By Mark Puente
Collection Overview
Title: Jeffrey Sandborg Collection of Yrjo Kilpinen Music, 1920-1940

ID: 26/20/147
Primary Creator: Sandborg, Jeffrey Richard
Other Creators: Kilpinen, Yrjo (1892-1959)
Extent: 5.25 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized in 6 series.
Subjects: Compositions-Music, Music, Photographs, Vocal music
Formats/Genres: Newspaper Clippings, Photocopies, Sheet music, Sound Recordings
Languages: German, Swedish, Finnish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The collection consists of published scores, manuscripts (originals and facsimiles), newspaper and journal articles, concert programs, photographs, phonograph and reel-to-reel recordings, and other materials related to the life and works of 20th century Finnish composer Yrjo Kilpinen. The collection includes unpublished scores and manuscripts as well as academic papers on the life and compositional output of the composer.
Biographical Note
Dr. Sandborg holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Knox College (Illinois), and a Master of Music degree in Voice and the D.M.A. in Choral Conducting and Literature from the University of Illinois. He is currently Professor of Music in the Department of Fine Arts at Roanoke College and has directed the Roanoke College Choir since 1985 as well as the Roanoke Valley Choral Society. Sandborg is the author of "English Ways: Conversations with English Choral Conductors" published by Hinshaw Music in 2001.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition received September 29, 2010.
Research files and articles received from Sandborg August 22, 2024.
Related Publications:
Sandborg, Jeffrey. "The Lost Legacy of Yrjo Kilpinen, 1892-1959" in Journal of Singing 67.4 (March/April 2011): 387-395.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Published Music Piano/Vocal Scores, ca. 1920-2000],
Series 2: Facsimiles of Unpublished Manuscripts, ca. 1927-1945],
[Series 3: Printed Materials and Research, 1934-1998],
Series 4: Photographs, ca. 1920-1953],
Series 5: Published Music, ca. 1930-1975],
Series 6: Recordings, ca. 1959-1987],
- Series 3: Printed Materials and Research, 1934-1998

- Consists of newspaper and journal articles, books, concert programs, academic papers, notes, and concert ephemera collected by Sandborg for his research on Kilpinen as well original notes and articles by Sandborg. Materials are unarranged.
- Box 8

- Folder 1: Yrjo Kilpinen: saveltajakuvan aariviivoja

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Folder 2: Yrjo Kilpinen

- Author: Tarja Taurula
- Folder 3: Yrjo Kilpinen elamakerran aideena, December 13, 1964

- Author: Uusi Suomi
- Folder 4: Yrjo Kilpinen - Suomalaisen Liedin Mestari by Eero Tarasti. Synteesi 4, 1992, 1992

- Author: Synteesi
- Folder 5: Suomen Musiikkilenti, May 1934

- Folder 6: Concert Programs of Yojo Kilpinen's Music, 1959-1960

- Author: Helsinki
- Folder 7: Yrjo Kilpinen's Song Collection "Spielmanns-lieder", 1960

- Folder 8: Yrjo Kilpinen's kuollut from Helsingin Sanomat, March 3, 1959

- Folder 9: Kauppalehti, February 3, 1962

- Folder 10: Yrjo Kilpinen, September 1939

- Folder 11: Erik Levi, "Music in the Third Reich" and Michael Meyer, "The Politics of Music in the Third Reich" (excerpts), 1991 and 1994

- Author: Erik Levi
- Folder 12: The Nazi Musicologist as Myth Maker in the Third Reich, October 10, 1975

- Author: Michael Meyer
- Folder 13: The Lieder of Yrjo Kilpinen, 1970

- Author: Bennie Middaugh
- Folder 14: Yrjo Kilpinen: Neglected Master of the Lied, 1968

- Author: Robert Cowden
- Folder 15: Yrjo Kilpinen: A Genius of Contrasts, March 14, 1959

- Author: Seppo Nummi
- Folder 16: Yrjo Kilpisen Gigantic Opus Kanteletar Lauluja, March 1955

- Arthor: Antero Lintuniemi
- Folder 17: A New Look at Yrjo Kilpinen's Lied, 1958-1959

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Folder 18: Kilpinen Autobiographical Document

- Folder 19: Kipinen-Master of Lied

- Author: Einari Marvia
- Folder 20: Outline of Tauno Karila's Biography of Kilpinen

