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John Needels Chester collection


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Autographs, portraits, mansucripts, and other material pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French

Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to American history, chiefly concerning the Civil War

Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to writers and literature, chiefly American

Other autographs, portraits, and manuscripts

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John Needels Chester collection, 1703-1939 | Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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Collection Overview

Title: John Needels Chester collection, 1703-1939Add to your cart.

ID: 01/01/MSS00075

Primary Creator: Chester, John Needels (1864-1955)

Extent: 1.51 Cubic Feet


This collection is arranged in the following series:

Series 1: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French

Series 2: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to American history, chiefly concerning the Civil War

Series 3: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to writers and literature, chiefly American

Series 4: Other autographs, portraits, and manuscripts

Subjects: Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, United States--History

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

This collection consists of approximately 175 manuscript items collected by John Chester, a member of the University of Illinois Class of 1891, who gave portions of his collection to the University Library over a twenty year period. The manuscripts comprise autographs, letters, news clippings, and portraits, including over 100 items concerning Napoleon Bonaparte and people associated with him, as well as similar memorabilia concerned with American history (especially the U.S. Civil War) and American writers, including Oliver Wendell Holmes and Joel Chandler Harris.

Besides this manuscript collection, Chester gave many books to the University of Illinois. Among Chester's early gifts to the university was a first edition of Sir Walter Raleigh's The History of the World (1614). This volume was the first gift made to the Library through the University of Illinois Foundation. His other gifts included a collection of material concerning the period of World War I, books on Napoleon Bonaparte, his family, and his era, fifteen volumes of literature, including a first edition of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, and two manuscript letters written by James Whitcomb Riley. (Note that this collection includes only the manuscript material that Chester donated; the other items were catalogued separately). The manuscript material was formerly catalogued with the call number MS944.05n16wche

Some items individually described in the Letters card catalog.

NOTE: Some information about individual items in this collection may have been cut off in a previous database transfer. This finding aid reflects the most up-to-date information in our records.

Biographical Note

Born 24 Sep 1864 in Groveport, Ohio to Hubert Chester and Melvina Sophia Needles. Moved to Champaign County, Illinois, with his family in 1865.

Graduated University of Illinois 1891 with a degree in engineering, earned his professional degree in civil engineering in 1909 and his master's from UIUC in 1911. Member of the Society of Mechanical Engineers and member and past president of the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania.  Member and Vice President of the American Society of Civil Engineering and won the George Warren Fuller award of the American Water Works Association for distinguished service in the field of water works supply.  founded the company of Chester and Fleming Engineers in Pittsburgh, which became Chester Engineers after Fleming's death.  Was a director of the University of Illinois Foundation. Died 1 Nov 1955 in Urbana, Illinois, after a 7 year illness. Buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Urbana, Illinois.

Subject/Index Terms

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
United States--History

Administrative Information

Repository: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers.

Use Restrictions:

The RBML reproductions policies can be found here:


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would damage materials or involve violation of copyright law.

Acquisition Method:

Gift, 1934-1956.

Gift, 1936.

Gift, 1948/49 from J.N. Chester

Gift, 1955/56 from the estate of John Needels Chester, class of 1891.

Processing Information: https://wiki.cites.uiuc.edu/wiki/display/librare/Home

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Autographs, portraits, mansucripts, and other material pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French],
[Series 2: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to American history, chiefly concerning the Civil War],
[Series 3: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to writers and literature, chiefly American],
[Series 4: Other autographs, portraits, and manuscripts],

Series 1: Autographs, portraits, mansucripts, and other material pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the FrenchAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: From: Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821  To: Perrier, Lieutenant (Nicolas), 1804Add to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise.

Department de la Guerre;  Minister de la Guerre -.

Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 2-1: From: Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, 1810/11/16Add to your cart.


Two pages of a marriage settlement of Mlle. Joseph.

Physical Description: 1 manuscript. 4 piece(s).
Item 2-2: From: Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, 1815Add to your cart.

Portrait Corp. Body/Address: Robert Cadell.

A portrait of Napoleon signed by Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 4 piece(s).
Item 2-3: From: Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, 1815Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Amb, Dupont. Cie Rue Vivienne.

