Collection Overview
Title: Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection, 1116-1913
Predominant Dates:1600-1899
ID: 01/01/MSS00009
Primary Creator: Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Antonio, conte (1843-1913)
Extent: 112.0 Linear Feet
Languages: Italian, Latin, French, German
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani (1843-1913) was a public official, book collector, and recognized authority on the history of the Lombardy and Piedmont regions in northern Italy. His library contained tens of thousands of books on history, genealogy, biography, and law, including city statutes and organizational bylaws. The manuscripts in the collection especially reflect the study of local history and include charters, chronicles, investitures, leases, and other legal instruments relating to Italian cities, organizations, and families.
All aspects of Italian history, from the Middle Ages to the first years of the twentieth century, are prominently represented in the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection. Other topics which are heavily represented include art and architecture, church history and hagiography, engineering and fortification, military and religious orders, monasticism and religious life, Roman history and antiquities, and Italian academies and universities.
Primarily in Italian, the collection also contains works in Latin, French, and German. Among the books in the collection are incunables, rare and early printed books, pamphlets, and ephemera. Many of the historical documents are unique and found in no other library worldwide. In addition, the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection also contains several thousand maps, both printed and manuscript.
The print materials from the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection are available in the University Library's online catalog and can be accessed via the heading "Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection".
Collection Historical Note
Born in Alessandria, Italy on August 15, 1843, Antonio Cavagna was adopted by his cousin Antonio Sangiuliani, Count of Balbiano, in 1853, and he added the surname to his own. Sangiuliani fought for Italian unification in the 1866 campaign and was discharged as a Second Lieutenant. He obtained a degree in law from the University of Rome in 1871 and managed his estates in the region of Pavia, serving in various public offices including municipal councilor and mayor.
A public official, book collector, and an expert on the history of both the Lombardy and Piedmont regions in northern Italy, Sangiuliani researched local history and published roughly two hundred works. His first publication in 1865 highlighted the medieval Sant'Alberto di Brutio abbey, and he maintained a large interest in the Italian Middle Ages.
His library contained tens of thousands of books on subjects ranging from local genealogy to law to Italian history, and his collection also included incunables. He established the Pavese Historical Bulletin in 1893 and the Pavese Society of Homeland History in 1901. Sangiuliani married twice and had four children. He died in Milan on April 5, 1913.
Massabo, Isabella Ricci. "Cavagna Sangiuliani, Antonio," in Biographical Dictionary of Italians, Vol. 22, 1979, https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/antonio-cavagna-sangiuliani_(Dizionario-Biografico)/. Accessed 28 September 2020.
Romano, Giacinto. "Count Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani," in the Bulletin of the Pavese Society of Homeland History, Pavia, Fusi, 1913, pp. 218-225.
Sangiuliani, Antonio Cavagna. "Of the Abbey of S. Alberto di Butrio and the Monastery of S. Maria della Pieta known as the Rosary, in Voghera, province of Pavia." Historical Illustrations, Milan, Agnelli Typography, 1865.
Biographical Note
Born Alessandria, Italy, August 15, 1843. Italian historian and author. Cavagna was an Italian public official and a recognized authority on the local history of Lombardy and Piedmont.
Administrative Information
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Restrictions:
The collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions:
This (item/collection) is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions.
Acquisition Method:
Purchased in 1921
Related Publications:
Many of the collection's manuscripts are listed in the following volume: Sexton, Meta Maria. Manuscripts and printed documents of the Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani in the University of Illinois Library. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Library, 1950. Available online through the HathiTrust catalog: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001173032
Mangiarotti, Emilia. Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani: sezione relativa a Mede. Mede, [Italy]: 2000.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomatiche],
Series 2: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Ephemera],
Series 3: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Maps],
- Series 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomatiche

- Sub-series 1: Acqui-Albizzate

- Box 1

- Folder 1

- Place 1: Abbiategrasso

- Item 1.1: Water rights in Abbiategrasso granted to the family of Antonio Abbiati Galuppi, issued by Galeazzo Maria Sforza on 1468 March 29, circa 1751

- Manuscript copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages
- Item 1.2: Norma dietetica per i ricoverati nelle Pie case degli incurabili in Abbiategrasso, stabilita dall' I.R. governo, 1847 May 26

- Printed broadside
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (35 x 46 cm)
- Place 2: Acqualunga nel Bergamasco

- Item 1.3: Wedding certificate for Elisabetta, daughter of Bernardino Capellini of Bergamo, signed by Abbate Pompilio Pellicioli, notarized by Petrus Petroballus, with seal of cardinal, 1684 January 26

- Manuscript, signed with seal
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 1 sheet (20 x 29 cm)
- Place 3: Acquileja

- Item 1.4: "Mappa antica" of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, including Aquileia, Gradisca, and Palma, and the Isonzo River, circa 1810

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (52 x 39 cm)
- Place 4: Adda (fiume)

- Item 1.5: Decretum super flumine Abdua[e] reddendo nauigabili Mediolanum usq[ue] cum testificatione Christianissimi Regis in hanc vrbem liberalitatis et munificentia [by Carlo Pagnano, published 1520 July 26], circa 1520

- Manuscript copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 1 volume (44 pages)
- Place 5: Adria

- Item 1.6: Baptismal record, begins: Facio fede ... Berti ... della chiesa parochiale di Santa Soffia di Tendenara Diocese d'Adria esser stato battistata dal R.do Viuian Ghirardi Vice Curato sud.a chiesa..., 1644 April 24

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
- Folder 2

- Place 6: Agliate

- Item 1.7: Document regarding church property, signed Jo. P. Andrea Isella Prevosto d'Agliate, 1662 January 7

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
- Place 7: Agliate, Angera, Appiano, pievi del milanese

- Item 1.8: Municipal budgets for: Corpi della citta di Milano, Pieve di Agliate, Pieve di Angera, Pieve di Appiano, with "Estimo della citta di Milano", 1790s

- Manuscript and printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 7 pages
- Place 8: Agogua (fiume)

- Item 1.9: Autograph letter signed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani concerning river and bridge, signed Pietro Gusmani sindaco di Ferrara Lomellina, 1900 January 3

- Autograph letter signed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 pages, envelope
- Place 9: Agrate

- Item 1.10: Investitura semplice fatta dal Sig.r Francesco Sangiuliani nelle persone de Batta, Giovanni e Pietro Paolo Padre, e figlj Cavenaghi di diversi pezzi di terra ... 1687 February 18; Confesso de Battista e figli Cavenaghi 1687 November 13, 1687

- Manuscript and printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 8 pages
- Item 1.11: Istromento d'obbligo fatto dalli Gio. Agostino, e Bernardo Padre, e figlio Castiglioni Massari in Grate a favore dal Sig.r Francesco Sangiuliani ..., 1687 October 27

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
- Item 1.12: Istromento d'investitura fatta da D. Francesco Sangiuliano in Giovanni Battista padre, e Pietro Paolo fratelli Cavenaghi di alcune beni ..., 1688 March 2

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 16 pages
- Item 1.12a: Per li beni posseduti dal Co. Giuseppe Sangiuliani, 1704 September 12

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 page
- Item 1.13: Istromento d'investitura fatta dal Sig.r D.r Francesco Sangiuliano in Francesco e Giuseppe fratelli Barteselli, e Giovanni Brianzolo di alcuni beni..., 1698 December 2

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 18 pages
- Folder 3

- Place 10: Alba

- Item 1.14: Stemma. Coat of arms of Alba surmounted by a crown, 18--

- Printed, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (27 x 9 cm)
- Place 11: Albaredo

- Item 1.15: Confessi livellari 1508, 1513, 1515, 1581, 1593 e 1595: 6 Instromenti di confessi fatti da conti SS.ri Piatti al V. Co Scaramuzza Visconti di fitti livellarij sopra beni di Albaredo rogati da diversi notai sotto diversi tempi nel secolo 1500; tutte semplici copie, circa 1600

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 32 pages
- Item 1.16: Vendita fatta dal conte Carlo Scaramuzza Visconti di beni al Bronzio de Busca, 1547 January 10, circa 1600

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 36 pages
- Item 1.17: Beni Visconti-Scaramuzza: Acquistum factum per tutorem Jo. Baptistae de Beretiis a comitibus Carolo, et Alphonso fratribus de vicecomitibus de Scaramutia, 1594 July 29, circa 1600

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 20 pages
- Folder 4

- Place 12: Albaredo [continued]

- Item 1.18: Istromento di transazione e composizione fra la Contessa Antonia Attendolo Bolognini, tutrice de' minori Scaramuzza Visconti, e gli Eredi Parona, 1602 February 28

- Manuscript, notarized with seal
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 28 pages
- Item 1.19: Beni Attendolo-Bolognini: 1606 23 Aprilis fuerunt producta capitula coram senatore Sansono delegato, per comitissam Antoniam Attendulam Bologninam matrem..., 1606 April 23

- Printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
- Item 1.20: Manuscript map of Albaredo to accompany Gambarana and Scaramuzza-Visconti lawsuit, circa 1678

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (44 x 57 cm)
- Item 1.21-1.35: Attestati fatti da Antonio Viola ed altri diversi particolari nella causa vertente tra li Conti Baldassare, e nipoti Gambarana per una parte, ed il sig.r Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti per l'altra circa il possesso di un pezzo di terra Boschivo con la ragione privativa di Pesca nel Po Morto ... nel Territorio di Albaredo ..., 1677-1678

