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324 Main Library | 1408 West Gregory Drive | Urbana IL 61801 | 217-333-1777 |
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Manuscript Collections Database
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Browse by Creator | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
Creators Beginning with "L"
Ladies' Education Society of Jacksonville, Ill,
Ladies Missionary Society of the Congregational Church of Tonica, Illinois
Lamaster, Hugh L. (1798-1870)
Lamoille Valley (Vermont) Railroad Company
Lamon, Ward Hill
Lander, Edward P
Landrum, Hawkins (1841?)
Lang Family
Larson, Laurence M
LaSalle County (Ill.) Court House (1880-1883)
LaSalle, Robert Cavilier de
Lathrop, D. (19th century)
Laut, Agnes Christina, on Alexander Wood's expedition (1908)
Lavinia, W.T.S.
Lavis, Peter
Lawrence, William and Hattie
League of Women Voters, Champaign County, Ill.
League of Women Voters, Charleston, Ill.
Leal, Clark
Leduc, Joseph
Leland, Waldo Gifford
Leopold, Aldo
Lescher, John J.
Lesueur, Charles Alexandre (1778-1846)
Leverett Family
Leverich, Charles P.
Leverich, James H.
Lewis, John L
Library Clearing House, Chicago, Illinois
Lichtenstern, William (1880-1971)
Lienesch, George Washington (1866-1922)
Lincoln and Johnson Club of Washington City
Lincoln Centennial Association
Lincoln Plays (Theater Programs)
Lincoln Scrapbooks and Clippings
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865)
Lincoln, Robert Todd
Lindsey, Martha
Lindsey, Martha M
Lindstrom, Ralph G.
Linton, G. A.
Lippincott, Thomas
Littell, John B
Little, Henry G
Litzelmann, Joseph
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lodge, William E (1834-1901)
Logan, John Alexander
Long, Stephen Harriman
Lorimer, William
Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of (1705-1782)
Louisiana Superior Council
Love, Samuel Sharon,
Lovejoy Monument Dedication Ceremonies (1897)
Lovejoy Society, Papers
Lovejoy, Owen
Lucas, Scott W. (1892-1968)
Lyman Family, Sangamon County, Ill., Notes, 1915
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