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Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomatiche

Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Ephemera

Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Maps

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Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection, 1116-1913 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Collection Overview

Title: Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection, 1116-1913Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1600-1899

ID: 01/01/MSS00009

Primary Creator: Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Antonio, conte (1843-1913)

Extent: 112.0 Linear Feet

Languages: Italian, Latin, French, German

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani (1843-1913) was a public official, book collector, and recognized authority on the history of the Lombardy and Piedmont regions in northern Italy. His library contained tens of thousands of books on history, genealogy, biography, and law, including city statutes and organizational bylaws. The manuscripts in the collection especially reflect the study of local history and include charters, chronicles, investitures, leases, and other legal instruments relating to Italian cities, organizations, and families.

All aspects of Italian history, from the Middle Ages to the first years of the twentieth century, are prominently represented in the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection. Other topics which are heavily represented include art and architecture, church history and hagiography, engineering and fortification, military and religious orders, monasticism and religious life, Roman history and antiquities, and Italian academies and universities.

Primarily in Italian, the collection also contains works in Latin, French, and German. Among the books in the collection are incunables, rare and early printed books, pamphlets, and ephemera. Many of the historical documents are unique and found in no other library worldwide. In addition, the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection also contains several thousand maps, both printed and manuscript.

The print materials from the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection are available in the University Library's online catalog and can be accessed via the heading "Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection".

Collection Historical Note

Born in Alessandria, Italy on August 15, 1843, Antonio Cavagna was adopted by his cousin Antonio Sangiuliani, Count of Balbiano, in 1853, and he added the surname to his own. Sangiuliani fought for Italian unification in the 1866 campaign and was discharged as a Second Lieutenant. He obtained a degree in law from the University of Rome in 1871 and managed his estates in the region of Pavia, serving in various public offices including municipal councilor and mayor.

A public official, book collector, and an expert on the history of both the Lombardy and Piedmont regions in northern Italy, Sangiuliani researched local history and published roughly two hundred works. His first publication in 1865 highlighted the medieval Sant'Alberto di Brutio abbey, and he maintained a large interest in the Italian Middle Ages.

His library contained tens of thousands of books on subjects ranging from local genealogy to law to Italian history, and his collection also included incunables. He established the Pavese Historical Bulletin in 1893 and the Pavese Society of Homeland History in 1901. Sangiuliani married twice and had four children. He died in Milan on April 5, 1913.


Massabo, Isabella Ricci. "Cavagna Sangiuliani, Antonio," in Biographical Dictionary of Italians, Vol. 22, 1979, https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/antonio-cavagna-sangiuliani_(Dizionario-Biografico)/. Accessed 28 September 2020.

Romano, Giacinto. "Count Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani," in the Bulletin of the Pavese Society of Homeland History, Pavia, Fusi, 1913, pp. 218-225.

Sangiuliani, Antonio Cavagna. "Of the Abbey of S. Alberto di Butrio and the Monastery of S. Maria della Pieta  known as the Rosary, in Voghera, province of Pavia." Historical Illustrations, Milan, Agnelli Typography, 1865.

Biographical Note

Born Alessandria, Italy, August 15, 1843. Italian historian and author.  Cavagna was an Italian public official and a recognized authority on the local history of Lombardy and Piedmont.

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions:

This (item/collection) is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.

Acquisition Method: Purchased in 1921

Related Publications:

Many of the collection's manuscripts are listed in the following volume: Sexton, Meta Maria. Manuscripts and printed documents of the Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani in the University of Illinois Library. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Library, 1950. Available online through the HathiTrust catalog: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001173032

Mangiarotti, Emilia. Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani: sezione relativa a Mede. Mede, [Italy]: 2000.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomatiche],
[Series 2: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Ephemera],
[Series 3: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Maps],

