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Browse By Collection Title | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections

Manuscript Collections Beginning With "G"

643 Gage, General Thomas. Papers and Correspondence, 1759-1778 (2.6 cubic feet)

This collection contains transcripts and photocopies of selected papers and correspondence of General Thomas Gage, a British military officer in North America in the mid-18th century. The materials, which were copied from multiple institutions, deal primarily with military administration and campaigning during the Seven Years' War and Pontiac's Rebellion. General Thomas ...

644 Gallatin County, Ill. Documents, 1814, 1816, 1883 (1.0 folder; 4 items)

This collection contains an account of debts owed to Alexander Blair from the estate of West Westley, Feb. 20, 1814; an oath and a report of the appraisers for the estate of William Lee, Sep. 15, 1814; a summons to Jonathan Stewart, administrator of the estate of Charles Stewart, to ...

645 Galloway, Joseph (1731-1803) and Grace Growden (1731-89). Papers, 1756-83 (0.4 cubic feet)

Joseph Galloway was an American colonist who remained loyal to the British crown during the Revolutionary War. This collection contains photocopies and transcripts of correspondence involving Galloway as well as photocopies of printed articles regarding Galloway from various newspapers and journals. Included is a draft, in Galloway's hand, of a ...

646 Gault, James B. Correspondence, 1893-1902 (1.0 folder; 16 items)

This collection contains correspondence exchanged between James Gault of Glen Ellyn, Ill., and his family. The letters primarily discuss family news and land values. They also refer to the presidential election of 1896. Gault's grandson, Glen Sanderson of the Illinois Natural History Survey, donated the collection to the Survey in 1978.

1117 Gay and Lesbian Association of Decatur (GLAD). Newsletters, 1993-2014 (0.4 cubic feet)

This collection consists of issues (1993-2014) of [i]GLAD Chat[/i], a newsletter of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Decatur (GLAD). GLAD served as a LGBTQ+ social and support group in Decatur, Illinois, from 1993-2020. The Gay and Lesbian Association of Decatur (GLAD) existed for twenty-seven years from February 1993 to February ...

1142 Geneva Farm Sale. Broadside, 1870 (1.0 folder)

This collection contains four broadsides from a farm for sale in Geneva, Illinois. The broadsides have been attached together with glue and have U.S. Internal Revenue stamps covering the acreage of the farm. Geneva is the county seat of Kane County in northern Illinois, about 40 miles west of Chicago. The ...

773 Gere, Asa O. Letter, 1941 (1.0 item)

This collection consists of a letter from Asa O. Gere to Clayton Daugherty of Champaign, Illinois. Asa O. Gere (1846-1941) was born in Covington, Indiana. When Gere was four, his family moved to Urbana, Illinois, where they operated a hotel known as "Gere House." Abraham Lincoln stayed at the hotel during ...

648 German Library Corporation, Belleville, Ill. Journal, 1836-61 (0.2 cubic feet)

The German Library Corporation was organized on June 26, 1836, with 16 members, including Gustav Koerner and members of the Hilgard family. This journal, or "Abschrift der Protocolle der Deutsche Bibliotheks-Gesellschaft in St. Clair County," records in German the minutes of both general and executive committee meetings. A notation by Professor ...

649 German Settlement in Illinois. Papers and Letters, 1822, 1832-1837, and 1846 (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection contains transcripts and photocopies of letters and papers written by German settlers in St. Clair Co., Ill. The letters discuss climate, inflation in St. Louis, farming, land prices, and the scarcity of money. Also included are Gottfried Duden's description of his journey to Missouri, a guidebook for German ...

313 Gibault, Pierre (1737-1804). Signed note, undated (1.0 item)

Fr. Gibault, who became vicar general of the Illinois country in 1769, assisted George Rogers Clark in substantial ways in winning the inhabitants of Kaskaskia and Vincennes to the American cause. The item in this collection, which is written in French, may have served as currency: "Good for a pot ...

053 Gibbs Family Papers, 1830-2012 (12.3 cubic feet)

This collection contains the papers of six generations of the Gibbs and related families. The papers document Justus and Betty Gibbs, their descendants, as well as life in Illinois during the 19th and 20th centuries. Materials include correspondence; photographs; military, financial, legal, and business records; diaries; newspaper clippings, and other ...

650 Gibson, Eva Katharine Clapp (1857-1916). Correspondence, Poems, Stories, Scrapbook of Clippings, 1880-1905 (0.5 cubic feet)

Eva Katharine Clapp Gibson was an author and poet from Bradford, Ill. Her best-known book was [i]Zauberlinda, the Wise Witch[/i] (1901). She lived in Chicago, traveled in Europe in the 1890s, and married Charles Brockway Gibson (University of Illinois, Class of 1877), a chemist. Her stories are mainly set in ...

