Title: Sandburg Connemara - Topic Finding Aid, 1898-1967
Primary Creator: Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967)
Extent: 598.5 Cubic Feet
This is a topic finding aid is derived from a previous box order that existed when the Connemara accessions first arrived and was arranged at the University of Illinois. Topics were selected by identifying major works of Carl Sandburg as well as clusters of materials that appear interconnected. Some boxes appear multiple times in the finding aid because they contain materials that cover multiple topics.
A more complete inventory description of the current arrangement may be found at the Accessions page at the following link.
Internationally renowned poet and biographer Carl August Sandburg was born Jan. 6, 1878, the second of seven children to Swedish immigrants August and Clara Anderson Sandburg in Galesburg, Illinois.
After finishing eighth grade, he worked as a milkman, ice harvester, bricklayer, wheat thresher, shoe shiner, soldier, and fireman over a decade. He also traveled as a hobo. His experiences working and traveling greatly influenced his writing and political views.
Sandburg attended Lombard College starting in 1898, and joined its Poor Writers' Club, founded by professor Phillip Green Wright, who encouraged young Sandburg and printed Sandburg's first book of verse, In Reckless Ecstasy in 1904, as well as two additional volumes in 1907 (Incidentals) and 1908 (The Plaint of a Rose).
Sandburg met Lilian Ana "Paula" Steichen at the Wisconsin Social Democratic party headquarters, where he worked as an organizer, and married her in 1908. After marriage, he returned to Illinois and took up journalism.
His poetry was published in 1914 in Poetry Magazine, and he went on to publish more poetry, along with Rootabaga Stories, a book of fanciful children's tales, in 1922. That book prompted Sandburg's publisher to suggest a biography of Lincoln for children. Instead, Sandburg's ensuing three years of research led to a two-volume biography for adults, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, his first financial success. He next wrote four additional volumes, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. Sandburg continued as a prolific writer, publishing more poetry, a novel, Remembrance Rock, a second volume of folk songs, and an autobiography, Always the Young Strangers. His Complete Poems won him a second Pulitzer Prize in 1951. Considered by many as the "Poet of the People," President Lyndon B. Johnson called him "The Voice of America."
Sandburg died July 22, 1967 at his North Carolina home. He was survived by three daughters, Margaret (b. 3 Jun 1911), Janet (b. 27 Jun 1916), and Helga (b. Nov 1918), and preceded in death by Madeline (b. and d. Nov 1913.)
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Restrictions:
Open to researchers.
Use Restrictions:
The RBML reproductions policies can be found here:
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.
Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would damage materials or involve violation of copyright law.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Fonds:
Fonds 1: Connemara, 1898-1967],
- Fonds 1: Connemara, 1898-1967

- Series 1: Manuscripts

- Research material, manuscripts, and other items related to various writing projects done by Carl Sandburg.
- Sub-series 1: Book Projects

- File 1: Chicago Poems

- Box 167

- File 2: Smoke and Steel

- Box 168

- Box 183b

- File 3: Slabs of the Sunburnt West

- Box 168

- File 4: Rootabaga Stories

- Box 177

- Box 178

- Box 179

- Box Manuscripts:11

- Box Manuscripts:15

- Box Manuscripts:24

- File 5: Rootabaga Pigeons

- Box Manuscripts:24

- File 6: Lincoln Research Material

- Research materials gathered on President Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg for some of his writing projects, most notably Lincoln: The Prairie Years and Lincoln: The War Years.
- File 1: Prairie Years