Series 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomaticheAdd to your cart.
Sub-series 1: Acqui-AlbizzateAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Place 1: AbbiategrassoAdd to your cart.
Item 1.1: Water rights in Abbiategrasso granted to the family of Antonio Abbiati Galuppi, issued by Galeazzo Maria Sforza on 1468 March 29, circa 1751Add to your cart.
Manuscript copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages
Item 1.2: Norma dietetica per i ricoverati nelle Pie case degli incurabili in Abbiategrasso, stabilita dall' I.R. governo, 1847 May 26Add to your cart.
Printed broadside
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (35 x 46 cm)
Place 2: Acqualunga nel BergamascoAdd to your cart.
Item 1.3: Wedding certificate for Elisabetta, daughter of Bernardino Capellini of Bergamo, signed by Abbate Pompilio Pellicioli, notarized by Petrus Petroballus, with seal of cardinal, 1684 January 26Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed with seal
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 1 sheet (20 x 29 cm)
Place 3: AcquilejaAdd to your cart.
Item 1.4: "Mappa antica" of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, including Aquileia, Gradisca, and Palma, and the Isonzo River, circa 1810Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (52 x 39 cm)
Place 4: Adda (fiume)Add to your cart.
Item 1.5: Decretum super flumine Abdua[e] reddendo nauigabili Mediolanum usq[ue] cum testificatione Christianissimi Regis in hanc vrbem liberalitatis et munificentia [by Carlo Pagnano, published 1520 July 26], circa 1520Add to your cart.
Manuscript copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 1 volume (44 pages)
Place 5: AdriaAdd to your cart.
Item 1.6: Baptismal record, begins: Facio fede ... Berti ... della chiesa parochiale di Santa Soffia di Tendenara Diocese d'Adria esser stato battistata dal R.do Viuian Ghirardi Vice Curato sud.a chiesa..., 1644 April 24Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Place 6: AgliateAdd to your cart.
Item 1.7: Document regarding church property, signed Jo. P. Andrea Isella Prevosto d'Agliate, 1662  January 7Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
Place 7: Agliate, Angera, Appiano, pievi del milaneseAdd to your cart.
Item 1.8: Municipal budgets for: Corpi della citta di Milano, Pieve di Agliate, Pieve di Angera, Pieve di Appiano, with "Estimo della citta di  Milano", 1790sAdd to your cart.
Manuscript and printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 7 pages
Place 8: Agogua (fiume)Add to your cart.
Item 1.9: Autograph letter signed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani concerning river and bridge, signed Pietro Gusmani sindaco di Ferrara Lomellina, 1900 January 3Add to your cart.
Autograph letter signed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 pages, envelope
Place 9: AgrateAdd to your cart.
Item 1.10: Investitura semplice fatta dal Sig.r Francesco Sangiuliani nelle persone de Batta, Giovanni e Pietro Paolo Padre, e figlj Cavenaghi di diversi pezzi di terra ... 1687 February 18; Confesso de Battista e figli Cavenaghi 1687 November 13, 1687Add to your cart.
Manuscript and printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 8 pages
Item 1.11: Istromento d'obbligo fatto dalli Gio. Agostino, e Bernardo Padre, e figlio Castiglioni Massari in Grate a favore dal Sig.r Francesco Sangiuliani ..., 1687 October 27Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
Item 1.12: Istromento d'investitura fatta da D. Francesco Sangiuliano in Giovanni Battista padre, e Pietro Paolo fratelli Cavenaghi di alcune beni ..., 1688 March 2Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 16 pages
Item 1.12a: Per li beni posseduti dal Co. Giuseppe Sangiuliani, 1704 September 12Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
Item 1.13: Istromento d'investitura fatta dal Sig.r D.r Francesco Sangiuliano in Francesco e Giuseppe fratelli Barteselli, e Giovanni Brianzolo di alcuni beni..., 1698 December 2Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 18 pages
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Place 10: AlbaAdd to your cart.
Item 1.14: Stemma. Coat of arms of Alba surmounted by a crown, 18--Add to your cart.
Printed, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (27 x 9 cm)
Place 11: AlbaredoAdd to your cart.
Item 1.15: Confessi livellari 1508, 1513, 1515, 1581, 1593 e 1595: 6 Instromenti di confessi fatti da conti SS.ri Piatti al V. Co Scaramuzza Visconti di fitti livellarij sopra beni di Albaredo rogati da diversi notai sotto diversi tempi nel secolo 1500; tutte semplici copie, circa 1600Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 32 pages
Item 1.16: Vendita fatta dal conte Carlo Scaramuzza Visconti di beni al Bronzio de Busca, 1547 January 10, circa 1600Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 36 pages