651 Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864). Correspondence, 1846-48 (1.0 microfilm reel)

Joshua Reed Giddings was an anti-slavery congressman from northern Ohio. This collection mainly contains correspondence dealing with the Mexican War, tariffs, the admission of new territories, and Gidding's renomination to the U. S. Congress after being censured by that body. Correspondents include Charles F. Adams, Salmon P. Chase, Cassius M. ...

652 Gilbert Family. Journals, 1839-40 (1.0 folder; 3 items)

This collection contains transcripts of two journals kept by members of the Gilbert family, of Vermilion Co., Ill. The first journal is a 15-page account of Mary Morse Gilbert's 1839 trip to Ohio which discusses relatives, sickness, church meetings, and the weather. The second journal is a 17-page description of ...

420 Gilchrist, R. J. B., Letter, 1826 (1.0 item)

Writing on Jan. 5, 1826, to his brother in Union County, Kentucky, R. J. B. Gilchrist reported on his slow progress over the sandbars and the ice- and sawyer-choked Ohio River. After passing Shawneetown, Ill., he was "3 miles above Golconda." With sufficient luck, he hoped to "sell out" his ...

026 Gilchrist, Stephen I. Nancy Hanks draft, 1933 (1.0 volume)

This collection consists of a manuscript in defense of the legitimacy of Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, written by Stephen Gilchrist. Stephen I. Gilchrist of Detroit, Michigan, was director of the Henry B. Joy Historical Research office at the Packard Motor Car Company from 1928 to 1936. During his tenure, ...

654 Godwin, Parke (1816-1904). Papers, 1844-93 (1.0 microfilm reel)

Parke Godwin, the son-in-law of William Cullen Bryant, was an active leader of the Fourierist movement during the 1840s. This collection contains 44 letters between Godwin and Charles A. Dana as well as other letters mainly relating to the Brook Farm Phalanx. There are also several letters from Charles Sears ...

266 Golden, Dorothy. Postcard Collection, mid-to-late twentieth century (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection consists of postcards from cities mostly in Illinois. The first part of the collection is organized alphabetically by city. The cities include Alton, Cairo, Champaign-Urbana, Galena, Jacksonville, Kankakee, Oregon, Quincey, and Starved Rock, and others. Also included in the collection are postcards organized by city and subject matter. ...

1113 Goldman, Sadie. Scrapbook, 1914-1957 (1.0 volume)

Sadie Goldman was a Jewish resident of Springfield, Illinois. This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and ephemera that represent her interests and experiences as a Jewish woman in the early and mid-1900s. Sadie Goldman (née Stern) was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1898. The daughter of Russian immigrants Abraham Stern (1868-1908) ...

655 Goodell And Southworth. Business Records, 1860-65 (1.0 volume)

This volume concerns the business affairs of Addison Goodell and Asabel D. Southworth, land brokers in Iroquois Co., Ill. The journal contains letter press copies of letters written to their clients.

917 Goodrich, David. Letter, 1838 (1.0 folder)

This collection contains one letter from Rockford, Illinois, farmer David Goodrich written in 1838 to a friend. Goodrich's letter describes the Rockford area, farming practices, prices for goods, and the results of his labor. He gives directions on how to get to Rockford as well. Goodrich also describes the kinds of ...

656 Gordon, Lucien Winslow. Letter and Map, 1925 (1.0 folder; 2 items)

Lucien Winslow Gordon practiced as a physician in Equality, Ill., for forty years, after graduating from Miami Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio. In this letter, Gordon discusses the settlement of Equality and describes the accompanying map of the salt works located near the town. These items were donated to the Library ...

615 Grade A Milk Collection. Television script and photographs, 1955 and 1958 (0.4 cubic feet)

This collection consists of over a hundred photographs and several annotated copies of a script for a public service television program on Grade A Milk production, processing, and distribution in Illinois. The program, titled "Grade-A Milk: Your Most Protected Food," was telecast over WCIA in Champaign on April 6, 1955. ...

913 Graebel Scrapbook Collection, 1840-1893 (5.0 volumes)

This collection contains five scrapbooks of newspaper clippings from the mid- to late nineteenth century. The articles were clipped from many different newspapers, including the [i]Examiner and Chronicle[/i] [New York, NY], [i]Watchman and Reflector[/i] [Boston, MA], [i]Louisville[/i] [i]Courier-Journal [/i][Louisville, KY], [i]Sherburne News[/i] [Sherburne, NY], [i]Albany Evening Journal[/i] [Albany, NY], and ...

