By Elizabeth Pope/ Emily Brock
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Collection Overview
Title: WID/ Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Reference File, 1965-2007
ID: 24/2/76
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of International Programs and Studies
Extent: 11.2 cubic feet
Arrangement: By country and by subject
Subjects: Agriculture, International, International Development, Population Control, Public Health, Women
Formats/Genres: Newspaper Clippings, Photocopies
Languages: English, Italian, French, Dutch;Flemish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Women in Development (WID)/ Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Reference File contains bibliographies, conference proceedings, journal offprints, magazines, newsletters, newsclippings, newspapers, organizational reports, pamphlets, promotional booklets, and working papers issued by The World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), organizations and agencies of the United Nations, including the United Nations World Conference on Women, UNIFEM, UNDP, UNESCO, other national and international councils, including the Midwest University Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA), National Committee for the Advancement of Women, Women's Environment & Development Organization, and universities, on topics concerning women, gender, international development, environment, agriculture, population control, women's and reproductive health, food and nutrition, labor, credit and microfinance, and education; major regions covered are Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands.
Biographical Note
The Office of International Programs and Studies (OIPS) was established by the Board of Trustees on May 24, 1962; its Director was given general responsibilities to supervise and coordinate programs, encourage instruction and research, and disseminate information.1 The office works with other administrative units, and through its own specialized units. As of 1984, OIPS administered seven units. The Center for International Comparative Studies was founded in 1964 to support faculty research "along cross-cultural... lines."2 The Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc. (MUCIA), an organization to help midwestern universities coordinate and fund overseas research, was established in 1964, and the Urbana office opened the same year.3 The OIPS Committee on Publications has sponsored the publication by the University of Illinois Press of monographs in fields of international studies since 1972.4 The Office of International Faculty and Staff Affairs has supervised the "sponsoring and employing of foreign visitors and staff" since November, 1980.5 The Office of Women in International Development was formed in 1980 to promote research and to disseminate information about that area of study.6 The Study Abroad Office provides information and counseling for students who wish to study abroad.7 It was established in 1969.8 The Foreign Visitors Office dates from 1963,9 and the Overseas Projects Office from 1969.10 The two offices were merged in 1975.11 The Illinois Tehran Research Unit was organized in 1969 to coordinate research and exchange between the University of Illinois and the University of Tehran, Iran.12 The Unit was abandoned after 1979.13
1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 51st Report, May 24, 1962, p. 1442-3; The Future--International Programs at the University of Illinois: A Ten-Year Glimpse. Report and recommendations of the Chancellor's Ad Hoc Committee on International Programs. May 1, 1968, p. 4. (RS: 24/2/802)
2. Ibid., p. 13.
3. International Programs and Studies, 1969-1970. University of Illinois, p. 78.
4. International Programs and Studies, 1981-84. University of Illinois, p. 106.
5. Ibid., p. 90.
6. Ibid., p. 113.
7. International Programs and Studies, 1974-1976. University of Illinois, p. 113.
8. Staff Directory, 1969/1970: University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign Campus, p. 42.
9. Staff Directory, 1963/1964: University of Illinois/Departments in Urbana-Champaign, p. xxxv.
10. Staff Directory 1969/1970, p. 42.
11. Student-Staff Directory, 1975-76: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, p. 23.
12. International Programs and Studies, 1977-80. University of Illinois, p. 100.
13. It is absent from International Programs and Studies, 1981-84, despite large writeups in the previous three publications.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Country Files],
[Series 2: Subject Files I],
Series 3: Subject Files II],
- Series 2: Subject Files I

- Sub-Series 1: Bibliographies

- Box 6

- Folder 1: AID Bibliography, ca. 1992

- Folder 2: Annotated Bibliography, 1992

- Folder 3: Credit: Annotated Bibliography, ca.1990

- Folder 4: UFFPAAfrican Strategy, ca.1990

- Folder 5: Income Generation Group, ca. 1990

- Folder 6: Women's EducationAsia, 1982

- Folder 7: WID Bibliography of Bibliographies, 1990

- Folder 8: Household Food Security Annotated Bibliography, 1990

- Folder 9: Ethical Standards for Human Subject Research in Developing Countries, 1992

- Sub-Series 2: WS/WID Library

- Box 6

- Folder 10: Library Resources/WID, 1995

- Folder 11: Frequently Used Subject Headings for WID

- Folder 12: WID Selected Acquisitions, 1992-95

- Sub-Series 3: WomenGeneral

- Box 6

- Folder 13: Strengthening the Recruitment of Women Scientists, 1993

- Folder 14: Posters

- Folder 15: ICRW Global Fact Sheets, 1991-93

- Folder 16: Investing in Poor Women, 1989

- Folder 17: Women and Human Rights, 1993

- Folder 18: Women and Law, 1992

- Folder 19: Women's Rights/Human Rights, 1897

- Folder 20: Concepts and Issues Linking Gender, 1991

- Folder 21: Women, Law, Development Conference, 1994

- Folder 22: Women's Human Rights Printed Network Materials, 1997

- Folder 23: From Bullets to Ballots (AID Publication) (5 issues), 1997

- Sub-Series 4: Population

- Box 6

- Folder 24: Population Research, 1989

- Folder 25: Population Program Quarterly Bulletin, 1992, 1997

- Folder 26: Family Limitation/Italy, 1992

- Folder 27: The United States and the International Conference on Population Development, 1994

