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Collection of Marcel Proust papers


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Madame Robert Proust gathering of Marcel Proust materials (acquired through Henri Lefebvre)

Proust to Bibesco (Proust 1)

Proust and Hauser Correspondence (Proust 2 and 2A)

Proust to Grandjean, Lauris, and others (Proust 3)

Proust to Goyau, Daudet, Montesquiou-Fezensac, and others (Proust 4)

Correspondence to Proust (Proust 5)

Items by Proust (Proust 6-Proust 86)

Montesquiou-Fezensac to Proust (Montesquiou 2-6)

Correspondence from Walter Berry to Marcel Proust (Proust 87)

Additional Accruals (Proust 88-93)

Proust's milieu

Missing items and Mistakes in Kolb

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Collection of Marcel Proust papers, 1870-1950 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Collection Overview

Title: Collection of Marcel Proust papers, 1870-1950Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 01/01/MSS00045

Primary Creator: Proust, Marcel (1871-1922)

Extent: 12.0 Cubic Feet


The collection is arranged in the following series and subseries:

Series 1: Madame Robert Proust gathering of Marcel Proust materials (acquired through Henri Lefebvre)

Series 2: Proust to Bibesco (Proust 1)

Series 3: Proust and Hauser Correspondence (Proust 2 and 2A)

-Subseries 1: LH (Hauser to Proust--Proust 2)

-Subseries 2: Hauser (Proust to Hauser--Proust 2A)

Series 4: Proust to Grandjean, Lauris, and others (Proust 3)

Series 5: Proust to Goyau, Daudet, Montesquiou-Fezensac, and others (Proust 4)

Series 6: Correspondence to Proust (Proust 5)

Series 7: Items by Proust (Proust 6-Proust 86)

Series 8: Montesquiou-Fezensac to Proust (Montesquiou 2-6)

Series 9: Correspondence from Walter Berry to Marcel Proust (Proust 87)

Series 10: Additional Accruals (Proust 88-93)

-Subseries 1: Correspondence with Blanche, Daudet, Dreyfus, Lemaire, and Schiff to Marcel Proust (Proust 88-92)

-Subseries 2: September 2013 accrual (Proust 93)

Series 11: Proust's milieu

-Subseries 1: Jacques Brehant and Amelie Bessiere

-Subseries 2: Friends and acquaintances writing for newspapers

-Subseries 3: Comtesse Greffulhe

-Subseries 4: George Boyer

-Subseries 5: Mary Wooster

-Subseries 6: Francois Selz collection of Leon Pierre-Quint and Henri de Montherlant

-Subseries 7: Pierre-Quint manuscripts

-Subseries 8: Fragiles

-Subseries 9: Daudet family

Languages: French

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Papers of the French novelist Marcel Proust provides a look at the man and his times. Proust had a large and varied number of correspondents, and his letters include an important source of information about Parisian life and French culture at the turn of the century. Includes published and unpublished manuscripts, documents and letters about the Dreyfus Affair, John Ruskin, and the nature and function of literary criticism.

Biographical Note

Born July 10, 1871 in Auteuil, France, a suburb of Paris, to wealthy parents Dr. Adrien Proust and Jeanne Weil. A nervous and frail child, he suffered from severe asthma.  He completed one year of military service, then studied law and philosophy.  He published his first works, Portraits de Peintres and Plaisirs et les Jours, in 1896. Proust's unpublished works from this period, Jean Santeuil and Contre Sainte-Beuve, were discovered in the 1950s.

His earliest love affairs, which had been heterosexual, changed later into homosexual affairs.  To the age of 35 Proust lived the life of a social climber in the Paris salons, although he worked for a short time as a lawyer and was also active in the Dreyfuss affair.

During 1899 he became interested in the works of the English critic John Ruskin (1819-1900), and after Ruskin's death the next year, Proust published an article that established him as a Ruskin scholar. Proust wrote several more articles on Ruskin, and with the help of an English-speaking friend, Marie Nordlinger, and his mother, Proust translated into French Ruskin's The Bible of Amiens (1904) and Sesame and Lilies (1906).

When Proust's father died in 1903 and his mother in 1905, he withdrew gradually from society, living in a sound-proof apartment and devoting himself chiefly to writing and introspection. In 1913 Proust published the first of his seven part major work, A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past). The second volume appeared in 1919 and won the Goncourt Prize, and the next parts made him internationally famous.  He worked on his novel from 1909 until the end of life.

Died November 18, 1922 in Paris, France of bronchitis and pneumonia, contracted after a series of asthma attacks.  The final volumes of his novel appeared under the direction of his brother Robert.

