Scope and Contents: Ms. emblem book, with drawings in sepia and gold ink depicting a falling or fallen cypress tree in the garden of Vittorio Prioli of Leccio, Italy, on 2 March 1615. Most of the mottoes, in Italian or Latin, are taken or adapted from Petrarch or Virgil. Contains two laudatory poems: "Valerio de Palma Fr Cuomo." (fol. 2) and "In Lode dell'Autore fr Gioanne Sezzo. Francescano." (fol. 103).
For complete contents, see Thomas McGeary, "Manuscript Emblem Books at the University of Illinois," in Emblematica 2 (1987): esp. 361-366.
Ms. codex.
Collation: Paper, fol. i (pastedown) + 104 (foliated 1-101).
Binding: Contemporary limp vellum; gilt edges; "Fran:co Cuomo" in ink on spine.
McGeary & Nash. Emblem books at the University of Illinois, C45
McGeary, Thomas. "Manuscript Emblem Books at the University of Illinois." In Emblematica 2 (1987): 357-370.
Sider & Obrist. Bibliography of Emblematic Manuscripts (1997), 158