By Rebecca McNulty
Title: E. Atlee Jackson Papers, 1956-2005
ID: 11/10/44
Extent: 1.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: alphabetical by subject
Subjects: Faculty Papers, Photographs, Physics, Physics Department, Plasma Physics
Formats/Genres: Other Pictorial, Papers
Languages: English
Papers of E. Atlee Jackson (1931- ), Professor of Physics (1961-2003), contains publications, correspondence, and lecture drafts concerning NATO Advanced Study Workshop on testing nonlinear dynamics (1983), Institute for Electromagnetic Field Theory in Sweden (1983-85), Institute for Fusion Studies and Institute of Plasma Physics at Nagoya University, Japan (1983, 1994-95), and Santa Fe Institute (1992, 1993, 1995) and correspondence concerning Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Perspectives on Nonlinear Dynamics and cartoons related to physics, and teaching and research materials relating to chaotic systems (ca. 1990), complex systems (1976-1995), nonlinear dynamics (1957-1995), and the nature of scientific knowledge (1988-1995). Correspondents include Hans Wilhelmsson, Yoshi H. Ichikawa, and Yoshi Oono.
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