Item 1.17: Beni Visconti-Scaramuzza: Acquistum factum per tutorem Jo. Baptistae de Beretiis a comitibus Carolo, et Alphonso fratribus de vicecomitibus de Scaramutia, 1594 July 29, circa 1600Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 20 pages
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Place 12: Albaredo [continued]Add to your cart.
Item 1.18: Istromento di transazione e composizione fra la Contessa Antonia Attendolo Bolognini, tutrice de' minori Scaramuzza Visconti, e gli Eredi Parona, 1602 February 28Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized with seal
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 28 pages
Item 1.19: Beni Attendolo-Bolognini: 1606 23 Aprilis fuerunt producta capitula coram senatore Sansono delegato, per comitissam Antoniam Attendulam Bologninam matrem..., 1606 April 23Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
Item 1.20: Manuscript map of Albaredo to accompany Gambarana and Scaramuzza-Visconti lawsuit, circa 1678Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (44 x 57 cm)
Item 1.21-1.35: Attestati fatti da Antonio Viola ed altri diversi particolari nella causa vertente tra li Conti Baldassare, e nipoti Gambarana per una parte, ed il sig.r Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti per l'altra circa il possesso di un pezzo di terra Boschivo con la ragione privativa di Pesca nel Po Morto ... nel Territorio di Albaredo ..., 1677-1678Add to your cart.
Manuscript, manuscript copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (94 pages)
Folder 5-7Add to your cart.
Place 13: Albaredo [continued]Add to your cart.
Item 1.36-1.101: Atti seguiti avanti il Sig.r Capitano di giustizia di Milano, Sig.r Senatore Podesta di Pavia, e Sig.r Senatore Pusterla come Delegato dall'ecc.mo Senato di Milano tra ... Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti per una parte e li Sig.ri Conti Baldassare, e Nipoti Gambarana per l'altra a causa di preteso possesso, e dominio del detto Sig.r Conte Visconti sopra di una Lanca del Po Morto ... nel Territorio d'Albaredo contrastata gli da detti Sig.ri Conti Gamabarana, e come da essi, 1678 January 10-May 7Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (124 pages); 20 items (112 pages); 31 items (164 pages)
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Place 14: Albaredo [continued]Add to your cart.
Item 1.102-1.104: Transazione fra li Sig.ri Conti Gambarana e il Sig.r Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti in cui rinunciatosi dalle Parti alle liti pendenti si conviene, che la Casa Gambarana ceda l'aquisto in Albaredo fatto da Antonio Viola, e Madalena Rossetti ..., 1678 June 11Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 items (32 pages)
Item 1.105: Memoriale a Sig.ri Prefetti dell'estimo di Pavia dato dalli Sig.ri Conte Alfonso Visconti Scaramuzza, e Conte Baldassare Gambarana per il trasporto dell'estimo di alcuni Beni in Albaredo, e in Vescovera fra essi cambiati come da Instromento 1680 rogato Cantafesta Con Decreto Originale de Prefetti, 1681 May 21Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (6 pages)
Place 15: AlbesioAdd to your cart.
Item 1.106: Libro dej Dissegni rappresentanti tutti li Pezzi di Terra dell'Eredita Somigliana Sitj nel Territ.o d'Albesio ed adiacenze Pieve d'Incino Ducato di Milano; con Scala de Trab. 96 Milanesi ad uso de tutti l retrostati dissegni, 1750Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript maps, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 volume (40 pages) + 1 sheet (map scale)
Sub-series 2: Alessandria-AuronzoAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Place 1: AlessandriaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.1: Documents concerning the Sacchi Family, particularly Francesco Maria Sacchi, 1569-1572Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 items in 1 volume (16 pages)
Place 2: AmalfiAdd to your cart.
Item 2.2: Cronica di Amalfi; Incipit: Cronica de Civitate Amalfie, quomodo fuit [a]edificata, et constructa, 17--Add to your cart.
Manuscript copy, in 2 hands
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages
Place 3: AmpezzoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.3: Da Toblach a Belluno, Valle Ampezzo: [travel itinerary, possibly by Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani], 1877Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 11, [5] pages
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Place 4: AnagniAdd to your cart.
Item 2.4: Croce angelica di S. Tommaso d'Aquino che si venera nella Chiesa de'PP. Domenicani in Anagni, citta della Campagna di Roma, esperimentata efficace contro i terremoti, e i fulmini, ed utilissima in ogni spirituale bisogno (Torino: Stamperia Mussano, 1847), 1847 September 6Add to your cart.
Printed broadside
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (31 x 30 cm)
Place 5: AnconaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.5: Ancona, 1860 [Veduta] (L. Scarpetti dis., Lit. Maggi Ancona), 1860Add to your cart.
