By Rory Grennan, Kate Lambaria, Katie Nichols, Somer Pelczar, and Emily Schneider
Title: Periscope Records, 1993-2014
ID: 12/9/141
Extent: 3.5 cubic feet
Organized in three series: Series 1, Marci Dodds Professional Papers, 1996-2010; Series 2, Scope Publication Files, 1993-1998; and Series 3, Periscope Business Records, 1990-1997, which has three subseries: Subseries 1, Administrative Materials; Subseries 2, Photographs; and Subseries 3, Sound Recordings.
Subject Files in Series 1 are arranged alphabetically. Floppy disks in Series 2 are arranged by type of material, and chronologically thereunder. Series 3 is arranged chronologically within subseries. All other materials, including the sound recordings in Series 1, are arranged chronologically.
Date Acquired: 03/00/2015. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Band Musicians, Business Records, Champaign, Illinois, Interviews, Journalism, Music -- Illinois - Business and Industry, Music business, Music stores, Newsletters, Newspapers, Popular Music--Illinois--Urbana-Champaign, Publications, Retailing, Rock musicians United States
Formats/Genres: Sound Recordings
Languages: English
Consists of office records, transcriptions, sound recordings, and publications documenting the operations of the Periscope Records music retailer and record label, including editorial files and published issues of the Scope newsletter and the Octopus weekly tabloid newsaper. Of particular interest are recordings and transcriptions of interviews conducted by Marci Dodds for publication in Scope and the Octopus, with interviewees including Belle & Sebastian, Frank Black, Solomon Burke, the Eels, Absinthe Blind, Fu Manchu, the Reverend Horton Heat, Jonathan Pines, Iggy Pop, Smokey Robinson, Todd Rundgren, Matt Talbot, and Dave Wyndorf.
Band Musicians
Business Records
Champaign, Illinois
Music -- Illinois - Business and Industry
Music business
Music stores
Popular Music--Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
Rock musicians United States
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source: Marci Dodds and Jon Sokolski
Acquisition Method: donation