Collection Overview
Title: World War II Pamphlets, Ephemera, and Propaganda, 1936-1945
Predominant Dates:1939-1945
ID: 01/02/MSS00109
Extent: 1.1 Cubic Feet
Arrangement: This collection consists of seven series: 1.) Propaganda, 2.) Secretary of War Information Office Pamphlets, 3.) Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 4.) "A Week of the War" Transcripts, 5.) Typescript Documents, 6.) Newspapers and other miscellaneous publications, and 7.) Oversized Materials.
Date Acquired: 00/00/2009
Subjects: World War, 1939-1945
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish;Castilian, Italian, Danish, Portuguese, Greek,Modern(1453-), Dutch;Flemish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection is comprised of pamphlets, leaflets, and other documents relating to the Second World War. Box 1 consists of propaganda published in Vichy France throughout the German occupation. Box 2 contains informational pamphlets distributed in various languages by the United States Secretary of War Information Office concerning some military battles and the United States Armed Forces. Box 2 also includes miscellaneous pamphlets covering various topics related to the war. Box 3 consists of three sections: the first section contains transcripts published by the United States Office of Government Reports summarizing the events of World War 2 each week throughout 1942; the second section contains various informational typescript documents in English; the third section of Box 3 contains single sheet newspaper documents and other miscellaneous publications. Box 4 contains miscellaneous oversized materials.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Restrictions:
Open to researchers.
Use Restrictions:
This collection is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs. The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.
Acquisition Source:
Library backlog
Finding Aid Revision History:
Created by Heather Wiegert in 2022.
Revised by Nicole Connell on January 9, 2025.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Propaganda],
Series 2: Secretary of War Information Office Pamphlets],
Series 3: Miscellaneous Pamphlets],
Series 4: "A Week of the War" Transcripts],
Series 5: Typescript Documents],
Series 6: Newspapers and other miscellaneous publications],
Series 7: Oversized Materials],
- Series 1: Propaganda
- Box 1
- Folder 1: A- Bé- Cé- Daire : à l’usage des petits enfants qui apprennent à lire et des grandes personnes qui ne comprennent pas encore le française…, Undated
- Folder 2: Abriss der Geschichte der Bewegung, 1936
- Folder 3: Actualités Allemandes No. 54, 1942
- Folder 4: Actualités Allemandes No. 57, 1942
- Folder 5: Actualités Allemandes No. 3, 1943
- Folder 6: [Affiche Rouge] Des Libérateurs? La libération par l’armée du crime!, undated
- Folder 7: Ah! Si on était neutres, undated
- Folder 8: Bobards passes et Bobards actuels, undated
- Folder 9: C’est la France Qu’il S’agit de Sauver, 1944
- Folder 10: Ce n’est pas vrai!, undated
- Folder 11: Défendons l’Empire!, undated
- Folder 12: Droles D’Alliés, undated
- Folder 13: du Travail assuré de l’Argent par votre salaire élevé du Bonheur pour votre famille, undated
- Folder 14: En Avant Soldats Du Christ…, 1945
- Folder 15: Est-ce la Guerre contre l’Allemagne?, undated
- Folder 16: Est-ce la Guerre contre l’Allemagne?, undated
- Folder 17: Extrait du Numéro Spécial du Cahier Jaune l’Angleterre et les Juifs, undated
- Folder 18: [French cartoon about Churchill and the liberation] Avant que ne tombent les feuilles…, undated
- Folder 19: Il était une tois…, undated
- Folder 20: Il Faut Choisir, undated
- Folder 21: Il est des morts qu’il faut qu’on tue deux fois, undated
- Folder 22: Ils ne nous le font pas dire, undated
- Folder 23: ’Ils’ sont venus!, undated
- Folder 24: Invasion Terre Brulée…, 1944
- Folder 25: Judeo-Ploutocratie et Bolchevisme, undated
- Folder 26: L’Aventure de Celestin Tournevis, undated
- Folder 27: L’heure de la liberation va sonner…, undated
- Folder 28: La Forêt Macabre de Katyn, undated
- Folder 29: La France peut-elle se nourrir?, undated
- Folder 30: La guerre des ondes, undated
- Folder 31: La Révolution Socialiste, undated
- Folder 32: Le dinguallisme, undated
- Folder 33: Le pain, la paix, la liberté!, undated
- Folder 34: Les journaux ne dissent pas la vérite, undated
- Folder 35: Les Pillards de l’Epargne Française, undated
- Folder 36: [Reproduction of letter between two women, concerning women’s duties to France], undated
- Folder 37: Juif, undated
- Folder 38: Nous Et Les Brittanniques envahissons la France!, undated
- Folder 39: Paysan de France!, undated
- Folder 40: Photographie de la letter du Gal Giraud au Maréchal, 1942
- Two copies.
