Collection Overview
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Ewing C. Baskette Collection on Freedom of Expression purchased in 1959. Baskette, a lawyer and librarian, owned the largest private collection on civil liberties and freedom of expression in the United States. Within the broad limits of freedom of expression, such topics as freedom of the press, censorship, constitutional rights, religious freedom, labor union activity, well-known trials, socialism, communism, and anarchy are represented. In addition to books the collection includes newspapers and periodicals, broadsides and pamphlets, manuscripts, letters, briefs, and reports of trials. A shelf-list of its contents is included in the printed catalog of the Rare book and Special Collections Library.
Biographical Note
Ewing Cannon Baskette, lawyer and librarian, owned the largest private collection on civil liberties and freedom of expression in the United States.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Box and Folder Listing
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Series 1: Spanish Civil War],
Series OS: Oversize materials],
- Series 1: Spanish Civil War

- Sub-series 1: Posters & Broadsides, 1936-1938

- Posters numbered 1-55. The sequence in the map case continues with posters from two other collections related to the Spanish Civil War. Numbers 56-67 are part of the Lister papers and numbers 68-114 are part of the Spanish Civil War General collection.
- Item 1 [SCWB Mapcase]: Los libros anarquistas son armas contra el fascismo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Soldier holding bayonet, with the form of two books.
- Creator: Limb---.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 001. Printer: Sdad Gral de Publicaciones. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Anarchists, Bayonets, Books, Fascism, Soldiers.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 90.4 X 70.2 cm.. Colors: Black, gray, red, white, yellow.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 2 [SCWB Mapcase]: La FAI en el frente sangriento, en el frente del trabajo. Lucha por la humanidad., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two couples representing factory workers. A fist in the foreground plus a chainlink hook, hammers, airplanes in sky.
- Creator: Les-Barquet Grup "Art Lliure".
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 002. Printer: Thomas, S. A. Subject(s): Factory workers, Federacion Anarquista Iberica, Hammers, Airplanes, Chainlink hook. Corp. Body: C.N.T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 x 70 cm.. Colors: Black, blue, red, brown, white, beige.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 3 [SCWB Mapcase]: 8, 10, 12, 24 horas! son pocas!! Trabajad todos para el frente., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Large numbers and letters.
- Creator: Cooperativa d'Arts Grafiques.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 003. *Subj1: Confederacion Nacional de Trabjo. Printer: Edit. per El S.P.L. C.N.T. Location: Not Supplied. Subject(s): Confederacion Nacional de Trab*, Time. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-Cartelistas C.N.T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99 X 69 cm.. Colors: Red, white, black, gray.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 4 [SCWB Mapcase]: Grandezas y miserias de la revolucion social Espanola., [1936-1938]

- Poster. A poster advertising a speech being given by F. Marti Ibanez. A photograph of him plus the title of his speech.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 004. Subject(s): Marti Ibanez, F., Social Revolution. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I. / Radio Barcelona.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99 X 77 cm.. Colors: Red and black on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 5 [SCWB Mapcase]: El fascismo internacional y la guerra antifascista Espanola., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Poster advertising a speech given by Juan Garcia Oliver.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 005. Subject(s): Antifascism, Fascism, Garcia Oliver, Juan.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 70 cm.. Colors: Red and black on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 6 [SCWB Mapcase]: Ordenacion de la economia en la revolucion, [1936-1938]

- Poster. A poster advertising a speech given by H. Noja Ruiz.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 006. Subject(s): Economic conditions, Noja Ruiz, H. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I. / Radio Barcelona.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 112.5 X 66.5 cm.. Colors: Red and black on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 7 [SCWB Mapcase]: El puebla en armas defendio la republica contra los traidores. El Ejercito Popular, fuerte y disciplinado defiende la patria contra el invasion., [1936-1938]*

- Poster. Depicts two scenes, one of men fighting behind a baricade; another shows a group of three soldiers looking off into the distance holding bayonets.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 007. *Dates: July 1936-February 1938. Note: Along bottom margin: Que la retaguardia ayude a los frentes. Printer: S. G. de P. (E.C.). Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Bayonets, El Ejercito Popular, Soldiers, Traitors. Corp. Body: Subsecretaria de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 69 cm.. Colors: Red, white, and shades of gray.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 8 [SCWB Mapcase]: Leed Tierra y libertad y la revista doctrinal Tiempos nuevos, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Soldier holding a gun, and issue of a newspaper and three stalks of wheat.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 008. Printer: P.R. del S.D.P. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Newspapers, Reading, Soldiers, Wheat.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 69 cm.. Colors: Black, white, red.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 9 [SCWB Mapcase]: L'Escola de tots escola nova unificada, 1936-1936

