Periodicals and photographs of William Forrest, Fleet Street foreign correspondent who covered the Spanish Civil War.
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Box and Folder Listing
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Series 1],
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- Series 1
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- Box-Folder 001a-001: Forrest, William , Journalist for the News Chronicle, London, 1937-1939
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- Box-Folder 001b-001: Mr. William Forrest
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- Box-Folder 002-001: To: Forrest, William W., 1937
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- Box-Folder 002-002: 1939
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- Box-Folder 002-003: 1936
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- Box-Folder 002-004: Forrest, George
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- Box-Folder 002-005: To: Forrest, George, 1937-1939
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- Box-Folder 002-006: 1936-1938
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- Box-Folder 003-000: 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-001: Nuestra Bandera, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-002: Tragedias de la Retaguardia (stampas vivas del dolor de Espana), 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-003: Estampas de Espana, 1934
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- Box-Folder 004-004: La revolucion popular en el campo: colectividades agricolas, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-005: 2 meses de actuacion en el ministerio de justicia, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-006: Galdos Napoleon en Chamartin, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-007: La Reforma Agraria en Espana Sus motivos su esencia su accion, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-008: Serie Popular de Clasicos del Sociaismo la buetra civil en Francia #5
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- Box-Folder 004-009a: Conferencia del Vice-Presidente del C. de G. de la III Republica EN ARGEL
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- Box-Folder 004-009b: Algunos Datos Sobre la tragedia de Euzkadi, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-010: Madrid, orgullo de la Espana antifascista., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-011: Nestro gran Ejercito popular., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-012: Nuestra labor en el campo., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-013: Como se lucho en Sevilla, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-014: Historia de la Revolucion Rusa: La Revolucion de Octubre, 1932
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- Box-Folder 004-015: El Camino de la Victoria, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-016: Le Martyre de Madrid, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-017: Manifiesto Comunista, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-018: El diechiocho Brumario de Luis Bonaparte, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-019: Conferencia Celebrado por el G. S. S. de Artes Blancas, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-020: Mallorca pro que fuimos y por que la abandonamos, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-021: Historia de Una Peseta, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-022: Teroia de la Revolucion Proletaria, 1933
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- Box-Folder 004-023: Reformismo Social y Lucha de Clases, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-024: Los militares traidores han fusilado a los continuadores de la cultura islamica, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-025: Spanish Air Terror Again -Forrest Cable-
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- Box-Folder 004-026: Spanish Air Terror Again -Forrest Cable-
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- Box-Folder 004-027: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica Ano 1; Num. 18., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-028: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica Ano 1. Num. 16., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-029: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica Ano 1. Num. 10, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-030: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica Ano 1. Num. 14, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-031: Spain and the World : Anti-Fascist Fortnightly Vol. 1, Number 13, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-032: Spain and the World : Anti-Fascist Fortnightly Vol. 1, Number 3, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-033: Spain and the World : Anti-Fascist Fortnightly Vol. 1, Number 12, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-034: Oficina Prensa Euzkadi Number 4,266, 1965
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- Box-Folder 004-035: Manana tribuna democratica espanola, 1965
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- Box-Folder 004-036: III Republica ,No. 7, 1964
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- Box-Folder 004-037: Conseil de Gouvernement de la III Republique Espagnole: bulletin d'Information; No. 11, 1964
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- Box-Folder 004-038: Added edition of corrections or updates to the No. 11 Bulletin d'information.
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- Box-Folder 004-039: Lucha! Diario del Ejercito de Manibra, Ano 1 Num. 7, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-040: News Chronicle Spainish Supplement, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-041: Spanish News: The Organ of the Friends of the Spanish Republic, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-042: Spain fights for You
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- Box-Folder 004-043: JSU al frente! Boletin de las juventudes socialistas unificadas de Madrid
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- Box-Folder 004-044: La Revolucion Francesa: Historia de las Revoluciones Sociales
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- Box-Folder 004-045: Mundo obrero: organo central del partido comista (S.E.I.C.) 20th Aniversary of the Soviet Revolution
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- Box-Folder 004-046: Estampa, Companeras!
