Title: Crevel, René. Letters to Franz Hellens, 1923-1925
Administrative/Biographical History
René Crevel (1900-1935) was a French writer and Surrealist. Crevel studied literature and law at the Université de Paris, where he joined the Dada and Surrealist movements. He wrote his first book, Détours, in 1924, and joined the French Communist Party in 1927.
Franz Hellens (1881-1972) was a Belgian writer and Expressionist. Born Frédéric van Ermengem, he was the son of famed bacteriologist Émile van Ermengem (1851-1932). His early career was spent primarily in Brussels, where he published his first novel, En ville morte, in 1906. In 1921, Hellens founded Belgian magazine Signaux de France et de Belgique (later Le Disque vert). He moved to Paris in 1947, living and working there until 1971, after which he returned to Belgium. An established writer, Hellens was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times between 1943 and 1954.