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H.G. Wells Papers



Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description


Picshuas (Cartoons)

Correspondence to Wells

Wells Letters

Periodical Publications

Wells Short Works


Wells Letters to the Press




Oversize materials

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H.G. Wells Papers, 1845-1946 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

By RBML Staff

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Collection Overview

Title: H.G. Wells Papers, 1845-1946Add to your cart.

ID: 01/01/MSS00071

Primary Creator: Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (1866-1946)

Other Creators: Wells, Catherine (1872-1927)

Extent: 207.0 Linear Feet

Date Acquired: 00/00/1954

Subjects: Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946

Languages: English


This collection consists of the papers of English novelist and essayist Herbert George Wells. The collection includes correspondence, diaries, drawings, manuscripts and proofs, speeches, and other materials.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Papers of Herbert G. Wells, English novelist and essayist. Includes correspondence about business and legal affairs; letters to the press; engagement books; drawings; publication records; manuscripts and proofs of published works; speeches; unpublished material; and photographs.

The letters contain general family correspondence, communications, from publishers, material regarding the Fabian Society, and letters from politicians and public figures, most notably George Bernard Shaw and Joseph Conrad. A catalog of correspondence, arranged alphabetically by correspondent, is published in Volume 11 of the Catalog of the Rare Book Room, University Library, University of Illinois (G. K. Hall & Co., Boston, 1972, 547 pp.) and in a supplementary 1978 edition.

About forty full-length books, as well as many shorter pieces, are represented by typescripts or manuscripts, often in many drafts, which show the evolution of each work. Among these is an unpublished draft of The Wealth of Mr. Waddy (characterized by biographer David Smith as a “false start,” later becoming Kipps, The Story of a Simple Soul (1905)) and early version of Wells' copies of his printed works. These include first editions, revisions, translations. Among the remaining items is the diary of Wells' mother, begun before his birth, Wells' letters and stories written as a youngster, collections of clippings from newspapers and magazines, account books of his contracts and earning, and other business records.

The main collection was acquired in two parts, labeled WELLS-1 and WELLS-2. WELLS-1 consists of over 2,500 letters from Wells and 65,000 to Wells. WELLS-2, a major collection added in 1990, supplements the extensive book collection from Wells' personal library, personal and business correspondence, and criticism. Wells-3 is the Kennard Collection which includes correspondence between H.G. Wells and Annajane Kennard and Amber Reeves. Wells-9 is a collection of supplementary items purchased separately, on an ongoing basis.

Biographical Note

English novelist and essayist.

Subject/Index Terms

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions:

This collection is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.

Related Materials: The Rare Book & Manuscript Library holds numerous additional items related to H.G. Wells, including manuscripts, books, and artifacts. Please search the library's finding aids or contact the library for more information.

Other Note: Click here to search the H.G. Wells correspondence database.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Manuscripts],
[Series 2: Picshuas (Cartoons)],
[Series 3: Correspondence to Wells],
[Series 4: Wells Letters],
[Series 5: Periodical Publications],
[Series 6: Wells Short Works],
[Series 7: Facsimiles],
[Series 8: Wells Letters to the Press],
[Series 9: Photographs],
[Series 10: Criticisms],
[Series 11: SEC-W],
[Series OS: Oversize materials],