- Box 229a

- Box 229b

- Box 244

- Box 245a

- Box 245b

- Box 246a

- Box 247a

- Box 248

- Box 249a

- Box 249b

- Box 250a

- Box 250b

- Box 250c

- Box 250d

- Box 256

- Box 299

- Box 300

- Box 301a

- Box 301b

- Box 301c

- Box 302a

- Box 302b

- Box 302c

- Box 427

- Box 432

- Box 433

- File 2: War Years

- Box 230a

- Box 230b

- Box 230c

- Box 231a

- Box 231b

- Box 231c

- Box 232

- Box 232a

- Box 232b

- Box 232c

- Box 233a

- Box 233b

- Box 233c

- Box 234a

- Box 234b

- Box 234c

- Box 234d

- Box 265a

- Box 265b

- Box 266a

- Box 266b

- Box 266c

- Box 266d

- Box 267a

- Box 267b

- Box 268

- Box 269

- Box 270

- Box 271

- Box 272a

- Box 272b

- Box 272c

- Box 272d

- Box 273a

- Box 273b

- Box 273c

- Box 274a

- Box 274b

- Box 274c

- Box 275

- Box 276a

- Box 276b

- Box 276c

- Box 277a

- Box 277b

- Box 278a

- Box 278b

- Box 279

- Box 280

- Box 283a

- Box 283b

- Box 284a

- Box 284b

- Box 285a

- Box 285b

- Box 286a

- Box 287a

- Box 287b

- Box 288

- Box 299

- Box 301a

- Box 301b

- Box 301c

- Box 302a

- Box 302b

- Box 302c

- Box 424

- Box 425

- Box 426

- Box 253

- Box 254

- Box 255

- Box 281a

- Box 281b

- Box 289

- Box 390a

- Box 390b

- Box 424a

- Box 424b

- Box 428a

- Box 428b

- Box 428c

- Box 429a

- Box 429b

- Box 430

- Box 431

- File 7: American Songbag

- Box 157

- Box 159

- Box 161

- Box 162

- Box Manuscripts:14

- Box Manuscripts:36

- Box Manuscripts:37

- Box Manuscripts:38

- Box Manuscripts:39

- Box Manuscripts:41

- Box Manuscripts:42

- Box Manuscripts:43

- Box Manuscripts:44

- Box Packets:1

- Box Packets:16

- Box Leaflets:5

- File 8: Potato Face

- Box 175

- Box Manuscripts:24

- File 9: Good Morning America

- Box 195

- File 10: Early Moon

- Box 194

- File 11: Mary Lincoln: Wife and Widow

- Box 251

- Box 252

- File 12: The People, Yes

- Box 198

- Box 199

- Box 200

- Box Leaflets:6

- File 13: Bronze Wood

- Box Manuscripts:2

- Box Manuscripts:21

- File 14: Storm over the Land

- Box 190

- Box 191

- Box 192

- Box Leaflets:6

- File 15: Home Front Memo

- Box 196

- Box 197

- File 16: Rememberance Rock

- Box 204

- Box 205

- Box 206

- Box 207

- Box 208

- Box 209

- Box 210

- Box 211

- Box 212

- Box 213

- Box 214

- Box 215

- Box 216

- Box 217

- Box 218

- Box 219

- Box 220

- Box 221

- Box 222

- Box 223

- Box 224

- Box 225

- Box Manuscripts:1

- Box Manuscripts:18

- File 17: Lincoln Collector

- Box 257

- Box 258

- Box 259

- Box 260

- Box 261

- Box 262

- File 18: New American Songbag

- Box 154

- Box 155

- Box 160

- Box 162

- Box Leaflets:9

- File 19: Complete Poems

- Box 164

- Box 165

- Box 166

- File 20: Always the Young Strangers

- Box 30

- Box 33

- Box 34

- Box 35

- Box Manuscripts:14

- File 21: Lincoln-One Volume

- Box 263

- Box 264

- Box 282a

- Box 282b

- Box 282c

- Box 290

- Box 291

- Box 292

- Box 293

- Box 294

- Box 295a

- Box 295b

- Box 296

- Box 297

- Box 298

- Box 299

- Box 300

- Box 301a

- Box 301b

- Box 369

- File 22: Prairie-Town Boy

- Box 169

- File 23: Harvest Poem

- Box 195

- File 24: Wind Song

- Box 168

- File 25: Honey and Salt

- Box Manuscripts:1

- Box Leaflets:6

- File 26: The Wedding Procession of the Rag doll and the Broom Handle and Who Was in It

