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Spanish Civil War collection


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Spanish Civil War collection, 1936-1989 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Collection Overview

Title: Spanish Civil War collection, 1936-1989Add to your cart.

ID: 01/01/MSS00056

Primary Creator: Spain. Ejercito Popular de la Republica. Abraham Lincoln Battalion

Extent: 18.0 Cubic Feet

Subjects: Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939, Spanish Civil War Collections (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library)

Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Created by the American writers of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The collection is the result of individual supplementary purchases of Spanish Civil War memorabilia. It contains correspondence, broadsides, photographs, and periodicals.

Subject/Index Terms

Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939
Spanish Civil War Collections (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library)

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

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Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would damage materials or involve violation of copyright law.

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Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Books],
[Series 2: Broadsides],
[Series 3: Clippings],
[Series 4: Correspondence],
[Series 5: Documents],
[Series 6: Manuscripts],
[Series 7: Miscellaneous],
[Series 8: Periodicals],
[Series 9: Photographs],
[Series OS: Oversize materials],

Series 1: BooksAdd to your cart.

Note: See Spanish Civil War collection of books and pamphlets, 1936-1989


Series 2: BroadsidesAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 55 posters.
Item 068: Francais, voudrais-tu que ceci soit possible demain?Add to your cart.
Item 069: Il fouit que je lutte jusqu'a la victoire Francais! Sois en persuade.Add to your cart.
Item 070: Cant que moi Republique d'Espagne je vivroi, nul ne les franchira Francais! Sois tranquille.Add to your cart.
Item 071: Guernica. En verite je vous le dis. Celui qui fait faire cela n'est pas avec moi mais contre moiAdd to your cart.
Item 072: La guerre d'Espagne contre le Fascisme international. Le castillan qui a perdu son fils, soldat au maroc, a vu, un jour d'angoisse, la place de son village... *Add to your cart.
Item 074: Homenaje a Madrid, Madrid, asesinados sus hizos, arrasados sus monumentos, en llamas sus tesoros de arte!... la misma excelsitud de su martirio lleva este drama...Add to your cart.
Item 075: 18 Julio, 1936 1937Add to your cart.
Item 076: 1936  18 Julio  1937Add to your cart.
Item 077: Ediciones de las brigades internationales, los internationales unidos a los Espanoles, luchamos contra el invasorAdd to your cart.
Item 078: Poesia y critica al servicio de la causa popular.  Hora de espana revista mensual enero, 1937Add to your cart.
Item 079: Ayudad a Madrid sufrito y heriocoAdd to your cart.
Item 080: Partido comunista, el comisario nervio de nuestro ejercito popularAdd to your cart.
Item 081: Crim!...Add to your cart.
Item 082: Partido comunista, industria de guerra potente polanca de la victoriaAdd to your cart.
Item 084: Todos los pueblos del mundo estan en las brigadas internationales al lado del pueblo espanolAdd to your cart.
Item 085: Homenaje a las brigadas internationales el frente popular Madrid al frente popular del mundoAdd to your cart.
Item 086: Para liberar aragon servicio miltar obligatorio ejercito poularAdd to your cart.
Item 087: Basta de "ensayos" y "proyectos"!Add to your cart.
Item 088: Espana libre, sabado 31 de Julio de 1937, C.T.M. no. 1Add to your cart.
Item 089: Espana libre domingo 1o agosto de 1937 C.T.M. : 1933-1937 2 anos de reaccion y traniaAdd to your cart.
Item 090: Espana libre num. 3 lunos 2 de agosto de 1937 : triune a el pueblo!Add to your cart.
Item 091: Espana libre num. 3 lunos 2 de agosto de 1937 : triune a el pueblo!Add to your cart.
Item 092: Espana libre, No. 5  Miercoles 4 de agosto de 1937 : AsesinosAdd to your cart.
Item 093: Espana libre No. 6  Jueves 5 de agosto de 1937Add to your cart.
Item 094: Espana libre, No. 7  Viernes 6 de agosto de 1937 : Viva la Espana Republicana!  !Muera el fascismo!Add to your cart.
Item 095: Dar ejemplo de abnegacion y sacrificio *Add to your cart.
Item 096: Colaborar en la Labor de Milicias de la CulturaAdd to your cart.
Item 097: Acudir con entusiasmo a las ordenes de movilizacion del gobiernoAdd to your cart.
Item 098: Apoyar con Entusiasmo al Gobierno del Frente PopularAdd to your cart.
Item 099: Incrementar el Trabajo EscolarAdd to your cart.
Item 100: La F.E.T.E. Senala a los Profesionales de la Ensenanza el Camino en la Lucia Contra el FascismoAdd to your cart.
Item 101: Almanaque F.E.T.E. 1938 *Add to your cart.
Item 101a: Almanaque F.E.T.E. 1938 *: Enero 1938: Ascenso de 27.000 Maestros.  El Gobierno del Frente Popular suprime del escalafon del Magisterio el sueldo de 3.000 pesetas.Add to your cart.
Item 101b: Almanaque F.E.T.E. 1938:  Febrero 1938:  La F.E.T.E. agrupa a sus afiliados y pone a contribucion todo su esfeurzo por el triunfo del Frente PopularAdd to your cart.