Signed "Napoleon".

Physical Description: 1 etching. 4 piece(s).
Item 2-4: From: New York Journal, 1901/05/04Add to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: New York Journal. New York.

Facsimile signatures of Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 clipping. 4 piece(s).
Item 3: From: Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852.  To: Beresford, William Carr, Viscount, 1811/02/03Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed (missing)

Concerns regulations for wearing the medal.

Physical Description: 0 piece(s).
Item 4: From: Caulaincourt, Gen. Armand Augustin Louis de, 1772-1827, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 5: From: Junot, Laure, Duchess of Abrantes, 1783-1834., undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Wife of Marshall.

Author of "Memoirs of Napoleon".

Physical Description: l letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 6-1: From: Duroc, Gerard Christophe Michel, Duke of Friuli, General, 1772-13, 1807Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 6-2: From: Duroc, Gerard Christophe Michel, Duke of Friuli, 1772-1813, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Ambroise Tardieu Direxit.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 7-1: From: Bertheir, Pierre Alexandre, 1753-1815  To: Eruouf, General, 1803Add to your cart.
Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise. Paris, Republique.  Department de la Guerre.
Physical Description: 1 document. 2 piece(s).
Item 7-2: From: Berthier, Pierre Alexandre, 1753-1815, 1815Add to your cart.



Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 8: From: Kellerman, Le General Francois Christophe, Duc de Valmy, 1735-1820, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 9-1: From: Bernadotte, J., 1805Add to your cart.
Marshall.  Order for money for the military.
Physical Description: 1 document. 2 piece(s).
Item 9-2: From: Bernadotte, J., 1763/01/26Add to your cart.
Portrait Corp. Body/Address: S. Severin. Paris.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 10: From: Massena, Andr, Prince d'Essling, 1758-1817, 1801/04/13Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 11-1: From: Soult, Niclas Jean de Diew, Duke of Dalmatia, 1769-1851, 1803Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise.  General de la Garde du Government

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 11-2: From: Soult, Nicholas Jean de Dieu, Duke of Dalmatia, 1796-1851, undatedAdd to your cart.


Marshal of Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 12-1: From: Suchet, Louis Gabriel, Duke of Albufera, 1770-1826, [1800]Add to your cart.

Manuscript Corp.

Body/Address: Republique Francaise.  Lieutenant-General Du General En Chef.

Physical Description: 1 document. 3 piece(s).
Item 12-2: From: Suchet, Louis Gabriel, Duke of Albufera, 1770-1826, undatedAdd to your cart.



Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 12-3: From: Suchet, Louis Gabriel, Duke of Albufera, 1770-1826, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: P. L. Chevalier. Lyon (Rhone).


Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 13: From: Maria Louis of Austria, Empress of the French, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph notes
Physical Description: 2 notes + 1 envelope. 3 piece(s).
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Item 14: From: Lebrun, Charles Francois, Duke of Piacenza, 1739-1824, 1808Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 15-1: From: Lebrun, Charles Francois, Duke of Piacenza, 1739-1824, 1801/11/09Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: [Paris, Republique].

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 15-2: From: Lebrun, Charles Francois, Duke of Piacenza, 1739-1824, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching.. 2 piece(s).
Item 16: From: Lowe, Sir Hudson, 1769-1844, ????/01/31Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Portman Square.

From Lieutenant-General and Governor of St. Helena.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 17: From: Mollien, Nicolas Francois, Count, 1758-1850  To: DeLavalette, Antoine Marie Chamans, Count, 1769-1830, 1806/07/31Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Napoleon's Minister of the Treasury.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 18-1: From: Maret, Duc De Bassano, Hugues-Bernard, 1763-1839, 1836/03/18Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Minster de Napoleon