- Manuscript, manuscript copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (94 pages)
- Folder 5-7

- Place 13: Albaredo [continued]

- Item 1.36-1.101: Atti seguiti avanti il Sig.r Capitano di giustizia di Milano, Sig.r Senatore Podesta di Pavia, e Sig.r Senatore Pusterla come Delegato dall'ecc.mo Senato di Milano tra ... Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti per una parte e li Sig.ri Conti Baldassare, e Nipoti Gambarana per l'altra a causa di preteso possesso, e dominio del detto Sig.r Conte Visconti sopra di una Lanca del Po Morto ... nel Territorio d'Albaredo contrastata gli da detti Sig.ri Conti Gamabarana, e come da essi, 1678 January 10-May 7

- Manuscript, simple copy; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (124 pages); 20 items (112 pages); 31 items (164 pages)
- Folder 8

- Place 14: Albaredo [continued]

- Item 1.102-1.104: Transazione fra li Sig.ri Conti Gambarana e il Sig.r Conte Alfonso Scaramuzza Visconti in cui rinunciatosi dalle Parti alle liti pendenti si conviene, che la Casa Gambarana ceda l'aquisto in Albaredo fatto da Antonio Viola, e Madalena Rossetti ..., 1678 June 11

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 items (32 pages)
- Item 1.105: Memoriale a Sig.ri Prefetti dell'estimo di Pavia dato dalli Sig.ri Conte Alfonso Visconti Scaramuzza, e Conte Baldassare Gambarana per il trasporto dell'estimo di alcuni Beni in Albaredo, e in Vescovera fra essi cambiati come da Instromento 1680 rogato Cantafesta Con Decreto Originale de Prefetti, 1681 May 21

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (6 pages)
- Place 15: Albesio

- Item 1.106: Libro dej Dissegni rappresentanti tutti li Pezzi di Terra dell'Eredita Somigliana Sitj nel Territ.o d'Albesio ed adiacenze Pieve d'Incino Ducato di Milano; con Scala de Trab. 96 Milanesi ad uso de tutti l retrostati dissegni, 1750

- Manuscript; manuscript maps, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 volume (40 pages) + 1 sheet (map scale)
- Sub-series 2: Alessandria-Auronzo

- Box 2

- Folder 1

- Place 1: Alessandria

- Item 2.1: Documents concerning the Sacchi Family, particularly Francesco Maria Sacchi, 1569-1572

- Manuscript; manuscript copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 items in 1 volume (16 pages)
- Place 2: Amalfi

- Item 2.2: Cronica di Amalfi; Incipit: Cronica de Civitate Amalfie, quomodo fuit [a]edificata, et constructa, 17--

- Manuscript copy, in 2 hands
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages
- Place 3: Ampezzo

- Item 2.3: Da Toblach a Belluno, Valle Ampezzo: [travel itinerary, possibly by Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani], 1877

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 11, [5] pages
- Folder 2

- Place 4: Anagni

- Item 2.4: Croce angelica di S. Tommaso d'Aquino che si venera nella Chiesa de'PP. Domenicani in Anagni, citta della Campagna di Roma, esperimentata efficace contro i terremoti, e i fulmini, ed utilissima in ogni spirituale bisogno (Torino: Stamperia Mussano, 1847), 1847 September 6

- Printed broadside
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (31 x 30 cm)
- Place 5: Ancona

- Item 2.5: Ancona, 1860 [Veduta] (L. Scarpetti dis., Lit. Maggi Ancona), 1860

- Print, lithographic
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (36 x 48 cm)
- Place 6: Angera

- Item 2.6: Economato; Begins: Io inf.o faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anche col mio giuramento ... Io P. Giorgio Castiglione ... d'Angera, 1661 January 4

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
- Place 7: Anicova

- Item 2.7: Tippo visuale della Mappa di Anicova, con Cristiniza, Goregnapoglia, Losiz, Giuglieviza, e Camanza, rilevate dal geom.a Torriani, 1811

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (34 x 30 cm)
- Place 8: Ajello

- Item 2.8: Dipartimento di Passariano, Corografia del Territorio Comunale di Ajello ridotta alla quindicesima parte della scala originale, 1811

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (24 x 22 cm)
- Place 9: Ariis

- Item 2.9: Dipartimento di Passariano, Ariis, 1811

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (39 x 28 cm)
- Place 10: Antigorio [filed under Valenza]

- Place 11: Appiano

- Item 2.10: Atto relativo alla famiglia Rosnati; Begins: Giacomo Antonio Rosnato In virtu di procura mandato ... da Roma dal ... Gio Batta Albano, 1613 September 5

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (2 pages)
- Folder 3

- Place 12: Arborea

- Item 2.11-2.12: Notizie storiche; autograph letter signed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani, on "Municipio di Pavia, Il Segregatario Generale" letterhead; typescript letter signed Francois Poli on "Cabinet du Maire" letterhead, circa 1906, 1906 December 14

- Autograph letter signed; typescript letter signed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, French
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets (8 pages) + 1 envelope
- Place 13: Arcisate

- Item 2.13-2.14: Contract for position in the diocese of Milan; Begins: Io in[frascrip]to ... d'Arcisate faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anco un il mio giuramento ... signed Gio Jacopo Baroffi; Noi in[frascript]i facciamo ampla et indubitata fede anche con il nostro giuramento ... signed by multiple people, 1661 January 7

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (8 pages)
- Place 14: Ardivesta (Languzzano)

- Item 2.15: Investitura perpetua fatta dall M.co Sig.r Conte Lodovico de Conti di Gambarana e Montesegale in Ant.o Maria Dusio suis que heredibus, et successoribus ..., 1588 June 25

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with seal
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.16: Investitura perpetua fatta dal Sig.r Conte Guicciardo Gambarana, anche a nome delli Maj.ci Sig.ri Conti Baldassare e Gio. Andrea suoi Fratelli in Ant.o Ant.o Maria Dusio pro se suisque heredibus ..., 1595 January 18

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.17: Vendita fatta da Francesco Girolamo Beccaro all'ill.mo Sig.r Conte Antonio Gambarana anche a nome delli Sig.r Ill.mi suoi Fratelli, e del Sig.r Conte Baldassare suo zio d'un fitto perpetuo, o sia temporale 4 Formento da pagarsi da Gio. Ant.o Ferrario..., 1677 September 7

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
- Folder 4

- Place 15: Arena Po

- Item 2.18: Distinta e veridica Relazione della fondazione del Convento della Fontana Santa ... In Pavia, MDCCXV Per Pietro Antonio Magri, 1715

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: XXX, [2] pages + mailer
- Item 2.19: Autograph letter signed from Carlo Dell'Acqua to Conte Cavagna Sangiuliani, 1870 February 15

- Autograph letter signed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
- Item 2.20: Porto; Begins: Sono con questo mio foglio che la deferenza e la deversita che li trova verso la colona, 18--

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (14 x 18 cm)
- Place 16: Arona

- Item 2.21: Io infrascritto Arciprete d'Arona faccio ampla, et indubitata fede anco con il mio giuramento a chiunque legera la presente, qualmente essendo vacato l'Arcipretato con cura d'Anime della chiesa di S. Maria del Borgo d'Arona ... Carlo Litta Arciprete, et Vicario Foraneo d'Arona ..., 1660 December 30

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
- Folder 5

- Place 17: Arpesina

- Item 2.22: Villa Arpesina; Vendita giudiziale fatta dal Podesta di Fortunago a favore di Carlo Valeggio in pregiudizio di Bernardo de Corti a Francesco Lanzalotto d'una Casa a Villa Alpesina ... prezzo di L. 30 da pagarsi al d.o Valeggio rog.a Carlo Francesco Dusio not.o di Pavia, come da essa in forma autentica, 1676 January 3

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
- Item 2.23: Confesso fatto da Francesco Buzzi verso Carlo Rogrardo del debito di L. 150 per prezzo di una Mulla vendutoli promesse pagarsi nel termine d'anni due, pagando fratanto l'Interesse, e come da essa per scrittura privata, 1676 August 3

- Manuscript, signed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
- Folder 6

- Place 18: Arpesina (Livello Garbarini)

- Item 2.24-2.25: Insolutem datio facta per Carolum Rugiardum illustrissimo Domino Comiti Hyeronimo Gambara ut infra ..., 1682 November 23

- Manuscript, signed with notarial signet; manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 2 items (20 pages)
- Item 2.26: Fortunago, Gravanago; Vendita ... fatta da Lorenzo Bertelegno all'Ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana dell'annuo Canone di due mine formento pagabili da Giacomo Garbarino come enfiteuta di una proprieta coltiva di perti ... nel Territorio di Fortunago ... e come da cop. autentica, 1712 November 28

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.27: Investitura perpetua fatta dal sig.r Conte Gerolamo Gambarana a Giacomo Garbarino ... copia concordata, 1707 December 1

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.28: Villa Arpesina; Investitura perpetua fatta dall'ill.mo ... Antonio Gambarana nella persona di Giacomo Garbarino pro se ac etiam nomine anch'a nome di suoi nipoti ..., 1713 February 6

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet and stamps
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in 2 folders
- Item 2.29: Rinuncia ossia Dato in paga fatto da Andrea Garbarino ..., 1831 September 5-October 4

- Manuscript, signed with notarial signet and stamps
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 16 pages
- Item 2.30: Proprieta vendute al ... Luigi Rossi come vedesi al fog.o 202 ... del Mastro 1826, 1831 September 5

