swollen Stream 05:20 Blow-Out.  Two Large Sections Of Streambank Collapse 06:00 Saplings Planted Along Streambank As Erosion Control
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 249
Item 5: Crow Creek, Marshall CountyAdd to your cart.
01:00 Creek, Under Bridge 02:50 Country Road, Bridge Over Crow Creek 03:35 Crow Creek, Deep Drainage Ditch, Seen From Bridge 04:20 Debris In Shallow Stream Under Bridge 07:10 Concrete Structure In Stream -- Washed Out 13:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 250
Item 6: Peoria Lakes, Boat TourAdd to your cart.
0:30 Three Guys, One In Illinois Conservation Department Uniform, In Boat 4:20 Pontoon At Front Of Boat, Various Shots, Boat Moving Through Water/ Broad, Shallow Lake 9:10 Birds (Gulls) 15:35 Man Gets Out Of Boat, Walks Through Knee-Deep Water, Picks Up Plastic Toy 17:15 Barges & Tow-Boat In Illinois River Channel 19:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 251
Item 7: Partridge Creek, 1990Add to your cart.
0:30 Bridge, Gravel Levee 1:05 Shallow, Clear Water In Stream 1:40 Nearly Dry Creek Bed 2:05 Water In Stream 3:10 Ecu, Fly On Rock 6:00 Bridge Over Dry Creek Bed 6:35 Telephoto, Red Barn Over Fall Cornfield 7:20 Fall Tillage (Stalk Shredder?) In Fall Cornfield 7:50 Channelized Stream Bed
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 252
Item 8: ChandlervilleAdd to your cart.
0:40 Woman & Two Dirty Children, On Porch Of Old House 2:20 Woman & Kids In Kitchen, Get Drink Of Water 3:30 Outside House, Kids Play On Tricycles 4:20 Drive-Thru 6:00 In School, Kids Drink Water 6:50 Kids In School Hallway 7:40 CU, Drinking Fountain 8:00 Kids Outside Bldg, Come & Go, Play On Playground 11:20 Restaurant 13:00 Waitress Serves Counter 15:40 Road w/ Chandlerville Sign 18:15 CU, Chandlerville Sign
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 253
Item 9: Crow Creek, 1990Add to your cart.
0:45 Pan Right, Across Channelized Area 3:10 Water Flowing In Original, Croooked Stream Bed 10:00 Wide, Channelized Stream Bed
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 254
Item 10: Fall Ammonia Application, 1990Add to your cart.
0:10 Tractor, Tank, Disk, Knifing In Anhydrous 5:45 McCabe, Baker 6:00 More Anhydrous Application 7:10 Ends
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 255
Item 11: Underwater Shots, Stream Champaign County, IlAdd to your cart.
:03 Upstream, 1/2 Underwater 2:21 Bank, Field Tile, 1/2 3:35 Branch Going Into Water 3:54 Weeds In Water 4:30  Floating Camera Moves To Bank 5:28 Stream  (Reg. Shots) 7:58 Stream Bank Bends 8:25 Algae Covered Branch In Water 10:05 Buffer Area Near Stream 10:50 Cu's Weeds And Grasses 11:16 Flagged Monitor Site 12:19 Monitor In Corn Field 14:00 Corn And Monitor
Other Information: 01:00:00:0
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 256
Item 12: Tree Damage/TrimmingAdd to your cart.
:20 Broken Limbs On Tree Tops 1:00 Sandra And Man Walk By Fallen Tree 2:35  Tree Branches On Ground 3:00 Man Explains How To Trim A Damaged Stem 4:35 Various Shots Of Damaged Trees 6:35 Professional Trimmers Cutting And Cleaning Up Broken Limbs 18:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 257
Item 13: Coffee Shop (Villa Grove, Il.)Add to your cart.
:25  Group Of Men Talking 1:35 CU Cigarette/Coffee 2:15 Man Alone At Counter 2:25 Shots Of Coffee Pots, And Waitress 3:15 2 Men Talking 3:50 Cafe Front And Signs 5:05 Downtown Villa Grove 6:05 City Hall--Villa Grove 7:30 Silos By Road 8:10 Gary Talking With Men In Cafe--CU Faces 9:35  Men At Counter 9:50  More Coffee Pots 10:05 Ms Shots Of Men At Counter 10:50 Interview 17:35 CU--Condiments & Coffee, Hats & Cigarettes 19:50 Waitress Serving At Counter 21:40 Men Reading About The Illini 22:17 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 258
Item 14: SheepAdd to your cart.
:45 Sheep Inside Barn 1:50 Lambs 2:15 Sheep Leaving Barn 2:35 Lambs Being Nursed 2:50 Black Lambs 4:55 Sheep Eating 5:35 Sheep Shot At Eye Level 6:40 Stand-Up -- Gary 8:40 Lamb Suckling 9:15 Sheep --Keystoned 9:35 Sheep In Barnyard 11:25 Man Enters Pen 14:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 259
Item 15: Older Adult ExerciseAdd to your cart.
:00 Class Dancing And Clapping :15 Low -- Feet Dancing :35 Shooting Up -- Man Marching 1:05 Woman Stretching 2:00 Woman Swinging Her Arms 2:25 LS --Entire Gym 3:00 Instructor 3:20 Low --Instructor's Feet & Mirrors 4:00 Everyone Marching And Clapping 4:50 CU -- Woman's Face 5:00 Low -- Class Marching 5:45 Low -- Feet Marching 6:20 Shooting Up -- Class Dancing 6:40 Instructor In Front Of Mirror 8:05 CU -- Faces 8:40  End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 260
Box 25Add to your cart.
Item 1: Chinese PigsAdd to your cart.
:00 Piglet Suckling :30 Pickets And Sow 1:10 Low -- Pig's Face 2:15 Low -- Piglets 3:25 CU -- Newborn Piglets 6:20 Nursery -- Feeding 7:15 Stand-Up -- Gary And Piglet 9:58 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 261
Item 2: Hamburger -- Grocery Store       (Jerry's Iga, Champaign)Add to your cart.
:00 Man Grinding The Meat :45 Adding The Meat 1:05 The Final Product, Hamburger Ready For Sale 2:20 Packaging 3:00 Down The Assembly Line 3:25 On The Store Shelves 5:30 Customers Shopping For Meat 8:30 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 262
Item 3: ComputersAdd to your cart.
:10 Ms Woman Working On A Mac 1:10 Cu Computer Screen 1:40 Cu Hand Using Mouse 2:10 Hands On Keyboard/Mouse 2:45 ECU Of Screen 2:55 Garbage 4:10 Man Working On Ibm 4:50 CU Of Screen 5:30 ECU Of Screen 6:05 CU Hands On Keyboard 6:40 Side -- Man At Computer 7:00 Profile  Man 7:20 Hands On Keyboard 7:35 Side -- Woman At Computer 7:55 ECU Of Screen 10:05 2nd Man At IBM 10:50 Hands On Computer 11:00 Ws Computer Lab 12:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 263
Item 4: Seed TestingAdd to your cart.
:00 Stand-Up Gary :30 CU Soybeans On Tray :40 Ws 2 Working On Seed Sprouts 1:00 CU Rolling Up Spouts In Cloth 1:28 2nd Tray Checking Sprouts 1:40 CU -- Faces And Hands 2:20 Table Level Spouts 2:30 Ws Workers In Lab 2:55 Woman Counting Corn --Various Shots 4:15 Counting Beans -- Various Shots 5:50 Garbage -- Pig Building? Intermittent Video To End 7:40 CU Pig (From Above) 10:25 Cu Pig 11:05 WS Swine Building 13:00 Swine Buildings (From Roof Top) 17:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 264
Item 5: Soybean Cyst Nematode & Combine PreparationAdd to your cart.
:25 Farmer In Field Digs Out Plant -- Looks For Nematode In Roots (Sequence w/CU) 3:00 Looks At Plant Leaves For Signs Of Disease 4:15 MS Dying Plants & Leaves 5:30 Comparing Stages Of Diseased Soybean Plants 6:05 Leaves Diseased 6:45 WS Soybean Crop 7:10 CU Dead Vs Healthy Bean 9:15 (From Roof Top) Farmer Digging 11:40 From Ground--Lifted Up Over Beans 14:10 Farmer In Bulldozer 15:35 Combine Leaving Barn 17:10 Farmer Oiling Combine Parts, Various Shots 18:50 MS & CU Checking The Oil 19:50 Getting In The Cab 21:10 Checking The Corn Head 21:45 Checking The Chain 22:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 265
Item 6: Buffalo -- HasselbringAdd to your cart.
:30 Hoof Zoom Out To Lamp 1:35 Buffalo Display & CU Each 2:25 Vest Of Hide 2:40 Buffalo Meats 3:35 CU Buffalo Eye 3:55 Buffalo Head 4:15 WS At The Range, Various Shots Buffalo 6:50 Buffalo Making Chips 7:11 Buffalo Calf & More Buffalo 9:40 2 Butting Horns & More 11:35 CU Calf 12:10 Buffalo Drinking & More 15:20 Buffalo Eating 18:15 Randy At His Best 18:55 Hasselbring Sign 19:35 Bumper Sticker 19:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 266
Item 7: Soybean HarvestAdd to your cart.
:45 WS Soybean Crop 2:40 Combine Enters & Exits 5:45 MS Combine Enters And Exits 6:15 WS Combine After Pass 6:40 MS Combine Enters & Exits 8:30 CU Combine 9:35 MS Combine (From Side) Enters And Exits 10:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 267
Item 8: Harvest -- Corn/BeansAdd to your cart.
:30 CU Corn 1:05 MS Corn Stalks 1:30 CU Corn Cob On Stalk 1:50 ECU Grasshopper On Cob 3:15 MS Turned-Down Corn 3:35 Grain Truck Going Down Road 4:15 CU Soybeans Before Harvest 5:00 MS Soybean Crop 5:35 CU Soybean Pods 6:10 Bean Crop Foreground -- Fields And Farm Behind 8:10 Combine Enters And Exits 8:40 Combine From Rear E & E 9:25 CU & MS Soybeans 10:10 WS Combine Harvesting (No Audio -- To End) 13:05 MS Combine From Front 16:00 Combine From Side 16:30 Combine Dumping Into Truck While Harvesting 19:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 268
Item 9: Harvest -- BeansAdd to your cart.
:00 Combine Harvesting Beans 1:00 CU Combine -- Ground Level 1:25 Combine From Front 2:05 Bean Head -- From Cab P-O-V 3:00 MS Driver At Cab Level 3:40 Bean Head -- Above P-O-V 6:20 Driver In Cab Pan To Head 7:00 Approaching Grain Truck 8:25 Driver In Cab & Beans Being Dumped In Background 9:20 Auger Beans 9:45 Truck Driving Away 10:10 Bean Head From Top-Side 11:20 CU Hand On Gear Shaft 11:35 MS Driver In Cab 11:45 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 269
Item 10: Harvest -- CornAdd to your cart.
:20 Grain Wagon & Trucks 1:10 Combine Harvesting Corn 1:30 Corn Cob -- Exposed 2:25 MS Combine From Front Low Stalks In Foreground 4:00 Combine Dumping Into Wagon 4:35 Harvesting From Cab P-O-V  5:55 Driver In Cab 6:35 Driver's P-O-V 7:35 Augering Corn 8:00 Ride Along -- Various Shots 9:55 Dumping Corn -- In Truck/Out Combine  (Sequence) 11:05 MS Combine 12:40 Stalk Stubble After Harvest 13:30 Combine Harvesting Many Shots/Various Angles 18:35 CU Stalk Stubble 18:50 Grain Wagon -- Ground Level 19:50 Combine Returns To Dump (Dumping Sequence) 22:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 270
Item 11: Harvest -- CornAdd to your cart.
:05 Dumping Corn Into Truck, (Sequence) & Leaving 1:45 Combine Enters -- Harvesting 2:45 CU Corn On Stalk 4:35 Dumping (Truck Roof Level) 6:00 Combine (Ground Level) 6:40 Combine Harvesting, Many Shots/Various Angles 11:45 CU Of Corn Head, More Harvesting Shots 14:05 Corn Dumping (Cab P-O-V) 14:20 CU Driver 14:30 Corn Head (Cab P-O-V), Various Ride-Along Shots 18:35 CU Corn Being Forced Into Combine (Cab P-O-V), More Ride Along Shots, Harvesting - Dumping 21:35 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 271
Item 12: Harvest -- BeansAdd to your cart.
:00 WS Combine Harvesting Beans, Many Shots/Various Angles 2:30 Combine Parking 3:00 Getting In Cab 3:15 Driver (Cab P-O-V) 4:40 Ride-Along, Various Shots And Angles 5:55 Beans Augering Into Bin 6:50 Driver (Cab P-O-V), More Ride-Along Shots, Harvesting - Dumping 9:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 272
Item 13: River Shots/Soybean HarvestAdd to your cart.
:30 Clear Stream (Stoney Creek), Meets Silty River (Salt Fork), Various Shots Of Silt/Water 4:15 2 Combines Harvesting Beans 4:35 Combine (Below Ground Level) 5:55 Dog Chases Combine 7:05 2 Combines Approaching Camera (WA And Depth) 8:15 CU Farmer In Cab/Bean Head 8:55 Dumping Beans w/ Dog 11:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 273
Item 14: Soybean Harvest (Floyd/Dwight Bohlen)Add to your cart.
1:15 Cab P-O-V (Shots Of Beans, Bean Head, And Driver) 3:00 Beans Fed Into Auger, More Shots From Cab, (CU Beans, Driver, 2nd Combine) 6:45 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 274
Item 15: Bean Harvest/Corn LodgingAdd to your cart.
:00 Interview/Bars/Garbage 2:15 Wide Combine Harvesting 5:00 CU Soybeans Befor Harvest 6:40 Combine Approaching Camera 8:00 MS Soybeans 9:00 Combine Passes (Low Angle), Various Shots Of Combine 11:40 Corn Lodging, Stalks Bent/Damaged 13:40 Randy Walks Through Stalks 14:25 CU Randy Looking At Damage 15:15 ECU Hand On Broken Stalk More Of The Same 19:30 CU Of Exposed Corn/Stalk 20:55 Walk Through (Camera's Eye) 22:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 275
Item 16: Agri-Chemical, Weldon Facility, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 Slop :27 (Pan) EXT Chemical Truck Enters Facility 1:20 MS Man Watches Gauges (Pan) To Truck And Back 1:56 CU Chemical Hoses (Pan) To Man 2:18 CU Gauges Rolling 2:50 MWS Man Watching 3:08 CU Face Looking Down 3:20 Follow Down To Gauge And Bac
Other Information: 1:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 276
Item 17: Agri-Chemical, Weldon Facility, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 Color Bars :37 CU Weed Killing Compound Sign :54 CU Restricted Area Sign (Pan Down) Be Careful 1:20 (Pan) Restricted Area 1:29 WS(Rear) Truck Exits 2:39 WS Chemical Storage (Pan) To Drain (Pan) Drain To Other Storage 3:40 MS Sump Walks (Zooms In) 4:07 WS Prep Area (Pan) Bulk Storage 4:31 Same, Dips To Drain In Middle 5:01 ECU Hose Nozzle Water Drop Forms And Drops. 5:58 MS Spill Response Drum 6:17 CU                (Zoom Out) 6:45 Treflan Box 7:40 MCU Sonolan (Zoom) C.U. Herbicide 8:01 MS Treflan 9:00 Exterior Dry Fertilizer And Chemicals 9:15 WS Truck Approaches Spout 9:51 WS Front Loader Dumps Mix Into Mixer 11:00 Up < Bucket Dumps 12:11 Loader Backs Past Camera 12:45 (Down <) Approaches And Empties 13:15 CU Press Start Button 13:30 MS Conveyor 13:38 CU  14:51 WS Truck Drives Away End Of Tape
Other Information: 2:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 277
Box 26Add to your cart.
Item 1: Anhydrous, ApplicationAdd to your cart.
:10 Ron Edward Interview Cont... (See Transcripts) Field Work 2:20 WS Anhydrous Application 3:17 (L<) 4:20            5:06            6:15 (Away) 7:36 (Across) 8:02 (Turn Around Zoom To Disc) 9:10 WS Anhydrous Application 9:31 Bars 10:00 Hooking Up Anhydrous 11:39 Pulls Tank Out Of Yard 12:09 Traveling Shot Following Down Road 13:11 WS Hooking Up Tank 13:30 (Ride Along) Back On Tank 15:45 Bars                  15:50 WS Anhydrous Application End Of Tape
Other Information: 4:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 278
Item 2: Chemical Application, Mounted Shots, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 CU Spray Nozzle 6:10 Best Stuff 12:45 WS Rig 14:35 Best Stuff End Tape
Other Information: 6:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 279
Item 3: Agri-Chemical, Deland Terra DealerAdd to your cart.
:20 Filling Floater With Water 1:13 WS Fertilizer Truck (Pan) To Floater 2:31 CU Hose Into Top Of Tank 3:18 CU Chemical Jug Hanging On Faucet******* 3:51 WS Floater And Water Container 4:14 WS Empty Field (Zoom Out) Floater And Water Tank 4:53 CU Leaking Hose Connection 5:10 WS (L<) Floater, Hose In Foreground 6:24  Fills Tank, Lets Hose Splash Down To Ground     *Ns Good           ** Says Hears Where Were Gonna Put Rinse Pad 8:00 WS Floater Start  Fill Up From Mini Bulk 8:12 MS Floater Being Loaded 9:03 CU Chemical Going Into Tank 9:30 WS Floater Being Loaded 11:30 Few Frames Of Empty Water Bottles 11:41 WS Gasoline Tanks Next To Water Faucet _____________________________________________________ 11:50 Interview With Manager Of Facility. _____________________________________________________ 19:00 Mini Bulk Being Filled 20:55 CU Sutan Label End Tape
Other Information: 18:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 280
Item 4: Agrichemical, Deland Terra Dealer, 1990Add to your cart.
22:50 WS Dealership, Dead Land In Foreground 23:18 CU Dead Cracked Earth 23:42 WS Back Area Upright Tanks And Anhydrous Loading Station 24:01 CU Goggles Hanging on Anhydrous Station 24:29 Standing Puddles Of Water Near Tanks 24:40 CU Chemical Scum on Earth, (Crust ) 25:10 CU Corrosion At Bottom Of Tank Near Ground (Pan) To Corroded Hose Nozzle 25:34 MS Hoses On Ground, Corrode Tank And Empty Containers In Bg.  26:22 ECU Corroded Bolts and Hatch 27:06 CU Newer Looking Valve 27:29 CU Top Of Empty Plastic Container 27:53 CU  "Sohigrio" Label, (Shaky) 28:48 WS Woman Pushing Broom 29:15 Ground Level Shot Scummy Puddle With Tanks In Bg 29:33 MS Red Pump, Black Hose And Tire Rim 29:50 CU Trailer Tongue In Puddle. Reflection Of Anhydrous Tank In Water. (Primo!) 30:05 Anhydrous Tanks In Row, 30:25 WS Yard (Pan) To Anhydrous 31:18 Fork Lift Picks Up Mini Bulk Tank, Leaves 31:48 Dealership, "Terra" Sign _____________________________________________________ 33:01 WS Weldon Fertilizer Facility 33:25 CU Weldon Population Sign _____________________________________________________ 34:32 Floater And Truck Approach Gate 36:00 WS (Var.) Truck Applying Dry Chemicals End Of Tape
Other Information: 18:22:46:21
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 281
Item 5: Agri-Chemical/Corn Planting Deland Terra Dealer, 1990Add to your cart.
00:29 Driver Of Floater 01:40 (Ride Along) Spray Boom Operating 05:43 Driver 08:17 Floater Across Screen 08:31 Floater Across Field And Away From Camera 10:14 Floater Across Field 10:40 Floater Across Frame 11:29 WS Planter, PU Truck Enters, 11:57 Back Of PU, Farmer Takes Seed To Planter, 12:23 WS Farmer Filling Planter 12:56 CU Pouring Seed (Corn) 13:39 MS(H<) Same 14:15 CU Farmer Face 14:30 MWS Farmer Closing Bind 14:54 MS Empty Tractor Cab 15:06 CU Rate Read Out 16:30 Through Window, Ms Planter 17:45 EWS (TELE) Planter Coming Toward Cam. 18:00 WS Planter Across Frame 18:42 WS Planter Reaches End Of Row, Turns Around, And Comes Toward Cam 19:21 CU Disc (Pullout) Ws Planter Away From Cam 19:48 WS (TELE) Planter Away Cam 20:06 WS Cultivator 20:54 WS Dust Blowing 19:21 WS L< Grass In Foreground, Planter Approaches And Fills Screen End Of Tape
Other Information: 19:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 282
Item 6: Corn Planting, 1990Add to your cart.
:26 WS Tele Elevator And Empty Field 1:47 CU Seed Bag Label 2:00 MS Back Of Pu Truck 2:27 CU Seed Corn Sack 2:54 WS Loading Planter 3:27 Filling Hopper 4:59 MS Tractor Cab, Drives Away Reveals Planter 5:43 WS TELE Planter, Away 6:08 WS TELE Planter Stopped, Cultivator Crosses Behind 6:31 TELE Cultivator (In And Out) 6:57 TELE Planter Starts Up 10:14 CU Corn Label 10:31 WS Filling Planter, Seed Sacks In Fg 11:33 Ride Along Down On Planter 13:51 Down< Working On Planter 14:40 Same Filling Hopper 15:50 Same Ride Along 17:50 Same Working On Planter 18:10 Filling Hopper 20:00 Ride Along 21:41 WS Planter In Field End Of Tape
Other Information: 20:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 283
Item 7: Terry Holsapple:Organic Farmer, Greenup, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
:30 WS T. Walks Out To Field 1:00 Explains To Camera Hairy Vetch. 2:51 Digs Into Vetch 3:46 Kneels Down In Vetch 7:59 WS T. Digging In Vetch 8:49 CU Hands Showing Nodules 9:22 WS T., (Push Into Hand) 9:48 CU Hairy Vetch Plant, (Pull Out) Wider Shot 10:57 WS Field 11:32 Pans Across Ws Field 12:09 ECU Vetch 13:07 Interior WS Greenhouse 13:34 CU Plants In Starter Soil 14:16 ECU              14:29 MS On Bench, (Pan Up To T,G,&R) 15:39 WS Greenhouse T. Walks Into Shot 16:00 MS T. Sorting Plants 16:21 CU Face (Down To) Hands 17:48 MWS T. Sorting 18:06 CU Plants 18:22 WS Ext. Greenhouse, T. Enters 18:50 CU Earthborne Farms Sign 19:40 WS (Matching) Road At Front Of Farm. Truck Enters And Drives Away. End Of Tape
Other Information: 15:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 284
Item 8: Terry Holsapple: Organic Farmer, Greenup Il, 1990Add to your cart.
:30 Driving Shot T At Wheel 3:42 Explains Organic Certification And Importance 5:44 WS Tractor Pulls Up To Fuel Pump 6:25 CU Nozzle In Tank, (Pan) To Deer Logo 6:52 T. Removes Nozzle 7:18 WS L< Tractor L;Eaves Toward Camera End Of Tape
Other Information: 16:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 285
Item 9: No Till Chemical Application And Planting (Beans) Dwight And Floyd Bohlen Farm, 1990Add to your cart.
20:44 Ride Along Chemical Application 23:40 Ride Along Shot Of Applicator Boom 24:05 Pov Over Truck Cab 24:18 Drive By Field Debris (Bumpy) 25:00 Shot Of Boom 25:15 WS Truck Turns And Goes Across Field 25:55 WS Away From Camera 26:30 WS L< Toward '' ***** 26:42 Caw Corn Stalk Debris 27:00 WS L< Toward Camera 27:53 MS Across Frame 28:21 WS Away From Camera ***** 28:38 Shot Through Silo Doorway, 30:56 WS To Cam  Drilling Beans 31:17 WS Across Frame, Drilling 32:33 WS TELE Away Drilling (Pull Out) Ews 33:00 EWS Fence Post In Fg 33:39 WS TELE Planter Across Frame 34:05 WS Planter In Front Of Barn* End Of Tape
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 286
Item 10: Corn Planting & No-Till Chemical Application, 1990Add to your cart.
:15 MS Loading Planter :53 WS          1:38 Planter Drives Out 1:58 CU Female Seed Sack 2:38 WS (Match) Planter In Bg 3:30 WS Working On Planter 3:53 CU Planter Disc (Lower Into Earth) 4:20 WS L< Planter Drive Away 5:00 Discussing Ground , To Wet Try Later 6:30 Ws Planter Going Across Field 7:25 Same 8:00 Same, In Front Of Terra Dealer 10:00 TELE Toward Camera 11:04 WS Toward Camera 13:00 WS  Away From Camera _________________________________________ 13:24 Filling Up No Till Tank 14:48 Setting Up Chemical Sprayer 16:34 WS Driver Of Truck 18:27 CU Hand On Wheel 18:40 CU Face 19:40 POV Forward 20:00 Caw Controls Of Sprayer End Of Tape
Other Information: 10:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 287
Item 11: Planting No-Till Drilled Beans, 1990Add to your cart.
4:04 WS Fence Post Fg Planter (Moving) Center, Farm Bg*** 5:00 Ride Along, Ms Down At Planter Discs**** 6:19 MS Knives 7:00 MWS Forward Toward Tractor 8:00 WS (Moving) Truck In Front Of Tractor 9:00 WS (Truck) Parallel To Planter 10:00 Same Opposite Direction
Other Information: 21:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 288
Item 12: Erosion,Earth Worms, 1990Add to your cart.
1:07 WS Eroded Field 1:44 MS Eroded Area 2:19 WS        2:44 CU        2:57 Same 3:09 MS Same 3:38 CU (Zoom Out) WS Same 4:34 MCU (Pan Over) Eroded Area 5:13 CU Earth Worm (Shaky) 6:23    Across Screen 9:10 L< Macro Earthworm*** 10:44 CU Worm And Ear Of Corn 11:53    Same Across Screen*** 12:33 WS Farm (Zoom Out) Eroded Field In Foreground 13:25 MS Eroded Area (Pan Up) To Farmstead 13:45 WS Water Standing In Field End Of Tape
Other Information: 10:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 289
Item 13: Sangamon River- Rain, 1990Add to your cart.
***Note No Nat. Sound*** :08 WS River :26 MS Surface Of River, Rain Hitting Water :55 MS Bank And River, Same 2:34 WS Field (Pan Down) Cu River 3:30 CU River Weeds And Debris 5:50 WS River And Bank (Z.I.) Muddy Bank 6:40 Rf Leaf To Bank 7:08 WS Rain Swollen River 7:30 MS River Surface 7:43 WS Country Bridge And Road 8:24 WS Field, River Bank, River 8:43 CU Bridge Rail 9:08 CU Drain Pipe 9:27  MS Branches And Leave Hanging Over River 10:40 MS River And Muddy Bank (ZI) 11:43 WS Soaked Field (PAN) To Bridge 12:37 CU Rain On Muddy Field 12:55 WS Field 13:28 River Through Trees (ZO) To Flooded Field 14:33 Weed In Front Of Water 15:25 WS Flooded Field End Of Tape
Other Information: 3:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 290
Item 14: Woodford County No-Till Beans, 1990Add to your cart.
:34 Beans In No Till 1:24 WS Same, Farm In Bg, Mike Sager Walks Into Shot, Examines Beans And Exits 2:04 MS Sager Examines No Till Debris 3:22  MWS (L<) Finishes Exam And Leaves 3:51 CU Bean Plants 4:07 WS Farmer Exam Eroded Corn Field **** 4:38 CU Erosion 4:57 MS Corn 5:03 MCU Same, Diff. <, (ZO) WS Farmer Exit Field 5:32 Corn Plants Washed Out Of Earth 6:11 L< Macro Of Erosion With Wash Out Plant **** 6:25 CU Corn Growing Next To Erosion*** 6:36 WS Eroded Corn Field 6:55 MS Eroded Area 7:11 Eroded Field 10:52 Erosion. Stone In Area 11:03 MWS Field, Barn Bg*** 11:18 WS Eroded Field 11:37 L< Corn Coming Up Through Debris******
Other Information: 20:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 291
Item 15: Side Dress Nitrogen, 1990Add to your cart.
:55 WS Sdn In No Till (To Cam.) 1:49 WS  (Away) 3:11 MS Across Frame (To Cam) 3:46  (Parallel Cam) 406 Same, Headed Other Way 4:19 CU Corn Plant 4:34 WS TELE Rig 5:20 WS L< Plant Fg Rig Passes Camera 6:33 MCU Corn Plant 6:55  MCU Rig Cutting Into Soil 7:12 WS Away Rig Across Frame 7:50 CU Plants 8:55 L< Rig To Cam Fills Screen y9:38 CU Recently Fertilized Row Next To Unfertilized One 10:12 WS Across Frame Nitro, Rig On Roadway 10:24 Hooking Up Nitro. Tank 11:00 Ride Along Shots On Rig 15:23 WS Field
Other Information: 1:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 292
Item 16: Wind Erosion, Corn Field, 1990Add to your cart.
:11 WS Dust Blowing  Across Field Farm In Bg :50 EWS Dust And Field 1:07 CU Corn Blowing In Wind 1:42 WS Match Above 2:09 CU Corn 2:50 EWS Field And Dust (Zi)Ws 3:20 MS L< Corn Blowing In Wind * 4:01 MS Same Corn In Fg 4:30 Bars And Presence 4:43 EWS Dust Over Barren Field, Old Barn Bg 5:20 WS Dust Blowing Across Highway. Traffic Enters Frame And Disappears 6:00 WS Dust Over Barren Earth, Farmstead Bg **** 7:23 Shots Of Irrigator. Hoopeston Area. Used To Get Rid Of Waste Water From Canning Plant.
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 293
Item 17: Well Head- BloomingtonAdd to your cart.
:08  MS Well, Farm In Bg 1:10  CU Detail On Pump 1:40  MS L< Pump Fg, Farm Bg 2:16 CU Broken Concrete Well Cover (Open) 2:46 CU Top Of Pump (Tilt) Open Seal 3:20 WS Fresh Field, Well In Middle, Farmstead Bg 3:50 Bars 4:22 CU Planter, Pulls Away From Camera. 4:58 WS Various Planting Shots 8:00 End Of Tape
Other Information: 8:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 294
Box 27Add to your cart.
Item 1: Spring Soybean Planting, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 WS Loading Planter From Truck 1:15 WS Planter, Toward Camera, Fills Screen, Turns Away 1:37 WS Planter Away From Cam. 2:01  MS Burning Soy Bean Bag 2:22 MWS Planter Away From Cam. 3:20 MS (PAN Follow)Toward Cam. 3:36 WS Across Frame, Exit Left, Turn (Off Screen) And Back 5:14 MS Turn Around 5:30 MS (PAN With) Planter 6:08 WS Planter And Tractor On Road 6:56 WS Tractor & Planter, Across Frame 7:45 MS Planter (Rear) Pan With & Down To Earth 8:15 WS Field Fg, Planter Away, To End Of Field, Turn Around And Back 9:58 MWS Across Frame (In And Out)** 10:03 MS Wheels And Discs In And Out 10:40 EWS Whole Scene          12:01 WS Filling Planter From Wagon (Auger) 12:28 MS Farmer Filling Planter 13:02 MWS 2 Farmers Filling Planter 13:38 EWS Farmer Climbs Down After Filling Planter 14:00 WS Early Spring Corn Field,(Damp) 14:22 MCU Corn Plants In Damp Field 15:18 EWS Field, Weeds Fg, Farm Bg. 15:49 WS Country Road Barn Bg., 16:45 MS Corn (Young) In Field End Of Tape
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 295
Item 2: Soil Conservation Service Champaign, IlAdd to your cart.
