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Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence (Series 1)


Scope and Contents

Detailed Description

Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 1-36)

Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 37-74)

Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 75-112)

Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 113-150)

Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 151-184)

Permissions Requests

Third-Party Correspondence

Empty Envelopes

Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 204-219)

Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 220-236)

Contact us about this collection

Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence (Series 1), 1938, 1943-2002 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Collection Overview

Title: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence (Series 1), 1938, 1943-2002Add to your cart.

ID: 01/01/MSS00086a

Primary Creator: Brooks, Gwendolyn (1917-2000)

Extent: 94.4 Cubic Feet


Series 1: Correspondence

Sub-series 1: Alphabetical Correspondence (1.1-1.5)

Sub-series 2: Permissions Requests

Sub-series 3: Third-party Correspondence

Sub-series 4: Empty Envelopes

Sub-series 5: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (5.1-5.2)

Forms of Material: Poets, American - 20th century - Correspondence

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) was an American poet and educator born in Topeka, Kansas and raised on the South Side of Chicago. In 1950, Brooks was the first Black person to win a Pulitzer Prize in any category, receiving the award in Poetry for Annie Allen (1949). At the core of this book is "The Anniad," an epic poem that details the life of a young woman in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood. Brooks was a beloved mentor to many poets and artists from the Black Arts movement, and started the Illinois Poet Laureate Awards to encourage poetry writing amongst young people. During her life, Brooks received numerous accolades for her work, including her appointment as Poet Laureate of Illinois in 1968 and Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress (now the Poet Laureate of the United States) in 1985.

This temporary record only contains collection content for the first series of the Gwendolyn Brooks Collection (MSS00086). Series 1 was separated from the rest of the collection and subseries 1 and 5 were sectioned into smaller groupings in an attempt to improve load times. Click "Arrangement" for the intellectual arrangement of Series 1. For additional series, click here.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Sub-series:

[Sub-series 1.1: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 1-36)],
[Sub-series 1.2: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 37-74)],
[Sub-series 1.3: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 75-112)],
[Sub-series 1.4: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 113-150)],
[Sub-series 1.5: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 151-184)],
[Sub-series 2: Permissions Requests],
[Sub-series 3: Third-Party Correspondence],
[Sub-series 4: Empty Envelopes],
[Sub-series 5.1: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 204-219)],
[Sub-series 5.2: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 220-236)],