- Manuscript, signed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 4 pages
- Item 2.31: Vendita fatta dal Sig.r Conte Senatore D. Gerolamo Gambarana da Giacomo Garbarino ... copia concordata, 1707 December 1

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 2 items (12 pages) in folder
- Item 2.32: Montsegale; Vendita fatta da Giacomo Garbarino all'Ill.mo Sig.r Conte Senatore Don Gerolamo Gambarana ... come da essa in forma autentica, 1713 February 6

- Manuscript, signed with notarial signet and stamps
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in 2 folders
- Item 2.33: Vendita fatta da Anton Francesco Garbarini con patto ... al ... Francesco Gambarana ... copia concordata, 1723 November 27

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 pages in folder
- Item 2.34: Vendita fatta da Anna Maria Garbarina col confesso di Gio Vezzoli di Lei Marito al Sig.r Domenico Oppizzi qual procuratore ... del sig.r Conte Gerolamo Gambarana ... autentico, 1779 December 24

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Folder 7

- Place 19: Arpesina (Livello Corti)

- Item 2.35-2.38: Livello Corti; Purchases and land leases between Gerolamo Gambarana and Jacopo di Corti, 1707-1709

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 4 items in folders (64 pages)
- Item 2.39: Fortunago; Investitura perpetua dall'ill.mo sig.r co. Gerolamo Gambarana fatta in Bernardino Corti ... rogato Gio. Batt.a Nani ... come da autentico, 1710 December 4

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.40: Fortunago, Steffanago; Vendita fatta da Bernardino Corti all'ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana ... come da essa autentica, 1710 December 5

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.41: Arpesina; Vendita fatta da Giacomo Corti all'ill.mo ... Gerolamo Gambarana della ragion di redimere una casa ... come da essa autentica, 1710 December 5

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.42: Aquistum illustrissimi Domini Comitij Antonij Gambarana habitum a Jacobo de Curte ut infra ..., 1714 December 1

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages
- Item 2.44: Investitura perpetua fatta dall Sig.r Steffano Brichetti qual Procuratore in questa parte costituito dal sig.r ... Gerolamo Gambarana ... copia concordata, 1709 October 24

- Manuscript, authentic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages in folder
- Folder 8

- Place 20: Arsago (Famiglie Visconti e Corio; L.P. di S. Corona di Milano)

- Item 2.45-46: Istromento di vendita fatta dal Sig.r Leandro Visconti al Sig.r M.se Cesare pure Visconti di alcuni beni ? pagare al L.P. di S. Catterina ossia S. Corona a sollievo del ... senatore Francesco Corio ... Rog.o Ermete Carcano notaio, 1622 April 4

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 3 items in folder (38 pages)
- Item 2.47: Istromento d'obbligazione fatta da Leandro, e Sforza Visconti di quanto potessero essere debitori verso Cristofforo Carcano ? rogito a Ermes Carcano, 1622 April 4

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folder
- Item 2.48: Istromento di confesso fatto dal Sig.r Cristoforo Carcano a favore del Sig.r M.se Cesare Visconti che paga a sollievo de ss.ri Leandro e Gio. Batta Sforza Visconti ..., 1630 June 19

- Manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 12 pages in folder
- Item 2.49-2.71: Atti diversi di causa promossa avanti il Vicario Pretorio e poscia avanti il capitano di Giustizia dalla sig.ra Catterina Corio ... contro il sig.r Leandro Visconti debitore ... prestata dal fu sig.r Pompeo Corio a fav.e del sig.r Ottavio Visconti Padre del sudd.o, verso il L.P. di S. Catterina, 1649-1651

- Manuscript; manuscript copy; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 23 items in folder (86 pages)
- Item 2.72: Visconti Ottavio; Sovvenzione di L. 2200 fattagli dal sig.r Giuseppe Sangiuliani, col patto di restitur ... 1647 December 10, 1647 December 10

- Manuscript, authenthic copy, signed with notarial signet
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 8 pages in folders
- Folder 9

- Place 21: Assago

- Item 2.73-2.75: Istromento di cessione a titolo di vendita fatta dal Sig.r Giuseppe Raverta a nome anche de' ss.ri Cesare e Fabrizio suoi fratelli al sig.r Francesco Pirola ... e beni del fu Senat.e ... Francesco Corio ... Rog.o Lodovico Porri notaio, 1644 December 24

- Manuscript, simple copy; manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 3 items in folders (52 pages)
- Folder 10

- Place 22: Assago (continued)

- Item 2.76: Atti di causa promossa dal M.se Pietro Paolo Corbella contro il M.se Pr.o Francesco Corio sul punto di sollievo dalle molestie, [1679]-1692

- Manuscript simply copy; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 6 items in 2 folders (52 pages)
- Item 2.77-2.78: Istromento di Cambio, e Permuta stipulata tra il M.se Pietro Franccesco Corio dall'una ed il Sig.r Felice Corbella dall'altra parte ... Rogato ... Gerolamo Pozzi notaio di Milano; Cambio della pezza di terra Bombasari o sij lago ... nel Territorio di Assago seguito fra il sig.r Marchese Pietro Francesco Corio per una parte ed il sig.r Carlo Felice Corbella per l'altra, 1677 December 16

- Manuscript, authentic copy, with seals; manuscript, authentic copy, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 2 items in 2 folders (28 pages)
- Folder 11

- Place 23: Asso

- Item 2.79: Atti giudiziari della Pretura; Begins: Pro Joanne Merono carceribus offitii Assii nexo defensiones, circa 1760

- Printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 20 pages
- Place 24: Attimis

- Item 2.80: Dipartimento di Passariano, mappa del Territorio di Attimis rilevata dal Geometra Censuario Lorenzo Miani dal giorno 12 Maggio alli 19 Agosto ... sotto la direzione del ... Luigi Mugiasca, 1812

- Manuscript map, hand colored
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (30 x 28 cm)
- Place 25: Auronzo

- Item 2.81: In memoria dell'arcidiacona Don Gabriele Gregori (Tip. Berengan), 1882 January 25

- Printed broadside, with photograph
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (28 x 21 cm)
- Sub-series 3: Averara Valley, Province of Bergamo

- Box 3a

- Folder 1-4

- Item 3.1-3.45: Correspondence and supporting documentation concerning the petition promoted by Matteo Giacomo Calvi, parish priest of Santa Brigida, for the recognition of rights and privileges of Santa Brigida over several local churches in the Averara Valley, province of Bergamo. Includes notarial documents, some with seals; autograph letters, signed; and simple copies of original manuscripts dated as early as 1567, 1691-1796

- Manuscript, notarized with seal; manuscript; manuscript copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 15 items (86 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 10 items (28 pages); 10 items (46 pages)
- Folder 5

- Item 3.46-3.47: Documentation supporting a court case involving the church of San Giacomo in Averara and the Regnoli family of Brescia, heirs of Lorenzo Regnoli, 1608-1755

- Manuscript, notarized; manuscript copy; correspondence
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 5 items (44 pages)
- Folder 6-8

- Item 3.48-3.83: Court proceedings, supporting documentation, correspondence, and legal statements and transcripts concerning the case to recover an 800 lira debt owed by Ambrosio Berri of Casiglio to the church of San Giacomo in Averara for an emphyteutic lease, 1783-1801

- Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 8 items (36 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 18 items (88 pages)
- Folder 9

- Item 3.84-3.86: Expense reports for the construction of a lazzaretto and for the institution and funding of a public health office, addressed to the Doges of the Venetian Republic, 1629-1643

- Manuscript, simple copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 3 items (12 pages)
- Folder 10-11

- Item 3.87-3.103: Documents concerning the administration of Averara and Val Brembana in the province of Bergamo, especially in regard to public health, taxation of meat and mills, and rules for holding public offices, 1655-1805

- Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 9 items (38 pages); 8 items (40 pages)
- Folder 12

- Item 3.104-3.105: Atti importanti; Documents concerning the taxation of meat, textiles, and oil, 1712-1716

- Manuscript, signed; manuscript, notarized
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 2 items (8 pages)
- Folder 13-21

- Item 3.106-3.175: Averara e sua valle; Documents and correspondence on the administration of Averara under the Cisalpine Republic's Dipartimento del Serio, many on official stationery; some in response to the Pretore of Averara, Carlo Marieni; includes financial statements, receipts for salary payments, municipal accounting, and census and demographic data, 1758-1806, bulk 1798-1802

- Manuscript; manuscript, notarized; correspondence; receipts
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 9 items (48 pages); 9 items (38 pages); 9 items (36 pages); 3 items; 10 items; 9 items (30 pages); 11 items in folder (36 pages); 2 items (32 pages); 12 items (32 receipts, 48 pages)
- Folder 22-23

- Item 3.176-3.194: Affari della Valle Averara; Municipal administration of the Averara Valley, including correspondence, especially between Pretore Carlo Marieni and other public officers in Bergamo and Milan, 1784-1802

- Manuscript; manuscript copy; correspondence; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 19 items (72 pages); 16 items (54 pages)
- Box 3b

- Folder 1

- Item 3.195-3.219: Calvi, Francesco e Fratelli di Santa Brigida contro Olmo Commune; Private deeds between Francesco Calvi and Antonio Donati di Cugno for a land lease in Olmo in the Averara Valley; Proceedings for a court case between Olmo and the Fratelli Calvi regarding livestock and land use; Record of expenses for maintenance of cattle, 1795-1812, bulk 1800-1801