- Box Manuscripts:24

- File 27: Breathing Tokens

- Box 171

- Box 172

- Box 173

- Box 174

- File 28: Ever the Winds of Chance

- Box Manuscripts:40

- Box Manuscripts:41

- File 29: Fables, Foibles and Foobles

- Box Manuscripts:12

- File 30: More Rootabagas

- Box 421

- Box 422

- Box 423

- File 31: Billy Sunday and Other Poems

- Box 166

- Box 420

- Box 423

- Sub-series 2: Journalism

- File 1: Chicago Daily News

- Box 406

- Box Manuscripts:25

- Box Manuscripts:26

- Box Manuscripts:27

- Box Manuscripts:28

- Box Leaflets:9

- File 2: Movie Reviews

- Box-Folder 1

- Located on Shelf: C9.13.05
- Box-Folder 2

- Located on shelf C9.13.05
- File 3: Chicago Race Riots

- Box 167

- Box Packets:14

- Sub-series 3: Individual Pieces

- File 1: The Greatest Story Ever Told

- Box 412

- Box Manuscripts:3

- Sub-series 4: Diaries and Commonplace Books

- File 1: Common Place Notebooks

- Box-Folder 77

- Located on Shelf C08.14.01
- Sub-series 5: Other Manuscripts

- Box 170

- Box 193

- Box 201a

- Box 201b

- Box 202

- Box 203

- Box 404

- Box Manuscripts:1

- Box Manuscripts:2

- Box Manuscripts:3

- Box Manuscripts:8

- Box Manuscripts:9

- Box Manuscripts:10

- Box Manuscripts:19

- Box Manuscripts:20

- Box Manuscripts:21

- Box Manuscripts:22

- Box Manuscripts:23

- Box Manuscripts:44

- Box Packets:2

- Box Packets:3

- Box Packets:7

- Box Packets:8

- Box Packets:15

- Box Leaflets:9

- Sub-series 6: Drafts, Proofs, and Other Works by Other Writers

- Box 327

- Box-Folder 001: Script Outline -A Visit w/ C.S. by Stanley

- Box-Folder 002: A Poet is a Seer and a Sayer by Raymond Adams

- Box-Folder 003: Copy of Bat Masterson Document

- Box-Folder 004: Script: Bell Telephone Hour 11/22/1962

- Box-Folder 005: Script,CBS t.v.: C.S. The Prairie Years by Howard K. Smith

- Box-Folder 006: Script notes & location shot photos for C.S.: The Prairie Years

- Box-Folder 007: Carbon of C.S. At Home by Edna Unstrom

- Box-Folder 008: Cavalcade of America 9/22/1941

- Box-Folder 009: Road to Victory 12/12/1942

- Box-Folder 010: The American Dream by Harry Golden (autographed)

- Box-Folder 011: Carbon of interview with Sandburg, Carl for LIFE by Mark Harris

- Box-Folder 012: Others -misc. manuscripts

- Box-Folder 013: Edward R. Murrow address 10/15/1958

- Box-Folder 014: National Geographic

- Box-Folder 015: "The People, Yes" adapted by Jack Peyrouse

- Box-Folder 016: Thankful Young Girl letter

- Box-Folder 017: Tributes and Introductions to C.S.

- Box 328a

- Box-Folder 001: Color Blind by Margret Halsey book

- Box-Folder 002: Galleys of Justice and the Law

- Box-Folder 003: Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings book by Roy P. Basler

- Box 328b

- Box-Folder 004: Captain Sam Grant book by Roy P. Basler

- Box-Folder 005: Another Such Victory proofs by John D. Weaver

- Box-Folder 006: Only in America by Harry Golden

- Box-Folder 007: I Can Wait by Olive Carruthers

- Box-Folder 008: Memed, My Hawk by Yasher Kemal

- Box 329a

- Box-Folder 001: Shadows of Lincoln 2/12/1936 & Lincoln Goes to College 2/21/1937

- Box-Folder 002: Lincoln's Other Mary book by Olive Carruthers

- Box-Folder 003: Poetry by anonymous or unknown authors

- Box-Folder 004: Fetish in the Discard and One of Us by Helen Hunt Rudolf

- Box-Folder 005: No Smoking by Golden

- Box-Folder 006: Remembrance Rock section p. 16-34, Miscellany p.62-66, Poetry p. 54-61, Criticism and Comments on Poetry p. 35-53, Carbon of a play about Zizzies & Princess of Zig-Zag land

- Box-Folder 007: Damsel's Dilemma by Betty Turnage

- Box-Folder 008: Stories by Lilla Perry

- Box-Folder 009: Various typsescripts by Marichen-Al-Ari

- Box 329b

- Box-Folder 010: New Letter and Papers of Lincoln by Paul M. Angle

- Box-Folder 011: Folk Tales of the U.S.S.R.

- Box-Folder 012: For a 2c Plain

- Box-Folder 013: Trilogy

- Box 329c

- Box-Folder 014: Best Television Plays - 1957

- Box 370

- Box-Folder 1: Angle, Paul, The Lincoln and Douglas Debates

- Box-Folder 2: Daniels, Jonathan, Prince of Carpetbaggers

- Box-Folder 3: I Remember America by Bohn, William E.