Sub-series 1.5: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 151-184)Add to your cart.
Box 151Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Sodowsky, Kay, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Sohn, Katherine, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Sojka, Gary A., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Solbert, Ronni, 1956Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Solid, Alan, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Solotaroff, Theodore, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Solti, Georg, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Somerville, Donald A., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Sommers, Stephanie, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Sondel, Bess, 1964-1967Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Sonnenberg, Matthew M., 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Sonnenschein, Hugo (University of Chicago), 1996, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Sorby, Angela, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Sorkin, Jenni, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 15: SOS Children’s Village Illinois, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 16: South Side Community Art Center (Chicago), 1976, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 17-19: Southerland, Ellease, 1982-1994, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Southern, Hugh, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 1983, 1993-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Southwest Review, 1997-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Sovern, Michael I., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Spahr-Summers, Jeffrey, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Spanel, Amy, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Speaks, Almeta, 1982-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Specialty Gifts Unlimited, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 29: Spector, Leslie S., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Speight, Eva B., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Spelius, Carol, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Speller, Benjamin F., Jr., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Spence, John D., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Spencer, Donald S., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Spencer, Mattie Dorsey, 1979, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Spencer, Rochelle, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Spier, Paula, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Spiesman, Harriet, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Spillers, Hortense J., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Spires, Hattie M., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Sponberg, Arvid F., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Sports Illustrated, 1994?Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Sprayberry, Sandra, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Springer, Mary Doyle, 1951, 1962, 1976, 1993, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 45-46: Springston, Marleen, 1994-1996Add to your cart.
Box 152Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Sprudzs, Rita, 1995-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Spurlock-Evans, Karla, 1985, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Squire, James R., 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Squires, James D., 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Stadler, Linda, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Stafford, Bill, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Stafford, Jeannette, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Stahl, J.D., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Staker, Kathryn L., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Stallcup, Jamie L., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Stallings, Kimberleigh L., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Stalzer, David, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Stamps, Spurgeon M., Jr., 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Standford, Dion, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Stanford, Ann Folwell, 1989-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Stansell, Kelly, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Stanton, Marilyn, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Star, Jack, 1981?, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Star, Natalie, 1980-1981Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Stark, Georgia, 1983, 1994, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 21: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Statsinger, Evelyn, 1964Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Stavros, George, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 24: St. Bernardine Elementary School (Forest Park, IL), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 25: St. Clotilde School (Chicago), 1992-1993, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 26: St. Cloud State University. Minority Cultural Center, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Stedner, Stephanie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 28-30: Steed, Linda Wipior, 1982-1985, 1991-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Steel, Eric, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Steele, Paul Curry, 1978?Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Steele, Terry, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Steely, Ruth, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Steering Committee for the Pan-African Alliance and Collective, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Stefanak, Margaret M., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Stein, Nicholas, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Steinberg, Dianne, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Steinberg, Gillian, 1992-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Steinberg, Harold, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Steinhardt, Edward, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Stepanchev, Stephen, 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Stephens, Arthur, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44: Stephens College, 1964?Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Stephenson, Helen A., 1987Add to your cart.
Box 153Add to your cart.
Folder 1-3: Steptoe, Lamont B., 1985-1991, 1995-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Stermole, Stacie Patrice, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Stern, Christopher, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Stern, David, 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Stern, W.G., 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Stetson, Erlene, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Stevener, Mary Anne, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Stevens, Hugh, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Stevenson, Adlai E., III, 1968, 1982-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Stevenson, Dan, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Stevenson, Henrietta R., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 14-15: Steward, Martha, 1993-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16: Stewart, Beatrice, 1979, 1982, 1987, 1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Stewart, Darrell Wayne, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Stewart, Donald M., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Stewart, Elizabeth, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Stewart, Elliott B., 1975-1979Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Stewart, Eugene, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Stewart, Joffre, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Stewart, Robert, 1992, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Stewart, Sheron, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Stewart, Susan, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Stewart, Terri, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Stewart, Tia Lynn, 1992, 1995, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Stewart, Toni, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Stewart, Tyson LaMonte, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 30: Stigall, John, 1978-1979, 1983-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Still, Dyshell, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Still, Gloria, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Stillerman, Frieda, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Stinchcomb, Bill, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Stinespring, Marjorie Moretz, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Stitt, Peter A., 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 37: St. James, Ethelynn, 1976Add to your cart.
Box 154Add to your cart.
Folder 1-11: St. John, Eleanor, 1975, 1982-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: St. Leonard’s House (Chicago), 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 13: St. Mark’s Church-In-The-Bowery (New York). Poetry Project, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Stock, Ann, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Stocking, Marion K., 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Stodsky, Bernard, 1978Add to your cart.
Box 155Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Stokes, Diane, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Stokes, Gloria, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Stokes-Lucas, Donna, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Stone, Alan J., 1987?Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Stone, Bill, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Stone, Chuck, 1971-1972Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Stone, Dennis, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Stone, Esther Grady, 1985-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Stone, Jean, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Stone, Louise D., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Stone, Roy, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Stone, Susan, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Stone-Littles, Corliss, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Stones, Rosemary, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Storey, Gail, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Story Line Press, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Story, Ralph, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Stovall, Peggy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Stover, Ernestine, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Strand, Betsy, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Strandness, Jean, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Strassmaier, Karla, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Street, Maguinez, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Street, Walter D., III, 1981, 1991, 1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Strening, Michael, Jr., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Streznewski, Marylou K., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Strickland, Georgiana W., 1988-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Strickland, Lena M., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Strickland, Ron, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 30-31: Strider, Robert E.L., 1977-1978Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Strieter, Doris E., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Strifert, Patrice L., 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Stroblas, Laurie, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Stroman, Nicole Angelique, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 36-38: Stroman, Prilla, 1976, 1983, 1987-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 39: Strong, Phillip, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 40: Strother, Terry, 1994-1996, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Struck, Richard C., 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Struthers, Ann, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Stryk, Lucien, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Stuckey, Sterling, 1962, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Stuckey, W.J., 1970Add to your cart.
