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Browse By Collection Title | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections

Manuscript Collections Beginning With "P"

1124 P.P. and F. Co. Marriage Certificate, 1910 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a marriage certificate depicting a Black couple and minister during a wedding ceremony. The certificate was published by People’s Portrait and Frame Co. in Chicago, Illinois, in 1910. People’s Portrait and Frame Co. was a design and photo company in Chicago, Illinois, in the early 1900s. The ...

823 Pacific Railroad of Missouri. Records, 1869 (1.0 item; (8 pages))

This collection contains a photocopy of an extract from a minute book of the Pacific Railroad of Missouri's Board of Directors. The extract concerns a petition from members of the Board who served as lobbyists for the railroad during the Civil War. In their request for a claim adjustment,  they ...

173 Page Family. Papers, 1861-1865, circa 1870, and 1899 (0.2 cubic feet)

James R. Page served in Co. A, 5th Ill. Cav. from 1861 until his death from illness in July 1863. This collection contains eleven letters Page sent to his family during the war, and also two letters to his father from friends reporting Page's illness and death. Page's letters include ...

174 Paisley, Oldham. Scrapbooks, 1922-1930 (1.0 microfilm reel)

Oldham Paisley was editor of the Marion, Ill., [i]Republican[/i] during the violent years caused by striking miners, gangsters, the Ku Klux Klan, and prohibition enforcers in southern Illinois. This collection contains a microfilm of Paisley's four scrapbooks, which include clippings from a variety of local newspapers. Paisley used some of these ...

175 Palmer, Cyrus. Steamboat Photograph Collection, circa 1850-1950 (8.3 cubic feet)

This collection contains Cyrus E. Palmer's photograph collection of steamboats and other related subjects. Cyrus E. Palmer, a University of Illinois Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, avidly collected photographs published by Frederick Way Jr.'s Steamboat Photo Company. From 1939 until the mid-1950s, ...

176 Paris, Ill., Presbyterian Church. Records, 1824-95 (0.2 cubic feet; 1 lt.)

This collection contains transcripts of records of the Presbyterian Church of Paris, Ill. Included are meeting records, 1824-37 and 1856-95; the marriage register, 1826-37; sessional records (somewhat abridged), 1855-71; records of the building committee, 1834; and records of the minister's salary, pew rents, etc., 1845-57. The transcripts were compiled by Paxson ...

177 Parker, Aletta L. Letter, Dec. 3, 1917 (1.0 item)

Joseph Parker represented Ogle County in the 1869-70 Illinois Constitutional Convention. His widow, Aletta Parker, provided biographical information about him in this letter to the Illinois Centennial Commission..

178 Parmalee, Rexford Clark. Wedding Service, 1935 (1.0 folder)

This collection documents the wedding ceremony of Sylvia Badieh Paine and Rexford Clark Parmalee in May 1935. The collection consists of two sets of index cards, one typed and one handwritten, providing the introductory statement, exchange of vows and rings, and prayers proclaimed by the minister and the couple. This document ...

179 Patrons of Husbandry, Champaign County Grange. Records, 1873-77 (3.0 volumes)

This collection contains three sets of records maintained by W. F. Hardy of Champaign, Ill., for the Patrons of Husbandry, Champaign County Grange, 1873-77; the Champaign County Grange, 1873-76; and the Farmers Cooperative Association of Champaign County, 1875-77. Hardy's granddaughter, Edith Sweney of Urbana, Ill., donated the collection to the Illinois ...

180 Pearson-Wierman Family. Letters, 1840-1856 (1.0 folder; 8 items)

In the 1830s and 1840s, several members of the Pearson and Wierman families left Adams County, Penn., for the west. The emigrants were Quakers, and they settled in Putnam County, Ill., where many Pennsylvania Friends had already established a settlement. William C. Wierman worked successfully as a cooper, while several ...

884 Pease, Marguerite Jenison. Papers, 1911-1991 (1.2 cubic feet)

Marguerite Jenison Pease (1895-1993) directed the Illinois Historical Survey (now the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections) from 1959 until her retirement in 1964. The wife of Theodore Calvin Pease (Survey director from 1939 to 1948 and author of [i]The Story of Illinois[/i], a seminal work on the state's history), Mrs. ...

181 Pease, Theodore Calvin. Papers, 1903-1948 (8.9 cubic feet)

This collection includes family, professional, and departmental correspondence; research notes; drafts and typescripts of lectures, articles, and books; copies of book reviews and other publications; and memorabilia, photographs, documents, and other papers related to Theodore Calvin Pease, a history professor at the University of Illinois. The collection highlights his military ...