- Box 371

- Box-Folder 001: The French Broad by Wilma Dykman

- Box-Folder 002: New and Selected Poems by Thomas Hornsby Ferrill

- Box-Folder 003: Elegy in Manhattan by George Jessel

- Box-Folder 004: The Pill by Ovady Julber

- Box-Folder 005: Nature's Book by Carl I. Kilander

- Box-Folder 006: Wayfaring Stranger by Burl Ives

- Box 372

- Box-Folder 001: Galley proofs for Mary Lincoln: Biography of a Marriage, by Randall, Ruth

- Box-Folder 002: Galley proofs for Hie to the Hunters by Stuart, Jesse.

- Box-Folder 003: Galley proofs for The Blind Bull by Williams, George.

- Box 373

- Box-Folder 1: Books by Others.

- Five books, The Virgin of Waikiki by Blanding, Don; The Four Seasons by King, Ethel; a book written in Chinese, Address by Bridges, Horace J.; Out of the Rut by Thayer, John Adams.
- Box 374

- Box-Folder 001: The Candidacy of Upton Sinclair...

- Box-Folder 002: The Crafts Guild School of Arts

- Box-Folder 003: The Greenly Collection by Thomas I. Starr

- Box-Folder 004: Neurotic America... By Theodore Dreiser

- Box-Folder 005: Only in America

- Box-Folder 006: PMLA: Publications of... by Alwin Thaler

- Box-Folder 007: The Quaker Message... by Horace A. Eaton

- Box 375

- Box-Folder 001: Pamphlets by Others

- Pamphlet, A Speech in English Braille, an educational treatise [?].
- Box-Folder 002: Pamphlets by Others

- Four issues of Fillers, edited by E. Haldeman-Julius, June-November 1947.
- Box-Folder 003: Pamphlets by Others

- Pamphlet, Preaching from the Audience: Candid Comments on Life, by Howe, E. W.
- Box-Folder 004: Pamphlets by Others

- Assorted pamphlets on various topics, some autographed to Sandburg, Carl.
- Box-Folder 005: Pamphlets by Others

- Clippings torn from a book, The Life of Dr. Donne and Thomas Fuller, by Watson, Izaak. Leaflet is from Harper's Magazine, Who is Loyal to America? by Commager, Henry Steele and is autographed to Sandburg, Carl.
- Box 378

- Box-Folder 001: Lincoln-Douglas Debates by Paul Angle

- Box-Folder 002: American Images by J. Catel

- Box-Folder 003: Galley proofs of Charlie Chaplin by Freeman, [?].

- Box-Folder 004: The Moon Besieged by Sergie Schocken (sp?)

- Box-Folder 005: The Believer's Daily Treasure

- Box-Folder 006: Assorted Music

- Box-Folder 007: Manuscript Correspondence

- Box 379

- Box-Folder 001: Away All Boats by Kenneth Dodson

- Box-Folder 002: The World at War by Samuel Spewack

- Box-Folder 003: The Effects of Trust Development... by E.E. Witte

- Box-Folder 004: I am the Stereograph

- Box-Folder 005: Letter and Poems by Charles Ashleigh

- Box-Folder 006: Assorted Manuscripts

- Box-Folder 007: Lincoln's Commando By Ralph J. Roske & Charles Van Doren

- Box 380

- Box-Folder 1: Assorted proofs by Various Authors

- Box contains galley proofs of Taken at the Flood, The Story of Albert D. Lasker by Gunther, John, Washington in Lincoln's Time by Brooks, Noah, TS, Excellent Gin Players by Kovacs, Ernie, and a carbon copy of Enjoy, Enjoy by Golden, Harry.
- Box 387

- Box-Folder 1: Abraham Lincoln by Ben Thomas, proofs, pub:11/10/52 w/ C.S. edits

- Box 416

- Box-Folder 1: Manuscripts, publications, correspondence of Alan Jenkins

- Box 417

- Box-Folder 1: Publications and correspondence of Alan Jenkins

- Box Manuscripts:3

- Box-Folder 03-001-003: Maidservant at the Inn" by Dorothy Parker

- Box-Folder 03-001-004: Manhattan Christmas Eve," by Vincent G. Burns

- Box-Folder 03-001-005: Man Must Live" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

- Box-Folder 03-001-006: My Prayer" by Toyohiko Kagawa

- Box-Folder 03-001-007: There is no Unbelief" by Elizabeth York Case

- Box-Folder 03-001-014: Messiah (Messias): Some Notes" by John E. Fitzgerald

- Box-Folder 03-002-001: In the light of the old saying . . . [Henry Horner]

- Box-Folder 03-002-002: Ernest Hemingway - "Hemingway throws a long shadow . . ."