- Poster. Two school-age children, a boy, and a girl, in front of a school where other children are playing.
- Creator: Flos.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 009. Printer: I.G. Seix i Barral Germs. S.A. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Education, School children.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 98.5 X 69 cm.. Colors: Blue, white, and black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 10 [SCWB Mapcase]: Lee libros anarquistas y sera's un hombre, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Stylized human figure holding large book with an eye superimposed over the book.
- Creator: Cimine.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 010. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Anarchy, Books, Reading.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99 X 70 cm. (2 copies). Colors: Black, blue, red, and white.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 11 [SCWB Mapcase]: C.N.T.-F.A.I.-A.I.T., La barrera inexpugnable, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Abbreviations of the C.N.T., F.A.I. and A.I.T. against a rising sun; partially imposed over the abbreviations is a group of defending soldiers.
- Creator: Mipattes, Sanz.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 011. *Printer: (Comite Obrero de Control-U.G.T.-C.N.T.) Colors: lettering in red. *Subjects: Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo. Federacion Anarquista Iberica. Associacion Internacional Trabajadores. Labor organizations. NOTE: In upper right corner: Propoganda editada por la Confederacion Regional de Levante. Printer: Ortega *. Location: Valencia. Subject(s): Confederacion Nacional del T*, Federacion Anarquista Iberica, Associacion Internacional T*, Labor organizations. Corp. Body: Comite Obrero de Control / U.G.T. / C.N.T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 107.5 X 86 cm.. Colors: Yellow, black, orange, red.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing. Some deterioration to margin. Divided into two parts, due to size..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 12 [SCWB Mapcase]: Las Juventudes libertadias; luchan y trabajan para la revolucion, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Face of a man, partially shaded, with planes and smoke stacks in the background.
- Creator: P. eadena (?).
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 012. *Colors: lettering in light blue, white, and yellow. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Airplanes, Revolution, Smoke stacks, Youth.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 110 X 77 cm.. Colors: Black, blue, white, red, yellow *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 13 [SCWB Mapcase]: Concepto del federalismo en la guerra y en la revolucion, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Poster for a speech by Juan Lopez.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 013. Beneath picture: Juan Lopez disertara el proximo Domingo 7 de Febrero, a las 11 en punto de la manana, en el Cinema Coliseum sobre el tema: Concepto del federalismo en la guerra y en la revolucion. Esta conferencia, en la que se reafirmara el conceptofederalista del anarco-sindicalismo, es la sexta del ciclo organizado por las Oficinas de Propaganda CNT-FAI. Como de costumbre, ests acto sera radiado por las emisoras E. C. N. 1 Radio CNT-FAI y las emisoras barcelonesas Radio Barcelona y Radio Asociacion de Cataluna, a toda Espana. Printer: Imp. Gutenberg. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Federalism, Juan Lopez, Revolution. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99 X 69.5 cm.. Colors: Red letters on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 14 [SCWB Mapcase]: L'Agricultura tot per al front, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Farmer seated on a tractor with buildings in the background.
- Creator: Tontsere del S.D.P..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 014. *Colors: . . . with blue and yellow lettering. Printer: Propagandes BIOX. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Agriculture, Farmers, Tractors.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 68.5 cm.. Colors: Black, rust, blue, yellow *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 15 [SCWB Mapcase]: C.N.T., liberatios de prostitucion "mujeres libris", [1936-1938]

