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Isabel Bevier collection


Scope and Contents

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Detailed Description

Printed Works

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Isabel Bevier collection, 1879-1955 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Collection Overview

Title: Isabel Bevier collection, 1879-1955Add to your cart.

Primary Creator: Bevier, Isabel (1860-1942)

Extent: 0.0

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Papers of Isabel Bevier (1860-1942), professor of household science (1900-21), including correspondence, publications by Miss Bevier (1898-1940) and the Household Science Department (1900, 1905, 1908-21, 1927, 1929, 1934, 1938, 1945-47), manuscripts (1896-1940), diaries (1917-20, 1922, 1924, 1931, 1935, 1940), clippings, photographs and notes about household science or home economics, the education of women, departmental administration and history, enrollments, the Woman's Building (1905) and laboratories, farm homes and houses, food and nutrition, homemaking, the family, budgeting, sanitation, the Farmer's Institutes (1907-09), extension work (1912-18), the Food Administration (1917-18), biographical and autobiographical accounts,anecdotes recalled by students and associates (1929-37), European travel (1927, 1931), obituaries and memorials (1942). The series includes Miss Bevier's The House, Its Plan, Decoration and Care (1907, 1914), The Home Economics Movement (1906), The Story of Isabel Bevier by Lita Bane (1955), five books by Ellen Richards (1899-1910) and Miss Richards' biography (1912). Correspondents include Eugene Davenport and Edmund James and officers of the American Home Economics Association (1911-12).

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

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Box and Folder Listing

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[Series 1: Printed Works],

Series 1: Printed WorksAdd to your cart.
Item 9001: Woman of FiftyAdd to your cart.
Creator: Dorr, Rheta Childe
UnitID: 2.    Call Number: B.D716 D1 cop.3.
Item 9002: Foods and Household ManagementAdd to your cart.
Creator: Kinne, Helen and Anne M. Cooley
UnitID: 3.    Call Number: 640 K62F cop.6.
Item 9003: Dietetic Value of BreadAdd to your cart.
Creator: Goodfellow, John
UnitID: 4.    Call Number: 613 G61 cop.2.
Item 9004: Home Problems from a New StandpointAdd to your cart.
Creator: Hunt, Caroline Louisa
UnitID: 5.    Call Number: 301.42H75h cop.3.
Item 9005: Preparing Women for CitizenshipAdd to your cart.
Creator: Robinson, Helen Ring
UnitID: 6.    Call Number: 323.6 R56p cop.2.
Item 9006: Food for the WorkerAdd to your cart.
Creator: Stern, Frances
UnitID: 7.    Call Number: 641 St4f cop.5.
Item 9007: Walk to Horace's FarmAdd to your cart.
Creator: Rand, E.K.
UnitID: 8.    Call Number: 871 H5.YRA cop.2.
Item 9008: Dame School of ExperienceAdd to your cart.
Creator: Conley, Emma
Creator: Crothers, Samuel McChord
UnitID: 9.    Call Number: 643 C76n cop.7.
UnitID: 10.    Call Number: 814 C88d cop.4.
Item 9009: Food in War TimeAdd to your cart.
Creator: Lusk, Graham
UnitID: 11.    Call Number: 641 L97f cop.4.
Item 9010: DieteticsAdd to your cart.
Creator: Bryce, Alexander
UnitID: 12.    Call Number: 613.2B84b cop.2.
Item 9011: Food of Working Women in BostonAdd to your cart.
Creator: Eaves, Lucille
UnitID: 13.    Call Number: 613.21 W84f cop.2.
Item 9012: Food Guide for War Service at HomeAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Food Administration
UnitID: 14.    Call Number: 338.1 Un3132f.
Item 9013: Fundamental Basis of NutritionAdd to your cart.
Creator: Lusk, Graham
UnitID: 15.    Call Number: 612.39 L97f cop.10.
Item 9014: History of the Family as a Social and Educational InstitutionAdd to your cart.
Creator: Goodsell, Willystine
UnitID: 16.    Call Number: 392.3 G628h cop.6.
Item 9015: House SanitationAdd to your cart.
Creator: Talbot, Marion
UnitID: 17.    Call Number: 628 T14h cop.3.
Item 9016: Family and its MembersAdd to your cart.
Creator: Spencer, Anna Garlin
UnitID: 18.    Call Number: 392.3 Sp33f cop.7.
Item 9017: Quantity Cooking:  Menu planning and cookery for large numbersAdd to your cart.
Creator: Richards, Lenore and Nola Treat
UnitID: 19.    Call Number: 641 R392q cop.3.
Item 9018: Home EconomicsAdd to your cart.
Creator: Parloa, Maria
UnitID: 20.    Call Number: 640 P23 cop.3.
Item 9019: Chemistry of Food and NutritionAdd to your cart.
Creator: Sherman, Henry C.
UnitID: 21.    Call Number: 612.39 Sh5c.
Item 9020: Food and the WarAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Food Administration.  Collegiate Section.
UnitID: 22.    Call Number: 641 Un34f cop.20.
Item 9021: Family, TheAdd to your cart.
Creator: Bosanquet, Helen
UnitID: 23.    Call Number: 301.42 B65f cop.4.
Item 9022: Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary StandpointAdd to your cart.
Creator: Woodman, Alpheus G. and John F. Norton
UnitID: 24.    Call Number: 543.1 R3934 cop.3.
Item 9023: Homes and their decorationAdd to your cart.
Creator: French, Lillie Hamilton
UnitID: 25.    Call Number: 749 F88 cop.4.
Item 9024: Vitamins and your healthAdd to your cart.
Creator: Gauger, Marguerite Elston
UnitID: 26.    Call Number: .
Item 9025: Family and its Sociological AspectsAdd to your cart.
Creator: Dealey, James Quayle
UnitID: 27.    Call Number: 392.3 D34f cop.4.

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[Series 1: Printed Works],

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