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 18-2: From: Maret, Duc De Bassano, Hugues Bernard, 1763-1839, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: [Paris].  Ministre Secretaire d'Etat.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 19: From: Marmont, Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse, Duke of Ragusa, 1774-1852, 1801Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 20: From: Moncey, Bon Adrien Jeannot de, Duke of Conegliano, 1754-1842, 1806/04/08Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Inspection Generale.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 21-1: From: Oudinot, Nicolas Charles, Duke of Reggio, 1767-1847  To: Herzinger, Ambassadeur, 1808Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 21-2: From: Oudinot, Nicolas Charles, Duke of Reggio, 1767-1847, undatedAdd to your cart.
Portrait Signature.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 22: From: Mortier, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph, Duke of Treviso, 1768-35, 1817/08/02Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Bureau de L' Organization. Rome.  Marshal.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 23: From: Lauriston, Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, Marquis de, 1768-1828  To: Marechal, Monsieur le, 1822/06/18Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Ministere de la maison du Roi.  Marshal.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 24-1: From: Brune, Guillaume Marie Anne, Marshal, 1763-1815.  To: Verone, General de, 1798Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise. Armee D' Italie.

Murdered at Avignon by a mob.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 24-2: From: Brune, Guillaume Marie Anne, Marshal, 1763-1815, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 24-3: From: Brune, Guillaume Marie Anne, Marshal, 1763-1815, undatedAdd to your cart.



Physical Description: 1 etching signed. 3 piece(s).
Item 25: From: Jourdan, Jean Baptiste, Count, 1762-1833, 1794Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise.  Armies du Rhin

Also served in the American Revolution.

Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 26: From: Andreossy, Antoine-Francios, Count, 1761-1828, 1812/02/25Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

General; Chief of Staff.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 27: From: Kellerman, de, Francois Christophe, Duc de Valmy, 1735-1820, 1806/01/01Add to your cart.



Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 28-1: From: Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompere de, Duc de Cadore,1756-1834, 1800Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 28-2: From: Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompere de. Duc de Cadore, 1756-1824, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching.. 2 piece(s).
Item 29: From: Las Cases, de, Emmanuel Augustin Dieudonne, Count, 1766-1842, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 30-1: From: Bertrand, Henri Gratien Comte, 1773-1844  To: Gusneidu, Monsier, 1841/07/17Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 30-2: From: Bertrand, Henri Gratien, Comte, 1773-1844, undatedAdd to your cart.


Officer de la Legion.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 31-1: From: Bonaparte, Louis, King of Holland, 1778-1846, 1810Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Brother of Napoleon I.  Father of Napoleon III.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 31-2: From: Bonaparte, Louis, King of Holland, 1778-1846, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: D. Appleton. New York.


Physical Description: 1 etching signed. 2 piece(s).
Item 32: From: Bonaparte, Eliza (Marianne Elisa) 1777-1820, 1809/12/01Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Eldest sister of Napoleon I.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 33: From: Bonaparte, Joseph, King of Naples and Spain, 1762-1844, 1803Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 34: From: Beauharnais, de, Alexandre, Vicomt, 1760-1794, 1792/09/08Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Affixed: seal of commander of the army of the Rhin.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 35: From: Bonaparte, Maria Annunciata Carolina 1782-1839, 1821/10/11Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Sister of Napoleon.  Married Murat.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 36: From: Bonaparte, Jerome, 1784-1860, 1859/11/14Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 37: From: Cambaceres, Jean Jacques Regis de, Duke of Parma, 1753-1824, 1796Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise. Paris.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 38-1: From: Ney, Michel, Duc d'Elchingen, 1769-1815  To: Dutaillir, General, 1805Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Commander-in-Chief of the Camp at Montreuil.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 38-2: From: Ney, Michel, Duc d'Elchingen, 1969-1815, 1815Add to your cart.


Marshal de France 1804/05/19.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 39-1: From: Bonaparte, Marie Pauline, 1780-1825, 1811Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 39-2: From: Bonaparte, Marie Pauline, 1780-1825, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 40-1: From: Vauban, Sebastian Le Prestre, Seigneur de, 1633-1731, 1703/01/14Add to your cart.


Marshal de France.  Great military engineer.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 40-2: From: Vauban, Sebastian Le Prestre, Seigneur de, 1633-1731, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Charles Knight. Ludgate Street, London.

From an original picture by Lebrun.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 40-3: From: Vauban, Sebastien Le Prestre, Seigneur de, 1633-1731, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 41-1: From: Lafayette, Marquis de, 1831/03/24Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: [Paris].

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 41-2: From: Lafayette, Marquis de, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Johnson, Fry & Co. New York.