- Box-Folder 03-002-003: Kodak Solicited by J. Walter Thompson, March, 1959 "The American poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes

- Box-Folder 03-002-004: Lincoln and the Preachers - Edgar Jones

- Box-Folder 03-002-007: Midstream - Helen Keller

- Box-Folder 03-002-008: My Own Story - Fremont Older - "Probably the most interesting . . .

- Box-Folder 03-002-014: President Lincoln - William Barton

- Box-Folder 03-002-015: Prince of Carpetbaggers - Jonathan Daniels

- Box-Folder 03-002-017: Robinson Jeffers

- Box-Folder 03-002-018: Segovia, Andres - 2 articles

- Box-Folder 03-002-019: Selma Lagerlof, Svendkdag, N.Y.

- Box Manuscripts:6

- Box-Folder 06-003-001: Basler, Roy P. Abraham Lincoln "Preface"

- Box-Folder 06-004-001: Benson, Adolph B. & Naboth, Hedin Americans from Sweden

- Box-Folder 06-005-001: Batkin, Benjamin A. Treasury of American Folklore

- Box-Folder 06-006-001: Casner, Mabel & Gabriel, Ralph H. Story of American Demo, The

- Box-Folder 06-007-001: Donald, David Lincoln's Herndon

- Box-Folder 06-008-001: Golden, Harry Only in America

- Box-Folder 06-009-001: Hunter, Ruth Barefoot Girl On Broadway

- Box-Folder 06-010-001: Jaenicken, Frederick H. Lincoln in the Photgraph Gallery

- Box-Folder 06-011-001: Kennedy, John F. To Turn the Tide

- Box-Folder 06-012-001: Lerner, Leo A. Itch of Opinion, The

- Box-Folder 06-013-001: Lewis, Lloyd Myths After Lincoln

- Box-Folder 06-014-001: Lomax, Alan Jelly Roll Morton

- Box-Folder 06-015-001: Marshall, S. L. A.

- Box-Folder 06-016-001: Mearns, David C. Lincoln Papers, The

- Box-Folder 06-017-001: Meserve, Frederick Hill

- Box-Folder 06-018-001: National Geographic Society - America's History Lands

- Box-Folder 06-018-002: National Geographic Society - America's History Lands

- Box-Folder 06-019-001: Newman, Arnold

- Box-Folder 06-020-001: Percy, Will Lanterns of the Levee

- Box-Folder 06-021-001: Sarrett, Lew R. Collected Poems, The

- Box-Folder 06-022-001: Sherwood, Robert E. Abe Lincoln in Illinois - A Play

- Box-Folder 06-023-001: Steffens, Lincoln Letters

- Box-Folder 06-024-001: Steichen, Ed - Family of Man

- Box-Folder 06-025-001: There Were Giants

- Box-Folder 06-026-001: Wallce, Henry Century of the Common Man

- Box-Folder 06-027-001: Washington, John E. They Knew Lincoln

- Box-Folder 06-028-001: Whitman, Walt Poems

- Box Leaflets:3

- Box-Folder 03-003-001: Henderson, William

- Box Documents:2

- Box-Folder 02-001-001: Rosenquist, F.

- Series 2: Correspondence

- Correspondence to/from Carl Sandburg as well as various messages sent to Carl Sandburg from his Fans.
- Sub-series 1