Box 156Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Sturdivant, James and Barbara, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Studs Terkel Toast Planning Committee, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Stutzman, Frances T., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Suarez, Rick, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Suazo, Charmaine, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Subach, Karen, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Sudarkasa, Niara, 1980, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Suggs, Kashmir, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Suggs, Kimberlee, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Suiggins, Pat, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Suleiman, Abu Jamil, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Sullivan, Akiba, 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Sullivan, Anne D., 1985-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Sullivan, Charles, 1988, 1993-1994, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Sullivan, Ellen, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Sullivan, Janice, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 17-18: Sullivan, John C., 1986-1993, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Sullivan, John E., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Sullivan, Mary Ann, 1983-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Sullivan, Matthew, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Sullivan, May M., 1970, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Sullivan, Melissa, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Sullivan, William J., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Sulmers, Mary N., 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Summers, Art, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Summers, Barbara, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Summers, Steve, 1982-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Summerville, Renee, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Sumner, Kelly, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Sundquist, Eric S., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Surianarayanan, R., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Sutter, Don E., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Sutton, David B., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Sutton, Dorothy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 36: Sutton, Irma L., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 37: Sutton, William A., 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Sutton, Wilma J., 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Swain, August N., 1984, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Swanberg, Christine, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Swanson, Chuck, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Swanson, Harriet A., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Swartwout, Susan, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Swartz, Eldon L., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 45: Swearingen, Paul, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Sweeney, Francis, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Swing, Gael D., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Swink, Phyllis, 1992-1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 49: Swygert, H. Patrick, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Sydnor, Michael, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Sykes, Elwin, 1982-1983, 1990, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Symlar, J., 1988, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Szewczyk, Michael, 2000Add to your cart.
Box 157Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Tabaj, Leonard F., 1990-1991?Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Tabar, Margaret, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3-6: Tagliabue, John, 1978-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Taglienti, Josie, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tague, William H., 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Takanni, Cynthia, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Takano, Akiko, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Talarico, Ross, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Talcott, Margaret, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Taliaferro, Barbara, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Talley, Dorene, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Tamas, Michael, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Tammaro, Thom, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Tannenbaum, Janey, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Tanner, Lonni, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Tanselle, G. Thomas, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Tansky, Burton M., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Tapella, Bill, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Tapp, Gracie, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Tapper, Ethel W., 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 24-30: Targ, Roslyn, 1970-1975, 1982, 1985Add to your cart.
Box 158Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Targ, Roslyn, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 2-3: Targ, William, 1964-1970, 1979-1982, 1987, 1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Tarlin, Sandra, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Tarpley, Natasha, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Tarr, Rodger, 1998-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Tart, Indrek, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tate, Claude, Jr., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Tate, Claudia, 1978, 1982, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Tate, Desiree, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Tate, Eleanora E., 1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Tatum, Beverly A., 1995-1997Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Tavares, Robin, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Tavern Club (Chicago), 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Tayloe, Delilah, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Taylor, Andrea, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Taylor, Anita, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Taylor, Arthur D., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Taylor, Bryant, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Taylor, Clarence, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Taylor, Della Brown, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Taylor, Dewana T., 1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 23-25: Taylor, Henry S., 1986-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Taylor, James, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Taylor, Leon, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Taylor, Margaret, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Taylor, Mary Ruth, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Taylor, Merrily E., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Taylor, Nathaniel, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Taylor, Patricia, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Taylor, Richard, 1995-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Taylor, Rockie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 35: Taylor, Sandy, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Taylor, Susan L., 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Taylor, Tom, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Taylor-Meade, Aliesha, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Tayson, Richard, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Teague, William J., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 42: T.E.A.M. (The Early Adolescence Magazine), 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Teglas, S.C., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Teichman, Nancy, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Teitelbaum, Mike, 1998Add to your cart.
Box 159Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Telingator, Kathe, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Temple, Cheryl, 1988-1992, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Temple University. Department of African American Studies Graduate Student Union, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Templeton, Robert E., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Terkel, Ida, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Terkel, Studs, 1976, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Terman, Philip, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Termini, Kyra, 1982, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Termini, Susan, 1982, 1988, 1991, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Terra Museum of American Art (Chicago), 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Terrell, C.F., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Terrell, Lloyd P., 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Terrell, Mable J., 1986, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Terrell, Valerie, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Terry, Charlie, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Terry, Marshall, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Terry, Regina, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Tetich, Laura, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Thadani, Pia, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Thames, Terry, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Thams, Helen, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Tharp, Paul, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Thayne, Emma Lou, 1991, 1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Theodore, Winnie M., 1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Thiers, Naomi, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 26-28: Third World Press, 1977-1978, 1991, 1996-2001, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 28 contains a sealed envelope as well as an envelope that was previously sealed and opened by the archivist in 12/23.
Folder 29: Third World Student Alliance, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 30: Thoma, Jim, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Thomas, Ada H., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 32: Thomas, Alice, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 33: Thomas, Barbara, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Thomas, Charles, 1984-1985, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 35: Thomas, Dorothy A., 1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 36: Thomas, Jacquelyn H., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Thomas, Janice, 1978?-1979Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Thomas, Jocelyn, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Thomas, Karen, 1989Add to your cart.
Box 160Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Thomas, M.S., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Thomas, Mair, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Thomas, Michelle A., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Thomas, Renée A., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Thomas, Richard, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Thomas, Roger, 2001Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Thomas, Sam, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Thomas, Yochebed, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Thomas, Yvonne, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Thompson, Anthony, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Thompson, Cliff, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Thompson, Dawn, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Thompson, E. Duane, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Thompson, Emma Jean, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Thompson, Era Bell, 1975, 1980-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Thompson, Garland, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Thompson, Hugh L., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Thompson, Jael, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Thompson, James R., 1979, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Thompson, Joan, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 21-22: Thompson, Julius E., 1991, 1997-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Thompson, Lamont V., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Thompson, Lawrence S., 1963Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Thompson, Leone B., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Thompson, Lewis L., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 27: Thompson, Melanie, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Thompson, Michael S., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Thompson, Robert Farris, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Thompson, Roderick, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Thompson, Tom, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Thompson, Tonya, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Thompson, Walter E., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Thon, Melanie Rae, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 35: Thorburn, Alex, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Thornburg, Marie Dora, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Thornburgh, Daniel E., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Thorne, Kirsten Ann, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Thorpe, Jessica, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Thurman, Jerrylove, 1992-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Tieber, Linda, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Tiernan, D., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Tiger, Madeline, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Tilford, Doris, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 45: Tillis, Frederick C., 1998-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Tillman, Brenda, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Timar, Dolores, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Tingley, Tyler C., 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Tinley, Thomas, 1995-1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 50: Tippett, Horace A., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Tisdale, Celes, 1973, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Tisdale, Edward, 1983-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Tittle, George, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Tittle, Jean, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 55: Titus, Idelle, 1975, 1981, 1983Add to your cart.