:40  WS High Floater Applying  1:00 WS (TELE) 2:00  Various  '' '' '' ***** 6:03 CU USDA, County Office Sign 6:38 CU (PAN) County Soil & Water 7:14 CU Caw Plan Map On Table  8:01  ECU Map Label 8:29  WS Advisor And Farmer Enter And Discuss Conservation Plan 9:27 2 Shot`  11:48 CU Caw Farmer 13:00 Caw Maps 14:00 2 Shot Discussion Continues 15:30 CU Caw Advisor 17:40 CU Caw Water Field Quality Guide 18:30 WS Ascs Office 18:50 2 Shot Ascs Customers (Profile) 19:09 CU Pen Filling Out Form 19:45 MCU Farmer (PAN To) Person Filling Out Form 20:07 2 Shot, Over Farmer Shoulder Ascs Person Filling Form
Other Information: 02:00::00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 296
Item 3: Soil Conservation Service Champaign, IlAdd to your cart.
20:48 Shot Advisor Explaining  To Farmer 21:16 Advisor Working Computer 21:46 Woman Marking Map ** 23:05 CU Computer Screen 23:31 Office Woman Filling Form 24:40 CU Sign On Desk, If Your Not Confused ...**** 25:17 2 Shot Same Situation (Ns Sign There) 26:09 CU Womans Pen 26:22 ECU Farmoers Illinois Hat 26:45 CU Farmer 26:55 WS (PAN) Of Office 27:30 Farmer (Cowboy Hat) Signing Up For Appoinment 27:50 Face (Above)\ 28:07 WS Cowboy Follows Advisor To Desk 28:18 2 Shot Them At Desk 28:34 ECU Face Cow Boy 28:46 2 Shot Working On Papers 29:35 CU Map And Pens (Good N.S.) 30:23 WS Cont. (N.S.) 31:00 CU Cow Boy 32:13 Caw Fan 32:40 3 Shot Cowboy Discussing With Advisors 32:50 Caw Loan Rate Board Welcome 33:07 Caw George Bush Portrait 33:48 Caw Kid Farmer On Wall 34:02 3 Shot Cow Boy Writing Check 34:45 Advisor On Phone (N.S.) 36:01 WS Front Of Officer Farmer Signing Up For Appointment
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 297
Item 4: Algae Choked StreamsAdd to your cart.
:23 CU Tile (Shaky) :45 WS Stream (Tilt Up)Ws Strem And Tractor Working Immediately Overhead 1:49 Tractor (Zo) To Stream 2:48 CU Tile, Water Running Off 3:22 WS Stream Tractor Drives Off 3:39 CU Algae Choked Water 4:06 WS (Down Stream) Weed Choked Ditch 4:42 MS Bank And Algae 5:01 ECU Tile (Better <) 5:18 CU  "      "" 5:32 WS (Bank To Bank) **** 5:57 ECU Water And Algae**** 6:25 CU Tile (PAN) Algae 7:50 CU Water Flowing Into Algae** 8:06 WS Same And Stream 8:30 MCU Algae And Weeds (PAN) 9:13 CU Algae**** 9:54 MS Algae And Stream Weeds Fg 10:05 CU Weed (Rack Focus) To Algae Chocked Stream 10:25 Stand Up For T.O.F. 11:58 Presence Track Running Water 12:20 MS Stream, Weeds, And Algae 13:51 WS Upstream, Corn Feild Right Next To Ditch 14:30 MS Bank, Water, Weeds And Algae 14:44 MCU Water, Weeds, And Algae****(PAN Acrross) Muck 16:00 WS From Bridge 16:22 MCU Tadpoles 16:55 WS Corn Field (PAN To) Ditch End Tape
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 298
Item 5: Storm Clouds, Rainbows, SunsetsAdd to your cart.
:19 WS Farm Land Under Stormclouds :46 Slight Rainbow 1:06 WS Storm Over Land (Wind Ruffling Grass 1:45 MS Storm Clouds (Tilt Down) To Farm Stead (Tilt Up) Back To Clouds 2:38 MS Clouds (T.D.) Farm 3:00 WS Fam Land 3:20 WS County Highway 3:30 MS Clouds In Sky 4:10 WS Farmstead, Highway Fg, Shaky Rainbow 7:23 Various Good Rainbow Shots, Over Farm, Near Bloomington 12:50 Sunset At The End Of The Highway. Trucks And Cars Driving Out Of The Setting Sun End Of Tape
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 299
Item 6: Bad Farm Wells, 1990Add to your cart.
1:07  Interview/Tour #1 ***See Transcripts*** 9:44 Interview (Sit Down) #1 ***See Transcripts*** B-Roll 16:03 MS Uncovered Well And Pump House 16:25 MS Uncovered Well (Pan Up) To Nearby Cattle 17:13 Caw's Cattle 19:00 CU Water Inside Well ** 20:00 MS L< Pump House 20:26 CU's Hydrant Head 21:50 CU Down Spout 22:12 WS Match End Of Tape
Other Information: 20:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 300
Item 7: Stream Buffer Strips, 1990Add to your cart.
:17  Unloading Van At Site :37 Following Girl From Van Through Corn. 1:14 Inside Corn Field, Men Walking By. 1:22  Follow Same, Arrive At Staging Area 1:46 Interview Korvacic*** (See Transcripts) 3:01 Staging Area 3:19 Girl Pulling On Boot 4:06 CU Starting Weed Whacker, Gives To Girl, She Goes Down To Stream 4:34 Filters In Pan 4:51 People Getting Ready 5:03 Cutting With Weed Whacker 6:18 Guy With Weed Scythe 8:25 Area 8:42 Guys Diging In Buffer Strip 9:20 WS Putting Large Collector 9:52 CU Post Hole Digger 10:40 MS Digger 11:19 WS Working Area 11:40 CU Digger 11:52 WS K In Stream 12:00 MCU Stream Bank, Snags And Water 12:30 WS (Across Stream***) K Instructing Students 15:30 WS Students Cutting Weeds (Across Stream) 15:41 MS Girl In Stream With Weed Whacker 16:07 CU Weed Whacker 19:18 WS Cut Weeds Floating Down Stream End Of Tape
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 302
Item 8: Stream Buffer Strips, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 Planting Erosion Monitors 00:17 Guy Walking w/Bucket 00:25 WS Digging Hole 01:01  CU Man Washing In Stream 01:26 Boy Carrying Something 01:44  CU Guy Looking At White Thing Interview ****See Transcripts*** 05:45 Group Working Together 06:00 Man Putting Dirt In Cup 06:33 CU Man Putting White Thing In Ground 07:28 WS Green Grass 07:52 Stream 07:58 Move To Grass 08:09 Stream 08:18 Stream And Grass 08:29 Grass With Stormy Weather 09:00 Chick Walking Into Corn 09:10 Panning Of Corn/Grass End Of Tape
Other Information: 2:00:00:15
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 303
Item 9: Wcia Tape: Lexington Explosion, 1990Add to your cart.
12:15 Newsroom Opening 12:16 CU Jerry Slabe Anchor Marta Carreira Reporter 14:07 End Of Package 14:25 10pm Story Follow Up Evacuation 19:03 Noon Report Dave Shaul Anchor Judy Brown Reporter 23:54 Yellow Chemical By Burnt Building 23:57 Warehouse WS 24:04 Yellow Chemical 24:09 People Standing Around 24:39 Interview With Man With Dual Hat On 24:56 Interview With Fire Chief 25:38 Kids Walking In House 25:50 Interview With Lady 25:55 Explosion 26:03 Town Meeting 26:07 CU Gut With Blue Cap On 26:17 Lady Doing Dishes 26:29 WS Men In White 26:31 CU Men In White 26:35 WS Lexington 26:38 Foggy Ground 26:41 Stream 26:56 CU Yellow Chemical 27:00 Pond With Trucks 27:07 CU Of Chemical 27:09 Stand Up Of Judy 27:12 Firefighting Scenes 27:19 Kid With Cereal 27:48 Epa At Night 28:05 Firefighters At Night End Of Tape
Other Information: 04:12:15:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 304
Item 10: Chemicals & Fertilizers Shields Soil Service, Dewey, Il, 1989Add to your cart.
:22 Shields Sign On Highway :57 Liquid Fertilizer, Load-Out To Trucks, WS, EXT Of Building 1:29 Interior Of Building Various Shots, Good Long Sequence Of Loading A Semi-Trailer With Chemicals 6:30 Loading Farmer's Tank With Liquid 8:34 Semi Pulling In For Loading 9:09 Dry Fertilizer, Ws Of Mixing/Loading Area 9:37 Dry Fertilizer, Mixing And Loading Into Mixer, Then Truck, Various Sequences, Good Stuff 10:47 Pov Parker Rides The Bobcat 11:43 Dry Fertilizer, Truck Arrives, Load-Out, Truck Leaves, Good Sequence 18:00 More Dry Mixing With Bobcat Loader 22:00 Tape End
Other Information: Channel 1 Time Code
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 305
Item 11: Chemical Dealership/ Fertilizer Application Shields Soil Service, Dewey, Il, 1989Add to your cart.
1:20 Fertilizer Dealer With Bags Of Fertilizer: Sequence- Checking Ingredients And Carrying Away Bag 2:25 In Field:  Liquid Fertilizer Application With Large Floater--3-Wheeled Terra Gator Spray Vehicle--In Cab Shots, Driver, Boom Spraying, Various 7:33 Field Shots, Long 8:33 Good LS 9:11 Good Full Screen Shot Of Floater 11:11 Different Field--Fertilizer Application--Wide Shot, Trucks Loading Floater 12:35 Floater In Field, LS 15:20 Loading From Semi To Floater 18:20 Riding Alongside Floater, Dollying From Parker's Blazer 19:43 Static Shots 20:30 Riding Alongside
Other Information: Channel 1 Time Code
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 306
Item 12: Chemical/Fertilizer Application Shields Soil Service, Dewey, Il, 1989Add to your cart.
0:00 Riding Alongside Floater, In Field Application 1:00 Good Shot 1:20 Field Shots, Static, Various Good Stuff 3:52 Good Shot, Floater With Farm In Background, More 5:24 End Of Tape
Other Information: Channel 1 Time Code
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 307
Item 13: Chemical/Fertilizer Facility Pierce Fertilizer, Sidney, IlAdd to your cart.
:13 Anhydrous Ammonia Tank, CU Of Various Parts Of Tank, Valves, Etc. 2:03 WS Of Ammonia Tanks 2:42 WS Of Tanks, Pan To Large Chemical Storage Tanks In Secondary Containment 3:14 Anhydrous Storage Tanks, Pan To Load-Out Area 4:18 Piping Over Dike, Secondary Containment Area, Mcu, Pull Out To WS Of Area 4:57 Chemical Storage Tanks, Diking, Detail Shots Of Hoses, Valves, Etc. 6:33 WS Of Facility 7:05 Bars, End Of Tape
Other Information: Channel 1 Time Code
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 308
Item 14: Chemical/Fertilizer Dealerships                  1) Clayton Point Fertilizer, Franklin, Il 2) Biological Farming, Inc., Prentice, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
:58 WS Clayton Point Fertilizer 1:38 Operational/Load-Out Area, WS 1:57 Detail Shots, Holding Tank 2:19 WS Of 2 Loading Pads 3:15 Pressure Washer, CU Nozzle 3:50 Drain In Concrete Pad 4:08 Spout -Chemicals Come Out 4:23 Separate Sump Pits For Corn And Bean mixes, worker walks in and checks, 4:59 Hose From Sump To Storage Area,Showing How Hoses Run Over Concrete 5:34 Valves In Secondary Containment Area 5:53 PAN From Valves To Rinsate Tanks, Then D P:45 Secondary Containment, Showing Pipes Going Over Wall, 8:43 Loading Area (Bulk Chemicals) 8:56 Storm Water Bypass System 10:37 WS From Back Of Facility, With Anhydrous Tanks 10:55 Earthen Berm At Rear 11:16 MCU Of Water In Stream 11:32 Detail Of Sump Pump 12:04 Drain Pipe Into Stream, 13:24 End Of Clayton Point Shots 13:24 Biological Farming, Inc. Secondary Containment, WS, With Large Tanks 15:17 Sump, With Pipes 16:48 Interior Shots, Piping (Overhead), Mix Area With Office In Background 18:15 Floater Truck, Parked Inside On Concrete 19:03 End Of Tape #310 Chemical/Fertilizer Plant, Terra Dealership, Hindsboro, Il  4/30/90  TC 17:00:00:00 :28 WS, Tanks In Secondary Containment 1:09 Detail Shots Of Diking, 4:30 PAN, Containment Area To Load-Out Area 5:14 Details Of Load-Out Area 6:32 Drain In Concrete Pad, MCU 6:52 Trash Burning At Back Corner Of Facility, Not Pretty, 7:38 CU Treflan Jug, Atrazine Boxes Follow, Misc, Other Cartons 9:08 WS Of Trash Burning Area, With Chem. Tanks In Bkgd. 9:34 2 Workers Loading Floater With Chemicals, (Atrazine & Bladex) From 1 Gallon Jugs, 11:23 Atrazine & Bladex Boxes 12:23 Jugs Dropping Onto Ground 12:43 Good, Of 2 Workers Pouring Stuff, Inadequate Protection 13:18 Jugs On Ground 13:50 Good WS Of Scene, With Zoom Into Action 14:55 Jugs And Boxes On Ground 15:45 Floater Pulls Away, Other Guy Picks Up Jugs 16:46 End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 309
Item 15: Chemical/Fertilizer Plant, Terra Dealership, Hindsboro, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
:28 WS, Tanks In Secondary Containment 1:09 Detail Shots Of Diking, 4:30 PAN, Containment Area To Load-Out Area 5:14 Details Of Load-Out Area 6:32 Drain In Concrete Pad, MCU 6:52 Trash Burning At Back Corner Of Facility, Not Pretty, 7:38 CU Treflan Jug, Atrazine Boxes Follow, Misc, Other Cartons 9:08 WS Of Trash Burning Area, With Chem. Tanks In Background 9:34 2 Workers Loading Floater With Chemicals, (Atrazine & Bladex) From 1 Gallon Jugs, 11:23 Atrazine & Bladex Boxes 12:23 Jugs Dropping Onto Ground 12:43 Good, Of 2 Workers Pouring Stuff, Inadequate Protection 13:18 Jugs On Ground 13:50 Good Ws Of Scene, With Zoom Into Action 14:55 Jugs And Boxes On Ground 15:45 Floater Pulls Away, Other Guy Picks Up Jugs 16:46 End Of Tape
Other Information: 17:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 310
Item 16: Stream Bank Erosion, 1990Add to your cart.
:00 Bob Frazee Interview 13:29 Willows And Poles Used To Retard Erosion 15:46 CU Running Water 17:20 Blown Out Creek Bed 18:20 Running Water 18:40 Hubcap Found In Stream 19:36 WS Bend Of Creek Bed 20:20 Water And Deadfall 20:46 CU Rippling Water End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 311
Box 28Add to your cart.
Item 1: Stream Bank Erosion, 1990Add to your cart.
:23 House & Corn Vield On Bank (ZO) Blown Out Bend In Stream (ZI) ***Note: Matches Water Survey Flood Tape*** 1:38 Eroded Bank Under Cornfield 2:24 CU Corn Growing On Edge Of Eroded Bank 3:06 Corn Growing Over Eroded Stream Bank 6:53 Bob Frazee Top Of Camera Interview 9:27 Field Over Erosion 9:47 (Same) Mccabe Takes Photo 9:59 Gary Standup 15:07  Geese Flying Overhead End Of Tape
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 312
Item 2: Hazardous Waste Pickup Decatur, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
59:38 Gate Of Fairgrounds 59:58 Farmer Delivering Old Chemicals :21 CU Difonate In Truck 59:38 Gate Of Fairgrounds 59:58 Farmer Delivering Old Chemicals :21 CU Difonate In Truck 1:45 Truck Drives On Site 2:48  Farmer Checks In 3:38 Sutan, Ect.. In Truck 4:30 Unloading Site, Guys In Safety Gear, Filling Barrels Hauling Stuff Away Etc.... 6:44 Var. CU Unidentified Chemicals, 1/2 Filled Jugs 8:17 Unloading Truck With Forklift 10:07 Sealing Waste Barrel 12:00 WS Area, Guy Hauling Barrel 13:24 Unloading Car Trunk 13:45 ""  Truck (ZO) TV Cameraman 15:10 Guys Putting On Safety Gear 15:26 Trick With Chemicals On Trailer Pull Onto Site 16:28 Guy Wheeling Barrel On Dolly (Sutan- Good Stuff) 17:00 Trucks In Line 18:30 Unloading Trucks 18:50 Filling And Sealing Barrels 19:35 WS Area 19:51 Var. Different Chemicals, Jugs Ect.. 21:25 CU Old Chemical Containers In Back Of Truck (Tilt Up) As Truck Pulls Onto Site End Of Tape
Other Information: 00:59:30:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 313
Item 3: Salt Fork River Bridge     Vermillion County, IlAdd to your cart.
:06 Water Tank Shots Toward Bridge (1/2 Frame U8nder Water) 1:10 Same Down Stream 2:00 Underwater- Algae And Muck 3:05 WS Bridge 3:33 Bubbles On Stream 4:01 Tank Shot Bridge 4:51 River From Bridge 5:05 Tank Shot Bridge Goes Underwater 6:43 Underwater Shot Algae 8:47                  10:27 Downstream Camera Goes Under 10:50 Underwater Algae 12:39 Shot Downatream 1/2 Underwater 14:18 WS Bridge 15:44 Bubbles On Stream 16:11 Bridge 16:57 Stream Bank And Current Ripples 19:17 Downstream Shot End Of Tape
Other Information: 05:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 314
Item 4: Helicopter Shots #4, Illinois River, 1990Add to your cart.
0:00 Stream, Wooded Banks 2:15 Settles Low, Gains Altitude Over Cornfield, Small Town, Chandlerville 6:00 Low Altitude Flyover, Follow Road Out Of Town 11:00 Long, Straight Road Through Fall Fields 12:00 Wooded Areas Near Illinois River Backwaters 13:00 Combine In Field 13:30 Pilot
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 315
Item 5: Helicopter Shots #1 Illinois River ValleyAdd to your cart.
:00 Bars And Junk 3:00 Take Off, Fly Over Peoria 4:13 Peoria Lake 7:14 Delta Shot (Fly Inland) 8:00 Across City To Lake 11:00 From Lake (Inland) 12:00 Along Shoreline 13:13 Circle Delta Move Inland 15:00 Farmland To Delta To Lake 16:15 Ews Lake, Circle Barge 18:17 Fly By Barge (Real Good) 19:25 Delta Along Shore Line End Of Tape
Other Information: O1:OO:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 316
Item 6: Helicopter Shots #2 Illinois River ValleyAdd to your cart.
20:00 Farmland, Woods To Lake 22:10 Barge Passing Close To Delta 22:55 Flyover Barge And Delta (Good) 24:07 Woods, Farm, Lake 26:19 Stream Blow Out 27:16 Following Channeled Stream 28:25 Between Levies On Channelized Stream (Very Good) To Delta & Lake 30:00 Illinois River, Backwaters And Flood Plains 31:31 Countoured Fields,Woods & River 32:56 Ews Fields, Woods , Valley 36:10 Follow Stream And Blow Outs 40:38 Down In Channel (Very Good) To Delta And Lake ***End Of Tape***
Other Information: 01:20::00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 317
Item 7: Helicopter Shots #3 Illinois River ValleyAdd to your cart.
43:40 Large Farms Near River 45:00 River, Backwaters Etc... 47:08 Barge Flyover 49:31 Barges Along Shore 51:54 Soybean Harvesting 54:47 Follow Behind Combine (Good) 56:00 Follow Stream Througn Fields 00:22 Ews Stream Winding Through Fields 1:35 From Bean Harvest Across Woods To River End Of Tape
Other Information: 1:42:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 318
Item 8: Brazil, Rio Beaches And SkylineAdd to your cart.
19:30 Jeff On Beach Doing Closing Line (Several Takes) 22:29 Brazilian Woman Doing Invite Line 23:23 Volleyball On Beach 24:49 Jeff  (Closing Lines) 27:21 WS Jeff On Beach 28:42 Ms  29:41 WS Ipanema Beach 31:29 MCU Rolling Surf 32:19 MWS Beach 32:43 Skyline- Rio- Various Times And Exposures 36:09 Skyline - Night And Rain ***Note T.C. Changes To 01:00:00:00* :02 Taxi/Money Scene Front Of Hotel Gloria End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:19:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 319
Item 9: Brazil, Rio Christ Statue, BeachAdd to your cart.
:17 CU Money :45 CU Jeff 1:45 Jeff At Phone Booth 2:59 Christ Statue 3:36 Hill Top View Rio 6:08 MWS Christ On Hill Top 6:30 WS Beach (Dif. Takes) 7:35 WS Jeff On Beach 8:15 Var. Shots Beach Activity 11:10 Jeff On Beach Doing Line. 13:30 WS Beach 14:21 Kids Playing 15:20 People Playing Cards 16:30 Guy Exercising 16:52 WS Beach Boardwalk 17:25 WS Card Players In Front Of Ocean 18:00 Kids Playing And Other Beach Activity End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 320
Item 10: Brazil- Paranagua Port Activity, Trains, TestingAdd to your cart.
:19 Aerial Views Port (Mant <'S) 2:45 WS Trains Being Unloaded 4:25 CU Train Coupling Slamming Together 5:00 CU Wheels Going By 5:50 MS Cranking Open Rail Car By Hand 6:52 Opening Railcar And Taking Samples 7:41 WS Showing Trucks And Trains Being Unloaded At Same Port. 8:14 WS  Trucks 8:44 CU Truck Spout (P.D.)To Grain Going Through Grate 11:07 WS Line Of Trucks Outside 11:53  Guys Testing Beans 13:25 Interview With Truck Driver (Santos) 14:47 Truck Being Unloaded And Checked 16:20 CU Dirty Beans 16:52 CU Beans In Dr. Hills' Hand 18:00 Interview Jose Fierocosta(Sp?) In Portuguese 19:20 Drive By- Long Line Of Trucks
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 321
Item 11: Brazil- Paranagua Intvs. And Grain TestingAdd to your cart.
:45 Interview Meko Maroni(?) Woman Scientist Sgs 3:25 Sgs Man Testing Grain (Good Sequence) 8:40 2 Guy Testing Another Way 10:00 WS Sgs Compound 11:00 Interview Miranda (Manager)
Other Information: 04:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 322
Item 12: Brazil- Paranagua Port And HighwayAdd to your cart.
17:50 Intverview Riaz (Sp?) (Port.) 22:39 Ship Being Loaded And General Port Shots 27:34 Aerial Port Activity (No Ships) 28:20 TELE Ships In Harbor 29:00 Activity On Ship 30:40 TELE Cargill Elevator 31:40 Traffic Shots 33:45 Jeff Hitch Hiking 38:08 Seq. Grain Trucks Coming Out Of Hills And Roaring By Kids In Front Of Shack
Other Information: 04:17:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 323
Item 13: Brazil- Highway & Londrina Highway And DowntownAdd to your cart.
:34 Trucks Roar Past Shack 5:16 Crowd Shots Downtown Londrina 10:00 Jeff Gets His Shoes Shined 13:00 More Crowd And Face Shots 18:35 WS Bank Line 19:00 More Crowd Shots 20:00 MS Bank Line (Zo) Jeff Walks Into Shot 21:40 Walking Shot Through Plaza 22:29 Street Person End Tape
Other Information: 06:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 324
Item 14: Brazil, Londrina EmbrapaAdd to your cart.
:20  Interview Newmeir 7:00 Interview ???? Keil??? 9:45 Interview Christianna ????? 14:00 WS (From Hill) Londrina 15:42 Jeff In Embrapa Parking Lot 16:00 Entrance Embrapa 16:35 CU Embrapa Logo 17:06 Lab Scenes
Other Information: 07:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 325
Item 15: Brazil-Londrina EmbrapaAdd to your cart.
:30 Lab Scenes 1:30 Jeff And Guy Walk Down Outdoor Hallway 2:44 Soybeans And \Coffee Side By Side 3:23 CU Soybean 4:00 CU Coffee Beans (Green) 4:25 WS Jeff In Bean Field 5:10 WS Jeff Walks To Coffee 5:30 CU Soybeans In Hand 5:45 WS Donkey Cart On Highway 6:45 WS              Dirt Road 7:10 Interview Servellos(?) Manager Co-Op Elevator (Portuguese) 8:16 Sequence Bagasse And Wood Fired Drier 19:31 Shots Of Wood Pile 20:00 WS Elevator
Other Information: 08:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 326
Item 16: Brazil, Londrina- Sao PauloAdd to your cart.
:30 Man At Elevator Checking Corn 5:10 Beans 6:00 WS Elevator Operator, Farmer And Kid 6:18 Same 6:39 Strip Cropped (Terracced) Corn And Beans 7: with Jeff 7:36 CU Corn On Stalk 8:22 MWS Over Jeffs Shoulder Looking At Field 8:40 WS Field With Corn On Ground 8:57 CU Corn On Ground 9:18 MWS Corn And Filed 10:02 WS Sao Paulo At Night (Pretty Noisy Video) End Tape
Other Information: 09:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 327
Item 17: Brazil, Sao Paulo Fabio Intv.- Street ScenesAdd to your cart.
:00 Fabio Triguerhino Intv. 10:50 CU Abiove Logo On Wall 12:02 Street Scenes Sao Paulo 15:05 CU McDonalds Sign 14:25 CU Window End Tape
Other Information: 12:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 328
Box 29Add to your cart.
Item 1: Brazil, Combines And Farmers, Feldon IntvAdd to your cart.
:30 Combine  Pulling Out Of Field Onto Road 4:00 Combine On Road 5:4 or (Ride Along) 7:29 Jeff And Gaucho Looking At Combine 13:08 Aray Feldons Interview 13:13 Feldons And Farmer In Bean Field 14:30 WS Bean Field 13:16 Jeff Talks To A Brazilian Farm Worker 19:07 Street Scenes Puerto Allegre 19:48 Plaza Scenes End Tape
Other Information: 13:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 329
Item 2: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Intv. Luxardo, Grain LabAdd to your cart.
:02 Interview Luxardo (English) 10:45 B-Roll Grain Lab Ms Guy Grading 11:24 CU Grain 11:42 MS Woman Grading 12:05 ECU 12:20 CU Hands 13:05 WS Grading 13:40 CU  Corn 15:55 Woman Shaking Corn 17:00 TELE Sectretaries (Zo) To Lab End Tape
Other Information: 14:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 330
Item 3: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Board Of TradeAdd to your cart.
:33 WS B.O.T. 1:13 Jeff And Pres Walk Intoshot 1:22 MS Jeff And Pres. Talk 1:38 Caw's Varios Shots Traders On Floor 2:50 Over Jeff And Pres Shoulder 3:14 WS Pit 3:34 WS Computer In Fg 3:45 CU Computer Screen 4:24 WS Board And Phones 4:50 CU Phones 5:20 MS Board Man 5:32 CU Man Smoking 5:55 WS Pit 7:42 WS End Of Session 8:00 CAW, S Guys Figuring Profit 9:00 Interview Pres. B.O.T. - Riaz (Spanish) ***End Of Tape***
Other Information: 15:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 331
Item 4: Argentina, Buenos Aires Street ScenesAdd to your cart.
:05 WS Playa De Vente Cinco De Mayo 37:  Jeff Walks Into Shop 1:00 Ws Plaza 1:15  CU Pigeons 1:44  Caws  People On Plaza 1:56 CU Argentine Flag 2:324 Caw's 2 Women Eating Apples 3:04  "" Couple 4:01 CU 25 Of May 4:37 WS Of Plaza And Statue 4:52 MS Clock Tower and Tree 5:06 TELE Street 5:26 WS Plaza And Foot Traffic 6:22 MWS 3 People On Bench. Woman Asleep 6:50 MS 3 Different People On Bench 7:98 Interview Claudia 10:08 CU Pigeons 10:35 MS Man Asleep On Grass 11:02 MS 3 More People On Bench 11:15 Soldiers Marching 12:00 Claudia Walkiing 13:10 Soldiers Marching 13:27 WS Strett Scenes (Crowds), Many Different Shots 15:34 MS Building (Pan Down) To Street Scene 16:25 Young Girls 18:25 WS Buildings And Sky (Pan Down) To Str-e 19:00 Var. Crowd Shots 19:40 CU "Guess Jeans" Logo 19:50 WS Shop 20:00 Various Crowd Shots 21:24 CU "Cambio" Sign 21:47 Claudia Looks At Cards 22:23 MS Shoes In Shop Window End Tape
Other Information: 16:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 332
Item 5: Paraguay - Ciudad Del Este, Fly-In And HarvestingAdd to your cart.
24:00 Aerials Of Dam And River 27:00 Countryside 28:16 Waterfall 28:47 Feilds And Forest 29:57 Bill Riding In Truck 30:15 Driving Shot Down Road 31:00 Past Bean Field 31:45 Down Road Truck0past Us 33:25 WS Combine Unloading Into Truck 33:54 WS Combine Working (Pan) To Unloading 36:00 Garbage Camera Oiperator Forgot To Turn Off Camera 37:33 WS Field Truck Fg 38:20 WS 6 Combines In One Field 40:00 WS    :    Working One Field 41:43 MS Tel. 2 Combines Drive Toward Camera End Tape
Other Information: 17:20:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 333
Item 6: Paraguay, Soybean HarvestingAdd to your cart.
:49 Combines In Field 2:32 CU Soybeans 2:57 Multiple Combines, Mountains In Bg (***) 4:47 Combine And And Out, Across Screne 7:13 Unloading Into Truck 9:16 Driving Shots (Shaky) 9:35 WS Farmland, Road Power Lines (Isolation) 9:49 Yellow Combines - Iffy (New Holland?) 10:58 Soybeans, Young 11:53 WS Country Road, Truck Roars Into Shot 12:22 Soybeans, Young 12:48 Truck On Road (In And Out) 14:05 WS Young Beans 14:12 Armed Guards 14:44 WS Elevator In Distance (Shaky) 15:25 Young Beans 16:21 Trucks Arrive At Elevator 16:46 Cultivating Young Beans (***) 20:50 Tractor Enters Bush 21:00 Elavator 21:40 Jungle At Sunset End Of Tape
Other Information: 18:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 334
Item 7: Paraguay, Cleared Land, Harvest, SquattersAdd to your cart.