882 Pease-Anderson Family. Papers, 1836-1948 (1.0 cubic feet)

The Pease-Anderson papers contains letters, diaries, business records, and genealogical information pertaining to members of the Pease and Anderson families, including Erastus H. Pease, Thomas Huntington Pease, Amy Pease Stuart, Albert A. Pease, Mahala Anderson, Albert Anderson, and Carrie Anderson Pease. Erastus H. Pease (1807-1887) was the son of Salmon Pease ...

182 Pease-Lyman Family. Papers, 1813-1936 (2.2 cubic feet)

The Reverend Orange Lyman was pastor of the Madison Congregational Church in Madison, Ohio, before moving to Downers Grove, Illinois, in 1838. He began farming with his three sons (Thomas, Stephen, and Henry) and continued to preach in the area as well. In 1850, Henry Lyman married Lovancia Pease of Madison, ...

183 Peck, John Mason (1789-1858). Papers, 1841-1857 (0.2 cubic feet)

John Mason Peck (1789-1858), a native of Connecticut, was a Baptist preacher, author, and newspaper editor who came to Illinois in 1822. Peck was a leading proponent of higher education in the state and in 1832 founded Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, Ill. This collection consists of Peck's correspondence with Warren ...

780 People of the State of Illinois v. William Armstrong. Transcribed Articles and Related Materials, 1898-1983 (7.0 items)

This collection consists of material related to the People of Illinois v. William Armstrong, an 1858 trial in which Abraham Lincoln successfully represented the defendant. William "Duff" Armstrong was accused of killing Preston Metzker during a drunken brawl at a camp in rural Mason County, Illinois, on August 29, 1857. Abraham ...

184 Peoria County, Ill., School District No. 3. Cash Book, 1847-1884 (1.0 volume)

This volume contains the financial records of the Peoria County, Ill., School District No. 3, including entries by district treasurers and clerks for 1848-51, 1860-68, and 1869-75. The records also include summaries of receipts for 1876-78, and the district director's statement of receipts and expenditures for 1879-84. In addition, the volume ...

1046 Peoria County (Ill.) School Treasurer. Cash Book, 1867-1914 (1.0 volume)

This collection consists of a school treasurer's cash book from Peoria County, Illinois. Peoria County is a county in central Illinois consisting of 20 townships. The first Peoria County school board was elected in 1855 and established free public education in the same year. The county saw steady growth in public ...

185 Pepper, William A. (b. 1831). Papers, 1862-1865 (1.0 folder; 74 pages)

This collection contains transcripts of family correspondence and excerpts of a diary from William A. Pepper, who served in the Illinois Infantry during the Civil War. William Allen Pepper was born in 1831 in Bracken County, Kentucky. In 1838, he moved from Kentucky to Coles County, Illinois. He enlisted in Co. ...

956 Perkins Family. Papers, 1754-1997 (6.95 cubic feet; 6 oversize folders)

This collection contains the papers of the Perkins and other related families. Materials include correspondence, personal and professional papers, photographs, artwork, publications, and other papers. The collection documents the experiences of seven related families that eventually settled in Kane County, Illinois, in the mid-nineteenth century. The collection is organized into ten ...

885 Perkins, Frederick Wainwright. Papers, 1882-1934 (42.6 cubic feet)

Frederick Wainwright Perkins (1866-1928) was a prominent Chicago architect engaged in active practice from 1886 to 1924. Perkins designed many residences and buildings, mostly in the Chicago area but also in Duluth, Minn. (where he had an office) and in downstate Illinois. Born and schooled in Burlington, Wis., Perkins was educated ...

786 Peters, Matthew Henry, collector. Lincoln and World War I Scrapbooks, 1909-1917 (3.0 volumes)

M. H. (Matthew Henry) Peters, born in Bavaria in 1843, grew up as an orphan in New Orleans and in Ohio. During the Civil War, he served in several capacities, mainly in the 74th Ohio Vol. Inf. Enlisting as a private in Co. F, he mustered out as a major. ...

1166 Peterson, James A. Letter (1.0 folder)

This collection contains two letters between twentieth-century Abraham Lincoln scholars James A. Peterson and Louis Austin Warren regarding Peterson’s work “In re Lucey Hanks.” James A. Peterson was an Abraham Lincoln historian from White Oak Springs Farm, Yorkville, Illinois. Peterson’s volume “In re Lucey Hanks” discusses Lincoln’s maternal grandmother Lucey Hanks. ...

1189 Petition to Improve Roads from Naples to the Bluffs of Scott County (0.0 )

This collection contains two letters between twentieth-century Abraham Lincoln scholars James A. Peterson and Louis Austin Warren regarding Peterson’s work “In re Lucey Hanks.” James A. Peterson was an Abraham Lincoln historian from White Oak Springs Farm, Yorkville, Illinois. Peterson’s volume “In re Lucey Hanks” discusses Lincoln’s maternal grandmother Lucey Hanks. ...