204 Graebuer, Norman. Research notes (0.5 cubic feet)

This collection contains five scrapbooks of newspaper clippings from the mid- to late nineteenth century. The articles were clipped from many different newspapers, including the [i]Examiner and Chronicle[/i] [New York, NY], [i]Watchman and Reflector[/i] [Boston, MA], [i]Louisville[/i] [i]Courier-Journal [/i][Louisville, KY], [i]Sherburne News[/i] [Sherburne, NY], [i]Albany Evening Journal[/i] [Albany, NY], and ...

657 Graham, Hugh. Fee Bill, 1841 (1.0 item)

This fee bill was levied against Hugh Graham for the case of [i]Graham v. John Dixon, John W. Dixon, and Elijah Dixon,[/i] Dec., 1841. The copy is certified by the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Mar. 5, 1842.

658 Grahn, Wilhelm Julius. Diary and Note, 1870-1873, 1965 (1.0 folder; 2 items)

This collection includes a photocopied diary written by Wilhelm Julius Grahn from 1870-1873, a partial translation of the diary, and a biographical sketch about Grahn written by his granddaughter in 1965. Wilhelm Julius Grahn was born November 15, 1840, in Schloppe, West Prussia, and immigrated to the United States in ...

659 Grand Army of the Republic, Capt Kyger Post No. 204. Records, 1895-1908 (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection contains two record books of the Grand Army of the Republic, Kyger Post No. 204, based in Georgetown, Illinois. The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was formed in 1866 in Springfield, Illinois, for Union veterans of the Civil War. The Kyger Post No. 204 was established in Georgetown, ...

660 Grand Army of the Republic, Col Nodine Post No. 140. Records, Photographs, 1880-1935 (2.0 cubic feet)

This collection contains meeting minutes and records of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Col. Nodine Post No. 140, in Champaign, Illinois, from 1882-1935. Originally founded in 1880 as the Champaign Veteran Soldiers Historical Society, the Col. Nodine Post No. 140 was organized in 1882 and disbanded in 1935. The ...

1121 Grange No. 213 of Tonica, Illinois. Records, 1881-1899 (0.16 cubic feet)

This collection consists of a record book from the Tonica Grange No. 213, with meeting minutes from 1881 to 1899. The village of Tonica, LaSalle County, Illinois, was founded in the mid-19th century as a stop on the Illinois Central Railroad about a hundred miles southwest of Chicago. Many of the ...

661 Grant, Elijah P. (1808-1874). Papers, 1843-1848 (1.0 microfilm reel)

Elijah P. Grant was a prominent advocate of Fourierist socialism who founded a phalanx in Ohio in the 1840s. This microfilm includes letterbooks (1843-45), a diary from 1845, and other correspondence and papers from the Ohio phalanx, the originals of which are held by the University of Chicago Library.

662 Grant, Joel. Letter, 1846 (1.0 item)

In this letter of Nov. 30, 1846, to the Rev. S. W. Eaton, of Platteville, Wis., Joel Grant, a minister in Lockport, Ill., discusses the spiritual "sluggishness" of the local population and the disease from which Grant is suffering. The letter also includes a short note from Grant's wife, Abby.

663 Grant, Ulysses S. (1822-1885). Papers, 1863-1873 (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection primarily contains correspondence between Ulysses G. Grant and William Elrod, the manager of Grant's farm in St. Louis County, Mo., where his father-in-law, Frederick F. Dent, lived. The collection also includes an insurance policy for $2,000, taken out by Grant on the farmhouse occupied by Elrod; state and ...

664 Grant, W. H. (b. 1873). Interview, 1962 (1.0 item)

The Explorers Club of Jefferson Junior High School, Champaign, Ill., interviewed W. H. Grant, a Spanish-American War veteran, on Oct. 1, 1962. In this tape recording of the interview, Grant discusses the eagerness of people to volunteer for service at the outbreak of the war, the military mortality rate from ...

665 Gratiot, Charles. Letters, 1792-1796 (9.0 items)

This collection consists of photocopies of nine letters written by Charles Gratiot, a frontier trader, between 1792 and 1796. Charles Gratiot was born in 1753 in Lausanne, Switzerland. He went on a successful trading expedition to Illinois in 1774 and in December 1777 opened a store in Cahokia, Illinois. In addition ...