:05 Cleared Land 3:30 WS Airstrip And Farm Office 4: perraced Fields 5:08 Combine Harvesting, (ZO) To Terraced Fields 6:07 Deforestation And Terracing 6:29 WS Countryside 6:47 Squatters Camp- School 7:24 Flag, Parraguay 7:46  Kids Among Slash And Burn Crops 9:56 Kid Holding Baby (Great Poverty Shot) 11:07 Homestead 13:33 Slash And Burn Field 15:00  WS Homestead End Of Tape
Other Information: 20:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 335
Item 8: Igwacu Falls, BrazilAdd to your cart.
15:30 WS Tourist Area 16:15 MS Falls 17:57 WS Falls (W/O Tourist Area) 18:16 MS Bottom Of Falls 18:41 CU Leaf (Rf) Falls 20:06 CU Rocks In Falls 20:51 MS  Falls 21:23 MS Falls And Mist 22:18 WS Falls And River 23:01 CU River Water 23:18 CU Bottom Of Falls 24:00 CU Rushing Water 26:23 Shots From Beside Falls (MWS, CU, Etc.) 28:41 Rushing Water 28:58 Mist And Moss Covered Rocks End Of Tape
Other Information: 20:15:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 336
Item 9: Buratovich Bros Elevator, Pergamino, ArgentinaAdd to your cart.
1:00  Trucks Waiting 2:30  Pulling Into Elevator 3:05 Buratovich On Truck 4:15  Truck Drivers Off Scales And Into 0:20 Small Town Street Shots 9:20 Double Truck (Past Camera) 9:59 Back Of Buratovich Truck 10:55 Truck Weighing In 12:24 Argentine Paperwork 14:00 Video Screws Up 15:00 (Ok) Truck Pulls Onto Scales Pulls Into Elevator 16:00  Video Messed Up 19 38 (So-So) Grain Being Unloaded End Of Tape
Other Information: 21:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 337
Item 10: Argentina - Country Elevator PergaminoAdd to your cart.
:30 Grading And Testin Corn 4:55 Unlorn At Elevator 6:16 CU Corn 7:50 Corn Pouring Out Of Trailer 9:15 Truck Leaves Elevator 10:21 Railway Cars 11:05 Oil Fired Grain Drying (High Temp) 12:37 Argentine Famly Meal Lowel And Betty Hill As Guests End Of Tape
Other Information: 23:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 338
Item 11: Argentina - Corn Harvest PergaminoAdd to your cart.
48:25 Corn From Combine To Wagon 49:50 Combine Harvesting 50:20 CU Ear Corn 51:45 Combine Working Field 54:41 Combine Filling Wagon 56:14 Ride Along Argintine Corn Harvest 2:04:15 WS Combine Harvesting Corn 6:25 Unloading Combine Into Wagon 9:01 Loading Corn From Wagon To Truck (Dumping Onto Ground) End Of Tape
Other Information: 1:48:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 339
Item 12: Argentina - Corn Harvest PergaminoAdd to your cart.
8:52 CU's Horses 10:20 Farmer Son Rides Horse 12:18 WS Large Farm 13:35 Bonanza Shot 14:19 Interview John Lagos - Argentine Farmer 18:16 Lagos Inspects Corn 20:17 WS On Farm Storage 21:51 WS Scales Country Elevator 24:35 Argentine Elevator Paperwork End Of Tape
Other Information: 22:08:52:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 340
Item 13: Argentina - Corn Harvest And Rosario Port ElevatorAdd to your cart.
0:31 Corn Loaded From Wagon To Truck - John Lagos Farm 16:00 Trucks Being Unloaded 18:37 Corn Being Dumped 19:42 CU Corn On Grate 20:20 Train Being Unloaded 23:52 Trains And Track 24:36 Train Moving Out Of Elevator 26:27 Guys Working On Track 27:50 L> Some Part Of Elevator 29:00 Shiploading 29:40 River Traffic 30:10 Ship 32:01 Conveyor Belts 33:00 Aerial Shots Port End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:1O:30:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 341
Item 14: Argentina - Rosario Bolsa (Commodities  Board)Add to your cart.
42:02 Interview Jorge Weschamps 48:04 Interview Hector Manallani (Sp?) 50:51 Chalk Boards With Different Prices, Commodities Etc.) 54:10 Trading Floor Action End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:42:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 342
Item 15: Argentina Export Elevator Punta Alvear, RosarioAdd to your cart.
4:05 Trucks Being Unloaded, Grain Tested 8:05 WS Trucks Waiting Outside Elevator 9:02 Lowel Hill And Elevator Manager Talk 9:23 Conveyor Belts Moving Grain 12:24 Ship Being Loaded 13:19 River Traffic 14:51 Skyline Port Of Rosario 19:54 Trucks Waiting To Enter Elevator 24:02 Intverview Miguel Amelong Mgr. End Of Tape
Other Information: 03:04:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 343
Item 16: Argentina - Highways, Trucks And SignsAdd to your cart.
31:23 Traffic (From Overpass) 31:47 Moving Shots, P-rain Trucks 39:21 Traffic (From Overpass) 44:50 Ws On Farm Grain Storage 45:42 Spanish Farm, Seed, And Implement Signs, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Pioneer, Asgrow, Cargill End Of Tape
Other Information: 04:31:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 344
Item 17: Argentina - San Antonio De Areco: Ranch, Polo, Gaucho DanceAdd to your cart.
30:00 Bars 31:00 Spanish Farm,Seed, And Implement Signs, Norethrup King, Galant 32:00 Riding Horses In Ring 35:15 WS Ranch Buildings 36:50 Polo Playing 40:32 Driving Shot Through Woods 41:33 CU Flowers 41:53 Gaucho Songs And Dancing End Of Tape
Other Information: 5:30:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 345
Box 30Add to your cart.
Item 1: Argentina -San Antonio De Areco - Buenos Aires MISSINGAdd to your cart.
52:22 Gaucho Song And Dance 56:20 Gaucho Barbeque 58:05 Interview Marcello Regunaga, Under Secretary Of Agricultural Economics - Argentina End Of Tape
Other Information: 5:52:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 346
Item 2: Streams, Pond, And Lake Vermillion Co.Add to your cart.
:53 CU Water Running Over Stones 1:34 Weeds And Algae 3:00 WS Stream (Sh Color Balance) 4:28 WS Stream (Warmer, Better?) 4:30 WS Pond 5:20 CS Trees And Water 7:20 WS Pond 9:00 Lake Mingo, Water, Waves Sparkles 11:45 Guy Fishing End Of Tape
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 350
Item 3: Washington, D.C. Monuments, RestaurantsAdd to your cart.
:20 African Room, Ethnic Food, Good Beer 10:50 Jefferson Memorial (At Night) From Steps 14:42 Washington Monument (A Little Rf Distortion) 15:29 Jefferson Statue From Inside Memorial 16:34  Kids Looking At Memorial 19:50 EWS Jefferson Memorial (***) End Of Tape
Other Information: 08:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 351
Item 4: Washington, D.C. MonumentsAdd to your cart.
2:49 Lincoln Memorial (At Night) 3:56 People Silhoutted Against Lin Statue 6:02 Statue From Inside Memorial 9:49 Kids Looking At Statue 10:56 Kids Get Off Bus 13:23 Kids At Ice Cream Shop End Of Tape
Other Information: 09:02:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 352
Item 5: Washington, D.C. Monuments And MemorialsAdd to your cart.
:12 Vietnam Memorial 1:00 People At Wall 1:30 Roses At Wall 3:15 Fl¨Ll 414 WS Wall Andstatue 5:29 Statue In Rain (Tears) 7:48 Walking Past Wall 11:49 Kennedy Memorial And Eternal Flame 14:10 Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Ceremony End Of Tape
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
UnitID: ACES Tape: 353
Item 6: Prairie Pasture Burn, 1990Add to your cart.
this Tape Is A Companion To #m2, Which Is Of The Same Field Three Months Later, When Prairie Was Grown Back duane D-rm, South Of Chatsworth, Il  Guy Who Is Starting The Fires Is Duane tc:03 :30 Various Shots Of Controlled Burn Of Prairie Pasture.  At One Point Dassow Kicks Farm Cat Into Flames 16:24 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 354
Item 7: Prairie Pasture, 1990Add to your cart.
this Tape Is A Companion To #m1, Which Has Shots Of The Same Field 3 Months Earlier, When It Was Burned. duane Dassow Farm, South Of Chatsworth, Il tc:11 :30 Various Shots Of Cows In Prairie Pasture 6:10 Various Praire Plants Named 10:40 Pheasant Nest With A Mess Of Eggs 12:20 Bluebird House With Babies In It, Various Shots 13:20 Pasture Shots, Dan Newhouse Of Doc, Examines Prairie Plants 15:50 Bluebird House 17:00 Cows, Staring, Grazing 18:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 355
Item 8: Intsoy Soybean Extrusion/Expelling, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion To #m4: various Shots Of Soybean Extrusion/Expelling Process In Intsoy's Food Science Lab.  Very Complete Coverage Of Entire Process tc:01 :30 Separating Seed, Various 9:00 Grinding Seed 12:45 Dr. Wilmot Preparing Extruder 20:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 356
Item 9: Intsoy, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion To #m3:Various Shots Of Soybean Extrusion/Expelling In Intsoy's Food Science Lab.  Very Complete Coverage Of Entire Process-:30 Various Shots Of Extruder In Action, Featuring Prof. Al Nelson 11:20 Action Shifts To Expelling, Featuring Wilmot And Nelson 18:15 Soybean Oil, Meal, And Flour; Product Shots 20:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 357
Item 10: Intsoy: Extrusion/Expelling, 1989Add to your cart.
:30 Various Shots Of Soybean Extrusion/Expelling Process 11:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 358
Item 11: Soybean Foods Processing: Grove Country Corn In OhioAdd to your cart.
Control Track :30 Various Shots Of Food Processing Factory That Produces Soy Food Products; Extruding, Canning, Etc. 16:00 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 359
Item 12: Soybean Processing Plant, Central Soya Plant In Gibson City, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion To #m8 tc:06 01:30 Trucks Delivering Soybeans, Various 11:25 Solvent Extraction Factory, Various, Trucks Loading Out Soy Oil And Soy Meal 22:10 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 360
Item 13: Soybean Processing Plant, Central Soya Plant In Gibson City, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion To #m7 :45 Soybean Processing Plant, Various Shots, Trucks Loading Out Soy Oil And Meal, Hexane Storage, All Exterior 19:30 Cemetery, With Plant In Background 21:27 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 361
Item 14: International Rice Research Institute (Irri), PhilippinesAdd to your cart.
We Received This Tape In February, '90, Through Dr. Harold Kauffman, Director Of Intsoy, Who Had Worked At Irri.  tc Starts At 23:48, Then Rolls Over To 01: 49: 5 Minute Documentary On Organic Farming In The Philippines 54:30 Cover Video, Most With Nat SounØrious Research At Irri, Rice Planting, Etc.  Then A Series Of Tools (For Rice Cultivation) Developed At Irri Are Demonstrated 00:10 Water Buffalo 1:00 More Tools Demonstrated 10:00 Rice Harvest, Separating 11:00 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 362
Item 15: Corn Harvest, 1989Add to your cart.
Farmer: Orville Rohl, Nw Of Sidney control Track 00:30 Corn Harvest, All The Usual Shots, Dumping, Ride-Along, Etc. 11:55 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 363
Item 16: Potassium Deficient Corn & Beans/Soil Testing With Randy, 1989Add to your cart.
00:30 Potassium Deficient Soybeans; Plants, Plant Fondling, Etc. 05:25 Audio Presence 06:00 Potassium Deficient Corn, Fondling, Etc. 10:20 Soil Testing With Randy (He's Not Really A Farmer, But He Plays One On Tv) 13:36 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 364
Item 17: Agri-Chemical Dealership Burrough's Ag Services, Toluca, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion To #366 tc:08 00:50 Field Application Of Chemicals, Large John Deere With Chemical Application And Light Tillage Combined, Burrough's Ag Services In Bkgd. 03:15 Chemical Load-Out (Into Mini Bulk Container)¨L Containment Facility, Various Shots  16:40 Explanation Of How Chemical Recovery System Works By Employee 18:15 Shots Of Computerized Control Center 20:15 Mini-Bulk Storage 20:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 365
Box 31Add to your cart.
Item 1: Agri-Chemical Dealership Burrough's Ag Services, Toluca, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
this Reel Is A Companion To #365 tc:10 00:20 Large Tank Containment 01:00 Chemical, Several Trade Names Visible 04:00 Ext. Shots Of Building 05:20 Anhydrous Ammonia Load-Out Area, Various Shots 05:50 John Burroughs Loads Out Anhydrous And Talks To Parker, Continues With Anhydrous Loading 13:00 Action Shifts To Large Tank Outdoor Storage, With Good Secondary Containment 18:30 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 366
Item 2: Agri-Chemical DealershipsAdd to your cart.
this Is A Compilation Reel; The First Section--Gibson City Fs--Is Original, The Remainder Of The Reel Is First Generation Dub 1) Ford-Iroquois County Fs, Gibson City, Il  8/17/90 tc:17 00:10 Washing Down Load-Out Pad 00:35 Sequence Of Shots Around A Secondary Containment Full Of Disgusting Looking Water 02:50 Washing Down Load-Out Pad Again 06:00 Staged Demonstration Of How A Hose Is Not Supposed To Be Submerged Into A Tank 07:00 "Back-Check Valve" On Water Spigot 07:30 FS System For Settling Out Solids 2) Ehler Brothers Fertilizer, Thomasboro, Il  4/27/90 09:30 Load-Out Of Large Tank Truck, With Valve Leaking Chemicals 3) Shields Soil Service, Dewey, Il  4/27/90 14:00 Washing Down Field Floater In Building, On Concrete Pad 4) Brandt's Fertilizer, Pleasant Plains, Il  5/10/90 17:30 Load-Out Area Facility) With Great Looking Hoses, Labeled With Chemical Brand Names--Bicep, Dual, Eradicane, Cannon, Sonolan, Treflan, Lariat, Aatrex. 21:10 "Rpz" Valve, Protects Water Supply Of Entire Facility From Backflow
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 367
Item 3: Corn Harvest, 1989Add to your cart.
Farmers: Orville & Keith Rohl (Father & Son), Nw Of Sidney 00:30 Corn Harvest, All The Usual Shots, Ride-Along, Etc. 20:15 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 368
Item 4: Moldboard Plowing, 1990Add to your cart.
Sw Of Philo tc:15 00:40 Fall Moldboard Plowing, Various Shots, Philo, Il In Background Of Some Shots, Woman Farmer Driving Tractor 12:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 369
Item 5: Soybean Harvest, 1989Add to your cart.
Farmers: Forrest And Julian Stipp (Brothers), South Of Sidney, Il tc:02 00:30 2 Combines And A Grain Wagon Do The Bean Harvest Thing.  This Was During The Time When There Was Congressional Debate On A Proposed Amendment To The Constitution Against Flag Burning.  So This Farmer Took It Upon Himself, As His Personal Statement, To Put An American Flag Out On The End Of His Combine's Auger.  Friend, There Is No More Moving Sight Than Old Glory Waving Out There In The Dust Of Harvest.  Do This Reel Proud. 14:30 Ride-Along Randy, Shoots Off The Deck Of The Rear Combine, With One In Front, Unloading Into A Grain Wagon On The Fly. 21:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 370
Item 6: Woodford County In Spring, Mike Sager, River Scenes, Etc., 1991Add to your cart.
Tc:01 00:25 Woodford County Road Sign, Various Takes 04:50 Walnut Creek, A Small Tributary Of Panther Creek, Itself A Tributary Of The Great Mackinaw River, Various Shots With Farmstead In Bkgd.  One Of Which (8:07) Was The Closing Credit Shot Of The Fabled PrØounty 12:42 Mike Sager, Retired Woodford County Extension Advisor, Driving And Talking About Mushrooms 15:58 Woodford County Scenics, Se Of Eureka, Grassed Waterways, Newly Planted Fields, Farmstead 22:30 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 371
Item 7: Woodford County Scenics, Mike Sager, Extension Advisor Visiting With Farmer At Planting Time, Etc., 1991Add to your cart.
Tc:02 00:30 Woodford County Scenic, Farmstead With Waving Wheat Field In Foreground, V 00:53 Good Shot Of Road And Creek, Possible Freeze Frame For Illinois Scenic 03:34 More Shots Of Wheat Field 05:14 Woodford County Courthouse, Eureka, Il, With Mike Sager Walking Out 07:51 Mike Sager Visits Farmer (Tom Kennel) During Planting, Sequence 11:24 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 372
Item 8: Agri-Chemicals, Field Application, Combined With Light Tillage, 1990Add to your cart.
This Reel Is A Companion Of #p4- Which Contains Mounted Shots On The Rig Featured Here.  Farmer Is Roger Grace (Son Of Lyle Grace), Farm Is North Of Urbana, Leverett Elevator Is In Bkgd. tc:07 00:28 Light Tillage Combined With Agri-Chemical Application, Prior To Planting, Various Shots 04:29 Different Field, Same Rig 08:47 Same, With Housing Subdivision In Background 11:43 Another Shot With Houses In Background 14:53 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 373
Item 9: Grain Elevator, Colison, Il, 1990Add to your cart.
Tc:21 00:30 Standard Shots Of Probing, Weighing And Unloading Grain, Can't Tell If It's Corn Or Beans 10:22 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 374
Item 10: Decatur Public Health Clinic, Decatur Water Treatment Plant, Lake Decatur, 1990Add to your cart.
Tc:10 00:30 Public Health Clinic, Well Baby Check-Up, Nurse Explains Nitrate Contamination To Mother With Baby 07:04 EXT Shots Of Clinic And Sign: Macon County Health Department 08:18 Decatur South Water Treatment Plant, Sign And Ext. 10:20 Lake Decatur, Various Shots, Some Boats 18:26 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 375
Item 11: Illinois River Backwaters And Marshes, 1990Add to your cart.
Marshes Are On Property Of The Sun Foundation, An Environmental Education Organization, Up Along Route 26, About 9 Miles North Of Spring Bay tc:O5 00:30 Marshes Not Far From The Illinois River, Wood Duck Houses On Trees, Various Shots 11:28 Shots From Hillside Of Marshes And Ill. River In Far Background 17:15 Train Goes Through 18:05 Hog Farm, Emphasis On Animal Waste Run-Off Into Nearby Pond 21:59 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 376
Item 12: no-till soybeans (PCS), 1996Add to your cart.
00:11 bars 00:23 WS  spraying no-till soybeans 00:46 MS spraying no-till soybeans (various shots) 02:10 WS  spraying no-till soybeans (zoom in) (various) 03:34 MS  spraying no-till soybeans  (variuos shots) 05:03 CU spraying no-till soybeans (follows tractor) 05:46 MS  spraying no-till soybeans (various shots) 06:39 CU old corn cobs on ground, beans growing nearby 07:03 no-till soybeans, zoom in & out of soybean plants 07:48 MS spraying no-till soybeans  (various shots) 08:31 CU of tractor  and sprayer, drive out of shot 08:53 CU of soybeans,  tractor drive by in distance 11:37 tractor and sprayer drive into shot, truck meets them, farmers talk and walk out of picture 12:15 CU, back of sprayer, farmers check sprayer 12:46 ECU sprayer nozzle, hand checks 12:59 MS, sprayer, farmers walk through shot, talk 13:31 WS, sprayer and farmers, check equipment and beans and tractor drives out of shot 14:26 farmer checks soybeans 15:17 CU soybeans in cornstalks, farmer walks in and checks 15:49 farmer weeding out beans, CU of same thing
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 400
Item 13: no-till soybeans (PCS)Add to your cart.
00:08 bars 00:40 farmer checking combine 01:28 CU, farmer checking combine (various shots) 02:28 farmer checking combine, other farmer arrives 03:15 shot follows farmers as they walk to bean field, check 04:24 bins, farmers walk past to check soybeans, CU of faces 06:02 ECU soybeans,  hands picking a bean apart 06:33 CU farmers checking soybeans 06:59 ECU  soybean 07:34 WS soybean field (various) 08:42 CU  soybean plant, then focus to corn field 09:43 MS  soybeans, focus in middle of shot 10:04 WS soybean field 10:22 combine, farmer gets in, drives away 11:43 inside combine, CU of face 12:38 farmer checking corn 13:35 various CU's of corn and corn tassels 15:14 ECU ear of corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 401
Item 14: no-till soybeans (PCS), fertilizer, corn harvestAdd to your cart.
00:05 bars 00:38 WS soybean field, farmer checks, looks at stalk 01:53 CU farmers face, hands 02:50 MS farmer checking soybeans 03:45 bars 04:07 inside combine looking out, corn harvest 04:47 CU, inside combine looking out, corn harvest 05:03 inside combine cab, farmer driving 05:49 harvested corn coming in to hopper 06:30 inside combine cab, farmer driving 06:44 unloading harvested corn to wagon 07:06 ECU, corn going to auger, zoom out, various shots 07:37 deer runs across field 07:47 harvested corn going from auger to grain wagon 08:01 farmers looking over field 08:38 fertilizer trucks, farmer talks with driver, (various) 11:41 auger unloading fertilizer 11:58 men talk while fertilizer unloads 12:43 CU, back of fertilizer truck 12:59 fertilizer unloading 13:44 fertilizer truck in field, various shots 15:31 corn harvest, farmers--out of tractors & talk, (vari'us) 17:52 ECU, rust on grain wagon 17:58 MS, 2 combines driving away, corn harvest, (various) 20:24 MS, combines finishing round and unloading  (various)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 402
Item 15: PCS  corn harvest, fertilizer, soil testing, Beckman InstituteAdd to your cart.
00:07 bars 00:32 CU standing corn, combine drives by in background 00:50 ECU ear of corn, tassel 01:14 "Mr. Clean" tractor 01:24  MS, harvesting corn 01:54  CU  corn from auger to grain wagon, to MS (various) 04:27  fertilizer truck in field (various) 06:11  harvested corn from combine to wagon (various) 07:34  farmers talk by tractor (various) 08:25  farmers go to seperate tractors, leave shot 09:27  tractors with grain wagons on road 10:03  fertilizer truck in field, CU of tires 13:14  fertilizer man, puts flag out 14:09  soil sampling, CU  of same thing 15:48  Beckman Institute (various shots) 19:44  U of I seal on Beckman Institute gate
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 403
Item 16: dairy and alfalfa (ALF)Add to your cart.
00:01 bars 00:30 CU, dairy cow face 00:42 in dairy cow lot, people putting cows back inside 01:54 in milking parlor, cleaning cows prior milking (various) 04:01 CU, cow hooked up to milking machine 06:26 CU, dairy cow face 07:04 ECU, dairy cow tail, zoom out to show all cow's tails 07:49 dog 08:09 ECU, milk in tube (various shots) 09:17 WS, farm scene, dairy cows in field 09:51 farmers walking down road of farm 10:23 dairy cows in pasture 10:30 farmers walking in alfalfa, look at alfalfa (various) 12:04 CU, alfalfa, farmers looking at alfalfa 12:51 farmers in alfalfa field, CU of faces (various shots) 15:00 CU, bin with farm name, Staiger Farms 15:11 dairy cows in feed lot, CU of dairy cow faces (various) 17:17 CU, cow faces during feeding, cows eating 18:39 MS, farmer in hay mow, tosses out hay bale 19:02 CU, dairy cow face 19:18 farmer takes hay bale to trough, cows eat,  (various)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 404
Item 17: alfalfa cutting (ALF)Add to your cart.
00:08 bars 00:27 taking hay mower  and rake to field 01:30 cutting alfalfa 02:02 CU and MS, hay coming out the back of mower 02:54 CU, cut alfalfa 03:22 horse in field, mower drives through shot (various) 06:34 CU, tractor and mower, drives through shot 07:00 CU, rake and mower running, ride along shot 07:43 CU, front of tractor, ride along shot 08:10 view of what was just cut, ride along shot 08:26 ECU, rake running, goes to MS of rake and mower 08:58 CU, farmer watching the mower and rake (various) 11:03 CU, not cut alfalfa, goes to CU of farmer's face 11:43 CU, exhaust pipe, to WS of farmstead 12:19 rake and mower starts up, farmer gets off to check alfalfa, various CU of him looking at alfalfa 14:03 CU, back of mower 14:10 farmer checks cut alfalfa, gets on tractor, drives away 15:15 CU, cut hay coming out of mower 15:59 MS of tractor and mower/rake, CU of mower/rake 16:54 ECU, back of mower, starts cutting alfalfa
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 405
Box 32Add to your cart.
Item 1: alfalfa cutting (ALF)Add to your cart.
00:02 field of alfalfa bales 00:20 bars 00:29 CU, hay bale, to WS field of hay bales 00:24 ****time code started over, spraying alfalfa into wagon (various shots) 01:46 machine coming over hill, spraying alfalfa into wagon, (various shots) CU as machine passes camera 04:27 CU, cut alfalfa, bird in alfalfa 05:09 machine drives through shot 06:21 farmer meets machine, tractor drives off with wagon 07:44 farmer hitches machine to wagon 08:04 CU, alfalfa being blown into wagon, ride along shot 09:05 CU, farmer driving machine, various ride along shots 11:35 machine and wagon drive through shot (various) 14:42 tractor and wagon pulling into farmstead 15:27 various ride along shots, looking at the front of tractor 17:40 farmer putting cut alfalfa into Harvestore (various)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 406
Item 2: storing alfalfa hay in siloAdd to your cart.
:00:01    bars :00:02    CU, silos, MS -- tractor unloading alfalfa hay into silo :00:42    CU, chopped alfalfa hay in wagon :01:03    CU, chopped alfalfa hay from wagon to silo, various :02:10    **********END OF TAPE************
Other Information: 11:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 407
Item 3: dairy cow feedingAdd to your cart.
:15:26    CU, dairy cow faces :16:58    general shots, milking parlor *****start new time code  (14:00:00:00)***** :00:50    farmer feeding dairy cows in milking parlor :01:13    CU, hay and dairy cows eating, CU -- farmer's face :03:13    interview ******END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 13:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 408
Item 4: unloading cut alfalfa hay, dairy cowsAdd to your cart.
*****interviews until 15:10:23:16 :10:23    tractor and wagon pulling in to unload alfalfa hay :11:40    farmer setting up tractor, unload alfalfa hay (various) :13:32    CU, PTO :14:29    CU, alfalfa coming out of wagon :14:52    CU, water coming out of spigot :15:19    MS, wagon unloading alfalfa, farmers in field behind :15:34    ECU, water coming out of spigot :15:52    cut alfalfa going from wagon to silo (various) :17:15    dairy cow standing in creek, various pasture shots *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 15:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 409
Item 5: dairy cows in pastureAdd to your cart.
:01:34    dairy cows in pasture :01:46    farmer looking at dairy cows in pasture :02:24    dairy cows in creek :02:51    MS, farm scene, CU -- MIL-NOR FARMS sign *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 16:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 410
Item 6: baling alfalfa hayAdd to your cart.
:00:00    bars :00:14    CU, cut alfalfa hay :00:36    drive through shot, tractor with round baler :00:53    WS, field of round bales, tractor with baler drives thru :01:52    CU, cut alfalfa hay :02:19    MS, round bales of alfalfa in field :02:41    baler unloads round bale of alfalfa :03:38    tractor with round baler, various :06:46    CU, back of round baler :08:51    MS, round bales of alfalfa hay in field :09:01    CU, round bale, also ECU of same thing -- focus on barn :09:53    CU, round bale, zoom in, tractor and baler drive through :11:57    stand up until end of tape *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 411
Item 7: baling alfalfa hayAdd to your cart.
:00:14    bars :00:33    field of square bales :01:16    CU, square bale of alfalfa hay, :01:30    WS bales in field, various :03:12    tractor and baler drive through shot :04:13    CU, tractor drive through with baler, CU back of baler :04:48    ride along, front view of tractor :05:47    farmer fixing square baler :06:18    ride along, view of baler making bales :06:59    CU, hay in baler, go to MS :07:28    farmer in tractor, CU :07:57    rear view mirror shot, various :08:56    ride along shot, various :09:44    square alfalfa bales in field :10:03    unbaled alfalfa :10:16    tractor and baler drive through shot :10:58    farmer fixing baler twine, various, drive off :12:15    bale coming out of baler :12:36    tractor and baler in field, various :19:38    CU, twine on bale of alfalfa hay :19:58    WS, tractor  and machine picking up bales in field *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 17:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 412
Item 8: loading and storing alfalfa hayAdd to your cart.
:00:02    bars :00:26    picking up square bales of alfalfa hay, various :03:21    preparing to unload bales in the barn, various :05:02    farmers putting bales on conveyor, to barn, various :07:11    ECU chain :07:22    MS, bales going from ground to barn *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 18:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 413
Item 9: alfalfa bale core samples, fertilizingAdd to your cart.
:00:08    bars :00:34    MS & CU, core samples from alfalfa bales -- square :03:45    putting samples in bag, various core sample shots :05:20    row of round alfalfa bales, various :08:03    CU, round bale,, then to CU of squre bale pile :09:09    fertilizer truck, various, loading, various :13:09    ECU, fertilizer :13:17    fertilizer man watching the truck unload, various :14:23    fertilizer truck drives off :15:56    fertilizer truck in field, various *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 20:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 414
Item 10: fertilizer applicationAdd to your cart.
:30:07    bars :30:25    Preparing, checking tractor for fertilizing corn field :31:10    Ready to fertilize the land, (various shots) ********start time code with 1:08:53:08 ********               Story with Gary Beaumont's voice :09:14    teaching chemical applicators to handle chemical               spills, chemical safety training  (various shots) *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 415
Item 11: applying fertilizer, plowing, new cornAdd to your cart.
*******Tape starts with 23:59:05:00******* *******Bars start with 00:00:01:10******** *******Video starts with 01:35:43:26****** 35:45    dry fertilizing the field (various) *******Time code changes to 02:12:38:15*** 12:38    farmer checks soil moisture (various) 14:30    CU, farmer checks soil moisture 15:20    CU & WS, new corn shoot *******Time code changes to 17:05:12:10**** :05:12    chisel plowing in untilled field (various WS's) :07:30    plowing, drive through shot (various) :12:40    CU, of United States map, shows highway network *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 23:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 416
Item 12: alfalfaAdd to your cart.
00:11    bars 00:28    ECU alfalfa plant 01:26    WS alfalfa takes up entire screen 01:50    CU alfalfa 02:29    WS alfalfa feild with trees in backround 02:59    More alfalfa 03:25    WS alfalfa field with farm house in backround 03:50    CU some guy's butt and pull out to reveal 2 men standing front of alfalfa field 04:05    Alfalfa chopper ( mower ) going through field 04:53    Alfalfa chopper going through field. Tree and farm in backround 05:38    Alfalfa chopper in distance coming towards camera 07:37    Alfalfa chopper drives across screen 08:36    Cu chopped down alfalfa 08:53    Alfalfa chopper coming toward camera 09:38    CU alfalfa choppers blades mowing alfalfa 11:25    Camera following along with alfalfa cutter 12:05    WS alfalfa field with farmhouse in backround 12:33    Alfalfa field with farm in backround/Alfalfa chopper               drives across screen 15:18    Low shot of chopped down alfalfa 15:47    CU choped down alfalfa 16:41    Tractor ( alfalfa chopper ) drives very close by camera 17:04    Alfalfa chopper drives by and( alfalfa rake? ) 17:48    Alfalfa rake 18:23    Alfalfa rake is driving away from camera 19:16    Color bars                                             *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 08:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 417
Item 13: Soy bean harvestAdd to your cart.