From an authentic painting.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 42: From: Murat, Joachim, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 43: From: Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel, 1772-1802, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 44-1: From: Lemarque, General Maximilien, 1770-1832, 1806Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Captured the Isle of Capri in 1807.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 44-2: From: Lemarque, General Maximilien, 1770-1832, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Auguste Bry. Paris.

Physical Description: 2 copies etching. 3 piece(s).
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 45: From: Noailles, General Antoine Claude Just de, 1777-1846  To: Villeneuve, Baron de, 1828/12/07Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Ex-Chamberlain to Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 46: From: Noailles, General Jean Paul Francois, Duc de, 1777-1846  To: Villeneuve, Baron de, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Celebrated French General.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 47: From: Clarke, Duc de Feltre, Marshal, 1811Add to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 48: From: Necker, Jacques, 1732-1804, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Celebrated Minister of Finance to Louis 16th.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 49: From: Lallemand, Charles Francais, Baron, 1774-1839, 1802?Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique. Paris.  Eminent French General who commanded a division.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 50-1: From: Brown, William  To: Chester, J. N., Esq., 1911/2/24Add to your cart.

Typed letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: William Brown. Edinburgh

Acknowleges ordering Napoleonic documents.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 50-2: From: Tournan, Baron de  To: Barras, Paul, 1810/07/24Add to your cart.

Typed letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Port D'Armies di Chasse. Rome.

Counsel with Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 document. 2 piece(s).
Item 51: From: Larry, Dominique Jean Baron, De, 1833/05/18Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

French Surgeon wounded at Waterloo.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 52-1: From: Serurier, Jean Mathieu Philibert, Comte, 1804Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

French Marshal.  Commandant of St. Cloud.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 52-2: From: Serurier, Jean Mathieu Philibert, Comte, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Ambroise Tardieu Direxit.

French Marshal.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 53: From: Pajol, Claude Pierre, Count, 1831/01/14Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Celebrated French Marshal, praised by Napoleon.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 54: From: Perignon, Dominique Catherine, Marquis de  To: Comte~Monsieur le, 1811/08/02Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

French Marshal.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 55-1: From: Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de  To: Nauter, O., 1801Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Celebrated French Marshal.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 55-2: From: Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de, 1831/11/19Add to your cart.


Signature.  Marechal de France.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 56: From: Hoche, Le General L., 1796Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 57: From: Bertrand, General Henry Gratien Comte, 1773-1844, 1811/04/22Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 58: From: Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de, 1789Add to your cart.


Marechal de France.

Memoire.  Des heros de la guerre.

Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 59: From: Gourgand, Gaspard, Baron, 1783-1852  To: Colliguee, Monsieur, 1843Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Chateau de Vincennes.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 60: From: Kleber, Jean Baptiste, 1753-1800, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 61: From: Vernet, Antoine Charles Horace (Carle Vernet) 1758-1836  To: Mazois, Charles Francois, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 62: From: Jomini, Antoine Henri, Baron  To: Baron, Monsieur le, 1846/04/18Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Eminent French General.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 63-1: From: MacDonald, Alexander (Marshall) 1765-1840, 1827/04/11Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Secretariat general of the Grand Chancellerie.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 63-2: From: Macdonald, Alexandre (Marshall) 1765-1840, undatedAdd to your cart.



Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 64-1: From: Savary, Anne Jean Marie, duc de Rovigo, 1774-1833, 1815/03/24Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed Inspection General de la Gendarmerie.
Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 64-2: From: Savary, Anne Jean Marie, duc de Rovigo, 1774-1833, 1833Add to your cart.


Chronological events in Marshal Savary's life, 1774.

Physical Description: 1 ephemera. 3 piece(s).
Item 64-3: From: Savary, Anne Jean Marie, duc de Rovigo, 1774-1833, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 65: From: Bonaparte, Lucien, 1775-1840, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 66: From: Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte) 1808-1873., 1866/01/25Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 67: From: Victor, Claude Perrin, Marshall, 1764-1841  To: Launer, Marechal, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 68: From: Vandamme, Dominique Ren, Comte, 1771-1830, undatedAdd to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 69-1: From: Fouche, Joseph, 1763-1820, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Republique Francaise. Minister of police.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 69-2: From: Fouche, Joseph, 1763-1820, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 70: From: Talleyrand, 1798Add to your cart.