Series 3: Correspondence to WellsAdd to your cart.
Boxes are currently undergoing renumbering (10/2024). RBML staff: see Wells renumbering spreadsheet.
Box 5Add to your cart.
​A-1 Abingdon Press – A-45 Ahern, John H.
Box 6Add to your cart.
A-48 Air League of the British Empire – A-104 The American Magazine
Box 7Add to your cart.
A-109 Amery, Underwood J. – A-199 Austin, F. Britten
Box 8Add to your cart.
A-203 Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science – B-60 Bantock, (Helen F.) Lady
Box 9Add to your cart.
B-61 Baptist, James & Otto – B-171 Bell, Lady Florence
Box 10Add to your cart.
B-172 Bell, Gertrude – B-239 Biggar, J.L.
Box 11Add to your cart.
B-240 Bigland, Eileen – B-359 Bostock, L.W.
Box 12Add to your cart.
B-361 Bott, Alan – B-4581 British Ass'n for Advancement of Science
Box 13Add to your cart.
B-4582 British Ass'n for Advancement of Science – B-470 British Labour Council for Chinese Freedom
Box 14Add to your cart.
B-472 British Monomarks Ltd. – B-5187 Curtis Brown Ltd.
Box 15Add to your cart.
B-5188 Curtis Brown Ltd. – B-518 W2-1 Curtis Brown Ltd.
Box 16Add to your cart.
B-521 Brown, G. – B-600 Burns, C. Delisle
Box 17Add to your cart.
B-601 Burns, Thomas – C-72 Canterbury University College (N.Z.)
Box 18Add to your cart.
C-731 Jonathan Cape Limited (1923-1929) – C-1223 Cassell & Co. (1918-1920)
Box 19Add to your cart.
C-1224 Cassell & Co. (1921-1925) – C-155 Chaldjian, G.H.
Box 20Add to your cart.
C-1582 Chambrun (Jacques) Inc. Agency (1932-1936) – C-185 Chase, Beatrice (Olive Katherine Parr)
Box 21Add to your cart.
C-186 Chase National Bank – C-240 Churchill, Winston (American)
Box 22Add to your cart.
C-241 Churchill Club – C-330 Coit, Stanton
Box 23Add to your cart.
C-331 Coit, Adela (Mrs. Stanton) – C-3633 W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. (1933)
Box 24Add to your cart.
C-3634 W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. (1934) – C-399 Conrad, Jessie (Mrs. Joseph)
Box 25Add to your cart.
C-400 Conrad, Joseph (on Master Neg. Film-Reel 4 of 79-0229/4) – C-4435 Cosmopolis
Box 26Add to your cart.
C-444 Cosmopolitan Magazine – C-5201 Crewe House
Box 27Add to your cart.
C-5202 Crewe House – D-13 Daily Mirror
Box 28Add to your cart.
D-14 Daily News – D-86b-1 Joseph, Day & Sons
Box 29Add to your cart.
D-87 Day, George – D-152 Diaghileff, Serge
Box 30Add to your cart.
D-153 Dial, The – D-2106 Doubleday Doran & Co.
Box 31Add to your cart.
D-2107 Doubleday Doran & Co. – D-241 Duff, Lady Juliet
Box 32Add to your cart.
D-242 Duff, Ursula Grant (Mrs. Adrian Grant Duff) – D-292 Duthil, R.
Box 33Add to your cart.
D-293 Dutt, R. Palme – E-110 Erwood, Walter
Box 34Add to your cart.
E-111 Esdaile, Ernest – E-153 Exhibition of 20th Century German Art
Box 35Add to your cart.
E-154 Experimenter Publishing Co. – F-60 Finer, Harman
Box 36Add to your cart.
F-61 Finer, Mrs. Harman (Sophie) – F-160 Franklin, G.D.
Box 37Add to your cart.
F-161 Franklin Press (Tarsulat) – G-41 Garnett, Edward
Box 38Add to your cart.
G-43 Garnett, Richard – G-103 Giddings, Franklin H.
Box 39Add to your cart.
G-107 Gilbert, Bernard – G-1744 Gollancz Ltd. Victor Misc. Material
Box 40Add to your cart.
G-175 Goodchild, George – G-260 Gregory, John Walter
Box 41Add to your cart.
G-2611 Gregory, Sir Richard A. – G-317 Guedalla, Philip
Box 42Add to your cart.
G-318 Guedalla, Mrs. Philip (Nellie) – H-38 Hall, Howard J.
Box 43Add to your cart.