Item 101c: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Marzo 1938:  Un grupo de companeros funda la F.E.T.E., incorporando a los Trabajadores de la Ensenanza a las filas de la U.G.T.Add to your cart.
Item 101d: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Abril 1938:  La presion revolucionaria de la F.E.T.E. consigue el abono de las cantidades que por clases de adultosAdd to your cart.
Item 101e: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Mayo 1938:  La F.E.T.E. desarrolla activisima campana para denunciar publicamente la situacion angustiosa del MagisterioAdd to your cart.
Item 101f: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Junio 1938:  Congreso de la F.E.T.E. Maestros y Profesores se reunen para concretar en acuerdo y resoluciones laas aspiraciones de losâ?¦Add to your cart.
Item 101g: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Julio 1938:  La F.E.T.E. lucha desde el primer momento contra los facciososAdd to your cart.
Item 101h: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Agosto 1938:  La F.E.T.E. asiste a los Congresos Internacionales y propugna la unificacion de los profesionales de la ensenanza en defensa...Add to your cart.
Item 101i: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Septiembre 1938:  Se fundenen una sola organizacion - F.E.T.E. - las distintas Asociaciones de Profesionales de la EnsenanzaAdd to your cart.
Item 101j: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Octubre 1938:  En Asturias, la Seccion de la F.E.T.E. lucha al lado de los mineros y campesinos contra toda mediatizacion de la Republica.Add to your cart.
Item 101k: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Noviembre 1938:  Se constituye el "Batallon Felix Barzana" que combate al fascismo en las trincheras de MadridAdd to your cart.
Item 101l: Almanaque F.E.T.E. Diciembre 1938:  La F.E.T.E. organiza el servicio "Cultura del Miliciano", antecedente de las Milicias de la Cultura, que tan acertadamenteâ?¦Add to your cart.
Item 102: 1 Congres Nacional d'Estudiants Catalans; 1,2,3, Agost [1937]Add to your cart.
Item 103: FestivalAdd to your cart.
Item 104: De Comiat a les Brigades Internacionales organizat per la Federacio Nacional de Pioners.Add to your cart.
Item 105: Apoyo incondicional al gobierno de Frente PopularAdd to your cart.
Item 106: Alerta esta. Contra el feixiomeAdd to your cart.
Item 107: AcogelaAdd to your cart.
Item 108: Campesino! Tus enemigos te hicieron trabajar de sol a sol para alimentarlos. Ahora que la tierra es tuya, trabaja de sol a sol para aniquilarlosAdd to your cart.
Item 109: Para ganar la guerra ayudad a MadridAdd to your cart.
Item 110: Ajudue els caiguts!Add to your cart.
Item 111: Per a aixafar el feixisme ingresseu a l'AviacioAdd to your cart.
Item 112: Ayudad!! : a la cruz Roja que ella asiste a nuestros heridosAdd to your cart.
Series 3: ClippingsAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 3 items.
Box-Folder 001: Review of  The Aura of the Cause in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 1997Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 002: St. Louis nurse [Grace Margolis] back from service in SpainAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder 003: Letters from the front [review of Madrid 1937, Chicago Tribune, 7/21/1996], 1996Add to your cart.
Series 4: CorrespondenceAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 55 letters.
Box-Folder G1-001: From: Abad, Marcelino Camacho To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-002: From: Abt, John J. To: Rubenstein, Bruce D., 1989Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-002b: From: Anderson, Glenn M. To: Various individuals, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-003: From: Aronson, James To: Jon, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-004: From: Baker, Carlos To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-005: From: Bessie, Alvah To: Various individuals, 1966-1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-006: From: Burton, John L. To: Herman Rosenstein, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-007: From: Carnovsky, Morris To: Bessie, Alvah, 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-008: From: Channick, Herbert To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1972Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-009: From: Church, Frank To: FriendAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-009a: From: Clennon, David To: Rubenstein, Bruce D.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-010: From: Cohen, Saul To: Malbin, Virgina, 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-010a: From: Corman, James C. To: Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wheeler, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-010b: From: Cranston, Alan To: Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Wheeler..., 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-011: From: Fartousse, Marie To: Bessie, AlvahAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-012: From: Fishman, Moe To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1961-1971Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-013: From: Giesmar, Maxwell To: Wolff, Milton, 1977Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-014: From: Harris, Abe To: Wolff, Milton, 1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-015: From: Ibarruri, Dolores, 1989Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-016: From: Jerome, V.J. To: Bessie, Alvah, 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-017: From: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1961-1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-018: From: Kranes, Paula G. Uda de To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-019: From: Landis, Arthur To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1968Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-019a: From: Leader, Lennie To: Greene, Joseph L., 1942Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-019b: From: Lloyd, Jim To: Henry Giler, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-020: From: Magnunson, Warren G. To: Reed, Robert L., 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-021: From: Martin, Fredericka To: Malbin, Virgina, 1971Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-022: From: Mora, Constancia de la To: Heller, A.A., 1938-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-023: From: Moran, Mark To: HermanAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-024: From: Nelson, Steve To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1971-1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-025: From: Ossa, Antonia de la To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1961Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-026: From: Paddock, Robert L. To: Libby, Frederick J., 1936-1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-027: From: Pell, Claiborne To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-028: From: Rees, Thomas M. To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-029: From: Renna, Ruben To: Malbin, VirginiaAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-030: From: Rosenstein, Herman To: Roman, 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-031: From: Schilling, Edna Van der To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-032: From: Scott, Adrian To: Rubenstein, Bruce, 1971, 1989Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-033: From: Smith, Harold To: Wolff, Milton, 1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-034: From: Stamm, Morris To: Carrillo, Santiago, 1977Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-035: From: Tanz, Al  To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-036: From: Tunney, John V. To: Various individuals, 1975-1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-037: From: Urich, Walter K. To: Besse, Daniel, 1951Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-038: From: Wallach, Hy To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-039: From: Wellman, Saul To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-040: From: Whittemore, Mickey To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1957-1961Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-041: From: Williams, Harrison A. To: Lloyd, Thomas, 1974Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-042: From: Wolff, Anne Lenore To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1969Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-043: From: Wolff, Milton To: Keller, Frederick P. Jr., 1966-1970Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-044: From: Wunderlich, Rudolf To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-045: From: Wyden, Peter To: Keller, Fred, 1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-046: From: Unknown To: Rosenstein, Herman, 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G9-001: From: Gellhorn, Martha To: Wolff, Milton, 1994-1997Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G9-002: From: Gellhorn, Martha To: Wolff, Milton, 1997Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G9-003: From: Gellhorn, Martha To: Keller, Fred, 1946-1991Add to your cart.
Series 5: DocumentsAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 1 document, "Spain: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy".
Box-Folder 001: Spain: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, 1976Add to your cart.
Series 6: ManuscriptsAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 11 manuscripts.
Box-Folder 1: An album of original drawings and manuscripts, produced by Republican artists and writers in honor of the Duchess of Athol, [1938?]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-001: Alvah Bessie's Spanish Notebooks, 1949Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-002: Alvah Bessie's "The Last Volunteer" - 1st Draft, 1974Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-003: Len Fox - They Shall Not Pass, 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-004: Virginia Malbin speech - typed with annotations, [1985?]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-005: "Edwin Rolfe Collected Poems" design & typescript, 1993Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-006: "Edwin Rolfe Collected Poems" folded and gatheredAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-007: "Edwin Rolfe Collected Poems" master galley, 1993Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-008: "Edwin Rolfe Collected Poems" galleys, 2nd copy., 1993Add to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-009: "Edwin Rolfe Collected Poems" - typescript as sentAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder MS-010: Play by Gellhorn, Martha and Cowles, Virginia, 1945Add to your cart.