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- Box-Folder 004-047a: Ejercito del Ebro: Boletin de informacion raha comisarios, Ano II, Num. 134, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004-047b: Requena: Periodico Defensor de Los Intereses Del Pueblo Ano 1, Num. 10, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-048: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 185, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-049a: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 184, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-049b: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 179, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-050: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 186, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-051: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 179, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-052: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 182, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-053: Claridad, Ano. 1 Num. 183, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004-054: Claridad, Ano. 11 Num. 515, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-055: Ferrobellum: Organo de la central Metalurgica, Ano. 1 Num. 3, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-056: Diario Del ejercito de Maniobra
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- Box-Folder 004-057: El Soldado de la Republica Le Soldat de la Republique, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-058: Euzko Deya, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004-059: Vice of Spain, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004-060: Corriere Della Sera, Anno 59, Num 68, 1934
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- Box-Folder 004-061: I1 Popolo d'Italia,, 1934
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- Box-Folder 004-062: Nostra Paraula!!, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-063: Nostra Paraula!!, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-064: Campesinos, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-065: Ferrobellum, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-066: War in Spain, The, No. 58, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004-067: War in Spain, The, No. 1, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-068: War in Spain, The, No. 62, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004-069: War in Spain, The, No. 28, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-070: CNT Organo de la Conferacion Nacional del Trabajo, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-071: Verdad: Diario del partido Comunista, SEIC, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-072a: Spanish Information Service texts and documents, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-072b: Spanish Information Service texts and documents, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004-073: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica, Ano. 1, Num. 4, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-074: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica, Ano. 1, Num. 6, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-075: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica, Ano. 1, Num. 8, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-076: Ferrobellum: Organo de la Central Metalurgica, Ano. 1, Num.15, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004-077: La Revelucion Francesa
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- Box-Folder 004a-078: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 617, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-078a
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- Box-Folder 004a-079: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 618, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-080: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 619, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-081: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 620, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-082: Frente Rojo, Ano. III. Num. 621, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-083: Frente Rojo, Ano. III. Num., 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-084: La Voz de Menorca, Ano XXXII, Num. 9797, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-085: Justicia Social Ano. VII, Num. 241, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-086: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 425, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-087: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 422, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-088: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 421, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-089: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 417, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-090: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 417, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-091: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 416, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-092: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 415, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-093: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 396, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-094: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 397, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-095: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 398, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-096: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 399, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-097: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 398, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-098: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num, 401, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-099: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 402, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-100: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 403, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-101: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 405, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-102: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 406, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-103: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 408, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-104: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 410, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-105: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 411, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-106: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 352, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-107: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 352, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-108: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 154, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-109: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 155, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-110: Frente Rojo, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-111: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 157, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-112: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 112, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-113: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 113, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-114: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 160, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-115: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 361, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-116: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 362, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-118: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 363, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-119: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 364, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-120: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 365, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-121: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 366, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-122: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 367, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-123: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 368, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-124: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 369, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-125: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 348, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-126: Frente Rojo, Ano. I, Num. 349, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-127: Frente Rojo, Ano, I, Num. 350, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-128: Frente Rojo, Ano, I, Num. 351, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-129: Frente Rojo, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-130: Frente Rojo, Ano, II, Num. 370, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-131: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 371, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-132: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 372, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-133: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 373, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-134: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 374, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-135: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 375, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-136: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 376, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-137: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num .377, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-138: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 378, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-139: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 379, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-140: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 380, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-141: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 381, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-142: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 382, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-143: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 382, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-144: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 383, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-145: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 384, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-146: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 385, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-147: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 386, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-148: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 387, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-149: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 388, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-150: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 389, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-151: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 390, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-152: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 391, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-153: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 392, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-154: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 393, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-155: Frente Rojo, Ano. II, Num. 394, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-156: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 602, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-157: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 604, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-158: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 605, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-159: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 606, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-160: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 607, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-161: Ejercito del Etro, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-162: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 609, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-163: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 610, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-164: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 611, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-165: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 612, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-166: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 613, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-167: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 614, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-168: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 615, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-169: Frente Rojo, Ano. III, Num. 616, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-170a: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 6, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-170b: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 7, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-171: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 160, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-172: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 163, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-173: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 172, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-174: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 173, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-175: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 174, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-176: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 177, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-177: Nosotros, Ano. II, Num. 197, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-178: Ayudas
