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Codrescu collection


Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Review "Disparitia" Ioan Culianu

Reviews Romanian Radio Messiah

Reviews Romanian Hail, Babylon

Reviews Candoarea. Poezii rom.

Reviews on A.C. General Romanian

Review "Ay, Cuba" Rom.

Interviews: Romania

Reviews Mesia Rom

Blaga English and Romanian

Poetry: Romania Published


Romanian Poets


Documents sent to Codrescu

Articles not in original folders

Codrescu Collection addition

Manuscripts, translations, copies sent to Codrescu

Tzara File

Roger Conover: Tzara


Materials sent in books by Codrescu


Materials sent in books by Codrescu (2)

Materials sent in books by Codrescu (3)

Materials sent in books by Codrescu (4)

Materials sent in books by Codrescu (5)

Dr. Honoris Causa Univ. of Bucharest

Dan + Lia Perjovshi opening talk

Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (1)

Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (2)

Neptun 2006

Janco/ Israel 2005

Neptun 2006 (2)

Submarinul iertat

Other printed materials

Other printed materials (2)


Femeia neagra a unui culcus de hoti

The Empire of Affinity

Catalogs - publishing houses

Catalogs and programs - exhibits, festivals, conferences


Contact us about this collection

Codrescu collection, 1929-2004 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Collection Overview

Title: Codrescu collection, 1929-2004Add to your cart.

Extent: 0.0

Languages: Romanian

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Archival materials that accompanied the Codrescu Collection.

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

Use Restrictions:

The RBML reproductions policies can be found here:


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would damage materials or involve violation of copyright law.

Processing Information: https://wiki.cites.uiuc.edu/wiki/display/librare/Home

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Folder:

[Folder 1: Review "Disparitia" Ioan Culianu, 1990],
[Folder 2: Reviews Romanian Radio Messiah],
[Folder 3: Reviews Romanian Hail, Babylon, 1998],
[Folder 4: Reviews Candoarea. Poezii rom., 1997],
[Folder 5: Reviews on A.C. General Romanian, 2002],
[Folder 6: Review "Ay, Cuba" Rom., 2000],
[Folder 7: Interviews: Romania, 1991],
[Folder 8: Reviews Mesia Rom, 1999],
[Folder 9: Blaga English and Romanian, 1990],
[Folder 10: Poetry: Romania Published, 1990],
[Folder 11: Essays:Romanian, 1990],
[Folder 12: Romanian Poets, 1989],
[Folder 13: Miscellaneous, []],
[Folder 14: Documents sent to Codrescu],
[Folder 15: Articles not in original folders],
[Folder 16: Codrescu Collection addition, 2009],
[Folder 17: Manuscripts, translations, copies sent to Codrescu],
[Folder 18: Tzara File],
[Folder 19: Roger Conover: Tzara],
[Folder 20: Janco/Israel, 2005],
[Folder 21: Materials sent in books by Codrescu],
[Folder 22: Copies],
[Folder 23: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (2)],
[Folder 24: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (3)],
[Folder 25: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (4)],
[Folder 26: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (5)],
[Folder 27: Dr. Honoris Causa Univ. of Bucharest, 2008],
[Folder 28: Dan + Lia Perjovshi opening talk, 2007],
[Folder 29: Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (1)],
[Folder 30: Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (2)],
[Folder 31: Neptun 2006, 2006],
[Folder 32: Janco/ Israel 2005],
[Folder 33: Neptun 2006 (2), 2006],
[Folder 34: Submarinul iertat, [2008]],
[Folder 35: Other printed materials, [200u]],
[Folder 36: Other printed materials (2), [200u]],
[Folder 37: Brauner, [2001]],
[Folder 38: Femeia neagra a unui culcus de hoti, 2007],
[Folder 39: The Empire of Affinity, 1994],
[Folder 40: Catalogs - publishing houses, [200u]],
[Folder 41: Catalogs and programs - exhibits, festivals, conferences, [200u]],
[Folder 42: Posters, [200u]],

Folder 26: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (5)Add to your cart.

Materials sent in books by Codrescu (5)

Letters, business cards, addresses found in the books from Codrescu collection(cont. of Foder 25).