Series 7: MiscellaneousAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 140 items, including medals, pamphlets and leaflets, cards, cassettes, mixed and other formats.
Box-Folder 1: Poster sized collage of photos and clippings of American participants in the Spanish Civil WarAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-001: "Comision Mixta de Refugios" receipts, "No. 102364" and "No. 107364"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-002: Collection of 116 Propaganda stickers/stamps., 1936-1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-003: Full-color card (19 x 12.5 cm), reproducing a painting title "Evacuad Madrid" by Jose Luis Benlliure, aged 9.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-004: (International Brigades).  Debt of Honour Week, Collection Envelope.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-005: Greeting card, produced for the A.I.A. pledging support for the International Brigades, with envelope bearing a pre-printed address to the International Brigades Base in Spain.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-006: 5 Postcards:  French post card depicting a popular Front demonstration, another different shot of the same demonstration, "Alborache (Valencia)", "Socialist Youth Militia", and "Loyal Mountain Militia".Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-007: Booklet of ten postcards by Paco Ribera B.A.G.., 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-008: Two postcards with drawings made by children:  "Un Barco Bombardeado en Benicasn," and "Bonbar deo en Oropesa"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-009: Four business cards, two bearing "American Friends Serivice Committee," one bearing "Servicio Internacional de los Amigos Cuaqueros," and one bearing "Comite Nacional de Refugiados."  There is writing on the back of two of the cards.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-010: Five postcards showing photographs of children.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-011: Leaflet announcing a "Candlelight vigil to end the secret agreement signed by Nixon in 1970 which guarantees U.S. intervention against the overthrow of Franco's dictatorship by the Spanish people..."Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-012: Invitation to the inauguration of a monument to the International Brigades, in Madrid, Spain, on the 25th of July, 1981., 1981Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-013: "Que 1983 sea un ano de paz y seguridad para el mundo y de solidaridad can la lucha liberadora de los pueblos", with one envelope addressed to Hermann "G". Rosenstein, 1145 Yale St. #8, Santa Monica, Ca.  90403., 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-014: "50 Aniversario del Triunfo del Frente Popular 1936-1986", 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-015: "34th Anniversary of the Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade Gala Fiesta!" for February 21, 1971., 1971Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-016: Red flag with "C E S" in white.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-017: "97th Congress 1st Session H.R. 1251" bill providing entitlement to veterans' benefits of Americans who fought in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.  With various other writings and edited by Milton Wolff., 1981Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-018: Booklet with writings and drawings from children, 32 pages., 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-019: "Songs of the Lincoln Battalion"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-020: "Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 40th Anniversary Banquet Honoring The Premature Anti-Fascist Women", Sunday, February 6.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-021: "La Conferencia Juvenil de Valencia..."Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-022: Various leaflets in Spanish.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-023: "Joseph North 1904-1976", [1976(?)]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-024: Leaflet showing the effects of bombing in Spain by the fascists, pictures of dead children, etc.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-025: "El Bombardeo de Almeria por la Escuadra Alemana", lealflet showing effects of fascist bombing.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-026: "La destruccion de Guernica- The Destruction of Guernica"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-027: "Ajut Infantil de Reraguarda"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-028: 37th Anniversary Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-029: Six leaflets showing:  "Destruction and Flight" (2), "Making Their Home Self-Sufficient," "Study, Play, and Health," "Homes and the New Life" (2).Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-030: "Brigadas Internacionales - Abraham Lincoln Brigade 1937-1967", 1967Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-031: 34th, 35th, and 36th VALB Anniversary Dinner Invitations., 1967Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-032: 39th Anniversary of the Struggle for a Democratic Spain held on February 16, 1975., 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-033: 39th Anniversary VALB pamphlet, 1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-034: Abraham Lincoln Brigade 40th Anniversary Celebration, 1977Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-035: VALB 40th Anniversary pamphlet, 1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-036: Abraham Lincoln Brigade 41st Anniversary Celebration, 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-037: VALB 44th Anniversary Celebration, 1981Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-038: VALB 45th Anniversary Celebration, 1982Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-039: VALB 46th Anniversary Celebration, 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-040: VALB 47th Anniversary Celebration, 1984Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-041: VLAB 50th Anniversary Invitation and program, 1987Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-042: "In Loving Memory - John T. Bernard, March 6, 1893 - August 6, 1983", 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-043: "Max Parker, April 25, 1912 - November 5, 1983", 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-044: "John Day - 'A Passion for Justice - Decomber [sic] 8, 1991" with flier., 1991Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-045: "In Memoriam Ben 'Butch' Goldstein, Member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, April 15, 1909 - April 1, 1985", 1985Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-046: "In Memoriam Irving Goff, Member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, August 27, 1911 - May 17, 1989", 1989Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-047: "National Memorial Fund Appeal.  British Volunteers in Spain.  They Fight for Freedom., 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-048: Stanley Richardson - "Air Raid Over Barcelona" - A poem, [1938]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-049: "National Memorial Fund [english pounds]50,000 Appeal - British Volunteers in Spain"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-050: "Decleration on Spain" issued by the Surrealist Group in England.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-051: "Vote for the Duchess of Atholl" - Bye-election address., 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-052: La Guerra Civil Espanyola - Exposicio organitzada per la direccio general del patrimoni artistic, arxius i museus ministeri de cultura, 1981Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-053: Report - "The Worker in Spain Today, March 30, 31 / April 1, 1973", 1973Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-054: Report - "Canadian Conference for Amnesty in Spain, October 22-24, 1971", 1971Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-055: "The Cambridge Exhibition Against War and Fascism", [1935]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-056: "A Visit With Eight Spanish Women Political Prisoners of Franco" - Albert PragoAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-057: "Por el frente de la juventud trabajadora revolucionaria..."Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-058: Espagne 1930-1937.  No Pasaran!!  Exposition., 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-059: "Spain Revisited - by members of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade", [1977]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-060: "Palabras !NO!  !Hechos!"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-061: Memorandum from the Foreign Service of the United States of America for "Miss Constance Kyle Regarding Telegraphic Expenses to and from Department of State Washington...", 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-062: Certificate from the League of Nations to Madame Virginia Cavici Mallein, dated 14 December 1938", 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-063: Fred Keller - Drafts, letters (removed), ret. carbons.  1960's/1970'sAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-064: Morris Carnovsky items, playbills, clippings, review, etc., 1964Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-065: The Madrid Pact - miscellaneous papers relating to the Madrid Pact, 1970, 1974-1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-066: Various autographed slips of paperAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-067: "Codigo del Tribunal Infantil..."Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-068: Uncut jacket proof for Rolfe's "Collected Poems"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-069: VALB Constitution/by-laws, 1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-070: Movie related material - "Spain Again" and "Fight the Good Fight", 1982, 1984Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-071: VALB miscellaneous fliers, leaflets, 1960, 1966, 1970-1971Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-072: Rosenstein, Herman - Drafts, letters (removed), reatined carbons, 60's and 70's, 1962, 1976-1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-073: VLAB, 1961-1979, fliers, circular letters, reports, 1961-1962, 1966, 1970-1971, 1973, 1978-1979Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-074: "Political Prisoners in Spain, 1961."  