Search Results | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Search Results for Language: English [eng]
- Fiske, John. "John Milton", circa late 1800s
- Irving, Washington. The Alhambra, between 1829 and 1832
- "A Tale of Young Lovers" Stage Play License and Receipt, 1921
- "An atheist speaks", 1946
- "Let it be understood here wealth must come from inside...", undated
- "The Rhetor Stone" - Photograph
- A Briefe Abstract, Exposition, and Demonstration of all Termes, Parts, and Things Belonging to a Shippe, and The Practick of Navigation, 1626
- A.L.S From "Mariano Herrera" to Harrison S. Kerrick, 1926
- A.L.S. from H.G. Wells to Burke, 1923
- AACR, second edition. Part 1, chapter 4, Manuscripts., 1977
- AACR, second edition. Part 2, chapter 24, Headings for corporate bodies., 1977
- Activism Ephemera collection, 1948-1976
- Actors' Autographs Collection, 1880-1954
- [Acts of Parliament, Henry VI to Charles I] [manuscript], [between 1677 and 1685]
- Perry Miller Adato papers and films, ca. 1968-1982
- Marsh, Elsie A.G. Addenda to the Economic library of Jacob H. Hollander, Ph.D., circa 1940
- The adventures of Tommy. Book the first, Telling all about the proud rich man and about the present he gave to Tommy, [1898]
- Advice book, late 1600s?
- The affections & habits of youth. [manuscript], [between 1700 and 1750]
- Louis Agassiz letters and other material, 1847-1896
- Airport Project for F. G. Miles ESQ., [1930 - 1940]
- Poems for Ophelia album, 1840s
- Amos Bronson Alcott letter, 1842 July 2
- Shana Alexander papers, 1921-2001
- Alexander Smith collection
- Catherine Wells diaries, 1898-1927
- An Appeal to the American People, 1914
- Anarchist Newspapers collection, 1849-1921
- Andrews, William. Petition to the Bench of Justices sitting at Hicks Hall, circa 1690?
- Antwerp history manuscript, 1800s
- Barnard Hewitt gift of Adolphe Appia materials, 1876-1932
- Appointment of Edward Clarke manuscript, circa 1690
- Apuleius. The Loves of Cupid & Psyche: A Milesian Fable, 1791
- Arnold Keoseian photographs
- The art of Mr. J.D. Beresford [manuscript] / by S.P.B. Mais, 1918
- Articles about H.G. Wells, 1912 - 1975
- Articles about Rebecca West and H.G. Wells, 1974-1975
- Yamagiwa collection
- Askwith, William. Sermon notes, 1633-1634
- [Astrological manuscript], [15--?]
- Augustus, Ernest and Frederick. Letters, 1812-1813, 1823-1842
- Alfred Austin correspondence, 1800s
- Autograph Scrapbooks, 1803-1910
- Autographs Royal and Historical, 18th - 20th centuries
- H.G. Wells Papers, 1845-1946
- Aytarchia, or, The Art of Self Government and the Book of Proverbs, 1718
- Baldwin collection
- T.W. Baldwin collection, 1949
- Ewing Cannon Baskette print material, 1956-1975
- Ewing Cannon Baskette Papers, 1808, 1820-1976
- Benjamin Disraeli Letter, 1835-1959
- Beckett, Arthur William, and J. Palgrave Simpson. From Father to Son draft, circa 1881
- H.P. Behrensmeyer collection, 1882-1969
- Ben Hecht collection, 1893-1964
- Ben Hecht Letters, 1925-1959
- Bennett, Arnold. Novel drafts, 1916-1917, 1924, 1926
- Bentley collection (Books)
- Bergman Theater Program Collection, 1976-1983
- Bernhardt Wall Correspondence and Miniature Books, 1948-1950
- Isabel Bevier collection, 1879-1955
- Black Dog Turnpike Trust minutes, 1767-1801
- [The boke that is clepid the mirroure of the blessyd lyfe of Jesu Cryst], [14--?]
- [Book of precedents], [between 1600? and 1660]
- Bookmaking Materials and Techniques collection, 1988-2014
- Book-worms, 1895?
- George Borrow letters, 1854 - circa 1963
- Barbara C. Bowen and P.G. Wodehouse correspondence and article, 1972-1976
- [A brefe sumarie and demonstracion, of the estate of England and Wales, as well generall, as perticular mete for the vewe of her Matie and of her heig, [ca. 1578]
- A breife discourse evidently demonstrating the antiquity of ye protestant religion in Brittan : shewing that what ground Rome ever had here was by i, [ca. 1604-1623]
- Robert Bridges letters and postcards, 1917
- Brief of the register book of parish officers [manuscript]., [17--]
- Gwendolyn Brooks Collection, 1909-2003
- Michael Broomfield Collection of W. S. Merwin, 1948-2018
- John Baldwin Buckstone photographs and letter, undated
- Mary Lois Bull collection, circa 1950 - circa 1990
- John Burroughs papers, 1920 January
- Butler, Joseph. Commonplace book, 1743
- C. A. William Papers, 1922-1932
- George W. Cable letters, 1875-1917
- Candor Arts Records, 2014-2021
- Canidia, or The witches [manuscript] : a rhapsody in five parts., undated
- Partial card catalog for the Richard Aron Collection, circa 1880-1912
- Caricature of Wells, 1926
- Carl Sandburg Scrapbooks, 1926-1927
- Robert Carringer Collection, 1989-2008
- Cartoon Entitled H. G. Drive - Pressure Increasing, [19--?]
- [Catalog of the library of H.A. Rattermann] [manuscript]., [between 1858? and 1916]
- Catalogue of fossils, 1855
- A catalogue of Her Grace ye Dutchesse of Somersett's great library taken August MDCLXXI. [manuscript], [1681]
- Catalogue of the collection of fossil shells figured in Sowerby's Mineral conchology, Fitton's Strata below the chalk, Murchisons Silurian system, and, [1850]
- Catechetical outlines and sermon notes, 17th century
- Certaine carolls, or divine hymnes for Christmas Day : together with diverse devout meditations upon our savior's Passion & Resurrection., [ca. 1630]
- Certified manuscript record in the case of James Brattell... vs. Salmon Arnold... signed by Joshua Bicknell, R. I., approximately 1814-1815
- "Character in Guatemala" typescript, undated
- CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases, 1729-1758?
- Cherry & Fair Star or The children of Cyprus [manuscript], [ca. 1822]
- John Needels Chester collection, 1703-1939
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