- Poster. A poster advocating freedom of women from prostitution
- Date Inputted: 1/10/1996
Other Information: Item Number: 015. *Colors: Blue and red lettering on white background. Printer: None suppplied. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): C.N.T., Prostitution, Trade Unions, Women. Corp. Body: C.N.T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Colors: Blue, red, white *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated; second copy mounted on linen backing.. Treatments: Encapsulate second copy..
UnitID: Location: RBSC. Shelf mark: 942.081 Sp247b.
- Item 16 [SCWB Mapcase]: Lo que pudo hacer Espana en Marruecos y lo que ha hecho., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Poster for a speech by Gonzalo de Reparaz.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 016. Beneath picture: Gonzalo de Reparaz desarrollara en Domingo dia 17 de Enero, a las 11 en punto de la manana, en el Cine Coliseum, el tema: Lo que pudo hacer Espana en Marruecos y lo que ha hecho.Esta conferencia, en la que se evidenciara la desastrosa politica colonial seguida por nuestro pais bajo la inspiracion de las viejas oligarquias nacionles, es la tercera del ciclo organizado por las Oficinas de Propaganda, CNT-FAI. E. C. N. 1 - Radio CNT-FAI y Radio Barcelona. Printer: Imp. Gutenberg. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Morocco, Oligarchy, Spain. Corp. Body: Oficinas ...Propaganda C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 96 X 70 cm.. Colors: Red lettering on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 17 [SCWB Mapcase]: Aspectos economicos de nuestra revolucion., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Poster advertising a speech by M. Cardona Rosell; includes a photograph of the speaker.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 017. M. C ardona Rosell, disertara el proximo Domingo dia 31 de Enero, a las 11 en punto dela manana, en el Cine Coliseum sobre el tema: "Aspectos economicos de nuestra revolucion." Esta conferencia, en la que se pondra de manifesto por uno de los militantes mas capacitados de nuestros movimientos, las fuerzas creadoras del anarco-sindicalismo, es la quinta del ciclo organizado por las Oficinas Propaganda CNT-FAI. Como de costumbre, este acto sera radiado por las emisoras E. C. N. 1 Radio CNT-FAI y las emisoras barcelonesas, Radio Barcelona y Radio Asociacion de Cataluna, a toda Espana. Printer: Imp. Gutenberg. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Cardona Rosell, M., Revolucion-Economic aspec. Corp. Body: Oficinas de Propaganda / C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99 X 69.5 cm.. Colors: Red, black lettering on white background.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 18 [SCWB Mapcase]: El arte de Espana es un objetivo de la aviacion fascista, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Partially bombed out building with planes flying overhead.
- Creator: Gaya.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 018. *Colors: rust and green on beige background; black lettering. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Airplanes, Spanish art, Destruction of art works, Fascism. Corp. Body: Patronato Nacional de Tur.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 55 X 39 cm.. Colors: Rust, green *.
Processing Information: Condition: Linen backed, needs encapsulation. Treatments: Encapsulate.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 19 [SCWB Mapcase]: Es preciso hacer toda clase de sacrificios para ganar la guerra, [1936-1938]

- Poster. See Memo.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 019. *Colors: . . . with white and black lettering. Two photographs of workers. One a group of workers picking fruit with caption: Para aumentar las horas de trabajo y disminuirlos salarios; para somiter al obrero a una explotacion inicua. Sealzaron los generales contra el resultado de las elecciones del de Febrero. The other has two factory workers with caption: Para que el trabajo sea una alegria; para que el obrero y sus hijos tengan asegurado un porvenir de bienestar, lucha nuestro ejercito y se afana nuestra retaguardia. Bottom half of poster gives statistics of employment from 1931-1937 and compensation for accidents. Caption: Seguro de vejez; seguro obligatorio de accidentes. Un obrero invalido percibia solamente 6,200 pts; El obrero invalido percibe la renta de 50115 pts. Four illustrated examples of workers injured in accidents.. Printer: S. G. de P. (E.C.). Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Accidents, Employment statistics, Factory Workers, Farm workers, Wages. Corp. Body: Subsecretaria de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 53 X 35 cm.. Colors: Red, blue, brown, yellow *.
Processing Information: Condition: Linen backed, needs encapsulation. Treatments: Encapsulate.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 20 [SCWB Mapcase]: Al heroe del pueblo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Lower half of a man's face.
- Creator: Herreros.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 020. Note: Upper half of poster is missing. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Heroes.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 70 cm. (lower half).. Colors: Red & black, with white lettering.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 21 [SCWB Mapcase]: Trabajadores! Leed., [1936-1938]

- Poster. See Memo.
- Creator: Vicente, E..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 021. *Color:. . . with white lettering. Figure of a worker carrying a sledge hammer over his right shoulder. In his left hand he holds an issue of Solidaridad obrera. A totally separate hand holds a lighted torch. Printer: Dibujantes-C.N.T. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Anarchist Publications, Reading, Solidaridad obrera. Corp. Body: C. N. T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 70 cm.. Colors: Red, brown, black, gray *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 22 [SCWB Mapcase]: Solidad obrera; diario de la revolucion, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Newspaper editorial being destroyed by a red form breaking through the newspaper.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 022. *Colors: . . . with lettering in black and white. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Anarchist Publications, Spanish newspapers, Workers.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 69 cm.. Colors: Black, red, white, brown *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 23 [SCWB Mapcase]: Los Nacionales, [1936-1938]