- Manuscript; manuscript, authentic copy
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian, Latin
Physical Description: 26 items (98 pages)
- Folder 2-4

- Item 3.220-3.251: Atti importanti relativi alla Valle Averara; Official correspondence between Prefetto Brunetti of the Cisalpine Republic's Dipartimento del Serio and several local officials in the Averara Valley, especially Carlo Marieni, Pretore of Averara, many on offical printed letterhead of the Dipartimento del Serio, regarding a petition for the creation of a larger municipality including Averara, Olmo, and other towns in the valley; some documents are in regard to the iron mine in the valley, 1801-1804

- Manuscript; autograph letter, signed; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 13 items (42 pages); 10 items (34 pages); 12 items (52 pages)
- Folder 5

- Item 3.252-3.254: 3 copies of documents issued by the province of Bergamo concerning the census of Averara, including one property census of Maria Golio and her family, 1853-1854

- Manuscript; manuscript copy; printed
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 3 items in folder (12 pages)
- Folder 6

- Item 3.255: Imp. Regia giunta del censimento del regno Lombardo-veneto: Aviso: No. 50765 (Dall'I.R. Stamperia), 1853 June 26

- Printed broadside
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (48 x 37 cm)
- Folder 7

- Item 3.256: I.R. Presidenza della prefettura di finanza per la Lombardia: Notificazione no. 2865/P (Dall'Imperiale regia stamperia), 1853 August 26

- Printed broadside
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (72 x 51 cm)
- Folder 8

- Item 3.257: Imp. Regia prefettura delle finanze per Lombardia: Notificazione no. 25497/4260 (Dall'Imperiale regia stamperia), 1854 January 2

- Printed broadside
- Material Format: paper
Other: Italian
Physical Description: 1 sheet (72 x 52 cm)
- Folder 9

- Item 3.258: Begins: Campana debet benedici antequam sonat in Campanile hoc ordine; blessings recited at the installation of a church bell in Baggio(?), 1700s

- Manuscript
- Material Format: paper
Other: Latin
Physical Description: 6 pages
- Series 2: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Ephemera

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Abbiategrasso

- Item 1: Postcards of Abbiategrasso

- 12 postcards; one (map of the circondario di Abbiategrasso) stamped 11 April 1905 and addressed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: 12 cards
- Folder 2: Acquarossa

- Item 1: Villa Scarenzio, Acquarossa, 21 Oct. 1901

- Photograph mounted to a card, sent as a postcard to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani
- Material Format: mounted photograph
- Item 2: Terme di Acquarossa, ca. 1887

- Brochure; illustrations; printed in red and blue; Torino : Lit. Doyen di L. Simondetti
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet (4 panels)
- Folder 3: Acqui

- Item 1: Acqui Fontana della Bollente, 5 Aug. 1904

- Postcard to Antonio Cavagna Sanguiliani, lengthy message signed by A. Giussani
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: 1 card
- Item 2: Postcards of Acqui, 20 Aug. 1901

- 3 color postcards, 2 addressed to Francesco Gravedona Francesco and one to Dina Gravedona care of conte and contessa Cavagna respectively, in Como, signed Daniele
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: 3 cards
- Item 3: Appendice: I Bagni d'Acqui

- Newspaper clipping; signed and dated at end "Torino, 28 giugno 1874, A. Sobrero"
- Material Format: newspaper
Physical Description: 1 sheet
- Item 4: View of Acqui

- Mounted photograph
- Material Format: mounted photograph
- Folder 4: Adriatico

- Item 1: Compagnia della pesca nell'Adriatico, 1892

- Firenze : Tip. Dei Succ. Le Monnier, 1892.
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: [1], 7 pages
- Item 2: Statuto della Societ? d'esplorazione commerciale in Africa, approvato dall'Assemblea dei sottoscrittori della spedizione commerciale allo scioa nell'Adunanza del giorno 14 febbraio 1879, 1879

- Milano : Tip. Sole, 1879.
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: [4] pages
- Folder 5: Affori

- Item 1: La Vergine delle Rocce, 14 Dec. 1901?

- Postcard to Antonio Cavagna Sanguiliani, vice presidente delli Societa conservativa di monumenti, in Pavia, lengthy message, stamped
- Physical Description: 1 card
- Folder 6: Agliate

- Item 1: Printed letter raising funds for the restoration of the Basilica di Agliate in Brianza, 14 marzo 1894

- Addressed to Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani, Pavia on exterior
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: [4] pages (2 blank)
- Item 2: Agli amatori dell'arte italiana e cristiana, Marzo 1907

- Letter about the Basilica di Agliate in Brianza; Milano : Casa editrice arcivescovile ditta Giacomo Agnelli
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: [4] pages
- Series 3: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Maps

- Sub-series 1: Cities

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Alba (vicinity)

- Item 1: Idea Topografica della Villa di Marte detta la Martimenga del Conte Vincenzo Deabbate, 17--?

- Engraved map of the area around Alba, Cuneo, Piedmont, including the river Tanaro, hachures, scale, compass rose oriented southwest
- Creator: Vittorio Boasso, 1735-1814
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded page
- Folder 2: Alessandria

- Item 1: Pianta della Citta di Alessandria, 1860

- Lithograph map of the city of Alessandria and citadel, with index, scale, compass rose
- Creator: Lit. Gazzotti e C.
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 3: Alps (region)

- Item 1: [Topographical maps of the Italian, Austrian, Swiss Alps]

- Packet of lithograph maps of various regions including and near to the Italian Alps, including Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein. With scale, relief
- Creator: 18--?
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 string-tied package of 6 folded sheets; with hand-coloring
- Folder 4: Ancona (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano dell'Assedio d'Ancona, Giugno 1849, ca. 1849

- Lithograph map of the siege of Ancona, with key, scale, index, hachures, compass rose, oriented south
- Creator: Milano, Lit. degli Ingegneri; M.M. Cellai fece.
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 5: Belgioioso

- Item 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Belgiojoso mappa, 18--?

- Two lithograph maps of Belgioioso city center
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheet maps enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 6: Bergamo (vicinity)

- Item 1: Carta topografica dimostrativa del percorso della ferrovia economica Bergamo-Treviglio-Lodi e della zona di paese che ne verra servita., 1878

- Lithograph map of the railway line serving Bergamo, Treviglio, Lodi, and vicinity
- Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 2: Bergamo, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city of Bergamo, with index, hachures.
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded pamphlet with cover
- Item 3: [Topographical map of Bergamo and its surroundings], 1894

- Lithograph map of Bergamo with scale, hachures; "colle correzioni del Novembre 1894"
- Creator: "Ditta artaria di Ferd. Sacchi e Figli, Milan"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map, mounted to linen backing
- Item 4: Pianta della R. Citta e Borghi relativi di Bergamo, 1874

- Lithograph map of Bergamo with index, compass rose, hachures
- Creator: "dell'Ing'e. Architetto GB Manzini, 1874, Milano presso l'Editore Ronchi"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded pamphlet with cover
- Folder 7: Besana in Brianza (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Besana]

- Engraved map of the area north of Besana in Brianza, including nearby cities and towns, manuscript additions; with relief
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 8: Bobbio

- Item 1: Bobbio., 1852

- Lithograph topographical map of the area around Bobbio, including scale, relief, hachures, hand-coloring
- Creator: "Pubblicato dal R. Corpo di Stato Maggiore nell'anno 1853, sotto la direzione di apposita Commissione di Uffi'li. del Corpo medesimo e dietro le verificazioni eseguite nel 1852"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 2: "Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani Bobbio carte geografiche e topografiche antiche e moderne"

- Cavagna's folder for maps on Bobbio
- Material Format: paper
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Bobbio

- Lithograph map of the area north of Bobbio, with hachures, relief, scale
- Creator: "Milano Lit. Corbetta edit."; "Mezzodi di Piacenza"; "Ing. Cap. Valmagini dis."
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map with envelope, hand-coloring.
- Item 4: "Bobbio - citta"

- Lithograph map of the city of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map, with hand-coloring
- Item 5: "Bobbio - citta"

- Lithograph map of the city of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map, with hand-coloring
- Folder 9: Bobbio

- Item 1: "Bobbio - comune"

- Lithograph map of the comune of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 2: "Bobbio - externo"

- Lithograph map of the comune of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 3: "Bobbio - externo"

- Lithograph map of the comune of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 4: "Bobbio parte externa S. Francesca Madonna dell'Ajuto"

- Lithograph map of the comune of Bobbio, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Folder 10: Bologna

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Bologna, 1796

- Engraved map of the city of Bologna, with compass rose, scale, index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map pasted into pamphlet
- Item 2: Pianta della citta di Bologna

- Engraved map of the city of Bologna, with compass rose, scale, index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Item 3: Pianta della citta di Bologna

- Engraved map of the city of Bologna, with compass rose, scale, index; "Atlante Geografico dell'Italia"
- Creator: "Milano dal Dr. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map
- Folder 11: Brescia

- Item 1: Brescia

- Engraved map of the city of Brescia, index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded map excerpted, pasted into pamphlet
- Folder 12: Brixen

- Item 1: Entschuldigungskarte der Stadt Brixen fur 1863, 1863

- Lithograph map of Brixen and its surroundings.
- Creator: "Lith. Anst. v. C. Redrich in Innsbruck"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 12a: Cagliari

