[Florentine gazetteer and commonplace book], [16th cent.]
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More complete cataloging can be found at: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/62709376
Title supplied by cataloger.
Ms. codex.
Script: In several italic hands of the 16th century.
Binding: Parchment; spine title: "Zibaldone".
Origin: Probably begun by a student of geography in Florence in the second quarter of the 16th century and continued by several other persons. The earliest date contemporaneous with the writing is 1548 (fol. 166v, giving the number of households in Florence).
Provenance: Purchased from H. P. Kraus, 15 February 1968 (catalog 117, no. 41).
Former shelfmark: MS 910.3 Z615.
fol. 1r-9r: [World gazetteer, A]. fol. 12r-15v: [World gazetteer, B].
fol. 19r-25r: [World gazetteer, C]. fol. 27r-28v: [World gazetteer, D].
fol. 31r-v: [Text of a donation by the Emperor Louis I to Pope Paschal I, ca. 818-819].
fol. 32r: [On the origins of dukes and marquises in Italy]. fol. 35r-37v: [World gazetteer, E].
fol. 42v: [Commonplace on religious orders from Sabellico and Guillaume Paradin].
fol. 43r-43v: [World gazetteer, F].
fol. 44r: [On the New World].
fol. 44v-46v: [On the Strait of Magellan, Africa, Arabia, India, Java, etc.].
fol. 47r-v: [On Florida and Giovanni da Verrazzano, dated 1558].
fol. 47v-48r: [On Columbus].
fol. 48v-49r: [Commonplace and world gazetteer, F].
fol. 51r-53r: [World gazetteer, G].
fol. 58v-59v: [World gazetteer, H].
fol. 60r-61v: [Commonplace from Horace's Epistulae and Satirae].
fol. 67r-69r: [World gazetteer, L].
fol. 75r-78r: [World gazetteer, I].
fol. 80v-81r: [Tables for cylindrical sundials].
fol. 81v-82r: Cancelled text and blank.
fol. 82v: [Quotation from Emperor Aurelianus, Epistola ad tribunum militum].
fol. 83r-86v: [World gazetteer, M].
fol. 87r-v: [Names and quantities of weight in Dioscorides, with reference to liquid volume of wine, vinegar, water, oil, and honey].
fol. 88r-v: [On measurements].
fol. 90r-92r: [World gazetteer, N].
fol. 93r-98v: [Astronomical tables calculated for 43? 40' N., the latitude of Florence].
fol. 99r-v: [List of bellicose leaders ("duces bellacissimi")].
fol. 100r-v: [Directions for making concave sundials].
fol. 103r-v: [Recipe for making powdered gold "secondo il Boccardino miniatore", probably referring to Florentine miniaturist Francesco Boccardi (1498-1547)].
fol. 104r-107v: [World gazetteer, P].
fol. 109r: [Latin phrase referring to Brennus].
fol. 109v-112r: [Neo-Latin poems of Henricus Glareanus (1488-1563), Luca Gaurico (1476-1558), and Pomponio Gaurico (ca. 1481-1528)].
fol. 112v-113v: [Astronomical tables calculated for 43? 30' N., dated 1560].
fol. 114v-115r: [Astrological tables].
fol. 116v: [Commonplace].
fol. 117r-v: [World gazetteer, R].
fol. 118v-122v: [Alphabet specimens in Hebrew, Greek, Slavic, Amharic, Gothic, Etruscan, Chaldean, etc.].
fol. 123r: [Commonplace from St. Paul and Hesiod].
fol. 124r: [Parable in Italian relating the meaning of the idiom "Mali corvi, malum ovum"].
fol. 126v: [Chronology of Assyrian monarchy].
fol. 127r-132r: [World gazetteer, S].
fol. 134r-138r: [World gazetteer, T].
fol. 140r: [On the Islamic calendar].
fol. 141v: [On Hugh, Marquis of Brandenburg, his dispatch by the emperor to Tuscany ca. 998, his travels in Tuscany, his death in 1001 and entombment in the Badia in Florence].
fol. 142r-143v: [World gazetteer, V/U, including list of Roman roads ("Vie Romane")].
fol. 145v-148r: [Biographical entries].
fol. 148v: [Selection from a bull by Pope Paul IV, 1556].
fol. 149r-150r: [Apophthegmata of Pope Pius II].
fol. 151r: [Commonplace].
fol. 151v: [Inscription from Arezzo pertaining to Q. Fabius Maximus].
fol. 152r: [World gazetteer, Z].
fol. 152v-160r: [Inscriptions from the classical and Renaissance periods, in part collected from Brescia, Rome, Naples, Carthage, etc.].
fol. 160v-162v: Hippocratis Epistola ad Moecenate[m] e graeco tran[s]lata.
fol. 163r: [Listing of the wealth of various states].
fol. 164r-166v: [Detailed measurements of distances between various points in Florence, naming buildings, gates, etc. as they existed in 1530, as surveyed by Benvenuto della Volpaia (1486-1532) and Niccol Tribolo (1500-1550)].
fol. 167r-v: [Detailed measurements of Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral of Florence, with notes on its construction costs to the year 1552. Measurements of overall size of selecet churches in Rome and the cathedral of Milan].
fol. 168r-v: fol. 168: [Notes on the cathedral and campanile of Florence and their design by Arnolfo di Lapo and Giotto, respectively; on the Ponte Vecchio; mention of the flood of 1557; on the Tabernacolo of Orcagna; on the Baptistery doors by Ghiberti].
fol. 169v: [Values of silver coins].
fol. 170v: [Selection from the "Libro di Ricordano Malespini"].
fol. 171r-172v: [Notes on Venice with statistics on ships, arms, and population in 1555].
fol. 173r-174r: [Notes and statistics on Milan, Genoa, Florence, Prato, etc.].
fol. 174v: [Commonplace of Cicero, Plato, etc.].
fol. 175r-v: [Geometric notes and drawings].
fol. 176r-v: [Commonplace].
The following leaves are blank: 9v-11v, 16r-18v, 25v-26v, 29r-30v, 32v-34v, 38r-42r, 49v-50v, 53v-58r, 62r-66v, 69v-74v, 75v-80r, 89r-v, 101r-102v, 108r-v, 114r, 115v-116r, 118r, 123v, 124v-126r, 132v-133v, 138v-139v, 140v-141r, 144r-145r, 150v, 169r, and 170r.
Formerly cataloged under the title: "Zibaldone d'uno studente fiorentino".