Copy of the Convention of the Directory.

Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 71: From: Cruikshank, George, 1816Add to your cart.
The Afterpeice to the Tragedy of Waterloo
Physical Description: 1 caricature  (etching uncolored). 1 piece(s).
Item 72-1: From: Angely, Renaud De St. Jean D', 1813/02/04Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Minister and Secretary to Napoleon's Family.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 72-2: From: Angely, Renaud De St. Jean D', 1819Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Blaisot. Paris.  Galerie Universelle.

Minister and Secretary.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 2 piece(s).
Item 73: From: Augereau, Castiglione, Duc de, Marshal, 1811Add to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 1 piece(s).
Item 74: From: Cruikshank, George, 1814/05/12Add to your cart.

"Little Boney Gone To Pot."


Physical Description: 1 caricature  (etching colored). 1 piece(s).
Series 2: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to American history, chiefly concerning the Civil WarAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: From: Davis, Jefferson  To: Johnston, Wm. P. (Col.), 1885/04/22Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 2: From: Davis, Varena, 1887/03/07Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Jefferson Davis's daughter answering a letter.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 3: From: Grant, U. S., 1866/05/07Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 4: From: Lee, Robert E.  To: Browning, O. H., 1869/07/26Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 5-1: From: Knox, Henry  To: Hays, M. M., 1797/04/21Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

About a plan for fixing of cannon.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 5-2: From: Knox, Henry  To: Humphreys, Joshua, 1794/03/10Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

About a bank note.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 6-1: From: Fremont, John C.  To: Wade, William, 1862/05/02Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Written in behalf of Col. G. C. Wood.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 6-2: From: Fremont, Jessie Benton, undatedAdd to your cart.


Chronology of events in John C. Fremont's life.

Physical Description: 1 ephemera. 2 piece(s).
Item 7: From: Sherman, W. T. Major General  To: Slocum, H. W. Maj. Gen., 1865/03/06Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Directions for Gen. Slocum's army.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 8-1: From: King, Seth, 1761/02/02Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Bond of Seth King to act as paymaster for soldiers.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 8-2: From: Chester, John  To: Adams, William, 1794/07/30Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

A request for a statement of the stock in the bank.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 4 piece(s).
Item 8-3: From: Chester, John  To: Huntington, General Leehariech, 1803/01/26Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 8-4: From: Chester, John  To: President of a New Haven Bank, 1801/06/30Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Concerns the appointment of a collector.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 9-1: From: Madison, Dolly, undatedAdd to your cart.


About a trip to Washington.

Other Information: if remove a, dup with AM. HIST 009b, 001
Physical Description: 3 piece(s).
Item 9-2: From: Madison, Dolly, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 clipping. 3 piece(s).
Item 9-3: From: Madison, Dolly  To: Smith, Richard, 1840/10/24Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Biographical information about Dolly Madison included.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 10: From: Hayes, Rutherford B.  To: Silvester, Francis, 1880/06/??Add to your cart.
Appointment of Silvester.
Other Information: if remove b, dup with AM. HIST 009a, 001
Physical Description: 1 certificate. 1 piece(s).
Item 11: From: Monroe, James  To: Dockham, Chase, 1817/11/08Add to your cart.


A land grant based on service in the War of 1812.

Physical Description: 1 document. 1 piece(s).
Item 12: From: Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 1748-1816, undatedAdd to your cart.


Chronological events in the life of Brackenridge.

Physical Description: 1 ephemera. 1 piece(s).
Series 3: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to writers and literature, chiefly AmericanAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1-1: From: Twain, Mark, undatedAdd to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: Rockwood. Union Sq., New York.

Photo of Raymond and Twain.

Other Information: if remove a, dup with LITERATU 001b, 001
Physical Description: 1 photo. 3 piece(s).
Item 1-2: From: Twain, Mark, 1885Add to your cart.
Photo of Mark Twain and Cable plus copy.
Physical Description: 1 photo + copy. 3 piece(s).
Item 1-3: From: Curtis, George W., 1887/05/25Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Concerned with Civil Service Reform.

