Title: Michael Broomfield Collection of W. S. Merwin, 1948-2018
ID: 01/01/MSS00113
Creator: Merwin, W. S. (William Stanley) (1927-2019)
Extent: 1.7 Cubic Feet
Arrangement: Chronological
Date Acquired: 08/06/2018
Languages: English [eng], Multiplelanguages [mul]
Accruals: Clouds Hill Books, November 2019, purchase. Bibliography of books and other items by W. S. Merwin in the collection of Michael A. Broomfield, July 2022, purchase.
Acquisition Source: Clouds Hill Books
Acquisition Method: Purchase
Related Materials: W. S. Merwin Papers. W. S. (William Stanley) Merwin was a Pulitzer Prize winning poet, translator, and environmental activist. His papers consists of books, notes, manuscripts, correspondence, ideas for poems, published and unpublished works, translations of other author's works, critical writings by Merwin, and select writings about Merwin For more information please see https://archon.library.illinois.edu/rbml/index.php?p=collections/controlcard&id=2.
Other URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/rbmlsfa/MSS00113_Broomfield_Merwin_Collection.pdf