- Folder 41: Pour le Pain Contre la Grève, undated
- Folder 42: Pourquoi a-t-on condamné la Franc-Maçonnerie?, undated
- Folder 43: Pourquoi les nationaux ne peuvent souhaiter le succès des communists, undated
- Folder 44: Pourquoi?..., undated
- Folder 45: Quelques-unes des realizations sociales de l’Allemagne, 1943
- Two copies.
- Folder 46: Sachons surmonter le lourd heritage de méfiance..., undated
- Folder 47: Terre de France, undated
- Folder 48: Terrorisme juif, undated
- Folder 49: Toi qui reviens de ton Stalag…, undated
- Folder 50: Travailleurs Français en Allemagne, 1944
- Folder 51: Vous êtes prévenus! Des bombardements massifs vous attendent, undated
- Folder 52: Youpino, undated
- Series 2: Secretary of War Information Office Pamphlets
- Box 2
- Folder 1: A Medalha de Honra, undated
- Spanish.
- Folder 2: Agli Italiani, undated
- Italian.
- Folder 3: Alas de América, undated
- Spanish.
- Folder 4: [World Assistance: Report of the UNRRA conference on assistance and rehabilitation]
- Item 1: Assistência Mundial: Um relatório da conferência da UNRRA sôbre assistência e reabilitação, undated
- Portuguese.
- Item 2: Per l’assistenza mondiale: Rapporto dell’U.N.R.R.A., undated
- Italian.
- Folder 5: [Bombers of the United States]
- Item 1: Bombarderos i esados, undated
- Portuguese.
- Item 2: Bombarderos grandes, undated
- Spanish.
- Folder 6: Come funziona il Governo degli Stati Uniti, undated
- Italian.
- Folder 7: [How to Recognize the United States Armed Forces]
- Item 1: Come riconoscere le Forze Armate degli Stati Uniti, undated
- Italian.
- Item 2: Woran man die Streitkraefte der Vereinigten Staaten erkennt, undated
- German.
- Greek.
- Folder 8: Hommage des Nations Unies à la France, undated
- French.
- Folder 9: La Battaille D’Afrique, undated
- French.
- Folder 10: [The Battle of the Atlantic]
- Item 1: La battaglia dell’Atlantico, undated
- Italian.
- Item 2: La Campaña del Atlántico, undated
- Spanish.
- Folder 11: Lo Strumento Della Vittoria Finale, undated
- Italian.
- Folder 12: Oplysninger om U.S.A., undated
- Danish.
- Folder 13: Tarawa
- Item 1: Tarawa, undated
- Danish.
- Item 2: Tarawa, undated
- Portuguese.
- Series 3: Miscellaneous Pamphlets
- Box 2
- Folder 14: British Official Publications: A Selection of Recent Publications, 1939
- Folder 15: De bestorming door de lucht, 1941
- Folder 16: Underground Poland Speaks: With a foreword by P.J. Noel-Baker, 1941
- Folder 17: United States and Japan, 1942
- Folder 18: Das neue französische Luftschutz-Recht, 1944
- Folder 19: Jamás Olvidaremos, 1945
- Two copies.
- Folder 20: Deutsche Konzentrations — und Gefangenenlager Was die amerikanischen und britischen Armeen vorfanden April 1945, undated
- Pamphlet describing what the Allied Forces found while advancing through Germany. Specifically concerning concentration camps and other Holocaust atrocities. Photographs with accompanying text and descriptions in German.
- Folder 21: Dependents Guide to Japan, undated
- Series 4: "A Week of the War" Transcripts
- Office of Government Reports Division – Office of War Information: Washington D.C.