Other Information: if remove b, dup with LITERATU 001a, 001
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 2: From: Shelley, Mary  To: Booth, Isabel, [1847?]Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 3-1: From: Ade, George  To: Chester, John Needles, 1939/03/21Add to your cart.
"The Microbe's Serenade" and "Remorse" by George Ade.
Physical Description: 1 poem with signature. 3 piece(s).
Item 3-2: From: Ade, George  To: Chester, John Needles, 1939/03/21Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Letter from Mark Twain to William Dean Howells.

Physical Description: 1 photocopy of a letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 4-1: From: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1889/03/05Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Baylis and Leighton. Johnson's-Court, Fleet-Street.

A page from Holmes copy of Burns' poems.

Physical Description: 1 page from Burns' Poems + catalog citation of the same.. 8 piece(s).
Item 4-2: From: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1859/12/26Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

A reply to a letter which includes a photograph.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 8 piece(s).
Item 4-3: From: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, undatedAdd to your cart.
Photocopy of a signed portrait and biography from.
Physical Description: 2 photocopies. 8 piece(s).
Item 4-4: From: Holmes, Oliver Wendell  To: Nealy, Mrs., 1866/01/22Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Thanks for a letter and the compliments.

Physical Description: 1 letter + envelope. 8 piece(s).
Item 4-5: From: Holmes, Oliver Wendell  To: Smith, Rev. Samuel Frances, 1888/10/21Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 8 piece(s).
Item 5: From: Cooper, James Fenimore  To: Carey & Hart Booksellers, 1840/06/10Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Corp. Body/Address: Carey & Hart. Philadelphia.

Expresses desire to negotiate with publisher.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 6: From: Hazzard, John Edward, undatedAdd to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: The Evening Sun.

"Ain't It Awful, Mabel?"  a poem by John Edward Hazzard.

Physical Description: 1 clipping. 1 piece(s).
Item 7: From: Howells, William Dean, 1908/06Add to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: The Books News Monthly.

Portrait series, No.  261

Physical Description: 1 portrait. 1 piece(s).
Item 8: From: Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1888/08Add to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 poem. 1 piece(s).
Item 9-1: From: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1847/01/19Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Four line poem signed.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 2 piece(s).
Item 9-2: From: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, undatedAdd to your cart.


Photograph of the bust of Henry Wadsworth Longfell.

Physical Description: 1 clipping of a photograph from a book.. 2 piece(s).
Item 10: From: Carlyle, Thomas, undatedAdd to your cart.


Published copy of a water-colour drawing by C. Pel[?]

Physical Description: 1 clipping from a book. 1 piece(s).
Item 11-1: From: Carman, Bliss, undatedAdd to your cart.


Spring in Newtowne.

Physical Description: 1 poem typed and signed  2 p.. 5 piece(s).
Item 11-2: From: Carman, Bliss, undatedAdd to your cart.


St. Michael's Star.  A Hymn for Labor Day.

Physical Description: 1 poem  4 p. signed. 5 piece(s).
Item 11-3: From: Carman, Bliss, undatedAdd to your cart.


Song of the Mother Range in the author's handwriting.

Physical Description: 1 poem 3 p.. 5 piece(s).
Item 11-4: From: Carman, Bliss, 1907/11/20Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Hotel Netherland. New York.

After the Shower in the author's own handwriting.

Physical Description: 1 poem 5 p.. 5 piece(s).
Item 11-5: From: Carman, Bliss, undatedAdd to your cart.


On Ponus Ridge which appears in "The Rough Rider".

Physical Description: 1 poem 9 p.. 5 piece(s).
Item 12: From: Burdette, Robert J., 1896/08/20Add to your cart.


Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Physical Description: 1 poem. 1 piece(s).
Item 13-1: From: Smith, Samuel Francis, 1886/12/04Add to your cart.


A copy of "America" entirely in the author's hand.

Physical Description: 1 hymn. 1 piece(s).
Item 13-2: From: Smith, Samuel Francis, undatedAdd to your cart.


The announcement of the death aboard a train.