In his own lifetime, the merit of Proust's novel was debated by those who perceived its brilliance and those who claimed it was unreadable. Today it is recognized as one of the major literary works of the Western canon.

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

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Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Madame Robert Proust gathering of Marcel Proust materials (acquired through Henri Lefebvre)],
[Series 2: Proust to Bibesco (Proust 1)],
[Series 3: Proust and Hauser Correspondence (Proust 2 and 2A)],
[Series 4: Proust to Grandjean, Lauris, and others (Proust 3)],
[Series 5: Proust to Goyau, Daudet, Montesquiou-Fezensac, and others (Proust 4)],
[Series 6: Correspondence to Proust (Proust 5)],
[Series 7: Items by Proust (Proust 6-Proust 86)],
[Series 8: Montesquiou-Fezensac to Proust (Montesquiou 2-6)],
[Series 9: Correspondence from Walter Berry to Marcel Proust (Proust 87)],
[Series 10: Additional Accruals (Proust 88-93)],
[Series 11: Proust's milieu],
[[information restricted]],

Series 9: Correspondence from Walter Berry to Marcel Proust (Proust 87)Add to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 46Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-001: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 26 July 1916Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "26 Juillet [1916]"


First line: "La trouvaille des Armes des Guermantes dans la poussiere du vieux magasin avait fait surgir la vision du volume si longtemps attendu..." Written from: [Paris] 14, Rue Saint-Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 738, n. 403 app.
Physical Description: 1 1/2 pages
Folder 48Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-003: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 16 January 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Jeudi soir, 16 Jan[vier 1919]"


First line: "Vous savez, dear friend, que la Princesse est revenue bredouille de cette banque de brigands. Elle m'a telephone, et nous sommes d'accord (elle et moi) qu'il n'y a plus rien a faire a l'amiable..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 43, n. 6
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 49Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-004: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 22 January 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 22 Jan[vier] 1919"


First line: "Je reçois a l'instant votre lettre que l'on m'apporte de chez moi, et comme je dois partir dans quelques minutes pour une reunion je vous ecrit cinematographiquement..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 55, n. 11
Physical Description: 3 pages
Folder 50Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-005: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 20 February 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "20 Fevrier 1919"


First line: "Me voici rentre de Tours ou j'ai du aller pour des affaires americaines. Mais vous avez la Folie des Grandeurs, - pour moi ! Je me vois un jour au Pantheon !..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 116, n. 38
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 51Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-006: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 5 March 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "5 mars 1919"


First line: "Pour «un instant»? C'est meme trop ! Je vous renvoie l'epreuve a la hate, car mon quatrain me fait rougir, non seulement d'orgueil mais de pudeur..." Written from: [Paris] 14, rue St. Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 129, n. 47
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 52Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-007: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 25 May 1919Add to your cart.

Date on letter estimated as "[Le 25 mai 1919]"

Autograph postcard signed

First line: "Dine a Carthage ce soir, mais sans aucun Serpent. Les Zaïmph ne se trouvent plus qu'au rayon des voiles au Bon Marche..." Written from: [Tunis]

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 235, n. 104
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 53Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-008: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 7 June 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "7 Juin [1919]"


First line: "Vous m'avez fait bien mal. Hier soir j'ai lu vos incomparables pages, - qui ont ravive tous mes souvenirs douloureux, - car j'ai vecu tout cela, jusqu'a la derniere ligne, - mais ma plaie n'est pas fermee..." Written from: [Paris] 14 rue St Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 255, n. 115
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 54Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-009: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 10 June 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "10 Juin [1919]"


First line: "Pas l'ombre d'un taxi, hier soir. J'ai erre par les rues jusqu'a la Seine, - mais rien, nulle part. C'est l'arret complet de tout. Pour moi aussi, rien ne marche..." Written from: [Paris] 14 r. St Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 257, n. 117
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 55Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-010: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 14 or 15 June 1919Add to your cart.