186 Petrie, John. Letters, 1838 (2.0 items)

This collection contains two pieces of correspondence from John Petrie in Griggsville, Illinois, to Eli English in Hartland, Vermont. The letters were written shortly after Petrie moved from Hartland to Griggsville in 1838. John Petrie (1800-1881) was born in Hartland, Vermont. He was married to Almira Stocking in April 1829. The ...

886 Phillips, Richard. Fort Crevecoeur Research, 1930-1980 (3.65 cubic feet)

This collection contains photocopies of articles and documents, newspapers, photographs, and research notes compiled by Richard Phillips about the history of Fort Crevecoeur and the debate over its exact location near Peoria, Illinois. Fort Crevecoeur was constructed from January to March 1680 by French explorers under the leadership of René-Robert Cavelier, ...

187 Phillips, J. W. Records, 1863-1876 (0.2 cubic feet; (9 vols.))

This collection contains the journals and cash books of J.W. Phillips, who ran a nursery business in central Illinois. Phillips, a "tree agent" from Washington, Illinois, and later Peoria, Illinois, sold fruit trees and other products from his nursery. He recorded personal and financial information in the journals and cash books, ...

188 Phillips, John Van Cleve. Papers, 1855-1890, 1926 (3.0 cubic feet; 21 volumes; 20 oversize folders)

This collection contains the papers of John Van Cleve Phillips. Materials include correspondence, personal papers, geological reports, atlases, surveys, maps, newspaper clippings, and publications. John Van Cleve Phillips (1819-1890) settled in Galena, Illinois in 1844, and there learned to prospect for lead mines. After eight years of prospecting, Phillips left Galena ...

190 Physician's Ledger, Sadorus, Ill., 1892-1918 (1.0 volume)

This volume was used by an unknown physician in Sadorus, Ill., to record the names of his patients, their maladies, their treatment, and their bills (if they paid). Four pages of 'Obstetrics' show how for a few years this unnamed doctor delivered two or three babies each month, recording the ...

916 Piatt County Schools. Records, 1858-1972 (1.4 cubic feet)

This collection contains the administrative records for Piatt County School District from 1858 to 1972. Materials include records for Pemble Elementary School, Dublin Elementary School, and the Piatt County School District Superintendent and Board of Trustees. The collection is organized in three series: Piatt County Administration, Pemble Elementary School, and Dublin ...

191 Piatt County, Illinois. Collection, 1880-1987 (3.0 cubic feet)

This collection consists of items relating to Piatt County, Illinois, including newspaper clippings, historical writings on the history of Piatt county, photo album, posters, and other items. The Piatt County Historical and Genealogical Society donated the collection to the Illinois Historical Survey, predecessor of the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections, ...

192 Piatt Family. Record books, 1879-1913 (3.0 volumes)

These three record books concern the farm business of the Piatt family, in and around Monticello, Piatt County, Ill. The first volume, 1879-1906, belonged to C. W. Piatt, and contains entries for payments to hired workers, bills, and the purchase of household goods. The first volume also contains a ...

810 Piatt, James A. Papers, 1815-1842, 1856, 1872-1873 (0.3 cubic feet; 2 oversize folders)

James Andrew Piatt, Sr., the first permanent settler of present day Monticello, Ill., and the namesake of Piatt County, was born Apr. 21, 1789 in Potter Twp., Penn., to Abraham and Annabella Andrew Piatt. By 1814 Piatt was the owner and operator of the Piatt Store in Brookville, Ind., conducting ...

193 Pierson, Charles. Diaries, 1857-1864 (3.0 volumes)

This collection contains three diaries of the Pierson family of Lima, Ohio. Charles Pierson compiled most of the entries, but Samuel and A. D. Pierson also contributed.  The diaries describe farming procedures, weather reports, family matters, and reactions to the Civil War, especially the draft. There are also references to ...

194 Pike, Robert, Jr. Letter, 1846 (1.0 item)

This collection contains an 1846 letter from Robert Pike Jr. of Utopia, a neighborhood in Queens, New York, to W.E. Woodward of Waltham, Massachusetts. The letter discusses printing a book by Dickinson. W.E. (William Elliot) Woodward (1825-1892) was a prominent real estate owner, antiquarian, and historian from Oxford, and later Boston, ...

195 Pinkerton Family. Letters and Papers, 1922-1969 (30.0 items; 1 folder)

This collection contains photocopies of the papers of Bert E. and Frank E. Pinkerton, brothers who were longtime Illinois printers and active members of the Republican party. The collection consists largely of personal letters exchanged by the brothers with their nephew, Ralph Kirby, but also includes newspaper clippings, legal documents, ...