Print, lithographic
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (36 x 48 cm)
Place 6: AngeraAdd to your cart.
Item 2.6: Economato; Begins: Io inf.o faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anche col mio giuramento ... Io P. Giorgio Castiglione ... d'Angera, 1661 January 4Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
Place 7: AnicovaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.7: Tippo visuale della Mappa di Anicova, con Cristiniza, Goregnapoglia, Losiz, Giuglieviza, e Camanza, rilevate dal geom.a Torriani, 1811Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (34 x 30 cm)
Place 8: AjelloAdd to your cart.
Item 2.8: Dipartimento di Passariano, Corografia del Territorio Comunale di Ajello ridotta alla quindicesima parte della scala originale, 1811Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (24 x 22 cm)
Place 9: AriisAdd to your cart.
Item 2.9: Dipartimento di Passariano, Ariis, 1811Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (39 x 28 cm)
Place 10: Antigorio [filed under Valenza]Add to your cart.
Place 11: AppianoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.10: Atto relativo alla famiglia Rosnati; Begins: Giacomo Antonio Rosnato In virtu di procura mandato ... da Roma dal ... Gio Batta Albano, 1613 September 5Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (2 pages)
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Place 12: ArboreaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.11-2.12: Notizie storiche; autograph letter signed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani, on "Municipio di Pavia, Il Segregatario Generale" letterhead; typescript letter signed Francois Poli on "Cabinet du Maire" letterhead, circa 1906, 1906 December 14Add to your cart.
Autograph letter signed; typescript letter signed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, French
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets (8 pages) + 1 envelope
Place 13: ArcisateAdd to your cart.
Item 2.13-2.14: Contract for position in the diocese of Milan; Begins: Io in[frascrip]to ... d'Arcisate faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anco un il mio giuramento ... signed Gio Jacopo Baroffi; Noi in[frascript]i facciamo ampla et indubitata fede anche con il nostro giuramento ... signed by multiple people, 1661 January 7Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (8 pages)
Place 14: Ardivesta (Languzzano)Add to your cart.
Item 2.15: Investitura perpetua fatta dall M.co Sig.r Conte Lodovico de Conti di Gambarana e Montesegale in Ant.o Maria Dusio suis que heredibus, et successoribus ..., 1588 June 25Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with seal
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.16: Investitura perpetua fatta dal Sig.r Conte Guicciardo Gambarana, anche a nome delli Maj.ci Sig.ri Conti Baldassare e Gio. Andrea suoi Fratelli in Ant.o Ant.o Maria Dusio pro se suisque heredibus ..., 1595 January 18Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.17: Vendita fatta da Francesco Girolamo Beccaro all'ill.mo Sig.r Conte Antonio Gambarana anche a nome delli Sig.r Ill.mi suoi Fratelli, e del Sig.r Conte Baldassare suo zio d'un fitto perpetuo, o sia temporale 4 Formento da pagarsi da Gio. Ant.o Ferrario..., 1677 September 7Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Place 15: Arena PoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.18: Distinta e veridica Relazione della fondazione del Convento della Fontana Santa ... In Pavia, MDCCXV Per Pietro Antonio Magri, 1715Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: XXX, [2] pages + mailer
Item 2.19: Autograph letter signed from Carlo Dell'Acqua to Conte Cavagna Sangiuliani, 1870 February 15Add to your cart.
Autograph letter signed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
Item 2.20: Porto; Begins: Sono con questo mio foglio che la deferenza e la deversita che li trova verso la colona, 18--Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (14 x 18 cm)
Place 16: AronaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.21: Io infrascritto Arciprete d'Arona faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anco con il mio giuramento a chiunque legera la presente, qualmente essendo vacato l'Arcipretato con cura d'Anime della chiesa di S. Maria del Borgo d'Arona ... Carlo Litta Arciprete, et Vicario Foraneo d'Arona ..., 1660 December 30Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Place 17: ArpesinaAdd to your cart.
Item 2.22: Villa Arpesina; Vendita giudiziale fatta dal Podesta di Fortunago a favore di Carlo Valeggio in pregiudizio di Bernardo de Corti a Francesco Lanzalotto d'una Casa a Villa Alpesina ... prezzo di L. 30 da pagarsi al d.o Valeggio rog.a Carlo Francesco Dusio not.o di Pavia, come da essa in forma autentica, 1676 January 3Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
