[Acts of Parliament, Henry VI to Charles I] [manuscript], [between 1677 and 1685]
| Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Ms. codex.
Title supplied by cataloger.
A collection of legal texts, mostly parliamentary acts, copied from several manuscripts. Exemplar shelfmark is often given in the margin at the beginning of a text.
Fol. 1r-1v: Acta concilij tempore Henrici sexti (from Cotton Cleopatra F.4).
Fol. 2r-2v: Authoritas senescalli anglie (from Cotton Tiberius E.8 fol. 34b).
Fol. 2v-3v: Ordo es presidentia nobilium angliae.
Fol. 4r-10r: The whole discourse of the Duke of Norfolke arraigned on the 16 day of January anno dom[ini] 1572.
Fol. 11r: Extracts out of the lords journall 1 Hen 8 concerning the passing the provisos annext to the Bill of Tonage & poudage.
Fol. 11v-12r: Extracts out of the journall of the House of Comons 23 Eliz. of the passing the Bill for fortifying the borders toward Scotl.
Fol. 12r: Extracts out of ye Lds. journall 1 Eliz.
Fol. 12v: Observations of the 39 Articles agreed on in the convocation held A.D. 1562.
Fol. 13r-14v: The arguments of ye barons of the exchequer in the case between Sir Robert Atkyns plt. & Holford deft. ... (from HIllar 22 & 23 Car. 2 a.d. 1670).
Fol. 16r-17v: Journall ... began Monday 2 April 1571 13 Eliz. dissolved 29 May following.
Fol. 18r-24v: Acts of James 1.
Fol. 25r: Lds. journall die lune 23 July 1670.
Fol. 25v-26v: 5a. sessio ... K. Jacobi incept die martis 16. Octo. A.D. 1610 ... (from Cotton Titus F.4).
Fol. 27v-28v: Acts of 1 Ric 3 (from unidentified Cotton MS).
Fol. 29v-36v: Acts of 1 Hen 7 [and 3 H 7, 4 H 7, 7 H 7, 11 H 7, 12 H 7, 19 H 7] (from unidentified Cotton MS).
Fol. 37r-37v: Acts of 1 Hen 8 (from an MS belonging to William Pitt).
Fol. 38r-40v: Acts of 4 Hen 8 [and 5 H 8, 6 H 8].
Fol. 41r-50r: Acts of 7 Hen 8 [and 14 H 8, 21 H 8, 22 H 8, 23 H 8, 24 H 8, 25 H 8, 28 H 8, 31 H 8, 32 H 8] (from Cotton Titus E.13 and a MS belonging to William Pitt).
Fol. 50v-52v: Acts of 1 Ed 6 [and 2 Ed 6, 3 Ed 6, 5 Ed 6] (from a MS belonging to William Pitt and a manuscript belonging to a certain Mr. Petty [Pittij?]).
Fol. 53r-54v: Acts of 1 Mary [and 2 Mary, 3 Mary, 4 Mary, 5 Mary, 6 Mary] (from a MS belonging to Mr. Petty).
Fol. 55r-74r: Acts of 1 Eliz [and 5 Eliz, 8 Eliz, 13 Eliz, 14 Eliz, 18 Eliz, 23 Eliz, 27 Eliz, 28 Eliz, 29 Eliz, 31 Eliz, 35 Eliz, 39 Eliz, 43 Eliz] (from Cotton Titus F.1 and Cotton Titus F.2).
Fol. 74v: Proclamation before parliament by James I (from a MS owned by Mr. Petty).
Fol. 75r-75v: Acts of 12 James 1 [and 18 James 1, 21 James 1].
Fol. 76r-82r: Acts of 1 Car 1 [and 2 Car 1, 3 Car 1, 16 Car 1].
Fol. 82r-89v: Parliamentary acts, 1640-1642.
Fol. 90r: Lds. jornall Wed. 11 December 1667.
Fol. 90v: Acts of parliament, 1642.
Fol. 91r-91v: Lds. jornall Thurs. 15 February 1676.
Fol. 92r-92v: Comons journall, June 1642.
Fol. 93r-97v: The apology of James I before parliament.
Fol. 98r-100r: Letter to the king from parliament concerning the case of Sir Francis Goodwin.
Fol. 100v: Unidentified tract in defense of papists.
Fol. 101r-104v: The reasons of free trade.
Fol. 105r-105v: The articles of impeachment exhibited against the Earl of Clarendon. November 1667.
Fol. 105v-106v: Lds jornall, 1642-1643.
Fol. 107r-127v: The petition of grievances [3 James to 8 James] (from Cotton Titus F.4).
Fol. 128r-133r: Sundry great wrongs, grievances & oppressions of the late yeeres committed and done by the clergy ... (from Cotton Cleopatra F.2).
Fol. 133v: Jornalls of ye canons of ye session held 13 Aprill 1675.
Fol. 134r-136r: A catalogue of such jornall bookes, copies of acts & other papers as are or were in the custody of the House of Comons.
Fol. 136v: Jornall of ye comons of ye session began Wednesday 13 October 1675.
Fol. 137r-141r: Acts of 4 Hen 8 [and 5 H 8, 6 H 8, 7 H 8]
Fol. 143r-160v: Acts of James 1 (from Cotton Titus F.4, a MS owned by a certain Mr. Baldwyn, a MS owned by a certain Robert, a MS owned by William Pitt and a MS owned by William Petty).
Fol. 161r-163v: Acts of 1 Charles 1 (from a MS owned by William Pitt)
Fol. 164r-167v: Acts of James 1 (from a MS owned by William Pitt).
Fol. 168r-171v: Acts of 33 Hen 8 [and 34 H 8, 35 H 8, 37 H 8, 38 H 8] (from a MS owned by William Pitt).
Fol. 172r: Table of contents.
Script: In at least two dozen mid-late 17th century English hands.
Binding: Contemporary vellum over pasteboard.
Origin: Probably copied during the reign of Charles II of England.
Entries for acts of James I are listed simply as: "[year] Jac", while entries for Charles I are distinguished as: "[year] Car 1", indicating that James II had not yet ascended. -- One source MS is dated at 1670 (fol. 13r; possibly misdated?: 22 & 23 Car II should be 1681-1682). -- Terminus a quo of 1676 [i.e. 1677] (cf. entry on fol. 91r).
Provenance: Acquired from E.G. Allen, 31 December 1942.
Shelfmark: Urbana, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Post-1650 MS 238.
Autograph on front pastedown: "H. Powle"; presumably Henry Powle (d. 1692), who was Master of the Rolls in 1689.
Link to catalog record: https://i-share-uiu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CARLI_UIU/gpjosq/alma99566517112205899