Collection Overview
Title: Newcastle Society of Friends. Aurora Borealis manuscripts, 1831-1842
ID: 01/02/02/POST-1650 MS 0048
Primary Creator: Newcastle Society of Friends (Quakers)
Other Creators: Brumell, George Atley
Extent: 1.0 Volumes
Subjects: English essays - 19th century, English poetry - 19th century, Society of Friends - England
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This volume contains 33 items related to the Aurora Borealis, a literary annual published by members of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, in 1832. George Atley Brumell, one of the annual's founding editors, dedicated this bound group of manuscripts to his granddaughter, Mary Beatrice Cooper, on May 7, 1875.
The first three items, consisting of a printed notice and call for submissions, an article reprinted from the Sunderland Herald, and personal recollections by George Atley Brumell, provide a concise history of the Aurora Borealis. Fourteen manuscript submissions and two engravings, including poetic and prose works that did not appear in the published volume, follow. Thirteen letters, addressed primarily to Joseph Watson and Charles Bragg, relate to various aspects of the publication process; the correspondents include prospective authors, engravers, and publishers. One additional letter to George Atley Brumell is apparently unrelated to the Aurora Borealis.
See Administrative/Biographical History for more information.
Collection Historical Note
Several members of the Society of Friends met in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, in 1831 to discuss the possible publication of a literary annual. They sought submissions throughout the following year and published the Aurora Borealis around December 1832. This was the volume's sole edition.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Restrictions:
The collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions:
This item is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.
Finding Aid Revision History:
Revised by Meg Hixon (December 2016) and Dana Miller (December 2023).
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Volume:
Volume 1],
- Volume 1

- Item 1: Notice of "A new literary annual, entitled The Aurora Borealis", 1831 December 7

- 1 page. Print. Solicits contributions for the Aurora Borealis, a new literary annual created and edited by members of the Society of Friends.
- Item 2: "The Aurora Borealis, a Literary Annual. Newcastle upon Tyne: Charles Tilt, London.", 1833

- 1 page. Print. Article reprinted from the Sunderland Herald. Includes a brief review of the Aurora Borealis and reprints a poem by Mary Howitt: "The Child's Faith."
- Item 3: George Atley Brumell history of the Aurora Borealis literary annual

- 5 pages. Manuscript. Discusses the history of the Aurora Borealis literary annual and the reasons for its dissolution.
- Item 4: William Finden engraving, The Bride, circa 1832

- 1 page. Print. After a painting by George B. Richardson. Printed by C. Empson, Newcastle upon Tyne and C. Tilt, London. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 5: P. M. James essay, Lord Dudley's Lime Quarries, circa 1832

- 18 pages. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 6: C. C. poem, Reflections on visiting Loch Leven Isle and Castle, 1832

- 1 page. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis. Enclosed in a letter from William Collins to Charles Bragg, 1832 August 23.
- Item 7: Bernard Barton poem, Town and Country, 1832?

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis. Enclosed in a letter from Barton to Joseph Watson, 1832 January 8.
- Item 8: Untitled poem, 1831

- 1 page. Manuscript.
- Item 9: G. A. poem, Morning, a Sonnet, circa 1832

- 1 page. Manuscript.
- Item 10: Xantippe poems, Stanzas Written in the Album of a young friend and The dreary gravel, circa 1832

- 4 pages. Manuscript. 3 pages and 1 page, respectively.
- Item 11: M. S. essay, Reflexions on finishing the perusal of Lord Sheffield's Life of Gibbon, 1832 April

- 5 pages. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 12: William Howitt poem, The English Peasant, circa 1832

- 4 pages. Manuscript. Bound in two two-page segments, with The Child's Faith and The Last Effort appearing in between them. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 13: Mary Howitt poem, The Child's Faith, circa 1832

- 3 pages. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 14: William L. Harle poem, The Last Effort, circa 1832

- 11 pages. Manuscript.
- Item 15: H. R. poem, To a Boy, on hearing him whistling in the Street "The Bonnets of blue," during the prevalence of the cholera, 1831 December

- 1 page. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 16: W. G. Thompson essay, Rokeby, 1832 September

- 11 pages. Manuscript. Includes an excerpt from Sir Walter Scott's poem of the same name. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 17: W. G. Thompson essay, Rose Aylmer: A Legend of Cleveland, circa 1832

- 16 pages. Manuscript. Published in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 18: George Balmer letter to [Charles] Bragg, circa 1832

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Requests an impression of his engraving (likely Rokeby).
- Item 19: William Miller engraving, Rokeby, 1832 November

- 1 page. Print. After a painting by George Balmer. Printed by Charles Tilt, London.
- Item 20: Letter to "Esteemed Friend", 1832 February 26

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Offers to contribute to the Aurora Borealis and reports the Duke of Bedford's favorable opinion of the forthcoming publication.
- Item 21: William Miller letter to Charles Bragg, William Doeg, and Joseph Watson, 1832 March 7

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Replies to their inquiry about fees for the use of Miller's engravings in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 22: Letter to "Sir", 1832 May 7

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Illegible signature. Declines an opportunity to subscribe to the Aurora Borealis until after its publication.
- Item 23: Charles Tilt letter to Joseph Watson, 1832 May 14

- 3 pages. Manuscript. Illegible signature. Agrees to publish the Aurora Borealis in London and discusses relevant financial considerations.
- Item 24: William Howitt letter to "Esteemed Friend", 1832 June 14

- 3 pages. Manuscript. Mentions his submissions to the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 25: Henry F. Chorley letter to Joseph Watson, 1832 May 15

- 1 page. Manuscript. Mentions his submission to the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 26: George B. Richardson letter to George Atley Brumell, 1842 June 29

- 1 page. Manuscript. A personal letter.
- Item 27: P. M. James letter to William Doeg and Charles Bragg, 1832 July 3

- 1 page. Manuscript. Mentions his submissions to the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 28: Amelia Opie letter to Joseph Watson, 1832 July 19

- 1 page. Manuscript. Offers to send an unspecified work of prose to the editors of the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 29: Joseph John Gurney letter to Charles Bragg, 1832 June 12

- 1 page. Manuscript. Mentions his submission to the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 30: Thomas Doubleday letter to Joseph Watson, 1832? August 8

- 1 page. Manuscript. Mentions his submission to the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 31: William Howitt letter to Joseph Watson, 1832 November 26

- 2 pages. Manuscript. Acknowledges receipt of two copies of the Aurora Borealis and discusses it in the context of other literary annuals in England. Mentions the possiblity of publishing a Soceity of Friends literary annual in America.
- Item 32: William Finden letter to Joseph Watson, 1832 December 19

- 1 page. Manuscript. Requests payment for the use of his engraving, The Bride, in the Aurora Borealis.
- Item 33: George B. Richardson letter to Joseph Watson, circa 1832

- 1 page. Manuscript. Mentions his painting, The Bride, later published as an engraving in the Aurora Borealis.
Browse by Volume:
Volume 1],