:00:48    WS soy bean harvest , combines :02:30    Soy bean field , very sunny day , blue sky :03:05    Three combines harvest soy beans :05:25    Soy bean loaded to the truck ( shot from truck ) :07:10    Farmer in combine while it loads into truck :07:35    CU soy beans loaded :07:45    CU soy beans in the truck :08:00    Soy beans loaded into truck ( different angle ) :09:10    Farmer in combine while loading beans :09:50    CU "PLUNK BROS." sign on side of truck :10:20    Truck and combine pass by :11:15    Combines at corner and turn onto road :12:10    Combines on side of road and talk to farmers family :16:00    Farmer and family chatting :18:50    Soy beans in the field , ready to harvest , combines               pass by *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 23:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 418
Item 14: Corn plantingAdd to your cart.
:00:00    Color bars :02:30    Planting the corn  ( various shots ) :04:30    Creek and planting tractor :05:30    Planting tractor pass by :06:40    Preparing corn planting , check planting machine :08:30    Farmer walks planting path :09:00    Planting tractor ready to run :10:00    Planting corn ( machine approaching camera ) Various               shots of planting corn :16:25    Guy with shirt of strikes a pose *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 419
Item 15: Soybean planter / riversAdd to your cart.
00:00    Color bars 00:22    Fence post in foreground , house and barn in backround 00:44    Soy bean planter on farm next to barn / Man comes out               lifts up pannels on the  machine( 2 shots ) 02:14    CU of plastic cow hanging on barn 02:45    Man closes two pannels on soy bean planter machine 03:05    WS on farm /tractor and barn in backround and old -               fashion wagon and a tree in foreground. Man starts               machine and drives off camera 03:43    Camera follows soy bean planter as it drives around               field 06:25    Man gets off tractor , shakes hands with other men and               they dig around in dirt for a while ( various shots) :07:36    CU of ment digging in dirt with hands ( various shots ) 08:20    So bean planter coming toward camera ( various shots) 10:16    River with trees on the banks (Various shots of and               around river ) 15:33    Color bars 15:37    Much bigger river ( various shots of and around river ) *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 420
Item 16: soybean plantingAdd to your cart.
01:06    WS of bean planter coming toward camera 02:03    Many various shots of soy bean planter driving around                                field . CU ,WS ect... 06:43    CU cut down corn stalks 06:53    WS field with bean coming over the horizon 07:57    Camera following behind tractor pulling planter.               Various shots taken from top of planter.  Many CU s of               parts of machine 11:30    Shot on back of machine going across field 12:04    Camera follows truck as it drives across field 12:27    man walks up to truck and pumps disiel into planter 13:23    Shot of a 3 quarters moon and pull out to field 13:34    CU of a man's hand who's had part of his fingers cut off. Pull out to reveal man stand on tractor. Man takes hose out of planter and puts back in truck 15:07    Truck driving away followed by bean planter 15:42    Bean planter drives by with farm in backround 17:22    Camera follows deer running across field at night *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: oo:oo:oo
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 421
Item 17: soybean/ corn fieldsAdd to your cart.
:00:17    Shot of gravel road and corn field :01:36    Soy bean field with water tower and grain elevator in               backround :02:04    ECU of soy bean plant. Various shots :07:14    WS of soybean field :08:17    CU  soy bean plant :10:10    WS of soybean field :10:45    CU soy bean plant :12:16    WS soy bean field and pan over to gravel road :13:13    Big flock of geese in field :14:41    Corn field with a grain elevator in the distance :15:00    Raining in big puddle in middle of soy bean field :16:21    CU of soy bean plant :16:34    Paved country road and old pickup truck drives by                 two shots *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 422
Box 33Add to your cart.
Item 1: Planting at nightAdd to your cart.
:22:54    Night time. Soy bean planter coming through field.               Various shots :25:30      Head lights of planter in and out of focus *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 423
Item 2: Various shots around campusAdd to your cart.
:02:23    Shot of side walk on campus with a statue an flowers :03:07    Side walk with people walking by statue :04:01    CU of statue of a woman :04:42    Lower shot of base of statue and inscription :05:18    Grassy area with side walks and many students :06:12    Daven port hall on campus :06:33    Students sitting in circle on grass reading :07:04    Person siiting alone one grass with people walking by :07:28    Three students standing outside building talking :08:01    Shot of a busy walkway on campus *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 424
Item 3: Bessy Bugs ( Horned Passalus)Add to your cart.
(THIS IS IN 3/4" AND BETA SP) :01:00    CU of head of the horned passalus (Bessy bug) :01:50    CU of almost whole body of Bessy bug. Follows bug as               it crawls around :04:11    Quarter is put by bugs to show size :07:25    Bugs crawl around on a rotted piece of wood :10:30    ECU of bug's pinchers :11:30    Pan across whole body of Bessy bug :12:40    Camera follows bug around  *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 425
Item 4: Ag open house 91Add to your cart.
:00:00    Boy looking at cow :00:17    Cow :00:32    Sheep :00:54    Kid with sheep :01:07    Boy petting cow :01:42    Cow with hole in side :01:53    People sticking hand in hole of cow :03:15    Kids milking cow ( various shots ) *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 426
Item 5: Ag open house 92Add to your cart.
59:30    Crowded room with bugs bunny and a cow costumes.               Kids crowding around them. 00:45    Parking lot full of busses 01:41    Kids around bugs bunny and cow 02:12    Flowers and plants 03:02    People behimd information desk 03:34    Sign "College of agriculture open house information" 03:49    Woman looking at Quiz station 04:48    Kids looking at toy bird talking to them 06:14    LIttle girl hugs person in big owl costume 06:30    Low shot of owl waving 06:48    Putting soil in small tube 07:23    Sign "Free tree seedlings ( pot them yourself ) 07:45    Pouring water in soil samples  07:51    Lots of people at booths 10:33    Clear garbage can full of garbage 10:49    Cardboard cut out of a man and girl 11:09    CU of information sheet " recycling in Illinois " 11:22    People doing things with ropes 12:22    4H sign 12:41    People doing more things with rope 12:57    Pigs sleeping 13:32    Kid milking cow 14:19    Sheep 15:24    Kids petting cow 15:50    Chicks 17:10    WS entire open house 17:26    Pigs 18:07    5 wood pig cut outs 18:30    CU of the # 6 on pigs body 18:56    Horse. People come and pet it 20:47    WS of entire open house                *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 23:00:00 / 00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 427
Item 6: Late spring planting 94Add to your cart.
:01:00    Many various shots of planter driving around field :03:39    Todd and farmer walking :04:33    Planter drives by , spreads out and starts planting :07:51    Todd's stand up :13:30    More shots of planter driving around :18:17    Really nice shots of planter   *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 428
Item 7: Planting / Rotary hoeAdd to your cart.
:01:45    Many various shots of planter driving around field :04:20    EWS planter drives across middle of screen :05:24    WS field , trees , and grain elevator in backround :05:47    WS Planter drives across middle of screen :06:50    Many various shots of rotary hoe driving around *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 429
Item 8: Partrige creek deltaAdd to your cart.
:00:31    Large body of water with weeds on bank :00:45    Man gets in water from boat and walks away then               comes back onto boat :03:45    Interview with man on boat 17:35      Sign in water :17:54    People in boat :18:11    CU water :18: 20    Man in boat talking    *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 430
Item 9: Butterfly GardensAdd to your cart.
:59:47    Two people walk around a garden :01:24    Black butterflies :03:21    Green buterflies :05:18    A praying mantis :06:06    Plants with pink flowers and butterflies :08:13    Orange , red , and yellow flowers , and butterfly :11:50    Lots of plants 14:29    "Butterfly Stop"  Sign *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 431
Item 10: Corn root worm/root washingAdd to your cart.
:01:00    Corn roots in a big tub of water :01:34    2 people examining corn roots :02:45    Corn roots with tags around them :03:17    People under a tent doing things with corn :04:30    People loading corn into wheelbarrows :05:00    Various shots of people handling corn :10:30    Todd's stand up and interview *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 432
Item 11: X-mas tree farmAdd to your cart.
:00:00    various shots of field with small pine trees :01:05    CU of small pine trees :02:48    Man comes into shot and cuts down pine tree :03:50    Man drags tree off camera :04:20    CU of saw cutting tree trunk :05:10    Man hands a man in car a saw :05:33    People walk around looking for perfect x-mas tree :08:28    CU pine tree branches :08:49    WS X-mas tree lot with house in backround :09:53    Sign of x-mas trees prices :10:14    Shot down row of trees :12:02    CU top branch of tree :12:47    Many pine trees close together *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 433
Item 12: Farm progress showAdd to your cart.
U-MATIC COPY , Original  476 00:08    Aireal shot and pan around farm progress show 00:45    Close up of feet walking in mud 01:08    People walking 01:27    People talking outside a tent 01:56    U of I sign 02:20    Corn with tent behind it 02:42    Lots of people walking around 03:19    WS people walking by U of I sign 03:33    People walking in U of I tent 04:21    2 babies in carts 04:39    The inside of a tent 05:48    "College of agriculture" sign 06:15    People working behind counter 07:31    People walking around  inside tent 08:13    CU of hands handing out brochures 08:33    Woman handing out brochures 08:50    Mini-movie theatre 10:00    People in front of booth inside tent 10:30    Woman putting stickers on people passing by 11:00    people talking and pan around tent 12:00    Old woman playing with dentures 12:47    Group of men talking 13:00    People at a booth 13:37    people looking at sheep 14:09    CU sheep 14:55    Lots of people in tent 16:01    People walking outside *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 434
Item 13: Hazardous waste pickupAdd to your cart.
:57:25    Interview with men sitting in truck :05:10    Men talking ( other camera in shot ) :09:53    Woman taking notes :10:15    Men talking to people in trucks ( giving directions ) :11:05    Toxic waste barrels in back of truck :11:26    Sign " unwanted pesticide collection " :12:00    Signs by a gate *****END OF TAPE*****
Other Information: 01:00:00-02:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 435
Item 14: Hazardous waste pick upAdd to your cart.
:40:44    Men in Yellow suits hammering barels :41:06    Men in yellow suits around lots of barrels :42:00    Men talking with barrels in backround :47:48    Blue barrels :48:14    Man drinking Pepsi :48:29    Old jugs :49:10    Barrels , jugs , bucket etc... :49:24    Man in yellow suit at table :49:42    Various men in trucks talking *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 436
Item 15: Hazardous waste pick upAdd to your cart.
:20:00    People in yellow suit unload truck on to fork lift :21:19    Men in yellow suit :21:36    Man with camera :22:04    Interview :25:52    Man putting on suit :26:15    Interview :29:07    Interview :35:51    Truck with blue barrels drives away :36:30    People sitting under a tent :36:50    Man haulin barrel :37:04    People talking to man in truck :37:50    Men in yellow suits unloading truck :39:00    Man driving fork lift with barrels on it :39:30    Man filling barrels :39:52    Man tightening barrels    *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 437
Item 16: Hazardous waste pick upAdd to your cart.
:00:00    Man writing stuff in back of truck :00:42    CU bags in back of truck :00:55    Woman getting info from man in truck :02:50    Man getting info from man in truck :03:47    Old jug and bucket :04:17    ECU old jug reads "Basagra , post emergent herbicide" :04:30    Man closes truck :04:40    Truck drives up , man walks up to truck :05:36    CU bucket :05:47    CU some old guys head :06:09    Back of truck with barrels in it :07:12    People under a tent :07:53    Filling barrels :09:14    Man with clip board :10:05    Men in yellow suits with barrels :11:23    Man talks to man in truck :13:06    People unload truck onto forklift :14:40    Old jugs :15:01    Man puts rim on barrel :16:52    People in yellow suits under tent working :18:13    Men unload vehicles on to forklift *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 438
Item 17: Robeson park / Little leagueAdd to your cart.
:00:00    Robeson park sign :08:10    Picnic at base ball game :09:35    Baseball game :10:35    Little boys waiting to bat :15:00    Spectatures / parents *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 439
Box 34Add to your cart.
Item 1: Farmers marketAdd to your cart.
:00:32    People taking corn out of back of truck :01:23    Lots of people walking :01:58    Filling bags up with peaches :02:50    Man putting money in and taking out of cash register :03:50    CU little boy :04:20    Filing bags with vegetables :05:11    Interveiw with woman :09:48    CU flower :10:10    Interview with man :12:23    Radishes :12:40    Sign "ALL grown by us , NO herbicide , NO chemicals :13:08    People walking by stand :13:32    Interview with woman *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 440
Item 2: Farmers marketAdd to your cart.
00:30 Vegetable Stand 00:50 Interview with woman 10:55 Man with baby at stand 11:28 CU culiflower 11:55 Lots of people walking 13:38 Woman buys bottle of honey 15:09 People buying plants 15:32 People buying bread 17:25 CU jelly 17:45 Interview with man 19:20 CU ear of corn 21:05 Bottles of honey END OF TAPE
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 441
Item 3: West side parkAdd to your cart.
00:00 Interviews with several different woman 07:28 Tall tree in the park 08:15 Joggers 09:16 CU flowers 10:00 Kids playing on toys in the park 13:03 Statue 13:57 CU Water spraying out of fountain 14:14 Old woman walking in park 15:00 CU water in fountain 15:50 Statue 17:55 Kids in park END OF TAPE
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 442
Item 4: Anhydrous application/ corn plantingAdd to your cart.
:02:55    Preparing for anhydrous soil check machine :03:35    Ready to go for anhydrous soil on timber soil :09:00    Check soil condition on soil machine ( various shots ) :14:20    Preparing for planting corn and checking the machine :17:20    Ready to plant corn ( various shots ) :19:50    Checking soil moisture :20:20    Checking instrument *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 443
Item 5: AgronomyAdd to your cart.
:00:21    Interview with a man :03:00    People standing infront of a tent :04:05    Man talking into a microphone :04:46    CU mans head :05:16    People sitting and listening ( various shots ) :08:20    Man talking :09:35    People talking outside building :10:45    Interview with man :14:00    Men holding and examining plants :15:26    Man talkin to big group of people :19:00    People in tent :20:00    Men on tractors *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 444
Item 6: The Plow That Broke The PlainsAdd to your cart.
This is an old Black and White film with out any audio. The whole thing is only about 25 minutes. Basically this is a documentation of land and the changes that occurred to it due to to man. The focus of this film is on the great plains. It starts with a map for idiots who don't know where the great plains are. There are many shots of vast plains , buffalo , etc... . There are also many shots of plows and farm equiptment. They tried to re-enact the pioneers and covered wagons. *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 445
Item 7: New things in corn farmingAdd to your cart.
This is an old color film from 1950. The whole thing is only about 25 minutes. This is a film about corn. All about corn. It basically gives a history of the plant and "new" technology surrounding it. This covers such things as new methods of watering your corn to harvest. Obviously there are a great number of corn shots in this. *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 446
Item 8: Breeding better cornAdd to your cart.
This is an old color film from 1950. The whole thing is only about 25 minutes. Starts with men talking about corn with one another. After a while they talk about hybrids , and then talks about corn "scientifically" while pointing to chalk board. While they are talking there are lots of shots of corn, corn planting, corn harvest , etc.... .  *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 447
Item 9: Research AcresAdd to your cart.
This is an old color film from 1950. It is only about 25 minutes. This starts off talking about the proccess wich corn gets fertilized. There is a shot through a microscope of pollen going into the silk. After that It talks about pollinators and making hybrids. Genticly enginered plants for different traits is talked about including root strongness etc... It just goes on to talk about the uses of different hybrids of corn and their uses. Lots of corn shots and people working in field shots.            *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 448
Item 10: The great story of cornAdd to your cart.
This is an old color film from around 1950. It is only about 25 minutes. Starts with man talking about corn history and various corn statistics. Goes into talking about how different cultures used corn including Indians , South Americans , and Azteks. There is all sorts of varieties of corn . Different cultures also have different ways growing corn and harvesting it.  Talks about pilgrims and corn in the revolutionary war.  After that just talks about how corn was a part of many historic events. Then 2 men talking about the problems with hybrid. Next it talks about modern uses of corn.            *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 449
Item 11: Hog farmAdd to your cart.
:00:28    Tractors in shed :01:10    Shed :01:35    John Deere tractor :01:55    Combines :02:36    Wagons :03:30    John Deere lable :03:44    Dirty pig in lot :04:33    Nursery (pigs) :05:20    Pigs feeding :06:07    Buildings :06:40    Pigs feed lot :07:15    Pigs CU :07:35    Grain and feed bins :07:52    Pan of buildings :08:10    Soy bean fields :08:57    Elevator :09:34    Combining soybeans :13:00    Road , binds :13:15    Corn field :13:33    CU corn stalks :13:42    Pigs in crates :14:10    Pigs :17:07    Ducks on pond :18:12    Baby pigs :18:36    Pigs in nursery crates :19:03    CU baby pigs in crates :19:35    Baby nursing :20:20    Pigs in feed lot in side building                  *****END OF TAPE*****
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 450
Item 12: FIRI #1INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
01:00:34:02    USAID/NARP Arabic sign 01:01:04:16    Bags of soybeans 01:04:22:03    Loading soybeans into dehulling machine 01:05:08:10    CU - Loading soybeans into dehulling machine 01:05:17:14    USAID logo on machine 01:05:29:06    Lifting caution hood on dehuller 01:06:17:09    Loading bucket from bag to dehuller (3 takes) 01:07:50:09    Soybeans dropping onto cleaner conveyor 01:07:54:10    Dumping bucket of soybeans into bin 01:08:39:29    Soybeans dropping off trough to conveyor to bin 01:09:15:09    Dumping bucket of soybeans into bin (new angle) 01:09:35:17    Soybeans into final cleaning stage 01:09:53:18    CU Soybeans out of trough 01:11:14:03    Transferring soybeans to processor 01:11:42:23    Cleaned soybeans collecting in pot 01:11:54:21    ECU Soybeans out of cleaner 01:12:41:10    Soybeans dumped in processor 01:13:25:26    CU of processor auger 01:14:05:19    Soymeal coming out of processor 01:14:57:22    Worker watching pressure gauges 01:15:57:29    CU Worker's profile 01:16:17:10    Soymeal in extruder 01:16:58:24    ECU Soymeal in extruder 01:17:25:06    Worker's POV of pressure gauges 01:17:55:04    Pan worker/gauges to worker/oil collection 01:18:34:28    Soy oil expeller 01:19:24:25    CU Soy oil trough 01:19:42:03    MS Soy oil trough tilt down to collection bucket 01:19:55:18    Soy meal into oil expulsion chamber 01:20:46:11    Opening oil expulsion chamber 01:21:12:05    OTS Soy oil bucket change 01:21:41:21    Soy oil collection bucket to next process stage
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 516
Item 13: FIRI #2 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
02:00:33:04    Arabic/English sign 02:01:01:24    Sign and extruder hood 02:01:32:07    CU Sign and extruder hood 02:02:00:04    Soy meal into auger 02:02:30:28    ECU Soy meal into auger 02:03:40:03    WS Soybean processing operation 02:04:29:26    Soy meal dropping off of auger 02:04:56:05    Nabih Ibrahim giving tour of facility 02:05:48:14    Tofu operation through window 02:06:56:28    CU Ibrahim talking with visitors 02:07:27:09    WS Ibrahim talking with visitors 02:08:47:24    Changing soy flour collection bags 02:09:36:00    OTS Adding extra soy flour, weighing bags 02:10:42:07    Dipping wet tofu mixture 02:13:51:12    Dipping tofu mixture, follow to presses 02:15:11:24    Operating tofu press 02:16:01:01    CU Operating tofu press 02:17:13:12    ECU Excess liquid escape out press vents 02:19:41:21    Rinsing beans with water hose 02:21:23:26    Dipping rinsed soybeans into soy milk processor 02:22:10:08    Soybeans into processor; Dr. Ning in background
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 517
Item 14: FIRI #3 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
03:00:51:23    WS Soy milk machine 03:01:32:01    Soy mush 03:02:18:28    Dr. Ning checks residue from soy milk machine 03:03:10:28    CU soy mush residue 03:03:34:17    WS Soy milk machine 03:03:47:16    Soy milk collection container 03:04:07:14    Soy milk spigot 03:04:18:28    Loosening press on tofu tray 03:05:08:08    Flipping tofu tray, unwrapping, cutting 03:07:08:02    Cutting tofu, dumping in cooling tank 03:09:11:18    WS Cutting tofu 03:10:27:10    Dumping tofu into cooling tank 03:11:07:09    Checking temperature of pre-pressed soft tofu 03:12:22:06    CU Connecting pipes to soy milk machine 03:12:44:06    MS Connecting pipes to soy milk machine 03:13:44:09    ECU Connecting pipes to soy milk machine 03:15:09:02    ZI & ZO Tofu out of cooling tank to packaging trays 03:15:56:14    Profile of tofu packer 03:16:15:07    ECU Tofu in trays 03:16:39:18    Filling water in trays before wrapping 03:17:01:15    WS Feeding wrapping machines 03:17:16:11    MS Wrapping packages to stacked product 03:18:00:29    Soy product display 03:18:20:24    CU Soy oil 03:19:31:19    Setting up soy food displays at conference 03:20:59:05    Conference participants talking 03:21:35:26    Participants testing food at display 03:22:06:23    Conference registration table
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 518
Item 15: FIRI #4 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
04:00:52:19    Soy food display 04:01:27:17    Soy food display signs 04:01:53:18    Table of soy food - tilt up 04:02:31:13    Crowd in conference hall 04:03:08:25    Participant wearing translator headphones 04:03:34:08    Crowd leaving 04:04:00:05    Participants taste-testing various soy foods 04:07:04:06    Taste-testing (balconey view) 04:09:40:29    Exterior of Ag Genetic Engineering Institute, Giza,      Egypt 04:11:29:20    Nabih Ibrahim giving presentation 04:13:58:27    AGERI sign, participants walk through 04:14:25:08    Cairo, Egypt traffic 04:15:41:26    Donkey carts on Nile bridge 04:16:25:17    Traffic 04:17:11:18    Traffic cop 04:17:49:09    Nile River with Cairo Tower in background 04:18:30:26    Boat on Nile 04:19:05:25    Barge on Nile 04:20:01:28    Cairo skyline along Nile 04:20:01:28    Bridge traffic 04:21:04:00    Cairo tower
Other Information: 04:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 519
Item 16: FIRI #5 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
05:00:21:12    Cairo Tower 05:00:53:27    Cairo skyline along Nile River 05:01:34:25    Mosque on Nile 05:01:57:06    Cairo skyline along Nile River (new angle) 05:02:47:06    CU Mosque on Nile 05:03:25:19    Rowboat on Nile 05:04:16:28    Nasr Rohaiem interview
Other Information: 05:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 520
Box 35Add to your cart.
Item 1: FIRI #6 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
06:00:49:09    Nasr Rohaiem interview 06:03:16:04    David Delgado interview 06:10:47:13    Adjusting screw press on extruder 06:12:33:00    CU Soy flour sack 06:13:31:15    MS Soy flour sack with machine & worker 06:14:13:06    WS Dry soy processing operation 06:15:37:23    Alan Grusby, Archer Daniels Midland, presentation 06:16:46:27    Audience at presentation 06:17:55:10    OTS Participant reading instruction sheet 06:19:06:19    Passing out frozen soy yogurt to audience 06:20:36:27    Woman eating frozen soy yogurt 06:20:57:15    Man eating frozen soy yogurt 06:21:36:14    Another woman eating frozen soy yogurt
Other Information: 06:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 521
Item 2: FIRI # 7INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
07:00:33:29    Alan Grusby, Archer Daniels Midland, demonstration 07:02:17:13    Soy oil storage 07:02:51:11    Dumping oil into storage tank 07:03:20:25    Horticulture Research Institute sign 07:03:39:07    Inner gate to HRI grounds 07:06:00:10    Food Technology and Research Institute sign 07:06:29:23    FTRI front gate 07:07:40:20    Giza, Egypt traffic passing FTRI gate 07:08:26:27    Mixing meat and soy extender 07:08:35:19    Adding spices to meat/soy mixture 07:09:18:26    Filling food processor to mix ingredients 07:10:24:04    Meatballs in frying pan 07:12:40:01    Meatballs being passed to audience members 07:13:12:00    Grusby addressing audience 07:14:06:07    Meat and soy mixing in industrial blender 07:15:01:04    Pyramids in Giza, Egypt 07:19:09:23    Egyptian sunset 07:19:48:29    Boat on the Nile River 07:20:23:09    Mosque tower 07:21:00:02    MS Egyptian sunset 07:21:27:12    WS Egyptian sunset
Other Information: 07:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 522
Item 3: FIRI #8 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
08:00:31:02    Giza, Egypt - view from hotel balconey 08:01:14:10    Mosque centered in view 08:02:00:11    WS - same view 08:03:02:13    WS - new view, including Nile River 08:03:36:11    Mosque tower 08:04:27:02    CU Mosque and surrounding buildings 08:05:15:21    MS Mosque and surrounding buildings 08:05:47:22    ZO Mosque and surrounding buildings 08:06:38:10    Mosque front door 08:07:32:03    ZO Circle intersection with traffic 08:09:05:23    Nabih Ibrahim, Deputy Director FTRI, interview
Other Information: 08:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 523
Item 4: FIRI #10 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
10:01:48:26    Ahmed Korshed, Director FTRI, interview 10:15:39:14    Traditional Egyptian bakery 10:16:25:16    CU Dough going into oven 10:16:59:26    Woman placing dough on oven conveyor 10:17:44:29    Baked bread coming out of oven 10:18:17:04    CU Baked bread 10:18:38:27    View inside oven 10:20:35:06    Modern Egyptian bakery 10:21:10:02    CU Cream puff at House of Donuts 10:21:34:21    CU Croissant 10:22:06:22    CU Muffin 10:22:34:17    Sales counter at House of Donuts
Other Information: 10:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 524
Item 5: FIRI #11 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
11:00:35:06    House of Donuts sign - "Open 24 Hours" 11:00:57:06    Sales counter activity 11:01:44:26    Male customer reading a newspaper 11:02:07:25    House of Donuts exterior 11:02:40:06    House of Donuts English/Arabic signs 11:03:59:05    Toy train in House of Donuts shop 11:03:59:05    Mike Moosavi interview 11:13:19:14    Baked goods product display - Biscomisr 11:13:45:14    CU Ci-Wafer 11:14:14:21    CU Date Bars 11:14:26:17    CU Crackers 11:15:00:27    Abd Hamid Saaid interview
Other Information: 11:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 525
Item 6: FIRI #12 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
12:00:26:23    Abd Hamid Saaid interview 12:04:41:24    Worker dollying in sack of soy flour (two takes) 12:05:49:12    Biscomisr Arabic sign 12:06:19:27    Biscomisr corporate office exterior 12:07:06:20    Food Technology & Research Institute (FTRI) factory exterior 12:08:55:20    Window sign: New Initiative Component Soybean Processing Plant 12:09:41:22    FTRI exterior 12:10:11:10    FTRI exterior, employees walking in 12:10:49:01    Dolce dairy in Sixth October City, Egypt, WS dairy manufacturing operation 12:12:01:21    Dolce workers loading sugar 12:14:22:22    Industrial ice cream dispenser 12:15:06:10    Wrapping machines 12:15:41:28    Conveyor moving finished ice cream products 12:16:48:26    Ice cream products coming off freezer conveyor for sorting 12:17:55:22    Cheese-flavored snack food operation 12:18:11:10    CU Flavored flour at the front of snack food operation 12:18:38:25    MS Finished snack product coming out of manufacturing process
Other Information: 12:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 526
Item 7: FIRI #13 INTSOY - Egypt, 1995Add to your cart.
13:00:42:09    Hassan Youseff interview 13:10:34:29    Dolce sign 13:11:56:22    Dumping soy milk into soft tofu processor 13:12:46:08    Filling soft tofu tubes 13:14:25:14    Female worker filling soft tofu tubes 13:15:24:12    Dr. Ning adding coagulate to tofu mixture 13:16:24:07    Filling soft tofu tubes 13:17:17:17    Dipping tofu mixture into presses
Other Information: 13:00:00:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 527
Item 8: Campus scenes, 1995Add to your cart.
03:00:40:18    Lowell Hill working with students in office 03:02:04:22    CU R/L pan of Hill and students 03:04:33:02    MS OTS as Hill and students discuss data on laptop computer 03:07:45:19    Two-shot, Hill and student 03:09:53:24    UIUC South Quad, summer, sparse student traffic 03:11:54:11    ZO Illini Union to entire South Quad 03:13:25:06    Alma Mater statue 03:14:50:07    CU/ZO Alma Mater statue 03:17:37:24    National Soybean Research Center exterior
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 528
Item 9: Food, 2000Add to your cart.
02:00:31:21 - 02:14:07:09  Clare Hasler interview re: Functional  Foods for Health Program 02:15:31:28 WS Man (Rick Atterberry) eating a sandwich at a fast food restaurant (Arby's - Urbana) 02:16:49:29 CU Salad 02:17:17:06 CU Profile eating fast food 02:18:39:15 MS Eating fast food sandwich 02:19:11:21 XCU Eating salad 02:22:16:14        WS Fast food drive-thru window 02:23:07:03 CU Bag of food being handed over at drive-thru window
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 529
Item 10: Health, Food, Restaurant, 2000Add to your cart.
03:00:32:20 Blood pressure check-up sequence. 03:01:38:10 CU Doctor 03:02:12:12 CU Stethoscope 03:03:00:19 MS Pulling medical files 03:03:55:27 CU Pulling medical files 03:04:13:10 CU Medical files 03:05:08:11 John Erdman interview on soy's effects on bone density 03:15:38:12 WS Waiter setting table at Mexican restaurant  (Dos Reales - Champaign) 03:17:05:07 CU Dipping chip in bowl of salsa 03:17:35:09 WS Waiters taking food orders 03:19:46:21 CU Glass of ice water with lemon slice 03:20:26:05 CU Woman (Lynn Smith) eating tortilla chip 03:21:34:05 CU Man (Larry Ecker) eating tortilla chip 03:21:50:10 WS Waiters serving food 03:22:40:10 MS OTS Serving food 03:22:53:08 MS OTS Serving food 03:23:08:12 CU Eating chilli rellenos 03:24:14:28 WS Eating food 03:25:22:06 MS Man (Jerry Barrett) eating and talking 03:25:56:07 CU Plate of Mexican food 03:27:02:03 WS Customers eating 03:27:36:18 MS Two-shot (Larry Ecker & Cindy Lamb) eating 03:28:34:09 CU Man (Larry Ecker) eating 03:29:11:25 MS L/R Pan of customers eating; R/L Pan 03:29:56:12 WS (Hand Held) Couple eating dinner in booth                                 (Jerry Barrett & Krista Sunderland)
Other Information: 03:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 530
Item 11: Spring Pond Vineyard, Benton, ILAdd to your cart.
