Search Results for "carl sandburg" | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Search Results for Language: Latin [lat]
- [Abstract, in Latin, of the Statutes of Queen Elizabeth ...], 1568
- [Antiphonal], [between 14-- and 15--]
- [Apologia. Metamorphoses. Florida], [1389]
- [Aristotelica varia], [1465]
- Ascendens Christu[s] in altum, captivam ..., [ca. 1593]
- [Aurora], [12--?]
- [Aurora], [12--]
- [Aurora], [1200-1300?]
- [Bellum Catalinarium and Bellum Jugurthinum], [between 12--? and 13--?]
- Hebrew book of Ecclesiastes manuscript, circa 1700
- [Biblia], [12--?]
- [Biblical manuscript fragments], [13--]
- [Biblical text], [13--?]
- [Book of hours : use of Sarum], [ca. 1420]
- [Book of Hours : use of Tournai], [between 1450 and 1499]
- [Book of Hours: Sarum Use], [ca. 1450-1500]
- [Breviarium], [14--]
- [Breviarium], [1441]
- [Breviarium], [14--?]
- [Breviary: use of York], [ca. 1400]
- A breviary of the state of the Roman (or Westerne) Church & Empire, the decay of true religion, & the rising of the Papacy: from the tyme of our Lo, [1634]
- [Brut], [14--?]
- [Calendarium], [ca. 1450-1482]
- Scaliger, Joseph Juste. Catalecta Virgilii & aliorum poëtarum latinorum veterum poematia, 1617
- Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection, 1116-1913
- Antonio Cavagna collection of printed materials, 1116-1913
- [Charter, 1399 January 20, from Simon de Thornton to Philip, Lord Darcy, Robert de Waterton, and John Dannay], 1399
- CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases, 1729-1758?
- Petrus Chrysologus letter, undated
- Clavicula Salamonis, hebraeorum regis. [manuscript] / Traducta in Latinum ... ex Hebraeo per F.L.C. Ex mandato ... Mantuae Ducis., [16--?]
- [collection of Latin poetry, classical and medieval], [13--?-14--?]
- [Commentaria in Danielem, Oseam, Johelem, prophetae], [ca. 1450]
- [Commentaria in Psalmos], ca. 1175-1200
- [Commentarius in Psalmos], [14--?]
- [Commonplace book of similes and comparisons from scripture and general literature], [16--?]
- Commonplace book, circa 1680-1704
- [Compendium synonymorum], [1630-1668]
- Compendium logicorum. Ethicorum libri tres, 1671
- [De bono mortis], [ca. 1200]
- De consolatione philosophiae/ Boethius, [between 1350 and 1450]
- De philosophiae co[n]solatio[n]e / Anicii Ma[n]lii Severini Boetii, [between 1400 and 1500]
- De raptu Proserpine, libri III / Claudiani poetae alexandrini, [1469]
- [Dialogorum libri IV], [13--?]
- Dictata clarissimi eruditissimi viri Joannis Georgii Graevii Animadvers: In Iustinum. [manuscript], [ca. 1700?]
- [Diegesis philosophoy], [ca. 1500]
- Disputatio de malis spiritibus eorumque in corpora potestate [manuscript]., [between 1650 and 1699]
- Disquisitio abdicationis nupera [manuscript]., [1689]
- [Doctrinale], [between 1350 and 1399]
- [Elegantiolae], [between 1450 and 1500]
- [Ethica Nicomachea], [13--?]
- Exercitationes rhetoricae [manuscript]., [between 1675 and 1725]
- Exerci[t]ia literaria academi[ae] forsan Patavina, [16--?]
- Commonplace book of philosophical texts, undated
- [Facta et dicta memorabilia], [14--?]
- Factoru[m] et dictoru[m] memorabiliu[m] / Valerii Maximi, [14--?]
- Fauna Peoriana. [manuscript], [ca. 1857]
- [Formula vitae honestae], [between 14--? and 15--?]
- [Fragmenta varia graeca], [14--?]
- Francke-Hempel collection, 1691-1725
- [Gloria Patri], [ca. 1480]
- [Graecismus], [1404]
- [Graecismus, book X, lines 282 - 303]
- [Grant, 1325 June 1, to Hugh le Despenser the Younger of the custody of Bristol Castle], 1325
- Gustav Gröber collection, 1824-1930
- Gulielmi Tresshami sacrae theologiae professoris et Ecclesiae Cathedralis Christi Oxon. Canonici In quaestionem de non ducenda uxore fratris defuncti, [ca. 1530-1558]
- [Homiliae super Matthaeum], [11--?]
- [Homiliarium], [11--?]
- [Hymnal, in Latin, with glosses in Latin and English], [15--?]
- Institutioes Oratoriae, 17th century
- Introductio ad philosophiam [manuscript], [between 1650 and 1750]
- [Jeremiah, 8:2-10:3], [ca. 1450]
- [Judges 9:27-11:33], [1230-1299?]
- La vincitrice Caterina: tragedia spirituale del Vigoroso Accademico Vnito di Cortona., [1614-1615]
- Lamplugh, Thomas. Commonplace book, 1642-1678
- Large music ms. with illuminatrea in Latin on vellum, undated
- [Latin Psalter], [ca. 1375-1425]
- [Latin epigrams]., [8--? or 9--?]
- [Latin works], [ca. 1375-1400]
- [Historia scholastica], [12--?]
- [Legal formulae, in Latin and English], [15-- or 16--?]
- [Legenda aurea], 1285
- [Legenda aurea], [13--?]
- Libellus concionum ad populum [manuscript]., 1675
- [Liber assisarum cum tabula], [15--?]
- [Liber de regimine principum, etc.], [14--?]
- [Liber la porta archipresbiteri ecclesia], [14--?]
- Libri de anima [manuscript], [1681]
- [Lyte book of hours], [ca. 1390?]
- [Missal, with Calendar, ca.1400], [1400]
- [Missale], [11--?]
- [Modus scribendi epistolas], [ca. 1490]
- Modus tenendi parliamenti apud Anglos: In two bookes / composed by Henry Elsinge Esqr. Clarke of the Parliament, [ca. 1650]
- Neo-Latin Plays
- Notationes circa vitam Itlmi. [i.e. Illmi.] D. Ioan. de Palafox scriptam per Pem. Antonium Gonzalez de Rosende, 1690s
- [Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis], [14--?]
- [Opuscula rhetorica], [14--?]
- [Opusculum fallaciarum], [1485]
- [Orationes], [ca. 1400]
- [Ordo ad consecrandum et coronandum regem et reginam Franciae], [ca. 1326-1330]
- P. Ouidii Nasonis desue tristitiae conquestione liber primus, [1400-1499?]
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