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Creators Beginning with "S"
Sampson, Robert D.
Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967)
Satterlee, Berink W
Satterlee, Jerome B.
Saulnier, Rev. Edmund
Sayer, Martha
Scheeline, Alexander
Scheftel, Yetta
Schilling, George
Schmidt, Otto Leopold
Schneider, Frank O
Schuyler County, Ill.
Sconce, James A.D.
Sconce, L.A.
Scott, Matthew Thompson
Scott, Roy V.
Scripps, William Arminger
Scully, William (1821-1906)
Seaberg, Hal
Seaman, Louis Livingston
Seineke, Kathrine Wagner
Serogin, Ernest A.
Sewell, Arthur E.
Shaffstall, Adam
Shattuck, Noah
Shaw, Howard Van Doren
Shaw, Milton M.
Sheets, Jacob
Sheffer Family
Sheldon, Eber (19th century)
Shelton, Erber (19th century)
Sherwood, Robert E., Abe Lincoln in Illinois
Shields, W A
Shier, Carl M
Shimer College (Chicago, Ill.)
Ship Papers
Shively, Solomon
Shubert, Esther Marian
Sikes, Thomas (1836-1908)
Simonin, Amedee H
Sitherwood, Frances Grimes
Skagenberg, Richard
Slave Identification Papers
Smith, Hazel B. (1893-1973)
Smith, John M
Smith, Joseph and Hyrum
Smith, Robert
Smith, Thomas
Society for the Urban Residential Environment
Sodus Bay Phalanx
South Carolina Colony
South Eastern Railway
Southern Club of Chicago
Spanish and Latin American Archives
Spanish Governors of Louisiana
Sparks, Jared
Sperling, Godfrey
Spitler, Noble & Company Insurance Agency, Mattoon, Ill.
Sprague, Paul E
Springfield Chapter of Hadassah
St. Clair County, Ill., Cahokia Land Titles
St. Clair County, Ill., Perrin
St. Clair County, Ill., Politics
St. Clair, Arthur
St. Francis Xavier Church (Vincennes, Ind.)
Stannard, Elijah
Starkey, Wilbur F,
Steamboat "Leander"
Stephens, Alexander H
Stephens, Carl
Stephenson Family
Sterling, George
Stevens, John J
Stevens, Wayne Edson (1892-1959)
Stewart, Charles Leslie
Stewart, Harvey William
Stickler, Lee
Stickney, Charles W. (19th century)
Stifler Family
Storrs, Emery A
Stoutenbugh, David
Stringham, Paul H.
Sudlow Family
Sudlow, Paul
Sullivan, Louis H. (1909)
Sutton, Ann McKinney
Sutton, Robert M. (1915-2005)
Sweringen, Charles Towar (1810-1872)
Sylvester Family
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