Box 161Add to your cart.
Folder 1-3: Titus, Idelle, 1985-1987, 1991-1993, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Toboni, Heidi, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Todd, Johanne, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Todd, Thomas N., 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Tokarewich, Deb, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tokizane, Sanae, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Tolbert, James C., Jr., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Toles, Edward, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Tollifson, Dorothy A., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Tolliver, Audrey, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Tolson, Melvin B., 1950?Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Tomaras, Harry, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Tommeraasen, Miles, 1980-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Toney-Sanders, Norma, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Tonkin, Humphrey, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Torrence-Thompson, Juanita, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Torres, Brenda, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Tortorelli, Joseph A., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 21: The Touchstone Center (New York), 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Touster, Eva, 2000?Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Toutloff, Ivy, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Town & Country Charge, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Town, Kathy, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Towns, Sandra, 1972-1973, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Townsend, Audarshia, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Townsend, Laura, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Toyer, Iris J., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Tozzi, Elaine, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 31-32: Traina, Richard, 1987, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Trainor, E.P., 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Tran, Angela, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Tran, Dean (Macmillan Library Reference USA), 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Transtrum, Pamela, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 36a: Traudt, Claudia (University of Chicago. Center for Continuing Studies), 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Trauman, Ryan, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Travis, Alphonzo, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Travis, Artie, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Travis, Marguerite, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Traylor, Eleanor W., 1995-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Treadwell, David M., 1993-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 43-45: Treffman, Stephen A., 1999-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 46: Trescott, Jacqueline, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Trent, R., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Trezza, Margarita, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Trice, Susan, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Trilling, Marybeth, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 51: Trinity College, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Triplett, Shirlen, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 53: TriQuarterly, 1987, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 54-55: Troncale, Joe, 1986-1987, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Trost, Linda J., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 57: Trotter, Bill, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Troy, Sylvia, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 59-60: Truitt, Joan, 1966-1967Add to your cart.
Box 162Add to your cart.
Folder 1-6: Trutter, John, 1964, 1997-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Tucker, Mike, 1985, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tucker, Sally, 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Tunberg, Jacqueline, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Turco, Lewis, 1989, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11-13: Turcotte, Mark, 1994-1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Turczyn, Jane, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Turnbaugh, Douglas Blair, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Turner, Alberta, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Turner, Betty A., 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Turner, Doris, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Turner, Glennette, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 20-23: Turner, James E., 1984-1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Turner, Marcia L., 1984-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 25-26: Turner, Morrie, 1983-1984, 1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 27: Turner, Nancy, 1984, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Turner, Phyllis T., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Turner, Tamyra, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Turner-Barnes, Sandra, 1999-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Turner, Valerie Jean, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Turow, Scott, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 33-36: Tuthill, Stacy E., 1986, 1996-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 37: Tweedy, Oliver A., 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Twenty-First Century Foundation, 1981?Add to your cart.
Folder 39: T.W.I.G. Day Camp, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Tyson, Alan, 1983, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 41-42: Uddoh, Christopher, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Ude, Chi, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Uhlmann, Nancy, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Ulijasz, Pamela C., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Ullrich, Mary F., 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Union Church (Hinsdale, IL), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 48-49: United Credit Union, 1992-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 163Add to your cart.
Folder 1: United Negro College Fund, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 2: United Republic of Tanzania. Embassy (U.S.), 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 3: United States. Department of Education, 1999?Add to your cart.
Folder 4: United States. General Services Administration, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: United States. Government Printing Office, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 6: United States Postal Service (USPS), 1976, 1985-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 7: United States. Presidential Inaugural Committee, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 8: United States. Senate Page School, 1986?Add to your cart.
Folder 9: United States. Social Security Administration, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: University of California, Berkley, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 10a: University of California, Berkeley Extension, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 11: University of Central Oklahoma, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12-13: University of Chicago, 1966, 1987, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 14: University of Chicago. Association of Friends, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 15: University of Chicago. Friends Fund, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 16: University of Chicago Press, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 16a: University of Chicago. Student Teachers, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 17: University of Houston. Law Center, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 18: University of Illinois at Chicago, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 19: University of Illinois at Springfield, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 20: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Afro-American Studies and Research Program, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 21: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. English Department, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 22: University of Illinois Press (Champaign-Urbana), 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 23: University of Iowa. International Writing Program, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 24: University of Kentucky, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 25: University of Michigan. School of Library Science, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 26: University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 27: University of Pennsylvania, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 28: University of Pittsburgh Press, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 29: University of Vermont, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 30: University of Wisconsin, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 31: University of Wisconsin Library, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 32: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 32a: University Press of Mississippi, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Unsworth, Tim, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Untermeyer, Ethel, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Upchurch, David, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 36-37: Urban Gateways, 1994-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Urban Voices, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Urch, Gloria, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Urgo, Laura, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Uribe, Laurina E., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Uschuk, Pamela, 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Usherwood, Andrea, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44: Usherwood, Ron, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 45: U.S. News & World Report, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 46: Utamu, Imani, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Utgaard, Tor J., 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Utley, Frayn, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 49: U Travel Hyde Park, Inc., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 50: Vaccarella, Cristina, 2001Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Vague, Richard W., 1995?Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Vahey, Laura L., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Vale, Lawrence J., 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Valenstein, Rose, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Valkanas, Alene, 1988, 1990Add to your cart.
Box 164Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Vallas, Paul, 1997, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Vallely, Jack, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Van Blake, Yvonne, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Vandiver, Wolfgang, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Van Doren, Dorothy, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Van Doren, John, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Van Doren, Mark, 1963-1968Add to your cart.