888 Pond, Faytima A. Student Album on Illinois Places, 1926 (1.0 volume)

This collection consists of an album created by Faytima A. Pond as a class report for a summer course for educators offered by the Illinois State Normal University in 1926. Faytima A. Pond (1892-1949) was an educator who taught in both rural and public schools within and surrounding Sangamon County, Illinois, ...

1096 Pond, Fern Nance. Lecture, 1944 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a lecture given by Fern Nance Pond at Lincoln College in Lincoln, Illinois, on February 25, 1944. The lecture is titled "New Salem Restored." Fern Nance Pond (1889-1960) was a descendant of Parthena Nance Hill, a resident of New Salem, Illinois, from 1835-1839. Pond was born in ...

197 Pope County, Ill., Survey Plat Book, 1830s-1890s (1.0 volume)

This collection contains one volume of land survey records from Pope County, Illinois, and includes three hundred and seventy pages of hand-drawn entries covering almost every township from the 1830s to the 1890s. Pope County was founded in 1816 and is the southeasternmost county in Illinois. The county was named after ...

198 Pope, Nathaniel (1784-1850). Land Transaction, 1836 (1.0 item)

In this document, dated August 23, 1836, James Hughes, clerk of the Commissioners Court of Randolph County, in Kaskaskia, Illinois, informs D. McNeil, his counterpart in Warren County, that Nathaniel Pope has entered for taxation the N.W. Quarter of Sec. 22, Township 9 N., Range 5 West, in Warren County. Wilbur ...

200 Post Hospital, Ironton, Mo. Ledger, 1862-1866 (1.0 volume)

From January to June 1862, this ledger was used by the Post Hospital of Ironton, Mo., to inventory supplies, to document the soldiers who worked there, and to record financial information. The book was later used in 1866 by a doctor in Le Roy, Ill. The doctor reported on his ...

199 Post, Philip Sidney. Collection, 1838, 1862-1865 (9.0 items; 1 folder)

Col. Philip Sidney Post commanded the 59th Ill. Vol. Inf. from 1862 until he was promoted to brigadier general in Dec. 1864. This collection includes seven maps prepared for Post during the Civil War, including sketches and reconnaissance of land in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The collection also contains ...

202 Pratt, Harry E. Papers, 1840-1965 (3.0 boxes; and 18 volumes on shelf)

This collection contains the papers of Harry E. Pratt including publications, research notes, typescripts, and other materials. Harry E. Pratt (1901-1956) was born and raised in Cambridge, Illinois. In 1923, he graduated from the University of Illinois, where a course under James G. Randall stimulated his interest in American history. He ...

1136 Prickett, David. Correspondence and Financial Documents, 1837-1844 (0.11 cubic feet)

This collection contains materials that document the later work of David Prickett, an Illinois public servant during the mid-19th century. The collection primarily consists of letters and legal documents. David Prickett was born in 1800 in Franklin County, Georgia. In 1809, he and his family migrated to the Illinois Territory and ...

203 Prickett, John A. (1822-97). Papers, 1846-51 (2.0 folders)

In 1846, John A. Prickett of Edwardsville, Ill., was active in organizing Co. E, 2nd Ill. Vol. Inf., for action in the U.S.-Mexican War. He served as first lieutenant until he was wounded at the Battle of Buena Vista on Feb. 22, 1847. After returning home, Prickett was elected recorder ...

892 Prince of Players [Edwin Booth] (20th Century Fox film), Collection, 1955 (12.0 items; 1 folder)

Released by 20th Century Fox in 1955, [i]Prince of Players[/i] is a biographical film about the early career of Edwin Booth, Shakespearean actor and brother of Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth. Starring Richard Burton as Edwin and John Derek as John, the film was produced and directed by Philip Dunne ...

1064 Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1. Letter, 1939 (1.0 item)

This collection consists of a typescript letter from Progressive Mine Workers of America leaders to Thomas Mooney and the Mooney Molders Defense Committee inviting Mooney to speak at a Labor Day celebration. Progressive Mine Workers of America was a coal miners' union organized in 1932 in Illinois, with headquarters in Springfield, ...

121 Prudential Building, Chicago. Photographs of Early Stages of Construction, 1953 (35.0 items)

The 35 photographs in this collection show the construction of the basement area of the Prudential Building in Chicago. The photographs were taken by the Photograph Office of the Illinois Central Railroad Co. The place from which each photograph was taken is noted on the back of the picture. Many ...

1058 Pullman Company Letters, 1898-1911 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of letters sent to Robert Todd Lincoln in his capacity as president of the Pullman Company. Incorporated in Illinois in 1867, the Pullman Company manufactured and operated railroad cars in the United States. It was the first to develop sleeper cars, which provided comfort for long train rides. ...

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