Physical Description: 1 clipping. 3 piece(s).
Item 14-1: From: Harris, Joel Chandler, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 2 clippings--portraits, one signed.. 5 piece(s).
Item 14-2: From: Harris, Joel Chandler, undatedAdd to your cart.
Physical Description: 1 clipping - etching. 5 piece(s).
Item 14-3: From: Harris, Joel Chandler, 1896/01/??Add to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: "Sign of the Wren's Nest". Atlanta, Georgia.

Sketch of Mr. Harris drawn by John Hunderfon Garns.

Physical Description: 1 clipping. 5 piece(s).
Item 14-4: From: Harris, Joel Chandler, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Walter F. Winn, Inc.  Atlanta, GA.

Memorial to Joel Chandler Harris.

Physical Description: 1 photograph. 5 piece(s).
Item 14-5: From: Harris, Joel Chandler, undatedAdd to your cart.


Corp. Body/Address: Walter F. Winn, Inc.  Atlanta, GA.

Wide view of memorial to Joel Chandler Harris.

Physical Description: 1 photograph. 5 piece(s).
Item 15: From: Irving, Sir Henry  To: Jefferson, Joseph, undatedAdd to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

Greeting to Joseph Jefferson.

Physical Description: 1 l. + clipping. 2 piece(s).
Item 16: From: Smith, E. U., 1917/11/04Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

An offer to buy Dr. Holmes poem.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 17-1: undatedAdd to your cart.

2 prints

Corp. Body/Address: J. M. Gahey, Lith.  59 Paradise St. Liverpool.

"The Chair Of Robert Burns" and "Burn's Candle"

Physical Description: 2 lithographs. 3 piece(s).
Item 17-2: undatedAdd to your cart.

1 print

Corp. Body/Address: London Virtue & Co.

Engraving of the sculpture in memory of Allan Cunn.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Series 4: Other autographs, portraits, and manuscriptsAdd to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 1-1: From: Moore, Tom., undatedAdd to your cart.
Composition by Tom Moore.
Physical Description: 1 sheet music. 1 piece(s).
Item 1-2: undatedAdd to your cart.
Facsimile signatures of famous authors.
Physical Description: 1 clipping. 1 piece(s).
Item 2: From: Viscolini, Adelina Patti., 1892/10/23Add to your cart.
Autograph letter, signed
Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 3: undatedAdd to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: Evans. 1307 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

Photograph of a unknown person.

Physical Description: 1 photograph. 1 piece(s).
Item 4-1: From: Stephenson, Robert., undatedAdd to your cart.
Lithograph of Robert Stephenson, an English engineeer.
Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 4-2: From: Stephenson, Robert., 1849/08/04Add to your cart.

Autograph letter, signed

English engineer and son of George Stephenson.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 3 piece(s).
Item 4-3: From: Stephenson, George., undatedAdd to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: Johnson Fry & Co. Publishers. New York.

Etching of George Stephenson, an English engineer.

Physical Description: 1 etching. 3 piece(s).
Item 5: From: Sunday, W.A.  To: Chief Usher., 1914/01/14Add to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: Pittsburgh Evangelistic Committee Campaign. Forbes St. and Bellefield Ave.

A pass for a member of the choir.

Physical Description: 1 letter. 1 piece(s).
Item 6-1: undatedAdd to your cart.
Other Information: dup with MISCELLA 008, 001
Physical Description: 1 clipping. 3 piece(s).
Item 6-2: 1907Add to your cart.

Corp. Body/Address: E. Parsons & Sons. 45, Brompton Road, London, S.W.

Old English Engravings and Drawings.

Other Information: dup with MISCELLA 008, 001
Physical Description: 1 clipping. 4 piece(s).
Item 6-3: undatedAdd to your cart.
Corp. Body/Address: E. Parsons & Sons. 45, Brompton Road, S. W.  Theatrical Portraits.
Physical Description: 1 clipping. 4 piece(s).
Item 6-4: undatedAdd to your cart.
"The Land O' Lemons" a poem about the state of Virginia.
Physical Description: 1 reproduction. 4 piece(s).

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Autographs, portraits, mansucripts, and other material pertaining to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French],
[Series 2: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to American history, chiefly concerning the Civil War],
[Series 3: Autographs, portraits, manuscripts, and other material pertaining to writers and literature, chiefly American],
[Series 4: Other autographs, portraits, and manuscripts],

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