Four receipts., 1961Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-075: "Re:  Ernest Hemingway"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-076: Presentation case for the Hans-Beimler-Medaille for Hernmann Rosenstein (no medal)., 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-077: Clippings from newspapers and magazines pasted to black paper.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-077a: VALB notes concerning opposition to Vietnam war., 1968Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-078: Photo book of 50th Anniversary Commemoration for April 27, 1986 with signatures of guests in the front, 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-079: Red cloth embroidered with "Casal Erijon Medrano  al 58 Battalion" presented to the 58th batallion May 1, 1938 by trade unionists in Spain (May Day), 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-1: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 30th Anniversary pin., 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-10: Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-11: Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-12: Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939 (3/4" diamater)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-13: Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939 (2" diameter)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-14: Abraham Lincoln Brigade [obverse] / Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939 [reverse] (1 3/4" in diameter, almost 1/4" thick; high relief)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-15: En homenatge a les Brigades Internacionales Guerra Civil Espanyola, 1936-1939 Barcelona Octubre, 1986 [reverse] / raised relief of children playing in a circle holding hands [obverse], 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-16: Asociacion de Ex-Presos y Represaliados Politicos Libertad 1977, 1977Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-17: Porulstra Libertad y la Nuestra XIII BI 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-18: Cincuentenario de las Brigades Internacionales 1936-1986 [obverse] / ... y, amando el obro de la paz floreza !Salud! "Pasionoria" [reverse], 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-19: Voluntarios Interncaionales de la Libertad 1936-1939 [obverse] / Pro Meritas B.I. - I.B. [reverse] (with cloth ribbon attached)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-2: Voluntaros Internacionales de la Libertad 1939-1939 pin., [196?]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-20: Kampfer Gegen Faschismus [obverse] / Vorwarts und Nicht Vergessen 1933-1945 [reverse]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-21: Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-22: Solidaridad 40 Pasaremos Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-23: Solidaridad XXX Pasaremos Voluntarios Internacionales de la Libertad 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-24: Ring of Nationalist air personnel (pilot or other crewman)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-25: Wings given to Milton Wolff by Jaiml Mata, head of ADAR (Asociacion de Aviadoses de la Republica), the Republican air vets group.  Mata was a flying ace in the Ebro offensive, 1938.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-26: Brigadas Internacionales patch (usually worn on the beret)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-27: Milton Wolff's C.B.I. insignia (China-Burma-India theater)Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-28: Friends Abraham Lincoln Brigade - 1939, 1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-29: Spanish Refugee AppealAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-3: Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade 35th Anniversary pin, 1972Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-30: Lieutenant's insignia, Republican armyAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-31: Lincoln Veterans AuxilaryAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-32: Belt - purple, yellow, and red with buckleAdd to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-4: Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade 1937-1974 [with four characters in Chinese]., 1974Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-5: Libertad / Asociacion de Expresos y Represaliados Politicos 1975 medal, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-6: 40th Anniversario Brigate Internazionali 9-10 Octubre 1976 Firenze, 1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-7: A.D.A.R. Asociacion de Aviadores de la Republica VIII Comid de Confraternidad Barcelona Mayo 1980Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-8: Veterans Abraham Lincoln Brigade U.S.A. International Brigades 1983 Return to Spain, 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-080-9: International Brigade insignia and red star with hammer and sickle on obverse; inscription in Cyrillic alphabet, ending in "1936-1939," on reverse.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-081: "For Frieda [Wolff] for all you have done for and with us in the fight for a Free Spain.  The Bay Area Post of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade  Feb. 27, 1983" signed by the veterans., 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-081-1: Cassette recording of Vets' Meeting for Feb. 20, 1972, Hariam, WI, 1972Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-081-2: Magnetic tape (in plastic case) entitled "Frank (?)"