Title: Illinois Labor History Society. Records, 1956-2006
Primary Creator: Illinois Labor History Society
Extent: 0.4 cubic feet
Subjects: Civil Rights Movement, Illinois Labor History Society, Jewish Labor Committee (U.S.), Labor
Forms of Material: Organizational records
This collection consists of records from the Illinois Labor History Society and records from related organizations including the Jewish Labor Committee, Mideastern Illinois Labor Council, Labor Coalition on Public Utilities, and the Midwest Press Labor Association.
The Illinois Labor History Society (ILHS) began in 1969. It is comprised of academics, unionists, and persons interested in labor history. According to their website in 2016, the mission of the ILHS is "to encourage the preservation and study of labor history materials of the Illinois Region. . . ."
The collection is organized in four series: Administrative (1972-2001), Publications (1971-2001), Event Materials (1970-2000), and Related Organizations (1956-1993).
The Administrative series contains materials from the formation of the IHLS up until 2006. Materials include minutes, reports, and correspondence. The Publications series includes newsletters from both the ILHS and the National Rainbow Coalition Labor Network. The collection also contains event materials such as pamphlets, advertisements, and press releases from meetings, programs, and celebrations. Also included in the collection are materials on the Civil Rights movement from the Jewish Labor Committee and newsletters from the Mideastern Labor Council and Labor Coalition on Public Utilities.
The Library acquired these materials prior to 2016.
Repository: Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
Related Materials: The University Archives of Roosevelt University in Chicago holds the primary collection of records and historical materials from the Illinois Labor History Society. For more information please see https://www.roosevelt.edu/library/university-archives.
Other URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/ihlcsfa/il-labor-history-society.pdf