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Trollope Family papers


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

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Trollope Family papers, 1830-1912 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Collection Overview

Title: Trollope Family papers, 1830-1912Add to your cart.

ID: 01/02/02/POST-1650 MS 0442

Primary Creator: Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882)

Extent: 1.0 Boxes

Subjects: Bibliography

Forms of Material: Diaries, Letters, Manuscripts, Notes, Poetry

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Letters, journals, unpublished literary works of Anthony Trollope and other members of the Trollope family.

The manuscripts include a diary, 1872; 10 letters to H. M. Trollope; 19 letters to Anthony from Cardinal Newman, Henry Taylor, etc; manucript poems; notes on reading; bibliography for and statement of principles concerning his projected (but never written) history of literature, and a packet of papers endorsed by him "The Story of the Tailor's Money" -- apparently the source for a novel plot.

Among the works of Mrs. Frances Trollope are included: Salmagundi--aliena-1834, endorsed by Anthony, My mother's lines on the burial of Lord Byron's Illegitimate Daughter, some 61 eight-line stanzas, unpublished; 34 pp. unpublished manuscript endorsed by Anthony, My mother's journal of a visit to La Grange; 54 pp. unpublished manuscript endorsed by Anthony, and the Righteous Rout by her, evidently a comedy; three shorter manuscripts and some letters.

The collection also includes letters and journals of Rose, Harry, and Thomas Adolphus Trollope, the wife, son, and brother of Anthony.

The final part of the collection is Anthony Trollope's accounts of his transactions with his son Fred, who emigrated early in life to Australia, and 26 letters from Fred (1872-1890), to Anthony, Rose, and Harry.

Biographical Note

Born the fourth of six surviving children of Thomas Anthony Trollope, a barrister and Frances (Milton) Trollope, on April 24, 1815, in London.  Had a very unhappy childhood due to poverty and debt.  Could not afford to go to university, and found employment with the Post Office from 1834 to 1867.  Married Rose Heseltine in June 1844, and had two sons, Frederick and Henry.  Died December 6, 1882, as the result of a stroke, in London.

Wrote 47 novels and five volumes of short stories, as well as travel books, biographies, and collections of sketches. His works offer an unsurpassed portrait of the professional and landed classes of Victorian England.  In his Autobiography (published posthumously in 1883) Trollope describes the self-discipline that enabled his prolific output: he would produce a given number of words per hour in the early morning, before work; he always wrote while travelling by rail or sea and as soon as he finished one novel, he began another.  His efforts resulted in him becoming one of England's most successful and popular writers.  His mother Frances was also a successful writer.

Subject/Index Terms


Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

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Box and Folder Listing

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[Box 1],

Box 1Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 1.1: Arbuthnot, L. (?) ALS to Gordon, George Huntley, 1864 March 12Add to your cart.
Note: Gordon, George died 1868-12-27 age 72
Box-Folder 1.2: Atheneum Club: Millais, J.E. (?), Pollack, W. (?) 3 ALS to Trollope, Rose Heseltine, 1882-1883Add to your cart.
Concerning a bust of Milton donated to the Atheneum by Rose Trollope.
Note: See:  Millais, J. E.? and Pollack, W.?
Box-Folder 1.3: Bennett, W.C. ALS and document to Trollope, Anthony, 1883Add to your cart.
Concerning a bust of Longfellow for Westminster Abbey.
Note: W. Bennett is probably William Cox Bennett, 1820-1895.
Box-Folder 1.4: Berthoud, Charles 2 AL to Trollope, Anthony, 1878-1879Add to your cart.
Concerning a translation into French of The Warden.
Box-Folder 1.5: Manners, John ALS and document to Trollope, Rose Heseltine, 1882Add to your cart.
Note: See: Manners-Sitton, John Henry Thomas and Manner, Lord John. Cross reference: Canterbury, John
Box-Folder 1.6: Chapman, Fred 3 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1875Add to your cart.
Note: Vertue, Jan Spren 1829-92 and See: Harding.
Box-Folder 1.7: Clemens, Jenny ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1879Add to your cart.
English teacher in East Prussia asks permission to translate "Christmas at Thompson Hall."
Box-Folder 1.8: Collins, William Lucas ALS to Mrs. Trollope, 1883Add to your cart.
Addressed to Mrs. Trollope thanking for letter and photograph.
Box-Folder 1.9: Davenport, Bromley. 2 MS, 1853Add to your cart.
2 poems: "Dream of an Old Metonian" and "Lowesby Hall".
Box-Folder 1.10: De[?], Ch. Bernard (?) ALS, 1878Add to your cart.
Making arrangements for public, of all weeks in Paris.
Box-Folder 1.11: Gordon, George Huntley (1796-1868) 5 ALS and 1 Envelope, 1863Add to your cart.
Congratulating Trollope's description of "North America".  Mentions need for increasing postage.
Box-Folder 1.12: Locker, Arthur ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1879Add to your cart.
Discusses reprinting of Thompson Hall [Christmas at Thompson Hall first published in The Graphic, Christmas number, 1876]
Box-Folder 1.13: Haliburton, W. (?) ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1854Add to your cart.
Offers letters of introduction if Anthony Trollope goes to Halifax.
Box-Folder 1.14: Harding, H. (?) 2 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1877Add to your cart.
Concerning a trust for Mrs. Fred Chapman. Authorization for Harding to convert Egyptian bonds belonging to Mrs. Fred Chapman's trust.
Box-Folder 1.15: Lethbridge, William 2 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1879Add to your cart.
Rights for translation and money belongs to AnthonyTrollope to translate "Vicar of Bellhampton".
Box-Folder 1.16: Lucas, Charles (?) ALS to Trollope, Thomas Adolphus, 1871Add to your cart.
Search for distant relative helped by checking settlement of George(?), who married a Trollope.
Box-Folder 1.17: Mallet, Bernard ALS to Austin, Alfred, 1857 June 9Add to your cart.
f100 a year to Mrs. A. Trollope. [Sealed with First Lord of the Treasury on paper].
Box-Folder 1.18: Oldham, R.S. (Richard Samuel) ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1879Add to your cart.
Concerns a proposal to write for the S.P.C.K.
Box-Folder 1.19: Oliphant, Laurence ALS plus ENV to Trollope, Anthony, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerning the moral tone of some tales published in the London Review.
Box-Folder 1.20: Robinson, [?] ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1875Add to your cart.
Act as attorney for Trollope to assume up to f7000 liability for son. Letterhead: Government House, Sydney.
Box-Folder 1.21: Royal Literary Fund: Blewitt, O. ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1877 May 29Add to your cart.
Dinner presided over by Kings of Belgians and was largest of its history.
Box-Folder 1.22: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge: McClure, Edmund & Oldham, Richard Samuel 2 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1879Add to your cart.
Anthony Trollope's proposal of having eminent writers writing a set of letters on social subjects.
Box-Folder 1.23: Spalding, Samuel ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1881Add to your cart.
Agreement to hand over Dickens documents.
Box-Folder 1.24: Taylor, Henry, Sir 2 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1868Add to your cart.
Concerning a MS. novel and poem.
Box-Folder 1.25: Ternan, W. L. ALS to Trollope, Frances Ternan, 1871 May 20Add to your cart.
Note: Frances Ternan Trollope is second wife of T. Adolphus Trollope.
Box-Folder 1.26: Thompson, H. ALS to Trollope, Anthony, undatedAdd to your cart.
Apologizing for being busy on (Feb.16.).
Box-Folder 1.27: Treumann, Bertha ALS to Trollope, Anthony, 1878Add to your cart.
Asks for permission to make a German translation of work on Sourth Africa. Asks if "Miss Mackenzie" has been translated.
Box-Folder 1.28: Trollope, Anthony, documents and letters, 1865Add to your cart.