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- Box-Folder 004a-179: Fragua Social, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-180: Fragua Social, Ano II. Num. 339, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-181: Fragua Social, Ano II. Num. 341, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-182a: Fragua Social, Ano.ll. Num. 342, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-182b: Fraqua Social, Ano II. Num. 343, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-183: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 344, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-184: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 347, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-185: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 348, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-186: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 350, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-187: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 352, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-188: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 355, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-189a: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 356, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-189b: Fragua Social, Ano.II, Num. 358, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-190: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 360, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-191: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 361, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-192: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 381, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-193: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 557, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-194: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 564, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-195: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 565, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-196: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 566, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-197: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 567, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-198: Fragua Social, Ano.II. Num. 569, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-199: Justicia Social Ano. VII. Num. 239, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-200: Justicia Social Ano. VII, Num. 237, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-201: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-202: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-203: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-204: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-205: Frente Rojo, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-206: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-207: Pleno
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- Box-Folder 004a-208: Frente Rojo, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-209: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-210: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-211: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-212: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-213: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-214: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-215: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-216: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-217: Las Noticias, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-218: Las Noticias, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004a-219: Ahora, Diario de la Juventud, Num. 37
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- Box-Folder 004a-220: La Voz, Ano XVIII. Num. 5,435, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004a-221: La Voz, Ano XVIII. Num. 5,036, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-222a: Politica, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-222b: Politica, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-223: La Batalla, Ano. VII, Num. 242, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004a-224: La Batalla, Ano VII, Num 242, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-225: Ofensiva!, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-226: La Correspondencia de Valencia, Ano LX. Num. 23,473, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004a-227: La Voz Valenciana, Ano XX, Num. 6,328, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004a-228: El Pueblo: Diario de Izqierda, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004a-229: Ahora, Paseo De San Viente, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-010
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- Box-Folder 004b-230: Ahora, Num. 38, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-231: El Sol, Ano II. Num. 301, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-232: El Sol, Ano II. Num. 305, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-233: El Sol, Ano II. Num. 306, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-234: El Sol, Ano II. Num. 307, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-235: El Sol, Ano II. Num. 309, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-236: La Libertad, Ano XVIII, Num. 5,184, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-237: La Libertad, Ano XIX, Num. 5,272, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-238: La Libertad, Ano XIX., 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-239: La Libertad, Ano XXI, Num, 5,882, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-240: Le Journal od Barcelone, Ano 1, Num, 23, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-241: Claridad, Ano. II, Num. 483, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-242: El Mercantil Valeciano, Ano LXVII, Num. 23.982, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-243: El Mercantil Valeciano, Ano LXVII, Num. 24,183, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-244: El Mercantil Valeciano, Ano LXVII, Num. 24,185, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-245: El Mercantil Valeciano, Ano LXVII, Num. 24,187, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-246: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 1, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-247: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 2, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-248: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano .I, No. 8, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-249: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 10, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-250: Nuestra Bandera, Ano. 1, Num. 1, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-251: Nuestra Bandera, Ano. 1, Num. 5, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-252a: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 419, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-252b: Nuestra Bandera, Ano. 1, Num. 10, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-253: La Vanguardia, Ano. LVIII, Num. 2,355, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-254: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 12, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-255: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 13, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-256: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 208, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-257: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 209, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-258: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 237, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-259: Castilla Libre CNT-AIT, Ano. I, No. 238, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-260: La humanitat, Ano VIII, Num. 2,156, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-261: Ejercito Popular, Num. 59, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-262: Ejercito Popular, Num. 62, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-263: Ejercito Popular, Num. 63, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-264: Tierra y libertad, Num. 6
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- Box-Folder 004b-265: CNT, Ano. VI, Num. 742, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-266: Solidaridad Obrera, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-267: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 577, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-268: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 576, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-269: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 575, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-270: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 574, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-271: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 573, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-272: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num. 571, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-273: Fragua Social, Ano III, Num 570, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-274: Verdad, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-275: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX, Num. 2104, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-276: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX, Num. ???2], 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-277: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX, Num. 2102, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-278: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX, Num. 2100, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-279: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX. Num. 2101, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-280: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX. Num. 2198, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-281: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX. Num. 2097, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-282: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX. Num. 2096, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-283: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. IX. Num. 2095, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-284: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1880, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-285: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1876, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-286: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num.?], 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-287: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano.VIII. Num.1872, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-288: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1869, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-289: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1868, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-290: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1867, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-291: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1865, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-292: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1864, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-293: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1863, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-294: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1862, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-295: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1861, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-296: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1860, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-297: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1859, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-298: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1858, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-299: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano.VIII. Num. 