Folder 8: vanHoosier, Gretchen L., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Van Horsen, Michael, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Van Howe, Jim, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Vann, Roberta, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Van Vlierbergen, Brian, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Van Winkle, Hope, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Vargas, Richard, 1998-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Vargus, Ione D. (Temple University), 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Variety Club of Chicago, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Varner, Kevin, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Vartan, J. Gentre, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Vaselopulos, Leah, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Vaske, Virginia L., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Vassallo, Elena, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Vaughan, Emma, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Vaughan, Robert C., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Vaughn, Azelie, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Vayr, Anna, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Vedder, Polly A., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Veit, Fritz, 1950Add to your cart.
Folder 28-29: Velasco, Ana Cecilia, 1990-1991, 1994-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Venable, Janet, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Venable, Lucy Meredith, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Venn, Kathleen, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Verbillion, June, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Verilla, Joseph, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Verlaan, Martin, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Vermette, James E., 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Vermillion, Steve A., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 38-41: Vertreace, Martha M., 1993-1997Add to your cart.
Folder 42-43: Vessup, Aaron, 1990, 1993-1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44-45: Vest, Donald S., 1992Add to your cart.
Box 165Add to your cart.
Folder 1-9: Vest, Hilda, 1986-1997, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Viafara, Ramon, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Victor, Loretta, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Vidal, Derek J., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 13-15: Viebahn, Fred, 1995, 1997-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Vincent, Jennifer, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Vinsant, Lisa, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 18: Vinson, James, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Visa Assistance Center, 1994?Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Vishniac, Roman, 1961Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Visitation Catholic School (Chicago), 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Vivian, C.T., 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Vogel, Constance, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Vogel, Constantin, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Vogel, Don, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 26-29: Vogel, Edna, 1980-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Vogel, Linda J., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Voita, Girlie, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Von Arb, Rita Marie, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 32a: von Malsen-Tilborch, Gabriele, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Vučković, Vera, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Wacaster, Judi, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wade, Lynn, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Wade, Nancy, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Wade, Sylvester, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Wade, William S., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 39-40: Wadsworth, William, 1990, 1995, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Wagner, Charles A., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Wagner, Margaret E., 1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 166Add to your cart.
Folder 1-2: Wagner, Martin, 1969-1970, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Waithe, Paulette, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Wajid, Hanan A., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5-6: Wakoski, Diane, 1971, 1989-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Waldie, Jerome R., 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Waldman, Anne, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Walker, Alan S., 1971, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Walker, Alice, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Walker, Barbara, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Walker, Betty, 1949Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Walker, Dan, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 14-15: Walker, Daniel, 1974-1976, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16-18: Walker, Donald C., 1985-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Walker, Johnny, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Walker, Kenneth E., 1976, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 21: Walker, Lillian, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Walker, Mickey, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Walker, Patricia Lynn, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Walker, Ronald E., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Walker, Sandy, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Walker, Sarah L., 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Walker, Sherri A., 1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 28: Walker, Sky P.D., 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Walker, Sonia Louden, 1997, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Walker, Tom, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 31: Walker, Walter, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 32: Walker, Wayne K., 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Wall, Cheryl A., 1986, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Wallace, Ingrid, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wallace, Lari Eujean, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Wallace, Sarah L., 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Wallenstein, Barry, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Waller, Diane, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Waller, Melody, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 40-48: Walls, Cynthia, 1977, 1985-1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 49: Walls, Lorrie, 1985, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Walls, Rosie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 167Add to your cart.
Folder 1-2: Walls, Tahanni, 2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Walter, Norma, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 4-6: Walters, Colin, 1989, 1991, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Walters, Glenn B., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Walters, Volinda M., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Walton, James, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Walton, Sarah, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Walt Whitman Cultural Arts Center, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Warch, Richard, 1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Ward, Doris, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13a: Ward, Francis, 1982, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Ward, John William, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Ward, Jonathon, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Ward, Patricia G., 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Ward, Shawn E., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 18-28: Ward, Val Gray, 1974-1981, 1991-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 29: Ward-Satterfield, Tomeka Lynnett, 2002Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Ware, Barb, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 30a: Ware, Theresa, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Warfield, Thomas, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Warner, James, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Warner, Priscilla, 1969, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 34-35: Warner, Sharon F., 1994-1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 36-45: Warr, Michael, 1991-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 46: Warren, Carter, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Warren, Nagueyalti, 1992, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Warren, Parlene C., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Warren, Timothy Matlack, 1996Add to your cart.
Box 168Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Washington, Donald, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Washington, Effie Eubanks, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Washington, Elmer L., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4-10: Washington, Harold, 1983-1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Washington, Jerome (IL), 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 12-14: Washington, Jerome (WA), 1981-1982, 1986, 1988, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Washington, Joseph R., Jr., 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Washington, Lesley H. Bantom, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 17-20: Washington, Mary Helen, 1976, 1982-1989, 1997, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 21: Washington, Naima, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 22: The Washington Post. EditorsAdd to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 23-24: Washington, Richard, 1970-1972Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Washington, Tom, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Washington University, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 27-28: Washington, Valerie, 1985-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Washington, Victoria Jo, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Washington, Ylida, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Wasserstrom, Evelyn, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Waters, Robert A., 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Watling, William A., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Watson, Angie, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 35-36: Watson, Ellen, 2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 37: Watson, Jeannette, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Watson, Kevin J., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Watson, Marcia E., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Watson, Nancy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 41: Watson, Wayne D., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Watt, Nancy, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 43-46: Wattenberg, Morris, 1983-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Wattleton, Faye, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 48: WCFC Chicago, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Weaks, Mary Louise, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Weatherspoon, Michael J., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Weatherspoon, Patricia A., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 52: Weaver, Gwenn, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 169Add to your cart.