01:00:15:13  WS Bottling wine 01:01:11:09  MS Filling wine bottles 01:01:29:06  CU Filling wine bottles 01:01:48:01  CU Corking wine bottles 01:02:23:29  CU Profile of worker operating corking station 01:02:37:11  CU Working operating filling station 01:02:46:12  XCU Corking machine 01:03:15:20  MS Boxing finished bottles 01:04:05:23  WS Boxing finished bottles 01:05:18:08  CU Boxing bottles 01:05:49:12  CU Applying seal to mouth of bottle 01:06:17:23  WS Employees reflected in stainless steel vat 01:06:51:01  CU Wine spigot 01:07:08:01  CU Labeling machine 01:07:24:13  MS Display shot:  Wine bottle and labeling machine 01:08:22:27  CU Spring Pond Vineyards label 01:09:02:24  WS Bottling work area; outside looking in 01:10:35:04  MS Employee explaining fermentation process 01:13:14:15  CU Gauge showing gas bubbles escaping 01:13:30:08  Interview: John McFarland, Spring Pond Vineyards 01:29:18:17  MS Spring Pond Vineyards & Winery sign
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 531
Item 12: Alto Vineyards & Winery, Alto Pass, IL, 1998Add to your cart.
02:00:31:20  WS Southern Illinois vista; late summer/early fall; morning haze 02:01:14:15  WS School bus on wooded, country road 02:01:28:15  WS Southern Illinois vista; late summer/early fall; morning haze 02:02:11:07  WS New angle on vista; includes Alto Pass Cross 02:02:58:00  MS Alto Pass Cross 02:04:02:08  WS Workers harvesting grapes in vineyards 02:04:49:07  WS New angle, harvesting grapes 02:05:03:04  CU Bucket collecting harvested grapes 02:05:36:16  MS Male worker harvesting grapes 02:06:11:05  CU OTS Male worker harvesting grapes 02:06:19:10  CU Grapes on vine 02:06:38:25  WS Harvesting grapes 02:07:38:16  XCU Grapes on vine getting harvested 02:07:56:06  MS Male worker harvesting grapes 02:08:11:11  MS Female worker harvesting grapes 02:08:47:04  WS Workers dumping harvested grapes into bin on truck 02:09:18:29  CU Grapes on vine getting harvested 02:09:32:02  MS Harvested grapes getting thrown into collection bucket 02:09:46:14  MS Female worker harvesting grapes 02:10:33:25  MS Grapes on vine 02:10:56:17  MS Male worker harvesting grapes 02:11:21:14  CU Profile male worker while working 02:11:53:27  WS Workers harvesting in vineyard 02:12:07:13  MS Male worker dumping harvested grapes into bin 02:12:13:23  WS (High angle) Workers harvesting in vineyard 02:12:53:19  WS (High angle) Dumping harvested grapes into bin 02:13:08:17  MS (High angle) Two workers harvesting 02:13:33:08  MS Worker harvesting (shot through vines) 02:14:07:29  CU Cutting grapes from vine 02:14:21:11  MS Grapes on vine 02:14:53:05  WS Two male workers harvesting grapes 02:15:55:22  CU Profile male worker harvesting grapes; ZO to WS 02:16:45:02  MS (Low angle, shooting upward) Grapes on vine 02:17:20:08  CU (Low angle, shooting upward) Cutting grapes from vine 02:18:03:27  MS Male worker harvesting; walk and follow 02:19:48:03  CU Collection bucket 02:20:57:00  CU Grapes on vine 02:21:49:19  WS (High angle) Worker harvesting in vineyard 02:22:36:02  CU Cutting grapes on vine 02:23:14:08  WS Vineyard landscape 02:24:02:00  WS Truck driving out of vineyard 02:25:08:03  CU Purple flowers 02:25:25:17  MS Alto Vineyards & Winery sign 02:25:48:14  WS Alto Vineyards sign & entrance 02:27:36:12  CU Grapevine weathervane 02:30:27:13  MS Older male worker harvesting; ZI to CU
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 532
Item 13: Alto Vineyards & Winery - Alto Pass, IL, 1998Add to your cart.
02:00:11:03  MS Man harvesting grapes while answering interviewer's questions. 02:07:07:11  CU Man harvesting and answering questions. 02:08:49:15  CU Grapes on the vine 02:09:11:12  WS Man harvesting grapes 02:09:43:04  MS Grapes on vine; Pan right to WS truck driving down vineyard row 02:11:10:22  WS High angle view over vineyard while workers harvest grapes 02:11:23:15  Collection truck drive-by in vineyard row 02:11:50:15  MS Dumping harvested grapes into collection bin on truck 02:13:50:13  WS Vineyard, grape harvesters in background 02:14:32:23  CU Small collection bucket 02:14:44:00  MS Over the shoulder of grape harvester 02:15:23:20  WS Grape harvesters in vineyards 02:15:39:07  WS Dumping grapes into collection bin on truck 02:16:49:26  WS Emptying collection bin at first crusher 02:17:56:17  CU Grapes in auger/crusher 02:18:24:04  MS Pitchforking grapes into crusher 02:18:44:21  CU Grapes in auger/crusher 02:18:54:08  WS Emptying collection bin at first crusher 02:19:06:18  CU Crushed grapes filling large container 02:19:21:13  WS High angle truck delivering grapes from vineyard 02:19:53:06  MS Pile of harvested grapes in collection bin 02:20:05:29  WS High angle emptying collection bin at crusher 02:21:00:27  MS High angle - Pitchforking grapes into crusher 02:21:27:23  MS High angle - Crushed grape container 02:21:56:04  MS Woman steering grapes into crusher 02:22:31:03  MS Empty grape stems coming out of crusher 02:22:42:08  CU Grapes going into rollers of the crusher 02:22:52:04  MS Crushed grapes filling large container 02:26:15:19  Interview - Paul Renzaglia
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 533
Item 14: Grocery Shopping, 2000Add to your cart.
04:00:38:02  WS Woman (Susan White) shopping in produce department of Schnucks in Urbana. Two takes. 04:03:18:03  CU Filling plastic sack with red apples. Two takes. 04:04:33:05  CU Produce scale 04:05:01:27  CU Apples being taken from display. Two Takes. 04:06:25:09  CU Woman placing apples on produce scale 04:07:16:25  XCU Woman placing apples on produce scale 04:08:31:22  WS Woman (Debra Larsen) shopping in canned vegetable aisle.  Three takes. 04:10:04:07  CU Canned green beans being taken from store shelf. Two takes. 04:10:26:09  CU Canned green beans being taken from store shelf. 04:10:46:17  CU Nutrition Fact labels on canned green beans. 04:12:06:02  WS Woman (Tina Prow) at grocery cashier 04:12:48:15  CU Groceries being scanned at bar code reader. Two takes. 04:15:07:07  CU Cash register monitor; visible list of groceries being purchased. 04:15:43:11  WS Woman (Tina Prow) at grocery cashier 04:17:02:05  CU Feet pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:17:31:24  WS Man pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:17:54:01  CU Profile of man on exercise bicycle 04:18:19:15  WS New angle - Man pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:18:52:27  CU Hand on support brace 04:19:05:20  CU New angle - Feet pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:19:21:20  MS Man pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:19:38:03  CU Exercise bicycle controls 04:21:12:02  MS Low angle - Man pedaling an exercise bicycle 04:22:12:17  WS Woman doing stretching exercises 04:23:20:14  MS Profile of woman doing stretching exercises 04:24:24:25  CU Profile of woman doing stretching exercises 04:24:45:10  WS New angle - Woman doing stretching exercises 04:25:16:24  CU Hands during stretching exercises
Other Information: 04:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 534
Item 15: Broccoli Labs, 2000Add to your cart.
05:01:07:14  WS Male student mixing solutions under lab hood 05:02:27:22  CU Shaking beaker with solution mixture 05:04:07:28  CU Filling measuring beaker with clear liquid 05:04:30:01  CU Filling measuring beaker with broccoli solution 05:04:52:04  XCU Filling measuring beaker with broccoli solution 05:05:16:07  MS Filling measuring beaker with broccoli solution 05:05:36:10  CU Mixing solutions, shaking beaker 05:06:19:15  XCU Shaking beaker with solution mixture 05:06:57:24  Interview - Elizabeth Jeffrey; discussing the investigation of cancer prevention properties of broccoli. 05:17:51:13  WS Female student checking samples with microscope. 05:18:41:01  XCU Sample tray under microscope 05:19:30:10  CU Student looking into microscope while moving sample tray. 05:20:26:12  XCU Student's eyes looking into microscope 05:21:15:17  XCU Hand on microscope focusing ring 05:22:21:19  Functional Foods for Health website 05:24:42:02  Copystand shots:  Future Foods headline/photo 05:26:36:24  Scroll down list of functional food components 05:28:43:09  ZO on soybean photo and FDA Health Claim headline 05:29:25:23  "Nutrition & Healthy Living" cover
Other Information: 05:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 535
Item 16: Restaurant, Food Product Display, 2000Add to your cart.
06:00:38:15  WS Waitress serving salads to diners 06:01:53:17  CU Woman eating salad 06:02:19:11  MS Woman eating salad 06:03:25:15  MS Two-shot diners in restaurant 06:04:37:24  CU Salad plate 06:05:06:25  MS OTS Two-shot diners 06:06:35:29  WS Three women conversing/dining 06:08:04:23  WS Waitree serving food to diners 06:10:31:25  CU Pasta (tortellini) plate 06:11:37:23  CU Chicken parmesan plate (yellow light) 06:12:36:17  WS Two-shot diners 06:15:50:12  CU "Good Source of Fiber" label on cereal box 06:16:39:04  CU "Oatmeal Helps Reduce Cholesterol" on oat squares cereal box 06:17:16:19  ZO "Reduce Cancer Risk" label on Wheaties box 06:18:04:27  CU "98% Fat Free - High Fiber" label on Grape Nuts box 06:18:52:09  CU "Cheerios Reduce Heart Disease" label 06:19:38:20  CU V8 Splash bottle 06:20:19:00  CU Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice label 06:21:06:05  CU Take Control margarine lid 06:21:38:15  Take Control margarine container display 06:22:14:28  Fortified eggs display 06:23:01:24  Oatmeal Squares display 06:23:43:21  CU Calcium & Extra Vitamin C label on orange juice carton. 06:24:08:18  Orange juice display 06:24:42:19  Orange juice display - pouring juice.  Two takes. 06:26:42:14  Soy milk cartons
Other Information: 06:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 536
Item 17: Functional Foods, 2000Add to your cart.
07:00:30:18  Mother and daughter cutting vegetables for a salad 07:01:41:01  CU Slicing yellow pepper 07:02:10:05  CU Tearing lettuce leaves 07:02:38:17  CU Mother 07:03:00:09  CU Daughter 07:03:19:22  MS New angle - Mother and daughter cutting vegetables for a salad. 07:03:43:23  CU Salad mixing bowl; vegetables being dropped in 07:05:17:25  MS Placing frozen dinner in microwave oven 07:07:13:07  Women checking refrigerator, making grocery list 07:08:07:09  CU Vegetable crisper drawer in refrigerator 07:08:55:10  CU Checking items on refrigerator shelf 07:09:35:27  Woman reading cookbook, writing down ingredients list. 07:10:58:03  CU Woman reading cookbook 07:12:04:04  CU Writing ingredients list 07:12:43:11  Man watching TV eating popcorn 07:16:30:29  Couple eating dinner in dining room 07:20:15:15  CU Passing bowl of brussel sprouts (Numerous takes) 07:22:00:10  CU Man's reaction to brussel sprouts 07:22:57:00  CU Placing brussel sprouts on plate 07:23:55:26  TAPE ENDS
Other Information: 07:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 537
Item 18: Functional Food, 2000Add to your cart.
08:00:20:21  CU Body scanning controls 08:01:47:15  WS Lab techs placing subject on scanning table 08:03:05:03  CU Laying down subject's head 08:03:13:26  CU Securing subject's feet 08:03:59:17  CU Subject's hand 08:04:49:10  WS Lab tech positioning subject 08:05:16:27  WS Scanning subject 08:06:43:27  CU Subject's head during scanning 08:07:12:17  CU Body scanning controls 08:08:00:19  WS Lab techs watching computer monitor while scanner runs in the background 08:08:16:10  MS Subject being scanned 08:08:41:12  WS Lab techs watching computer monitor while scanner runs in the background 08:09:42:16  CU Rack focus: Lab tech/subject 08:10:15:24  CU Computer screen with partial skeletal scan 08:10:36:27  New angle - CU Computer screen with partial skeletal scan 08:11:19:21  WS Lab techs at seperate computers during scan 08:11:41:12  MS Lab tech/background; subject/foreground 08:12:31:15  OTS Computer; skeletal scan 08:12:49:29  CU Skeletal scan on computer screen 08:14:20:11  WS 1960s mom & son; mom serving milk (5 takes) 08:17:01:28  CU Stirring carrots on plate 08:17:34:11  MS Son reacting to mom (Numerous takes) 08:21:27:24  CU Mom 08:22:37:20  MS Mom 08:24:59:16  CU Pouring milk from a pitcher 08:25:28:17  CU Pan down handwritten grocery list (Numerous takes)
Other Information: 08:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 538
Item 19: Functional Foods, 2000Add to your cart.
09:00:31:27  Lab tech filling lycopene samples 09:02:27:00  CU Filling test tubes 09:02:39:02  WS Mixing lycopene samples 09:03:25:16  CU Mixing lycopene samples 09:05:31:28  Loading samples into centrifuge 09:06:09:12  WS Lab tech operating HPLC equipment 09:07:18:09  CU Computer monitor graphing samples 09:08:02:05  CU Plotter drawing graph of samples 09:11:38:28  CU Loading samples into HPLC machine 09:13:39:06  Interview - Dr. Phyllis Bowen, UIC; Researching the effects of lycopene on men with prostate cancer.
Other Information: 09:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 539
Item 20: Functional Foods, 2000Add to your cart.
10:00:00:00  Interview - Dr. Richard van Breeman, UIC; researching the effects of lycopene on men with prostate cancer. 10:18:37:10  Loading samples into high-tech analysis machinery 10:18:54:27  CU Loading samples 10:19:15:19  CU Computer monitor with graphs 10:19:42:16  XCU Peaks of graph with statistical information 10:20:10:23  WS van Breeman with lab tech discussing computer results 10:20:56:00  CU van Breeman 10:21:14:23  CU Lab tech 10:21:27:18  WS van Breeman with lab tech discussing computer results 10:21:36:29  University of Illinois-Chicago street post banner 10:22:04:25  WS UIC street post banner; outside UIC Hospital 10:22:22:00  WS UIC Hospital 10:23:36:06  MS UIC Hospital entrance 10:24:03:29  TAPE ENDS
Other Information: 10:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 540
Item 21: Extension Solutions, 2000Add to your cart.
01:01:25:26 - 01:01:33:08 Pan of thermometer display. 01:02:43:04 - 01:03:08:11 Display of coil thermometers. 01:03:37:02 - 01:04:02:07 CU Confection thermometer. 01:04:10:06 - 01:04:23:22 Refrigerator and freezer thermometer display. 01:04:29:24 - 01:04:51:05 CU Oven thermometer. 01:05:21:08 - 01:05:41:13 Display of dried fruit. 01:05:48:09 - 01:06:10:28 Display of fresh fruit. 01:06:28:11 - 01:06:45:09 CU Face of kitchen barometer. 01:06:49:22 - 01:07:13:26 Food dehydrator. 01:07:18:17 - 01:07:34:08 CU Temperature setting on food dehydrator. 01:07:41:16 - 01:08:02:04 Rigid freezer containers. 01:08:10:11 - 01:08:25:13 Comparison of freezer jars. 01:08:34:13 - 01:08:47:24 Freezer bags & wrap. 01:09:03:22 - 01:09:19:18 Ground beef in store wrap & foil. 01:09:36:06 - 01:09:44:27 Display of vegetables in bowls. 01:10:24:26 - 01:10:40:06 Displaying peppers in hand. 01:10:48:20 - 01:11:05:05 CU Thermometer. 01:11:29:07 - 01:11:46:29 Thermometer in baked chicken. 01:11:57:19 - 01:12:25:14 Filling freezer bag. 01:13:17:15 - 01:13:31:20 Placing thermometer in burger. 01:13:47:24 - 01:14:06:29 Zoom out on Easter place setting. 01:15:07:11 - 01:15:20:14 Displaying freezer paper and foil. 01:15:52:04 - 01:16:11:21 Display of bad containers. 01:16:21:15 - 01:16:34:03 Rigid containers, placing jar of jam. 01:16:45:17 - 01:17:14:17 Placing thermometer in various parts of roast. 01:17:34:10 - 01:17:51:26 Placing thermometer in ice water. 01:18:25:19 - 01:18:45:15 CU of calibration nut. 01:18:55:00 - 01:19:16:12 Mirror shot of thermometers 01:19:22:12 - 01:19:44:02 Salsa ingredients 01:19:56:20 - 01:20:47:25 Mixing salsa ingredients 01:20:57:13 - 01:21:15:17 Salsa & chips display. 01:22:03:17 - 01:22:08:13 Dipping into salsa. 01:22:23:04 - 01:22:36:12 Salsa on burgers. 01:23:03:07 - 01:23:15:20 Placing thermometer in lasagna pan. 01:23:31:09 - 01:23:42:01 Covering peppers. 01:23:50:05 - 01:24:22:01 Peeling & slicing pepper. 01:24:32:11 - 01:25:11:03 Adding boiling water to canner, loading jars. 01:26:04:14 - 01:26:20:01 CU loading jar, showing water level above jar. 01:27:05:03 - 01:27:23:16 WS Covering canner, setting timer. 01:27:33:26 - 01:28:04:16 Turning off stove, uncovering canner, removing jars. 01:28:33:04 - 01:28:42:20 CU Removing jar. 01:28:59:28 - 01:29:13:29 MS Jars being placed on towel.
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 541
Item 22: Extension Solutions, 2000Add to your cart.
02:00:40:10 - 02:01:11:10 Placing thermometer in pan of boiling water. 02:01:49:23 - 02:02:09:06 Adjusting thermometer. 02:02:24:29 - 02:02:34:03 Filling glass with water. 02:03:05:16 - 02:03:15:04 Measuring and filling canner with water. 02:04:49:29 - 02:05:26:06 Filling canner, securing lid. 02:05:39:15 - 02:06:02:19 Peppers into oven. 02:06:07:27 - 02:06:25:10 Kettle with basket and boiling water on stove. 02:07:14:16 - 02:07:31:22 Vegetables into basket, basket into boiling water, cover. 02:07:48:22 - 02:07:57:00 CU Checking vegetables for re-boil. 02:08:13:02 - 02:08:28:23 WS Checking vegetables for re-boil, setting timer. 02:08:40:14 - 02:08:52:29 Placing basket in ice water. 02:09:00:13 - 02:09:12:09 CU Bean cooling in basket in ice water. 02:09:19:02 - 02:09:58:19 Draining blanched vegetables. 02:10:02:11 - 02:10:36:14 Placing beans in strainer, rinsing, transferring to bowl. 02:10:51:18 - 02:11:02:16 CU Vent port. 02:11:26:08 - 02:11:36:16 WS Placing gauge on vent port. 02:11:48:12 - 02:12:15:21 CU Gauge rocking. 02:12:27:05 - 02:12:43:19 Putting ham in oven. 02:12:55:09 - 02:13:15:11 Ham sandwich. 02:13:22:19 - 02:13:40:02 Cooked ham. 02:13:47:03 - 02:14:09:16 CU 'Ready-To-Cook' label. 02:14:12:27 - 02:14:24:17 Country ham. 02:14:37:05 - 02:14:52:14 Fresh ham. 02:14:56:24 - 02:15:11:26 Cured ham. 02:15:30:09 - 02:15:50:24 Ham variety display. 02:16:11:22 - 02:16:36:10 Wrapping ham slices. 02:16:46:23 - 02:17:04:05 Adjusting stove temperature. 02:17:45:19 - 02:18:46:25 WS Checking gauge, removing gauge, opening canner, removing jars. 02:19:09:00 - 02:19:29:07 MS Ham soaking in pot in refrigerator. 02:20:51:23 - 02:21:21:16 Placing items in freezer.
Other Information: 02:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 542
Item 23: Rural Recreation, 2000Add to your cart.
01:00:59:12 WS Youth Leaders checking in at Robeson Hall; follow from reception desk to elevator. 01:02:01:15 AS Youth Leaders getting off elevator, walking down hallway to rooms. 01:04:02:12 AS Youth leaders checking at reception desk 01:05:34:11 MS Tracy organizing training materials 01:06:01:07 MS Tracy organizing training materials - New angle 01:06:21:14 CU IRRDP Manual 01:07:37:03 MS Jim Brademas greeting training participants 01:07:49:27 WS Jim Brademas greeting training participants - New Angle. 01:09:15:00 MS Male Youth Leader stands and introduces himself 01:09:44:16 Male Youth Leader in foreground introducing himself; John Weber in background at podium; follow to next Youth Leader. 01:11:01:27 WS Jim Brademas, Ryan Gower, John Weber in discussion prior to starting training session. 01:11:21:11 CU IRRDP training manual on table 01:12:04:21 WS Classroom of Youth Leaders looking over manual and other materials. 01:13:07:21 CU Female Youth Leader listening to presentation. 01:14:38:05 WS John Weber leading training session 01:14:53:23 CU John Weber leading training session 01:15:10:22 CU John Weber leading training session - Profile angle 01:16:52:05 WS John Weber leading training session - OTS angle 01:17:31:05 WS John Weber leading training session - New angle 01:18:01:05 MS Two female Youth Leaders reading along as Weber makes his presentation. 01:18:50:06 WS Activity training - Circle remember game 01:19:56:05 CU Activity leader 01:21:50:08 CU Game participant 01:23:55:18 WS Circle remember game 01:28:01:08 CU & Follow of tag game 01:29:58:08 MS Participants in ball toss game 01:30:57:05 WS Ball toss from balcony
Other Information: 01:00:00:00
Duration: Betacam SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 543
Box 36Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dick Wilken, Piatt Community, Corn and Soybean Harvest #1Add to your cart.
00:10 truck & 2 grain lines loading corn-various 3:25 combine in cornfield 3:50 farm, fall, early am 4:10 loading corn to grain bins 4:50 soybean field, harvest time 5:30 harvesting beans 8:00 tire print on ground 8:25 WS soybean harvest, two combines-various shots 13:55 Ride-along soybean harvest from combine cab 15:15 combine empties load while moving 17:00 farmer drives combine 17:45 farmer collects soil samples
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 627
Item 2: Dick Wilken, Corn Harvest #2Add to your cart.
00:20 trucks, tractor, soybean harvest 01:30 truck pass 01:45 ground after harvesting 02:20 combine pass 03:20 corn harvesting 03:40 dust in the sky and corn harvesting 04:50 combines empties load while moving 05:25 CU loading corn 06:05 farmer drives combine 06:35 dust blows and combine moves 08:25 corn ready to harvest 08:35 loading corn while moving 08:50 CU loading corn 09:15 blue sky and combine pass 09:25 corn tree blowed by the wind 10:00 farmer, truck and combine stop 10:25 loading corn to truck stop & check the combine 12:45 farmer discussion in the field 14:15 combine moving ready to harvest 14:45 blue sky and cornfield after harvesting 15:05 combine going closer-front shot 18:17 combine goes faraway-rear shot 19:20 farmer drives truck
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic SP
UnitID: ACES Tape: 628
Item 3: (1) IL Pork Industry Initiative (2) Exploring the Cave(3) Three Time Highs(4) Pseudorabies Vaccine(5) Equivslrnt Bushels Concept, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) Ten Percent Plus (2) Enviable Training (3) Managed Health Care, Part 1 of 2 (4) Managed Health Care, Part 2 of 2 (5) South African Wheat Sales, 1996Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 5: Sawfly LarvaeAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 6: Water Survey Footage Streambank Research Willow Post InstallationAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 40:00
Duration: VHS
Item 7: Flood Footage from A. Campbell, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 8: Beyond Teaching (color)Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 9: "UI Archives Film #s 25-35, 36-50, 54-57"Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 10: INTSOY - Weinsartrer Extrusion/Expelling (B-Roll) Nutresco/Zimbabwe 1A, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 11: INTSOY - Weinsartrer Extrusion/Expelling (B-Roll) Nutresco/Zimbabwe 1B, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 12: Soy Food Feeding Danville VA Hospital, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 14:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 13: Old Film TransferAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 14: Soybeans and Corn in Field - County Road, 1996Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 15: Flooded Farms, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 16: Flooding in Villa GroveAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Box 37Add to your cart.
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 1: H.S. Baseball - SportsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 2: Dr. Norman Borlaug Tape 1Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 3: Dr. Norman Borlaug Tape 2Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape:U-matic SP
Item 4: Dr. Norman Borlaug Tape 3Add to your cart.
Other Information: 60:00
Duration: VHS
Item 5: Production Screening TapeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Sen. Durbin, LIAC, 1 of 2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Sen. Durbin, LIAC, 2 of 2, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) Breaking Ground on the Post Genomic Institute (2) 4-H Summer Camp (3) U of I Develops Mobile Internet Sites for Cell Phones (4) U of I Weed Science Research Important to Industry, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Ag Com B-Roll, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Flower Show #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Flower Show #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Spider WebAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Pumpkins, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: USDA Honey Bees B-Roll (1) Hives (2) Marking (3) Pollinating, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Rootworm, 1996Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Western Corn Rootworm Interview/Farmer B-Roll, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Western Corn Rootworm B-Roll, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Fields Corn Plants Soy Japanese Beetles Clouds, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Early Corn / Planting Beans, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Corn and Soybean in Field, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Doug Peterson Interview #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Early Corn and Beans, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Harvest 2002 -  Beans Moultrie Co. near Sullivan, 2002Add to your cart.
Box 38Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 1: Illinois Crown Beef Tape #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Illinois Crown Beef Tape #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Illinois Crown Beef Tape #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Mike Hutchens InterviewAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 3:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Making Chemical RepsAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Agronomy Day (Sweet Corn), 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Urbana Sweet Corn Festival, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: KEW/BOB, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: SOYON Demo Layoff TapeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Scott Bretthaver Spray ASBR, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Emerson Nofziger Interview, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Bob Thompson, WILL Radio, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: George Yu, China, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Commercial Manure Haulers, Springfield, IL, Tape 1 of 2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Commercial Manure Haulers, Springfield, IL, Tape 2 of 2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Asian Soybean Rust Web Tutorial Introduction RMA Administrator, Eldon Gould, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Foot and Mouth Footae EuropeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Hail. School, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Myseanthis HarvestAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 20: D. KingsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 21: Bob Siebrecht at Crystal Lake Pool, Creswell on Camera/Summer '89, 1989Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 22: Today on the Farm, 1985Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 23: Cronenberg, Personal Demo ReelAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 24: So You Wanna??Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: Mark Lumpkin/EchostarAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 39Add to your cart.
Item 1: $2000 (RM's Copy), 1998Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 29:25
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Japan House Dedication at the University of Illinois, 1998Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: JBT - In Quest of Excellence, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: INTSOY: Midwest Success, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Revised "New Voices from the College of Ag", 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Furniture Show and CES Food Safety PSA, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: TELCOs and CES: Bringing the Internet to Rural IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: FFHAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Alum 2KAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Community Swap: A Fresh Perspective (2) Ag Alumni, 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 24:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: GSF Again, 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 10:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: LICA "Livestock Manure Facilities: Construction and Maintenance, 2000Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 28:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: ILICA Conservation Expo '98, 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 9:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Tuskegee "Streaks of Genious", 1998Add to your cart.
Mono; Copy 2
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Video Unit - Dog N. Pony, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: INTSOY: Preparing Soy Foods, 2000Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Illinois Farmland: A Finite Resource, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Birds on Radar, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: ITCS ACE Writing Award, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: (1) C-FAR FY '97 Annual Report(2) Arboretum Ponds, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:51
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Make your Mark!, 1998Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 6:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: UI Extension: "Solutions", 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: "We're All in This Together" GRID Program at the University of Illinois, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: ITCS Video Promo, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: Sampler, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Global Soy Forum, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Bob Frazee and Ray LaHood Illinois River, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: College Conflict - Land Conflict, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: A Chicoine Farewell, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: LIAC Dedication, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: Mediation, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: Solutions 2!, 2002Add to your cart.
15 segments
Other Information: 28:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 40Add to your cart.
Item 1: Livestock Manure Facilities: Construction and MaintencneAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Extension Law: You Make the Call!Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Clean Water Celebration; Illinois Waterfowl, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 3:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Life and Times of Don Holt (Abridged), 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: JBT Redux, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 10:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Productive Planning Practices, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:05
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: (1) Funk Award Winners (2) CES Chicago: Making a DifferenceAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 10:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: 1997 Funk AwardsAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Funk Awards '98 Gala (1 of 2): Lesser Awards, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 24:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Funk Awards '98 Gala (2 of 2): The Funkees, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Funk Master (1 of 2), 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 48:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Funk Master (2 of 2), 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 48:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: The Seventh DayAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: SchmidtAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Jeff Cronenberg-Demo Reel, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: "Mumford Murmurs": The Bad and The Good Interviews with Bob and SandraAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 17: Doing a Farm Appraisal, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:30
Duration: VHS
Item 18: Containers Army Reserve TapeAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 19: Global Soy Forum: Complete Session, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: 46:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Extension Distance: Diagnostics, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 54:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Color Bars #2Add to your cart.
Sync Gen Tone
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 41Add to your cart.
Item 1: INTSOY: Hi-8 Transfer: Weingartner/Zimbabwe, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Planned ParenthoodAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: USDA Historical Footage "Plow that Broke the Plain"Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: John Whalen #3: (1) Search of a Plot (2) Morton (3) Road to Boskeydell, 1978Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: Power and the LandAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: Quality Management at Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc., 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: Twas BrillingAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: Prairie Farms: A Corporate Profile, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Mixed Master
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: Steve Parker - File Tape 1, 1982Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Electronic Field Productions ManualAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: (1) Apartheid Protest (2) Lincoln Log Cabin (3) Iceboaters (4) Last Heroes (doc. Outlift) (5) Weekend Warriors (doc. Outlift) (6) Chance of a Lifetime (doc. Outlift)Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:42 (2) 2:26 (3) 2:19 (4) 7:21 (5) 6:53 (6) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 42Add to your cart.
Item 1: Glitch in the System, 1989Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: Robeson's: A Death DowtownAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: Dreams of Gesundheit, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 27:53
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: Glitch in the System: "Different Drummer", 1988Add to your cart.
BBC Versions
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: Fortunes of War: Documentary by Steve ParkerAdd to your cart.
Item 6: Parker Save Tapp II, 1986Add to your cart.
Item 7: Hammer on the Slammer, 1989Add to your cart.
Item 8: Arthurdale, 1989Add to your cart.
Item 9: Glitch in the System, 1988Add to your cart.
Domestic Version
Item 10: Different Drummer: Toughman, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Item 11: Dairy Calf Birth, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Item 12: Bob Burk Cover VideoAdd to your cart.
Box 43Add to your cart.