- Poster. See Memo.
- Creator: Canavate.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 023. *Colors: Variety of colors on white background with black lettering. 8 Figures in a boat labelled: Junta de Burgos, Lisboa. The 5 figures include a cardinal, a high ranking military officer, a soldier with a fez holding a gun, a Hindu, and a civilian official with a swatiska on his lapel and holding a bag of money. Underneath these are the faces of three soldiers holding guns and looking through the portholes of the boat. Mounted in the boat isa wooden form from which the map of Spain hangs from a rope beneath this is a small banner with the words: Arriba Espana. Perched on the form is a bird with wings outspread. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Burgos Junta, Propaganda, Spain arise!. Corp. Body: Ministerio de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 115.5 X 85.5 cm.. Colors: Various colors *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing. Severe damage to margins..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 24 [SCWB Mapcase]: Camarada! Trabaja y lucha por la revolucion., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two male figures, one is a worker cutting wheat with a scythe, the other is a soldier aiming a gun.
- Creator: O------gel.l.l..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 024. *Colors: . . . lettering in white, red, and black. Printer: Marti, Mari y Cia. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Farm Workers, Revolution, Soldiers. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 107 X 76.5 cm.. Colors: Red, yellow, black, orange, gray *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 25 [SCWB Mapcase]: La guerra significa luchar por la salud y la fortaleza de los espanoles y sus hijos., [1936-1938]

- Poster. See below
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 025. *Color: . . . with letters in black, red or white. Description: Upper half consists of 2 photographs: One of mother and child with caption: Antes, en las maternidades morian miles deninos, hijos de obreros, campesinos y empleados; the second half shows a children's ward with caption: Ahora, la republica atiende hoy a la madre y al nino. Lower half given statistics for tuberculosis from April 14, 1931 to January 1, 1938: Proporcion de camas para enfermos tuberculosos; territorio lealtoda espana. Location: [Barcelona?]. Subject(s): Children, Courage, Health, Mothers, Tuberculosis statistics. Corp. Body: Subsecretaria de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 69.5 cm.. Colors: White, red, black, and blue *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 26 [SCWB Mapcase]: Qui ets tu? Soc un catala situat al forti increbantable i invencible de l'amor i de-la defensa de la nueva terra., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two figures, one dressed in medieval garb carrying a sword; one wearing the red hat of the guerrillas, carrying a scythe and a gun.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 026. Slogan: "Qui ets tu? Soc un catala situat al forti increbantable i invencible de l'amor i de-la defensa de la nueva terra. Que vols? Per que estens la metralla i fas correr la sang? Lluito contra els invasors de la meva patria; lluito davant del mon i de l'espai infinit pel nom i l'existencia de Catalunya. Vull guanyari mereixer la pau que estimo. No podria viure sense la libertat. Companys. La raiz intima de Cataluna esta nutrida de sustancias liberales. No han sido hechos ella ni sus hijos para la servidumbre colonia. Negrin." *Colors: . . . cream-colored background. Printer: Llauger, T.G. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Catalunya, Guerrillas, Nationalism, Soldiers.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 28 cm.. Colors: Red, black, lavender, brown *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing. Some damage to margins..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 27 [SCWB Mapcase]: Unidad de accion, significa el triumfo de la libertad., [1936-1938]