Date on letter estimated as "[Le 14 ou le 15 juin 1919]"


First line: "Je me suis esquive de mon diner Jeudi (avec quelle joie, car c'etait d'un assom[m]ant !) pour courir au Ritz, ou, helas ! un des garçons me communiqua votre coup de telephone. J'en fus desole..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 261, n. 120
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 56Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-011: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 23 June 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "23 juin 1919"


First line: "Je reviens de Tours, et, ravi, je trouve votre livre, - ou plutot mon livre. J'ai lu la preface, et je n'ai presque pas ose lire plus avant -" Written from: [Paris] 14, Rue Saint-Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 275, n. 135
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 57Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-012: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 8 July 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Mardi 8 juillet [1919]"


First line: "Votre lettre et le precieux Envoi m'arrivent a l'instant. Vous etes dear pour moi (comme le dirait Odette) et cela me touche au coeur. J'ai hate de vous voir pour vous dire combien..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 315, n. 166
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 58Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-013: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 16 August 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "16 aout [1919]"


First line: "C'est comme cela que vous noctambulez ! Cinq heures du matin au Bois ! On dirait Swann, apres la Maison Doree, pour boire du lait. Un peu plus et nous nous croisions..." Written from: [Paris] 14, Rue Saint-Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 376, n. 210
Physical Description: 1 1/4 pages
Folder 59Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-014: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 8 November 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "8 Novembre 1919"


First line: "Tres malade ? C'est navrant. Cela m'inquiete et cela me fait de la peine. Et pour sur, etant donne le Docteur Cottard, personne ne vous soigne ; et Celeste ne peut pas valoir Françoise." Written from: [Paris] 14, rue St. Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 461, n. 265
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 60Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-015: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 14 November 1919Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "14 Nov[embre 1919]"


First line: "Les agents de change americains a Paris ne paraissent pas tres eclaires. Je reçois seulement ce matin une lettre de l'un deux - auquel j'avais telephone la semaine derniere..." Written from: [Paris] 14, Rue Saint-Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XVIII, p. 473, n. 271
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 61Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-016: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 5 April 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Lundi soir [5 avril 1920]"


First line: "Quelle guigne noire ! C'est la premiere fois que je dine en ville depuis une semaine. Ces choses-la n'arrivent qu'a moi..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 191, n. 81
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 62Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-017: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 18 April 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Dimanche 18 avril [1920]"


First line: "La guigne me poursuit toujours, a la grecque. Je regrette tant ma soiree perdue. Cela m'aurait fait tellement plaisir de vous revoir apres tous ces longs mois..." Written from: [Paris] 14, rue Saint-Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 221, n. 97
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 63Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-018: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 23 July 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 23 Juillet [1920]"


First line: "Je rentre de Londres, ou j'ai ete passer une dizaine de jours, et je trouve vos Trois Points d'Interrogation. Quant au N° I, combien vous etes toujours gentil au sujet de mes petits Speech !..." Written from: [Paris] 14 rue St. Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 368, n. 173
Physical Description: 1 1/2 pages
Folder 64Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-019: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 23 August 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 23 Aout 1920"


First line: "Avant de partir pour la Roumanie (en auto, 120 a l'heure) la Princesse Bibesco m'a prie de vous transmettre cette lettre, ecrite par le jeune Asquith..."

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 412, n. 200
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 65Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-020: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 3 October 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "3 Oct[obre] 1920"


First line: "Ayant du m'absenter pendant quelques jours, a ma rentree j'apprends que le Gouvernement s'est honore en decorant deux grands français, - le seul vrai romancier moderne et l'inventeur de la telegraphie sans fil, Branly." Written from: [Paris] 14 rue St Guillaume

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 505, n. 259
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 66Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-021: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 13 October 1920Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "13 Oct[obre 1920]"


First line: "Votre lettre m'a fait tant de plaisir, - et de la peine aussi. C'est navrant de penser que vous avez ete encore tres-souffrant." Written from: AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN FRANCE 32, Rue Taitbout, Paris (XIe)

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XIX, p. 526, n. 276
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 67Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-022: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 2 May 1921Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 2 Mai [1921]"


First line: "Mais non, cher Ami, je ne le savais pas. Je vous savais malade, oui, mais je croyais que c'etait le vieux mal qui vous tourmente toujours, qui vous lancine mais qui vous oublie quelquefois..." Written from: [Paris] 53, Rue de Varennes

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XX, p. 237, n. 124
Physical Description: 2 pages
Folder 68Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-023: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 6 July 1921Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "6 Juillet 1921"


First line: "Notre banquet, quoique succes (on est assez aimable pour me le dire) a tout de meme ete un four, car il y regnait une chaleur egyptienne..." Written from: [Paris] 53 Rue de Varenne

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XX, p. 385, n. 218
Physical Description: 2 pages
Folder 69Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-024: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 13 December 1921Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "13 Dec[embre] 1921"


First line: "Helas ! oui, qu'il y a loin de ces jours heureux quand on se voyait et revoyait sous le sourire d'Olivier le Prevenant (jamais vous ne voulutes diner chez moi a cause de l'escalier : aujourd'hui mon ascenseur vous tend ses portes)" Written from: [Paris] 53 Rue de Varenne