666 Gravenhorst, Albert A. (b. 1839). Account Book, 1871-1885 (1.0 volume)

Albert Gravenhorst, the proprietor of the Eldorado Saloon in Effingham, Ill., used this book to record the accounts of patrons to his saloon as well as the wholesalers from whom he purchased goods. The Library purchased this account book in or before 1943.

667 Graves, James A. Letter, 1844 (1.0 item)

In this letter of Oct. 17, 1844, James A. Graves of Jacksonville, Ill., requests the assistance of John R. Wright, a lawyer in Iowa Territory, in gaining permission to sell lands on behalf of William McAmmon's widow.

270 Great American People Show. Records, 1968-1997 (8.9 cubic feet)

This collection consists of the administrative, promotional, and production materials of The Great American People Show (GAPS), a non-profit theatre company based in Lincoln's New Salem, in Petersburg, Illinois, from 1976-1996. Founded by University of Illinois theatre professor John Ahart, GAPS performed works showcasing American history, with a particular focus on ...

668 Greeley Family. Account Book And Documents, 1777, 1787-1867 (1.0 cubic feet)

The Greeley family operated a farm in East Kingston, Rockingham County, N. H. This account book records the business transactions of the farm, documenting payment to workers and supply purchases. The collection also contains a 1777 indenture document whereby Levi Shaw was apprenticed as a carpenter to Jonathan Greeley, Jr., ...

1099 Greeley, Horace. Letter, circa 1850 (1.0 folder)

This collection contains a letter from Horace Greeley to William T. Robinson, written on September 4 of an unknown year. Horace Greeley (1811-1872) founded the [i]Tribune[/i] newspaper in New York City in 1841. He was an immensely successful reporter, and the[i] Tribune[/i] skyrocketed in popularity. Greeley promoted his political and moral ...

669 Greeley, Horace (1811-1872). Correspondence, 1842-1862 (1.0 microfilm reel)

This collection contains microfilm and transcripts of personal letters written by Horace Greeley, editor of the [i]New York Daily Tribune[/i]. The microfilm includes an 1842 letter from Greeley to Francis Dana and seven 1862 letters from Greeley to Elihu B. Washburne and Mrs. H. C. Ingersoll. The collection also contains ...

670 Green, Henry I. (1929-2005). Papers, 1969-1970 (3.0 cubic feet)

Henry I. Green, of Urbana, Ill., was a delegate to the 1970 Illinois Constitutional Convention where he served on the Committee on Suffrage and Constitutional Amending. This collection contains the material accumulated by Green at the convention, including correspondence, testimony, committee proposals and reports, background information, drafts of constitutions, and ...

816 Greenback Club, No. 131, Lincoln, Ill. Papers, 1876-1880 (1.0 volume; 1 folder (11 items))

The Greenback Party branch in Lincoln, Ill., was formed in 1877. The volume contains meeting minutes, correspondence, resolutions, a booklet of rules with the constitution and platform, a membership application form, and the Club's charter. The collection also include clippings relating to monetary issues.

355 Greene, Evarts B. World War I Papers, 1916-1920 (0.4 cubic feet)

This collection consists of the files of Evarts B. Greene (1870-1947) relating the University of Illinois's response to World War I and its aftermath. E. B. Greene, the head of the History Department at the University of Illinois and former dean of the College of Literature and Arts, served as the ...

672 Greenough, Ogden. Papers, 1858-1864, 1903, 1935-1940 (0.2 cubic feet; 3 oversize folders)

Ogden Greenough graduated from Marshall College, Marshall, Ill., in 1859, before studying law in Cincinnati. He enlisted in Co. F, 30th Ill. Vol. Inf. on Aug. 26, 1861, and was promoted to lieutenant in 1862. He fought in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Georgia, before he was killed by a sharpshooter on ...

1161 Grierson, Benjamin Henry. "Song of Jubilee" (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a handwritten, four-page copy of “Song of Jubilee” by Benjamin Henry Grierson. The song was composed to celebrate the victory of Abraham Lincoln after the 1860 election. Benjamin Henry Grierson (1826-1911) was a calvary general in the United States Army. He served in the Union Army and ...

674 Griffin Family. Papers, 1877-1929 (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection consists of the papers of the Griffin family. Materials include correspondence, essays and compositions, drawings, printed materials, and photographs, The Griffin family resided in Cass County, Menard County, and Morgan County, Illinois after Eleizer and Sarah Griffin emigrated from England in 1854. The materials in this collection were created ...