- Folder 28: Population/Vatican, 1994

- Folder 29: Population Issue Summaries, 1993

- Folder 30: The Soft Underbelly of Development, 1991

- Folder 31: Report on the International Conference on Population and Development, 1994

- Folder 32: Population in South Asia/USSR Reference Materials, 1981-86

- Folder 33: Compulsory Sterilization, 1976

- Folder 34: Son Preference in India, 1984

- Folder 35: Family Planning and Islamic Jurisprudence, 1994

- Folder 36: Women's Views Matter, ca. 1993

- Folder 37: Population and Family Planning, ca. 1992

- Folder 38: Fertility Attitudes, Nepal, 1981

- Folder 39: UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1992

- Folder 40: Studies in Family Planning (3 issues), 1987

- Folder 41: Malawi Child Spacing Program, 1992

- Folder 42: Fertility Determinants Research Notes

- Folder 43: AVC Proposal, 1993

- Folder 44: Family/Medicial Leave Act Memo, 1993

- Sub-Series 5: Women's Health

- Box 6

- Folder 45: WHO Adolescent Girls Press Release, 1994

- Folder 46: Commercial Ads and the Great Health Robbery of Women and Children, 1982

- Folder 47: Improving the Environment of Slums

- Folder 48: Aging, 1992

- Folder 49: Creating a Common Ground, 1992

- Folder 50: Status and Health of Women (India)

- Folder 51: Programming for Women and Health (Blair)

- Folder 52: Women's Health Reference Materials, 1987-95

- Folder 53: Pop. Council on Reproductive Health Products

- Folder 54: Modeling Maternal Mortality, 1995

- Folder 55: Estimates of Maternal Mortality, 1990

- Sub-Series 6: Reproductive Health

- Box 6

- Folder 56: Nepalese Abortion Law, 1997

- Folder 57: Fight For Reproductive Freedom Newsletter, 1996

- Folder 58: Qualitative Aspects of Health Delivery Service in Gujarat, 1983

- Folder 59: "These Are Modern Times:" Infant Feeding in Malaysia, ca. 1983

- Folder 60: Reproductive Health Articles and Publications, 1987

- Sub-Series 7: HIV/AIDS

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Epidemic Reflects Social Failures, 1991

- Folder 2: UNDP, 1992-93

- Folder 3: Articles and Publications, 1995

- Sub-Series 8: Violence

- Box 7

- Folder 4: War and Violence, 1995

- Folder 5: Violence Against Women, 1994

- Folder 6: The Gender Weapon, 1992

- Folder 7: Women's Rights as Human Rights, 1992

- Folder 8: Ahmedabad Women's Action Group, 1981

- Folder 9: Violence and Women re: Gujarat, 1985

- Folder 10: Attacks on the Existence of Women (Gujarat), ca.1982

- Folder 11: Some Reflections on Dowries, 1984

- Folder 12: Tradition of Shame in Indian Slums (Moore)

- Folder 13: Violence Against Women, 1991-95

- Sub-Series 9: Nutrition

- Box 7

- Folder 14: Solar Drying: Trainer's Guide

- Folder 15: Solar Box Cookers, ca. 1993

- Folder 16: Solar Cookers: Responses of Rural Households

- Folder 17: Rural Energy Situation: Consequences for Women's Health, 1983

- Folder 18: Cooking with Firewood: The Burning Issue, 1981

- Folder 19: Biogas: Some Issues (folder 1 of 2), 1981

- Folder 20: Biogas: Some Issues (folder 2 of 2), 1981

- Folder 21: A Study of the Weaning Practices, 1985

- Folder 22: Study of the Breast-Feeding Practices of a Village Near Delhi, 1983

- Folder 23: Nutrition Articles and Publications, 1992-93

- Folder 24: Nutrition and Family Size, 1985

- Sub-Series 10: Food

- Box 7

- Folder 25: Articles and Publications, 1978-93

- Folder 26: The Street Food Project, 1993

- Folder 27: Rice, Technology, and Women, 1995

- Sub-Series 11: Agriculture

- Box 7

- Folder 28: Articles and Publications, 1989-96

- Folder 29: Farming Systems Research in Asia

- Folder 30: Utilizing the Services of Women Graduates, 1993

- Folder 31: Heifer Project International, 1994

- Folder 32: The Green Revolution and Cultural Change in a Punjab Village, 1965-78