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Cagliari, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Cagliari, with index, key, hachures, scale
- Creator: "Milano dal Dr. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 13: Cantu (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Cantu], 1851

- Lithograph map of Cantu and vicinity, with scale, hachures.
- Creator: "Gio. Brenna I.R. 1o tenente ingegnere geografo in pensione rilevo dal terreno, disgeno e diresse."; "Pubblicato in Milano nel mese dicembre 1851, trovasi vendibile presso l'Autore Borgo Porta Comasina 2138"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted folded sheet map, mounted on cloth, with hand-coloring
- Item 2: [Cantu], 1851

- Lithograph map of Cantu and vicinity with scale, hachures.
- Creator: "Gio. Brenna I.R. 1o tenente ingegnere geografo in pensione rilevo dal terreno, disgeno e diresse."; "Pubblicato in Milano nel mese dicembre 1851, trovasi vendibile presso l'Autore Borgo Porta Comasina 2138"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted folded sheet map, mounted on cloth, with hand-coloring.
- Item 3: [Cantu]

- Lithograph map of Cantu and vicinity to the east, with hachures, scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted folded sheet map
- Folder 13a: Casei Gerola

- Item 1: [Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani Casei-Gerola mappa], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city of Casei Gerola
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 14: Casorate Primo

- Item 1: [Casorate Primo]

- Lithograph map of the city of Casorate Primo
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet map with Cavagna's envelope
- Folder 14a: Cassinino (vicinity)

- Item 1-3: Disegno dello stato attuale del travaccatore Cassinino?, 18--?

- Three sets of hand-drawn plans for canal work outside Milan, with scale, elevations
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 3 folded sheets
- Folder 14b: Cassinino (vicinity)

- Item 1-2: Travaca del Cassinino, 18--?

- Two sets of hand-drawn plans for canal work outside Milan, with scale, elevations
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets
- Folder 15: Casteggio (vicinity)

- Item 1: Casteggio, 1851

- Lithograph map of Casteggio and vicinity, with scale, hachures
- Creator: J. Etienne-Gayet, del. e scris., Richetti, dires.; Pubblicato dal R. Corpo di Stato Maggiore nell'anno 1852, sotto la direzione di apposita Commissione di Uff'li. Del Corpo medesimo e dietro le verificazioni eseguite nel 1851.
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Folder 16: Castelfidardo (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano della Battaglia di Castelfidardo e presa d'Ancona avvenute il 18 e 29 settembre 1860, [1860]

- Lithograph map of the battle of Castelfidardo, with scale, hachures, military emplacements
- Creator: M.M. Cellai fece - lit. degli ingegneri
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Folder 17: Como (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Como con testo del Prof. Zaccaria Pozzoni socio del C.A.I. sez. di Como, 1900

- Como: Muller, Trub, & C.; Stab. D'Arti Graf. Muller, Trub, & c. Como; Chromolithograph street map of the city of Como, with attached pamphlet
- Creator: Pozzoni, Zaccaria (Club Alpino Italiano)
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 printed pamphlet with fold-out frontispiece map, colored
UnitID: *
- Item 2: Orario Saghi Como Maggiore Lugano, 1895

- Color lithograph map of lakes Como, Maggiore, and Lugano, with ferry schedule, photogravures, and decorative floral motif, printed in red and black
- Creator: G. Chiattone Lugano-Bergamo
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded pamphlet
- Item 3: Pianta topografica della Citta di Como colle nuove denominazione delle Vie e Piazze, 1888

- Como: Tipografia provinciale F. Ostinelli di C.A., 1888; Chromolithograph map of the city of Como, with attached pamphlet
- Creator: Tipografia provinciale F. Ostinelli di C.A.
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 printed pamphlet with fold-out frontispiece map, colored
- Item 4: Como, 1888

- Istituto geografico militare levata nel 1888. Lithograph map of the city of Como and its surroundings, with scale
- Creator: Mappatore: Topografo Alessio; Capo sezione: Cap. Bonoldi
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 5: Escursione ai laghi Maggiore di Lugano di Como &, 18--?

- Milano: ditta artaria di Ferd.o Sacchi e Figli, Via S.ta Margherita No. 1; lithograph map of lakes Como, Lugano, and Maggiore and the surrounding area, with hachures, scale
- Creator: Milano: ditta artaria di Ferd. Sacchi e Figli
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet with fold-out map, with hand-coloring
- Item 6: Pianta della regia citta di Como, 18--?

- Milano: presso Luigi Zucoli soto il coperto de'Figini No. 4074; Engraved hand-colored map of the city of Como with compass rose, hachures, index.
- Creator: Milano: Presso Luigi Zucoli
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 18: Corte Brugnatella (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Corte Brugnatella], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Corte Brugnatella, with scale, hachures
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 19: Crema (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta della R. Citta di Crema nella proporzione al vero di 1 a 6000, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city of Crema
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Folder 20: Cremona (vicinity)

- Item 1: Disegno del Fiume Po a Cremona, 17--?

- Engraved map of the river Po, with compass rose, index
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring.
- Folder 21: Felizzano (vicinity)

- Folder 22: Ferrara

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Ferrara, 17--?

- Engraved map of the city of Ferrara, with ahchures, scale, compass rose
- Creator: "Milano dal Dott. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 5: Pianta della citta di Firenze, 18--?

- Engraved map of the center of Florence, with index, windrose, hand-colored outline of city walls
- Creator: "Presso Andrea Bettini Librajo Piazza San Gaetano, L Balatri inc. e seris.
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted into marbled covers; with hand-coloring
- Folder 23: Florence

- Item 1: Pianta di Firenze nel suo attuale ingrandimento, 1876, 1876

- Lithograph map of the city of Florence, with hachures, index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pianta della citta di Firenze, 1868., 1868

- "Presso l'Editore Gio. Batt. Maggi: Firenze, Via Tornabuoni; Torino, via di Po 2" Lithograph map of the city of Florence, with scale, compass rose
- Creator: Calco-lit. B. Marchisio e Fi. Torino
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Supplemento gratuito al n. 55 del Fieramosca del di 25 Febbraio 1887, 1887

- "Riordinamento del centro di Firenze, approvato dal Consiglio comunale e dall deputazione provinciale" Lithograph map of a proposed restructuring of the city centre of Florence, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 4: [Street map of Florence], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the center of Florence.
- Creator: "Ach. Paris, calcogr. Litogr. Ed Editore, Firenze, Borgognissanti 25
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 6: Firenze, 189-?

- Lithograph map of the city of Florence, with hachures, index, scale, printed in red and black
- Creator: "Torino - Firenze - Roma; Ermanno Loescher, Libraio Editore; C. Rombach, inc.; Torino Lit. Giordana e Salussolia"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted folded sheet
- Item 7: Firenze, 189-?

- Lithograph map of the city of Florence, with hachures, index, printed in red and black
- Creator: "Milano: ditta editrice artaria di Ferd. Sacchi e Figli via Carlo Alberto e S. Margherita
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted into paper cover
- Box 2

- Folder 24: Gaeta (vicinity)

- Item 1-2: Piano dell'Assedio e resa di Gaeta avvenuta il 13 Febbraio 1861., 1861

- Lithograph maps of the siege of Gaeta, with scale, key, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece; Stab. Degli Ingegneri, Milano; O. Dressler inc."
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 2 identical items, 1 folded sheet each
- Folder 25: Genoa

- Item 1: Piano della Via Ferrata da Genova a Voltri, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the railway line between Voltri and Genova, with key and population figures
- Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet attached to back cover, detached from original
- Item 2: Genova messa in pianta topografica per cura del Cav. Celestino Luigi Foppiani dottore di Matematica Professore di Architettura nella Regia Universita incisa nello stabilimento litografico e calcografico di Nicolo Armanino 1846., 1846

- Lithograph map of the city of Genoa and its immediate surroundings, with hachures, atitude measurements, key, scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in envelope
- Item 3: Carta militare di Genova e suoi contorni, 1831

- Engraved map of Genoa and its surroudnings, with hachures, scale, key
- Creator: "Pinchetti G." "Giuseppe Caniani inc. in Milano; Genova preso Dom.eo Maggi Cont.da Luccoli"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Item 4-5: Pianta topografica della Citta di Genova coll'indicazione dei nuovi lavori del porto e dei quartieri al bisagno, 1879

- Lithograph maps of the port of Genoa and its surroundings, with hachures
- Creator: "Milano: S. Muggiani & C., editori-librai"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 2 identical pamphlets
- Item 6: Winter Soyourns from Nervi Genoa to Nice, 1898?

- Color lithograph maps of the railway line between Genoa and Nice
- Creator: Lampugnani
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet; printed in blue and yellow
- Folder 26: Goito (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano delle battaglie di Goito Pastrengo e S. Lucia avvenute l'8 e30 Aprile e 6 Maggio 1848, 1849?

- Lithograph map of the battles of Goito, Pastrengo, and Santa Lucia; with key
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai dis." "Lit. Del Buono e Borrani Firenze"; "F. Del Buono inc."
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 27: Lanzo d'Intelvi (vicinity)

- Item 1: Lanzo d'Intelvi, 1888

- Lithograph map of Lanzo d'Intelvi and surrounding area, including Campione; with scale, hachures, key
- Creator: "Istituto geografico militare levata nel 1888"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 28: Lodi

- Item 1: Pianta della R. Citta di Lodi, 18--?