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-081-3: Magnetic tape labeled "Vets"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-081-4: Magnetic tape labeled "Thayer"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-082-1: Magetic tape lalbeled "Moe's Speech KPFA 10/5/62".  On rear of box:  "San Francisco KPFA 10/5/62 Interview of Moe Fishman 1 hour", 1962Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-082-2: Magnetic tape of meeting at the Sheraton-Atlantic Hotel - New York City on 3/24/68, Mono - Half Track - 3 3/4 i.p.s., 1968Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-082-3: Magentic tape labeled "Miss Pat Geenly".  On reverse of box:  "at Vets dinner, N. Cali?"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-1: Unmarked cassette in case (1 of 2).Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-10: Cassette marked "Frieda"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-11: Cassette marked "1-VALB 27 February 1983", 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-12: Unmarked cassette.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-13: Cassette marked "Milt Wolff, et al / Bay Area Post 50th Anniversary", [1986]Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-14: Cassette marked "VALB 4/86 50th Anniversary", 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-15: Cassette marked "MW at Rotary Club May, 1986", 1986Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-2: Unmarked cassette in case (2 of 2).Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-3: Cassette marked "Sp Delegation  Hy Wallach Dec. 8 on Bk Room"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-4: Cassette marked "41st Reunion of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade San Leandro Ca. March 5, 1978", 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-5: Cassette marked "Letter to Peter"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-6: Cassette marked "Ron Dellums Vets Dinner 2/2/80", 1980Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-7: Cassette marked "Ron Dellums Vets Dinner 2/2/80", 1980Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-8: Cassette marked "Pete Seeger/Spain '36"Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-083-9: Cassette marked "Bender-Wolff  Bermak int."Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-084: Black and white lino cut design, depicting peasant family with donkey fleeing bombers and burning town.  Reminiscent of treatments of the flight of the Holy Family.  Produced by Gwen Raverat for the Cambridge branch of Medical Aid for Spain.  34 x 39 cm.Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-085: "Congreso Continental Americano Por La Paz / Mexico 5-10 de Septiembre de 1949 [American Continental Congress for Peace / Mexico City 5-10 September 1949]", 1949Add to your cart.
Box-Folder G1-245: The Fallen SparrowAdd to your cart.
Series 8: PeriodicalsAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 21 items.
Box-Folder 001: Alas Gloriosas, 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 002: Anarchy:  A Journal of Anarchist Ideas, 1961Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 003: Communist Review, 1936-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 004: Information Bulletin - Canadian Committee for a Democratic Spain, 1972, 1973, 1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 005: Irish Freedom, 1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 006: Juvented: Press Information On the Youth of Spain, 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 007: Left Review, 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 008: Libertad, 1974-1975Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 009: Life and Letters Today, 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 010: Mundo Obrero, 1972, 1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 011: Nuestra Bandera, 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 012: Picture Post, 1938-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 013: Shmate:  A Journal of Progressive Jewish Thought, 1983Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 014: Spain, 1937-1939Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 015: Spanish Revolution:  Bulletin of the Worker' Party of Marxist Unification, 1937Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 016: U.S Committee for a Democratic Spain / Information Bulletin, 1975-1976Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 017: Umbral, 1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 018: Vanguard-a libertarian communist.., 1936-1938Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 019: Viva, 1978Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 020: Volunteer for Liberty, 1939-1947, 1957-1958, 1961, 1966Add to your cart.
Box-Folder 021: War in Spain:  A Weekly Summary, 1938-1939Add to your cart.
Series 9: PhotographsAdd to your cart.
Note: Contains 228 items.
Box A1-001Add to your cart.
Item 001Add to your cart.
Item 002Add to your cart.
Item 003: 1937Add to your cart.
Item 004: 1937Add to your cart.
Item 005: 1937Add to your cart.
Item 006Add to your cart.
Item 007Add to your cart.
Item 008Add to your cart.
Item 009Add to your cart.
Item 010Add to your cart.
Item 011Add to your cart.
Item 012Add to your cart.