Folder 1-9: Weaver, Michael S., 1985-1997, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Weaver, Russell, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 11-13: Webb, Cary, 1997, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Webb, Deidra, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Webb, L. Robert, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Webb, Robert Iuffues, II, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Webb, Vina L., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 18-19: Webber, Brenda L., 1980-1982, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Weber, R.B., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Webster, Karen M., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Webster, Katherine, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Webster, Landon E., 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Wedgeworth, Robert, 1976, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Weglyn, Michi, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Weikum, Joe, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Weil, Andrew, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Weil, Eric, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Weiler, Jill M., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Weinberg, Arthur, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 31-32: Weinberg, David, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Weinberg, Lila, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Weinberg, Michael Aron, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Weinberg, Susan, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Weiner, Brenda Leigh, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Weinsheimer, William C., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Weintraub, Stanley, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 39-48: Weisberg, Lois, 1985, 1996-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 170Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Weisman, Judy, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Weiss, Jeffrey M., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Weissbluth, Jed, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Weitz, Robert, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Welch, Florence, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Welch, Rosa Page, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Welle, Louise, 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Weller, Irene, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Wells, Beverley Wiggins, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Wells, Joseph, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Wells, Victor M., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Welsh, Bonnie, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Welshman, Virginia, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13a: Welsing, Frances Cress, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Wendell Smith Elementary School (Chicago), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 15-24: Wendell Smith Elementary School (Chicago), 1970, 1977, 1984-1986, 1990-1994, 1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Wenzel, Melvin W., 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Were, Beatrice, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Were, Eshimuli, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Wermter, Annette, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Wesley, Mattie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 30: Wesley, Patricia Jabbeh, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 31: West, A., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 32-37: West, Donda, 1994-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 38: West, Hollie, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 39: West, Janet, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 40: West, Jessamyn, 1956Add to your cart.
Folder 41-43: West, Sandra, 1987, 1991-1992, 1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44-45: Western Illinois University. Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center, 1971, 1988, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 46: West Middle School (Rockford, IL), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Westmoreland, Thelma Johnson, 1997?Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Westville Correctional Center, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 48a: Westphal, Trudie, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 49: WGBH Educational Foundation, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Whalum, Doris, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Wheaton, Thelma K., 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Whitaker, Charles F., 1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 53: Whitaker, Stephanie J., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 54: White, Barbara M., 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 55: White Eagle Coffee Store Press, 1993Add to your cart.
Box 171Add to your cart.
Folder 1: White, Earle W., Jr., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2: White, Evelyn C., 1988, 1996-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 3: White, Fran, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 4: White, Henry, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 5: White, Jackie, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 6: White, Jason, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: White, Karen, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 8: White, Naeemah A., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 9: White, Oswald P., 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 10: White, Sheila, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: White, Valjeanne, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12-13: Whitehead, Marylene S., 1979, 1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Whitfield, Eric, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 15-17: Whitfield, Mary, 1962, 1985, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 18-19: Whitfield, Vantile E., 1976, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 20: The Whiting Writers’ Awards, 1995-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Whitley, George, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Whitmore, Devon, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 23: Whitsitt, Joyce, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Wickroe, Sandy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Wicks, Scott, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Wideman, John Edgar, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Wigand, Pattie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 28: Wiggam, Lionel, 1966Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Wiggins, Cynthia, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Wiggins, Kennetha, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Wikstrom, Sharon, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Wilbekin, Cleota Proctor, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Wilbert, Ethel Mae, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Wilborn, Meta, 1981-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wilbur, Richard, 1995?-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Wilburn, Robert C., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Wilder, Marilyn, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Wilder, Pelham, Jr., 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Wilert?, Don (Third Unitarian Church (Chicago)), undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 40-43: Wilk, Debra, 1992-1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44: Wilkerson, Constance L. Reid, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Wilkerson, Michael, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Wilkerson, Thelma G., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Wilkes, Kennette H., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Wilkie, Don, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Wilking, Tracy, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Wilkins-Greene, Carolyn, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Willard, Carla, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 52-59: Wille, Lois, 1982-1985, 1989-1992, 1996-1998Add to your cart.
Box 172Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Williams, Amy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Williams, Ann M., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Williams, Avery, 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 4-5: Williams, Avery W., 1994, 2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Williams, Bettye J., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Williams, Carolyn, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Williams, Chancellor, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Williams, Connie, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Williams, Conrad Hilton, 1977, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Williams, Crystal Y., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Williams, Daphne B., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Williams, Don, 1992?Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Williams, Donna, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Williams, Edward H., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Williams, Elaine, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Williams, Frans, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Williams, Fred L., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Williams, G.P., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Williams, James, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Williams, JoAnne, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Williams, John, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Williams, John A., 1972, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Williams, Kayola M., 1977, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 25-26: Willliams, Kenny Jackson, 1981, 1987, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Williams, Kenny Jackson, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 28-33: Williams, Kenny Jackson, 1998-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 34: Williams, Lonnie R., 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Williams, Luther S., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Williams, Margaret Edwards, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Williams, Mary Ann, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Williams, Melissa, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Williams, Miller, 1995, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Williams, Mrs. Albert W., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 41: Williams, Ms., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 42: Williams, Niama Leslie JoAnn, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Williams, O.S., 1950Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Williams, Ora, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Williams, Paul, 1967Add to your cart.
Folder 46-47: Williams, Rachel, 1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 48: Williams, Ramah, 1992?Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Williams, Ramona, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Williams, Renarda, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Williams, Ronald, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Williams, Ruth Teena, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Williams, Sherley Anne, 1976, 1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 54-55: Williams, Sylvia, 1966, 1971, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Williams, Tara, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 57: Williams, Victoria, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Williams, Wendi A., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 59-60: Williams, Willie, 1995, 1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 173Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Williams, Yvonne, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2-3: Williams, Yvonne S., 1992, 1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Williams-EL, CalvinAdd to your cart.
Folder 4a: Williams-Barbers, Sonia, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Willingham, DeWayne, 1963Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Willis, Adrienne C., 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Willis, Deborah, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 8-10: Willis, Gail B., 1977, 1981, 1989, 1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Willis, Irene, 1998-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Willis, James R., 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Willis, Joyce, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Willis, Richard, Jr., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Willis, Shelly, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Willis, Stanley Kirk, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Willis, Wendell R., 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Wilson, Annie, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 20-26: Wilson, Arthur A., 1986-1988, 1992-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 27: Wilson, Arthur H., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Wilson, D. Ray, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Wilson, Dea Shipps, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Wilson, Denita, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Wilson, Florabelle, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 31a: Wilson, Frances Jones, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Wilson, Gabriel Antonius, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 33: Wilson, John R., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Wilson, Leslie R., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wilson, Paul A., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 36: Wilson, Robert A., 1975, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Wilson, Sweets, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Wilson, Tyrone L., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Wilson, Velma, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 39a: Wimberli-Tucker, Olivia L., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Wimes, Angela D., 1985-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 41-44a: Wims, Beulah, 1972-1974, 1977, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 45-46: Wims, Viola, 1975-1978, 1982, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Winburn, Raymond, 1987?Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Wine-Banks, Jill, 1983-1985Add to your cart.