- Engraved map of the city of Lodi, with windrose, key, scale.
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pianta della R. Citta di Lodi, 18--?

- Engraved map of the city of Lodi, with windrose, key, scale; additional map at smaller scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted into pamphlet with additional card
- Folder 29: Lucca

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Lucca, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city of Lucca, with scale, windrose, key.
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 30: Magenta (vicinity)

- Item 1-3: Piano della Battaglia di Magenta avvenuta il 4 giugno 1859., after 1859

- Lithograph map of the battle of Magenta, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Lit. degli ingegneri
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 3 identical maps, each 1 folded sheet, with hand-coloring
- Folder 31: Maggiore (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Tourist map of Maggiore, Como, Lugano, with advertisments], 189-?

- Lithograph map of the area around Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, and Lake Lugano, with advertisements
- Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded pamphlet, with detached cover
- Item 2: Nuova carta geografica dei laghi Maggiore, Como e Lugano, 189-?

- Lithograph map of the area around Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, and Lake Lugano, with hachures, key, scale.
- Creator: "dal Negoz. Editore Tommaso Genevresi Via Rastrelli N. 4 e 6"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded map pasted into paper cover
- Item 3: Carta a rilevo prospettica de laghi Maggiore di Como e di Lugano, 189-?

- Chromolithograph map of the railway system around Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, and Lake Lugano; with railway schedule on reverse
- Creator: "Chiattone stab. d'arti grafiche, Milano"
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet map
- Folder 32: Mantua (vicinity)

- Item 1: Mantova, 18--

- Lithograph map of the city of Mantua, with key, scale.
- Creator: "In Mantova presso Antonio Beretta"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets pasted into paper cover
- Item 2: [Viaggio da Mantova a Verona], 18--

- Lithograph map of the railway journey between Mantua and Verona, with illustrations, elevation
- Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Pianta della citta di Mantova, 18--

- Lithograph map of the city of Mantua with key, scale, windrose
- Creator: "Milano dal Dr. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 4: Pianta della citta e fortezza di Mantova con le sue fortificazioni e adiacenze, 1796

- Engraved map of the city of Mantua and its surroundings, with key, scale
- Creator: "In Firenze presso Niccolo Pagni, e Gius. Bardi, 1796."
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand coloring
- Folder 33: Mede

- Item 1: [Mede], 18--

- Lithograph map of the city of Mede
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 34: Melegnano (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano del combattimento di Melegnano avvenuta il 8 giugno 1859, not before 1859

- Lithograph map of the battle of Melegnano, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 35: Messina

- Item 1: Piano dell'Assedio di Messina del maggio 1861, not before 1861

- Lithograph map of the siege of Assedio, with scale, key, windrose, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Box 3

- Folder 36: Milan (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta e guida di Milano?, 18--

- Pamphlet guidebook to Milan and its vicinity, with color maps, indices?
- Creator: "P.Calvi via Moscova 64"
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 2: Pianta della citta di Milano 1872, 1872

- Chromolithograph map of the city of Milan, with scale, index
- Creator: "Milano, Luigi Ronchi, Editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 3: Pianta della citta di Milano 1879, 1879

- Lithograph map of the city of Milan, with scale, index
- Creator: "Milano, Antonio Vallardi"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 4: Comune di Milano, 187-?

- Lithograph map of Milan and its surroundings, with scale
- Creator: "Milano, Antonio Vallardi"
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 5: Progetto per la costruzione dei magazzini generali per la citta di Milano, piano topografico e notizie, 18--

- Two lithograph maps of Milan city center, with scale, index, key
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet with folded sheet comprising two maps; hand-coloring
- Folder 37: Milan (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta de Milano, 18--

- Chromolithograph map of the city of Milan, with index, scale
- Creator: "Flli. Gondrand Galleria Vittorio Emanuele"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 2: Pianta di Milano 1881 Cmi. 50, 1881

- Chromolithograph map of the city of Milan, with index, scale
- Creator: Premiata lit. dello Stabilimento Antonio Vallardi Editore Via S. Margherita 9 Carlo Bessoni Inc
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 3: Tramways e linee ferroviarie - Milano e suoi contorni, 1880, 1880

- Lithograph map of the railway lines around Milan, with key
- Creator: "Milano, Lit. L. Ronchi. 1880."
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 4: Pianta di Milano col piano regolatore e la nuova inta daziaria, 1897

- Chromolithograph map of the city of Milan with key, scale, attached index
- Creator: Antonio Vallardi Editore
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet with folded sheet map, two index leaves
- Item 5: Pianta della citta di Milano illustrata colle Vedutine dei principali monumenti e fabbricati, 189-

- Chromolithograph map of the city of Milan with scale, index
- Creator: Antonio Vallardi Editore
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to informational pamphlet
- Item 6: [Carta del naviglio di Milano], 17--?

- Engraved map of the canals of Milan and its surroundings, with scale, index, windrose
- Creator: "Jac.e Mercorus sculp. MedioL"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand-coloring
- Folder 38: Milan (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Milano 1863, divisa in mandamenti, 1863

- Lithograph map of the city of Milan, with scale, index
- Creator: "Milano presso Ferd. Artaria e Figlio"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, mounted to linen backing, with hand-coloring
- Item 2: Nuovo panorama geometrico-orografico-pittoresco di Milano, 1844

- Lithograph panoramic map of Milan and its surroudings, with key, scale, compass rose
- Creator: "Ideato disegnato ed inciso da Leone Zucoli e dal medesimo publicato nel 1844"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, mounted to linen backing
- Item 3: Progetti di un parco nelle adiacenze di Milano dell ing. Arch. Conte Emilio Alemagna, 1890

- Chromolithograph pamphlet of landscaping plans for a Milanese park
- Creator: "F.lli Tensi, Editori"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet, printed in color on both sides
- Item 4: Icnografia della parte centrale di Milano, 1863

- Lithograph plan for a new cathedral piazza
- Creator: "Milano, tipografia e litografia degli ingegneri, 1863
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand-coloring
- Item 5: Pianta della citta di Milano, 18--

- Lithograph map of Milan city center, with compass rose, index, scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet mounted to bookseller's flyer (Amalia Bettoni)
- Item 6: I nuovi quartieri di Milano proposta Maraini (piano B), 1881

- Chromolithograph map of Milan city center, with scale, key
- Creator: "Rotondi Pietro, Inc."
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 7: [Milano], 17--?

- Engraved map of Milan and its surroundings, with scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 39: Milan (vicinity)

- Item 1: Progetto per la ricostruzione del Teatro di S. Radegonda e case amesse, 1869

- Lithograph map of the proposed reconstruction of the Theater of St. Radegund
- Creator: "Milano li 22 giugno 1869"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted sheet, with manuscript additions and hand-coloring
- Item 2: Pianta della citta di Milano, 1828

- Lithograph map of the city center of Milan, with scale
- Creator: "Milano presso Domenico Molinari libraijo sulla corsia del Duomo no. 974"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to marbled covers
- Item 3: Tramways e linee ferroviarie - Milano e suoi contorni, 1881, 1881

- Lithograph map of the railway lines around Milan, with key
- Creator: "Milano, Lit. L. Ronchi. 1880."
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 4: Tramways e linee ferroviarie - Milano e suoi contorni, 1880, 1880

- Lithograph map of the railway lines around Milan, with key
- Creator: "Milano, Lit. L. Ronchi. 1880."
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 5: Piazza del duomo di Milano, 18--?

- Lithograph plan for a renovation project outside the Duomo, with scale, windrose
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 6: Citta di Milano, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city of Milan, with windrose, scale
- Creator: "Si vende presso Matteo Margaillan libraro sotto il coperto de Figini"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 sheet, damaged, in two pieces
Related Material: very delicate
- Item 3-4: Milano nel 1558 dedicata A.S.A.R. il Principe Umberto di Savoja, 18--?

- 2 identical lithograph maps of Milan ca. 1558, with windrose, scale. Map title:"Milano Antica: Tavola Topografica-Descrittiva"
- Creator: "Milano, Ronchi Edite. Propo.";"V. Broglio, editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded maps each pasted into pamphlet
- Folder 40: Milan (vicinity)

- Item 5: Nuova pianta di Milano, 1895, 1895

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Milan, with index
- Creator: "Stab. Tipo-Litografico Zanaboni e Gabuzzi - Milano"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded map pasted to paper cover
- Item 6: Milano 1881, 1881

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Milan, with index, windrose
- Material Format: street map
Other: 1 folded sheet
- Item 7: Tramways e linee ferroviarie - Milano e suoi contorni, 1881

- Lithograph map of the railway lines around Milan, with key
- Creator: Milano Lit. L. Ronchi, 1881
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet excerpted
- Item 8: Pianta della citta di Milano, 1893, 1893

- Lithograph map of the city center of Milan, with index
- Creator: "Stab. Tipo-Litografico Zanaboni e Gabuzzi - Milano"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper cover
- Item 9: Pianta e guida generale delle esposizione riunite di Milano 1894, 1894

- Chromolithograph map of the Milan Exposition of 1894
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper cover
- Folder 41: Milazzo

- Item 1: Piano della battaglia di Milazzo, not before 1860

- Lithograph map of the battle of Milazzo, with scale, key, hachures, compass rose
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai disegno"; "Lit. del Buono e Borrani Firenze"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 42: Modena

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Modena, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Modena, with scale, index
- Creator: "Milano dal Dr. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 43: Moltrasio

- Item 1: Moltrasio, 1888

- Lithograph map of the area surrounding Moltrasio, with hachures, scale, key
- Creator: "Istituto geografico militare levata nel 1888"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 44: Montanara (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano della battaglia di Montanara, Curtatone, Goito, e Peschiera seguita il 29 e 30 maggio 1848, not before 1848

- Lithograph map of the battle of Montanara, with scale, key, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Lit. Del Buono e Borrani, Firenze"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 45: Montebello (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano della battaglia di Montebello seguita il 20 maggio 1859, not before 1859

- Lithograph map of the battle of Montebello, with scale, key, haachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai dis."; "F. Del Buono inc."; "Lit. del Buono e Borrani Firenze"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 sheet
- Folder 46: Monza (vicinity)

- Item 1-2: [Monza e dintorni], 1836

- 2 identical lithograph maps of the area around Monza, with hachures, scale
- Creator: "Gio. Brenna I.R.Io. Tene. Ingegnere Geografo in pensione rilevo sul terreno, disegno e diresse"; "G. Biasoli inc."
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 2 excerpted sheets, with folded additions, mounted to linen backing; with hand-coloring
- Item 3: R. Parco di Monza, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the Royal Park of Monza, with index, scale, hachures
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted sheet, pasted into paper covers
- Folder 47: Mortara

- Item 1: Mortara Pianta Moderna, 18--?