11 Documents, 4 ENV, 4 Fragments, 1 ALS, 1 AN, 1 AL 1 Clipping, 2 MS.

Notes: Refer to 1 Diary transferred to Rose Heseltine Trollope file.

Box-Folder 1.29: Trollope, Anthony 10 ALS and 1 MS to Oldham, R.S., Spalding & Hodge, Trollope, Harry, 1846-1882Add to your cart.
The MS is a journal, July-Aug. 1872 working notes, "History of literature".
Note: See: Berthoud, Charles.
Box-Folder 1.30: Trollope, Charles ALS to Trollope, Thomas Adolphus, 1847 October 26Add to your cart.
Letter announces intended marriage of his brother John to the eldest daughter of Robert Shiffield of Lincolnshire.
Box-Folder 1.31: Trollope, Frances 2 ALS, 2 ALS copies, 4 MS, 1843-1857Add to your cart.
4 MS are Salmagundi--aliena-1834, Righteous Rout, Meeting of the Friends of Mutation and A Receipt to Make a Vulgus.
Box-Folder 1.32: Trollope, Frederick James Anthony 27 ALS and 4 documents to Trollope, Anthony, Rose, and Henry, 1872-1886Add to your cart.
4 documents are Anthony Trollope's transactions with his son Fred and a bond. 8 letters to father, Anthony, 16 letters to mom, Rose, and 2 letters to brother, Henry.
Box-Folder 1.33: Trollope, Gordon C. (Clavering) ALS to Trollope, Rose (?), 1912 March 8Add to your cart.
Appreciation for check and announcing his engagement to Mary Blacket of Sydney.
Box-Folder 1.34: Trollope, George 2 ALS to Trollope, Thomas Adolphus, 1871 May 20Add to your cart.
Genealogical information about great-grandfather Thomas Trollope.
Box-Folder 1.35: Trollope, Rose [Heseltine] 1 Document, 1 MS, 3 leather holders, 1844-1875Add to your cart.
MS is Rose Heseltine Trollope's Diary 1844-1875. Document is her passport.
Note: See: Note in Trollope, Anthony's file.
Box-Folder 1.36: Trollope, Thomas Adolphus 115 ALS to Trollope, Anthony, Harry and Rose, 1860-1892Add to your cart.
2 Letters to Anthony Trollope, 1 letter to Rose Trollope and 112 letters to nephew Harry Trollope.
Box-Folder 1.37: Trollope, Wm. Henry ALS, 1871Add to your cart.
Letter is in regard to the death of William Henry Trollope's eldest brother. Letterhead:Brickworth House, Salisbury.
Box-Folder 1.38: Trollope Family, 3 Clippings, 8 MS, 2 ENV used as wraps, 1892-1924Add to your cart.
Trollope genealogy information.
Box-Folder 1.39: Trollope Family (possibly G. F. T.) 1 ALS, undatedAdd to your cart.
Trollope family history.

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