Box 174Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Winn, Lucile, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Winslow, Kathryn, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 3-8: Winston, Carol Given, 1987-1989, 1993, 1997-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Winston, Carol J., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Winston, Willa J., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Wintemberg, Carol P., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Winter, Edward, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Winter, Mark A., 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Winterberg, Lois, 1982, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Wire, Ann Gordon, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Wisconsin Arts Board, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Wise, Kelly, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 18: Wise, Mary, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 19-21: Wishne, Bonnie L., 1991-1992, 1998-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Wisler, Andria K., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Wissert, Timothy J., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: With, Julian, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Withrow, Dolly, 1993-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Witkoff, Fred Joel, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Wixson, Douglas, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Wocasek, Miriam, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Wohlfeld, Valerie, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Wolden, Gail Hilson, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 31: Wolf, Allan, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Wolff, Renate C., 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Wolfson, Lester M., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Wolgamott, Linda, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wolin-Levin, Inc., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Wollan, L.A., Jr., 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Wolozin, Sarah, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Woltjen, Maria, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 39-41: Womack, Bobbie P., 1978, 1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 42: Womble, Brenda L., 1981-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Women & Children First Bookstore (Chicago), 1995-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Women of the Word, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Wondie, Alemayehu, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Wood, Clarence N., 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Wood, Fern, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Wood, John, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Wood, Marilyn R., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Wood, Michael B., 1992Add to your cart.
Box 175Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Wood, Paula Coleman, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Wood-Clark, Sarah, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Woodard, Billlie J., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Woodard, J., 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Woodbridge, Carolyn K., 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Woodford, Richard, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Woodhull, Nancy J., 1989, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Woodruff, Cheryl D., 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Woodruff, Juliette, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Woodrum, Pat, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Woods, Alfred, 1982-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Woods, Anna Gabriella, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Woods, Dan, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Woods, Esme, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Woods, Jessie A., 1994-1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16-18: Woods, Maria, 1997, 1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: Woods, X’ernona, 1999-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Woodson, Aileen R., 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Woodson, Rose, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Woodson, Ruby G., 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Woodsworth, Ruth, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Woolfolk, Nikki, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 25: Working Assets Phone Company, 1992?Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Worklan, Mary Ann, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 27: World Challenge Fund, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 28: World’s Best Black Kids, 1974?Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Worley, Linda Kraus, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Worrell, Donald E., Jr., 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Worth, George J., 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Worthen, Kathryn F., 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Worzalla, Heather, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 34: Woznick, Carolyn, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Wray, Bettye K., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 36-39: Wray, Ron, 1983-1984, 1988-1990, 1999-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 40: Wright, Adrian, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Wright, Bernice, 1986, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Wright, Courtni, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Wright, David, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Wright, Dennis, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 45: Wright, Eddie, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Wright, Ellen, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Wright, Herman, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Wright, Jason H., 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Wright, Jefferson W., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 50-51: Wright, Julia, 1991, 1994, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Wright, Lester, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 176Add to your cart.
Folder 1-37: Wright, Stephen Caldwell, 1978-1979, 1983-1993Add to your cart.
Box 177Add to your cart.
Folder 1-32: Wright, Stephen Caldwell, 1994-2000, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 33: Wright, Steve F., 1995Add to your cart.
Box 178Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Wright, Vanessa, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Wright, William C., 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Wrigley, Robert, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Writer’s Center of Indianapolis, 1995?Add to your cart.
Folder 5: The Writers Place (Kansas City, MO), 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 6-7: WTTW Chicago, 1990, 2000?, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Wurst, Al, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Wyant, Lizabeth A., 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Wyatt-Draper, Bathsheba, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Wyckoff, Joanne, 1985-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Wyman, Diane M., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Yackley, Ayla Jean, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15-16: Yaddo (Saratoga Springs, NY), 1976, 1990, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Yagusch, Sybille, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Yancey, Jennifer, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Yarborough, Richard, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Yarbrough, Diane, 1997-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Yasin, Jon A., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Yates, Janie, 1990, 1996, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Yates, John, III., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 24: Yates, Nicky F., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Yates, Sid, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Yearwood, Lloyd, 1982, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 27: Yeoman, Jane, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Yetter, Patricia A., 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Yingling, Phyllis J., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 30: YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 31-32: Yoken, Mel B., 1983-1984, 1990, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Yosgandes, Mary Virginia, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Young, Abeeka James, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Young, Al, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Young, Barbara M., 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Young, Candy, 1964Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Young, Cheley, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Young, Coleman A., 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Young, Joan S., 1983-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Young, M. Norvel, 1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 42: Young, Malique J., 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Young, Reggie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44: Young, Vanessa, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Young, William E., 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Younge, Catherine R., 1982-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Young-Jackson, Roberta, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Yow, Reshay, 1994-1998Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Yu, Linda, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 50: Yu, Timothy, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Yuen, Cheryl, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Zaber, Karen, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Zadrozny, Mark, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Zakrzewski, Valerie, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Zalutka, Dawn, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Zambron, Lilia R., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 57: Zamora, Antonio, 1978, 1994-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Zangwill, Rhonda, 1991Add to your cart.
Box 179Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Zank-Rehwaldt, Carol H. (Patch American High School (Stuttgart, West Germany), undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Zansitis, Maggie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Zar, Jerrold H., 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Zarle, Thomas H., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Zarod, Helen, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Zauber, Karen, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Zaveloff, Laura, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Zawacki, Andrew, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Zbaight, Sylvia, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 9a-10: Zbornik, Joseph J., 1965-1966Add to your cart.
Folder 9a includes correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks and additional letter from Placido Tugo to Joseph Zbornik.
Folder 11: Zearing, Helen, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Zelaya, Antonio, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Zelin, Richard D., 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Zellerbach, William J., 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Zera, Hortense, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Zhao, Y.H., 1983?Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Ziegler, Jan Fielder, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Zierold, Jack, 1978?Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Zieziul, Thomas J., 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Zigmond, John, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Zimmer, Mr., 1965Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 22: Zipter, Yvonne, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 23-46: Zitch, Beryl, 1970-1995, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 180Add to your cart.
Folder 1-39: Zitch, Beryl, 1996-1997Add to your cart.
Folder 40-41: Zorina, Isabella, 1983, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 42: Zuccaro, Marlene, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Zuckerman, Diane, 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 44-45: Zulauf, Sander, 1983, 1986, 1992, 1999-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Zurne, Hilde, 1991Add to your cart.