673 Griffin, Cyrus (1748-1810). Letter, 1779 (1.0 item)

In this letter of Nov. 2, 1779, Cyrus Griffin, President of the Continental Congress, reports to the Speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia regarding the Indiana and the Vandalia Land Companies' appeal to the Continental Congress for redress. Virginia had previously refused to recognize their land grants.

675 Grimes, James Wilson (1816-1872). Letter, 1856 (1.0 item)

In 1836, James W. Grimes settled in Burlington, Iowa, where he practiced law and later served as U.S. Senator and Governor. In this letter of Dec. 5, 1856, Grimes comments to I. M. Richards, C. O. Thompson, and Charles L. Wilson on the Illinois election of 1856.

817 Grimke, Sarah Moore. Papers, 1856-1861 (1.0 microfilm reel)

Sarah Moore Grimke was a student at the Eagleswood School in Perth Amboy, N.J., located at a former Fourierist community. This microfilm contains letters written by Grimke in which she discusses education, slavery, the proposed admission of Kansas into the Union, and the philosophy and purpose of the Eagleswood School. This ...

1072 Griswold, Charles. Letter, 1860 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a letter written by Charles Griswold who provides a firsthand account of the Great Camanche Tornado of June 1860. Charles Griswold was a doctor in Fulton, Illinois. The Great Camanche Tornado occurred along the Iowa-Illinois border on June 3, 1860, most affecting Camanche, Iowa, and Albany, Illinois. This ...

1186 Griswold, Stanley. Letter, 1811 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a letter written by Charles Griswold who provides a firsthand account of the Great Camanche Tornado of June 1860. Charles Griswold was a doctor in Fulton, Illinois. The Great Camanche Tornado occurred along the Iowa-Illinois border on June 3, 1860, most affecting Camanche, Iowa, and Albany, Illinois. This ...

677 Grow, David T. Letters, 1864-1865 (1.0 folder; 25 items)

This collection contains transcripts and photocopies of letters written by David T. Grow, a farmer and Union soldier, to his parents and sister, dating from April 1864 to July 1865. David T. Grow was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1847, and as a child he moved with his mother to ...

1108 Guerrieri, Leonard John. Photo albums, 1942-1976 (2.0 volumes)

This collection consists of two photo albums depicting Leonard John Guerrieri, family, and friends, growing up in the North side of Chicago, Illinois from the 1940s to 1970s. Leonard John Guerrieri was born in 1942 to an Italian-American family in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Wells Community High School and then Lewis ...

1158 Guest, Edgar A. Poem on Abraham Lincoln, 1949 (1.0 folder)

This collection consists of a typed poem about Abraham Lincoln written and signed by Edgar A. Guest to John Boos dated 1949. Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959) was an American poet. Born in England, Guest’s family moved to Michigan when he was ten. He was named the Poet Laureate of Michigan in ...

678 Gulick, Charles Wesley (1836-1916). Account Book, 1871-1872 (0.2 cubic feet)

Charles Wesley Gulick operated a dry goods store in Rantoul, Ill. In this account book, Gulick recorded the sale of groceries, clothing, boots, hardware, and other materials.

679 Gulick, Louise Elizabeth. Collection, 1935-1960 (0.2 cubic feet)

This collection contains Monticello College papers belonging to Louise Elizabeth Gulick. Materials include student publications, programs, and other papers. Louise Elizabeth Gulick received her B.A. from the University of Illinois in 1927, and her M.A. in Zoology the following year. In 1936, she joined the biology faculty at Monticello College, Godfrey, ...

680 Gulley, Roy Arbi. Diary, 1925-1944 (1.0 item)

Roy A. Gulley of Sesser, Franklin Co., Ill., was a farmer, teacher, superintendent of schools, postmaster, and representative to the 63rd and 64th Illinois General Assemblies. This typewritten diary contains personal recollections of Gulley as well as remarks on general events and a brief summary of his life. Mary Alice Gulley, ...

025 Gutmann-Steven Family. Papers, 1807-1918 (0.8 cubic feet)

The Gutmann-Steven Family collection documents the immigrant experiences of two related Champaign County, Ill., families during the latter half of the nineteenth century: the Gutmanns of Gorlitz, Prussia, who settled in Sadorus in 1857; and the Stevens of Arbroath, Scotland, who settled in the Ivesdale area in 1855. The collection ...

681 Guy, John Milton. Medical Accounts, 1898-1912 (2.0 volume)

John Milton Guy was a physician in Danville, Ill. He used these account ledgers to record the names of his patients, the nature of treatments, and the fees he charged. The Illinois Historical Survey purchased these volumes in 1995.

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