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Item 025Add to your cart.
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Item 027Add to your cart.
Item 028Add to your cart.
Item 029Add to your cart.
Item 030Add to your cart.
Item 031Add to your cart.
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Item 042Add to your cart.
Item 043Add to your cart.
Item 044Add to your cart.
Item 045Add to your cart.
Item 046Add to your cart.
Item 047Add to your cart.
Item 048Add to your cart.
Item 049Add to your cart.
Item 050Add to your cart.
Item 051Add to your cart.
Item 052Add to your cart.
Item 053Add to your cart.
Item 054Add to your cart.
Item 055Add to your cart.
Item 056Add to your cart.
Item 057Add to your cart.
Item 058Add to your cart.
Item 059Add to your cart.
Item 060Add to your cart.
Item 061Add to your cart.
Item 061aAdd to your cart.
Box A2-001Add to your cart.
Item 001Add to your cart.
Item 002Add to your cart.
Item 003Add to your cart.
Item 004Add to your cart.
Item 005Add to your cart.
Item 006Add to your cart.
Item 007Add to your cart.
Item 008Add to your cart.
Item 009Add to your cart.
Item 010Add to your cart.
Item 011Add to your cart.
Item 012: 1937Add to your cart.
Item 013Add to your cart.
Item 014Add to your cart.
Item 015Add to your cart.
Item 016Add to your cart.
Item 017Add to your cart.
Item 018Add to your cart.
Item 019Add to your cart.
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Item 022Add to your cart.
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Item 024Add to your cart.
Item 025Add to your cart.
Item 026Add to your cart.
Item 027Add to your cart.
Item 028Add to your cart.
Item 029Add to your cart.
Item 030Add to your cart.
Item 031Add to your cart.
Item 032Add to your cart.
Item 033Add to your cart.
Item 034Add to your cart.
Item 035Add to your cart.
Item 036Add to your cart.
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Item 071Add to your cart.
Item 072Add to your cart.
Item 073Add to your cart.
Item 074Add to your cart.
Item 075Add to your cart.
Item 076Add to your cart.
Item 077Add to your cart.
Item 078Add to your cart.
Item 079Add to your cart.
Item 080Add to your cart.
Item 081Add to your cart.
Item 082Add to your cart.
Item 083Add to your cart.
Item 084Add to your cart.
Item 085Add to your cart.
Item 086Add to your cart.
Item 087Add to your cart.
Item 088Add to your cart.
Item 089Add to your cart.
Item 090Add to your cart.
Item 091Add to your cart.
Item 092Add to your cart.
Item 093Add to your cart.
Item 094Add to your cart.
Item 095Add to your cart.
Item 096Add to your cart.
Item 097Add to your cart.
Item 098Add to your cart.
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Item 113Add to your cart.
Item 114Add to your cart.
Item 115Add to your cart.
Item 116Add to your cart.
Item 117Add to your cart.
Item 118Add to your cart.
Item 119Add to your cart.
Box A3-001Add to your cart.
Item 1650Add to your cart.
Item 1651Add to your cart.
Item 1652Add to your cart.
Item 1654Add to your cart.
Item 1655Add to your cart.
Item 1657Add to your cart.
Item 1658Add to your cart.
Item 1659Add to your cart.
Item 1660Add to your cart.
Box B1-001Add to your cart.
Item 062Add to your cart.
Item 063Add to your cart.
Item 064Add to your cart.
Item 065Add to your cart.
Item 066Add to your cart.
Item 067Add to your cart.
Item 068Add to your cart.
Item 069Add to your cart.
Item 070Add to your cart.
Item 071Add to your cart.
Item 072Add to your cart.
Item 073Add to your cart.
Item 074Add to your cart.
Item 075Add to your cart.
Item 076Add to your cart.
Item 077Add to your cart.
Item 078Add to your cart.
Item 079Add to your cart.
Item 080Add to your cart.
Item 081Add to your cart.
Item 082Add to your cart.
Item 083Add to your cart.
Item 084Add to your cart.
Item 085Add to your cart.
Item 086Add to your cart.
Item 087Add to your cart.
Item 088Add to your cart.
Item 089Add to your cart.
Item 090Add to your cart.
Item 091Add to your cart.
Box C1-001Add to your cart.
Item 092Add to your cart.
Item 093Add to your cart.
Item 094Add to your cart.
Item 095Add to your cart.
Item 096Add to your cart.
Item 097Add to your cart.
Item 098Add to your cart.
Series OS: Oversize materialsAdd to your cart.
Note: 1 pamphlet binder and 1 box in Oversize
Sub-series 1: SCW GeneralAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Original Battle or Parade Flag of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion.Add to your cart.
A 48-star United States flag, 89 cm x 108 cm (34.5" x 42.5"), n.d. "LINCOLN BATTN" stenciled in black on center red stripe. "Property of Joseph Wotczic" [?] written vertically in blue ballpoint pen along canvas border verso. Battles written on six white stripes: "Jarama-Brunet," Pingarron Hill," "Aragon-Quinto," "Ebro River," "Mosquito Ridge-Teruel," and "Hill 666." Note 1: Purchased October 2015 from Lorne Bair via unidentified Pittsburg bookseller's purchase from the Estate of Robert Colodny (1915-1997). Note 2: Conserved 2019-2021 and housed on a cylinder in custom-made box. Note 3: Consult with curator for display.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Books],
[Series 2: Broadsides],
[Series 3: Clippings],
[Series 4: Correspondence],
[Series 5: Documents],
[Series 6: Manuscripts],
[Series 7: Miscellaneous],
[Series 8: Periodicals],
[Series 9: Photographs],
[Series OS: Oversize materials],

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