Item 1: Planned Parenthood: Building for the 21st century, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) Iceboaters (2) A Death Downtown (3) Fortunes of War (4) Weekend Warriors (5) Last Hero (6) Toughman (7) Chance of a LifetimeAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:19 (2) 3:43 (3) 5:49 (4) 2:55 (5) 1:15 (6) 2:45 (7) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: Colin - Short Story, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: Save the DucksAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: Soybean Rust Tour (1 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Soybean Rust Tour (2 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Soybean Rust Tour (3 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Soybean Rust Tour (4 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Soybean Rust Tour (5 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Soybean Rust Tour (6 of 6), 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Cronenbergs "Music from Eritrea", 1984Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: Mason City Movies: Film Reels 1, 4, 5Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: Mason City Movies: Film Reel 2Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: Mason City Movies: Film Reel 3Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 44Add to your cart.
Item 1: Mason City Movies: Film Reel 6Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: Mason City Movies: Film Reel 7Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: Mason City Harvest #1, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: Mason City Harvest #2, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: Mason City #2, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: Mason City #3, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: Mason City #4, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: Mason City Reel 4Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: Your Public Servant, 1989Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Hemp For VictoryAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 11: Max HeadroomAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 12: American Experience - Mr. Sears CatalogAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 13: Fortune of WarAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 14: Washington, DC B-Roll Reel; Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: CHIP '96, 1996Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Basic Waveform MonitoringAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 13:46
Duration: VHS
Item 17: ASI '97 Promo Reel; Live at the Hard RockAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 44:15
Duration: VHS
Item 18: The Day After Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the BombAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 19: Chicago's Very Own, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 20: Return of the Secacus SevenAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 21: The Seventh DayAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Box 45Add to your cart.
Item 1: Inside Gorbachev's USSR; Looking for Perestroika, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 58:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: Cable of Choice, 1982Add to your cart.
Other Information: 12:42
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: The Price of BountyAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 56:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: The Price of BountyAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 56:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: Peroria Footage, 1990Add to your cart.
CH. 1: Time Code, Ch. 2: Audio
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: (1) Iceboaters (2) Fortunes of War (3) A Death Downtown (4) Last Hero (5) Weekend Warriors (6) Chance of a Lifetime (7) Dreams of Gesundheit (8) ToughmanAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:19 (2) 3:26 (3) 4:35 (4) 2:14 (5) 6:53(6) 3:04 (7) 1:50 (8) 2:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: La Aplicacion de Quimicos a los Campos de Gold, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: 32:00
Duration: VHS
Item 8: Max Headroom / Unknown Chaplin 1Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 9: Money 2000; (1) Credit Card (2) Piggy Bank, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: LIAC GroundbreakingAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: CED - Rock Island #1, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: M. Fernanda Mateos, interviewed by Sevi Mueller, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Understanding Tax Caps, 1996Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: ACES and You: The ACES Alumni AssociationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 13:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: CED - Marsh School #1, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: CED - Marsh School #2; Dugan Interview, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: CED - Jones High School; Tillery Interview, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Livestock Manure Facilities: Construction & MaintenanceAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: University of Illinois Extension: Community & Economic Development Programs, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Sherrill Mailnes: Illinois 4-H Alumni Award of Merit Winner,, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 4:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: ACES Library, Information & Alumni Center: Computer-Animated TourAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 4:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Careers in Horticulture: Horticulture Major at the University of IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 12:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Careers in Horticulture: Horticulture Major at the University of IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 46Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" French TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" Japanese TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" Spanish TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" Chinese TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" Russian TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: "Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge" German TranslationAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: Food Safety for Community Dinners, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 6:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: James Appleby: The Common Pine Shoot Beetle, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 6:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: (1) "Herman Warsaw: High Yield Leader" (2) "A Personal Choice" (3) Four Television Public Service Announcements (4) "The Parrallel Tile Outlet Terrace System"Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 10: "Three Part Harmony" (Adult Children and their Aging Parents)Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: UI ADECAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Re-Edited Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: Let's Meet the Competition, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: 40:00
Duration: VHS
Item 13: Amy Righe - Interviewed in Olney, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 14: Wayne Black "Flood Aid & Beyond", 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 40:00
Duration: VHS
Item 15: "Corn Quality", 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 30:26
Duration: VHS
Item 16: Tom Endress, Illinois Beef Producer on Feeding "Husklage" to Beef Herd, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 47Add to your cart.
Item 1: ACES 2002 Recognition Awards Gala, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Food Safety Evalutation of Genetically Engineered SoybeansAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 43:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Chicoine Appreciation Party, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Exploring the Internet #1Add to your cart.
Other Information: 60:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Exploring the Internet #2Add to your cart.
Other Information: 1:30:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Special People on a Special Mission: Protection America's Living Marine ResourcesAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 23:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: Parenting: Paving A Safe and Healthy RoadAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 35:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Zebra Mussel Duplication Master (1) The Biology of Zebra Mussels (2) The Spread and Impact of Zebra Mussels (3) Mussel Menace?Zebra Mussels and YouAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 11:00 (2) 15:15 (3) 15:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Pickling & Fermented Foods, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 42:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: School Age Child Care Caring Enough, 1994Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: 2007 College of ACES Awards, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Illinois Rural Recreation Development Programs: Youth and Community, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 23:45
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: 2005 College of ACES Awards, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Minimum Tillage: 1960's Film Transfer, ca. 1960Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 48Add to your cart.
Item 1: ACES Awards, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: 2003 ACES Awards, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 47:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: ACES 2001 Recognition Awards Gala, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 44:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: ACES 2000 Recognition Awards Gala, 2000Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Food Guide Pyramid PSA, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: 00:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: Land Grant University and CES HistoryAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Operating Procedures for the Options Pilot Program, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 34:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Illinois Incubation/Embryology Project, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 1:20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Salud Para TodosAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Extension Distance DiagnosticAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 55:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Madigan DedicationAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: ACES Alumni Association Awards, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 29:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Jewel of the ACES Campus: The Library, Information, and Alumni Center, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:30
Duration: VHS
Item 14: Who we are, what we do, why we do it, for whom, when, for how much, in what color, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Visualization Study of the NSFNET - SIGGRAPH '92, 1992Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Washington, DC B-Roll Reel; Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: (1) David Chicoine: For ACES "Family Reunion", 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: (2) LIAC Dedication, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 49Add to your cart.
Item 1: Chicoine Farewell, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: David Chicoine: ACES Alumni Association Family Reunion, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: University of Illinois Extension: Community & Economic Development Programs, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: South Farms Morning, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 2:21
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Global Soy Forum 99 / HighlightsAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Exploring Science Writing: An Environment FocusAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Block Chute Standup and B-Roll, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: CED - Urbana "Happiness Club"Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: What is the InternetAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Stored Grain - UI Farm, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Pollution Prevention in Furniture RefinishingAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Trap Crop Western Corn Rootworm - CU Beetles & Damage, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Acid Rain and Its Effects on Corn and SoybeanAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 16:33
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Conservation Expo '98 - Illinois Land Improvement Contractos Association, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Conservation Expo 2001 - Illinois Land Improvement Contractos Association, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: ILICA/University of Illinois ArboretumAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project, 1996Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 7:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Aupperle #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Aupperle #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: INTSOY Egypt - Spanish Language VersionAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Novakofski EditedAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Wheeler EditedAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: ACES Alumni 2000 - Seehouse, Round Barns, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: La Bastida, Mexico, Sec of Ag, Illinois State Fair #1, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: DoyleAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Sullivan, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Funk 2001 - Steve Ford, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Mike Irwin, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: GSF #3 - Tao and WilcoxAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Bosworth Interview, Group 1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: Chan, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: Dean Rieckers, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 50Add to your cart.
Item 1: Former Director of Agriculture Becky DoyleAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Van Wacyenberge InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Western Corn Rootworm - Mike Gray Interview, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Jeffery - Poster; D. Cavanaugh-Grant, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Rod Johnson, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Ted Funk, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Spitze Interview (Dudley - Profile)Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Hilgendorf, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Gomes DinnerAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Keiser Interview #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Keiser Interview #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Keiser Interview #3 - B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Mundt #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Mundt #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Funk '98, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Rich KnipeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: La Bastida, Mexico, Sec of Ag, Illinois State Fair #2, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Sea Grant Connecting with UsersAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Chicago Leadership Center, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Buying and Preparing Great SeafoodAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 4:58
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: SimmonsAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Chandler, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: ADA ComplianceAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 21:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Stored Grain - Insect Close Ups, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: IPM Video Segment Backup/Safety (1) Wineworm Traps (2) Rootworm Rating (3) Scouting Western Corn Rootworm (4) Soybean AphidAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 3:57
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: INTSOY Egypt Spanish Language VersionAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: INTSOY Egypt Spanish Language VersionAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Renessen - Check Presentation, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: Illinois: A Study in Diversity, 1996Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: The Life and Times of Don Hold (Abridged), 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: NTSC Color Brs & 100% ToneAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: South Farms - Ground Breaking, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 51Add to your cart.
Item 1: Video Sampler OACE, 1986Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 2: 4-H/Youth in Action, E. St. Loius Walk for Peace, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 35:00
Duration: VHS
Item 3: CES - Yout Issues - Kathy and John, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 4: Farmland Stored Grain ProgramAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 5: ITCS Meeting - Dog N Pony, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Ag. Open House PSA, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 00:29
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: OAK WILTAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 18:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Japan House Dedication at the University of IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Conservation Expo #11Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: ILICA/University of Illinois ArboretumAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: CED - Rock Island #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Operating Procedures: Options Pilot Program, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 34:00
Duration: VHS
Item 13: CED - Sheep Feedlot and Lamb in Meat Case, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Food Guide Pyramid AnimationAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: U.S. Feed Grains Council "Grain Quality: The American Commitment" - Spanish VersionAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 15:49
Duration: VHS
Item 16: (1) Volunteerism PSA (2) '95 Ag Open House PSA (3) Food Pyramid PSAAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 00:29 (2) 00:29 (3) 00:29
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 17: Harper B-Roll; Funk #2Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 18: Farming on Friendly Terms: Interpersonal Communications for the Family and Farm BusinessAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 59:24
Duration: VHS
Item 19: Herman Warsaw: High Yield Leader, 1984Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 20: Calving Process, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 7:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 21: Grain Quality: The American CommitmentAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 15:50
Duration: VHS
Item 22: Garden, Vegetables; Governer's Mansion; Lawn and FlowersAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 23: How Soil Erodes, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: VHS
Item 24: Introduction to Collegiate Soil JudgingAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: VHS
Item 25: Introduction to the Soils of Illinois - 4 partsAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Box 52Add to your cart.
Item 1: Equipping and Organizing Your Farm Business CenterAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: Field Crop Pests - Alfalfa Weevils, Black Cutworms, European Corn Borers, Grasshopers, Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa, RootwormsAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: Field Crop Pests - Corn Nematodes, Soybean Cyst NematodesAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: Illinois Incubation/Embryology Project, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 1:20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Housing Adapted for Maximum Independence, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: Farming on Friendly Terms: Interpersonal Communications in the Family and Farm Business, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 59:24
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: John Campbell - Farewell BanquetAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: VHS
Item 8: Jim Appleby: The Common Pine Shoot BeetleAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 6:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Illinois Pork - The Chinese Connection, 1989Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 10: Let's Meet the Competition, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: 42:00
Duration: VHS
Item 11: Livestock Judging: Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Market SteersAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: Mark Henss AttorneyAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: New Voices From the Collecge of Agriculture, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:20
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: Morrow Plot, 1978Add to your cart.
Other Information: 6:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 53Add to your cart.
Item 1: On-Farm Research: Making A Difference, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: New Voices From the Collecge of Agriculture, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: VHS
Item 3: New Voices From the Collecge of Agriculture, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: VHS
Item 4: New Voices From the Collecge of Agriculture, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: VHS
Item 5: Family Financial Management Around the World, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: Open House - Communications Services, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: Open House Opening, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: Operating Procedures: Options Pilot Program, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 34:00
Duration: VHS
Item 9: CES Logo Over Negatice BlackAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Operating Procedures for the 1995 Options Pilot Program, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 25:54
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Panel Discussion of the Price of Bounty, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 12: Perennials for Early Spring Work Copy, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: Perennials for Early Spring Work Copy, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: Portrait of a Pre-School at Risk Program: Washington School in Urbana, IL, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 30:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Planning and Managing Your Farm Business CenterAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 15:06
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 16: Pruning and Renovating Small Fruits with Robert Skirvin, Dept. of HorticultureAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 17: Export Quality Challenge, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 3:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 54Add to your cart.
Item 1: School-Age Child Care: Caring Enough, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:20
Duration: VHS
Item 2: School-Age Child Care (1) Meeting Development Needs (2) Guidance and Discipline (3) Activity PlanningAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 33:00 (2) 43:00 (3) 38:00
Duration: VHS
Item 3: School-Age Child CareAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 4: School-Age Child Care: Activity PlanningAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 5: School-Age Child Care: Care EnoughAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 6: Ski Utah #1, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Ski Utah #2, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Ski Utah #3, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Ski Utah # 4, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge (2) The Export Quality Challenge(3) PSA's Rural Route, 1985Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 15:50 (2) 6:00 (3) 00:30
Duration: VHS
Item 11: Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: VHS
Item 12: The T-Bud Graft, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 14:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: The Repair Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 11:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: Pre-Game Meal, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 11:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 15: The Cleft Graft, 1990Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 10:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: The Whip and Tongue Graft, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: DUB
Other Information: 14:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: Tree GraftngAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 50:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 18: Three Part HarmonyAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: VHS
Item 19: U of I Recruitment VideoAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 12:20
Duration: VHS
Item 20: The Importance and Care of Turfgrass, 1994Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 5:24
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 55Add to your cart.
Item 1: Serving People - Career choices in the School of Human Resources and Family Studies, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:56
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: Rural Route and FACT Television Public Service Spots, 1985Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: Vocational Education in Illinois, Parts 1 and 2, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: (1) VoEd w/ Credits (2) Task Analysis (3) VoEd PII w/ creditsAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 10:45(2) 25:42 (3) 13:20
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: What is Soil ErosionAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 10:00
Duration: VHS
Item 6: 4-H Leadership: Meeting, Basing of Being a Project LeaderAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: 4-H Leadership: 4-H Meeting, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 28:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: 4-H Leadership: Basics of Being a 4-H Project Leader, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 14:15
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: 4-H Risk Management, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 11:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Below, Amisorb (2) Zehr and Butte, Future of ACES (3) Painter, Diet Software (4) Brown and McCalla, Future of Food (5) Area Wide Insect Management (6) Managing Risks and Profits (7) Soybean Drought Study, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:12(2) 1:59 (3) 1:59 (4) 2:02 (5) 2:06 (6) 2:00 (7) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: La Aplicaacion de Quimicos a los Campos de Golf, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: 32:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: TV PSA - Rural Route and FACTAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: Quality Management at Praire Farms Dairy, Inc.Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: Lester Brown #1, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: 1:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Lester Brown #2, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: 1:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 56Add to your cart.
Item 1: Oak WiltAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: VHS
Item 2: Hometown Hospitality: The Key to a Successful Tourist Industry, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: VHS
Item 3: Calibrating Gold Course Boom Sprayers, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Channel Earth "Back on Campus", 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: 4-H Where Kids Invent Themselves, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: VHS
Item 6: A Dangerous Profession, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: VHS
Item 7: A Shared Vision for the 21st CenturyAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 8: Then, Now, and Tomorrow, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: VHS
Item 9: Cooperative Extension Service & the Flood of 1993, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 6:00
Duration: VHS
Item 10: Three Public Service Announcements (1) Volunteerism (2) '95 Open House (3) Food Pyramid, 1994-95Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 00:29 (2) 00:29 (3) 00:29
Duration: VHS
Item 11: Cooperative Extension Service & the Flood of 1993, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 6:00
Duration: VHS
Item 12: Functional Foods: Beyond Basic NutritionAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 14:30
Duration: VHS
Item 13: 2003 ACES Awards, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 47:00
Duration: VHS
Item 14: Oak WiltAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 19:00
Duration: VHS
Item 15: American Disabilities Act ComplianceAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: VHS
Item 16: Affirmative Action ProgramsAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 17: CES - 75th Anniversary RemarksAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 5:46
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 18: Stan IkenberryAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 6:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 19: Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 20: CES - 75th Anniversary Slide Set "Helping You Put Knowledge to Work", 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 8:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 21: Queen Bee, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 24:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 22: Families Are Our Business, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 20:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 23: A Personal Choice, 1987Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 11:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 24: A Tale of Two Aggies, 1985Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 12:45
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 25: Shared Vision: 150 Years of Progress in the Betterment of Agriculture, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 24:3
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 57Add to your cart.
Item 1: Education for Employment in Illinois, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: VHS
Item 2: Beyond the Sale, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 36:00
Duration: VHS
Item 3: B-1 Using the Engineer's LevelAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 10:22
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: Three Part HarmonyAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: Education for Employment Part 1: Program and ChallengesAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 9:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: Canning Jams and Jellies with Susan Brewer, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 55:00
Duration: VHS
Item 7: Calving Process, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: 7:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: Building a New Tradition, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 7:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: Conservation System Workshop - 5 slide sets, 1987Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Celebrating Beginnings, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 11:17
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: Doing a Farm Appraisal, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 17:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: Darrel Good Options, 1994-95Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Construction of Grassed Waterway and Structure; Construction of a Parallel Tile Outlet Terrace System; Instalation of Subsurface DrainageAdd to your cart.
Duration: VHS
Item 14: Const., Earth Tube System, 1986Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 15: CES and the Flood of '93, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 6:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 16: Discover Herbs and Their Many Uses, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 19:17
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 58Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Billy Bob" Retirement Tribute to WRO schwald, 1988Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: Consider Agriculture at the Univ. of Illinois, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: Making Choices with the Environment in Mind, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 56:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: Doing a Farm Appraisal, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) Maure Haulers Insurance (2) Charcoal Rot (3) Take 40 lbs of Credit (4) Darrel Good on Corn, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:07 (2) 1:54 (3) 2:09 (4) 2:01
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: CES and the Flood of '93, 1994Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Final Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: (1) Annie's Project (2) Carbon Seaquestration (3) Pull Trigger on Sales (4) Explore ACES March 10-11 (5) The Spice Box (6) Farm Doc Crop Insurance (7) Horse Judging, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:17 (2) 2:25 (3) 2:25 (4) 2:12 (5) 2:13 (6) 2:14 (7) 2:06
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) Architects Vist Swamp (2) Crop System Team (3) JOBs Bill Income Avg. (4) JOBs Bill Tax Break (5) Soy?Last Minute Chef, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:03(2) 2:11(3) 2:17(4) 2:09(5) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: (1) U of I Beef/Sheep Unit (2) IL US Senate Candidates (3) How Do They Figure LDP (4) Hypoallergenice Soybean (5) Crop Report and LDP, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:48 (2) 2:14 (3) 2:10 (4) 2:14 (5) 2:03
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Defining Food & Ag (2) Publications Plus (3) IGB Completed by 2006 (4) Spraying for ASR (5) Renewable Fuels Lab (6) Drought Spikes Market, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:19 (2) 2:08 (3) 2:05 (4) 1:54 (5) 2:00 (6) 1:55
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: (1) Flower Borders (2) Oilseeds Plantings SD (3) Wormseeds (4) Farm Progress City (5) Cold Wx Corn Crop, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:03 (2) 1:46 (4) 2:13 (5) 2:48
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: (1) Tax Free HAS (2) Soybean Oil Key (3) Livestock and Meat Exports (4) 2050 Soybean Crop (5) Soybean Rust Restraint (6) Corn Breeder Honored, 2004-05Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:11 (2) 1:55 (3) 2:07 (4) 2:21 (5) 2:14 (6) 2:11
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: (1) IPM Violated In Illinois (2) Entomologists in Balkans (3) Crop Hail School (4) '04 IL Conservation Expo (5) YieldGard Performance, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:56 (2) 2:15 (3) 2:16 (4) 1:51 (5) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: (1) Ag Robots for Field Crops (2) South Farms Centennial (3) USDA Corn Numbers (4) USDA Bean Numbers (5) Cyclic Corn Rootworm, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:15 (2) 2:05 (3) 2:16 (4) 1:50 (5) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) Use Electricity Safely (2) Bean Leaf Beetle (3) The Bulletin(4) Operation SAFE Fly In (5) Fewer Beans Lower Prices (6) Record Crop Strong Prices, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:51 (2) 1:42 (3) 2:11 (4) 2:23 (5) 2:23 (6) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (1) Grain Analyst Make Predictions (2) Wetlands Studio (3) Tax Code Pushes Land (4) Power and the Land, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:28 (2) 2:14 (3) 1:47 (4) 2:32
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: (1) Field Peas and RAPCo (2) IPT Bull Sale Feb 19 (3) Midwest Beef Quality (4) Darrel Good on Corn (5) Price 25% '04 Beans Now, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:08 (2) 1:59 (3) 2:01 (4) 2:24 (5) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: (1) Fighting Soybeans Cyst Nematode (2) FFA Building New Office in Springfield (3) Illinois Livestock Management Facilities Act Certification (4) Illinois Performace Tested Bull Sale, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:13 (2) 2:13 (3) 2:21 (4) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: (1) In the Public Domain (2) UI PMCDB Web Experiment (3) The Weightless Wonder (4) Beef Cattle Program Improves Herd Standardized Performance Analysis, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:13 (2) 2:02 (3) 2:23 (4) 2:08
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: (1) The Real World (2) Teaching for Your Life (3) PEAQ Alfalfa Web Project, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:19 (2) 2:10 (3) 2:23
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: (1) Fuel Prices Pinch Farm (2) IL N Recommendation (3) IL Farm Family 2005 (4) Farm Income 2006 (5) The New Old Feed Mill, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:45 (2) 2:09 (3) 2:24 (4) 2:20 (5) 2:14
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: (1) Secret Agent Worms (2) GMO's/EU Consumers/US Trade (3) 2 Crop Insurance Changes (4) How to Conserve N, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:30 (2) 2:25 (3) 2:15 (4) 2:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: (1) The Web and GMO's in the Future (2) Corn Injury and the Herbicide Balance (3) Assessing the Jan 12 CRP, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:57 (2) 2:18 (3) 2:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: (1) Trade-WTO-FarmBill (2) 4-H'ers Do Cardinal BB (3) Pushes Energy Bill (4) Illinois Forage Expo, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:17 (2) 2:00 (3) 2:32 (4) 2:01
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: (1) Twospotted Spide Mite (2) Scout for Soybean Rust (3) Wetlands/Golf and H20 (4) Marketing Corn and Beans (5) Soil Conservation, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 3:30 (3) 1:55 (4) 2:10 (5) 2:03
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: (1) Farming Prawin in IL (2) Wind Energy for IL (3) How to Handle LDP, 2005Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:51 (2) 2:14 (3) 1:59
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: (1) So-Cool Frozen Soybean Dessert(2) Relay Cropping Experiment(3) Fail Safe Marketing(4) Abandoned Well, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (2) 2:15(3) 2:27(4) 2:19
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: "Where Do You Turn?"Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: VHS
Box 59Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Soybean Expedition (2) Sunlight Interception (3) Farm Storage Facility Loan Program, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:07 (2) 2:00 (3) 1:47
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: (1) U of I Team Wins Illinois SoyLutions Contest (2) New DRC Contracts for Grain Marketing (3) New DRC Contracts for Grain Marketing (4) Cow/Calf Operator Uses Bookwork to Improve Profits (5) GMO Common Grounds, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:03 (2) 2:32 (3) 2:32 (4) 2:15 (5) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: (1) Who Bares the Costs of GMO's (2) Tracking Resistant Waterhemp Hybrids (3) Population, Demand, and Rationing (4) Ag in the Classroom: the St. Camillus Experience, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:59 (2) 2:32 (3) 2:42 (4) 1:56
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: (1) Bellflower, Illinois Mega Diary (2) Curing Slick Spots (3) Darrel Talks Corn, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:07 (2) 2:15 (3) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: (1) Deep Till vs. Strip Till (2) Ag Entrepreneur Enters Branded Lamb Market (3) Illinois Speciality Farm Products Web Page, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:07 (3) 2:27
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: (1) Niche Market Soybeans(2) Black Swallow BT Study(3) Heatwatch(4) Purple Loosestrife(5) Soybean Germplasm Collection, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:17
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: (1) Soybean Aphid (2) Waterhemp Shade Experiment (3) Site of Action Chemical Rotation (4) FPS Weatherby Profile (5) Weed Management Systems for Waterhemp, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:16 (2) 2:07 (3) 2:04 (4) 2:26 (5) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) Commodity Prices(2) Crop Report Numbers You Probably Missed (3) Testing E-Diesel, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:12 (2) 1:59 (3) 2:28
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: (1) Morrow Plots Future Research(2) Nitrogen Research Confirms 1.2 lbs Maz(3) Illinois Farm Income Projected to Drop $27K, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:26 (2) 2:08 (3) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Wheat to Corn (2) Social Agency Partner (3) Insecticide Costs (4) Eight for the Debate, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:02 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:06 (4) 2:06
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: (1) Transition to No-Till (2) Another Leg Up (3) Seed Pops and Row Spacing (4) Nitrate Hot Spots, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:04 (2) 2:00 (3) 2:02 (4) 1:57
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: (1) Bio Diversity Blitz 2000 (2) Morrow Plots Proves Soil Can Last (3) Economics of the Global Insecticide Market, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 2:29 (3) 2:17
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: (1) Light in the Dairy Barn (2) Chef Pushes Soy (3) Bio Diversity Blitz 2000, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:54 (2) 1:28 (3) 2:55
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: (1) Light in the Dairy Barn (2) Chef Pushes Soy, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:54 (2) 1:28
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) A Fresh Cut Perspective on the Green Industry (2) Consumer Reports of Livestock Fans (3) U.S. Hog Producers Benefit from Disease Outbreak (4) Animal Researcher Looks at Human Disease: IBD, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:14 (2) 2:16 (3) 2:23 (4) 2:19
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (1) Illinois Farm Income Improves (2) Remote Sensing Lab (3) PEAQ Alfalfa Web Project (4) FMD Offers Gains for US Pork, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:30 (2) 2:11 (3) 2:23 (4) 1:44
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: (1) 500 Bushel Corn (2) Mutant Corn Repository (3) Pricing Commodities, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:02 (2) 2:02 (3) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: (1) Rural Schools and the Internet (2) Ethanol Research (3) Round-Up Ready for a New Contract (4) Bt Resistant Borers, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:30 (2) 1:35 (3) 1:37 (4) 1:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: (1) Water Law: Issuing Use Permits (2) Quality Dirt Free Beans (3) Father of the Green Revolution (4) To Bt or not to Bt, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:59 (2) 1:56 (3) 2:02 (4) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: (1) Single Calving Heifer System (2) Long Term Bean Prices (3) Feeding Fat to Hogs (4) Agriculture Research Lobby, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:55 (2) 1:57 (3) 2:02 (4) 1:54
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: (1) Commission Delivers Report (2) Flood Tolerant Corn (3) Breeding Wheat (4) Soybean Futures, 1996-97Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:00 (2) 2:02 (3) 2:00 (4) 2:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: (1) Commission Delivers Report (2) Flood Tolerant Corn (3) Breeding Wheat (4) Soybean Futures, 1996-97Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:32 (2) 1:19 (3) 1:19 (4) 1:32