H-39 Hall, Julian – H-1074 Harper & Bros. Financial Material (1)
Box 44Add to your cart.
H-1075 Harper & Bros. Financial Material (2) – H-177 Hayward, F.H.
Box 45Add to your cart.
H-178 Hayward, Henry J. – H-207e W2-1 Heinemann + Zsolnay
Box 46Add to your cart.
H-209 Helle, Andre – H-279 Higgs-Walker, J.A.
Box 47Add to your cart.
H-280 Higham, C.F. – H-380 Holt, Oliver L.S.
Box 48Add to your cart.
H-381 Holt, Warren W. – H-511 Humphreys, Gordon S.
Box 49Add to your cart.
H-512 Humphreys, Jane – I-11a Incorporated Society of Authors (1896-1912)
Box 50Add to your cart.
I-11b Incorporated Society of Authors (1913-1919) – I-11 W2-3 Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights & Composers 3
Box 51Add to your cart.
I-11 W2-4 Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights & Composers 4 – I-55 Internat'l Press Service
Box 52Add to your cart.
I-57 Internat'l Student Service – J-24 Photostat (1-53) cop. 2 James, Henry
Box 53Add to your cart.
J-24 Photostat (1-53) cop. 3 James, Henry – J-106 Johnston, James
Box 54Add to your cart.
J-110 Johnstone, Harcourt – K-50 Kennard, A.
Box 55Add to your cart.
K-50e Kennard, Mrs. Allington (formerly D-66) – K-76 Keynes, Helen
Box 56Add to your cart.
K-77 Keynes, John Maynard (1st Baron) – K-170 W2-1 Kultura Konyvkiado
Box 57Add to your cart.
K-172 Kustannusosakeyhtio Kirja – L-554 Lankester, Sir (E.) Ray m.d. + 2 pamphlets
Box 58Add to your cart.
L-56 Lankester, Owen (brother of Sir Edwin Ray) – L-120 Lee, Vernon (Paget, Violet)
Box 59Add to your cart.
L-121 Lee-Oldfield, F.M. – L-2262 Literary Agency July-Sept. (1906)
Box 60Add to your cart.
L-2263 Literary Agency Oct.-Dec. (1906) – L-246 Livingstone, Adelaide
Box 61Add to your cart.
L-247 Livingstone, Sir Richard Winn – L-307 Low, Ernest W.
Box 62Add to your cart.
L-308 Low, Frances – M-13 McCarthy, Justin Huntly
Box 63Add to your cart.
M-14 McCarthy, Lillah (Lady Keeble or Mrs. H.G. Grenville Barker) – M-803 Macmillan & Co. Ltd. London
Box 64Add to your cart.
M-804 Macmillan & Co. Ltd. London – M-814 Macmillan & Co. Ltd. NYC
Box 65Add to your cart.
M-815 Macmillan & Co. Ltd. NYC – M-115 Maguire, D.L.
Box 66Add to your cart.
M-116 Maguire, T.M. – M-183 Marriage Law Reform League
Box 67Add to your cart.
M-1841 Marriott-Watson (Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brereton) to H.G. Wells – M-254 Maxwell, Henry
Box 68Add to your cart.
M-255 Maxwell, J.H. – M-3154 Methuen & Co. Ltd. Fin. Material 1
Box 69Add to your cart.
M-3155 Methuen & Co. Ltd. Fin. Material 2 – M-400 Moltens, Malcolm
Box 70Add to your cart.
M-401 Monaghan, Frank – M-505 Muspratt, Edmund
Box 71Add to your cart.
M-506 Muspratt, Eric – N-41 National Peace Council (London)
Box 72Add to your cart.
N-41 W2-1 "A New International Order" – N-105 New Yorker, The
Box 73Add to your cart.
N-106 New Zealand Broadcasting Board – N-150 Nobile, Umberto
Box 74Add to your cart.
N-151 Noel, Conrad – O-71 Osgood, Margaret (Mrs. Hamilton Osgood)
Box 75Add to your cart.
O-73 Ossietzky, Rosalinde V. – P-5 Pafford, J.H.
Box 76Add to your cart.
P-6 Page, B.S. – P-81 Paul, Elinor
Box 77Add to your cart.
P-81a W2-1 Paul Zsolnay Verlag – P-121 Penguin Books Ltd.
Box 78Add to your cart.
P-121 W2-1 Penguin – P-179N Pinero, Sir Arthur
Box 79Add to your cart.
P-179O1 Pinker, J.B. – P-179O3 Pinker, J.B.
Box 80Add to your cart.
P-179O4 Pinker, J.B. – P-206 Pollard, Alan Faraday Campbell