- Poster. See Memo.
- Creator: Aragi (?).
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 027. Description: Profiles of three women in red, yellow, and purple, one holds a flag also in red, yellow, and purple. In lower right hand corner: Symbol in red, yellow, and white of a triangle with crown above. Within triangle is the abbreviation IR (?). Printer: Lit. Felix Martinez-Cotrol CNT-UGT. Location: Valencia. Subject(s): Liberty, Women. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-U.G.T..
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 69 cm.. Colors: Red, yellow, purple, black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 28 [SCWB Mapcase]: Untitled, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Helmet hanging from the barrel end of a rifle.
- Creator: sala.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 028. *Corp1: . . . de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Note: In the upper margin: Editada per la Comissaria de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Location: Catalunya. Subject(s): Helmets, Propaganda, Rifles. Corp. Body: Comisarria de Propaganda de la *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 101.5 X 71 cm.. Colors: Grey, white.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 29 [SCWB Mapcase]: Comprad "Estampas de la revolucion"; album de 32 dibujos a 5 tintas dedicado a las gloriosas jornadas de julio., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Running soldier carrying a rifle
- Creator: Dibujantes C.N.T.-S de PL.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 029. *Colors: . . . red and black lettering. Note: On the bottom margin: Editado por Oficinas de Propaganda, C.N.T.-F.A.I. Printer: Lit. F & R Bastard. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): July march, Soldiers. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 109.5 X 78.25 cm.. Colors: Red, black, grey, white; *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 30 [SCWB Mapcase]: Libertat! F.A.I., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Male figure wearing a sombrero and holding a scythe in his upraised right hand.
- Creator: Tontsere del S.D.P..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 030. *Colors: . . . against cream, red and black background. Printer: Grafiques BOIX. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Federacion Anarquista Iberica, Liberty. Corp. Body: F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 2. Dimensions: 102.5 X 71.5 cm. (2 copies).. Colors: Red, brown, black, white, grey *.
Processing Information: Condition: 1. Divided in 2 parts, each encapsulated & mounted on acid-free backing. Cop.2 linen backed, one piece, and not encapsulated..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 31 [SCWB Mapcase]: Adelante! Luchadores de la Libertad!, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two figures: a female carrying a gun crouched over a male figure lying on the ground.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 031. *Colors: Figures and lettering in black and red on creme-colored background. Printer: Union Poligrafica. Location: Madrid. Subject(s): Female soldiers, Liberty. Corp. Body: C.N.T. / A.I.T. / F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 112.5 X 81 cm.. Colors: Black, red, creme *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing; sections missing along upper margin and right margin..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 32 [SCWB Mapcase]: No cabe el pejimismo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two figures: man with left hand on left shoulder of woman; his right hand rests on a gear-like wheel; behind the wheel are stalks of wheat
- Creator: Hinsberger, Aliex.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 032. *Colors: Yellow on beige background. NOTE: Along top margin: En el que sabe la grandeza de nuestro manana. Printer: T.G. Hostench-Empresa Colectivizad. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Future hope, Industry, Wheat. Corp. Body: Oficinas de Propaganda / C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 99.5 X 70.25 cm.. Colors: Blue, black, brown, yellow, beige *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 33 [SCWB Mapcase]: Ambiciones militarismo guerra esto es el fascismo destruyelo uniendo tu esfuerzo al de los demas., [1936-1938]

- Poster. A face in a gas mask with upraised fist; dove in foreground.
- Creator: Badia Vilato C.N.T..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 033. Printer: I.G. Seix y Barral E.C. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Courage, Fascism, Peace. Corp. Body: C.N.T. / F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 109.5 X 74 cm.. Colors: Blue, white, yellow, black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing; upper margin missing in some areas..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 35 [SCWB Mapcase]: Al Front!, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Face of a helmeted soldier.
- Creator: Tontsere SDP.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 035. *Colors: with green lettering 2 copies. Printer: Lit. Sanguesa. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Soldiers. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 33.5 X 23.5 cm.. Colors: Red, black, blue, yellow, orange *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 36 [SCWB Mapcase]: Ayuda a las hospitales de sangre subscribiendote, adquiriendo numeros para esta rifa popular. Sellos y tarjetas postales., [1936-1938]