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: (1) Funk - Waste Reg's (2) Transition to No-Till (3) Woybean Yogurt (4) Super Broccoli, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 2:00 (3) 1:59 (4) 1:56
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Updating Genetically Altered Hogs, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: 1:58
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: (1) 500 Bushel Corn (2) Mutant Corn Repository (3) Pricing Commodities (4) Wetlands in Case of Regulation, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:37 (2) 1:28 (3) 1:28 (4) 1:31
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: (1) Rural Schools and the Internet (2) Ethanol Research (3) Round-Up Ready for a New Contract (4) Bt Resistant Borers, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:02 (4) 2:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: (1) Soil Tilth Lab (2) Livestock Feeders Buoy Market (3) Hunting Fishy Wheat (4) Annenberg Challenge, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:28 (2) 1:30 (3) 1:37 (4) 1:31
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: (1) Soybean Based Foods for Developing Countries (2) Changing Rootworm Habits (3) Cyberfarm (4) Crop Revenue Insurance, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:00 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:02 (4) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: (1) Soybean Based Foods for Developing Countries (2) Changing Rootworm Habits (3) Cyberfarm (4) Crop Revenue Insurance, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:35 (2) 1:32 (3) 1:31 (4) 1:28
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: (1) Immigrant Eats Weed (2) Hedge to Arrive (3) Decision Rules (4) Chinese Soybeans Germplasm, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:59 (2) 2:13 (3) 1:58 (4) 2:04
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: (1) Soil Tilth Lab (2) Livestock Feeders Buoy Market (3) Hunting Fishy Wheat (4) Annenberg Challenge, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:04 (2) 1:58 (3) 2:01 (4) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 60Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Trade w/ Mexico (2) Cyber-Café (3) The Lost 40 (4) Area Wide Insect Management (5) A New Way to Can Food, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:06 (2) 2:01 (4) 2:05 (5) 2:04
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: (1) Spider Lambs (2) Illinois Rural Recreation Development Project (3) Starving Africa (4) Transgenic Corn (5) Info-Ag '97, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:59 (2) 2:02 (4) 1:57 (5) 2:01
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: (1) IFPRI on World Food Supplies (2) Accu-Rate Population (3) Virtual Classroom Interface (4) Illinois Dairy Woes (5) 9 Million C-FAR Dollars, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:56 (2) 2:00 (3) 2:01 (4) 1:58 (5) 1:56
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: (1) Revenue Insurance Lecture (2) Soy! It's what?s for dinner? (3) Save Soil & Dollars (4) Soybean Rust Website, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:13 (2) 2:17 (3) 1:31 (4) 4:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: (1) Fuzzy Technology Drives Tractor (2) Animal Agriculture Reform (3) John and Helen Dees (4) Building a New Research Funding Structure (5) 150% Efficiency Gain at 90 Day Weaning (6) Good on Beans and Corn (7) Lion Cubs at UI, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:18 (2) 2:18 (4) 2:16 (5) 2:13 (6) 2:01 (7) 2:19
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: (1) Marketing Soybeans (2) A Better Way to Fee Phosphorous (3) Analyzing Waste Odor (4) El Nino & Beans (5) Fall Strip Till, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 2:00 (3) 1:56 (4) 2:02 (5) 2:02
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: (1) WCR Out in Force on I-70 (2) Truck Crops Hurt, Too (3) August Crop Report (4) Soybean Aphid (5) YieldGard V Herculex, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:10 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:05 (4) 2:26 (5) 2:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) 2050 WCR 2 Lay More Eggs (2) Swine Farm Grant (3) U of I Parenting 24/7 (4) Temporary on Farm Storage, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:12 (2) 1:54 (3) 1:34 (4) 1:57
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: (1) What to do w/ LDP (2) Pumpkin Harvest (3) A Harvest of Plenty (4) Food & Farm Policy (5)Hedge to Arrive, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 1:47 (3) 2:56 (4) 1:58 (5) 2:31
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Cheviot Sheep Farm Spans Three Centuries (2) A Billion Bushels Short of Corn (3) What Farmers Miht Do About Pricing Corn and Beans, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (3) 2:21
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: (1) Global Campus (2) U of I Tax School/Ethanol (3) No-Till #1 In Illinois (4) Corn Balance Sheet, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:56 (2) 2:11 (3) 00:45 (4) 2:24
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: (1) Good Marketing Soybeans (2) UI Store Offers Soybean Based Foods (3) Downloadable Farm Rent Evaluator Tool, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1)  2:06 (2) 2:24 (3) 2:16
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: (1) Software Determines Economic Thresholds for Weed Contorl (2) Raising Apples in Illinois is an Entertainment Business (3) Wetlands Burn to Restore Habitat, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 2:12 (3) 2:21
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: (1) A Changing Farm Bill (2) Chicago Master Gardeners (3) Should Cash Rents Go Up, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:25 (2) 1:58 (3) 1:47
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) Soy Cookbook & CD (2) 145 BPA IL Corn Yield (3) South Farms Proposal (4) Feeding Wet DDG's, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:06 (2) 1:04 (3) 2:24 (4) 2:20
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (1) Prospective Planting Report  and Marketing (2) What Can Farmers do About HIV/AIDS Pandemic? (3) Illinois Soy Flavor Workshop (4) Darrel Good on Marketing Corn, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:21 (2) 2:47 (3) 2:30 (4) 2:01
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: (1) Hardy's Reindeer Ranch (2) First Fruits Farm (3) Horse Feed Checkoff Vote (4) Durbin Presents $3M(5) Old Pumpkin Patch, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:39 (2) 2:14 (3) 2:19 (4) 3:32 (5) 2:26
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: (1) Darrel Good (2) Further South Farms (3) Illinois Crown Beef (4) Cattle Rancher/Fish Farmer, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:16 (2) 1:58 (3) 3:03 (4) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: CBOT/Cash Diconnect, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:46
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: (1) Water Fowl AgriTourism (2) Citing Livestock Farms(3) Corn and Soybean Classic, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (2) 2:10 (3) 1:57 (4) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: (1) Are Crop Reports Accurate (2) Capping Soybean Prices (3) Soybean Lab Leadership (4) MarketMaker Database (5) Dr. Snodgrass' Pupil, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:12 (2) 2:03 (3) 1:57 (4) 2:14 (5) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: (1) Sign Up for Farm Payment Deadline Approaches (2) Defending the Food Supply (3) Two Steps for IL AgriTourism (4) Phosphorous, the Next Big Nutrient Pollutant Problem, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 2:31 (3) 2:26 (4) 2:17
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: (1) Manmade Wetland Reduces Nitrate Load 46% (2) Warm Winter/Hot Summer of Cool Wet El Nino (3) Online Crop Insurance Calculator for the Midwest (4)  Infigen Clones Pigs, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:17 (2) 1:51 (3) 1:54 (4) 2:08
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: (1) More Corn Acres Needed to Meet Demand (2) Soybean Cysts Nematode Race System Abandoned (3) VIPS Website Update Will Aid Soybean Grower, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:10 (2) 2:13 (3) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: (1) MyNat Debutes for Calorie Counters (2) FarmDoc Crop Insurance Calculator, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:03 (2) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: (1) Integrated Livestock Cropping System (2) UI Marketing Advice for Corn and Soybeans, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:23 (2) 2:05
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: (1) Cookbook: Tofu in the American Kitchen (2) Soy Foods Aiding HIV Positive in Africa Profits (3) Family Pork Farm Building Environmentally Sound Empire, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:33 (2) 2:46 (3) 2:53
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: (1) Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale Successful (2) No Antibiotic Residue in IL Milk (3) How Some IL Soybean Checkoff Dollars are Allocated (4) Aphid Watch (5) Mobile Science Center Brings Nature to Students, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:58 (2) 1:55 (3)2:14 (4) 1:54 (5) 1:55
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: (1) 2002 Farm Bill Legally Meets WTO Oblications (2) Legal Councel Speaks to Illinois Livestock Producers (3) Natural Gas, the Price of N, & How to Save Costs (4) Weed Control Recommendations for Illinois Farmers, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:31 (2) 2:19 (3)1:59 (4) 2:16
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: (1) FDA/UIUC Pigs Incident (2) Strip-Till Counts as No-Till under the Conservation Programs (3) Training Retail Store Employees to Handle Pesticides (4) Management Opportuniteies for Midwes Farmers, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:51 (2) 2:17 (3) 2:04 (4) 2:14
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: (1) Farm Bill Options Explained (2) Green Industry Jobs for Ag Grads (3) Reclaimed Wetlands, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:15 (2) 2:23
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: (1) EU Steel Retaliation Political Ploy Will Hurt US Ag (2) UI Develops Software/Hardware for Driverless Tractor (3) Illinois Wilds Institute for Nature, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:04 (2) 1:55 (3) 2:29
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 61Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Southern Illinois Study (2) Farm Summit (3) Everything is Bullish (4) More Row Crop Acres (5) Sign Up 4 C&S Classic, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:22  (3) 1:58 (4) 1:58 (5) 1:38
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: (1) Poinsettia (2) Nationalizing MarketMaker (3) Scout for Soybean Rust (4) Yieldgard V Herculex (5) Bullet Proof Beans, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:33 (2) 2:42 (3) 3:18 (4) 2:35 (5) 2:18
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: (1) Fundamental Changes in the Soybean Market (2) Taste of Elegance Proves Pork Can Be Pink Too (3) Read Lex Fine Print Before Filing Starlink Claim (4) December Corn Historically Reaches $2.75, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:10 (2) 2:02 (3) 1:07 (4) 2:11
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: (1) Dairy/Waste Policy (2) N Rate 1.0 (3) Manure Tour 1998 (4) Spray Drift (5) 1983 Year for Corn?Maybe?, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 2:01 (3) 2:10 (4) 2:06 (5) 2:09
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: (1) State Nitrogen Budget (2) Cross-Slot Planter (3) Cultivating Natural Scientist (4) Replanting Drown Corn (5) Healthy Nuns, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:06 (2) 2:08 (3) 2:02 4) 2:03 (5) 2:04
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: (1) 4-H'ers Invade State Capital (2) CREP (3) Corn Market (4) NRC Updates Swine Req'a, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:13 (2) 2:04 (3)1:59 (4) 1:58
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: (1) Ship Grain Not Nitrogen (2) Bearish Corn (3) Livestock Conflict (4) Web Tool Changes Soybean Market, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:00 (2) 1:58 (3) 2:02 (4) 2:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) U.S. Corn Exports (2) Sugar in India (3) GB Pant and U of Illinois (4) 35 Cents for a Meal (5) Changing Dairy Nutrition, 2007Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:15 (2) 1:54 (3) 2:08 (4) 2:15 (5) 2:15
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: (1) UI Needs Pork Producers (2) Choosing Soybeans or Corn  (3) Photo Cards Identify Insect Pests (4) 150% Efficiency Gain at 90 Day Weaning (5) Changing Role of Extension, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:56 (2) 2:14 (3) 1:59 (4) 2:11 (5) 2:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: (1) Farm Finance 800# (2) Vo-Ag Services State FFA (3) Hedging Hogs for Break-Even (4) Soy Diet Web Page, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:10 (2) 2:09 (3) 2:06 (4) 1:59
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: (1) 1999 Grain Marketing (2) Strategy for Genetic Research (3) Darrel Talks Corn, 1998-99Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 2:11 (3) 2:12
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: (1)  How Does USDA Figure the Season's Avg. Price (2) Thanksgiving (3) E-Commerce (4) Artificial Insemination (5) Pork Contract Growers Exposed, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:20 (2) 2:02 (3) 2:09 (4) 2:01 (5) 2:04
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: (1) New Ag Library (2) Darrel Good (3) Ship Grain Not Nitrogen (4) Taz Liability (5) Building a Research Tool, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:55 (2) 1:46 (3) 2:07 (4) 2:07 (5) 2:01
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: (1) Dealing w/ LDP (2) Whole Soybean Ice Cream (3) Reduced Applications of Round-Up (4) Illinois Wine Development, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:02 (2) 2:08 (3) 1:57 (4) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) Wildlife Medical Clini (2) Two Plant Diseases (3) Donald Danforth Plant Sciences Center (4) Illinois Locks (5) Block Chute, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:05 (2) 2:04 (3) 2:13 (4) 2:15 (5) 2:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (1) Nitrogen on We Corn (2) Protects Against SCN (3) Root Dig, 1998Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1)2:14 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: (1) AmiSorb Field Below, Crop Scientist (2) Future Visions of ACES (3) Diet Software (4) Future of Food (5) Area Wide Insect Management  (6) Managing Risks and Profits, 1997Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:25 (2) 2:12 (3) 1:59 (4) 2:16 (5) 2:16 (6) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: (1) Extension VNR (2) How to Plant Bt Corn Soy Drink Wins Prize (3) Leaf Blight Plots Provide First Defense (4) Wild Soybean Hunter, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:19 (2) 2:06 (3) 2:18 (4) 2:05
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: (1) Illinois 4-H (2) Springfield Watershed Priority (3) Marketing Corn (4) Why People Like Soybeans, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:02 (2) 2:00 (3) 2:17 (4) 2:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: (1) Japanese Beetle (2) Y2K Conference (3) A Day in the Life, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:03 (2) 2:16 (3) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: (1)Rating Roots (2) Wind Blows Acres of Corn (3) Brazilian Farmers Want LDP, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:18 (2) 2:19 (3) 2:16
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: (1) Consumer Reports "Label GMOs" (2) Inflatable Lagoon Cover to Reduce Odor (3) Watch Basis When Marketing Corn (4) How to Recognize SDS In the Field, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 2:10 (3) 1:56 (4) 1:59
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: (1) GMO Hysteria Forces Bad Choices (2) Herbicides for Pumpkins (3) Stones in Chickens Reduce Fertility (4) N-Rate/Hypoxia Zone/Newsweek, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:06 (2) 2:00 (3) 2:06 (4) 3:21
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: (1) Online Tool for Soybeans (2) N-Serve Environment (3) Evluating Speciality Crops, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:09
Item 25: (1) Online Tool for Soybeans (2) N-Serve Environment (3) Evluating Speciality Crops, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:09 (2) 2:02 (3) 2:07
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: (1) Variety Testing Program is Farmer Accessible (2) Radon Detection in Your Home (3) Market Stratefy for Expired LDP (4) USDA RD OffersAffordable Housing, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:16 (2) 2:03 (3) 2:03 (4) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: (1) Christmas Tree Care (2) Midwest Harvest Tofu (3) Soybean Diversity (4) A Look Ahead with Darrel Good, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:08 (2) 2:15 (3) 2:03 (4) 2:04
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: (1) Decisions for Health (2) Kovacic Wetland (3) Telemedicine (4) Soybeans for Women, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:08 (2) 3:09 (3) 3:34 (4) 3:08
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 29: (1) New Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant Soybe (2) SRW Wheat Harvested in Good Shape (3) Marketing Soft Red Winter Wheat (4) Wetlands Experiment and Denitrification, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:04 (2) 3:09 (3) 2:51 (4) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 30: Ag Campus ScenesAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 62Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Asia Crisis (2) Rootworm (3) AGMAS  (4) Library Info - Chicoine, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: (1) Ten Percent Plus (2) Enviable Training (3) Managed Health (Part 1 of 2) (4) Managed Health Care (Part 2 of 2) (5) South African Wheat Sales, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:39 (2) 1:30 (3) 1:35 (4) 1:30 (5) 1:32
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) STRATSOY (2) Buying Equipment on Credit (3) Biodegradable Plastics (4) Cast Renting ILL. Farm Land, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:21 (2) 3:09 (3) 3:19 (4) 2:56
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) Soybeans Used to Remove Graffiti (2) Historic Agronomy Day (3) Protecting the Mainland from Soybean Rust (4) Property Tax Relief, Funding Education and Bipartisanship, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:10 (2) 3:03 (3) 3:07 (4) 3:23
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) Kazakhstan Agriculture  (2) Banning Atrazine (3) Exchange (4) See, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:15 (2) 3:01 (3) 3:00 (4) 2:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) The Smart Box (2) Commodity Markets (3) Building Soybean Demand in Egypt (4) Planting Season Stress, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 2:50 (3) 3:09 (4) 2:55
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Voting on the Gatt (2) Using BST (3) Funding the Farmbill (4) Labor Intensive Christmas, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:08 (2) 2:59 (3) 3:17 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) USDA's Planting Intentions Report (2) Worker Protection Standards (3) Center Pivot Waste-Water Application (4) Pathogen Research Could Control Gypsy Moth, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:08 (2) 2:50 (3) 3:03 (4) 2:58
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Rootworm Research  (2) First Year Corn Rootworm  (3) Black Farmers Market (4) New College, New Dean, New Future, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:48 (2) 2:57 (3) 3:09 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) Pseudorabies Vaccine Could Save Millions (2) Agriculture Research Funding (3) Purdue Students Develop Soybean Crayon (4) US Farmers No Longer Set the World Grain Price, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:53 (2) 2:58 (3) 3:05 (4) 2:55
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: (1) CRP (2) Round-Up Ready Soybeans (3) USDA Called to Arms, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:04 (2) 2:13 (3) 2:07
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: (1) Poverty in Rural Illlinois (2) Herbicide Tolerant Crop (3) Commodity Marketing (4) Agriculture Education, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:10 (2) 2:51 (3) 3:05 (4) 2:58
Item 13: (1) Caterpillar - The Challenger Series (2) Old Company, New Name, New Tractor (3) The Healthy Soybean (4) Crop Insurance Bad Policy (5) Tap Water Blues, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:18 (2) 3:07 (3) 3:02 (4) 2:58 (5) 2:53
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) Illinois Farm Business Farm Management Association (2) I'll Pay More for That! (3) Vaccinating For BVD Type II Cattle Disease (4) Releasing Crop Reports During Trading Hours, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:56 (2) 3:04 (3) 3:06 (4) 2:59
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) 3 Kansans and the Farm Bill (2) Praire Burn (3) Insect Theater (4) The High Price of N, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:03 (2) 3:19 (3) 2:57 (4) 3:14
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: (1) IWA Courts South Africa (2) Atrazine and DNA Damage (3) Reviewing CES (4) Insect Expo, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 2:47 (3) 2:45 (4) 3:13
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: (1) Trigger (2) Telecomm (3) Kids and Envoronment (4) Science and Pond, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 3:09 (3) 3:09 (4) 3:05
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 63Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) IL Pork Industry Initiative (2) Exploring the Cave (3) Three Time Highs (4) Equivalent Bushels Concept, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:56 (2) 2:50 (3) 3:03 (4) 3:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) More than 50% of Farmers Have Off Farm Income (2) Satellite Network Fertilizer Application (3) Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic (4) Weather to drive Commodity Markets for the Summer (5) Cattle: Supply/Demand/Price, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:14 (2) 3:00 (3) 2:50 (4) 3:05 (5) 2:58
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: Channel Earth (5 tapes), 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Back on Campus (13 tapes), 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Back on Campus (2 tapes), 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Today on the Farm, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Land Grant, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: (1) Little Vermilion (2) Cancer Treatment (3) Chninese Soybeans  (4) Cuide - Farm Prices, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:50 (2) 3:10 (3) 3:03 (4) 3:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Crop Duster (2) Pig Genes (3) Farmers Get Less (4) Farm Prices, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 3:01 (3) 2:53 (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) Farming the Internet (2) Wiring a Small Town (3) High on Demand (4) Managing Bt Corn, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 1:39 (3) 1:58 (4) 2:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 64Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) 1993 Farm Programs Outlined (2) Insect Resistance Appears in Natural Pesticide (3) Ultra-Violet Light Studies Begin at University of Illinois (4) U of I Scientists Track Toxin in Corn, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:48 (2) 3:04 (3) 2:55 (4) 3:01
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) "Alien" Genes to Improve Wheat Varieties (2) 1992 Was Tough Year for Midwest Dairy Producers (3) Rosette Weevil Released to Control Musk Thistle, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:03 (2) 2:50 (3) 2:51
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) Assesments 93 (2) Land Investment (3) Seed Quality (4) Groundwater Study, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:50 (2) 2:42 (3) 2:45 (4) 2:55
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) Marigolds Raised to Control Soybean Cyst Nematode (2) Personal Protective Gear Can Prevent Insecticide Exposure (3) Congressman says Ag Research Amounts to a Good Investment (4) Stream Monitoring Project Points the Way to Solutions, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:47 (2) 2:52 (3) 2:57 (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) U of I Study to Measure the Effects of Nature (2) Chinese Pigs Leading the Way to Improved Pork Production (3) More Details Sought on Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (4) U of I Food Scientist Develops Soybean Foam (5) Changing the Way Agriculture Works, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:00 (2) 3:06 (3) 2:57 (4) 2:51 (5) 3:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) Filter Strips Protect Streams From Runoff (2) Planting Delays Create Marketing Opportunities (3) Soybean Genome Mapping to Guide Future of Soybean Breeding (4) Farmland Prices Increased Slightly in 1992, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:09 (2) 3:06 (3) 3:10 (4) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Scouting Makes Horseradish Crop More Profitable (2) Property Tax Bills Rising in Midwest (3) Cleanup Phase Begins in Flooded Areas (4) Second Year of Flat Job Picture For Ag Graduates (5) Stalk and Ear Rots Prevalent as Farmers Begin Harvet, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 2:55 (3) 3:11 (4) 3:01 (5) 2:51
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) Crop Storage (2) Trees and Groundwater (3) New Soybean (4) U of I Tech in Ohio, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:03 (2) 3:00 (3) 2:55 (4) 3:07
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Hog Prices to Rally Through June (2) Food Prices Post Near Record Low Inflation Rate for 1993 (3) U of I Researchers Look to Improve Cow's Milk (4) Magnetic Image Resonance to Improve Food Safety, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:59 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:54 (4) 2:47
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) Farm Leases (2) Farm Family Income (3) Corn Rootworms (4) Soybean Leaves, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 3:01 (3) 3:12 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: (1) Mini Combines (2) My Thanksgiving (3) C-FAR Input (4) Language Skills, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: (2) 2:01 (3) 2:02
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: (1) Hot Dry Weather Could be 94's Bane (2) 7:30 AM Release for USDA Reports (3) Health Care Reforms Threaten Rural Hospitals (4) Researchers Target Herbicide Resistant Weeds, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 2:52 (3) 2:47 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: (1) UI Course Promotes the Use of Soybean Throughout the World (2) Flood (3) Survey (4) Agronomy Day, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:57 (2) 2:57 (3) 3:02 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) Retail Sales Data (2) USDA Estimates (3) Wild Soybeans (4) Conservation Tillage Trends, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:55 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) IRVP (2) CES Layoffs (3) Birth Place of Hybrid Corn (4) Dead Wheat, 1996Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:02 (2) 2:02 (3) 1:58 (4) 2:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: (1) Return to Equity Figures for Farms (2) Maize Genetics Center (3) Hummel (4) Chinese Soybeans Arrive at U of I (5) Plant Breeder (6) New Apple Varieties Require Fewer Chemical Sprays, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: (1) Beneficial Insects Help Greenhouse Researchers (2) BTU Tax is Friendlier to Farmers than Other Proposed Energy Taxes (3) Computer Simulation Helps Manage Forests (4) 1991 Illinois Farm Earnings Reach 12-Year High, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 2:58 (3) 3:10 (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 65Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Farm Size Increase (2) Wildlife Populations (3) Soybean Standards (4) Early Harvest Prices, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 3:01 (3) 2:49 (4) 3:02
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) Consumer Demands (2) Farm Leases (3) Chem Sensors (4) Contract Producation, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 2:53 (3) 2:56 (4) 2:51
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) NAFTA Should Benefit Midwest Agriculture (2) Corn and Soybean Prices Shoot Up (3) Part-Time Farmers Need to Specialize (4) Acientists Investigate the Biochemical Properties of Food, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:01 (2) 2:57 (3) 2:51 (4) 3:09
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) US Corn Quality Exceeds Other Countries in Test (2) Study Appraises Business Climate for Food Businesses (3) Corn Yields Continue To Trend Upward (4) National Soybean Research Center Begins Operation, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 2:59 (3) 3:06 (4) 2:53
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) Milk Prices Fall (2) Nitrogen (3) Heat Stress Corn (4) Land Value, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:07 (2) 2:52 (3) 2:53 (4) 2:56
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) Insecticides and Herbicides (2) Herbicides in Atmosphere (3) Planting Windbreaks (4) Mystery Swine Disease, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 3:04 (3) 3:03 (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Farmland Price Trends (2) Wetland Reconstruction (3) Dairy Bill (4) Corn Insecticide, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:11 (2) 2:53 (3) 2:57 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) A Better Soybean (2) Conservation Compliance (3) Testing of Farm Well Begins (4) Market React, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:42 (2) 2:51 (3) 2:55 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Growing Black Walnut Trees (2) Cover Crops (3) Earnings Stabilize (4) Chinese Pigs, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:56 (2) 3:02 (3) 2:51 (4) 3:05
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) Wetlands - Global Warnings  (2) Spray Drop Size (3) Production Costs Up  (4) Morrow Plots, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:03 (2) 2:54 (3) 2:54 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: (1) Spray Drift (2) Flat Grain Prices (3) Power Lines, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:57 (2) 2:53 (3) 2:43
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: (1) Starch Encapsulation (2) Rating Guide (3) Growth for Grain Farms (4) Corn Disease, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:01 (2) 3:06 (3) 2:55 (4) 3:06
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: (1) Drought and Income (2) End Ethanol (3) Rural Economics (4) Ag High School, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 2:48 (3) 2:49 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) Signing Up (Feed Grain) (2) Chemicals in Streams (3) Feeding Newspapers to Cattle (4) Purchasing Equipment, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:59 (2) 2:50 (3) 2:55 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) Soybeans (2) Pricing Strategy (3) Grain Quality (4) Pine Bore Beetle (5) Wessel Ag Jobs, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:47 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:47 (4) 3:01 (5) 2:44
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: (1) Shiitake Mushrooms (2) EC Ban on Meat (3) New Techniques for Corn (4) Chicken Parts, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 2:53 (3) 3:07 (4) 2:55
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: (1) Finances Stabilizes (2) Ethanol Tractor (3) D Lines (4) Milk Prices Decline, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:08 (2) 2:58 (3) 2:53 (4) 2:56
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 66Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Chemical Costs (2) Healthy Farmers (3) Protective Gear (4) Farm Income 91, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:46 (2) 2:42 (3) 3:10 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) On Farm Studies (2) Grain Farm Projection (3) Ag Literacy (4) El Nino, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:54 (4) 2:44
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) Poison Garden (2) Rootworm Research (3) PorkProduction (4) Herb Farming, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 2:58 (3) 2:56 (4) 3:02
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) High School Teachers (2) Soy Pizza (3) Fake Chemical Spill (4) Computer Imaging, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:01 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:44 (4) 2:45
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) Survey Paints a Bleak Picture for Illinois Dairy (2) Trade Negotiations Influenced By More Than Economics (3) US Losing Share of World Trade in Grain (4) Food Labeling Regulations to Increase Competition, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 3:08 (3) 3:04 (4) 2:46
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) On Farm Research (2) Farm Imputs (3) Cultivation and Weeds (4) Less Tillage, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:53 (2) 2:57 (3) 2:53 (4) 2:58
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Chemical Policy (2) Stream Bank Erosion (3) Farm Energy Crisis, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:01 (2) 2:51 (3) 2:52
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) Milk/Drug Residue (2) Farm Census (3) Chinese Piglets (4) Seed Testing, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:11 (2) 2:20 (3) 2:11 (4) 2:11
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Farmers and Cancer (2) Farm Bill (3) Rotate Yo' Crops (4) Chems Level Off, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:57 (2) 3:08 (3) 2:59 (4) 3:08
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) No Till (2) Atrozzine?  (3) Animal Poison Control  (4) Farmers and Recession, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:36 (2) 2:04 (3) 2:29 (4) 2:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: (1) Soil Testing (2) Coffee Shop (3) 90 Farm Bill (4) Sinclair, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:01 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:54 (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: (1) Farm Wells (2) Poison Plants (3) New House, Praire Grasses (4) Health Pork, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 3:00 (3) 3:00 (4) 2:50
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: (1) New House - Hedge Rows (2) Water Shed and Herbicide (3) Farm Rebound (4) New Regulations - Pesticides, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 3:00 (3) 2:59 (4) 3:07
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) Meat Inspection (2) Dairy Health (3) Corn Prices (4) Computer Imaging, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 2:56 (3) 3:05 (4) 2:53
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) Hulless Oat (2) Grain Quality Problems (3) Corn Genetics (4) Farm Earnings, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:00 (2) 2:54 (3) 2:50 (4) 2:36
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: (1) Apples and Pesticide (2)Inputs and Yeilds (3) Insecticide Baiting (4) Chemical Companies and Profit, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:02 (2) 3:02 (3) 2:56 (4) 2:55
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: (1) Chinese Pigs (2) Farm Program (3) Farm Safety (4) Artificial Intelligence, 1988-89Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 2:52 (3) 2:59 (4) 2:59
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 67Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) E and A/Fungicide/Corn (2) Chinese Soybeans (3) Soybean Decision (4) Computer Vision Soybean, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:54 (2) 3:04 (3) 3:04 (4) 3:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) Farm Safety and Kids (2) Ag. Sector Jobs (3) Herbicide and Water (4) Strip Cropping, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:56 (2) 2:59 (3) 2:59 (4) 3:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) Natural Food Preservatives (2) Volcanoes and Weather (3) Farm Land Values Down (4) Futures Markets Viable, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:00 (2) 3:05 (3) 3:12 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) Land Prices (2) Property Taxes (3) Hedgerows, 1987-89Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:57 (2) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) Soybean Products (2) Tax Reforms (3) SCS/Planning (4) Exports, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:05 (2) 3:09 (3) 3:00 (4) 3:05
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) Soybean Oil Markets (2) Soybeans have Omega3 (3) Sprayer Calibration (4) Preparing the Planter, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:10 (2) 3:06  (4) 3:03
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Seed Quality Acceptable (2) Ground Water Returning (3) Soybean Chromosomes Map (4) Rural Wells, 1988-89Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 3:01 (3) 3:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) Banding and Cultivation (2) Land Values Higher (3) Rural Employment (4) Buffalo, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:48 (2) 3:03 (3) 3:00 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: (1) Coffee Shop (2) Market Strategy (3) Sheep Raising (4) Greenhouse, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:56 (2) 3:06 (3) 2:56 (4) 3:09
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: (1) Alfalfa Yeilds (2) Low Fat Burger (3) Choked Streams (4) Farmers and Chemicals, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:53 (2) 3:07 (3) 2:57 (4) 3:08
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: (1) Organic Farmer (2) Canola (3) Farm Size Illinois (4) Paraguay and Beans (5) Erosion, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:07 (2) 2:56 (3) 3:02 (4) 3:02 (5) 3:01
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: Farmers Income, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 3:06
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: (1) Farm Earnings - '89 (2) Farm Poisons (3) Super Milk (4) Weldon Fertillizer, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:04 (2) 2:57 (3) 3:00 (4) 2:57
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) Food Prices Headed Up (2) Modern Crops - Drought (3) US Economy Strong (4) Drought Stressed Farmers, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:48 (2) 2:56 (3) 3:04 (4) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) Salmonella (2) Groundwater (3) Insect Collection (4) Salfa-Residue Problem, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:50 (2) 3:01 (3) 2:58
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 16: Drought/Insects, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 3:09
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 17: (1) Top Farm Managers (2) Top Hog Producers (3) Drought of '88, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:59 (2) 2:58 (3) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 68Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Export 89 (2) Farm Living Expenses (3) Animal Stress (4) Facility Wells, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:07 (2) 2:55 (3) 1:30 (4) 3:10
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) Well Water (2) Herbicide Survey (3) Canola (4) Soil Compaction, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:00 (2) 2:53 (3) 3:08 (4) 2:59
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) Farmers Opinions (2) Chinese Pigs (3) Hog Prices (4) Beef Prices, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:00 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:56 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: (1) Dairy Income (2) Corn Photos (3) Herbicide and Week Resistance (4) Experimental Engine, 1989Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: (1) 3:07 (2) 3:05 (3) 3:01 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: (1) To Store or Not To Store (2) Toxic Blue Green Algae (3) Mold Produced Toxins (4) Feeders, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:52 (2) 3:05 (3) 3:07 (4) 2:51
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: (1) Farmers Market (2) Property Tax Burden (3) Asian Tiger Mosquitos (4) Corn Harvest Problems, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:07 (2) 2:56 (3) 2:52 (4) 2:54
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: (1) Meat Extrusion (2) Groundwater Polution (3) Crayfish Farming (4) Soy Ink, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:03 (2) 3:05 (3) 2:54 (4) 2:51
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 8: (1) Water and Nitrate (2) Hazardous Waste Pickup (3) Harvest 90 (4) Russia Wants Trade, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:06 (2) 2:52 (3) 2:54 (4) 2:48
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 9: U of I Technology at Ohio PlantAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 4:35
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 10: INTSOYAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 11: US Aid Program - Support GrantsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 12: (1) Farmland Equity (2) Corn and Nitrogen (3) Alfalfa Cubes (4) Nematodes, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:58 (2) 2:58 (4) 3:01
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 13: (1) Unfair Assessment (2) Computer Vision (3) Lamb Production (4) Hog Prices, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: (2) 2:57 (3) 3:01
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 14: (1) ALA (2) Salaman Farm (3) Cancer (4) Scams (5) Herbicide Prices (6) Resistant WeedsAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:25 (2) 1:27 (3) 1:30 (4) 1:30
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 15: (1) Interest Payments of Farmers (2) Safety-Older Farmers (3) Bushel of Corn (4) Sow Sounds and Nursing, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 2:58 (3) 3:08 (4) 3:02
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Box 69Add to your cart.
Item 1: (1) Truck Deductions (2) Hay Testing (3) Lung Problems (4) ErosionAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:55 (2) 3:03 (3) 2:55 (4) 2:59
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: (1) Spring Pricing Strategies (2) Earth Tube Vents (3) Mycotoxins in Beans (4) Corn Starch PlasticAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:05 (2) 2:57 (4) 3:01
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: (1) Lower Assessments (2) Risk Aversive Farmers (3) Applied Ag Research (4) Insects and SoybeansAdd to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 3:13 (2) 2:56 (3) 3:09 (4) 3:04
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: South American Grain OriginalsAdd to your cart.
Full Tape
Item 5: Rafael Jimenez Interview, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Bruce Litchfield Interview B-Roll, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Bill Sullivan Chicago B-Roll (1 of 3), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: Bill Sullivan Chicago B-Roll (2 of 3), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: Bill Sullivan Chicago B-Roll (3 of 3), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Bill Sullivan Interview, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Bill Sulllivan Cover Video, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Dick Warner Interview, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Kevin Steffy Interview, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Matt Wheeler; Interview/Microscope/Pigs, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Pigs at UI Ellen Hankes Interview, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: SOYOU 001 - Fun For a Living, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: SOYOU 002 - Fun For a Living, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: SOYOU 003, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: SOYOU 004, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: SOYOU 005, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: SOYOU 006, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: SOYOU 007 - Brian Colin (1 of 4), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: SOYOU 008 - Brian Colin (2 of 4), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: SOYOU 009 - Brian Colin (3 of 4), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: SOYOU 010 - Brian Colin (4 of 4), 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: SOYOU 011 - Bar Talk, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 70Add to your cart.