1855, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-300: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1854, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-301: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1853, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-302: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1852, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-303: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1851, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-304: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1850, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-305: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1849, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-306: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1848, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-307: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1846, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-308: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1843, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-309: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1839, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-310: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1838, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-311: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1837, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-312: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1836, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-313: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1834, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-314: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1833, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-315: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1830, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-316: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1829, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-317: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1828, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-318: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1827, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-319: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1826, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-320: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1825, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-321a: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1723, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-321b: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num.1728, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-321c: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num.1751, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-322: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1713, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-323a: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1426, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-323b: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1427, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-323c: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII. Num. 1428, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-324: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VII. Num. 1419, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-325: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 242, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-326: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 250, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-327: La Vanguardia, Ano. LVI, Num. 22,759, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-328: La Vanguardia, Ano. VII, Num. 23,082, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-329: La Vanguardia, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-330: La Vanguardia, Ano.VII, Num.23,084, 1938
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- Box-Folder 004b-331: La Vanguardia, Ano. LVI, Num. 22,758, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-332: La Vanguardia, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-333: La Voz del Combatiente, Ano I, Num. 311, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-334: Ayuda
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- Box-Folder 004b-335: Politica, Ano. III, Num. 446, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-336: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 383, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-337: Mundo Obrero, Num. 173, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-338a: Mundo Obrero, Num. 174, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-338b: Mundo Obrero, Num. 176, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-338c: Mundo Obrero, Num. 177, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-338d: Mundo Obrero, Num.178, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-338e: Mundo Obrero, Num. 180, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-339: Mundo Obrero, Num. 181, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-340: Mundo Obrero, Num. 1,003, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-341: Mundo Obrero, Num. 1,002, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-342: Mundo Obrero, Num. 999, 1939
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- Box-Folder 004b-343: Mundo Obrero, Num. 188, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-344: Mundo Obrero, Num. 565, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-345: Mundo Obrero, Num. 590, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-346: Mundo Obrero, Num. 189, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-347: Mundo Obrero, Num. 191, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-348: Mundo Obrero, Num. 193, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-349: Mundo Obrero, Num. 194, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-350: Mundo Obrero, Num. 195, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-351: Mundo Obrero, Num. 196, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-352: Mundo Obrero, Num. 197, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-353: Mundo Obrero, Num. 212, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-354: Mundo Obrero, Num. 217, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-355: Mundo Obrero, Num. 219, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-356: Mundo Obrero, Num. 220, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-357: Mundo Obrero, Num. 222, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-358: Mundo Obrero, Num. 224, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-359: Mundo Obrero, Num. 225, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-360: Mundo Obrero, Num. 226, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-361: Mundo Obrero, Num. 227, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-362: Mundo Obrero, Num. 228, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-363: Mundo Obrero, Num. 229, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-364: Mundo Obrero, Num. 230, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-365: Mundo Obrero, Num. 231, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-366: Mundo Obrero, Num. 232, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-368: Mundo Obrero, Num. 233, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-369: Mundo Obrero, Num. 234, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-370: Mundo Obrero, Num. 235, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-371: Mundo Obrero, Num. 236, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-372: Mundo Obrero, Num. 237, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-373: Mundo Obrero, Num. 238, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-374: Mundo Obrero, Num. 239, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-375: Mundo Obrero, Num. 240, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-376: Mundo Obrero, Num. 241, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-378: Mundo Obrero, Num. 242, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-379: Mundo Obrero, Num. 243, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-380: La Voz de Menorca, Ano XXXII, Num. 9799, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-381: La Voz de Menorca, Ano XXXII, Num, 9806, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-382: La Voz de Menorca, Ano XXXII, Num, 9807, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-383: Adelante!!, Ano. III, Num. 16, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-384: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 389, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-385: Justicia Social, Ano VII, Num. 388, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-386: Adelante!!, Ano. III, Num. 17, 1937
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- Box-Folder 004b-387: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 451, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-388: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 413, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-389: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 416, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-390: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 417, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-391: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 419, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-392: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 422, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-393: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 424, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-394: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 425, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-396: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 426, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-397: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 427, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-398: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 428, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-399: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 429, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-400: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 430, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-401: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 431, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-402: CNT, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-403: CNT, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-404: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 435, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-405: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 449, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-406: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 445, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-407: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 446, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-408: CNT, Ano. V. Num. 447, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-409: CNT, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-411: Solidaridad Obrera, Ano. VIII Num. 1428, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-412: Mundo Obrero, Num. 244, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-413: Mundo Obrero, Num. 245, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-414: Mundo Obrero, Num. 246, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-415: Mundo Obrero, Num. 248, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-416: Mundo Obrero, Num. 249, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-417: Mundo Obrero, Num. 250, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-418: Mundo Obrero, Num. 251, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-419: Mundo Obrero, Num. 252, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-420: Mundo Obrero, Num. 254, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-421: Mundo Obrero, Num. 253, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-422: Mundo Obrero, Num. 254, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-423: Mundo Obrero, Num. 255, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-424: Mundo Obrero, Num. 256, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-425: Mundo Obrero, Num. 257, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-426: Mundo Obrero, Num. 258, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-427: Mundo Obrero, Num. 259, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-428: Mundo Obrero, Num. 260, 1936
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- Box-Folder 004b-429: Mundo Obrero, Num. 261, 1936
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- Series OS: Oversize materials
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- Note: 1 box in Oversize
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Series OS: Oversize materials],