- Lithograph plan of the fort at Monza, with index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted sheet
- Item 2: Antica fortezza di Mortara, 18--?

- Lithograph plan of the old fort at Monza
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted sheet
- Folder 48: Naples

- Item 1: Pianta di Napoli 1871

- Lithograph map of the city of Naples, with key, compass rose
- Creator: "Colombo Coen, editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded map with paper cover pasted to reverse
- Item 2: Topothesia Miseni et Puteolorum Cic. Epist. XVIII. 6. adiecto Vesuvii tractu ex tabula V.C. Andreae de Torio, 1819, 1819

- Map of ancient Naples and its surroundings, including Vesuvius, Miseno, Pompeii; with hachures
- Creator: Andreae de Torio
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, excerpted
- Folder 49: Novara (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano della battaglia di Novara avvenuta il 23 marzo 1849, not before 1849

- Lithograph map of the battle of Novara, with key, scale
- Creator: "F. Del Buono inc."
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 50: Orta (vicinity)

- Item 1: Map of the Riviera and Lake of Orta, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Orta, with key
- Creator: "Milano Litografia L. Ronchi"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Box 4

- Folder 51: Padua

- UnitID: *
- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Padova, 18--?

- Engraved map of the city center of Padua, with windrose, index, scale
- Creator: "Vincenzo Voltolina dis. e inc."
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, mounted to linen backing
- Folder 52: Palermo

- Item 1-2: [New plans for the port of Palermo], 18--?

- Two lithograph sheets with plans for construction on the port of Palermo and its fort; with scale, printed in three colors
- Creator: "Lito. Virano e Teano Roma"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets
- Item 3: Piano dei combattimenti di Calatafimi e Palermo avvenuti il 15 e 27 maggio 1860, not before 1860

- Lithograph map of the battle of Calatafimi and Palermo, with key, hachures.
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Milano lit. degli ingegneri"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Folder 53: Palestrina

- Item 1: [Topographical map of Palestrina], 18--?

- Topographical map of Palestrina and its surroundings, with scale, key, hachures
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, mounted to linen backing
- Folder 54: Palestro

- Item 1-2: Piano della battaglia di Palestro avvenuti il 31 maggio 1859, not before 1859

- Two lithograph maps of the battle of Palestro, with scale, key
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai disegno"; "Lit. Del Buoni e Borrani Firenze"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets; with hand-coloring
- Folder 55: Pavia (vicinity)

- Item 1: Carta antica della campagna soprana Pavese stralciata da quella del Principato di Pavia, 1888

- Lithograph map of the area surrounding Pavia in 1614, with hachures, windrose
- Creator: "delineata da Lodovico Corte, fatta intagliare da Ottavio Ballada, incisa da Giacomo Cotta bergomense, nel 1614, e fatta riprodurre dal Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 2-3: Pianta della citta di Pavia, 18--?

- 2 identical lithograph maps of the city center of Pavia, with windrose, key, scale
- Creator: "Milano dal Dott. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 4: Pianta della citta di Pavia, 1887

- Lithograph map of the city center of Pavia, with index, scale
- Creator: Stabilimento Tipo-Litografico Successori Marelli 1887
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 5: Pianta della citta di Pavia, 1887

- Lithograph map of the city center of Pavia, with index, scale; lithograph map of the southern portion of the province of Pavia, with index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 excerpted sheet, mounted to linen backing
- Item 6: Contorni di Pavia, 1871

- Lithograph map of Pavia and its surroundings
- Creator: "Litog. Sarchi e Marelli Zenoni Alcibiade Incise"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 7: Tavola storica di Pavia, 1844

- Lithograph map of Pavia with historical sites demarcated; with scale, index, compass rose
- Creator: P. Allodi inc. 1844 Milano
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet with text
- Folder 56: Pavia (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Pavia, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Pavia, with windrose, key, scale
- Creator: "Milano dal Dott. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pavia e suoi contorni, 1876

- Lithograph map of Pavia and its surroundings
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Parco di Pavia, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the land surrounding Pavia
- Creator: "C. Magenta fece"; "Ing. Ernesto Mariani disegno"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 4: Contorni di Pavia, 1877

- Lithograph map of Pavia and its surroundings
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 5: Tavola storica di Pavia, 1844

- Lithograph map of Pavia with historical sites demarcated; with scale, index, compass rose
- Creator: "P. Allodi inc. 1844 Milano"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet with text
- Folder 57: Piacenza

- Item 1: Nuova pianta della citta di Piacenza, 1882

- Lithograph map of the city center of Piacenza, with index, scale
- Creator: "Piacenza, tipografia Solari"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Folder 57a: Pianello Val Tidone

- Item 1: [Pianello Val Tidone], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Pianello Val Tidone, including the river Tidone, with scale, hachures.
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand-coloring
- Folder 58: Pompeii

- Item 1: Plan de Pompei de Mr le Chanoine d. Andre de Jorio 1828, 1828

- Lithograph map of Pompeii with scale, key
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, pasted to marbled board covers, with hand coloring
Related Material: very delicate
- Folder 59: Pregola (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Pregola], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Pregola, with scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand coloring
- Folder 60: Ravenna

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Ravenna, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Ravenna, with scale, windrose, index
- Creator: "Milano, dal Dott. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 61: Reggio nell'Emilia

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Reggio nell'Emilia, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Reggio nell'Emilia, with index, scale, windrose
- Creator: "Milano, dal Dr. Francesco Vallardi, tipografo-editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 62: Rivanazzano Terme

- Item 1: Rivanazzano, 18--?

- Packet of architectural plans of the city center of Rivanazzano, printd in 2 colors, with scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets within paper packet
- Folder 63: Rome

- Item 1: Pianta di Roma, 18--?

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Rome, with scale, index
- Creator: "Milano, Ferdinando Artaria e Figlio editori"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 2: Carta comparata di Roma antica e moderna di Alfredo di Reumont, 1868

- Chromolithograph map of ancient Rome with modern streets overlaid in red; with index
- Creator: "Dott. Francesco Vallardi Milano, 1868"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Karten zur alten geschichte von Heinrich Kiepert IX: Plan von Rom, 1882

- Lithograph map of the city center of Rome, with index, scale
- Creator: "Berlin, verlag von Dietrich Reimer"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 4: Pianta di Roma 1871, 1871

- Lithograph map of the city center of rome, with index, compass rose
- Creator: "Colombo Coen editore, Venezia, Milano, Trieste"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper cover
- Item 5: Plan-panorama de Rome, 18--?

- Chromolithograph panoramic map of Rome
- Creator: "F. Capaccini editore"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 6: Pianta topografica della citta di Roma, 17--?

- Engraved map of the city center of rome, with index, scale, windrose
- Creator: "Presso Agapito Franzetti nel Corso alle Convertite"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 64: Rome

- Item 1: Piano dell'attacco di Roma e combattimento di Velletri avvenuti il 30 aprile e 19 maggio 1849, not before 1849

- Lithograph map of the battle of Rome and Velletri, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Milano, lit degli ingegneri"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Item 2: Piano dell'assedio di Roma giugno 1849, not before 1849

- Lithograph map of the siege of Rome, with scale, key
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Milano, lit degli ingegneri"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet; with hand-coloring
- Folder 65: Romagnese (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Romagnese], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Romagnese, with hachures, scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Folder 66: Saint-Vincent (vicinity)

- Item 1: Societa Grand Hotel e stabilimento idroterapico Billia & "di S. Vincent", 18--?

- Tourist pamphlet advertising the health and spa attractions in Saint-Vincent and the Aosta Valley more generally. Includes several pages of informational material, publisher's advertisements, several maps, and unused tear-out postcards
- Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Folder 68: Sannazzaro de' Burgondi

- Item 1-2: [Sannazzaro de' Burgondi mappe], 18--?

- Two lithograph maps of the town of Sannazzaro de' Burgondi, printed in two colors
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 69: San Pellegrino (vicinity)

- Item 1-2: [San Pellegrino], 18--?