Box 181Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Adilifu, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Alberta, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Albius?, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Alex, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Alex, Alicia, Allene, and Edgar, 1977, 1987, undatedAdd to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 6: Alice, 1980, 1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Alicia, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Alweta?, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Andrea, 1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Ann, 1989, 1997?, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Annetta, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Annette, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Anthony, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Arthur, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Atif, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16: Avery, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Babatu, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Barbara, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 19: BASB, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Betty and Felix, 1998, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 21: Bill, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 22: B.J., 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Bob, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Bruce, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Calvalita, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 26: Carolyn, Jimmy, and Erica, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Charlene, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Charlotte?, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Cheryl, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Christopher, 1974, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 31: Cindy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 32: Claudia, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Cliff, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 34: Clive?, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Connie, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 36: CU, 1996, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 37: David, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 38: D.T., 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Debra?, 1998?Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Denise, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 41: Desiré and Sherald, 1983, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 42: Diana, 1981, 1983, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 43: Dolores, 1971, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 44: Dorothy, 1997, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 45: Drenda and Steven, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 46: Dwight, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 47: Eddie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 48: Emma, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Herb, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Echcride?, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Edgar and Velma, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Edward, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 53: Elizabeth, undated, undatedAdd to your cart.
Contains a sealed envelope.
Folder 54: Ella, 1959Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Eloise, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 56: Erlynne, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 57: Ernest, 1971-1972Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Eunice, circa 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 59: Evalyn (CBS News), 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 60: Evelyn, 1969?Add to your cart.
Folder 60a-61: Francois, 1970, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 62: Frank, 1972, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 63: Gail, 1976, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 64: Garry, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 65: Gayleatha, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 66: Glenda and Cellen?, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 67: Greg, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 68: Harrison and Charlotte, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 69: Hassan, 1984-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 70: Hazel G., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 71: Helen (Let’s Save the Children, Inc.), 1973, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 72: Jack, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 73: Jack and Josie, 1985, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 74: Jackie, 1983, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 74a: Jacques, 1987Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 75: Jan, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 76: Jasper, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 77: Jean, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 77a: Jenae?, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 77b: Jeanette A., 1986Add to your cart.
Includes newspaper clipping.
Folder 78: Jim (Clemson University. English Department), 1986, 1991Add to your cart.
Includes correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 79: Jim and Maria, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 80: Joan, 1968, 1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 181aAdd to your cart.
Folder 1: Joe, 1991Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks, with an additional letter to Ruth Fisher.
Folder 2: Johari, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Joy, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Joyee R., 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Juan, 1995Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 6: Julie, 1961Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Juleu?, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 8: June, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 8a: Kadi?, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Karen, 1970, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Kashmir (The Ritz-Carleton), 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Kathleen, 1972-1973Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Keven T., 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Khalid (Afro-American Cultural Center), 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Kim, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 15: K.O. (Carleton College), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Kyra, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Laine?, 1997?Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Lamont, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Lance, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 20: Lang, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Lelia, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Lil and Joe, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Louie, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Louis, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Lu, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Lucinda, 1990Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 27: M, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Mac and Irene, circa 1990sAdd to your cart.
Folder 29: Madeline and Sandy, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Margaret, 1989, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 31: Marguerite, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 32: Marilyn, 1989Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 33: Marjorie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 34: Martha, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Martin, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Mary Ann, 1990, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 37: Megan, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 38: Meghan, 1997Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Melenie, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Meredith, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Michael, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Michael and Jim, 1992Add to your cart.
Includes only correspondence by Gwendolyn Brooks.
Folder 43: Mikhail/Michael, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Mildred, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Moses, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Mungu, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 47: Myrtle, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 48: N?, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 49: Nancy, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Naomi (Marshall Field’s), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Natalie, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 52: Nate, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Nick, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Noel, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Norman, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Nyoka, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 57: Ophelia, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 58: Pat, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 59: Peter, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 60: P.L., undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 61: Ray, 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 62: Robert, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 63: Rocky and Laurel, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 64: Ron, 1993, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 65: Rose, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 66: Roz, 1973, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 67: Ruby, Pearl, & Mrs. Belafonte, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 68: Rudi, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 69: Sallo?, 1975, 1979, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 70: Samuel, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 71: Saundra, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 72: Serena, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 73: Shani, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 74-74a: Sharon, 1971-1972Add to your cart.
Folder 75: Shiloh, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 76: Stephanie, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 77: Stephen, 1987, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 78: Steve, 1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 79: Sybil, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 80: Teresa (Chicago Tribune), 1993, 1995Add to your cart.
Box 182Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Terri, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Terry, 1991?Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Tim, 1987?Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Tin?, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Tori, 1992, 1998Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Travis, 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Trudi, 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tunngone, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Velva, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Vera (HarperCollins Children’s Books), undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Vernetta, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Vivian, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Wanda, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Wendell (Honeywell), 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Wendy, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 16: Zeke, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Multiple signatures, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 18: Unknown, 1975-1976, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Unknown, 1980-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Unknown, 1990-2000Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Unknown, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 183Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Room 115, undatedAdd to your cart.
Includes poems authored by children titled "Gwendolyn Brooks: A Name Poem."
Folder 2: Student thank you letters, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Unknown youth group, undatedAdd to your cart.
Includes a folded art piece titled “Let’s Give Ms. Brooks a Hand.”
Folder 4: Unknown school, undatedAdd to your cart.
Includes a handmade birthday card for Gwendolyn Brooks, signed by "the class," "more class," "more kids," and "teacher, etc."
Folder 5: Unknown children's group, undatedAdd to your cart.
Includes birthday cards for Gwendolyn brooks made by children and a card from Nora Brooks Blakely.
Box 184Add to your cart.
Folder 1-100: RestrictedAdd to your cart.

Browse by Sub-series:

[Sub-series 1.1: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 1-36)],
[Sub-series 1.2: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 37-74)],
[Sub-series 1.3: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 75-112)],
[Sub-series 1.4: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 113-150)],
[Sub-series 1.5: Alphabetical Correspondence (Box 151-184)],
[Sub-series 2: Permissions Requests],
[Sub-series 3: Third-Party Correspondence],
[Sub-series 4: Empty Envelopes],
[Sub-series 5.1: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 204-219)],
[Sub-series 5.2: Gwendolyn Brooks Correspondence Files (Box 220-236)],

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