- Box 1-001

- Box 1-001A

- Box 1-002

- Box 1-002A

- Box 1-003

- Box 1-004

- Box 1-005

- Box 1-006

- Box 1-006A

- Box 1-007

- Box 1-007A

- Box 1-008

- Box 1-008A

- Box 1-009

- Box 1-010

- Box 1-011

- Box 1-012

- Box 1-013

- Box 1-013A

- Box 1-014

- Box 1-015

- Box 1-016

- Box 1-017

- Box 1-018

- Box 1-019

- Box 1-020

- Box 1-021

- Box 1-021A

- Box 1-022

- Sub-series 2

- Box 2-001

- Box 2-001A

- Box 2-002

- Box 2-003

- Box 2-004

- Box 2-005

- Box 2-006

- Box 2-007

- Box 2-008

- Box 2-009

- Box 2-010

- Box 2-011

- Box 2-012

- Box 2-013

- Box 2-014

- Box 2-015

- Box 2-015A

- Box 2-016

- Box 2-017

- Box 2-018

- Box 2-019

- Box 2-020

- Box 2-021

- Box 2-022

- Box 2-023

- Box 2-024

- Box 2-025

- Box 2-026

- Box 2-027

- Box 2-028

- Box 2-029

- Box 2-030

- Box 2-031

- Box 2-032

- Box 2-033

- Box 2-034

- Box 2-035

- Box 2-036

- Box 2-036A

- Box 2-037

- Box 2-038

- Box 2-039

- Box 2-040

- Box 2-041

- Box 2-042

- Box 2-043

- Box 2-044

- Box 2-045

- Box 2-046

- Box 2-047

- Box 2-048

- Box 2-049

- Box 2-050

- Box 2-051

- Box 2-052

- Box 2-053

- Box 2-054

- Box 2-055

- Box 2-056

- Box 2-057

- Box 2-058

- Box 2-058A

- Box 2-059

- Box 2-059A

- Box 2-060

- Box 2-061

- Box 2-062

- Box 2-063

- Box 2-064

- Box 2-065

- Box 2-066

- Box 2-067

- Box 2-068

- Box 2-068A

- Box 2-069

- Box 2-070

- Sub-series 3

- Box 3-001

- Box 3-002

- Box 3-003

- Box 3-004

- Box 3-005

- Box 3-005A

- Box 3-006

- Box 3-007

- Box 3-007A

- Box 3-008

- Box 3-009

- Box 3-010

- Box 3-011

- Box 3-012

- Box 3-013

- Box 3-014

- Box 3-015

- Box 3-015A

- Box 3-016

- Box 3-016A

- Box 3-017

- Box 3-018

- Box 3-018A

- Box 3-019

- Box 3-019A

- Box 3-020

- Box 3-021

- Box 3-022

- Box 3a-023

- Box 3a-024-000

- Box 3a-024-001

- Sub-series 4

- Box 4-001

- Box 4-002

- Sub-series 5

- Box 5-001

- Box 5-002

- Box 5-003

- Box 5-004

- Sub-series 6

- Box General Mail: A-G

- Box General Mail: H-Z

- Box General Mail

- Box [1]

- Box [2]

- Box 443

- Sub-series 7

- Box-Folder 1: 7-003-006a - 7-013-007a

- Box-Folder 2: 7-015-001a - 7-016-001g

- Box-Folder 3: 7-020 - 7-021-008b

- Box-Folder 4: 7-021-008c - 7-030-008g

- Box-Folder 5: 7-030-010a - 7-035-007w

- Box-Folder 6: 7-035-008a - 7-041-001s

- Box-Folder 7: 7-041-002a - 7-044a-005aa

- Box-Folder 8: 7-044-055bbb - 7-044a-013al

- Box-Folder 9: 7-045-002a - 7-051a-002d

- Box-Folder 10: 7-051b-001a - 7-054-001v

- Box-Folder 11: 7-054-003a - 7-079-001a

- Box-Folder 12: 7-080-003a - 7-088-005a

- Box-Folder 13: 7-089-002a - 7-135-0041

- Box-Folder 14: 7-135-005a - 7-154-008b

- Box-Folder 15: 17-155-001a - 7-391e-065s

- Sub-series 8: General

- Box 364b

- Box 365b

- Box 366a

- Box 366b

- Box 367

- Box 368a

- Box 368b

- Box 385

- Box 386

- Box 388

- Box 391a

- Box 391b

- Box 391c

- Box 392

- Box 403

- Box 405

- Box 408

- Box 409

- Box 414

- Box 415

- Box 416

- Box 417

- Box 419

- Box Manuscripts:6

- Box Manuscripts:13

- Box Manuscripts:14

- Box Manuscripts:15

- Box Manuscripts:16

- Box Leaflets:3

- Sub-series 9: Fan Mail/ Requests

- Correspondence, cards, and other messages sent by his fans. Many pieces ask Sandburg for autographs, academic inquiries, and other types of requests.
- Box General Mail A-G