- Poster. In the background is a hand holding a bandage with a red cross on it. In foreground 3 soldiers with guns are depicted behind 3 empty hospital beds.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 036. NOTE: In upper right-hand corner: Comision organizadora y guaderias de ninos- Hospitales de Sangre, del sindicato unico de peritos y tecnicos industriales. C.N.T.-A.I.T. Valencia *Printer: C.N.T. Printer: Lit. S. Dura Socializada U.G.T. *. Location: Valencia. Subject(s): Hospitals. Corp. Body: C.N.T. / A.I.T.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 31.5 X 20.5 cm.. Colors: Red, blue, white.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 37 [SCWB Mapcase]: Obrero! Ingresando en la Columna de Hierro fortaleces la revolucion, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Soldier with gun standing in front of a pillar.
- Creator: Bauset A.I.D.C..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 037. *Printer: U.G.T.-C.N.T. Printer: Graficas Valencia Intervenido *. Location: [Valencia?]. Subject(s): Iron column, Revolution, Soldiers. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.I.A.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 34.5 X 25.5 cm.. Colors: Green, white, gray, brown.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 38 [SCWB Mapcase]: La Industria, L'Agricultura, tot per al Front, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Chimneys of a factory with a farmer on a tractor in the foreground.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 038. Printer: Tontsere[?] del S.D.P. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Agriculture, Industry. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 32.5 X 23 cm.. Colors: White, blue, brown, black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing..
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 39 [SCWB Mapcase]: Lentamente, pero con esfuerzo constante, el pueblo espanol va creando una humanidad nueva., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Three figures: a semi-nude male chiseling away at the nude figure of a woman, and the winged figure of Victory.
- Creator: Monl---?.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 039. *Printer: por U.G.T.-C.N.T. NOTE: In upper margin: Estudios Febrero 1937. Printer: Graficas Valencia-Intervenido *. Location: [Valencia?]. Subject(s): Humanity, Spanish people, Victory.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Colors: blue, red, green, brown, yellow.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 40 [SCWB Mapcase]: Columna de Hierro. Campesino, la revolucion te dara la tierra., [1936-1938]

- Poster. Depicts a civilian soldier with the cartoon figure of a bureaucratic official impaled on the bayonet the soldier is carrying. The cartoon figure is carrying #
- Creator: Bauset-A.I.D.C..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 040. *Printer: U.G.T.-C.N.T. Description: a knife with which he is trying to stab the soldier. Printer: Graficas Valencia-Intervenido *. Location: [Valencia?]. Subject(s): Bureaucrats, Iron column, Land.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 34 X 25.5 cm.. Colors: white, orange, black, purple.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 41 [SCWB Mapcase]: Con el ejercicio fisico luchareis sin esfuerzo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Soldier carrying a gun posed in front of a greek discus thrower
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 041. *Corp1: Militar. Printer: I.G. Seix y Barral. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Fighting spirit. Corp. Body: Inspeccion General de Sanidad *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 68.5 X 48.5 cm.. Colors: Pink, white, blue.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 42 [SCWB Mapcase]: Cada conquista revolucionaria hace mas invencible al proletarido, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Poster exhibiting the hammer and sickle
- Creator: VND? or VWD?.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 042. *Colors: black background, red and white lettering. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Lower classes, Marxists. Corp. Body: P.O.U.M.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 79.5 X 50 cm.. Colors: Black, red, white *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 43 [SCWB Mapcase]: Propaganda antifascista, 24 octubre 1936

- Poster. One sheet illustrating different types of Spanish Civil War posters that have been issued during the war-from La Vanguardia
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 043. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Antifascist propaganda, La Vanguardia,.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 62.5 X 48.5 cm.. Colors: White, black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 44 [SCWB Mapcase]: Campos y fabricas, para los Sindicatos, [1936-1938]

- Poster. In foreground the flag of the C.N.T. and of the U.G.T. crossed. In the background are the smoking smoke stacks of factories.
- Creator: Gallo.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 044. *Corp1: U.G.T.-C.N.T. Printer: Lit. J. Avino, Intervenido *. Location: Valencia. Subject(s): Trade unions. Corp. Body: Comite Nacional de la C.N.T. *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 71 cm.. Colors: White, red, black, blue, brown.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 45 [SCWB Mapcase]: Camperols, la terra es vostra, 1936

