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Subject File, 1969-2003

Collection Overview

Title: Subject File, 1969-2003

ID: 41/7/1

Creator: Career Development and Placement Office

Extent: 11.3 cubic feet

Arrangement: Alphabetical by subject

Languages: English [eng]

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Career Development and Placement Subject File, formerly Coordinating Placement Office (1969-72) including budget statistics, circulars, correspondence, surveys, office issuances, drafts of speeches, and papers regarding the budget, career counseling and placement, campus recruiting, career programs and aids, the use of computers in career counseling, the development of the Computer Vocational Information System (1976-78) and the Plato Program (1977-78), conferences and professional memberships, coordinating placement activities, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Summer Employment Opportunity Fair, women's career development and the women's career conferences. It also includes material regarding the Career Services Center budget and other internal business (1972-95), including the Multicultural Services realignment (1992-93), Graduate Surveys which track the professional progress of University alumni (1972-2003), Senior Surveys which track student's satisfaction with the UIUC experience (1983, 2003), University enrollment statistics(1990-2003), employer recruitment statistics (1989-2003), and undergraduate senior surveys (1983-2003), and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) reports and correspondence (1991-2001).

Biographical Note

This organization appeared as the Placement Bureau in 1946, and the Coordinating Placement Office in 1955. The Board of Trustees changed the name to the Career Development and Placement Office in 1972.1 In 1990, this name was again altered to the Career Services Center for the inclusion of other programs specifically related to student careers.2 The Center is divided into three organizations: Career Development and Placement, Health Professionals Information, and Student Internships.3 The Career Services Center is responsible for the maintenance of information regarding career counseling, planning and information. It operates a Career Resource Center containing employment information, conducts job search seminars, and assists students in the creation of professional appearing resumes.4

1. Student/Staff Directory, 1946, p. 8; Student/Staff Directory, 1955-56, o. 37; Board of Trustees Transactions, 57 Report, May 15, 1974, p. 562

2. Undergraduate Programs Catalog, 1991-1993, p. 44.

3. Student/Staff Directory, 1989-1990, p. 22; Undergraduate Programs Catalog, 1991-1993., p. 44.

4. Undergraduate Programs Catalog, 1991-93, p.44