Series 1: Alina DiaconuAdd to your cart.
Letter, card and mail address of Alina Diaconu. Were located in COD869.3D518p:RU "Penultima calatorie" by Alina Diaconu.
Item 1: Alina DiaconuAdd to your cart.
Mail address of Alina Diaconu on a piece of envelope. Codrescu's hadwritten nore on the same piece of paper.
Item 2: Buenos Aires, 1995Add to your cart.
Note from Alina diaconu to Andrei Codrescu.
Item 3: Alina Diaconu 25/3/87, 1987Add to your cart.
Letter from Alina Diaconu to Andrei Codrescu (in French).
Series 2: Virgil MihaiuAdd to your cart.
14 pages with Virgil Mihaiu's poems. Were located in COD781.65M588C "Cutia de rezonanta" by Virgil Mihaiu.
Item 1: 3. Intelepciune orientalaAdd to your cart.
Item 2: 8. ToamnaAdd to your cart.
Item 3: FestivalAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Festival (cont.)Add to your cart.
"chinurile la care se vad supusi..."
Item 5: 10. LiveAdd to your cart.
Item 6: Kobul Moksumnida (To eat fear)Add to your cart.
Item 7: 5. Din cap pana in picioareAdd to your cart.
Item 8: 4. Trairea, poezirea su supravietuireaAdd to your cart.
Item 9: 6. Ca pe-un copilAdd to your cart.
Item 10: 7. De veghe la cutia postalaAdd to your cart.
Item 11: 2. Interior cu sabia lui DamoclesAdd to your cart.
Item 12: 11. In spatele scrisului - TeamaAdd to your cart.
Item 13: De veghe la cutia postalaAdd to your cart.
Item 14: 9. Circumstante atenuanteAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Diminetile unui Setter, 2003Add to your cart.
Typed note about the presentation of "Diminetile unui Setter" in Romania. Was located in COD858C447Od "Diminetile unui Setter" by Paul Chiru.
Item 2: 8-31-93, 1993Add to your cart.
Letter from Silvia Cinca to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD858C49Oo "Oceanul" by Silvia Cinca.
Item 3: Romanian LibraryAdd to your cart.
Address of Romanian Library in New York on a piece of envelope. Was located in COD858B959OR:E "Refuges" by Augustin Buzura.(copy 2)
Item 4: Columbia University Press Invoice, 2005Add to your cart.
Columbia University Press Invoice  for Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD858B959Ore:E "Requiem for fools and beasts" by Augustin Buzura.
Item 5: Ioan Flesaru Saexus, 2005Add to your cart.
Business card of Ioan Flesaru Saexus. Was located in COD858En27Ot "Trei viziuni ale orasului" by Mihai Ene.
Item 6: Robert Laffont, 1988Add to your cart.
Presentation of "S'il est defendu de pleurer". Was located in COD858M2812ON:F "S'il est defendu de pleurer" by Maria Mailat.
Item 7: Michael Jacob, 2000Add to your cart.
Michael Jacob's business card. Was located in COD858IA1OJ "Jennifer" by Mihai Iacob.
Item 8: DrawingAdd to your cart.
Drawing. Was located in COD813H242d "Diffidence" by Jean Harris. 
Item 9: Draga Andrei, iti trimit al doilea roman...Add to your cart.
Card from Alina Diaconu to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD869.3D518b:RU "Noapte buna, domnule profesor!" by Alina Diaconu.
Item 10: From Anamaria BeliganAdd to your cart.
Mail address of Anamaria Beligan on a piece of envelope. Was located in COD823B4123f  "A few more minutes with Monica Vitti" by Anamaria Beligan. 
Item 11: Domnule Codrescu, am luat adresa dvs. ...Add to your cart.
Note from Dan Bogdan to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD858B6332OS "Scorpionul de Durango" by Dan Bogdan.
Item 12: Exp. Dan BogdanAdd to your cart.
Mail address of  Dan Bogdan on a piece of envelope. Was located in COD858B6332OS "Scorpionul de Durango" by Dan Bogdan.
Item 13: Metropolitan Books, 2001Add to your cart.
Letter from Metropolitan Books Associate Publisher to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD835M9132Ohe:E "The appointment" by Herta Muller.
Item 14: Corneliu MitracheAdd to your cart.
Letter from Corneliu Mitrache to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD858M697Om "La Marquise de Monparnasse" by Corneliu Mitrache.
Item 15: Stimate Domnule Andrei Codrescu, 2001Add to your cart.
Letter from Felicia Mihali to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD858M88Ot  "Tara branzei" by Felicia Mihali.
Item 16: Informationen zuAdd to your cart.
Steidl Publisher's presentation of Norman Manea's book. Located in COD858M312OT:G  "Der trenchcoat" by Norman Manea 
Item 17: Vladimir TismaneanuAdd to your cart.
Vladimir Tismaneanu's business card. Was located in COD858M796Os "Sovaiala" by Ioan Morar.
Item 18: Alfred A Knopf, 2008Add to your cart.
Letter from Robin Desser to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD813R119 "Train to Trieste" by Domnica Radulescu.
Item 19: University of California PressAdd to your cart.
Letter from Randy Heyman to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD324.2498075T525st manuscript edition of "Stalinism for all seasons" by Vladimir Tismaneanu.
Item 20: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Add to your cart.
Letter from John Y. Wehmuller to Andrei Codrescu. Was located in COD155.208R512y page proofs of  "Yesterday's Self" by Andreea Deciu Ritivoi.
Item 21: Anca PedvisAdd to your cart.
Business card of Anca Pedvis with handwritten note on the back. Was located in COD858P343Op "Propilog" by Anca Pedvis.
Item 22: Magda CarneciAdd to your cart.
Business card of Magda Carneci with handwritten note on the back. Was located in COD858C214Ob "Bucuresti: o colectie de mirosuri/A Collection of Smells" by Magda Carneci and Dan Hayon.