- Folder 33: Rice, Gender, and Farming, ca. 1995

- Folder 34: Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, 1983

- Folder 35: Agriculture, 1981-94

- Sub-Series 12: Labor

- Sub-Series 13

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Woman Power (Newsweek), 1992

- Folder 2: Policies Affecting Women's Employment in the Formal Sector, 1989

- Folder 3: A Sectoral Approach to Promoting Women's Work, 1989

- Folder 4: Non-Market Work and National Income, 1993

- Folder 5: Gender and Generation in World's Labor Force, ca. 1990

- Folder 6: Microlevel Strategies for Supporting Livelihood, 1989

- Folder 7: Global Feminization through Flexible Labor, 1989

- Folder 8: Female Participation in Urban Labor Force, 1984

- Folder 9: Rural to Urban Migration, 1989

- Folder 10: Research on Women and Work in the Seventies, 1983

- Folder 11: Golden Jubilee Symposium on Women, Work and Society, 1983

- Folder 12: Women Construction Workers in India, 1975

- Folder 13: Women, Work, and Child Welfare in the Third World, ca. 1987

- Folder 14: Directory of Microenterprise Programs, 1996

- Folder 15: Credit AEO/Chicago, 1997

- Folder 16: Production Credit for Rural Women, 1982

- Folder 17: Women and Income in the Third World, 1983

- Folder 18: A Burst of Rural Enterprise, 1988

- Folder 19: Articles and Publications on Women and Labor, 1995-97

- Sub-Series 14: Credit

- Box 8

- Folder 20: Rural Financial Markets in Economic Development, ca. 1985

- Folder 21: Credit Articles and Publications, 1985-97

- Folder 22: Gender Training and Development Planning, Learning from Experience, 1991

- Folder 23: Gujarat Reports, 1996

- Folder 24: Methods, 1989

- Folder 25: Credit/Women, 1989

- Folder 26: Socio-Economic Impact of Rural Credit on Women, 1992

- Folder 27: Credit StudyTokyo, 1991

- Folder 28: Articles on Credit

- Folder 29: Credit Research, 1989

- Folder 30: Women and Credit in India, 1992

- Folder 31: Gujarat Women's Economic Development Corporation, 1984-85

- Folder 32: Organized Technical Skills Score Awards, 1975

- Folder 33: News-Corp, 1985

- Folder 34: Managing Socio-Economic Change: the Role of Professionals, 1978

- Folder 35: The Amul Story, 1985

- Folder 36: Seminar Reports, 1980, 1988

- Sub-Series 15: Education

- Box 8

- Folder 37: How Schools Shortchange Girls, 1992

- Folder 38: Educating Girls (World Bank), 1992

- Folder 39: Legal Illiteracy (Zimbabwe)

- Folder 40: Women and Science, 1993

- Folder 41: Education: USA, 1992

- Folder 42: The Forum for Advancing Basic Science and Literacy, 1991-93

- Folder 43: Education Articles and Publications, 1992-94

- Folder 44: Education and Women's Development, ca. 1980

- Folder 45: Cooperative Education, 1979-91

- Sub-Series 16: Education, continued.

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Education: Women in Development, 1985

- Folder 2: Agricultural and Home Economics Education, 1978-80

- Folder 3: Training, 1978-93

- Sub-Series 17: Media

- Box 9

- Folder 4: Film/TV, 1991

- Folder 5: Women and Music, 1995

- Sub-Series 18: Women and Politics

- Box 9

- Folder 6: The Mother of All Debates (Jong NYT article)

- Folder 7: Impact of Women in Public Affairs, 1991

- Folder 8: Women and Politics Articles and Publications, 1980-92

- Folder 9: "Charme" Newsletter, 1996

- Sub-Series 19: Mothers and Children

- Box 9

- Folder 10: Planning for Mothers and Children, 1991

- Folder 11: Maternal Work and Child-Care Strategies in Peri-Urban Guatemala, 1991

- Folder 12: Infant Pschiatry, 1992

- Folder 13: Mothers and Children, 1991-94

- Folder 14: CDF Reports, 1993

- Folder 15: Children's Defense Fund Reports, 1990-92

- Folder 16: Children's Defense Fund, 1988

- Folder 17: Daycare/Childcare, 1993

- Folder 18: The Coordinator's Notebook, 1991

- Folder 19: Care and Child Nutrition, 1992

- Folder 20: Our Children are in Trouble, 1992

- Folder 21: Hope for the Children: The Key, 1992

- Folder 22: Childcare in EU, 1990

- Folder 23: Child Labour in Nigeria, 1991

- Folder 24: Children Articles and Publications, 1991-97

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Country Files],
[Series 2: Subject Files I],
Series 3: Subject Files II],