Item 2.23: Confesso fatto da Francesco Buzzi verso Carlo Rogrardo del debito di L. 150 per prezzo di una Mulla vendutoli promesse pagarsi nel termine d'anni due, pagando fratanto l'Interesse, e come da essa per scrittura privata, 1676 August 3Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Place 18: Arpesina (Livello Garbarini)Add to your cart.
Item 2.24-2.25: Insolutem datio facta per Carolum Rugiardum illustrissimo Domino Comiti Hyeronimo Gambara ut infra ..., 1682 November 23Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed with notarial signet; manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 2 items (20 pages)
Item 2.26: Fortunago, Gravanago; Vendita ... fatta da Lorenzo Bertelegno all'Ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana dell'annuo Canone di due mine formento pagabili da Giacomo Garbarino come enfiteuta di una proprieta coltiva di perti ... nel Territorio di Fortunago ... e come da cop. autentica, 1712 November 28Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.27: Investitura perpetua fatta dal sig.r Conte Gerolamo Gambarana a Giacomo Garbarino ... copia concordata, 1707 December 1Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.28: Villa Arpesina; Investitura perpetua fatta dall'ill.mo ... Antonio Gambarana nella persona di Giacomo Garbarino pro se ac etiam nomine anch'a nome di suoi nipoti ..., 1713 February 6Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet and stamps
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in 2 folders
Item 2.29: Rinuncia ossia Dato in paga fatto da Andrea Garbarino ..., 1831 September 5-October 4Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed with notarial signet and stamps
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 16 pages
Item 2.30: Proprieta vendute al ... Luigi Rossi come vedesi al fog.o 202 ... del Mastro 1826, 1831 September 5Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
Item 2.31: Vendita fatta dal Sig.r Conte Senatore D. Gerolamo Gambarana da Giacomo Garbarino ... copia concordata, 1707 December 1Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 2 items (12 pages) in folder
Item 2.32: Montsegale; Vendita fatta da Giacomo Garbarino all'Ill.mo Sig.r Conte Senatore Don Gerolamo Gambarana ... come da essa in forma autentica, 1713 February 6Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed with notarial signet and stamps
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in 2 folders
Item 2.33: Vendita fatta da Anton Francesco Garbarini con patto ... al ... Francesco Gambarana ... copia concordata, 1723 November 27Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
Item 2.34: Vendita fatta da Anna Maria Garbarina col confesso di Gio Vezzoli di Lei Marito al Sig.r Domenico Oppizzi qual procuratore ... del sig.r Conte Gerolamo Gambarana ... autentico, 1779 December 24Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Place 19: Arpesina (Livello Corti)Add to your cart.
Item 2.35-2.38: Livello Corti;  Purchases and land leases between Gerolamo Gambarana and Jacopo di Corti, 1707-1709Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 items in folders (64 pages)
Item 2.39: Fortunago; Investitura perpetua dall'ill.mo sig.r co. Gerolamo Gambarana fatta in Bernardino Corti ... rogato Gio. Batt.a Nani ... come da autentico, 1710 December 4Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.40: Fortunago, Steffanago; Vendita fatta da Bernardino Corti all'ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana ... come da essa autentica, 1710 December 5Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.41: Arpesina; Vendita fatta da Giacomo Corti all'ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana della ragion di redimere una casa ... come da essa autentica, 1710 December 5Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.42: Aquistum illustrissimi Domini Comitij Antonij Gambarana habitum a Jacobo de Curte ut infra ..., 1714 December 1Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
Item 2.44: Investitura perpetua fatta dall Sig.r Steffano Brichetti qual Procuratore in questa parte costituito dal sig.r ... Gerolamo Gambarana ... copia concordata, 1709 October 24Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages in folder
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Place 20: Arsago (Famiglie Visconti e Corio; L.P. di S. Corona di Milano)Add to your cart.
Item 2.45-46: Istromento di vendita fatta dal Sig.r Leandro Visconti al Sig.r M.se Cesare pure Visconti di alcuni beni ?  pagare al L.P. di S. Catterina ossia S. Corona a sollievo del ... senatore Francesco Corio ... Rog.o Ermete Carcano notaio, 1622 April 4Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 3 items in folder (38 pages)
Item 2.47: Istromento d'obbligazione fatta da Leandro, e Sforza Visconti di quanto potessero essere debitori verso Cristofforo Carcano ? rogito a Ermes Carcano, 1622 April 4Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
