[collection of Latin poetry, classical and medieval], [13--?-14--?]
| Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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More complete cataloging can be found at: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/70267045
fol. 1r-6v: [Cato, Disticha, with commentary (incomplete)]
fol. 6v-13r: [Theodulus, Eclogae, with commentary (incomplete)]
fol. 13r-20v: [Flavius Avianus, Fabulae, without the prose epistle]
fol. 20v-28v: [Maximianus Etruscus, Elegiae] -- fol. 29r-v: [Cosmographical notations in Latin, with some English designations]
fol. 30r-39r: [Alanus de Insulis, Liber parabolarum (lacking last 12 lines of book VI)]
fol. 39r-40v: [Godardus of Malmesbury, De correctionibus humanae vitae]
fol. 41r-50v: [Galfridus de Vinosalvo(?), Enchiridion (ascribed also to other authors; has also the title: Opus synonymorum)] -- fol. 51r-61r: [Johannes de Garlandia, Liber de aequivocis]
fol. 62r-78v: [Johannes de Garlandia, Ars lectoria]
fol. 79r-104v: [Alexandre de Villedieu, Doctrinale, revised by Johannes de Garlandia (incomplete at beginning)]
fol. 105r-164v (with gaps): [Ebrardus Bethuniensis, Graecismus]
fol. 165r: [Johannes de Garlandia, De aequivocis (repeating material on fol. 61)]
fol. 165v-169r: [Appendix Vergiliana, here consisting of: Copa, Est et non, Vir bonus, De rosis nascentibus, and Moretum]
fol. 170r-189v (with gaps): [Horace, Satirae]
fol. 190r-v: [Unidentified material in Latin and French]
fol. 191r-198v: [Horace, Ars poetica]
fol. 199r-208r: [Persius, Satirae]
fol. 208v: [Latin note, beginning: "Notatur quod tres erant filii Jouis secundum Claudianum"]
fol. 209r-211v: [Anonymous glosses on the Ars poetica, beginning: "Materia auctoris in hoc libro est poesis"]
fol. 212r-v: [Unidentified verses, beginning: "O quam delictant nemorosa palacia fessos"]
fol. 213r-233v: [Horace, Epistolae].
Origin: Written in England, mid 14th to early 15th century, by several hands.
Provenance: Cox Macro (late 17th century) -- John Patteson, M.P., for Norwich -- Richard Beatniffe, bookdealer in Norwich (1819) -- Maggs Brothers, London (1936) -- Acquired from E. von Scherling, Leiden, 1937.
Former shelfmark: x 872 C686 1400 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library).
Faye & Bond. Steiner, Grundy. "The Urbana Manuscript of Selections from the Vergilian Appendix." Ph. D. diss., University of Illinois , 1940. Brown, Gerald M., and Katharina Philipowski. "Two Latin poems from the Urbana manuscript x872 C686 1400--educational material for lay pupils?" In Codices manuscripti 50/51 (2005): Provisional record based on De Ricci