Collection Overview
Title: CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases, 1729-1758?
ID: 01/02/02/POST-1650 MS 0608
Primary Creator: Massey W. (William) (1691-1764?)
Extent: 1.0 Volumes
Arrangement: CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases is a single 250-page volume.
Subjects: Bible - English, Bible - Latin, Death, Philosophy, Ancient
Languages: English, French, Latin, Greek,Ancient(to1453)
This volume (250 pages) includes letters and poems on a variety of topics, including Biblical texts, death and dying, and friendship. The poems, written in English, Latin, Greek, and French, are both original compositions and transcriptions.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This volume (250 pages) includes letters and poems on a variety of topics, including Biblical texts, death and dying, and friendship. The poems are written in English, Latin, Greek, and French, occasionally with translations. Many of the poems are originals, while others are transcriptions. A brief Latin biography of William Massey's life prior to 1729 is included on the front flyleaves. Latin biographies of William Massey, Gilbert Massey, and Sara Massey and a family history written in Greek and Latin are included on the back flyleaves.
The binding is contemporary cloth over quarter calf. Poems are written in ink. There is evidence that a bookplate has been removed from the front paste-down. Text in ink on the cover reads: "T Upwood Lynn."
The title is transliterated from Greek.
Link to catalog record: https://i-share-uiu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CARLI_UIU/gpjosq/alma99307334512205899
Collection Historical Note
William Massey (1691-1764?) was an English Quaker, scholar, teacher, and translator. He studied Latin, Greek, and French in grammar school at Nottingham under William Thompson. From 1712 to 1715, he was a Latin usher at a boarding school at Half-Farthing House, Wandsworth, Surry, under Richard Soryer (1712-1714) and Edward Powell (1714-1715). He later ran his own Quaker boarding school at Wandsworth.
Massey published works on topics such as religion, ancient philosophy, and commentaries on contemporary works. His best-known work, The Origin and Progress of Letters, an Essay (1763) concerns the history of writing, including materials, printing, alphabets, and calligraphy.
Thompson Cooper. "Massey, William (1691-1764?)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004. Accessed May 10, 2016. http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/18300.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Restrictions:
The collection is open to researchers.
Use Restrictions:
This item is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.
Processing Information:
Processed by Emily Minehart, May 2016.
Finding Aid Revision History:
This finding aid incorporates text from a previous online finding aid written by RBML staff.
Other Note:
Former shelfmark: MS821.M383C
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Volume:
Volume 1: CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases],
- Volume 1: CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases

- Item 1: "Quintiulian's complaint"

- Item 2: "The contest"

- Item 3: "The change"

- Item 4: "Freedom"

- Item 5: "An epigram on learning by Callimachus in Lat[in] and English"

- Item 6: "Le portrait du Sage"

- Item 7: "The wise man"

- Item 8: "An enigma"

- Item 9: "Air a boire"

- Item 10: "In obitum"

- Item 11: "An elegy on the death of Mr. Peter Parham..."

- Item 12: "The question: a letter to Serena"

- Item 13: "Air a boire" [sic]

- Item 14: "Upon genius"

- Item 15: "The rule of drinking; from Eubulus"

- Item 16: "Sur les douceurs de la vie privee"

- Item 17: "The happy obscurity"

- Item 18: "An epigram"

- Item 19: "A letter to a friend upon his recovery from a fever"

- Item 20: "On the anniversary of K[ing] George I accession to the Crown"

- Item 21: "The 30th chapter of Job paraphrased"

- Item 22: "A letter to a sickly gentlewoman"

- Item 23: "The choice; inscribed to P.F."

- Item 24: "De agenda vita beata"

- Item 25: "By W[illiam] Massey, in a letter to a fr[ien]d"

- Item 26: "The troubles of human life; an epigram by Posidippus"

- Item 27: "The pleasures of human life; an epigram by Metrodorus"

- Item 28: "The revolution"

- Item 29: "A letter to a gentlewoman under some uneasiness of mind"

- Item 30: "The weaver"

- Item 31: "Part of the first chap[ter] of the 2nd Book of Samuel, paraphraz[e]d"

- Item 32: "To a friend about to go to sea, a letter"

- Item 33: "Hannah's song"

- Item 34: "Part of the 32nd chap[ter] of Duteronomy, paraphraz[e]d"

- Item 35: "The song of Moses and the children of Israel, after their passage thro[ugh] the Red Sea"

- Item 36: "The 22nd chap[ter] of II of Samuel"

- Item 37: "The XIV chap[ter] of Job"

- Item 38: "In obitum"

- Item 39: "An enigma"

- Item 40: "AEnigma satinum"

- Item 41: "An arithmetical question"

- Item 42: "AEnigma satinum" [sic]

- Item 43: "A letter to a friend in Rotterdam"

- Item 44: "The answer"

- Item 45: "A reply to the foregoing answer"

- Item 46: "Ad amicum meum Johannem Fairchild; epistola"

- Item 47: "His answer"

- Item 48: "My reply"

- Item 49: "A collection of letters-pastorial to a young gentlewoman of Sylvia"

- Item 50: "Verses made for one of the Norwich Speech Boys at the Gild"

- Item 51: "Censoriousness"

- Item 52: "On religion"

- Item 53: "The third chapter of Habakkuk, paraphraz[e]d"

- Item 54: "Plaiston, a poem"

- Item 55: "Instructions for a boarding school"

- Item 56: "Peri Biou?"

- Note: trasliterated from the Greek.
- Item 57: "On Life"

- Item 58: "Man's prerogative vindicated in a letter to a young gentlewoman"

- Item 59: "Ro[a]st chickens"

- Item 60: "The goose-quill"

- Item 61: "On the death of Betsy King"

- Item 62: "An epithalamium"

- Item 63: "On the marriage of Mr. J. Van...ll to Miss Fanny In...m"

- Item 64: "To Miss S. W."

- Item 65: "To the memory of M. Willcocks"

- Item 66: "On the Holy Scriptures"

- Item 67: "On Mrs. W...ll...t's going to attend astronomical lectures"

- Item 68: "On Mrs. W...t's birthday"

- Item 69: "Enigme Francoise"

- Item 70: "The foregoing enigma in English"

- Item 71: "On Mrs. M...y's birthday"

- Item 72: "To Sr. P.T."

- Item 73: "An ejaculation"

- Item 74: "The removal from Wadsworth to London to America"

- Item 75: "On Sir Isac[sic] Newton"

- Item 76: "On Dr. Samuel Clarke"

- Item 77: "On Mr. W[ilia]m Whiston"

- Item 78: "On Mr. Pope"

- Item 79: "On Mr. Toland"

- Item 80: "On Mr. Shakespear[sic]"

- Item 81: "On the four elements"

- Item 82: "On content"

- Item 83: "On death"

- Item 84: "On the seven liberal sciences"

Browse by Volume:
Volume 1: CHELYS POIKILOCHERYS, or, a collection of miscellany poems, consisting of originals, translations, & paraphrases],