Item 2.48: Istromento di confesso fatto dal Sig.r Cristoforo Carcano a favore del Sig.r M.se Cesare Visconti che paga a sollievo de ss.ri Leandro e Gio. Batta Sforza Visconti ..., 1630 June 19Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages in folder
Item 2.49-2.71: Atti diversi di causa promossa avanti il Vicario Pretorio e poscia avanti il capitano di Giustizia dalla sig.ra Catterina Corio ... contro il sig.r Leandro Visconti debitore ... prestata dal fu sig.r Pompeo Corio a fav.e del sig.r Ottavio Visconti Padre del sudd.o, verso il L.P. di S. Catterina, 1649-1651Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 23 items in folder (86 pages)
Item 2.72: Visconti Ottavio; Sovvenzione di L. 2200 fattagli dal sig.r Giuseppe Sangiuliani, col patto di restitur ... 1647 December 10, 1647 December 10Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authenthic copy, signed with notarial signet
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folders
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Place 21: AssagoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.73-2.75: Istromento di cessione a titolo di vendita fatta dal Sig.r Giuseppe Raverta a nome anche de' ss.ri Cesare e Fabrizio suoi fratelli al sig.r Francesco Pirola ... e beni del fu Senat.e ... Francesco Corio ... Rog.o Lodovico Porri notaio, 1644 December 24Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy; manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 3 items in folders (52 pages)
Folder 10Add to your cart.
Place 22: Assago (continued)Add to your cart.
Item 2.76: Atti di causa promossa dal M.se Pietro Paolo Corbella contro il M.se Pr.o Francesco Corio sul punto di sollievo dalle molestie, [1679]-1692Add to your cart.
Manuscript simply copy; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 6 items in 2 folders (52 pages)
Item 2.77-2.78: Istromento di Cambio, e Permuta stipulata tra il M.se Pietro Franccesco Corio dall'una ed il Sig.r Felice Corbella dall'altra parte ... Rogato ... Gerolamo Pozzi notaio di Milano; Cambio della pezza di terra Bombasari o sij lago ... nel Territorio di Assago seguito fra il sig.r Marchese Pietro Francesco Corio per una parte ed il sig.r Carlo Felice Corbella per l'altra, 1677 December 16Add to your cart.
Manuscript, authentic copy, with seals; manuscript, authentic copy, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 2 items in 2 folders (28 pages)
Folder 11Add to your cart.
Place 23: AssoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.79: Atti giudiziari della Pretura; Begins: Pro Joanne Merono carceribus offitii Assii nexo defensiones, circa 1760Add to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 20 pages
Place 24: AttimisAdd to your cart.
Item 2.80: Dipartimento di Passariano, mappa del Territorio di Attimis rilevata dal Geometra Censuario Lorenzo Miani dal giorno 12 Maggio alli 19 Agosto ... sotto la direzione del ... Luigi Mugiasca, 1812Add to your cart.
Manuscript map, hand colored
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (30 x 28 cm)
Place 25: AuronzoAdd to your cart.
Item 2.81: In memoria dell'arcidiacona Don Gabriele Gregori (Tip. Berengan), 1882 January 25Add to your cart.
Printed broadside, with photograph
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (28 x 21 cm)
Sub-series 3: Averara Valley, Province of BergamoAdd to your cart.
Box 3aAdd to your cart.
Folder 1-4Add to your cart.
Item 3.1-3.45: Correspondence and supporting documentation concerning the petition promoted by Matteo Giacomo Calvi, parish priest of Santa Brigida, for the recognition of rights and privileges of Santa Brigida over several local churches in the Averara Valley, province of Bergamo. Includes notarial documents, some with seals; autograph letters, signed; and simple copies of original manuscripts dated as early as 1567, 1691-1796Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized with seal; manuscript; manuscript copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (86 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 10 items (28 pages); 10 items (46 pages)
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 3.46-3.47: Documentation supporting a court case involving the church of San Giacomo in Averara and the Regnoli family of Brescia, heirs of Lorenzo Regnoli, 1608-1755Add to your cart.
Manuscript, notarized; manuscript copy; correspondence
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 5 items (44 pages)
Folder 6-8Add to your cart.
Item 3.48-3.83: Court proceedings, supporting documentation, correspondence, and legal statements and transcripts concerning the case to recover an 800 lira debt owed by Ambrosio Berri of Casiglio to the church of San Giacomo in Averara for an emphyteutic lease, 1783-1801Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 8 items (36 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 18 items (88 pages)