- Folder 21: Yrjo Kilpinen Musiikinnistnassa ja Suomen Saveltaiteessa, 1968-1969

- Author: Seppo Nummi
- Folder 22: Yrjo Kilpisen Mieskuorolaulut, 1944

- Author : Tauno Karila
- Folder 23: Yrjo Kilpinen in Memoriam by Rolf Nevalinna, and Contacts with Yrjo Kilpinen by A. O. Vaisanen, 1958-1959

- Includes English translations from original Finnish articles.
- Author: Rolf Nevanlinna
- Folder 24: Piirteita Yrjo Kilpisen Taiteilijakuvaan, 1962

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Folder 25: Yrjo Kilpisen Savellyriikasta, 1944

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Folder 26: Yrjo Kilpinen Muisto, 1961

- Author: A.O. Vaisanen
- Folder 27: Yrjo Kilpinen, 1965

- Author: Taneli Kuusisto
- Folder 28: Index of Compositions from Karila Biography

- Folder 29: Yrjo Kilpinen 75- Vuotismuisto, 1967

- Authors: Tauno Karila, Siipi Saari, Aune Antti, V.E. Tormanen
- Folder 30: Kilpinen Biographical Overviews, 1965

- Folder 31: Yrjo Kilpinen, 1978

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Folder 32: Yrjo Kilpinen, 1966

- Author: Einari Marvia
- Folder 33: Kalanteletar: 64 Lyric Poems, translated by Vernon and Anja Sell, 1999

- Folder 34: Yrjo Kilpinen in Music History and in the Art of Finnish Composition, Undated

- Author: Seppo Nummi
- Box 9

- Folder 1: Yrjo Kilpinen Lalut Christian Morgensterin Runoihin, March 10, 1975

- Author: Sirkha Kovalainen
- Folder 2: "Savonlinnan Musiikkipaivat", from Uusi Mussiikki Lehti, June 1955

- Author: Marie Pulkkinen
- Folder 3: Yrjo Kilpisen: Albert Sergelin runoihin saveltamat yksinlaulusarjat "Sommersegen" ja "Spielmannslider"

- Author: Marie Pulkkinen
- Folder 4: Concert Program: Karisbad, September 25, 1943

- Folder 5: Recital Program: Helsinki, March 17, 1959

- Folder 6: Recital Program, "Songs of Yrjo Kilpinen" Indiana University, February 28 - March 2, 1978

- Folder 7: Recital Program: "Song of Yrjo Kilpinen" Indiana University, March 2, 1978

- Folder 8: Yrjo Kilpinen from Suomalasia, Savellyskia, II, 1969

- Author: Kai Maasalo
- Folder 9: Savekkykset Yrjo Kilpisen, March 2, 1959

- Folder 10: Savellyskasikirjoituskkokoelma, 1996

- Folder 11: Handwritten list of Repertory Groupings

- Folder 12: Sheet Music Cover Page "Sotilasmarssi-Militarmarsch", 1942

- Folder 13: Die Poorte, 1944

- Author: Andre Pols
- Folder 14 : 7 Articles and book chapters on Finland, Finnish Music, Scandinavian literature, poetic translations, etc., 1950-1967

- Folder 15: Sanat ja Savelet: Yrjo Kilpisen, 1956

- Author: Tauno Karila
- Box 11

- Folder 1: Articles Transcribed to English from Finnish, undated

- Includes: A.O. Väisänen "Contacts with Yrjo Kilpinen," Rolf Nevanlinna "Yrjo Kilpinen in Memoriam," and Seppo Nummi "Yrjo Kilpinen in Music History and in the Art of Finnish Composition."
- Folder 2: The Church in Finland, Maunu Sinnemäki, 1973

- Folder 3: Composers of Finland, Tauno Karila, 1965

- Folder 4: Music of Finland, ed. Inkeri Aarno, Kauko Karjalainen, and Valdemar Melanko, 1983

- Folder 5: The Music of Finland, Denby Richards, 1968

- Folder 6: "The Lost Legacy of Yrjo Kilpinen, 1892-1959," by Jeffrey Sandborg, 2011

- Folder 7: Notes from Berlin and Helsinki Archives, 1999

- Folder 8: Photocopies of Concert Programs and Newsclippings from Berlin and Helsinki Archives, ca. 1934-1944

- Folder 9: Articles on Kilpinen, 1941-1981

- Articles include annotations and translations from Finish and German.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Published Music Piano/Vocal Scores, ca. 1920-2000],
Series 2: Facsimiles of Unpublished Manuscripts, ca. 1927-1945],
[Series 3: Printed Materials and Research, 1934-1998],
Series 4: Photographs, ca. 1920-1953],
Series 5: Published Music, ca. 1930-1975],
Series 6: Recordings, ca. 1959-1987],