- Two lithograph maps of the area around San Pellegrino; with hachures, scale
- Creator: "Milano ditta editirice artaria di Ferd. Sacchi e Figli"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 2 pamphlet maps mounted to linen backing, with hand-coloring
- Folder 70: Sartirana Lomellina

- Item 1: [Sartirana], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the town of Sartirana
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 71: Scaldasole

- Item 1: [Scaldasole], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the town of Scaldasole
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 71a: Solferino

- Item 1: Piano della Battaglia di San Martino e Solferino seguita el 24 giugno1859, not before 1859

- Lithograph map of the battle of San Martino and Solferino, with index, scale, key, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai dis."; "F. Del Buono"; "Lit. Del Buono e Borrani Firenze"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 72: Sommacompagna (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano della battaglia de Sommacampagna e Custoza, not before 1848

- Lithograph map of the battle of Sommacampagna and Custoza, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai disegno"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Box 5

- Folder 73: Tornavento

- Item 1: [Tornavento], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the town of Tornavento and plans for the construction of a canal
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 74: Treviglio (vicinity)

- Item 1: Treviglio, 1897

- Lithograph map of the area surrounding Treviglio, with scale, key
- Creator: "Istituto geografico militare"
Material Format: topographical mal
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 75: Civitella del Tronto

- Item 1: Piano dell'assedio di Civitella del Tronto, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the siege of the Fortress of Tronto, with hachures, key
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"; "Milano lit. degli ingegneri"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
- Folder 76: Turin

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Torino, 1840

- Lithograph map of the city of Turin, with index, compass, scale
- Creator: "Torino presso Gio. Batt. Maggi"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pianta della citta di Torino colle recenti fabbricazioni ed ingradimenti progettati, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Turin with index, scale, proposed construction
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to covers
- Item 3: Esposizione generale italiana in Torino 1884, 1884?

- Chromolithograph map of the General Exposition at Turin, with compass rose, scale, index
- Creator: "Pubblicazione dell'unione tipografico-editrice Torino, via Carlo Alberto, 33"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, printed in two colors
- Item 4: La Guida Portatile, ossia, Viaggio da Torino a Genova per la strada ferrata toccando Asti, Alessandria e Novi, 1851

- Lithograph pamphlet of the railway line between Turin and Genoa, with schedules, scale, key
- Creator: "Torino, lit. Fratelli Doyen e Comp., 1851"
Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet map with hand coloring
- Item 5: Pianta geometrica illustrata della citta di Torino colle vedute prospettiche dei monumenti e principali edifizi, 18--?

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Turin
- Creator: "Ditta G.B. Paravia e comp"
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet printed in color pasted to paper covers
- Item 6: Pianta di Torino dell'Esposizione Generale Italiana e dell'Esposizione d'Arte Sacra e missioni cattoliche, 1898

- Chromolithograph map of the General Exposition at Turin
- Creator: "Ditta G.B. Paravia e comp"
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet printed in color pasted to paper covers
- Item 7: Progetto generale per l'ampliazione ed abbellimento della citta di Torino, 1817

- Engraved map of the city center of Turin with scale, key, compass rose, points of interest
- Creator: "Architetto Gaetano Lombardi"; "Torino Presso Felice Festa litografo"
Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 8: Pianta della citta di Torino, 1884

- Lithograph map of the city of Turin, with index, key
- Creator: "Pubblicazione dell'unione tipografico-editrice Torino, via Carlo Alberto, 33"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet with map of surrounding area printed on reverse
- Folder 77: Uboldo (vicinity)

- Item 1: Carta topografica del corso antico e moderno de' tre torrenti fontanile di Tradate, Gradeluso, e Bozzente, formata nell'anno 1762, 1762

- Engraved map of the course of three rivers near Uboldo, with compass rose, scale, hachures
- Creator: "Jac. Mercorus sculp. Anno 1762"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
Related Material: very delicate
- Folder 78: Varese (vicinity)

- Item 1: Piano dei combattimenti di Varese e Como, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the battles of Varese and Como, with key, scale
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet with hand-coloring
- Folder 79: Varzi (vicinity)

- Item 1: [Godiasco-Varzi], 1883

- Lithograph map of the area between Varzi and Godiasco, with hachures, key, scale
- Creator: "Istituto geografico Militare"
Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2-3: [Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani Varzi Mappe], 18--?

- 2 lithograph maps of Varzi town center
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets enclosed in paper cover
- Folder 80: Venice

- Item 1: [Venezia a Padova], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the railway line between Venice and Padua, with points of interest, scale, ticket prices
- Material Format: railway map
Physical Description: 1 pamphlet
- Item 2: [Laguna di Venezia], 18--?

- Lithograph map of Venice and its surrounding lagoon, with shipping lanes indicatd
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet mounted to linen backing, pasted to board covers
- Item 3: Nouveau plan topographique de Venise et ses environs, 18--?

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Venice, with key, scale, hachures, index
- Material Format: tourist map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers; printed in color
- Item 4: La veneta laguna antica e moderna, novamente delineate e distinta?, 1799

- Engraved map of Venice and its surroundings, with windrose, scale, index
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet mounted to linen backing
- Item 5: Pianta della citta di Venezia, 18--?

- Engraved map of the city center of Venice, with windrose, index, scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet mounted to card backing
- Folder 81: Venice

- Item 1: Nuova pianta dell'inclita citta di Venezia regolata l'anno 1787, 1787

- Engraved map of the city of Venice, with index, windrose
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet mounted to linen backing
- Item 2: Piano dell'assedio di Venezia, not before 1849

- Lithograph map of the siege of Venice in 1849, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Folder 82: Verona

- Item 1: Pianta di Verona 1849, 1849

- Lithograph map of the city center of Verona, with compass rose, points of interest, hachures, scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pianta di Verona 1852, 1852

- Lithograph map of the city center of Verona, with index, compass rose, scale
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, mounted to linen backing
- Item 3: Verona, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Verona, with index
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 4: Kirchenparade bei Verona am 6ten October 1844, 1844

- Lithograph map of the route of a parade in Verona, with scale, index, key
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand coloring
Related Material: very delicate
- Folder 83: Vicenza

- Item 1: Prise de Vicence le 10 juin 1848, 1848

- Lithograph map of Vicenza and its surroudnings, with index, key, hachures, scale
- Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 2: Pianta della r. citta di Vicenza, 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Vicenza, with index, scale, compass rose
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet
- Item 3: Piano dei combattimenti di Vicenza e Rivoli avvenuti il 10 giugno 1848, not before 1848

- Lithograph map of the battle of Vicenza and Rivoli, with key, scale, hachures
- Creator: "M.M. Cellai fece"
Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet with hand-coloring
- Folder 84: Vigevano

- Item 1-2: Pianta della citta di Vigevano, 18--?

- 2 identical chromolithograph maps of the city center of Vigevano, with index, key, scale, compass rose
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 2 folded sheets
- Folder 85: Voghera (vicinity)

- Item 1: Pianta della citta di Voghera, 18--?

- Chromolithograph map of the city center of Voghera, with scale
- Creator: "Pubblicata per cura di Carelli Carlo"
Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet pasted to paper covers
- Item 2: [Voghera], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the area around Voghera, with scale
- Material Format: topographical map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet, with hand-coloring
Related Material: very delicate
- Folder 86: Volturno

- Item 1: [Piano della battaglia del Volturno], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the battle of Volturno, with hachures, scale, key, contained within folder
- Material Format: battlefield map
Physical Description: 1 packet of map fragments enclosed in paper folder
Related Material: very delicate
- Folder 87: Zavattarello

- Item 1: [Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani Zavattarello mappa], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Zavattarello
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Folder 88: Zelada

- Item 1: [Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani Zelada pianta topografica], 18--?

- Lithograph map of the city center of Zelada
- Material Format: street map
Physical Description: 1 folded sheet enclosed in paper folder
- Sub-series 2: Provinces, Regions, and Kingdoms

- Box 6

- Folder 1: A

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Folder 2: B

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Folder 3: C

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Folder 4: F

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 5: G

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Folder 6: I

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Folder 7: L

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Item 8: Item 8

- Item 9: Item 9

- Item 10: Item 10

- Item 11: Item 11

- Folder 8: M

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Folder 9: M

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Box 7

- Folder 10: N

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Folder 11: O

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 12: P

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Item 8: Item 8

- Folder 13: P

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Folder 14: S

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Folder 15: T

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Item 8: Item 8

- Folder 16: T

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Folder 17: Misc.

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Sub-series 3: Entire Peninsula

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Entire Peninsula Folder 1

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Folder 2: Entire Peninsula Folder 2

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Sub-series 4: Foreign Countries

- Box 9

- Folder 1: A

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Folder 2: B

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 3: C

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 4: D

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 5: E

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Item 8: Item 8

- Item 9: Item 9

- Item 10: Item 10

- Folder 6: G

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Item 7: Item 7

- Item 8: Item 8

- Folder 7: H

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 8: I

- Item 1: Item 1

- Folder 9: L

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Folder 10: M

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Item 6: Item 6

- Folder 11: N

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Folder 12: P

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Folder 13: R

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Folder 14: S

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Folder 15: T

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Item 3: Item 3

- Item 4: Item 4

- Item 5: Item 5

- Folder 16: V

- Item 1: Item 1

- Item 2: Item 2

- Folder 17: Misc.

- Item 1: Item 1

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Carte storico-diplomatiche],
Series 2: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Ephemera],
Series 3: Archivio Cavagna Sangiuliani--Maps],