- Poster. Agricultural worker with left arm upraised and fist clinched
- Creator: Siwe.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 045. *Colors: shades of brown and yellow with black letters. Printer: Atlantida, A.G.-Pg de la Republica. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Agricultural workers. Corp. Body: P.O.U.M.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100.5 X 71 cm.. Colors: Brown, yellow, black *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 46 [SCWB Mapcase]: Aixafem el Feixisme, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Cracked swastika lying on brick sidewalk being stamped on by a sandaled foot
- Creator: Catala.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 046. *Corp1: Generalitat de Catalunya. Location: Catalunya. Subject(s): Antifascism, Fascism. Corp. Body: Comissaria de Propaganda de la *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 71.5 cm.. Colors: Black and white photograph.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing; slight stain along upper margin.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 47 [SCWB Mapcase]: No Pasareis, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Civilian soldier throwing hand grenade
- Creator: Cimenez.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 047. Printer: Juan Barguno y Cia. Location: [Catalunya?]. Subject(s): Catalan defense line, Popular Front. Corp. Body: C.N.T. / F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 101 X 71 cm.. Colors: Red, blue with some white.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 48 [SCWB Mapcase]: Ayudadlo! Socorro rojo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. In foreground wounded soldier on his knees with blood dripping from his chest. A rifle lies on the ground in front of the figure.
- Creator: RA.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 048. Printer: Atlantidad, A.G. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Military support, Red Cross. Corp. Body: P.O.U.M.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 71 cm.. Colors: White, red, black.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 49 [SCWB Mapcase]: Racione a un miliciano y ayude asi a ganar la guerra para consolidar la paz mundial, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Soldier holding a rifle
- Creator: Poggi?.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 049. *Corp1: del Frente Popular NOTE: In upper left corner: Carnet de ayuda a Espana Leal. Location: Piedras. Subject(s): Peace. Corp. Body: Comite Ayuda al Gobierno Espanol *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 91.5 X 64.5 cm.. Colors: White, black, red, blue.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 50 [SCWB Mapcase]: El Socialisme el L'Alliberacio, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Upturned faces in a crowd
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 050. This piece is in two sections. Printer: Atlantida, A.G. Pg de la Republica. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Socialism, Faces, Crowd. Corp. Body: P.O.U.M.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 101 X 71.5 cm.. Colors: Blue, brown, cream.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 51 [SCWB Mapcase]: Unidad de accion en todos los frentes para aplastar al fascismo, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Six clinched fists hitting a swastiska, each fist labelled with the initials of an organization: F.A.I., U.G.T., U.R., P.C., C.N.T., I.R.
- Creator: Graficas Valencia Intervenido U.G.T. C.N.T..
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 051. *Printer: A.I.D.C. *Corp1: Delegacion Propaganda y Prensa. Printer: Seccion de artes Plasticas de la *. Location: Valencia. Subject(s): Fascism, Popular front, Unity. Corp. Body: Comite Ejecutivo Popular *.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 70 cm.. Colors: Red, black, white, gray.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing; some damage to left margin.
UnitID: Location: RBSC.
- Item 52 [SCWB Mapcase]: Os ha nacido una vida que os capacitara para un trabajo digno y una existencia humana, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Two female figures
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 052. *Colors: shades of gray with accents of pink and blue. Printer: Union Poligrafica. Location: Madrid. Subject(s): Human existence, Labor.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 116 X 82. Colors: Gray, pink, blue *.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing; some damage to all four margins.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 53 [SCWB Mapcase]: Victoria-hoy mas que nunca, 1938

- Poster. Head of an aviator looking skyward. Planes forming the letter V in the word "Victoria" fly above the clouds.
- Creator: Renau.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 053. *Colors: black. Printer: Graf. Ultra S.A. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Victory. Corp. Body: Subsecretaria de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 137 X 97 cm.. Colors: Blue, yellow, white, green, purple *.
Processing Information: Condition: Linen-backed; needs encapsulation.
UnitID: Location: RBSC.
- Item 54 [SCWB Mapcase]: La fuerza publica estaba al servicio de los cacques y de los enemigos del puebla. La fuerza publica es hoy la garantia de la libertad y del orden republicano, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Shows two scenes of the war. Top half of poster shows federal troops standing around the streets. The lower half shows soldiers in the battlefield.
- Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 054. NOTE: Along bottom margin: Colaborad todos por una retaguardia fuerte y disciplinada. Location: [Barcelona]. Subject(s): Liberty, Popular Front, Republican order. Corp. Body: Subsecretaria de Propaganda.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 67.5 cm.. Colors: Black, white, red.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated and mounted on acid-free backing.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Item 55 [SCWB Mapcase]: Camarada en la lucha en el trabajo. Une a tu voluntad la disciplina, [1936-1938]

- Poster. Three figures: a soldier, a farmer, and a worker, each holding an implement of his trade
- Creator: Aleix Hinsberger.
Date Inputted: 9/25/1914
Other Information: Item Number: 055. NOTE: Two copies. Printer: Lit. Sanguesa. Location: Barcelona. Subject(s): Cooperation, Labor. Corp. Body: C.N.T.-F.A.I.
Physical Description: Pieces: 1. Dimensions: 100 X 70 cm.. Colors: Red, black, gray, white.
Processing Information: Condition: Encapsulated.
UnitID: Location: Map Cases in RBSC.
- Series OS: Oversize materials

- Note: 3 boxes in Oversize
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Series 1: Spanish Civil War],
Series OS: Oversize materials],