- Box 3
- Folder 1: “A Week of the War”, 1942 May 30
- Folder 2: “A Week of the War” (No. 495), 1942 June 26
- Folder 3: “A Week of the War”, 1942 June 27
- Folder 4: “A Week of the War”, 1942 July 4
- Folder 5: “A Week of the War”, 1942 July 18
- Folder 6: “A Week of the War”, 1942 July 25
- Folder 7: “A Week of the War”, 1942 August 8
- Folder 8: “A Week of the War”, 1942 August 15
- Folder 9: “A Week of the War”, 1942 August 22
- Folder 10: “A Week of the War”, 1942 August 29
- Folder 11: “A Week of the War”, 1942 September 5
- Folder 12: “A Week of the War”, 1942 September 12
- Folder 13: “A Week of the War”, 1942 September 19
- Folder 14: “A Week of the War”, 1942 October 3
- Folder 15: “A Week of the War”, 1942 October 24
- Folder 16: “A Week of the War”, 1942 October 31
- Folder 17: “A Week of the War”, 1942 November 14
- Folder 18: “A Week of the War”, 1942 November 21
- Folder 19: “A Week of the War”, 1942 November 28
- Folder 20: “A Week of the War”, 1942 December 12
- Folder 21: “A Week of the War”, 1942 December 19
- Series 5: Typescript Documents
- Box 3
- Folder 22: Germany Exiled in France: The Testimony of a German Refugee by Ernst-Erich Noth, 1939
- Folder 23: The Post-War Economic Aims of France and England, 1939
- Folder 24: German Propaganda and French Information: Excerpt from a broadcast by Jean Giraudoux on November 25th 1939, 1939 November 25
- Folder 25: D.F.B. Informations – Zentrale: No Favoritism, 1940
- Folder 26: Transcript of Shortwave Broadcast – ‘The Chief’ by Gustav Siegfried Eins
- Item 1: Record 07072, 06319, 1942 August 1
- Item 2: Record 07528, 1942 August 3
- Folder 27: Principal Accessions. July, 1942 Non-Official Publications, 1942 July
- British Information Service.
- Folder 28: Graphic Charts Depicting Trends in State Welfare Institutions and Agencies: In the Last World War and this War, 1943
- Folder 29: Notes from the American Colony in Paris: By a Member of the Colony, undated
- Folder 30: French Women in the War, undated
- Folder 31: Questions Frequently Asked on the Nuremberg Trials, undated
- Folder 32: Czechoslovakia Since Munich : By an Eye-Witness by Marya A. Tolstoy-Mansvetov, undated
- Advertisement.
- Folder 33: War prisoners’ aid of the young men’s Christian associations service to “men of science – prisoners of war”
- Lists of books requested for the program.
- Item 1: List E-1 Standard list in humanities: General Works – Polygraphy, undated
- Item 2: List E-1 Standard list in humanities: The Middle Ages, undated
- Item 3: List E-1 Standard list in humanities: Americana, undated
- Item 4: List E-1 Standard list in humanities: Social Sciences, undated
- Series 6: Newspapers and other miscellaneous publications
- Box 3
- Folder 34: To the Athletes and Sportsmen of the World by To the Athletes and Sportsmen of the World., 1940
- Organizing Committee for the XIIth Olympic Games.
- Folder 35: Falken Press Newspapers
- Item 1: Who profits by War? by Heinrich Kessemeier (No. 1202), undated
- Item 2: Danzig’s Answer to the War-mongers by Heinrich Kessemeier (No. 1222), undated
- Item 3: Peace or War of Destruction? (No. 1262), undated
- Item 4: Politics and Phraseology (No. 1272), undated
- Two copies.
- Item 5: What is ‘Cant’? (No. 1322), undated
- Folder 36: Malaya, A Partnership of East and West, 1940
- Two copies.
- Folder 37: Britain’s Military Forces, 1941
- Folder 38: Towards the Peace, undated
- British Information Services.
- Folder 39: Le Pape a Parlé, undated
- Folder 40: The Inn at the Defile!, undated
- Folder 41: What is the British Empire?, 1940
- British Library of Information.
- Folder 42: The Fifth Column : How… Where… When…, 1940
- American Jewish Congress.
- Series 7: Oversized Materials
- Box 4
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Il Combat Avec Les Hommes Libres, undated
- Item 2: Votre ferraille fera de l’Acier des Canons la Victoire : Récupérez les ferrailles by Ministère de l’Armement, undated
- Item 3: Norway and the War byEinar Haugen, 1940
- Item 4: Sir Angus Fletcher to Retire as Director, 1941
- British Library of Information.
- Flat File 1
- Item 1: Submarines, Torpedoes, and Mines Publication (No. 34), undated
- Item 2: Wessen Schuld, undated
- Gift: Prof. H.B. Adelmann 1946 Feburary 7.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Propaganda],
Series 2: Secretary of War Information Office Pamphlets],
Series 3: Miscellaneous Pamphlets],
Series 4: "A Week of the War" Transcripts],
Series 5: Typescript Documents],
Series 6: Newspapers and other miscellaneous publications],
Series 7: Oversized Materials],