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XX, p. 582, n. 339
Physical Description: 3 pages
Folder 70Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-025: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 1 June 1922Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "1 Juin 1922"


First line: "Quelle lettre exquise, cher ami, et que vous etes bon pour ces pauvres gestes deja tombees dans le trou noir..." Written from: [Paris] 53 Rue de Varenne

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XXI, p. 242, n. 172
Physical Description: 2 pages
Folder 71Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-026: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 10 June 1922Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "10 Juin [1922]"


First line: "Helas, il n'y a rien a faire. Madame B. est intransigible. Elle m'a donne rendez-vous pour cet apres-midi et je suis reste une heure avec elle..." Written from: [Paris] 53 Rue de Varenne

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XXI, p. 255, n. 184
Physical Description: 3 pages
Folder 72Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-027: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 16 June 1922Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 16 Juin, 1922"


First line: "Fidele a une tradition qui remonte a sa fondation, la Chambre de Commerce Americaine en France s'apprete a celebrer l'anniversaire de la proclamation de l'Independance des etats-Unis..." Written from: American Chamber of Commerce in France 32, rue Taitbout Paris (IXe)

Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XXI, p. 283, n. 204
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 73Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-028: Berry, Walter to Proust, Robert, 1 August 1923Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "1 Aout 1923"


First line: "Je rentre a Paris apres une absence de quelques jours et je trouve votre mot et le 'Defile de Sacristie', que j'ai lu avec les memes sensations que la lecture des pages de Marcel me donne toujours?" Written from: 53 Rue de Varenne

Creator: Berry, Walter
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 74Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-029: Berry, Walter to Proust, Robert, 24 March 1924Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "24 mars 1924"


First line: "Je rentre a Paris apres un sejour de quelques mois aux Etats Unis, et je trouve la Prisonniere, 'en souvenir de Marcel'." Written from: 53 Rue de Varenne

Creator: Berry, Walter
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 75Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-030: Berry, Walter to Proust, Robert, 1 April 1924Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "le 1 Avril 1924"


First line: "Apres quelques jours d'absence je rentre chez moi et je trouve Marcel,-- comme je le trouvais si souvent jadis?" Written from: 53 Rue de Varenne

Creator: Berry, Walter
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 76Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-031: Berry, Walter to Proust, Robert, 16 January 1926Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Le 16 Jan. 1926"


First line: "Les deux beaux volumes m'ont serre le coeur, car je voyais Marcel me les apportant, mais cela me reconforte de penser qu'ils viennent de vous." Written from: 53 Rue de Varenne

Creator: Berry, Walter
Physical Description: 1 page
Folder 77Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-032: Berry, Walter to Proust, Robert, May 1937Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "Fleurus 05.37"


First line: "La Princesse Bibesco voudrait publier, comme preface a une nouvelle edition de les 'Huit Paradis', une lettre de Marcel qu'il lui ecrivit il y a quelques annees quand le livre parut. " Written from: 53 Rue de Varenne

Creator: Berry, Walter
Physical Description: 1 page
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 149Add to your cart.
Item Proust 87-002: Berry, Walter to Proust, Marcel, 13 November 1916Add to your cart.

Dated on letter "13 Novembre [1916]"


Written on item Lefebvre 149, letter from Scheikevitch, Marie, Mme Pierre Carolus-Duran, puis Mme Jacques Vial to Proust, Marcel. 12 novembre 1916.

First line: "C'est une lettre inedite de Ruskin comparant la France et l'Italie, parlant des cathedrales françaises, et de bien d'autres choses encore..." Written from: [Paris] 14, rue St. Guillaume

Creator: Berry, Walter
Originals or Copies Note: Published in Kolb: XV, p. 328, n. 150
Physical Description: 1pages

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Madame Robert Proust gathering of Marcel Proust materials (acquired through Henri Lefebvre)],
[Series 2: Proust to Bibesco (Proust 1)],
[Series 3: Proust and Hauser Correspondence (Proust 2 and 2A)],
[Series 4: Proust to Grandjean, Lauris, and others (Proust 3)],
[Series 5: Proust to Goyau, Daudet, Montesquiou-Fezensac, and others (Proust 4)],
[Series 6: Correspondence to Proust (Proust 5)],
[Series 7: Items by Proust (Proust 6-Proust 86)],
[Series 8: Montesquiou-Fezensac to Proust (Montesquiou 2-6)],
[Series 9: Correspondence from Walter Berry to Marcel Proust (Proust 87)],
[Series 10: Additional Accruals (Proust 88-93)],
[Series 11: Proust's milieu],
[[information restricted]],

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