- Box Series 6 H-Z

- Box General Mail

- Box Greeting Cards A-G

- Box Greeting Cards M-Z

- Box 334

- Box 335

- Box 336

- Box 337

- Box 338

- Box 339

- Box 340

- Box 341

- Box 342

- Box 343

- Box 345

- Box 348

- Box 349

- Box 350

- Box 351

- Box 352

- Box 353

- Box 354

- Box 356b

- Box 357a

- Box 357b

- Box 358

- Box 359a

- Box 359b

- Box 360

- Box 362

- Box 363a

- Box 363b

- Box 364a

- Box 365a

- Box 384

- Box 389

- Box Manuscripts:13

- Box Manuscripts:14

- Series 3: Professional and Business Files

- Material related to Carl Sandburg's writing and speaking career.
- Sub-series 1: Lectures, Speeches, and Appearances

- Information about Carl Sandburg's speaking appearances as well as drafts and copies of various speeches he made.
- Box 184

- Box 185

- Box Manuscripts:4

- Box Manuscripts:5

- Box Manuscripts:6

- Box Manuscripts:8

- Box Manuscripts:9

- Box Manuscripts:19

- Box Manuscripts:21

- Box Manuscripts:22

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Leaflets:2

- Box Leaflets:6

- Box Leaflets:3

- Box Leaflets:7

- Box Documents:1

- Box Documents:2

- Box Documents:3

- Box Documents:5

- Box Packets:4

- Sub-series 2: Business Affairs

- Documents and other materials relating to Sandburg's finances, professional activities, and writing projects.
- Box Documents:2

- Box Documents:4

- Box Documents:5

- Box Documents:6

- Sub-series 3: Reviews of Sandburg

- Reviews of Carl Sandburg's written works, performances, and appearances.
- Box 180

- Box 181

- Box 182a

- Box 182b

- Box 183a

- Box 183b

- Box Manuscripts:1

- Box Manuscripts:15

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Leaflets:5

- Box Packets:4

- Box Packets:12

- Box Documents:1

- Box 168

- Series 4: Subject Files

- Sub-series 1: Abraham Lincoln

- Box 124c

- Box 235a

- Box 235b

- Box 236

- Box 240a

- Box 240b

- Box 241a

- Box 241b

- Box 242

- Box 243a

- Box 243b

- Box 246

- Box Manuscripts:3

- Box Manuscripts:4

- Box Manuscripts:5

- Box Manuscripts:13

- Box Manuscripts:14

- Box Manuscripts:15

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Leaflets:2

- Sub-series 2: Carl Sandburg

- Box 381

- Box 393

- Box 394

- Box 395

- Box 396

- Box 397

- Box 407

- Box 410

- Box 413

- Box-Folder 440

- Located on Shelf C10.07.04
- Box-Folder 441

- Located on Shelf C10.07.03
- Box 442

- Box Manuscripts:18

- Box Documents:1

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Leaflets:5

- Box Leaflets:6

- Box Leaflets:7

- Sub-series 3: Edward Steichen

- Box 174

- Box 186

- Box 187

- Box 188a

- Box 188b

- Box 381

- Box 398

- Box 443

- Box Manuscripts:10

- Box Leaflets:9

- Box Packets:5

- Box Documents:2

- Box Documents:3

- Sub-series 4: Civil War

- Collected material about the American Civil War.
- Box 227a

- Box 227b

- Box 227c

- Box 228

- Box 238

- Box 239

- Sub-series 5: Political Material

- Material related to political activities and movements.
- Box Manuscripts:2

- Box Manuscripts:15

- Box Packets:1

- Box Packets:16

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Leaflets:3

- Box Leaflets:5

- Box Leaflets:8

- Box Documents:1

- Box Documents:3

- Box Documents:6

- Sub-series 6: Company C

- Box Manuscripts:2

- Box Documents:1

- Box Leaflets:1

- Box Packets:2

- Sub-series 7: Memorabilia

- Box-Folder 461

- Located on Shelf C10.10.03
- Box-Folder 465

- Located on shelf C10.11.05
- Box Manuscripts:22

- Box Lealfets:8

- Box Leaflets:10

- Box Documents:6

- Box Miscellaneous:1

Browse by Fonds:
Fonds 1: Connemara, 1898-1967],