Scope and Contents: More complete cataloging can be found at:
Ms. codex.
Title supplied by cataloger. -- Author's name from fol. 10v; possibly Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich (1574-1656).
Fol. 1r-6r: Sermon on John 1:16.
Fol. 7r-10v: Sermon on Psalm 68.
Fol. 12r-15v: Sermon on 1 Cor. 15:16.
Fol. 16r-21r: Sermon on Mat. 28:6.
Fol. 22r-24v: Sermon on John 6:29.
Fol. 25r-30r: Of hearing the word preached.
Fol. 30v-34v: Sermon on Is. 6:10.
Fol. 39r-53v: An exposition on the 40. Psalme.
Script: In a 17th century English hand. Binding: 18th/19th century colored pasteboard.
Origin: Location based on script. -- Date from fol. 21r: "Finis of a sermon preach'd by ricd. Steward on Tews: in Easter Weeke 1621".
Provenance: Acquired from Myers, 21 December 1949.
Shelfmark: Urbana, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Pre-1650 MS 193.
Some section headings and marginal notes in red ink. Fol. 11 has been excised. Fols. 35-38 blank. -- Fol. 54 blank except for red grid.