Box 81Add to your cart.
P-210 Pond Lyceune Bureau – P-286 Procter, George
Box 82Add to your cart.
P-287 Procter, Ronald – R-37 Rationalist Press Ass'n Literary Guide, The
Box 83Add to your cart.
R-38 Ravensdale – R-102 Reynolds News
Box 84Add to your cart.
R-103 Reynolds, Paul – R-1392 "Rights of Man"
Box 85Add to your cart.
R-1392 "Rights of Man" – R-159 Roberts, D. Kilham
Box 86Add to your cart.
R-162 Roberts, Geo. H. – R-267 Rothenstein, Sir William
Box 87Add to your cart.
R-268 Rothenstein, Lady Alice Mary – R-340a Ryman H.V., Ltd.
Box 88Add to your cart.
S-1s W2-1 S.S. Koppe & Co., Ltd. – S-66 Sawyer, E.T.
Box 89Add to your cart.
S-67 Sawyer, Philip – S-127c 1,2 Scrimgeour
Box 90Add to your cart.
S-127c (1-53) Scrimgeour, J & A to Wells, H.G. – S-169et W2-1 Seth, K.B.L.
Box 91Add to your cart.
S-171 "Seventieth Birthday" – S-200a Shearns
Box 92Add to your cart.
S-201 Sheed & Ward – S-260 Simpson, William
Box 93Add to your cart.
S-261 Simpson, William (Broadmoor) – S-359e W2-1 Société D'Éditions Littéraires & Artistiques
Box 94Add to your cart.
S-360 W2-1 Société des Gens Lettres. Gt. Britain auteurs et compositeurs dramatique – S-470 Steiger, E.
Box 95Add to your cart.
S-471 Stein, Ernest – S-561 Sunday Graphic
Box 96Add to your cart.
S-562 Sunday Pictorial – T-251 Tauchnitz, Bernhard & Albatross
Box 97Add to your cart.
T-252 Tauchnitz, Bernhard & Albatross – T-91 Thompson, Sylvia
Box 98Add to your cart.
T-93A Thompson, W.H. – T-160 Treble, H.A.
Box 99Add to your cart.
T-161 Tredegar, 1st Viscount (C.F. Evan Morgan) – T-226 Tzvetanoff, Gavril
Box 100Add to your cart.
U-1 U., M. – U-39 University Tutorial Press
Box 101Add to your cart.
U-41 Unwin, T. Fisher – V-41 Victoria and Albert Museum
Box 102Add to your cart.
V-42 Victorian Teachers' Union – W-50a Walpole Brothers Ltd.
Box 103Add to your cart.
W-51 Walsh, E.H. – W-98 Watson-Baker, W.E.
Box 104Add to your cart.
W-99A Watt, and Son, A.P. – W-99G1 Watt, and Son, A.P.
Box 105Add to your cart.
W-99G2 Watt, and Son, A.P. – W-99L Watt, and Son, A.P.
Box 106Add to your cart.
W-99M Watt, and Son, A.P. – W-99U Watt, and Son, A.P.
Box 107Add to your cart.
W-99V Watt, and Son, A.P. – W-99x Watt, and Son, A.P.
Box 108Add to your cart.
W-100 Watt, James – W-140 Weir, William. 1st Viscount
Box 109Add to your cart.
W-141 Weiss, Francis – W-171 W2-1 Wells, Francis Richard
Box 110Add to your cart.
W-172 Wells, Mrs. F.R. ("Peggy") – W-185 Wells, Joseph (Cousin)
Box 111Add to your cart.
W-186 Wells, Kate (Mrs. Arthur?) – W-216 Westhope, Richard
Box 112Add to your cart.
W-216a-1 Westminster Bank (Account Books) – W-216a-16 Westminster Bank (Account Books)
Box 113Add to your cart.
W-216a-17 Westminster Bank (Wandsworth) – W-260b Wm. Whiteley Inventory & Valuation
Box 114Add to your cart.
W-261 Whitelock, William W. – W-364 Winslow, Henry
Box 115Add to your cart.
W-365 Winslow, Henry W. – Z-6 Zangwill, Israel
Box 116Add to your cart.
Z-7 Zangwell – Z-23b Z-Publishers Royalties

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Manuscripts],
[Series 2: Picshuas (Cartoons)],
[Series 3: Correspondence to Wells],
[Series 4: Wells Letters],
[Series 5: Periodical Publications],
[Series 6: Wells Short Works],
[Series 7: Facsimiles],
[Series 8: Wells Letters to the Press],
[Series 9: Photographs],
[Series 10: Criticisms],
[Series 11: SEC-W],
[Series OS: Oversize materials],

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