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Item 3.84-3.86: Expense reports for the construction of a lazzaretto and for the institution and funding of a public health office, addressed to the Doges of the Venetian Republic, 1629-1643Add to your cart.
Manuscript, simple copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 3 items (12 pages)
Folder 10-11Add to your cart.
Item 3.87-3.103: Documents concerning the administration of Averara and Val Brembana in the province of Bergamo, especially in regard to public health, taxation of meat and mills, and rules for holding public offices, 1655-1805Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 9 items (38 pages); 8 items (40 pages)
Folder 12Add to your cart.
Item 3.104-3.105: Atti importanti; Documents concerning the taxation of meat, textiles, and oil, 1712-1716Add to your cart.
Manuscript, signed; manuscript, notarized
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (8 pages)
Folder 13-21Add to your cart.
Item 3.106-3.175: Averara e sua valle; Documents and correspondence on the administration of Averara under the Cisalpine Republic's Dipartimento del Serio, many on official stationery; some in response to the Pretore of Averara, Carlo Marieni; includes financial statements, receipts for salary payments, municipal accounting, and census and demographic data, 1758-1806, bulk 1798-1802Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript, notarized; correspondence; receipts
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 9 items (48 pages); 9 items (38 pages); 9 items (36 pages); 3 items; 10 items; 9 items (30 pages); 11 items in folder (36 pages); 2 items (32 pages); 12 items (32 receipts, 48 pages)
Folder 22-23Add to your cart.
Item 3.176-3.194: Affari della Valle Averara; Municipal administration of the Averara Valley, including correspondence, especially between Pretore Carlo Marieni and other public officers in Bergamo and Milan, 1784-1802Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 19 items (72 pages); 16 items (54 pages)
Box 3bAdd to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Item 3.195-3.219: Calvi, Francesco e Fratelli di Santa Brigida contro Olmo Commune; Private deeds between Francesco Calvi and Antonio Donati di Cugno for a land lease in Olmo in the Averara Valley; Proceedings for a court case between Olmo and the Fratelli Calvi regarding livestock and land use; Record of expenses for maintenance of cattle, 1795-1812, bulk 1800-1801Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript, authentic copy
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 26 items (98 pages)
Folder 2-4Add to your cart.
Item 3.220-3.251: Atti importanti relativi alla Valle Averara; Official correspondence between Prefetto Brunetti of the Cisalpine Republic's Dipartimento del Serio and several local officials in the Averara Valley, especially Carlo Marieni, Pretore of Averara, many on offical printed letterhead of the Dipartimento del Serio, regarding a petition for the creation of a larger municipality including Averara, Olmo, and other towns in the valley; some documents are in regard to the iron mine in the valley, 1801-1804Add to your cart.
Manuscript; autograph letter, signed; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 13 items (42 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 12 items (52 pages)
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 3.252-3.254: 3 copies of documents issued by the province of Bergamo concerning the census of Averara, including one property census of Maria Golio and her family, 1853-1854Add to your cart.
Manuscript; manuscript copy; printed
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 items in folder (12 pages)
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 3.255: Imp. Regia giunta del censimento del regno Lombardo-veneto: Aviso: No. 50765 (Dall'I.R. Stamperia), 1853 June 26Add to your cart.
Printed broadside
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (48 x 37 cm)
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 3.256: I.R. Presidenza della prefettura di finanza per la Lombardia: Notificazione no. 2865/P (Dall'Imperiale regia stamperia), 1853 August 26Add to your cart.
Printed broadside
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (72 x 51 cm)
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 3.257: Imp. Regia prefettura delle finanze per Lombardia: Notificazione no. 25497/4260 (Dall'Imperiale regia stamperia), 1854 January 2Add to your cart.
Printed broadside
Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (72 x 52 cm)
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Item 3.258: Begins: Campana debet benedici antequam sonat in Campanile hoc ordine; blessings recited at the installation of a church bell in Baggio(?), 1700sAdd to your cart.
Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 6 pages

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