Item 1: SOYOU 012 - Orpheum Theatre, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: SOYOU 013 - InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: SOYOU 014 - InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: SOYOU 015 - InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: SOYOU 016Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: SOYOU 017Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: SOYOU 018 - Backyard, Kids, Rap, Screen Dumps, Office CU'sAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: SOYOU 019 - Brian to CameraAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: SOYOU 020 - InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: SOYOU 021 - Hooters #1Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: SOYOU 022 - Jeff House #1; HootersAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: SOYOU 023 - Jeff House #2; Brian Schmitt InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: SOYOU 024 - Jeff House #3Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: SOYOU 025 - Geo. Gomez InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 15: SOYOU 026 - Geo. Gomez InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 16: SOYOU 027 - Geo. Gomez B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 17: SOYOU 028 - Ed Boon InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 18: SOYOU 029 - John Tobias InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 19: SOYOU 030 - Jack Haeser Interview #1Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 71Add to your cart.
Item 1: SOYOU 031 - Jack Haeser Interview #2Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 2: SOYOU 032 - Brian Office #1, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 3: SOYOU 033 - Brian Office #2, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 4: SOYOU 034 - Brian Office #3, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 5: SOYOU 035 - Brian Office #4, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: SOYOU 036 - Brian Office #5, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 7: SOYOU 037 - Brian Office #6, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: SOYOU 038A - Game Refuge, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: SOYOU 038B - Brians Office Interview #1, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: SOYOU 038B - Brians Office Interview #2, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: SOYOU 039 - Game Refuge #2, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: SOYOU 040 - Game Refuge #3, 1995Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: SOYOU Save Tape; 1) Up all Night 2) CES, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Nintendo Game Tape SCES, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Summer CES; Interplay B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: So You Wanna; Rough CutAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 17: EscapeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Prairie Places, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: VHS
Box 72Add to your cart.
Item 1: Prairie Places #3: Carlinville, Sears Homes; Jerseyville, Abandoned Farmhouse; Grafton/Elsah, Courthouse, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 2: Prairie Places #5: Jarrot Mansion, Cahokia; Bluff Road/Driving; Maeystown; Popeye Statue, Chester, IL, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 3: Praire Places #6: Pierre Menard Home; Adele in Kitchen B-Roll, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 4: Prairie Places #8: Magnolia Manor, Cairo, IL; David Foster Interview/B-Roll, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 5: Prairie Place #9: Magnolia Manor, Cairo, Ext. and Int.; Columns House, West of Golconda; Abandoned Italianate Mansion, Golconda, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 6: Praire Places #9: Mangnolia Manor; Golconda, 1991Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic SP
Item 7: NSRL Video Magazine, Vol. 1: Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: NSRL Video Magazine, Vol. 3: Waterhemp: Control & ManagementAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 16:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: NSRL #4: HymowitzAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: NSRL #8: Hilsboro, IL NRCS Project, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Education for Employment (Part 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Sub-Master
Other Information: 24:40
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 12: St. Elmo InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Hanna Rachell InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: IPM Online Tape #1: Wireworm Bait Construction, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: IPM Online Tape #12: Root Washing and Rating, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: IPM Online Tape #13: Root Rating; Beetles for Purple Loose Strife, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: IPM 6: Beef House, Covington, IN; August ACE Mttg; Gary Schnitkey Interview, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: IPM 7: Mike Gray Interview/B-Roll; Western Corn Rootworms, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: IPM 8: Mike Gray/Sue Ratcliffe B-Roll, digging corn roots outside of Sheldon, Illinois, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: IPM 9: Mike Gray Interview, scouting soybeans for Western Corn Rootworm/Area Wide Project; B-Roll at farmstead/diner/in the field, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Great Depression 1 and 2Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 22: Great Depression 5 and 6 - "Hard Times Coming"Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Box 73Add to your cart.
Item 1: Hort Careers - Comiskey Park #6Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: USDA Sec. Mike Johanns; Energy Bill; Tape #1, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Library Timelaps #3, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: David Chicoine Party Tape 2, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Marcela Garces Interviewed by Sevy Mueller #2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Marcela Garces Interviewed by Sevy Mueller #2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: 4-H Camp #1; Pine Forest Audio, 1988Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 8: Ag & Nr  satellite Program Part 2, 1999Add to your cart.
Other Information: 45:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: RFD-TV, Tape 2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Grain Loading and Sampling Animation, 1988Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: ACES 2001 Recognition Awards Gala, 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Funk 2KAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 48:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: 2005 Funk Awards, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 14: NACTA 2007 Preview, 2006Add to your cart.
Other Information: 5:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Jill North Interview, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Jeff MossAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Good B-Roll, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Ext. MG - HoopestonAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Larson, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: EbataAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Ext. CouncilAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 74Add to your cart.
Item 1: Computer Screens, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Mahomet Farmers Market/ First Fruits, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Mahomet First Fruits Farm Interview B-Roll, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Pumpkin Patch #1, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Pumpkin Patch #2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Hillsboro #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Hillsboro #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: DSV Epley, B-Roll and Additional InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Epley, Erisman #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Erisman #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Brice #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Brice #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Aphids in Greenhouse, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: DrackleyAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) Sell Into A Bull Market, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (2) US Corn Crop Under Stress, 2002Add to your cart.
Item 17: (3) Japanese Beetles Become White Grub, 2002Add to your cart.
Item 18: (4) Airliner Air Quality, 2002Add to your cart.
Item 19: Near Oswego - Chinese Aphids Close-Up, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Ratcliffe InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Yorkville/Oswego, IL; Chinese Aphids, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Nitrogen App; GMO's and the LawAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Historical Photos #5Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: DSV #1 - Cavanaugh Grant; Anderson Pt. 1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: DSV #2 - Anderson Interview Pt. 2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: FSHN 1 - Wine TastingAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Scouting Alfalfa Weevils, 1999Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Korban - Dayton LectureAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: TELCOs and CES: Bringing the Internet to Rural IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Aherin Tractor School Classroom, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: ADSA #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: ADSA #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 33: ADSA #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 34: ADSA #4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 75Add to your cart.
Item 1: ADSA #5Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: ADSA #6Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: ADSA #7 - CampbellAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: ADSA #8 - HutjensAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: ADSA #9 - Hoard's DiaryAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: ADSA #11 - ClarkAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: ADSA #12 - Henkaitis InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: ADSA #13Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Hirakawa #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: D. Smith #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Campin Ext. 2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: ILICA 2005 #6 - Stressed Beans, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Berger Interview; Wherley Interview; Kesler #10Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Dawson InterviewsAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: JBT #1 - Lydia Miller Interview; B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: JBT #2 - Helms and SchlueterAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: JBT #6 - J. Rundquist Interview; A. Rundquist InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: JBT #9 - Larson Brooks Interview, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: JBT #10 - Larson Signs, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: JBT #20 - OglesbyAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: JBT #21 - Skirvin CraigAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: JBT #22 - Hollis/VodkinAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Mediation #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Mediation #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: Mediation #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Mediation #4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Conflict #1 - On-cam NarrationAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Conflict #3 - Scene 4, 5Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: Conflict #4 - Scene 5, 8Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Conflict #5 - Scene 8, 2, 6Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: Conflict #6 - Scene 6, 3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: Conflict #7 - Scene 7, 1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 33: Conflict #8 - Scene 1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 76Add to your cart.
Item 1: Cam 1/Tape 1: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Cam 2/Tape 1: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Cam 1/Tape 2, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Cam 2/Tape 2, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Cam 1/Tape 3, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Cam 2/Tape 3, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Cam 1/Tape 4: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Cam 2/Tape 4: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Cam 1/Tape 5: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Cam 2/Tape 5: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Cam 1/Tape 6: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Cam 2/Tape 6: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Cam 1/Tape 7: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: Cam 2/Tape 7: Floral DesignAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Extension Law #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Extension Law #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Extension Law #4 - Ron in StudioAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Extension Law #5Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Extension Law #6Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Extension Law #7Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: Extension Law #8Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: Extension Law #9Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Extension Law #10Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Farmland #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: Farmland #4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Solutions II #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Solutions II #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Housing #5Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: Extension PicksAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Beef Team 2002, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: Awards: Diana Bidner, Jake DeDecker, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: McKeith InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 77Add to your cart.
Item 1: Baltz #4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: Carr, Ellis InterviewsAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: Marxman #4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Sachs Nielson #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Ritter #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: Foam Marking Systems for ApplicatorsAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: CES Food Pyramid PSA, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 00:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Food Safety - ParkerAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: International Business Immersion Program, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: A Tale of Two Watersheds: Montgomery County, IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 14:25
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: CES ad the Flood of '93, 1994Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Dog and Pony, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: NSRL Video Magazine Vol 2, Soybean Genetics and BreedingsAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: IPM, 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: CES Food Handling PSAAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 00:29
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Telcos and CES: Bringing the Internet to Rural IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 14:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Bringing the Internet to Rural IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: Money 2000: PSAs; Pig; Credit Card; End Pieces;, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: Rural Route 2Add to your cart.
Other Information: 0.008333333
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Tuskegee: Streaks of Genius, 1998Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: GRID Program at the University of Illinois, 2000Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: INTSOY Demo (Russian)Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Egypt/RussianAdd to your cart.
Jim Appleby
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Asian Longhorn BeetleAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: ITCS ACE Writing Award, 1998Add to your cart.
Skyline from Shedd
Other Information: 5:30
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Cook Co. #5, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: Cook Co. #7Add to your cart.
Lakefront - North
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Cook Co. #6Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: BeaumontAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Jeffords, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: Kevin Steffen, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: Harvey 3.2 / Marcia Johnson 3.31Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 78Add to your cart.
Item 1: Food Handling PSAAdd to your cart.
Other Information: 00:29
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: U of I Logo Master Animation (w/out dissolves) AND Music Master, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 3:00 stereo 3:30 mono
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: UI CES Logo Animation (w/ Audio)Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: C-FAR FY 97 Trailer, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: 1996 Year in ReviewAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 6: UI CES Logo Animation (w/ Audio)Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: Bell Flower Diary #1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Bell Flower Diary #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 9: Bell Flower Diary #3Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 10: Middle Fork Trestle, 1993Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 11: Zhang intro B-Roll - Manure Reactor, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Autonomous Tractor #1, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 13: Soybean Harvest, 1994Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 14: NSRL III (1) Crossing Beans (2) Randy Nelson Grow Out (3) Wild Bear Tent (4) Bean Types #11 Japanese BeetleAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: Bogs #2Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: Soybean Processing TC 03, 1997Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 17: Foam #1, 1998Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 18: U of I Pesticides - Rock Island - Tape #2, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 19: CED C. Cavaness & B. Holzkopf (& Cavaness at desk), 2001Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 20: Emerson Nafzigel - Light Interception B-Roll NSRL IVAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 21: NSRL IV #2 WeedsAdd to your cart.
K. Barrick; B. Chassy; LIAC Construction
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 22: ACES Alumni 2000 #15, 2000Add to your cart.
also D. Campion; J. Seitz
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 23: Conservation Expo #9AAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 24: Hallene GatewayAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 25: Praire State Semen / Ifigen / Cloned Pigs, 2000Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 26: Chapman-Novakofski 5.1Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 27: ISFC TeamAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 28: Sync Test TapeAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 29: Maxwell; SchmulbachAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 30: Hirschi, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 31: McNamaraAdd to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 32: East St. Louis Protection, 1995Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 33: Calibrarting Golf Course Boom Sprayers, 1993Add to your cart.
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 79Add to your cart.
Item 1: 2003 ACES Awards, 2003Add to your cart.
Other Information: 47:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 2: 2004 ACES Awards, 2004Add to your cart.
Other Information: 48:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 3: 2005 FUNK Awards, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 4: Historical Photos - Transfer Reels 1-4Add to your cart.
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 5: Bad Farm WellsAdd to your cart.
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 6: 1998 Recognition Awards Gala, 1998Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 7: 1999 Recognition Awards Gala, 1999Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 8: Parrett, 1997Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 9: Doug Parrett Roll-InAdd to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Master
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 10: Illinois Rural Recreation Development Program: Youth and Community, 1995Add to your cart.
Other Information: 23:45
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 11: On-Farm Research, 1993Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Edited Master
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 12: Citizenship Washington Focus, 1991Add to your cart.
Originals or Copies Note: Protection Master
Other Information: 12:00
Duration: 3/4" videotape: U-matic
Item 13: Then, Now, and Tomorrow, 1994Add to your cart.
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: VHS
Item 14: (1) Variety Trials (2) Ethanol and Diesel Blends: E-Diesel (3) Soybean Producers; Animal Scientist (4) Corn Prices, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:26 (2) 2:17 (3) 2:01 (4) 2:13
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 15: (1) Hog Prices (2) Identifying Waterhemp (3) How to Track Cyst Nematode (4) Planning For Strip Till the Fall, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 2:01 (2) 2:17 (3) 2:17 (4) 2:27
Duration: Betacam SP
Item 16: (1) Mason Jar Nitrogen (2) SCN/SDS Soybean Interation (3) How to Collect SCN Samples (4) Value Enhanced Grains, 2001Add to your cart.
Other Information: (1) 1:48 (2) 2:09 (3) 2:03 (4) 2:10
Duration: Betacam SP
Box 80Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dealer to Dealer: Agri-Chemical Containment, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 1
Item 2: Good Farming in Karst Country, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 2
Item 3: Queen Bee: Finding, Clipping, and Marking, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 24:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 4
Item 4: Home Gardening: Herbs and Perennials - (1) Discover Herbs, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 22:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 5
Item 5: Home Gardening: Herbs and Perennials - (2) Perenials for Early Spring, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 5
Item 6: School-Age Child Care: Activity Planning, 1990Add to your cart.
Other Information: 40:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 7
Item 7: Illinois Pest Applicator Training: Working the Right-of-Way, 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 13
Item 8: Water Bath Canning with Susan Brewer, 1992Add to your cart.
Other Information: 50:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 18
Item 9: Let's Meet the Competition (S. America), 1991Add to your cart.
Other Information: 41:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 45
Item 10: Illinois Pest Applicator Training: Calibrating Field Sprayers, 1991Add to your cart.
No Bars Starts 30 sec.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 51
Item 11: Farm Drainage Systems: (1) Grassed Waterway, 1985Add to your cart.
Slight Flicker 8:45-55 on EM and Dub Tapes
Other Information: 17:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 69
Item 12: Farm Drainage Systems: (2) Teraces, 1985Add to your cart.
10:50 large flash (M and Dub) sound OIC
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 69
Item 13: Farm Drainage Systems: (3) Subsurface Drainage, 1985Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 69
Item 14: Herman Warsaw: High Yield Leader, 1985Add to your cart.
Other Information: 26:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 73
Item 15: Beyond the Sale - Interview done by Bob Hughes, Jr. HDFE, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 38:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 79
Item 16: Construction of an Earth Tube Ventilation System, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 81
Item 17: Buying Your Clothes, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 82
Item 18: Changing Directions: The Choice is Yours, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 87
Item 19: 4-H Leadership: Working with 8- to 11-year olds, 1987Add to your cart.
Min. 32-33 volume problem
Other Information: 56:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 90
Item 20: School-Age Child Care: Meeting Developmental Needs - 8-11 yr olds, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 35:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 96
Item 21: Empowering Single - Parent Families, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 97
Item 22: How Soil Erodes, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 98
Item 23: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series (1) Pregame Meal, 1986Add to your cart.
Other Information: 13:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 100
Item 24: Teen Athlete Nutrition Series (2) Keeping Energy Level Up, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 16:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 100
Item 25: Teen Athlere Nutrition Series (3) Keeping Fluid Level Up, 1987Add to your cart.
Other Information: 21:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 100
Item 26: Forestry (1) Forestry in illinois: A Resource for Today, 1984Add to your cart.
Other Information: 11:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 103
Item 27: Forestry (2) Forestry in Illinois: A Study in Options, 1984Add to your cart.
Other Information: 27:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 103
Item 28: Fitness for Life: What is Exercise, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 108
Item 29: Fitness for Life: Exercise Techniqus, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 9:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 108
Item 30: Fitness for Life: Fitness for Middleage and Beyond, 1988Add to your cart.
Other Information: 8:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 108
Item 31: Kendall County: Swine Herd Improvement Program, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 15:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 109
Item 32: Soybean Quality: Meeting the Challenge, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 18:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 110
Item 33: Almost Over:  4-H Camp, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 14:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 111
Item 34: School-Age Child Care: Guidance and Discipline, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 44:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 114
Item 35: Diet for a Healthy Heart, 1989Add to your cart.
Other Information: 29:00
Duration: DVC
UnitID: 115
Item 36: EUC Lecture - Chan, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: EUC Lecture - Friedman, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: EUC Lecture - Rokicki, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: EUC Lecture - David Cleeton, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: EUC Lecture, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: EUC Lecture - DeBarole LebenAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: McKay Seminar, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: Jozef Kokini Research, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Research Seminiar - BlaschekAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Bobhoeft Seminar, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Todd MichaelAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: Krannert - Cows; ConferenceAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: ACES 2002 Recognition Awards Gala, 2002Add to your cart.
Other Information: 38:00
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Lecture - Mumford #1, 2003Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: #1 Springfield ExtentionAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: Extension Conference - B-Roll and CAW's, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Choi Seminar #1, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Choi Seminar #2, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Animal Science Head #1, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: Animal Science Head #2, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: EUC Lecture - Mushaben #1, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: EUC Lecture - Mushaben #2, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: Prairie Tape 1, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: Prairie Tape 2, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: HCD, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: Crop Science Candidate 1, 2004Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: Extension Conference Cam AAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Item 1: GouldAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: GarlebAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: Cantet, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Fraley B-Roll, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: Fraley Interview, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: Albrecht, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: Hoge Interview, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: Hoge B-Roll, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: HoerrAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Steven Hill, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: Katz, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: Brookhart, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Mullins InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Guy JohnsonAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: LehmannAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: McMillan, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: Dalenberg, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: Molitoris, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: ShearerAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: OrwigAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: Kittle, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: Olson InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: MoriarityAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: Hageman, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: Schilling, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Pendleton, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: SinghAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Octman, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: Waxeland, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: Klein, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: Shockey Interview and B-Roll, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: Rathai, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: StrunkAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: SmithAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: M. Scholl Interview, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: Veoom, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: Dissanayake, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Scholl, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: Mitchell - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: BickslevAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: Anlers - FUNK 2015, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Bonin, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: ArmstrongAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Lazarevil, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Weber - FUNKAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Radlowski - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: O'NeilAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: Crossman - Lecture and Luncheon, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Parker - FUNKAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: Clark, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: SoultAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Khaw, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Johnson - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Liss, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: Xu - FUNKAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: Sedivy - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: Dia, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: LorenzoAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: Beloshapka, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: Kim - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: GingerichAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: J. Kale Monk, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 63: Delfino, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 64: WoodyardAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 65: Ku, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 66: Davis - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 67: HartmanAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 68: Domier, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 69: Berhow, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 70: Williams, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 71: Sarver - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 72: ClausAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Snipes, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: Evans - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: HausmanAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Frazier, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: Donna Stites - FUNK 2015, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: Henderson, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: Carson (1) Students (2) Stuvik Consult (3) At Desk, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: DownenAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: Conrad - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Henry, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: Maxey, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: PeinAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Adams, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Rund (1) Conference Room (2) Computer/Spanish Website, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: David - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: BissonnetteAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: SchlittAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: CazapacAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: Hagstrom - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: Zabala - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: SinahAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: SeebauerAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: HCE's Troy, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: Monaco-Siegel, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: Ebelhar, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Estes - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: Dickerson - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Rogers - FUNK 2009, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: BinsamonAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: Vickie Jarrell, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: Eastham - FUNK 2015, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: Joe BaronAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: Meyer, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: Stites - FUNK 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: Jill North - CraftAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: Dark Knife - B-Roll - College Awards, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: Gleason, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Reuter - FUNK 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: Arends - 2011, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: Ledent, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: Kold - FUNK - Students AdviceAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Fischer - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: Norton - FUNK 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Dawn Bohn, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Masinas (1) Teaching (2) Interview (3) Greenhouse, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Brocks, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: Brocks, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: Nakamura, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Stoddard, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: David Miller, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: Hansen - FUNK 2009, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Kline, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Fiese, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Isaac CannAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: Tranel - FUNK 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: Eastburn, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: Eastburn, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: Bullock, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: Ramona OswaldAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: Susan Brewer - FUNK, ClassAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: Kalita, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: Engeseth, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 63: Soo Hee, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 64: Schooley, Teaching, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 65: Soo-Yeun LeeAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 66: BrozovicAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 67: Kent, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 68: Wang, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 69: Wang - Canon, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 70: HelfriechsAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 71: Dilger - FUNK 2015, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 72: Rodriguez-Zas: (1) Working with Grad Students in Computer Lab (2) Work Solo with Student (3) Teaching Camp Class, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Box 81Add to your cart.
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: PlewaAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: Nowak, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: Moose - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Weatherhead, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: Kushad, Pruning Apple Trees and InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: Dean Riechers, Lab and Greenhouse, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: Yong Su Jin, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: Swanson, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: LoorAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Suski - FUNK 2014, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: Feng, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: Kevin Kline, Interior Horse Barn, with Fillies, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Chapman/Novakofski - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Ebata, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: Schmitkey (1 of 2), 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: Schnitkey (2 of 2), 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: Aaron Hager - FUNK 2009, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: Know, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: KoelkebeckAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: Paulson - FUNK 2015, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: Team Award - FUNK 2012, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: Illinois GardenerAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: Fast TeamAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: Farm Doc, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: Farm Doc Daily, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Strong Kids, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: Winter - NelsonAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Chapman - Novakofski, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: Hansen, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: Alan Hansen, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: Babadoost, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: ThompsonAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: Schmidt, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: Blaschek, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: Mejia, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: Bryan WhiteAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: ErdmanAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Gaskins, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: Aherin Interview - PetreaAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: Aherin Interview - RademakerAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: David, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Mark David - FUNKAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: Johnson - Kelly Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Johnson - Dantzer Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Rod Johnson, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: EllisAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: IrwinAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: Diers, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Donovan InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: Donovan B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: Long, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Long Interview - DeLucia, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Long - Ainsworth Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Sherrick, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: Wheeler, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: Parrett, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: Bull Sale - Springfield, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: Hansen, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: Khanna (2 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: HurleyAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: Jurley InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: Mackie, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 63: Mackie Interview - White, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 64: Mackie Interview - Gaskins, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 65: CAS - Freedom Sings (4 tapes), 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 66: Invasion SpeciesAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 67: PNCL Brain Dissection (2 tapes), 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 1: LC (6 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: BC (6 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: MEAS Symposium I - Paul McNamara, Poland, O. Anderson, J. Anderson, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: MEAS Symposium II - Jock Anderson, Panel Discussion, Mueller and Gomez Pres. Part 1, 2015Add to your cart.
Other Information: 25:00
Duration: DVC
Item 5: MEAS Symposium III - Mueller and Gomez pres Part 2 and Q&A, Prabhu Pingali, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: MEAS Symposium IV - Panel Discussion III, Stuebi, Dijkman, Teague, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: MEAS Symposium V - Panel Discussion, pressing, Daris, Uribe, Akbar, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: MEAS Symposium VI - Reflection of the Day, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: MEAS Symposium Day 2 - Keynote, McNamara; Panel on Gender in Ag., 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: MEAS Symposium Day 2 - Gender Panel, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: MEAS Symposium Day 2 - Private Sector Talks; Gender Panel, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: MEAS Symposium Day 3 - Panel on Public Sector Provision; Post-Conflict, McNamara and Moore, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Beef Delivery (2 tapes), 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Beef Weigh-In, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: Meat Processing - Steer (6 tapes), 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: Lamb, Weigh and Kill - Sony, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: Lamb, Weigh and Kill - Canon, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: Pig and Sheep Harvest, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: Pork Process (2 tapes), 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: Lamb Process, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: ACES Family Academy (2 tapes), 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: ACES Award - Koelkebeck, Embryology, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: Wounded Vet DedicationAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: DNS - Erdman, Robinson, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: Nishida NarrationAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Hoeft T&M Students, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: Many Voices - McDonald, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Multi-Cam TestAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: AFA AudioAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: Team Meetings and Photos; Braden TeachingAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: SchollAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: Strunk InterviewAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: Hurley, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: Grad School (2 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: SBR DemoAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: Miscanthus - CO2 BeansAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: Harvest, MahometAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Interviews - Funk, McKeith, Berger, Jarrell, McIsaac, Faulkner, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: Awards - Rocheford, Blaschek, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: Hardesty - FUNKAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: Hutjens, SherrickAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Good, Merchen, SteffeyAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: BellmAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Cling, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Ethanol, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Weeds in Fields, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: Corn Face B-Roll, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: CBOT B-Roll, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Kraft ACES Tours, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: Farm Summit B-Roll, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: Babadoost, Vandalia, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Pumpkin ResearchAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: Tortorelli - Setting up Lab/Room; Observing via Video; Parental Discussion, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: Farm Progress Day 1, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: Robinson B-Roll - Lab, Office, Hallway, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Andersons - Corn on the Ground, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: Corn Soybean HarvestAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: NSRL - Haiti (2 tapes), 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: Grain Extraction - Cam A, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: Grain Extraction - Cam BAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: C & S Classic, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Flooded Fields, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: June Crops; Corn, Wheat, Beans, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: Corn Harvest, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Harvested Wheat Field, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Corn and BeansAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: Corn Fields and Drive Shot, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: Harvest - Beans, Andersons, Corn, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: Seven Hills, Andersons, Corn Harvest, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: Field Work - Volunteer Corn in Harvested Field; Soybean Harvest; Deep Tillage; Hume Elevator, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: Nuero Science, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: Beans and Some Corn, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: June Corn - (1) South Farm Weeds (2) Early CornAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: Flooded Fields, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: Rain, Wet Fields, Champaign County, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: Harvest Bean and Corn, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: Corn Fields and Soybeans, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Fields, Summer, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: Seed Corn Harvest, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Field Work - Weat Planting; Soybean Harvesting; Field Fine, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: Urbana Farmers Market, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: Edmame Harvest, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: U of I Arboretum, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: D.T. Monticello; Allerton Woods; Meadbrook Garden; Salt Fork River, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: Seven Hills (2 tapes), 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: Stressed Corn, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: Irrigator in Bean fields, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: South Farms, Wheat, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: Corn Harvest - Ride Along; Field Work; Fill Truck; On Farm Storage, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Atlanta ElevatorAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: Christmas, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: 50th (4 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: Matturro (2 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Glens; Madi B-Day, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: Silage South Farms, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: Farm Progress B-Roll, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Ratcliff Stand Ups, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Frost Damage Corn, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: Seven Hill - Wheat Beans Corn, 2015Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: Seven Hills Land, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Corn Harvest, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: Coleman Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: John and Ruth's Party (2 tapes), 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Rain on Fields, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Solar Decathalon, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Ethanol - Sullivan, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: Ethanol Pumps, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: Little City, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: Soybean Cyst Samples, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: Corn and Soybeans, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: After Effects - Rain on Fields, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: Wet Fields, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: Early Corn, Philo, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: Jouno Classes B-Roll, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 63: Solar Decathalon - South Farm, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 64: Nuero Science, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 65: Corn/Soy Classic, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Box 82Add to your cart.
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Market Maker (2 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: IFR - Schnitkey, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: Tranel Lab, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Mint Farm - Organic Turkeys; Interviews; Ducks; Freezer; Chickens; Sheep, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: Winery and Greenhouse, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: Corn RootwormAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: Goss Wilt, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: Pumpkin, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: Wheat - Plots; Field, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Gene Robinson Preliminary Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: Gene Robinson Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: Mark Taylor Haiti, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: Spring Planting, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Coleman B-Roll, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: Coleman Interview (3 tapes), 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 16: Martha Gillete, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 17: Pumpkin Patch, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 18: State Fair, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 19: State Fair, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 20: Robinson Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 21: Gillette Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 22: Gillette - Wide Shot, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 23: Gillette Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 24: Martha Gillete B-Roll, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 25: S. Brewer, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 26: Skate, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 27: Gifford Tornado Aftermath, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 28: Ag Meal CookoutAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 29: Bo Zhang, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 30: McLean County Wind Farms, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 31: Companion Animal, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 32: Old Tile Studio, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 33: Hubbard Brook, Gene Likens Interview, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 34: Apples, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 35: Mike Gray Interview; Western Corn Rootworm Adapts to Yieldgard, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 36: SMV Markings, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 37: FPS II: Recruit B-Roll, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 38: Farm Progress Show - Media Day, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 39: IPT Bull Sale - Springfield, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 40: Farm Safety Interview, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 41: ARS: Sweetcorn; Garlic Mustard, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 42: Solar House, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 43: 4-H Foresters, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 44: McLean County Corn, 2002Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 45: Atlanta, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 46: Feye Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 47: Unsworth Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 48: Pittman and King Interviews, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 49: Hardy Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 50: Hager Interview, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 51: Hager Interview, Spray B-Roll, 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 52: Zhang - FUNK 2013, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 53: Kalita, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 54: Kalita - Berm, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 55: FPS B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 56: Root Washing, Grading, Dissing; Gray Interview; Trap Crop, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 57: Cows 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 58: IPM Conference, 2008Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 59: Mid-American Growers (2 tapes)Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 60: D. Good, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 61: ADM Press (2 tapes), 2011Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 62: FUNK - Bio Filter, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 63: MTO Buses, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 64: SFL Campus Background, 2010Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 65: C&S Classic, 2012Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 66: C&S Classic, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 67: Corn and Soybean Classic, 2009Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dr. Clifton, 2005Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 2: B-Roll for Dr. Lien AwardsAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 3: I Promise, 2013Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 4: Chancellor/Provost Lecture - Dr. Joan Herbers, 2014Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 5: David Anderson - DVD BumpAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 6: Chip Petrea - DV BumpAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 7: SolomonAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 8: CS 328 Lecture 13 Cam Su 03Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 9: CS 328 Lecture 12 Over Su 03Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 10: Manure Field DemosAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 11: John Scholl B-RollAdd to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 12: Tick Tock #1Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 13: McMullen #2Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 14: Farm Progress #2, 2007Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Item 15: Steven Ralph Seminar, 2006Add to your cart.
Duration: DVC
Box 83Add to your cart.
Item 1: ITV A-193, Agronomy Day, 1971Add to your cart.
Item 2: Spool from ITV A-193Add to your cart.
Item 3: ITV A-194, Agronomy Day, 1971Add to your cart.
Item 4: ITV A-143, "In the Fields", June 25, 1969Add to your cart.
Item 5: ITV A-140, Burger, Agronomy, July 11, 1969Add to your cart.
Item 6: V#26453, University of Illinois Accounting, "The Price of Bounty", Dubmaster, 56:04, 1991Add to your cart.
Item 7: Soil Texture (D-16) And Soil Structure (D-17)Add to your cart.
Two separate 8 mm films, running parallel on 16 mm film stock.
Preservation Information: Cleaned and digitized in April 2018.  Digital copies of each film to be made available in Digital Library.

Browse by Box:

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