Title: Harvey H. Jordan Papers, 1906-1962
ID: 11/7/20
Primary Creator: Jordan, Harvey Herbert (1885-1969)
Extent: 0.8 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Subjects: Aeronautics, Engineering, Engineering Education, Highways, Phi Kappa Phi, Reserve Officers Training Corps, Tau Beta Pi, World War I - Service and Training
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Papers of Harvey H. Jordan (1885-1969), professor of general engineering (1917-1953), department head (1922-1949) and associate dean (1934-1953), including correspondence; data and computation sheets; course materials, reports, speeches, articles and photographs relating to engineering education, University publications and ceremonies, World War I, aeronautical education, ROTC, Phi Kappa Phi (1931-1939), Tau Beta Pi (1911-1918), engineering and educational problems, University of Illinois Commecement Week programs (1906, 1930, 1932), postcards of football games and the construction of the Armory (1911-1915), Illinois Press Association Editors' Hall of Fame Memorial Booklet (c. 1930), copy of U of I memoirs by Bruce Weirick (c. 1950s), and two pyro-etched wooden wall hangings depicting University Hall and Altgeld Hall (n.d.).
Engineering Education
Phi Kappa Phi
Reserve Officers Training Corps
Tau Beta Pi
World War I - Service and Training
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1107020.pdf
PDF finding aid for Harvey H. Jordan Papers (11/7/20)