Browse by Folder:

[Folder 1: Review "Disparitia" Ioan Culianu, 1990],
[Folder 2: Reviews Romanian Radio Messiah],
[Folder 3: Reviews Romanian Hail, Babylon, 1998],
[Folder 4: Reviews Candoarea. Poezii rom., 1997],
[Folder 5: Reviews on A.C. General Romanian, 2002],
[Folder 6: Review "Ay, Cuba" Rom., 2000],
[Folder 7: Interviews: Romania, 1991],
[Folder 8: Reviews Mesia Rom, 1999],
[Folder 9: Blaga English and Romanian, 1990],
[Folder 10: Poetry: Romania Published, 1990],
[Folder 11: Essays:Romanian, 1990],
[Folder 12: Romanian Poets, 1989],
[Folder 13: Miscellaneous, []],
[Folder 14: Documents sent to Codrescu],
[Folder 15: Articles not in original folders],
[Folder 16: Codrescu Collection addition, 2009],
[Folder 17: Manuscripts, translations, copies sent to Codrescu],
[Folder 18: Tzara File],
[Folder 19: Roger Conover: Tzara],
[Folder 20: Janco/Israel, 2005],
[Folder 21: Materials sent in books by Codrescu],
[Folder 22: Copies],
[Folder 23: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (2)],
[Folder 24: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (3)],
[Folder 25: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (4)],
[Folder 26: Materials sent in books by Codrescu (5)],
[Folder 27: Dr. Honoris Causa Univ. of Bucharest, 2008],
[Folder 28: Dan + Lia Perjovshi opening talk, 2007],
[Folder 29: Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (1)],
[Folder 30: Andrei Codrescu essays, reviews, prefaces on Romanian work (2)],
[Folder 31: Neptun 2006, 2006],
[Folder 32: Janco/ Israel 2005],
[Folder 33: Neptun 2006 (2), 2006],
[Folder 34: Submarinul iertat, [2008]],
[Folder 35: Other printed materials, [200u]],
[Folder 36: Other printed materials (2), [200u]],
[Folder 37: Brauner, [2001]],
[Folder 38: Femeia neagra a unui culcus de hoti, 2007],
[Folder 39: The Empire of Affinity, 1994],
[Folder 40: Catalogs - publishing houses, [200u]],
[Folder 41: Catalogs and programs - exhibits, festivals, conferences, [200u]],
[Folder 42: Posters, [200u]],

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